>not being able to attack your own faction even if it meant punishment eventually
Blizzard had intended for there to be an outlaw system in the game where if you had enough dishonorable kills you would become hostile to both factions. I feel like not putting this in the game was a mistake, it would've been a clever way to deal with shitty people, and to add some flavor to world pvp.
Agreed. It made sense in Outland with the floating landmasses and shit, but it was out of place everywhere else.
>blood elves and retconned draenei
Agreed. "Good" Eredar were stupid and made no sense. Alliance should've got the Broken instead, and Horde should've got Ogres. Blood Elves should've been neutral or hostile. TBC lore was dumb anyways.
>paladin and shaman on the wrong faction
I agree flavor and lore wise, but this caused endless bitching on the forums. It also made the game harder to balance. Hard to say if it made the game better or worse overall.
Meh. To me it should be something you have to pay a lot of money for and require max level. It's better than everyone looking the same I suppose.
>achievements in a game that encourages having alts
Achievements weren't a terrible idea per se, but i think it led to people doing less random fun stuff unless they got something out of it. Most were account-wide though.
Agreed. It further destroyed world pvp and made the pvp more homogenized and "balanced". I don't think the arena was a bad idea, but them making it the de facto way to get pvp epics was a fucking mistake.
>multiple difficulties
I think this would've been better if there were hard modes for bosses that could be triggered by certain events.
>dungeon queues
It would've been better had it been server only instead of cross-realm.
>troll females looking like blue humans.
I agree that it's a bit silly. I do wish that trolls had the forest troll model instead though, I like how they stand up straight and have more muscle.