

Attached: Cringe (2).jpg (180x280, 5K)

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whens his next stream?

>nail polish
the signs were there


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Where is he/she/something even streaming?


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fuck off, there's nothing weird or feminine about painting your nails before a speedrun sesh

Will we see her at the new mario maker invitational?

Cosmo i know you browse this site, please return to normal for your sake.
You know well becoming a tranny was a mistake, dont kill yourself and become a man again.

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Which Resident Evil is this?

Adam lanza?

did based john fucking numbers really BTFO of him so bad that it broke him?


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vocaroo.com/i/s1LvjkxIVfvt it's me

Is Cosmo AGP or HSTS?


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kinda sounds like a bad impression, sorry

masquerade violation

DEFINITELY the former

that's cause i'm really eddie murphy

>John Numbers

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Holy shit, Shiggy was there and crowned the Champion? That must be why he snapped like that.

wow did he finally stop taking the anti depressants and cut himself off from the toxic life leeches around him or is this old?

Reminder he kicked all of Yea Forums's ass at Smash.

t. retard

feels good having met john numbers twice

Caleb hart got banned from gdq for shit talking trannys lol

He literally castrated Cosmo in front of his biggest audience ever, including Shigeru Miyamoto himself.
That man is legendary.

>played ZZT and Megazeux in childhood
what the fuck is it with these two games? seems like they just create trannies


>emptyhero shilling his unfunny faggoty bullshit YET AGAIN
You're absolutely fucking pathetic and the modern equivalent of manlet tears

I genuinely feel bad for the guy.

fuck off nerd

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How's that book selling you pathetic faggot lmao

John numbers looks like Yung Sherman lol


I miss srg

Why don’t people get this: looking feminine is your own business but pigtails are for fucking children and you look like an idiot or a bad porn actor wearing them as an adult.

Attached: A ballsy move.webm (1600x900, 984K)

what else did you expect from someone who THINKS they're a woman and hasn't lived that way until recently

John FUCKING Numbers

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If Cosmo got back to his senses without killing himself, he'd look like a malformed skeleton due to years of drug use.

I always thought speedrunning was cool on paper but Jesus Christ does it attract the worst kinds of degenerates. Geoff and John Numbers are two of the only based speedrunners I know, though granted I haven't been looking

They don't even look vaguely feminine


is there a way for him to come back or is he definitively lost? I find his story kind of depressing

every tranny looks like this btw.

>everyone who hates that faggot shill EmptyHero is a tranny
Sure thing manlet tears 2.0

Attached: getting swole in the hole.webm (852x480, 613K)

so what's he been up to recently?

Based and asskicking pilled.

cringe and bluepilled

I don't get the appeal of this guy or the guy who bought the God Hand porn. Their videos are so shit.

and who, praytell, makes gaming videos you like?

This is the face of a man who's hobby's been taken over. He knows that if he tries to do anything about it, or draw any attention to it, he'll be labeled as a transphobe. His only real options are to leave his hobby and never look back, or to hope that the tranny storm eventually passes.

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only good video game videos are gameplay videos from games i never heard of

>If you dislike a thing I like you have to tell me what you like so I can make fun of you for it

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I don't watch a lot of them, Fitzthistlewits made good ones though, and Matthewmatosis' are good background noise and sometimes he brings up interesting things to think about. These two guys feel like they just spout Yea Forums memes though, and usually people on Yea Forums are better than them at that anyway. When they're not spouting Yea Forums memes like in this image it's even worse because they're just not funny. It also hurts EmptyHero that he does that dumb voice, which I suppose is supposed to be funny, but it doesn't work out for me.

Girls dont get up like that. They try to keep their legs closed.

What happened to her anyways?

Did she actually kill herself or she was seeking attention again?

I'd say have sex but I'd feel bad for you

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looks like projared, what are the odds projared comes out as trans to deflect from all this bullshit he/she is currently in

>they can't make fun of my entry level shit tastes if i don't tell them, hah!

i'm outta my mind outta my mind

outta my fucking mind

the "appeal" is that he posts his videos on every single board on Yea Forums multiple times a day because he's an attention starved faggot.

>tfw i couldn't stop my friend from falling for the HRT meme because of a few discord shitheads

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sorry user, he's worse off than dead now. hrt just makes you ugly as fuck and intolerable, not sure why anyone would ever take that shit.

>struggling to lift 5 lb dumbbells

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i don't know if you had a similar experience, but i've been feeling nothing but guilt for weeks now. he keeps telling me about it too like it actually fucking interests me and since he's one of my few friends i feel like i'm constantly walking on egg shells around him.

hey man that's 5lb after a million reps

>discord shitheads
Fucking discord trannys

all you can do is cut ties. even when he starts regretting it in like a month or two, the damage is irreparable. anyone who ruins their minds and bodies with estrogen is basically a shambling corpse from then on.

>being friends with people retarded enough to become a tranny
It's you're own fault mutt

he wasn't always like this

this with sound was wayyy funnier.

okay, sure, but what's the point of streaming yourself doing that?

so scare his haters

>cutting ties when they need you more than ever

nice "friend" you are

He was always a gullible retard, he just went from /pol/tard to trannytard

That's terrible. It really is just a predatory death cult that wants to validate itself by ruining lives. There is no merit to taking estrogen or trying to become a woman, and only the most desperate and ugliest people do it. Crossdressing and being a trap is fine, but the moment you take estrogen you're a disgusting failure. The most attractive traps in the world all hate trannies and estrogen takers and look down on them for turning something that should be about male beauty into a hideous cult that kills people with its attempts to turn them into inferior females.

Did dylann roof escape the death penalty?

you can only do so much. Tolerance does not equal acceptance.

It's not your fault.
You can't control how other people make terrible decisions.
Fortunately, it might not be too late. You still have a chance to turn things around.

The death penalty is a literal meme now

Only horrible self-centered people become trannies. Why would I be friends with a horrible, selfish worthless person who makes the entire world a worse place?

Is this that Asmongold fag everyone's trying to force on this board?



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Is he still crazy?