This is the best looking video game ever made and it's on a fucking console. How did Rockstar do it?

This is the best looking video game ever made and it's on a fucking console. How did Rockstar do it?

Attached: 1_H7ZluzGk-dzlJURtOcKUGQ.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:

looks gay and boring

Like when you look into the mirror

i am not the one playing cockstar games here



Being on console is what allows it to look so good. There's no incentive to push graphical power on PC.

Brain farming hundreds and hundreds of pajeets, some of the best writing and acting in the business and utterly unparalleled sound design.

And yet youre here in Yea Forums.

just look at those GRAPHICS

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181214204547.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

Some kind of witchcraft. It's amazing. I can't wait to play this on real hardware.

they put all their resources into graphics and nothing into story or gameplay

It's on a console but Rockstar didn't make it, it's also on PC!

Attached: resz.jpg (1920x1080, 1.22M)

Wow nice take.

Because Rockstar devs are actually good at their fucking jobs and put a little but of passion into their projects.

Sounds like your PC is a piece of shit.

Attached: 526DF6C3-B21B-4D75-ADCD-78E8C629953C.jpg (750x737, 60K)

Layton Lakes.... home...

Attached: theHunter Call of the Wild Screenshot 2019.05.03 - (1920x1080, 1.94M)

Godlike Lighting Art Director and an entirely dedicated Engine Optimization Team

Attached: 0_36.jpg (3840x2160, 328K)

Attached: theHunter Call of the Wild Screenshot 2019.05.01 - (1920x1080, 1.52M)

>Engine Optimization Team
yep, certainly optimized to drop to ~20fps in towns

>Howdy miss!

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Probably in 2-3 years, once the money dries up on consoles.

when you consider that it's running on 2012 hardware and the graphical technology it has while not using any dynamic resolution, it is pretty impressive. it wipes the floor with the competition.

Attached: 0_23.jpg (1920x1072, 305K)

Has the absolute best clouds and lighting system I've ever seen.

A bunch of french made this, how did they managed

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All pale in comparison

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>This is the best looking video game ever made but sadly it's on a fucking console in silky smooth 24 fps and unplayable input lag
fix'd that for ya shitskin

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>100hr work weeks

Y all NPC bitches look uggo tho

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Days Gone is literally better than RDR2.

Consoles are superior obviously.

and it's also open world

>Being this delusional
>But but but muh PC master race
Deal with it autist. PS4 is superior to any PC and you will never know the glory that is Red Dead Redemption 2

Cope more

>so deluded has to bring up PC when it wasn't even mentioned
imagine being this assblasted by criticism you have to respond in this manner

You... Are you just pretending to be retarded?

i coped with it by selling this unoptimized game on ebay after slogging through it just to see the ending

You are saying the story and gameplay on this masterpiece is shit? Only explanation is that you are a seething PC cuck

so you're a fucking pleb also? I don't get it.

It runs perfectly on my base model PS4. It's fairly optimized and I have never had an issue with it. Keep trying. Cope more.

So you also missed out on Red Dead Online.... Bahahahahaha

>give opinion on game
>people can't understand differing opinion so have to resort to name calling
imagine being this mad about a video game

I played both. Legit had more fun with Days Gone. And I will shit on PS exclusives when they deserve it.

>runs perfectly
yeah those drops sure mean it runs perfectly. maybe you should get your eyes checked because it was horrible going near any settlement with more than a few structures. saint denis would just get so choppy i'd never want to spend any amount of time there. all on a base ps4 as well. perhaps you're trying to cover up a valid fact though

wow, that was some opinion you gave.
kek. lurk more kiddo

>he can't understand simple words so has to resort to more name calling
i guess this is the state of the average RDR2 fan?


Attached: theHunter Call of the Wild Screenshot 2019.04.28 - (1920x1080, 3.93M)

ignoring the names, this was a pretty nice shot

Attached: theHunter Call of the Wild Screenshot 2019.04.28 - (1920x1080, 834K)

Attached: theHunter Call of the Wild Screenshot 2019.04.28 - (1920x1080, 3.5M)

Skyrim modding made me realize graphics don't make a game better in anyway

Attached: theHunter Call of the Wild Screenshot 2019.04.29 - (1920x1080, 3.74M)

You are teleports behind you but unironically.

Why would you want to invest more time in a shit game? Especially after they turn it into a wallet rape mobile game.

agreed OP, its unbelievable how good this game looks.

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20190127211038.jpg (3840x2160, 1.73M)

To be fair I did buy a ps4 just for this game and after about 10 hours of desperately trying to enjoy it I haven't turned it on since. So it's probably fair to say I have a preference for PC

I'm willing to bet people who play games for graphics are the types of people who enjoy marvel movies. If you take this as a criticism it demonstrates an inferiority complex.

>want to come back to RDR 2
>but remember the slog of Chapter 6 and the Epilogue
>remember the nonexistence of new game+
>remember the pelt hunting
>remember the challenges
>remember the grinding to unlock the Legend of the East outfit before Arthur dies of arbitrary death trope
>remember the shit choices that amount to fuckall
>remember that Rockstar is never going to release single player DLC
Every time.

Attached: index.jpg (262x192, 9K)

It's actually pretty awesome.

Why would they release anything for story mode? It's already bursting with content and Red Dead Online always was the main reason to buy the game.

RDR2 is already Rockstar's biggest and most complete game in terms of story.
>chapter 6 and epilogue
absolute shit taste my man, kys
they're the absolute best parts of the game, the culmination of everything into a perfect tie-in to the sequel

I'm willing to bet you don't believe what you actually say and are just parrotting what the rest of Yea Forums told you like a good NPC.

No, I don't watch marvel movies. I hate capeshit. I rarely watch movies to begin with.
Yes, I enjoyed the graphics, I come back to this game for the graphics and appeasing visual cues like an ordinary human being enjoys viewing art or attractive women/men and other visually satisfying phenomena. This is a human trait. I enjoy this whereas you don't.
No, I don't only play games with good graphics. I still play pic related, a 2002 game, since 2008 almost on a daily basis. I emulate my old PS2 games. I just finished another TES4 oblivion playthrough. I'm probably more oldfaggot then you are.

Have sex, user. And stop using buzzwords and following the crowd. You're not being a cool contrarian, you're just following the Yea Forumseddit crowd instead of the normalfaggot crowd. Have sex and get a life.

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>Online was always the main reason to buy the game

I've been lurking here for a number of years. Rarely do I ever come across anything that makes me feel as though I need to respond. I think the last time I was forced to throw my 2 cents in was during the Yea Forumsga. Now, this day,5/20/2019 Once again I am called to solve the captcha. I've seen some of the gayest and most retarded things on Yea Forums. Like a primordial ooze of everything wrong with the human race, but you are literally the gayest fucking thing on this planet. Like a dragon dildo ejected from Ronald McDonald's ass at a speed somewhere between 40000-100000 miles per faggot you descended upon an otherwise normal thread. Spewing pure unfiltered homosexuality like a fire sprinkler system with a direct link to Richard Simmons asshole. Freddie Mercury is rolling in his fucking grave at the thought of you setting the bar so god damn high that no faggot for the rest of existence will be able to match your level.

now I must slumber once again.

>>remember the pelt hunting
it was the best part of the game? who the fuck are you, some kind of a pleb posterchild?

Yeah, I bet you thought Chapter 5 was the worst you soulless zoomer faggot. Imagine enjoying putting up with a permanent stat debuff for an entire chapter because of some pretentious message about "Sickness cannot be easily cured." Get your lips off of Tarantino's cock and your fingers out of Ken Levine's ass you massive troglodyte.

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>I bet you thought chapter 5 was the worst
I didn't, swing and a miss faggot. People who hate Chapter 5 are also retards. I disliked Chapter 1 the most, because even though I fully understand its narrative purpose, I dislike how insanely linear and closed off it is.

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I agree, but we're talking about graphics here. RDR2 is probably the best as for now.

This is literally Kino: The Game

>Legit had more fun with Days Gone.

Psst, nobodies replying to these pics because nobody cares about a hunting game.


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>Benjamin Byron Davis: Dutch, for me… the Dutch that has Hosea by his side is a very different man than Dutch when he doesn’t have Hosea by his side.

>As for is he a good man… if you can find room for forgiveness in the heart for someone who will kill a woman’s son in front of her…

>I definitely think he’s a principled man. I’ve seen this response from people playing the game they have this interpretation of Dutch that he’s just cheating everybody and scamming everybody all along. And that’s not something that agrees with the way that I view the character.

>I think that he’s actually quite sincere and he’s not as good as he hopes he is at getting things accomplished.

>That said, I think there are pretty notable turning points for him. One of the things that’s interesting about the structure of the game is that Dutch keeps encountering men who occupy the states that Dutch imagines he wants to occupy.

>I think he finds himself rather shocked, and I think in that constriction of the reality that he can’t quite have the life that he’s been promising himself and his followers, he starts to unravel.

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Why don't all games look as beautiful?

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Attached: red dead redemption 2.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

>Seething this hard
Wow man you really must be one of the butthurt incels that hides in story mode. Seriously what other point I'd there to owning one of these Rockstar games? Look at GTA V. You seriously think anyone bought that for any other reason than GTA Online? The story mode is a known one and done affair, the real jewel of it is the online mode. Same with Red Dead. Sure the story is great for one play through, but after that there is literally no other reason to ever touch the game again.... except Red Dead Online. I get to make my own character and live out an ever changing and evolving experience with my Bros. We all get to play together and you can't do that with the story mode. The only reason most of us players bought it is the online mode. It's the main attraction. The show I paid to see. I bought the ultimate edition specifically for the bonuses in Online mode. So spew all the seething horseshit you want but it won't change the fact the largest part of the player base bought the game for the online.

it's called art direction, and they emulated 1800s landscape paintings with the lighting engine.

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Red Dead doesn't deserve any shit. It's a masterpiece and the online just makes it better. It's the only thing that adds replay value. After playing story mode once that's it, but damn the story is amazing. I'll see you in Red Dead Online one day partner.

>that draw distance
Holy fuck. How is this even possible on that hardware?

i cant tell if you're shitposting or not but RDO does have tremendous potential if they focus on role playing
but R* will probably fuck it up

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Technically speaking, is Rockstar the most talented dev in the industry? I feel like they consistently set the bar

it's not draw distance, pretty sure it's matte backgrounds like TWC3 Toussaint has.

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>if they fuck it up
Bro they've really taken charge in making better. Did you see this?

>With the foundation of Red Dead Online now established, future updates will offer new ways to fully inhabit your character as you progress in multiple roles and carve out your own place on the frontier.

Starting this summer, players will be able to take on the first three of a series of new roles: track down wanted criminals as a bounty hunter; search the world for treasure, and other exotic items to sell as a collector; or build a business at camp as a trader and more.

Each new role will come with a range of unique gameplay along with a host of new outfits, weapons and other rewards to earn.

Players will have the option to focus on a specific role to advance quickly and unlock each role’s unique attributes, or simultaneously progress across multiple roles as you play naturally to create your own unique character and path through the frontier.

Attached: FB_IMG_1558404512340.jpg (1890x1890, 375K)

Rockstar has competent staff and lots of muneh

No it's draw distance because you can actually go to the places you see in RDR2

>I don't understand how matte background transition works

Did they fix the HDR yet?


My only issue with the game tech wise and the fact that the number of npcs is halved online

I actually don't. Explain friend. I'd assume it basically transitions from 2D to 3d as you get closer?

This. So many people focus on the technical aspects when RDR2 has the best art direction in a game that aims for realism. Every scene is lit like it was a big budget hollywood movie. Devs can increase the texture resolution and push new hardware to its limits but the reality is what they lack is art direction. RDR2 is extremely beautiful

The online became the reason to play the game because of how shit the story was. People who bought GTA V at launch were going in expecting a good single player game. RDR 2 was a good single player game, and now people are worried that they're going to get more online shit instead of an expansion on the single player game. Undead Nightmare is pretty regularly regarded as one of the best DLCs from last gen, and the multiplayer part of Red Dead Redemption was barely expanded upon. You're acting like longtime Rockstar fans or RDR fans are wanting some shitty second job instead of a video game expansion.

Patch notes for 1.09 say they did but I haven't tested it cuz I don't have an hdr monitor.

Well Undead Nightmare 2 is basically confirmed. Roger Clarke said in a somewhat recent interview that he was working in the studio again. Most likely meaning they're doing more single player content

Huuuh I highly doubt that. Source? And va saying he's working in the studio is meaningless. Remember when gta 5 VA said they had recorded new shit post launch for dlc that was never released?

What was broken with HDR? Did it just not work at all?

That was for Multiplayer content you smelly fuck.

Where's the source on Roger Clarke saying he was back at rockstar studios?

Art style and animation

Does Franklin show up in the multiplayer?

There's always a chance that it's just more multiplayer shit, like with Trevor for that one heist in GTA V.

He alludes to the fact he's still working on the game several times in this video. This was in February

The best looking game is actually Uncharted 4.
Red Dead 2 could be better if it wasn't open world, and it didn't had to be since the story is on rails all the time, it could have worked better with a hub for side quests, like Deus Ex

Is this autist serious? This shit looks awful. Especially compared to RDR2

He makes no such allusions. You're grasping at straws. He mentions he'll see one of the other VA soon but that's for convention panels he's doing with Steve, Peter bloomquist, Rob, Benjamin, guy who plays Javier and Alex mckenna.

Wow, look at all that grass

LMAO imagine being in denial this much..

all you faggots either havent played it or played so much you tired yourself out on it... just accept it rdr2 is one of the greatest masterpieces in media ever created

Screencap my post. Undead Nightmare 2 will be announced this year in October followed by a PC announcement in November

lol ok


>American Conquest?