Resto druids are not raid viable

>No lifebloom
>No treeform
>no aoe heals
>lowest HPS out of all healers

Is there even a point to rolling a Resto druid in Classic? They aren't viable healers in raids.

I've been warrior most of my Vanillia playthrough and Resto druid in BC, loved it. Then I went to WoLK till I got bored. Do I have to just roll as pally heals?

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Other urls found in this thread:[Embed]

>for once druids arent good at everything. What will i do?
This is what you sound like

Every class had an irrelevant spec in classic. Except Warrior. And Rogue.

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innervate in raid

feral outside

Sure they're viable.
You're there to innervate the shitter priests who have no idea what they're doing.

Pretty sure each class has only 1 viable spec in raids

I was a resto druid in vanilla. Shit was awesome dude,they'll let you raid too.

Who else are you going to give the abundant amount of Cenarion tier pieces to user?

People still take them. The only guilds who will only have 1 of them are try hard poopsocker guilds. They give enough unique raid utility that they are still worth having a few.

70% of the classes/specs aren't really viable.
They just act as filler because 40 man raids are piss easy anyway, and because of their unique cooldowns/buffs.

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fucking zoomers don't know what innervate is
fucking disaster of a world

If you play a druid in classic you're cucked anyway, because literally every single spec is sub-par. People will just take you along out of pity, and because of innervate and mark of the wild.

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Would this spec work for raid healing?
I'd like to be able to grind a little with it too.

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I really doubt people will be picky when trying to get 40 people to join a raid.

pretty sure innervate is gone in modern wow

Druid gives me crit buff who cares if overall DPS is lower that shit's for autists anyways.





Durids is storng for bare or cat or seel or whatver and u dosent haf 2 heel if u dont liek heel

*********DURIDS IS 4 haf FUN TIME WIT FRENS every1 is like a fun time durid!!

Attached: sum durids is bare.jpg (259x194, 10K)

It's still there

Now write this in English

Go fuck yourself.

>zoomers wont know this

is there anything worse than druid players

that takes me back

>love playing vanilla druid
>now going to be lumped together with all of these faggot bandwagoners from these threads
fuck off

>Now write this in English
Why is it always ESLs that say shit like this?

weren't druids OP at low level warsong pvp due to being able to run the flag faster than others?

altoholic bandwagoners won't level past 20
just play whatever you enjoy and ignore all the posers

Thats all theyre good for

>pve & raiding

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How else are you going to get PvP gear?

by afking in a raid while playing peggle while 30 other people carry the 10 who are afk

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Is there anything in the universe as embarrassing as a resto druid casting innervate on a priest instead of himself?

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imagine being a minmaxing faggot because youtube told you to, not cuz you ever had the notion yourself

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Do you suck? I played Resto Druid in Classic. Our guild brought three in our 40 man Naxx raids and we were always among the top healing.

Im surprised i remembered this.

it helps to like the class for what it is rather than stressing about meta.
they were much worse before 1.8, but they still offered an interesting playstyle which could overcome situations. the kind of player who stuck with the class to high level in early classic had a noticeably different approach to the game.
i really hope this doesn't turn into overwatch mimic where people demand dwarf priests and human melee. if race/class variety persists regardless then that's great

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This is a chart of average HPS by top guilds in MC.

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>rapes your class for beating him on meters
heh, nothin personnel druids and shamans

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Seems accurate, but at the same time nice sources bro haha

>implying Druids have suffered even a quarter as much as Shamans have
good joke

I'm still upset by this. Shaman has been my favorite class forever and it just repeatedly gets shafted. Sure, it got a few neat toys along the way, but who fucking cares when you have to work twice as hard as others to get the same result?

Dude it's Alamo...

Got one for classes in T3?
I feel like shaman would fucking spank the other heals
Nah still pallys.

>mass replying

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Imagine being a healer who's not a holy priest

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>it's the worst
right on

>hey guy's it's tipsout
not even watching that shit but i'll assume the faggot didn't filter jol which inflates the fuck out of paladin healing. nothing can touch an 8/8 t2 priest with charm

troll shaman > all

as a former priest main, overrated

>peak aesthetics
>peak performance
patrician taste

>min-maxing in vanilla

Just bring your friends, you'll make them along the way, and have FUN user.

based alamo

>shamans whining itt
Friendly reminder that ele shamans have always, are always and will always bitch about their spec being completely unplayable garbage, regardless of the actual state of the spec.

Rememeber a couple of months ago when they were getting a rework and all you'd hear from eles was how the rework wasn't big enough and how their talents are shit and everything sucks - despite the rework bringing talent diversity to probably the best state of any spec currently in the game.

And look, world first with a bunch of ele shamans. But don't worry, I'm sure eles will use this opportunity to whine about how the ankh cheese will only serve to distract from the REAL problems of the spec which of course are totally numerous and severe.

this is a vanilla thread you fucking retard

these guys werent talking about vanilla

too little too late

yes yes the passion of the shaman has been ignored for millenia

cat durid is 4 fite

What's the best way to level a paladin? Ret at first obviously but at a certain point does a Prot hybrid build work to aoe pull?

prot doesnt exist
any point in prot after kings is an absolute waste

stay seething Tseric

Things that ruined WoW:
>not being able to attack your own faction even if it meant punishment eventually
>blood elves and retconned draenei
>paladin and shaman on the wrong faction
>achievements in a game that encourages having alts
>multiple difficulties
>dungeon queues
>troll females looking like blue humans.

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Well I kind of meant the """prot""" sword and board aoe pulls with consecration. Does something like that work?

Reminder that Shadowbringers will kill Classic.

Sub was irrelevant for the majority of wow's existence.

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shadowniggers will kill itself, yoship is a hack

Reminder that only Chads will get to raid and experience the "community."

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spotted the zoomer

About level 35 was the switch point, as I recall.

>game that encourages having alts
wrathbaby alert

seal of light
alt tab and go watch some porn

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>rolling druid to do anything other than be flagcarrygodx and an absolute annoying shitter in wpvp

Learn to love your auto-attacks

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>tfw faction war banter is officially back
Getting closer to home one step at a time. What about you user? Are you the glorious Alliance or the savage Horde?

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>cross server bgs are bad
wrathbabies obviously dont remember hour long queues for wsg

you can still be that semi-famous turbo nerd nolifer in crossrealm bgs because the server clusters werent that big

also consec is in the holy tree

Druid is not gonna be the least popular class anymore because of sodapoppin

There is literally nothing wrong with transmog

Alliance has shoes so the choice is clear


>having kill timers so slow you need an innervate on anyone
lol nice guild

80% of players are going horde because of all the streamers playing horde.

There's 4 alliance streamers total.

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Alliance = White
H*rde = Niggers

It is the divine right of Druidchads to be able to do everything and do it better than pathetic single-role classes.

>heals 25% worse
>deals more damage than all other heal spec'd classes combined.

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if you want to heal
just roll a druid preist and have people actually like you for once

Did the prot AOE grinding even work back in vanilla? I know it works on private servers, but in retail I never heard of pala AOE until BC hit and they nerfed mobs hard (same thing with Lock drain tanking).

Retarded belf

horde because shamans are my favorite class. also I hate elves

and of course it was always the most fun

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Sounds like Alliance is the kill faggot streamer faction instead of juts the kill faggots faction.

>tfw when i will play a paladin and steal all your cloth and leather gear
heh notthin perssonel

prot aoe grinding was only ever a thing on nostalrius because their spaghetti code had consecrate scaling with both AP and SP


>Had to pay real $$$ for epics.
>Had to rmt gold to buy epics.
>Constantly /gkicked for siding against guild leader's gf.
>At least he got r14 from old Diablo connections.

Eh, could be worse.

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Horde, always.

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Not really unless you are geared out the ass or are killing green or gray mobs. It’s more efficient to just auto attack one at a time and never rest.

Hemo spec rogue was extremely fun

Horde = Heterosexuals
Alli*nce = Trannies

>specc'ing deep resto
See these are the people that say druid sucks while also playing it incorrectly. You NEVER spec deep resto, vanilla swiftmend sucks more cock than belves on raid night

Watch and learn sweeties
Based druid reference dump
Tanking endgame content
Farming in heal spec
Farming lashers in dm
PVE spec = PVP spec
KILLING named quest ELITES SOLO /w appropriate gear @ level.

Attached: basedruid.png (942x1089, 206K)

this is your dps pve spec and youre gonna like it

Will /ourguy/ TipsOut play horde or ally?

You do not grind in balance. Balance sucks for that. Balance is okay in PvP, but Resto is better for PvP.
Get a second char to do your farming on.

Or, rather. Get a FIRST char to do your farming on. Once your farm dude is feeding you a source of income, get your raider up.

hemo/prep was a baller spec if you had the gear for it

If you're NA yeah

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So is this the designated /home/ general?

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I'm glad Joana survive chemo

Almost all of them are going horde.

>not being able to attack your own faction even if it meant punishment eventually
Absolutely fucking not, that's what ruined ArcheAge.
>blood elves and retconned draenei
No; their problem was that they should have been on opposite factions, BE for alliance draenei for horde.
>paladin and shaman on the wrong faction
Yes but this is partially the art teams fault
>achievements in a game that encourages having alts
>multiple difficulties
>dungeon queues
>troll females looking like blue humans.

Why yes, I do play Horde. How could you tell?

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possibly. these threads seem to get worse with every iteration. im sorry based screenshotposter.

>the biggest wow streamer, sodapoopin will be playing horde
>it makes horde the faggot faction
the alliance win again LMAO

>Absolutely fucking not, that's what ruined ArcheAge.
Archeage was amazing because of the pvp system you fucking casual

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i hope you both die of cancer cancer streamer zoomlets

im not a faggot
so alliance the whole way

mangle lol

the mods deleted the last one

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Do you think they will ever add a way to get the old Loot Card items now that the TCG is discontinued?
Preferably not through a fucking cash shop.

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>the biggest wow streamer, asmongold will be playing alliance


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Daggers/Sub Rogue was the most fun I ever had in an MMO.

>doesn't know joana
found the real zoomzoom

I know you can't just have a raid full of feral druids, shadow priests, and ret pallies. But if my guild were such min/max autists that they wouldn't bring a resto druid, I'd talk mad shit until they gkick me. That shit is just a bridge too far.

It will be zoomer central for sure, hopefully we can avoid it on EU.

2nd biggest you dunce
soda is horde and hes easily twice as big
Besides asmon 90% of the smaller streamers are also horde

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they should have deleted this one instead, too many zoomers in here

Imagine not rolling horde.

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Why is it always autismo bugmen who play humans in RPGs?

Did he even play vanilla or he's just another wrath bab shilling classic for the money?

Asmon gets half the viewers of soda when they are both streaming.
Difference between them is everyone wants to suck sodas dick and everyone wants to see asmon lose and get killed

why do mods always end the fun when its finally getting good for once ?

stole my bike

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It's fucking vanilla, the entire shaman class is IRRELEVANT in raids for anything other than bloodlust. You can't play whatever you want because some specs just suck.

soda will most likely reroll or worst case, go back to retail. he's being naive and despite playing on so many private servers he still believes he can do well and be the big ego bitch he is as a druid. even his irl friends will start bitching at him so he can play an actual ''good'' class

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Funny how people hate the cash shop but TCG mounts were glorified cash shop mounts.

It'd be kino if they added them but through some rare boss drop or something.

>1 point in improved LoH instead of Repentance
for what purpose

because mods are faggots as usual

>He doesn't know who Joana is
Spotted the babby.

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ArcheAge was ruined because:
A. Trion controlled the English version and they ran it into the ground.
B. You could attack your own faction so thats all anyone ever fucking did and there was zero actual rivalry between the two continents because of it. Everyone would just be a cunt and gank their neighbors for little (or most of the time zero) benefit.

Games with completely unrestricted PvP are absolute trash because it brings out the worst in everyone and makes it a pointless 'every man for himself' gankfest. Fuck that.

>bloodlust in vanilla

I'd never miss out on a Horde without fucking elves in it

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>will most likely reroll from his favorite version of the game and favorite faction and favorite class

holy shit cant have a sngle home thread without all these incel zoomers gossiping about their fake twitch buddies


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Same faction as Asmongoloid so I can jack his ore nodes and contest his mobs and he can't do shit about it but BabyRage, so probably Alliance.

keep donating some more to those twitch whores you cuck

bloodlust didn't exist in vanilla user
Shaman were windfury totem spammers instead

To innervate your priests and remove the copious amounts of curses because mages aren't going to do that.

>waaah the community is so toxic
Just kill them back fucking retard

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That just means more Horde because people will want to kill him like what happened last night when he tried to get the Whirlwind Axe.

cd reduction is better than one meme cc in pve
remember this is old repentance, long cd, short duration, works on nothing

but you can always change those last 2 points

actually soda said it himself the only reason he plays horde is because his friends keep dragging him. he's a nelf lover and said it fucking sucks not being able to play nelf on classic

I fucking loved the old WoW forums.

Does anyone remember 'sexleg' posting?

Based and base pilled

Let's try that again shall we?

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Joana made a ton of leveling guides during the vanilla days, all the ways up to WotLK. Mostly "Quick level by following this quest/farm path"

You're a fucking moron zoomlet.

I'm gonna roll a feral druid. I heard how shit it is in vanilla PVE and I'm not really into PVP either but it's the class I've been playing since the beginning.

>so cucked he doesn't convince his Friends to join the alliance instead

honestly he deserves to be horde

>Those top 5 states
I guess you gotta do something for the winter. But I swear to God, if you live in a gorgeous state like Montana or Alaska and spend all summer playing WoW, I hope you get the rope.

Nice fiction, he prefers horde but wanted the nelf racial

Impossible when they gank you with a gang of their real life "friends" and/or massively outgear/outlevel you.

Inb4 some autist nigger says 'hurrr just get friends yourself', do you realize where you are?

That's a fair point, though at least in the case of shit like the Spectral Tiger you could technically just buy it off the AH if you had the gold for it.
I'll be interested to see if they bother trying to implement them in some way that doesn't devalue them though.

It looks like all the redditors will be playing either priest or warrior.

listen here you little piece of zoomer shit, i could be your dad, i actually played vanilla and never heard of that name and why should i have? im not a mongoloid like you who needs leveling guides i just played with my friends and had fun, nobody cares about your fucking e-celeb whore

I can't remember with pre-BC WoW. Were you able to respec at all?

There were plenty of /vg/ guilds and the pvp was by far the best part of archeage, it was really punishing to kill your own faction anyway.
>make a ton of gold stealing from your own faction
>eventually get zerged down
>spend several real life hours in jail
I loved it and the only mmo that comes close in how good the pvp was is tibia.

>youtube-zoomie calling others zoomer
Unironically end your life retard.

>mfw I see druids trying to heal the raid rather than tank healing
JUST. You will always perform better healing tanks drubros, don't bother healing anything but the tanks, running hots, NS+r11, the only time you should even THINK about healing anything but the tanks is when aoe damage happens are you are forced to use Tranq.

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wowhobbs ... now THAT was a good streamer *sips caprisun*

Yeah, the cost of gold just kept increasing. Hope you had 50 gold laying around to respec.

You're just wrong and dumb. Not only are Mark of the Wild, BRez, and Innervate great utility, Rejuvinate and Regrowth let your main healers conserve more mana.
A non-poopsock trihard raidgroup needs them to extend the amount of time they can fight. You'd have to min-max down tot he bone to raid without druids.

>using plebbit buzzwords
you're all tards

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>want to play troll hunter
>scared of all the zoomers who are going to swarm the faction now and play undead/orc male

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Good thing retail and private servers exist huh?

Just don't roll on a streamer server.

>knowing these memes come from reddit
blew your cover there mate

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>several real life hours
Meanwhile you don't lose any land which you grabbed with the massive amount of gold you got for being a complete fucking nigger cunt so it meant N O T H I N G.

You're just fucking wrong.

>mfw aussie and oceanic server
>max comfy and avoid all the streamer zoomer faggots
who ausfag praying for oceanic servers here?

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>worst class

Pick one.

Need DPS? No problem. Need a tank? I'm your girl. Need heals? I got you senpai. Need a support for your raid? I don't even have to apply to guilds they all beg me to join.

Plus I'm top-tier PVP, can farm anything easily, solo almost anything, and got a free portal at 10 and a free mini-mount at level 20 while you had to walk like a hobo everywhere for 40 levels.

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>private servers
It sure would be a shame if the character you spent 80 hours leveling was deleted when you wake up one morning.

Play what you want to look at user
I'll be going troll rogue, trolls are patrician

>caring about zoomers when they will all get bored and go back to Fortnite long before ever reaching level cap

Do niggers play WoW? I've been in plenty raiding guilds and never had a nigger guild mate (I mean an actual nigger, not a pasty white dude pretending to be one)

Both these just show the hype before a release

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only the weird ones like furfags and weebs

Just stick with wow if you're a casual who can't make friends bro



I only ever met one.
He was jewish and played a Tauren hunter iirc.

Every once in a while you run into one but it's rare.
9 times out of 10 they're fury warrior cucks getting dabbed on by rogues, and the other 1 time they are shamans for some reason.

i play on EU, nignogs only sell drugs here, they dont play videogames

>its another private server data chink bot spamming his "sources"

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Why even play the game?

I want a good pvp experience and not just zerg people down though

I'll chill in comfy russian servers and probably have an alt somewhere in low pop eu

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>you MUST have friends to play a game
Signs of an objectively garbage game. The entire god damn point of picking a faction is to pick a team. Otherwise WHY EVEN HAVE THE GOD DAMN CHOICE.

I should NOT have to guard my back against my own fucking faction members. I have no problem with the opposing faction sailing across the sea and fucking shit up until we kick them out, but it's INEXCUSABLE to allow your own faction to attack you.

Deep resto not at all, but HOTW resto or Moonglow resto or Feral resto absolutely, very sufficient for raids and more.

Also consider this, you roll priest or sham or hell even a palasissy.

What happens when the raid ends? Your deep healing spec now can't pvp, can't farm well, can't do solo content (easily at all).

You are locked into doing group content ONLY, and for what? healing 35% better? Nah fuck that

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i never liked those mmos like lineage where you could attack everyone, all of them failed so i guess most people dont

Then play Horde
All the Alliance know how to do is zerg rush and then get shit on even when they outnumber the Horde 5 to 1.

worst psyop of all time

unrelated but explain this. Blizz makes cool cow race and cool weapons for that race (the sick halbert and the totem weapon) and they never appeared on game. I stopped playing retail in cata so i don`t know if they ever added the tauren wepons

>been subbed to the game for 9 straight years
>didn't get invited to the beta nor the stress test

riddle me this
>mediocre at everything
>best at nothing
hint: its druid

Sorry you're not a streamer

Imagine being this casual.

Loads of zones were pvp protected, massive punishment to the point where you could get exiled from your faction and never set foot on mainland again without going to jail for 1 hour.
There were also amazing solo builds that you could use to solo pvp.

At least WoW is designed with "people" like you in mind.

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A white cape that looks longer than your average cloak or cape.

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lmao try 15 days /played on q-gaming or 20 days on nost


But horde will outnumber alliance massively this time

>not even subbed
>havent played since legion launch
>didnt even buy bfa
>got an email saying im in the beta
>still havent reinstalled the launcher or WoW
>not going to either since vanilla is objectively garbage and as a ret pally i have no reason to play it

How do you know? You do realise the Horde won't have any elves to boost their numbers?

cucks like you pay them anyways, they only give access to people who might not pay otherwise

17 out of 20 streamers are horde

deep holy palasissy can AoE farm and PvP just fine.

no blood elves = low horde numbers

Just how wrong can a person be? Let's go down the list.
>Loads of zones were pvp protected
Only starter zones. And they all had shit climates for farms and no land.
>Massive punishment
Only applied if you actually died, which you won't with your nigger gang of faggots zergrushing lowbies.
>Amazing solo builds
Literally 1 and that was darkrunner and that got shit on by more than 1 person and seeing as all these faggots roam around in gangs of RL friends they never do 1 on 1 anything.

You are absolutely fucking wrong on everything. Fuck off, nigger, and take your cringy weeb anime images with you.

having hard time reading?
other classes can do that better

alliance will have all the trannies. the horde will even even if they somehow get a numbers disadvantage.

I played archeage hardcore for years and your B. point is just invalid, you seeem like the kind of guy that played for the first few months and quit. Go fight over a world boss for 12h+ hours before you talk about archeage

so what,most cucks that watch streamers dont play the game

that just means more baddies to fight

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I still don't know what to play

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So? You think everyone follows underage streamer faggotry?

Streambabbies will quit before level 30.

You're bad and casual my man, nothing wrong with that.

I don't claim to be the biggest veteran of AA but I played it for 2 years and had end game gear, and I STILL loathed logging on because of the cunts roaming around killing their own fucking allies. Only reason I played was that there was nothing better.

>holy pvp
Uh i guess if you consider being tied to a warrior pvp.
>other classes can do one thing each better

But also here you go honey
>can tank the moment they can turn into a bear
>higher health and armor values
>amazing utility, a bro to all healers
>literally cannot be killed/kited in pvp
>most obnoxious opponent to try to kill, most just give up(you know they mad)
>god tier at wpvp
>doesn't even need gear to be good while leveling
>BIS weapon for entire game is a lvl 29 weapon (holy fuck that efficiency)
>tanks NAXX in fucking BWL like a true chad
>can heal and tank by just swapping gear (name one other class capable of that)
>one of the most comfy leveling experiences in the game
>Entire zone dedicated to the class, gets to chill with literal druid gods
>More entertaining in PvP, premium flag carrier and 1v1 god
>Can't be disarmed
>always a good attitude towards others
>uses gear no one else needs (like a true bro)
>will always pass on weapon epics (unlike a warfag who will take them and add them to his bank of forgotten weaps
>best at gathering profs
>doesn’t need to do bitch work in raids (rezzing all, sums, cookies, etc. literally just show up and get gear)
>doesn't even need 60% speed, travel form + pvp set + defiler boots = more speed
>can aoe farm in open world and dungeons while being in heal spec.
>can do emp runs easily
>much more efficient trib runs with a rogue.
>can solo practically every single elite enemy in the entire game

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>have the best pvp racials
>wins pvp

Guess horde is just that good boys

What's your preferred playstyle?
Do you like to dish out damage or support? Both?

It is the main appeal of classic.

>0 opposing argument
>0 opposing evidence
>Just ad hominem and strawman
Every time, Yea Forums, every single fucking time. You're like a college aged liberal.

>NA players
My sides

>bots spam fucking porn links and say its sex leg
>threads devolve into the off topic shitters spamming ascii SEX LEG and worshipping the threads
>even the CMs did it too

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No I mean being an even more annoying FC than your druid ass.

>main appeal of a game is streamers playing it
This is some great bait, you immense faggot

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okay mister marketing expert, any other theories you would like to pull out of your ass

>NA fatsos will have to deal with twitch screamers

For most people it is, 90% of the classic players never played real vanilla.

You people honestly think streamers will last longer than a week playing on PvP servers?
They won't even be able to hit cap with the posse of minmaxing stream sniping gankers that will make it their life's mission to wreak havoc on the zoomers.

>the only eu wow streamers are some arena players
never felt better to be eu

listen here zoomlet i think you overestimate the influence and reach of your favorite cocksucking streaming platform

What class can even do half of that? especially as a heal spec I'll wait. Oh yeah and
>coffer runs, incendius, arena farming
>mara 3/4 boss kill runs/herbing
>world aoe farming elementals/beasts in felwood
I can list more

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it's worth bringing a couple druids just for combat res + innervate
other than that, bear tank is the way to go

They created a job and persona around hating retail and loving classic so yeah
>stream sniping
Won't be a problem when they can pull a 100 man viewer raid out of their ass

"streamer" servers will be nothing but the streamer and their kiddy army. 95% of the population is waiting for the server names to avoid those garbage realms.

What classes do girls play?

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No one compares to druchad flag carrying honey

>mfw I realize 40man raids suck dick and I can easily play any "non-raid-viable" class spec I fucking want for the entire rest of the game
So liberating.

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girls play hunters
women play resto druid or holy priest

>played Horde in vanilla before selling my account (full lolPURPLE T2 got me a shitload of money, my sixteen year old ass was stoked)
>rolled another account, played Alliance through TBC
>sold that account too, miss both of those accounts
Serves me right, but now I can't decide what to roll in Classic. I liked Horde races more, but Alliance zones were crazy comfy.

i cant wait to see them fail things like wailing caverns jump and ragequit after the 5th time failing

>samefagging for attention
This is just sad.


Damn this hits close to home.

youre basically being carried, meaning if they find someone better youre gonna get the cut.

Is a WC serpent the ideal hunter pet until I get the cat from blasted lands?

This FUCK THAT. Yeah priest/sham can farm lashers but not being able to do jack shit otherwise fucking sucks.

people to this day still fuck up the platforming segment at the start of Blackfathom Deeps


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I don't care about raids tho. None of my good memories of the game were in raids. In fact raids are some of my worst memories, it's 25-40 people getting really frustrated and bitchy for several hours basically.

Alliance since horde doesn’t have blood elves

Literally will not happen until halfway through aq40 when people start getting gear checked.

Also you all forget we are starting with updated items, some items being so powerful they are considered t2 tier. Raids are going to be stomped on

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Good, stay there

hunters and healers
specifically holy priest/pally and resto druid
seriously they gravitate to this shit and theyre always female human or female blood elf

>every video is private server shit

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The horde won't have blood elves either

Go back to bed, swolemingy

Most likely troll hunter but I hate playing with male orcs and undead, trash players.

don't forget the ever elusive femtaur milf

>not being able to attack your own faction even if it meant punishment eventually

Blizzard had intended for there to be an outlaw system in the game where if you had enough dishonorable kills you would become hostile to both factions. I feel like not putting this in the game was a mistake, it would've been a clever way to deal with shitty people, and to add some flavor to world pvp.

Agreed. It made sense in Outland with the floating landmasses and shit, but it was out of place everywhere else.

>blood elves and retconned draenei

Agreed. "Good" Eredar were stupid and made no sense. Alliance should've got the Broken instead, and Horde should've got Ogres. Blood Elves should've been neutral or hostile. TBC lore was dumb anyways.

>paladin and shaman on the wrong faction

I agree flavor and lore wise, but this caused endless bitching on the forums. It also made the game harder to balance. Hard to say if it made the game better or worse overall.


Meh. To me it should be something you have to pay a lot of money for and require max level. It's better than everyone looking the same I suppose.

>achievements in a game that encourages having alts

Achievements weren't a terrible idea per se, but i think it led to people doing less random fun stuff unless they got something out of it. Most were account-wide though.


Agreed. It further destroyed world pvp and made the pvp more homogenized and "balanced". I don't think the arena was a bad idea, but them making it the de facto way to get pvp epics was a fucking mistake.

>multiple difficulties

I think this would've been better if there were hard modes for bosses that could be triggered by certain events.
>dungeon queues
It would've been better had it been server only instead of cross-realm.
>troll females looking like blue humans.
I agree that it's a bit silly. I do wish that trolls had the forest troll model instead though, I like how they stand up straight and have more muscle.

Opinion discarded

well what are u gonna do then, pvp? theres nothing to do but pvp and raiding in classic

That’s what I said

whens the patch that lets you have multiple rejuvs on a tank? Then you will be useful outside of innervate and rez.

Yeah, and do chill 5mans in my alts.

>Blizzard had intended for there to be an outlaw system in the game where if you had enough dishonorable kills you would become hostile to both factions.
That would be amazing.

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I can't wait to go back to Elwynn...
Will any other anons be on a NA/pvp server?

it even said it in the manual, but it was never actually implemented

Wow the regrowth heals for 10% on each tick, that definitely invalidates every single point he made

Warrior - pretty okay if they have a shield, gigantic fucking faggot if they aren't.
priEEEEEEEEst - has mental breakdown if pull is started without them being 100% and the ready check for the ready check hasn't been started
shamchads - bros in all content
rogues - invisible faggot
druchads - similar to shamchads they are brotier in all content
warchads - polar opposite of magetoids, big brain, big skills
magetoids - doesn't know what a quest is or how to read, only knows kill, drink, and exp.
palasissi - similar to priests, will have a meltdowns over nothing
huntchads - will dab on enemy pcs thinking they are quest mobs

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>shamchads - bros
fuck you stop stealing my fuCKING MAIL DROPS AT LEVEL 37

I fell the itch. God help me.

I swore off WoW two years ago, as I do every few years but end up dragging myself back like a fucking drug addict. I don't even care about raiding or pvp. I just keep falling off the wagon.

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>he's spouting random shit, randomly

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oh no le horrible private servers with stronger mobs ;;;(

iktf but this is the final trip home

god femtaur milfs were top tier


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If your guild are autismos they won't give a crap about trash talk, but they will care about the memespec.
So if they were gonna kick you they'd kick you before you started typing and your typing wouldn't change it.
Unless you did some shit that implied you think "it's okay to play for fun" or you thought autism was a disability rather than a superpower. But then that's not such much getting hit for talking shit, that's more showing that you're not willing to improve and so better to cut losses.

>Get a second char to do your farming on.
retarded meme
could've farmed thousands of gold even as a prot warrior in the time it takes to level an alt to 60

2 WOW generals and a FF14 general on the front page of Yea Forums.
It's really too bad there isn't a containment board for these kinds of things.

>p-p-p-private s-s-s-server!
Uh yeah sweetie pie, I trust pserver scientists than a community from 15+ years ago that all sucked shit at the game

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I will Deus my Vult so hard it will glow like Rudolph the reindeers nose

But what if I actually ~want~ to have an alt mage?

Eh doesn't it depend what class/spec you are? I'd think that leveling a hunter to 60 and grabbing some gear to farm DMN doesn't take too long (and might be more enjoyable than just grinding as another class).

who gives a shit

>fastest levelers next to hunter
>all 3 specs fantastic in PvP
>feral not only tanks well in dungeons but can off tank early raids due their health pool
>feral DPS is one of the bests in dungeons
good one

>it's another finalflash blows up the thread episode
You can make your points about druids without being a sperg, that said, I believe you are mostly correct and druids definitely don't get the credit they should because too many people buy into the "druids are shit at everything" meme.

Some NPCs had totem weapons, no halberds though, shame

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>turn into outlaw
>forced to stay in the neutral cities and play with other outlaws
god that would be so much fun

>"pserver scientists"
>everyone now thinks they are Elitist Jerks tier because they have a youtube channel

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Druids are super fun to level, I just didn't like having to switch to wearing a dress at 60 because I didn't want to bother getting multiple sets of gear at that point (even though I had them while leveling).

>every single guild will be minmax ride or die autists.
uhhhhh nope, not even on pservers were they like this, my guild had 8 FUCKING HUNTERS when we started Naxx.

If your class can do 500 dps then it is viable

I hope you have fun following your favorite pretend friend around, son

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>queue times
at least you got wotf, right, fag

So a friend bought me a sub much to my chagrin. Had only played trial to 20 on a couple chars over the past two weeks or so
Tank main from XIV so I decided to roll a tank, warrior. It feels so weird and wonky but kind of fun zooming from pack to pack with charge, but its so dumb I can't use charge or throw weapon thingy when I'm close like in FF. Do I just pull everything to be a pro like in xiv? Feels kind of hard to, since I lose aggro quickly and aoe stuff has a kind of long cooldown.
Also, should I bother trying to buy gear or should I just use what I get as drops?

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If you haven't played vanilla WoW, Druids were only useful as resto in raids, and even then not exceptionally. Someone is trying to meme a bunch of people into playing Druids in classic, or maybe they've only played the class post-Burning Crusade.

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Honest thoughts on TipsOut?

The thought of slogging through the barrens on a orc enh shaman fills me with feelings of coziness. I'm unironically looking forward to spending an entire weekend trudging through that one zone. I like the slower pacing of old WoW, it makes me feel more connected to my character and the world/community around me.

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retards also ignore the fact that even autist minmax guilds still bring token meme specs purely because they don't want 8 people to need the same items while [token meme spec drop] gets DEd

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Very based list indeed

this user gets it (except the zones I love slogging through are STV/Hillsbrad/Arathi vice Barrens)


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>paladins are extremely good PvE healers with extremely good raid buffs, and ALSO the ultimate BG healers
>meanwhile shamans are only good for worthless meme windfury shit
It's not fair. It's not fucking fair.

10d /played to get 60, maybe 14d to get it geared.

Your farmdude will get 2x the farm as your raiding spec, so you'll be breaking even by 28d /played and getting more returns after that.
That doesn't count the benefits of letting your raider go a proper spec rather than trying to make some assface abortion spec that tries to do both, and frees the raider up to go engineering.
As for farm rates, 100g/hr is common on proper farm, and I'd see 50g/hr on prot being doable.
The thing is, you're going to end up wanting more than just "thousands of gold". Your consumes get expensive, and so do your respecs if you're being a dumbass and trying to use one guy for both your farm and your raid.
It's pretty common for raiders to need to get 1 hour of farm for every 1 hour of raid. That means that once you've raided for 30 hours, you're better off having the farm alt.
Are you planning to raid for 30 hours? If you want to get Nefarian yes.

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As a priest player since WotLK, I can confirm that this is very accurate.

Don't buy gear unless you're going to play longish term and if you do buy heirloom gear. Either way most of your gear will be replaced via questing and dungeon runs.

>btw you can't play class X because it's not ideal for the raid

His guides are older than you.


Wait, I went full retard near the end, confused hours and days.

10d /played to get 60, maybe 14d to get it geared.

Your farmdude will get 2x the farm as your raiding spec, so you'll be breaking even by 28d /played and getting more returns after that.
That doesn't count the benefits of letting your raider go a proper spec rather than trying to make some assface abortion spec that tries to do both, and frees the raider up to go engineering.
As for farm rates, 100g/hr is common on proper farm, and I'd see 50g/hr on prot being doable.
The thing is, you're going to end up wanting more than just "thousands of gold". Your consumes get expensive, and so do your respecs if you're being a dumbass and trying to use one guy for both your farm and your raid.
It's pretty common for raiders to need to get 1 hour of farm for every 1 hour of raid. That means that once you've raided for 30 days /played, you're better off having the farm alt.
Are you planning to raid for 30 days /played? If you want to get Nefarian yes.

Unless you can pimp out an alt don't buy gear while leveling. Save your money for your mount. Dungeon/quest gear will replace your old items.


>Seeing the same guys in general chat every day
>Joking around and making friends
>That final goodbye before stepping into thousand needles

Take me home

will downrank healing be a thing again? will healing/spell power apply the same amount of healing/damage to downranked spells again?

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extreme shit taste

Sorry user, lorefags don’t want you to have fun.

It's just mongs parroting preach videos

It adds soul to the game

Good, eat shit. The mentality of the multi-role classes being simply okay at everything instead of capable of doing everything well made TBC PVP shit because of how fucking retarded druids were

t. disgruntled rogue player

I have a super sekrit ret build that does 800 in bwl, 1k+ in naxx gear

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>my guild had 8 FUCKING HUNTERS when we started Naxx.
As long as they weren't surv.
I'd rather have a hunt with good attendance, proper consumes, and raid awareness than someone who is "carried by their spec" and gets lazy.
Given the option yes of course I'd prefer the diligent player of proper spec, but you have to be like top 30 WORLD to have that kind of luxury. Am I one of the best 1000 players in the world? Fuck no. Top 100,000 maybe, but no more than that.

>Going this hard on raiding
I don't know how you guys do it. Being this hardcore never seemed comfy to me

>grouping with the same people in multiple zones
>helping each other do the pre-quests before dungeon quests
>running those dungeons with the same people
>checking that everyone is on the same part of a questline or escort before starting
I can't wait, I remember doing this for Deadmines, Maraudon, ZF, and Uldaman.

preach seems pretty happy about classic though

Surprisingly accurate. Hunters could also fit the 'no fun' tier as well, since many of the cunts roll on fucking EVERYTHING they can.

Can I kill a paladin as hunter?

Whats the counter?

just watch me explode allyniggers with my chain lightning

>starting with updated dungeon loot
BIG KEK, raids will be blown the fuck up until Huhu

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based but I'm not sure about warlock being that high.

Warrior is the new hunter, hunter legitimately has a lot of niche gear that no one else rolls on, while warriors pretty much roll on everything nowadays with the DPS warrior meta.

>10d /played to get 60, maybe 14d to get it geared.
So that's 336 hours. 672 to break even, since you just wasted 336 hours leveling. That's 33,600 gold @ a shitty 50g/h. What the fuck are you planning to use dozens of thousands of gold on?

Blood elf anything, usually priest though.

Their only weakness
being more boring to play than a hpriest

is Classic Rogue worth it

I think it's the only class I'm interested in.

Please, 30d played in 6 months is nowhere near "going hard". 30d in 3 months is hard adjacent. I'd say 30d in 60d is when you start being in the hard zone.
Is it comfy? If you enjoy the game yes. If you don't enjoy the game no. If you can only enjoy the game for 2 hours a day before the shakes get you or whatever, then...
well, then you're not really looking to raid seriously. Your spec is probably not as important then as your personal skill and attendance.

all fucking rogues must fucking hang

Do I go with shaman or hunter if I mostly play solo and love pvp?

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Paladins have blessing of freedom and run faster than you and can hit you at range so cheetah kiting isn't possible.
Hunters are helpless against paladins unless that paladin doesn't have a clue.

it just s oudns like everything else I might like is super gimmicky or just not what I would enjoy playing I guess.

Rogue is always viable

>meet random gnome rogue in deadmines
>end up being friends for 14 years
>still play the occasion new game together

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It's like the high school softmores who give freshmen shit, they think it's a big deal that they've gotten past the point where the shit they say looks like gibberish and shit on people who haven't quite gotten there yet.

Threadly reminder to
1. Help other players with quests
2. Help other players with elite mobs
3. Help new players with spec/gear questions
4. Explain mechanics to new players in the early dungeons

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Is it fun though? If I in BC/Wrath how ass blasted am I going to get?

Huntard is THE "I mostly play solo and love pvp" class, how ic this evn a questio

Just making sure.

>is it fun?
It's too much fun.

The only problem is competing with other rogues for gear.

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Hpal is fun to play in bgs

All you can do is viper sting and kite. If you get in hammer of justice range you're fucked. A paladin's biggest weakness is his lack of a range closer.

30d/5mo is a full time job.


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and warriors for weapons, especially while leveling, shit is aids

>That's 33,600 gold @ a shitty 50g/h.
Sounds about right. That's a few months' supply (IRL month, not /played), which is what you'd expect given that you've spent a few months levelling.

Based and wisesagepilled.

Since tbc and wath are literally confirmed .. what's the class that will remain good throught vanilla-wath?

You must wipe a lot.

One of the main reasons I like Vanilla - unique one of a kind items.

/dance my bearthern

I sort of agree with this. I feel hybrids were always meant to fulfill a niche pseudo support role; limited healing, but providing other unique things like totems/blessings/innverate/Bres and cures. I was always a bit weirded out when they started turning hybrids into multi-purpose pure classes.

>>multiple difficulties
>I think this would've been better if there were hard modes for bosses that could be triggered by certain events.
Yep, this is why Ulduar will always be the best raid. having hard modes that activate when the raid does too much DPS was fucking great, especially when shitter guilds did it by accident and got fucked by an otherwise easy boss.

Where/when were they confirmed?

Odd, I never had that issue as a rogue. I saw warriors go for the 2H weapons from WW axe until they started rolling on Dal Rends in UBRS.
I don't play horde but that edit/version is tremendous


A full time job is not going hard. It's more like going standard.
Two full time jobs tho? That'd be going hard.

Consider your average hours played per day, including weekends.
I'd say 4/hday is casual
7h/day is medium
10h/day is when the hard starts.
This doesn't mean you should aim for 7h/day. You're perfectly capable of raiding on only 4h/day and in such a situation the farm alt is still really fucking valuable for making the best use of those 4 hours, especially considering all the rested you'll get to speed up your levelling.

Confirmed by Tipsout on stream

0. Check if the player wants, and is capable of receiving help

There are a lot of people who really want to learn on their own, or who are just too stubborn and stupid to git gud.

I'll wait for the blue post, but it seemed inevitable. Will there be servers that are classic only, or will all of them have to progress at the same time?

We're goin' home, boys.

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No more than twice a raid, typically. But that's still 20 a week and it adds up.

>4/hday is casual
>7h/day is medium
>10h/day is when the hard starts.

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Based. STV is the best zone in the game and should never be skipped like some players attempt to do.

Attached: STV.jpg (700x496, 41K)

I know blizzard is among the stupidest companies alive, but even they are probably smart enough to know not to close down all the classic servers when they decide to launch BC servers.

Okay, fine. Half of those we don't wipe on. 10 a week. ... which now that you think of it should result in less than 10,000g/mo, I must've miscalculated something.

>currently waking up at 1pm and do nothing all day long
>come classic i will have to wake up at like 9 or 10 to play at least 12 hours a day

>watch world famous speedrunner Joana stream
>gets ganked
>the whole chat starts seething and coping
fukken el mayo
carebears get fucked

what about that moment when everyone starts hitting 60?
what about when all the level 60s start flooding low level zones and ruin the pacing?
what about when everyone starts completely focusing on hitting level cap just to burn out and quit?
I feel like I'm the only one who remembers vanilla

What’s going to be the best, most comfy way to make money in classic without relying on AH economy?

So apparently you can't spoiler a picture of a certain plant and caption it, "In all the fields" anymore. Shills are on full alert.

>tfw mostly got my shit pushed in by paladins in stv but I still enjoyed trying to avoid them

You might've added a couple extra zeroes.

Yeah. My hope would be that you could transfer/copy a character over from the classic to BC servers.

Well what's your standard for casual, normal, and serious?

>what's the class that will remain good throught vanilla-wath?
Warlock. But seriously bro just make alts. It'll be a year before BC comes out, you can get like 5 guys to 60 in that time.

>speed leveler picks PvP server
But why

the only tier list i agree with completely

you sure about that buddy?

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I'm positive 50g spent per hour raiding is pretty goddamn common. Maybe "1 hour farm for 1 hour raid" is for the people with the inefficient farm specs.
But if I'm only dying like once every 3 hours then where's the money coming from? consumes? Has to be the consumes.


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I have only 1 character since wrath, a resto shaman. I only like playing 1 character, not really a fan of alts.
I was thinking of holy paladin.

Fishing, group farming for E'ko, dm tribute/righteous orb runs and splitting the cash, rolling a hunter and doing the inner mara farm, going mage/lock and farming the flower elementals in DM East, pickpocketing NPCs in Blackrock Depths. You could also farm in Tyr's Hand, Hearthglen, those elite demons in Winterspring, etc.

there is no avoiding the 60 nolifers shitting on levelers. not when people know what they know now. I guarantee about 45% of people rolling rogues, mainly undead, are doing so just to be 'that guy', because they know it will get a reaction.

I noticed that this image was captured at an angle that doesn't show all of the skeletons piled around the camp.

I can answer this one.
I'm a PvE carebear with no interest in PvP.
I'm still going PvP server.
Why? Because the type of person who can't handle a random death in the overworld and prefers to face the world without hardship is a soft cunt.
A soft cunt can't face their problems and get good, and is much more likely to tantrum if they get exposed as a shitter in dungeons.
A bit of pain is good for the personality.

>chat gets more mad than he does

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Be the guy that patrols low level zones and fights back against gankers.

I agree that ganking is fun every once in a while, but when it's all day every's just madness.

that would be the best outcome for sure, it would be nice if they made sure you stayed on the same "server" for that though. so like if copy Jakethalanos the druid from the Vanilla server "Home (Classic)" he can only transfer to the BC Server "Home (Burning Crusade)". so server communities wouldn't get totally decimated every expansion.

7h/day is already over a 6 day work week
you just have weird standards. Yeah, if you want to be "competitive" i.e. speedrunning autism/rank 14, you won't have time for things like cooking, having a job, or sleeping. But that's not the yardstick most people would use.
4h/day is about as hard as you can go if you want to have at least half a life, anything past that is definitely hardcore

Only 1 char and it's a hpala
You're not getting any farm on hpala, senpai.
At least go hpala + druid, druid's runspeed gets you good herb/ore farming if nothing else.

>50g spent per hour raiding
Not even with flasks.

What is the ideal gathering profession if I just want to grind out gold?

Going to play a hunter.

That includes sleeping! Do you sleep for more than 10h/day?
Let's assume you sleep 70h/week, work 50h/week (including commutes), and spend 8h/week maintaining yourself.
That's 128h/week
You still got 40h/week of WoW my man!

Now assume you've got your sleep down to 60h/week, your work to 45h/week, and you still spend 8h/week self maint. You now got 55h/week for WoW, still more than 7h/day

Herbalism does fairly well for a gathering profession. I am not sure if a hunter can solo any dungeon w/ rare ores.

It's been great seeing the "vanilla veterans" and private server cucks getting exposed during this classic beta, especially by that fucking huge blue post about stuff not being bugs.

I’m planning on rolling a hunter in classic, does leatherworking make chain armour later on or should I pick a different profession entirely?

Look up the Frostadamus videos on professions, specifically the LW ones. It seems kinda niche desu.

Bet your goddamn ass they can. They plow DM East like it's your mother, and they can plow most of DM West too, though immolthar will give them trouble.
You do need to know your terrain / KiT paths though, can't just stand on flat open ground while a guy runs to you and reks you and then be like GAME IS HARD REPORT BUG.

LW is great for hunters, and making money.

>4h/day is about as hard as you can go if you want to have at least half a life
I'd say 4h/day is the cutoff point where you stop having a life, and thus is the point where you start playing WoW enough to be considered a WoW player and not just a tourist.

If that's the case I believe Mining rich thorium veins can make decent gold as a gathering profession as well.This, hunters can easily farm devilsaurs.

I would like to have a high herbalism skill for making more money during Inner Mara runs, but I also wanted to level mining so that I could power level engineering later on. Is mining even worth doing though? Would I be better off just leveling herbalism and skinning instead, and then just use the profit from that to buy mats for engineering later on?

Well then I've obviously got my numbers wrong and I'm going to shut up until I can test things.
I do like having the farm alt though.

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Go ahead and report me again, friends. I truly do like this game. :)

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How do you make money with LW, other than vendoring greens you made with skins you get yourself?

Those numbers just aren't normal. 10h/day as the starting point for hardcore, when that means(if you have a job, no commute, 8hour sleep/day) spending every waking second playing. That's frankly ridiculous.

Orc or troll hunter?

I would NOT advise buying ore to level engy, it's very expensive even if you've got a herb alt. You could just get a herb guy and a mining guy, or roll mining/engy on your second as you level him and then drop mining for enchanting or whatever.

A question, why Mara runs, and not hurping around Winterspring?

if you chug pots on CD to avoid using evo it might drive the cost up though, mana pots are ridiculously expensive for a 2 min CD
melee dps that don't have to worry about flasks/mana pots have it nice, no way to spend nearly that much money

>Nuplayer gets quest
>no arrow on minimap
>no giant blue ring highlighting the exact area
>no highlights around quest pickups
>quests aren't all streamlined and shoveled in the same location for convenience
>have to actually read text to get an idea of where to travel and what to grab
>submit bug reports for buggy UI

can't wait for my cozy fantasy RPG to come back

Just farming mobs over and over for gold sounds really nice, think i'll go with LW in that case.

Based Blizz answers the Stream Snipping situation.

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To be hardcore you need to not have a job or not sleep. That's what hardcore means. Hardcore means focusing on something heavily, putting it as a high priority.

Troll PvE or farm, Orc PvP

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Orc for pvp, troll for pve.

>Command is ok but not that strong.
>Blood Fury is good for smacking hoes that get too close, but you are slightly gimped temporarily by healing debuff.
>Hardiness is god tier for pvp, especially against alliance (and pallies specifically).

>bow specialization is good since a lot of BiS weapons are bows
>Regen sucks outside of leveling
>beast damage sucks outside of leveling and maybe ZG
>raptor mount is badass
>beserking is ok, but unless you use it at low health it's only a 10% haste bonus. it's ok

I'm having the same issue, but I fucking hate stuns so I guess it's orc for me.

I guess you make more money with inner mara runs? That and it's instanced, so you have no outside interference.

Aw, I love pvp but much prefer how trolls look.

play what you prefer. You'll perform better if you feel good about your character and look cool.

Yeah I like trolls for the hipster factor and the awesome mount. Orcs have become the tryhard race, second to undead.

everyone, what are your plans when you hit lvl 60?


no pally heals suck too. you'll just be giving everyone individual 5 minute buffs. as druid you'll give the tank thorns and give innervate to the priest. after that its probably more useful to moonfire the boss than even heal most of the time

if you wanna heal for real play priest

dungeons/pvp/raid (maybe)/help out guildmates/level an alt

Do a bit of everything, really. Raids, end game dungeons, PvP, fishing, etc. The nice thing about WoW is that everything is either fun or productive so doing whatever you feel like is a perfectly viable way to play.

I mean, look at it this way
Suppose you go hard on Sat/Sun, 12h on both days, and you pick two 2h farming sessions randomly on other days.
That's 4h/day on average. It still allows you to meet with co-workers IRL on Tues (maint lol) and Fri nights, so you've got a social life.
You're not sacrificing anything. That's casual.

Now, going up to 7h. You can no longer do the IRL socialising thing, but you can still hold down a job (though probably not a career), sleep properly and bathe yourself. You're focusing on WoW, but not to the extent of retarding the rest of your life.
You're going as hard as you can be with other priorities. You're putting in as much work as someone with an actual job, and having an actual job is normal. So this is mid tier. You have to sacrifice something, but it's not something critical.

Now, going into hard zones, you have to sacrifice your sleep or your work. Those are some real fuckin sacrifices. You're giving up a LOT. That's where you get respect for your dedication because of what you're giving up. That's where you've had a look at what's really important, and you chose WoW. That's hardcore.

It's about how much you sacrifice from the rest of your life that determines what tier you're on. If you're not sacrificing anything at all then that'll put you firmly in casual.
If you think "I shouldn't have to sacrifice anything at all" then that means you'll stay in casual.
Now I'm not saying "Go hard or go home". It's a game, obviously, you can play it for as little as 10mins a week if you really want, it's your $15/mo. But if you're not trying to go hard, then don't act like you're going hard.

Shouldn't be a big problem then. But just know that if someone who relies on stuns (Rogue) is on the field, and there's a choice between an Orc (25% stun immune) and you (0%), he's going up your ass every single time.

The game is 20 years old, vanilla and every iteration of the game was solved years ago.
Who the fuck cares what others roll on a PvE environment where everybody knows how to beat the game? Roll whatever the fuck you want to roll, PvE will be beaten one way or the other.
"World's first " is just a status symbol only for people who try for them, and that's just a really, really, really small amount of the game's population.

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hit up some pre-raid dungeons. If i get some loot, take it through it's paces in pvp, while gathering profession stuff. repeat til raid ready, then work on getting attuned so i can actually raid and not be that one fucko that burns in the lava when trying to jump through the MC window.

>Druid, SHaman, and Paladin
>SUpposed to be jack of all trades, masters of none
>Druid and Paladins can literally fulfill every role
>Sometimes even better than classes that actual Priests or Warriors
>People bitch and whine if Blizzard even remotely thinks of nerfing them
>Meanwhile Shaman-tanks get phased out

Reminder that Blizzard is shit at balancing and always has pet favorites. Same reason why D.Va and Rein, to a lesser extent, will never get nerfed and are practically mandatory for every match.

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>You'll perform better if you feel good about your character and look cool.
This too. Your mindset is worth 3x as much as your gearscore. Carrying regret is a 8% dps penalty. Better to choose a spec without that regret.

The beta is fucking peak WoW.
Classic is never going to be this good again. I'm missing the highest highs right now.

imagine being this stupid

>everyone, what are your plans when you hit lvl 60?
Get enough gold to pump into my actual char and start levelling my actual char.

>literally all but one streamer is horde
Faction balance is going to be so fucked

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Based and factpilled, 60 hprieet on nost. Life was fucking miserable outside of raids. Sucked trying to do anything, farming solo impossible until DM, wpvp was basically I keep getting attacked until they get bored or I oom and get ripped to shreds

But hey my hps was 150 points better than shams and druids! ;::;

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You would be amazed by how hard retards will try to min-max in this game.

>caring about streamers
>thinking streamers have an actual impact on the games population distributions
only problem is you, every major poll so far has the population distributed incredibly even. never seen a fair poll that rose above 3% imbalance for either faction, only reason streamers are on horde this time is because tips bribed them into his guild which will inevitably implode

>got an email saying im in the beta
>not even subbed
why lie?

>what is Repentance

They let you have more than one char you know.
If you're a loyal hpriest to your guild, ask if they'll let you transfer DKP over to your farm and wpvp alt so you can get them geared.
If you don't have a raiding guild why are you hpriest? Roll something solo viable like mage, warlock, hunter, or feral druid.

Hemo is fun as fuck.
In BC shadowstep was literally nothing personnel tier

Provide evidence.

Alliance, always.

nigger, moonglow is the gimped raid heal spec, not deep resto
full resto is flagrunning

Only on streamer servers. I'm not sure why horde is more popular with them though. My guess is people really like the horde racials for PvP? In actual vanilla, alliance was more popular outside of a few servers

Pet attackspeed was already normalized in 1.12 IIRC. Might as well go straight to cat.

Retail is extremely horde favored on NA and most streamers are americans.

On EU it's much more balanced but pvers still play horde because they swapped for racials and stayed because no point in going back.

I'm pretty sure broken tooth will have a 1.0s attack speed. I thought it was just movement died that was normalized?

I thought the thunder breath was very good against melee classes?
Cat is the one with super fast attack speed.

hotw resto is bis for flag carry

that's funny
I remember tryhards rerolling alliance for queue times, since every casual pvper and their grandmother went horde for the racials so they were overrepresented 10:1 in pugs (northdale stats) (retail stats)


Here's a >reddit census taken from well before beta started:
That said, this is obviously biased because the sample is Reddit.

>roll healer
>play solo
Holy priests can farm with fury warriors and share loot.

Wind serpent is dank because thunder breath deals nature damage. So yes it's great against armor.

Cats are for pushback and fast damage on clothies.

Skinning + herbalism

That happened on eu at least, horde queues make them unplayable.

Will all the vanilla raids be in this? AQ20/40?

it sucks everyone is going alliance but i'll be farming them all as undead

Deep resto is literally trash, classic swiftmend is horrendous compared to the consistency of heart of the wild is all forms of content.

Maybe there's some hope after all.

also forgot this one the biggest poll so far 20k responses


Not immediately, but yes

>undead most played race
What is wrong with people?
You have great races like trolls and orcs on horde.

swiftmend is just a nice extra, the problem with heart is you can shapeshift ~2 and a half times before going OOM
literally any other druid spec that isn't 0/0/0 is a better FC than hotw.

Attached: 233.png (1920x1080, 2.85M)

>best animations bar none
>nice voices
>fucking fantastic racials(wotf and free extra bandages)
>can play all the good classes

Undead males have trash animations.

>No feral charge
It's garbage jim
>No improved bash
Ew it's fucking awful Jim
>No FF
you enjoy playing with poop for fun don't you?

good dw and the best casting animation by a mile
the run and all the other things are good to great, too

Should note that Thunder Breath also has a 20 yard range. So you can send your pet in and immediately pull him back after firing twice

Didn't know that actually, thanks.

It also scales with int right?

Well summarized.

It's entirely possible to squeeze out 3-4 hours a day and then drop 10-12 on the weekend, but it's not very comfortable and doesn't leave much in the way of a socializing.

pets don't scale with dick

>rogue 5th most played

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>Will all the vanilla raids be in this?
In the most pointlessly technical sense no, because you won't be able to 40man Strathhomle and Scholomance, and any bug that let you get multiple people in on the Hunter demons won't work.
Also, the old version of Alterac Valley, with the 3 lanes, is not going to be in the game.

But if you mean MC, ZG, AQ20, AQ40, BWL, Onyxia, Naxx, Kazzak, Azuregos, Emerald Dream Quartet, Opposing faction's cities, Tarren Mill and Southshore, one lane Alterac Valley, then yes those are in.
They aren't all in at launch though.
Launch has Ragnaros, Onyxia, opposing cities, and TMvsSS.

sorry you got btfo tranny

liar you cant get in without an active sub

Warrior rogue and mage will probably be the most played classes

Excellent work

Nope it doesn't scale with anything aside from maybe those pet talents that increase pet damage.

In all likelihood I'm gonna be in that mid tier boat.
more than 8h/day I don't think I can do. It's a shame but I've accepted that for there to be a top 10%, you need people making up the bottom 90%, and I am one of those people.