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Retailfags/XIVfags cope posting below.
It's already starting, lads. The people who keep screaming it's just nostalgia, you can't go home, Vanilla was terrible. They're realizing they were wrong. Look how happy this guy is. Daily reminder, he was SO against vanilla, pure, seething hatred against it. He even admits it.
All you have to do, is trust us, and come on. You may not have the balls of this guy to come out and admit when he was wrong, but know this, there is going to be hundreds of posts screaming "it's just nostalgia" and those people WILL play, and quietly realize "fuck, they were right."
We're ALL going home, even you, retailcucks. Just take our hand.
>caring what some streamer thinks
WoWbabbies never cease to entertain with their stupidity
>yfw the game hasn't even been released yet and the carebears are already SEETHING like madmen
the game is truly magical, Yea Forumsros
Can't wait to be on a comfy pve server and quest and level with zero chance of being ganked by some power tripping incels. Home bros.
pretty based dude ocming out and just admitting he was wrong about Vanilla, even saying it's not nostaliga. Props to him. How many people will do this exact thing but not actually come out? I can just imagine all the salty people in these threads doing the exact same thing. God I can't wait to go home.
you monster.
What are your hopes for the long term life of WoW Classic?
Some people want the game to remain the same and never change. After everyone has BiS everything, you won't be bothered to run the same raids over and over for no reason. Pvp is alright but inbalanced and there is only so much roleplaying/collecting you can do.
Do you want to see them make new content but stick to the classic WoW guide lines (no flying, LFR, etc.)? continue to release TBC, Wotlk, etc? At what point are you playing Classic MoP.
Just wondering what you think blizzards approach should be long term
None of that ever. And MoP can't be a classic since it was a shit expansion. Fucking pandas? Really?
They're making TBC Classic, and they'll keep it separate. Any other answer is wrong. Classic WoW is a reboot of WoW.
My home is Lordaeron
excuse me mop almost saved wow
>muh pandas
they were cute, fuck off
>be better than cata
>be 100 times worse than wotlk
>saved wow because slightly better than cata
you have low standards user
This plays as previously stated: Fucking Pandas? Really?
>Mop almost saved wow
>Mop was the genesis of when all the bad things started and went into overdrive, LFR, everything
Stop talking.
at least was better than cata, if you want to go back to the peak, disliking something better than before isnt good
it was literally pandering to chinese audience, this expansion wasnt made for us westerners, doesnt mean it was bad, only means it was not to our tastes
How hard is it going to be to get rank 11? I want the mounts
Just keep making new classic servers while starting the content cycle from the beginning. Consolidate old servers as their population withers. Making Classic+ is really tough because Naxx gear is already so gamebreaking. Actually it would probably have to be nerfed if they wanted to introduce more pve content.
to be honest tbc was the genesis of all the bad things
Stop talking.
the chinese liked it, lots of the people who worked on pandaria unironically got hired by chinese companies to work for them after
make me
*de-stealthing noises*
Stop talking.
Stop talking.
take your titty skittles then and be a good girl(male)
Better poll link
i found a retard
I would like it if it went the way of OSRS and every once in a while they'd add in some new dungeons or battlegrounds to do vanilla shit in. I wouldn't really want anything that could obsolete actual vanilla content though (which OSRS is REALLY bad about), so I don't know.
At any rate, unlocking raids following a schedule can stretch the game out for like two years, there's a lot of time to decide what the future of the game should be.
Stop projecting.
>Stop projecting.
Stop projecting.
Stop projecting.
We will reclaim what is rightfully ours.
Stop projecting.
Stop projecting.
Stop projecting.
Stop projecting.
For the light!
Stop projecting.
Stop projecting.
Projecting stop.
Stop projecting.
>Dun Morogh
>Elwynn Forest
I miss those areas so much. Specially Goldshire.
just going through some old folders
Threadly reminder that world PvP is only for frustrated incels. It does nothing but allow them to live out there power fantasy and steal playtime other players pay for.
Stop projecting.
Did you even play Warcraft 1-3?
nothing wrong with that you safe space incel back to resentara with you tranny
I'm going home bros
Pick one retard. I'll take my shoes, thanks.
i dont care about venruki but i know who he is, and this video makes me happy as hell for some reason
it's not a "ha! you were wrong" feeling, im just glad this guy got his mind changed through experiencing the game, and came HOME like the rest of us
>I-I play e-easy mode for the s-story, promise!
Once again no actual argument against my position. Throw around all the autist bullshit you want but you know I'm right and it must burn. You. Up.
>the stop projecting poster
>the pvp is for icels poster
>the horde is no shoe niggers poster
another thread ruined, good job faggots
Stop projecting and coping.
Stop being based.
yu illiterate retard, i said you were right, i just noticed youre an incel and a tranny thats all
Bump WOTLK 1 and I'm fine. I didn't like WOTLK, it was what made me quit WoW, but I don't think it was on WOD or BFA level from what I've heard.
i only played wotlk for the story because wc3 fanboy. quit right after killing lk.
Horde is objectively the worse faction.
>Shit 'cities'
>Horrible racial designs
>Has shit shaman class not based Paladin
>Inferior to all alliance cities and races
>Shit lore and zero rp opportunity (zug zug I'm an orc and can't form complex thought)
>Worst faction leaders
>Has shit continent full of orange rocks and filthy mud huts
>Has no souls or shoes
>Basically all niggers
Seethe more
PVP is all I did and I'm pretty much a normalfag. I've had long term relationships and I also do pretty well with women. Meanwhile PVE cucks raid while PVP chads are out fucking their girls.
>What are your hopes for the long term life of WoW Classic?
The impulsive zoom zooms lose interest in it, and the streamers all cry and ragequit because they can't punish the people who remind them how thin their skin is.
A population still remains but is comprised mostly of people who like the game but aren't total faggots.
Blizzard bans people for "stream sniping", and quality of life features such as the dungeon finder are added to maintain the playerbase and to harvest the zoom zooms' bottomless wallets.
Forsaken are soulless zoomers.
Wrong on both counts.
Same, but hearing all the horrible shit in WOD and BFA I don't think you can put them on the same level.
Huntards, what's the best race in Alliance?
rp on horde is generally better quality, the wow rp community agrees on that everywhere, you just proved you never did any serious rp
Nelf named legolas with beasthunter spec
>lists a bunch of subjective shit as facts
You're just convincing me to roll Horde
prove me wrong tranny
if you have to ask and not instantly think dwarf you need to kill yourself
>Not Legöllas
>not xxlegolasxx
The only starting zone I dont really like is Durotar, the rest are extremely comfy.
Mage or Warlock?
The Min Maxer in me says Mage but my heart says Warlock.
durotar is the most comfy horde starting zone for me and im white northern european, does that mean i want a middle eastern gf?
welcome back comfy screenshot poster, we missed you
warlock is more fun
>can't appreciate a dusty desert by the sea
I'm so sorry
Never heard of this guy until someone posted him btfoing asmongold and making him bitch and cry like a baby. Seems alright in my book.
Cant wait to go home bros.
I don't like either Durotar (it's a dorito looking shithole that makes you thirsty just from looking at it) and Lordaeron (I really don't dig that eternal night and every plant is dying and there's spiders everywhere aesthetic).
That leaves Mulgore for me with the Horde, which is just fine because tauren are my favorite Horde race anway. I like all of the Alliance ones.
Stop playing games.
lvl 8 paladin sergeant is the best video
lordaeron is boring trash i alway wonder why people like it, silverpine on the other hand is true kino
always follow heart
Always Warlock. Alliance.
Stop coping.
our REAL home.
did ou make this yourself user
Hol up, is that a classic screenshot? Looks like the stormwind redesign.
tauren should have been mountain goats to explain the whole bluff cities thing
the feels
When you jump off of Thunder Bluff but you cast blessing of protection on yourself before you hit the ground.
>cross-realm battlegrounds
It's not home, they burned it to the ground and built a starbucks
theres a message board instead of that fountain in retail i think
These are from original 1.12
battlegrounds didnt kill wpvp on my server in vanilla, and i never liked bg anyway so i am okay with this
My mistake.
Wonder why I confused it for nuWind.
>that cancer kid in retail who lost his dog
I appreciate Durotar a lot, but it's probably my least favourite.
It's good the first few times you go through it, but I totally understand getting tired of it.
I have no interested in world of warcraft or the retail versus classic spiel but ...
I wish T0.5 was in from the start.
i like durotar mostly because you dont have to fucking evade mobs all the time because you can savely move on the roads to get to the quest areas
>easy mode
>alliance is forced into pvp zones before horde babies are
>said zone is out of the way that high level alliance only go to to stomp on horde shitters
>horde have a massive safe space that is basically the hub point for an entire continent so people are going through it all the time
>being pally
>elevator's taking too long
>just jump and pop bubble
>get ganked the moment you step into barrens
get a filter you massive computer illiterate homosex lord
I don't remember any other zones really really having that problem. IIRC they all had safe roads cutting through the middle of the zones
It seems so user
I like the islands but I am not a big fan of the rest of it, I can see why others would love it though
Tirisfal is decent and I think they captured the essence of rising from the crypt into a cursed land fairly well
Cope fag
>been playing online fps for the past years, never touched any other mmo and i used to play a lot off mmos before wow
goin home boys, i can feel it
well its more like that the other zone have safe roads too but you generally dont use them because they are not the fastes path to the questing objectives
What's that building on the right, above the female guard? I don't remember it.
I wish it had been more of an active hub. It was always kind of dead and empty.
warrior trainer and pvp queues
i hang out in tb mostly because its dead, its the only place where i can get my comfy and peace at the same time all while having a bank and the ah near me
>Admitting to playing Horse
Dun Morogh is indeed my home. I’m glad I can visit it any time for free thanks to private servers existing. Thanks non Americans!
>Caring about PvP
Incel detected
>alliancefags are phoneposters
What a shock
free unlimited wow trial is up to lvl 20
Oh. I didn't play during that patch with the PvP queues. Did Old Town change in that patch too?
>Implying it matters what device you post from
i literally said i dont care about serious pvp you illiterate tranny incel
And? Vanilla private servers have the whole game.
>implying it matters what house you own or car you drive as long as it gets the job done
poorfag detected
You're why this place is shit now, good job
>playing on buggy, chinese/Russian infested private servers with incorrect mob stats, drop rates, and admins that sell gold
well if you just wanna visit low level zones its a quick way to do it but they are cata zones so hmm
Phoneposters Lul
Game runs just fine on Khronos friend.
>Chinese/Russian infested
English client only. Rest you’ve got me on.
Wait huh?
>mfw Classic kills live
secretly 99% of wow players hope this
dumb animeposter
Would be hilarious. However the sub for classic is tied to retail
cute anime poster
based mangaposter
Ah, that's definitely true. Now that you mention it, yeah Durotar was pretty good about keep questing zones near the road. Every Teldrassil quest took you to the edge of the zone.
I miss them all though.
wrong, the sub to retail is tied to classic. classic chads will win this
Every one of you is being vocal on Blizzard-monitored platforms about layering being fucking retarded, right? Yes?
I can think of no easier way to make the world a markedly better place. Classic is never going to re-re-release. This is our last chance to make it be what we actually asked for, and what it's actually supposed to be.
Yeah but that version of wow has the changed zones with greatly accelerated exp gain and most of the quests and exploration stripped out of areas, especially the starting areas.
teldrassil was more spooky than loraeron for me
i think everyone gave up on this blizzard wont budge on this no matter what we say, its a corporate decision from high up, but it will get removed eventually so its not that bad. i just see it as server merges
>he doesn't level as dual wield warrior
lmao @ u
I cant wait to go through Elwynn while it's raining.
Hey if you go out on this branch of Teldrassil and jump down, you can reach a secret area.
>Tirisfal is decent
Gold medal in MG for you!
>Blizzard monitored platforms
They require you register an account and can be banned for saying "Nigger" though.
I can’t wait to pay for a game I can get for free
I love how you're so seething about people having fun, you lurk these threads and just get salty at people.
When I was 12 there was a conga line of naked nelf roleplayers going through Dolanaar so I rolled a fresh female nelf and joined in.
Another player took me to the top room of the inn and sat on the bed while I /dance'd ontop of him, giving him a crude lapdance.
Then he asked how old I was and I replied ":0" to make a shocked face, but he said "you're 0?" so I logged off and deleted the character.
Was scared for like a month after that some gay pedophile was gonna hunt me down.
Teldrassil is spooky.
thats like the price of one avocado on toast my hipster friend. you are an adult with a job right?
Aw fuck yeah, there's that classic boat.
You are right user I didnt give it due credit, it's a great zone.
Retail is tainted, it needs to be purged
you should have burned your pc just to be on the safe side user
This is why I roll horde.
Isnt retail already dead
You are the gay.
It cannot be cured.
What's the best skin colour for undead? I can't choose between Green or the 2nd Purple.
I'm rolling Lock if this helps at all.
>tfw taking the boat to darkshore and rain starts pouring down
max comfy
why, instead of remodelling old zones couldnt they just have made new leveling zones like all other games, i swear blizzard must be the company with the most retarded management of all time
>want to play hunter, warrior and warlock
>don't know where to start
>sort of want to try out Paladin and shaman as well
depends on the face you use
>Keep Yer Feet Around!
Im glad theyre back
The most retarded thing is that they didn't think it would be important to retain pristine vanilla servers immediately upon the TBC release.
HATE to link this faggot but check this weather video out
The three months of Beta will really kill alot of the magic and people will be burnt out.
Yes I’m very salty about not spending money, you’re right.
Is it possible to create a mod to increase graphics setting? Like using retail model graphics on this Classic?
splitting up the playerbase would have had maybe consequences
that's why I won't play it
How about you down an entire bottle of morphine?
where the fuck is my beta invite
since beta characters will be deleted i dont see a reason to play anyway
just like the 2 year private servers right
and as we know, the entire world is playing the beta. stop being silly.
I know, don't need to tell me user.
It's out of these three
The person who posts below me is NOT going home.
#1, and get the fucking einstein cut will ya
right one. makes the face look the most natural imho
Just did a Gnomer run and got the Acidic Walkers. Good shit.
Objectively superior and chadpilled:
Edgy contrarian teenager:
Pure cappuccino latte with almond milk and vegan cream and 2 scoops of sugar:
>WoW Classic overtakes Retail in players
>They develop a new modern MMO that is Everquest/WoW Classic successor
we can only hope user
Saving that hair for my rogue.
The only reason I'm thinking green is because the final stage of death your skin turns green.
Fuck yah, some of my fondest memories were travelling around Winterspring with a snowstorm going on in game and Mount Hyjal towering over me. Cant wait.
anyone have this vid? love asmon tears.
You are lo
Wait what the fuck are you doing in a classic thread
Can someone elaborate on the hate on Tipsout? The guy seems like a really nice person and is a good content creator, not to mention he knows a lot about the game.
fuck off with that streamer shit you zoomlet
Unironically kill yourself faggot, NOT VIDEOGAMES.
Oh but you must know the salt I shed for you user. Over spending my money on something else!
only reddit hates him
Abused right click report for cheating, on a player that was walking too close to him.
Possibly annoying, but not cheating.
>mfw Classic far surpasses retail numbers and they just progress it through TBC and WotLK but without the cancer that started in Wrath and create a new timeline with original expansions after and just make it the main WoW.
GTFO incels
Wow what a nigger
as soon as they implement flying im out.
>check some basedboy stream
>2.5g reward for a gnomer quest
XIV already killed BFA. And Shadowbringers will kill Classic too.
Was it rime encrusted ring? I remember that one having a high reward.
Relax dude. Mods are player choices and not made by Blizz.