Stop liking Silent Hill 2!
Stop liking Silent Hill 2!
Would you?
No, seriously... WOULD you?
THE TOWN WAS MAKING HIM STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where's the Sekiro video you fucker?
Unironically, seriously yes.
absolutely fucking based
why stop there, OP?
the whole silent hill franchise is pussy on a pedestal
redpill me on this pie
>see book cover
>in big letters "Wizard Dragon"
>hey, this could be fun
>look closer, suddenly notice the smaller letters
>"The Wizard and the Dragon"
Fuck you too
Why do I keep seeing this dragon posted?
Sure, but who cares about that? The really important part of Silent Hill is the countless circumcision allegories.
Assuming she doesn't smack me in the face with a lead pipe, yeah
it's a painting
the town made him stupid
Now you're dead, Joseph Anderson.
Someone explain this?
the paper is old, causing reality to warp
>charlie adding himself to the image in the hopes of staying relevant
Since they're literally embodiments of unsatisfied lust, I can imagine once you get started they willingly let it happen.
its a painting not a picture
nothing special
Genuine question, why does this absolute retard have so many subs?
how can anyone watch this stuttering autist?
He's no masterpiece.
why is the slice so tiny compared to the hole
I can't
I'd like to see you paint a better pie, asshole
is it time?
burger time
>tiny piece of pie
>giant hole in pie
this pic makes no sense. Horrible drawing; go back to art school. 2/10
but user this is a joseph anderson thread, you shouldn't post GOOD videos in it
Is this what it's like to have schizophrenia?
>matthewmatosis and mechagamezilla doing a podcast together
>joe doesn't get the call
lol maybe next time champ
what is this referencing?
You're safer not knowing. You might already need a new harddrive. Whatever you do don't click on it.
>Matt makes a solid and well explained critique on GoW
>Devs thank him and show interest in it
>Joe makes a rambling several hours long mess about GoW
>Devs dont even acknowledge it, even after his fans kept tweeting the video to them
reminder that there is no such thing as unresponsive controls
Gamerfuel thread?
Someone post the WebM of him attempting the circle tracing moon from SMO.
what in the name of everloving fuck am I looking at here
What? I don't get it.
>even with all his discord trannyshills hamsterson couldnt make his shit gow video relevant
love it
for me, Sonic Curry, the fastest thing alive™
I don't even want to know what this is, I feel sick enough looking at the image
the result of going too fast
is this guy the DSP of thought analysis
>think image is a joke
>google it
>its not a joke
Oh me, oh my.
>confused by straightforward plot aspects of Fallout
>confused by aspects of Dark Sould and Bloodborne that aren't even intentionally vague
>confused by the ending to Nier because he was paying more attention to looking up how to beat Ending E, since he was too thick to understand why the game kept asking him to accept help
>confused by Danganronpa because he took everything literally and got angry at the chat for telling him he was being too rigid with his thinking
>confused by Danganronpa v3 because he couldn't shift his mindset from hope vs despair to v3's focus of truth vs lies
>confused by Silent Hill's obvious imagery, and when told of the development team's own commentary, said it was bullshit interpretation of the themes because traumatic amnesia isn't real and the story doesn't make sense
The guy has a lot of trouble understanding minor plot details, things that aren't explicitly spelled out for him, and gets worked up when people try to explain alternate points of view to help explain things.
I thought charlie was too "woke" or whatever to post on Yea Forums still
video games are making him stupid
Why are Youtube critics so pretentious?
>sounds like a gimp
>see his face
Breath of the Wild fucked up Anderson so much he is now avidly anti-Nintendo
What an embarrassment.
Joseph Anderson and MauLer are the two sides of the WORDS WORDS WORDS coin
Matthew would provide some examples but that's still pretty accurate. I read the Anderson side in his voice.
Joseph's critiques are the definition of bloated. It's like the man's never heard of condensing your bullshit.
I’m not sure who’s worse.
Mauler who’s just a pseudo intellectual who thinks that writing can be objective.
Or JA who has opinions so bad he has to defend them as subjective.
>Makes a 3 hour video sucking GoW's cock and how it's the best game in the history of gaming
>No one cares
>Matthew shits on the game for 30 minutes as a "case study"
>Devs go as far as to thank him personally for his opinions
This will never not make me smile.
What if I try to make objective observations AND have a subjective opinion
The man is too long-winded for twitter, even. Amazing.
When the last bastion of defense against your opinions is to claim that they're just opinion and thus cannot be truly wrong, then you've pretty much already lost the argument.
it's almost like one is popular and the other is not
you're doing god's (satan's) work user
I can't wait for this to come out
>Horror games would be scary if the game deleted itself if you die and it automatically repurchases another copy of the game with your credit card.
>tfw no friends to share lamb in mint jelly with
But Matthew has less subs and views than Joseph
Wait a second... That pie...
You gotta admit, despite his other shit, his criticisms of mario odyssey were spot on.
Why? What happened?
I don't mind either, they're good background noise material.
Hit a nerve?
>his criticisms of mario odyssey were spot on
>he can't make a circle so it is bad
I don't even like Odyssey that much and can tell you that it was bullshit.
His criticisms of Odyssey were only "spot on" if you were predisposed to agree with him.
It's not that strange. Blindlessly praising nothing teaches you nothing, but someone actually criticizing flaws gives you something to improve upon.
"Sekiro was bad because Mr Sekiro was a boring character and Japan is stupid. It felt too much like anime and it didn't subvert my expectations enough."
That one thing doesnt invalidate the entire video.
Any sensible person could see boring level design in mario odyssey.
It's not even pizza it's lasagna!!!
>muh kid
Lets fast forward this argument
>his criticisms were SPOT oN
>ok that wasn't right
>oh that wasn't right either
>ok he wasn't SPOT ON
>ok he has a weak point
>maybe his point wasn't that good
Oh, Jesus Christ. This is unbearable. How patronizing and needlessly repetitive in your discourse can you be? It's awful.
He's right, you know.
Nah, most of his points were spot on. You are insisting on being vague because you cant contest the majority of his points.
You're arguing like Anderson right now.
If you want to point out a flaw in someone's argument, do it. Don't prance around like a faggot avoiding the issue.
Fast forwarding this argument again
>most of his points
>except THAT one or that one
>well a FEW of his points
>Ok at least those two
>ok maybe one point
These are two different books
This is what happens when you think you're smarter than everyone else, you talk down to people and repeat yourself as if they didn't understand you the first time.
My mother's a lot like that, she tells me things at least three times, like I'm a goddamn goldfish.
I can understand why he talks about his kid so much. Frankly, I'm just as amazed as he is that he managed.
My God. The parade of ignorance here is despicable, but par for the course in this cesspit of a website. To be blunt Joseph Anderson is a fucking genius and his Odyssey review being deliberately padded out and tedious is a scathing and completely brilliant critique of the structural problems of the game.
We've had this fucking argument over and over again. I'm not spending a whole thread on a shitty ecelebs longform review.
We're talking about, what, a 2 hour review?
They're literal quotes from both their videos.
Name the points or concede the argument, because like i said, most of them are spot on.
MauLer's shitting on Disney Wars was enjoyable, at least.
Get back in your wheel, hamster.
Already did. SH3 is best silent hill.
>Name the points
Anon1 made claim: HE WAS SPOT ON
Anon2 proved he was error on at least one point :
Fuck off retard.
>This game doesn't make any sense.
>Maybe its just not for you?
>No, you're wrong, I'm the good guy.
There are autists who wrote out the fucking wiki page for SH2 for free and basically covered everything. And this stupid nigger throws a tantrum because the game doesn't spoonfeed?
I thought he was supposed to be a le epic intellectual?
Not an argument in any way
You could say that about most things in life.
>confused by Danganronpa
lmao how
I remember Silent hill being about circumcisions
"The truth is... I hated you. I wanted you out of the way. I wanted my life back..."
"If that's true, why do you look so sad?"
the game made me cry
Then you have objective observations, and a subjective opinion. Those are two different things; you do NOT have an "objective opinion"
>could see boring level design
Any objective evidence to support this?
I assume (hopefully) he means the ending which took an entire anime to explain very poorly and frustratingly
>his Odyssey review being deliberately padded out and tedious is a scathing and completely brilliant critique of the structural problems of the game.
You can't make this shit up
>When someone uses "objective thinking" they are limiting themselves ONLY to thinking about the facts, and trying to restrict their own feelings from influencing their thinking
matt is our fucking guy
Holy fug, this can't be real.
And Anderson really needs to stop that font size bullshittery he has going on. WIZARD DRAGON and ATTACK DRAGON sound much more exciting than the full titles.
It's just amazing that he found someone despite being so in love with hearing himself talk.
He spent an inordinate amount of time figuring out the timing of the sprinklers from case 5 in DR1, and plugged every option in until he brute forced the answer. He then proceeded to sperg out to the chat about how the game was wrong and the logic didn't male any sense, and how you would only figure out the answer by guessing until you got it right.
go to bed sean
Mario Odyssey both was padded and lacked challenge.
Hamsterson being bad at videogames does not invalidate these arguments.
His 3 hour video could've been reduced to 5 minutes.
He was still right.
>the chad silver tongued irish devil accomplished programmer vs the rambling garbage fantasy novel writing dork
I think he means this moment in particular
It's very real
>He was still right.
Go to bed Anderson
I know that this guy writes some insanely bad sex scenes
this is the least descriptive writing i have ever read in my fucking life hes just fucking talking at you telling you things in order
What sprinklers? I don't even remember anything of the sort from DR1.
post one then
Go to hell
They probably have barbed wire in their vags though; or demon aids.
He’s correct. An objective opinion is an oxymoron. That doesn’t mean he can use that fact somehow to protect himself from criticism.
>You're arguing like Anderson right now.
Considering they managed to fit their point within a Yea Forums's post character limit, no, they aren't.
>His 3 hour video could've been reduced to 5 minutes.
Just him failing to make circles? I agree.
I'm interested.
You are the biggest moron i have ever seen. It went like this.
>I think he is spot on with his criticism
>No, this one small thing that is tangental and barely related to the larger argument is wrong and therefore invalidates the entire argument.
>Well all his major points were correct
>WAH WAH WAH! Fast forward and vague bullshit
>Oh, you cant contest any of the major points and just insist this one small barely related thing invalidates the entire argument somehow? That is a terrible argument. It isnt even an argument.
>Cry more I proved one irrelevant thing wrong so the whole thing is wrong.
You are the type of person who would read plato, get bored on the first page, find something irrelevant to complain about, and declare the entire thing invalid. STFU and let the adults talk.
Anyone who has ever said the words "I'm right" while forming an argument, is a twat.
WHAT POINTS? The user who responded to him just made vague references to “points” instead of making one specific example which could have invalidated the original user’s claim.
>one small thing that is tangental
>he sucks at video games is TANGENTAL TO A FUCKING VIDEO GAME REVIEW
Go to bed Anderson.
how is he wrong though
Yeah, its so easy a 2 year old could beat it without messing up once.
Mukuro's body in the garden, where automatic sprinklers are set to go off every morning, which plays a part in determining when she could have died.
Imagine getting this mad about someone disagreeing with your opinion about some idiot's video about Mario
>I'm not stubborn I'm right
and the worst part is he actually believes it
have sex and stop talking about ecelebs
>Nintendo shits absolutely seething at the mention of odyssey criticism
This board really is Nintendo gaf
>Yeah, its so easy a 2 year old could beat it without messing up once.
>Anderson is worse at video games than a 2 year old
Savage user.
What fucking circle are you talking about? The major points are the game is overpadded and lacks challenge in any way shape or form. He is demonstatably right on those regards, and your just an idiot spewing buzzwords.
Mario Odyssey had a large amount of easy content because the objective was to constantly reward you for just wandering around and exploring the worlds. It's a game about being a tourist, and it completely nails it. There's nothing wrong with a walk in the park sometimes.
Anderson's entire problem with the game stems from the fact that he purposefully played in the most boring way possible, ignoring as many of Mario's movement abilities as he could. He directly states that in his video. His opinion on the game is worthless because he barely played the same game the rest of us played.
lol, thread saved
>I think thing
>I don't think thing, here is an example of thing not being
>That is not enough to disprove thing
>Provide examples of thing
>Hmmm, there's something that happens in the garden [every morning]
>10 o'clock at night
The reaction is too over the top, this can't be real.
Glad to see JA has at least branched out a bit with his writing.
This cannot be real.
>It's a game about being a tourist, and it completely nails it.
Anderson proved with his multihour longform movies that games can't have themes or points user, if he doesn't get exactly what he wanted from preconceived notions of what the game is then the game is bad and you should feel bad for enjoying it.
Imagine a retard walking up to you and speaking gibberish and then insisting they have better speaking skills than you do. That is similar to talking to people on Yea Forums. wanted a real argument/debate. He basically said,
>Lets fast forward this argument, I am right you are wrong lol.
Forgive me for trying.
Danganronpa is actually retarded though. V3 is okay
This cannot be real
oh boy
>Imagine a retard walking up to you and speaking gibberish
I don't have to imagine, you're doing that right now.
the wiki is shit but you can draw some very easy conclusions even ina bubble that will be consistant with other players.
Outsider analysis is really not required to understand the core of the game.
Bro, it's a fucking Mario game, there is no reason to have an argument about it.
You didn't provide a single argument. You provided an opinion. He made an argument. You said that wasn't enough, then got huffy when he wouldn't then make your arguments for you.
>About the Author
>Joseph Anderson is a licensed professional engineer with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering, a master’s degree in management science, and extensive management experience in the private and public sectors. He has studied evolution and natural selection, as an avocation, for more than twenty years.
It's real, but it sure as hell isn't THAT Joseph Anderson.
I hate it when ecelebs come here to defend their honor
What is with this dude and his goddamn cover art? The subtitle is off-center and the weird little box it's in doesn't even span the edges.
The emphasis on NOT just lets you know this guy is a grade A asshole, coming right out of the gate with this "I'm right, this guy who's dead is wrong" attitude.
I would imagine that Joseph Anderson is not a terribly uncommon name
Sorry to burst your bubble but he said that Sekiro was great
He's right, Darwin had no way to prove his theory, he merely assumed it worked that way through observation.
Im sorry but what the fuck
>professional engineer with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in engineering, a master’s degree in management science
How can he 'debunk' biology or any natural sciences with authority?
someone pls explain this, I don't get what it's about
I want to hear Joseph Anderson's analysis of this image
>it’s a game about being a tourist
I fucking hate this word, but this is definitely a cope. The power moons are fucking garbage design that completely devalues progression through the game. You get them for basically existing and they exist to pad out what is basically an empty open world.
it's a painting
>like thee paragraphs of pure info-dump
>he doesn't even try to make it interesting.
Something, something. Those who can't teach etc.
>Darwin had no way to prove his theory
I agree with you but I don't need a $16 book for this one sentence.
I haven't played the game, what is he meant to do? From what I gather he has to prove a contradiction, thus glasses guy asking what I assume is the MC if he has any objections, and the only information we're given is the time at which I assume sprinkles are triggered at, which is hinted to be during the morning. Is that correct?
Is that something that is really happening?
nigga has got to be on meds to write that shit.
But then people act the same way about DMC and BOTW
>DMC is about combos and isnt like a souls game where you die all the time. Why isnt this more like sekiro!
>BOTW is about exploration and not about dungeons at all. it sucks.
> Oh, mario odyssey is a tourist game with no challenge and very little platforming that demands you use the mechanics. Its supposed to be that way, and if you dont see it, you just played it wrong.
The problem is that people want different things from games, and if its valid to not like DMC or BOTW for having different aims than you want, the same is true for mario odyssey. Some people thought the game would be more than a walk in the park and would have actual fun platforming. You cant hold that against them.
A bomb exploded the fuck out of a body and the presumed time was 10 at night in a greenhouse, but nobody found it until morning, however if it had occured at that time the body should be wet because the sprinkler system in the greenhouse goes off a 7:30 every morning
>It's not what I want, therefore it is bad
Hi Joseph, how is it going?
the point of the game is calling out contradictions, instead of calling out the contradiction he tries to call out true information, then gets pissed and brute forces it. Then spergs at chat and the game for saying he did it wrong. For more context this is also like 85% of the way through the game as well
You didnt provide any example beyond the first minor irrelevant example. I wanted you to contest his main points about padding and little challenge. You refused because you knew you couldnt.
They're meant to reward you through exploring and there's so many so that you're not forced to play in ways you want or spend more time than you wish in a place to progress onward. You're along for the ride, being a tourist is an apt comparison.
Still not him, and you still didn't make a "main point". You said "Anderson was right", and gave no examples or proof. Just your opinion.
I'm not the person you were arguing with
>with no challenge
False, Andersons playthrough is evidence there is challenge. At least challenge for a retard.
He did the same thing a grammer nazi does. He pointed out something irrelevant and declared it invalidated everthing. I wanted him to contest the major points of the video and he refused because he knows he is wrong.
When was the body found, then? It could still have been blown up after that time but before sprinkler time.
Honestly a big part of his problem is that he never wants to put any work into enjoying a game, which is ironic considering games are literally his job. He likes Uncharted because it's just one cool scene after another. He likes Skyrim and Fallout 4 because there's constantly a compass telling you where to go.
But if a game just says 'go have fun' and presents him with a bunch of options he doesn't know what to do. Like, he realized fairly early on in Nier that he could just spam items and make the combat really boring, so he just...did that the entire game. And complained about it. Even though he knew it was a boring way to play.
The mind boggles.
Not an argument.
You still haven't given a single example of Anderson being right.
JA can suck a dick, his points on odyssey are right though.
>taking the opinion of a dude who unironically made an hour long analysis of a walking simulator seriously.
pls explain
Anderson succesfully argued the game has no challenge and is padded. That is what i stood by. I wanted him to actually argue against those points if he wanted to prove him wrong. He essentially just said its invalid because he couldnt draw a circle.
you people are beyond retarded, you had the choice. THE CHOICE FROM THE FIRST POST to make this a fun thread and ignore OP's retarded JA shit yet you fell for it hook-line-and-sinker. Just how? How are you people this retarded? Are you this bad at reading the mood? Did the town make you stupid too?
I honestly don't understand why would you make a career out of something you enjoy only to then put no effort into it.
It doesn't even matter whether Anderson had a valid opinion or not at this point. The faggotry of people jumping in against him just because of his name is straight up sad.
Make an opinion for yourself and take your time to think things through instead of waiting for someone else to tell you how to feel about someone you zombies.
>He's wrong because he's Joseph Anderson!
Ironically is something he would fucking say.
This, how do you come up with this title and not immediately realize there's a better idea right in front of you?
The body was established to be "found" at 11, but the time of death was before that.
However this is a murder mystery so of course there's a lot of misdirection and it gets really convoluted and the entire point of the body is to pin suspicion on you because someone else is conveniently missing. I can't even begin to figure out why he would get irate over that plot point when there are much more glaring plotholes, some that get explained and some that almost seem like magic
I don't care about your pie painting, m9. There's no idiocy here, there was simply no interest in entertaining your wishes.
Why does he have to try?
Just record yourself talking over footage for two or three hours, make a point every hour or so, then watch people treat your word as gospel because you owned the animefags or nintentards.
You probably should have said that instead of expecting people to read your mind, and getting angry and defensive when they did not.
Anderson proved his point about challenge and padding in his video. I stand by the argument. Someone essentially said nu-uh and said its up to me to prove an already sound argument. The burden of proof is on you bro. I am not going to retype his argument for you. The reality is you want to declare you are right without arguing anything, and if you want to continue to be intellectually dishonest then go ahead. If you want to prove that anderson is wrong about challenge and padding, then you will actually have to use your brain and argue why.
>Danganronpa doesn't force you to solve puzzle through brute f-
That's not how burden of proof works.
I dont care about how retarded anderson is. I just wanted to say he is right about the game lacking challenge.
>Getting so butt annihilated on Yea Forums that you won't even (you) the people you're arguing with
Joseph reveals himself as a brainlet once again
Brute Force?
Why not leave it all to luck!!
I think the only time I had to brute force something, or was completely stumped was the gravel in the swimsuit bullshit
Man, fuck it.
I should write a book.
I thought people actually watched the video and knew what his main points were. Maybe i could have specified better, but he was being intellectually dishonest from the beginning.
>The video is three hours long so it must be really good!
The worst thing about this image is that it implies PS:T has gameplay
Oh shit, I forgot this idiot exists. Thanks for nothing OP.
That is how it works. Anderson made the argument for me and you refuse to actually critique it. You just said nu uh and said prove it when anderson already proved it for me. Either argue that his proof is bad for legitimate reasons or concede that he is right.
How would it be fixed? I read that and the pacing is slowed to a crawl, but if you were to explain these things later on instead of when they were first introduced it might seem a bit off.
I love how despite the fact that I hate this no chin faggot I still get called a fanboy because I think he was right once.
Never change Hi/v/emind.
It's like a 2 hour long video, and you're getting upset that people aren't refuting the exact points you want refuted, and that they aren't making an extensive argument against it? You are the one trying to argue that it has value. You are the one being intellectually dishonest here. If you want discussion, if you want to defend that the video is in fact good, then make your points, don't demand that people fall under the default assumption that the video has value and that needs to be disproven.
How are you simultaneously thinking I both am and am not the original poster?
>Jewtube gaming analysts
I'll be honest, I'm quick to crap on it but I've never watched the video.
I've never watched the video because it makes its intentions really clear from its subtitle, it's not just "review" or "critique" it's a statement on what the game ISN'T, like it's a fact.
I'm not into being talked down to, and two hours of my time, of which I have a generous amount because I'm a jobless half-wit who really does just watch youtube videos all day, could be spent elsewhere, ANYWHERE else.
Stopped clock is right twice a day I guess
Based and Infinitepilled
>I dont care about how retarded anderson is.
Let’s assume that the intention was to make the player a tourist. Why does Odyssey get a pass and a pay on the back for making a theme park style world, when games like Fallout 3, which also have the same type of world design, are endlessly (and rightfully) shit on for that aspect?
Fair. I get where you are coming from exactly. This is a legitimate criticism.
Maybe you're a faggot for giving ECELEB CANCER attention?
How about you play games and have your OWN FUCKING OPINION
>i w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-as j-j-j-j-j-ust joking guys, i wasn't arguing, I wasn't serious about that yelling.....i was doing it for the memes..........
>but also, i'm right
If you want to drop a giant info dump on the reader you should either A. Not do that and explain them the properties of the armor as they become relevant or B. Make it interesting and not spend three paragraphs listing off what the armor can and cannot do like you're reading an instruction manual. There's a reason why most good writers avoid info dumps, it's because they almost always fucking suck.
Someone can be retarded and still be right occasionally.
One is an RPG and the other is a fucking platformer.
>like you're reading an instruction manual
If you put that in-universe and had characters discuss it, that could be a really fun way to get your exposition out.
Odyssey isn't pretending to be a story-driven RPG.
>Someone can be retarded
True, someone or some people can be retarded, very true.
Fallout is built on the gameplay principles of things like choices, character planning, interesting encounters, etc. These are thing the theme park design does not provide.
Mario Odyssey is built on the gameplay principles of enjoyable movement and fun platforming. Theme park design meshes well with those goals.
It’s like he’s talking directly at you reading out of a textbook instead of organically showing these details. It’s one of the most basic rules of writing: show, don’t tell.
>Why does Odyssey get a pass
>Fallout 3 as a theme park world
It's times like these that I feel like maybe I'm a retard because I read retarded shit like this
They at least bring up MEAT ON THE BONE earlier in the case
It's really not hard to implement shit like this instead of droning on for two hundred words, but you'd have to actually rub some brain cells together to come up with the idea and his other books make it pretty obvious the dude has no fucking idea what he's doing.
This guy is a fucking clown
Using even single adjectives here and there would help immensely
Is this supposed to be conveying the idea that they're experienced veterans? Say "the unadorned starship" and the "dull and worn armor". Boom, now the scene has an ounce of fucking tone and non-exposition based storytelling.
>writing can't be objective
Did he actually say anything with all those words?
The use of adjectives would help immensely. literally anything aside from listing off ten functions of the armor in a row with no flavor at all.
Everything he says is a word salad.
"other people actually tried to understand the game and I was not one of them"
What a fag
Can someone translate it into english?
lmao the nigga barely describes shit
3D Mario has never been about the challenge. Yeah he is correct that the game is lacking in challenge, but you need to provide reasons as to why this is detrimental for a Mario game. 3D Mario games since 64 have had a very low skill floor but a very high skill ceiling due to how many things the player can do as Mario. The great thing about Mario is that despite the lack of difficulty, there's still a sense that you are getting better at it the more you play it. There were so many times playing Odyssey where I knew the game wanted me to use a transformation to get somewhere, but I felt that I could get there using Mario's basic moveset. I was surprised at how many times this worked out for me. In fact people have done "Minimal Capture" runs and there are only around 15 moons where you have to use captures to get to them, the rest can be gotten with Mario's basic moveset. The challenge with 3D Mario games has never really been about through the level design, the challenge comes from mastering Mario's moveset.
Personally I prefer the first silent hill.
>sprinklers come on at 9:30 and the body is wet
>therefore you are required to shoot 'sprinkers' at 'the murder happened after 10:00 at night' because that's a wrong assumption
>the MC (Makoto) is accused of being the murderer because he doesn't have an alibi that night
>Joseph insists on shooting 'Makoto doesn't have an alibi from 10:00 to 7:30' even though that's a correct statement
>he spergs out for like a literal hour arguing with chat because he insists that 'you don't have to shoot contradictions' and 'it doesn't matter what the time is'
>he thinks it's not always contradictions because one time out of dozens by this point the game asks you to shoot a statement that is true but the guy saying it shouldn't know it was true
>he also insists that shooting 7:30 is the same as shooting 10:00 even though 7:30 is the correct limit for the time of death and it's the 10:00 estimate that is wrong
>he literally refuses to accept that he fucked up and acts like a spoiled brat from then on, shitting on the game non-stop and ruining his own stream
Joe does have some good points as a critic, he's one of the few people that can be objective about anime games without either blindly hating them or blindly excusing their flaws, but he's a complete narcissist who blames the game instead admitting he made a mistake.
>Other people got the game, but since I didn't get it there is nothing to get and you guys made it all up.
fuck everything he writes is really hard to read all the way through motherfuck
wait until he decides to play DR2 where you actually CAN shoot true statements That would be a nice trainwreck
What a pretentious faggot
Is this the kind of guy who never grew out of his "trying to use big words to sound smart" phase?
I appreciate shitting on a retard like Anderson but
My god, what a salty bitch. He really can't handle being told he's wrong about something, can he?
I already loathed the game by this point because every case from 2 on was piss easy and the character writing was getting worse by the second, but even I didn't have a problem gliding through the painless gameplay to see the ending.
thats confusing as fuck can i have like a 2 sentence version
>game wants you to shoot sprinkler time because the dude saying it is wrong the sprinklers come on at 9:30 not 10:00 so he's lying
>Andercuck can't handle being a brainlet about it so he shuts off the game and spergs out on his chat for an hour
Good enough?
Jesus fuck none of the e-celeb fucks matter. They're all fucking shit, even Yea Forums's overrated darling phimosis.
It's all trash.
I'm not shitting on anyone, though.
Who do you like to watch user?
>watching Anderson playing REmake 2
>he gets to Mr. X
>shoots him enough to stun him
>Leon literally says, "Better get moving!" out loud
>Joseph goes "Huh?" and proceeds to waste literally ALL of his remaining ammo on the downed Mr. X
>he then spergs out when Mr. X gets back up and blames the game for wasting all of his ammo
That was the moment I stopped taking him seriously.
>you don't have to shoot contradictions
is that literally what he said
None because I'm not an e-celeb cocksucking mouthbreather.
There's nothing wrong with Discord if you don't enter retarded servers.
the thing that's retarded is if i remember right, the stream immediately following the one where he rage quits begins with him explaining that it was all a joke and he was playing it up
>There's nothing wrong with Discord if you don't enter retarded servers.
Seeing as all servers are owned by Discord they are all retarded.
I'm a retard, switch 9:30 and 7:30.
has the game asked you to point out inconsistencies before that?
That's the entire point of the game.
you suck my cock instead dood
That's literally the single gameplay mechanic that isn't reading text, and this is the fifth trial.
Out of five.
The whole point of the game is to point out inconsistencies
Talking about Danganronpa...the only thing that even remotely frustrated were those stupid puzzles you had to do at the end of each trial to sum it all up
This is basically the same as getting upset that you didn't know you were supposed to attack weak points when you reach the first phase of the final boss.
This. I never made shit like videos, stream, try to get a book publish basically anything to get a following, since I felt my work is never good enough, but when you see the shit from smucks like Anderson is able to draw in you really realize how low that bar actually fucking is.
>>body is wet
>>therefore you are required to shoot 'sprinkers' at 'the murder happened after 10:00 at night'
Wait how is that wrong, wouldn't that just mean the body was left there until after the sprinklers went off?
It's the only thing the game does want you to do. The only other thing you do is gather information.
>shits on Matt for not respecting his fanbase and how he is disappointed in him
>gets assblasted on his own fanbase
>gets in a book long arguments in his comments
>has a discord group
>3 kids and a whale of a wife
>ignores the game he is streaming, calls the whole genre retarded for not spoon feeding him
>shits out words upon words without saying jack shit
>how can ANYONE think this is a good idea? If you are enjoying this then you are STUPID
>spergs about how popular he is every chance he gets
what a feggot
It's wrong because the guy saying it is saying the murder happened after 10:00 because that's when the sprinklers come on. He's lying because the sprinklers come on at 9:30.
>shits on Matt for not respecting his fanbase and how he is disappointed in him
When did this happen? Also didn't Matt shit on Joe's DaS2 videos at one point? Anyone got a link for that?
What was wrong was the timing of the murder.
So random XDD
Six, but the sixth one isn't so must solving the mystery as it is defeating the mastermind
So you mean 10am right? Because if so that makes a whole lot more sense.
Yeah that's what I'm figuring it's just that I'm a brainlet and feel like I'm missing out on the finer details on the subject.
>sprinklers come on at 9:30 and the body is wet
>therefore you are required to shoot 'sprinkers' at 'the murder happened after 10:00 at night' because that's a wrong assumption
Why would it be a wrong assumption? The body could be wet because it was left there and wasn't found before the sprinkles were set off.
his new 20~ min vids are pretty fine desu
guy gets surprisingly tolerable when you don't have to deal with hearing his voice for two hours straight.
Both of you are thinking way too far into it. Danganropa isn't a hard game and none of that extra shit matters. the only thing you have to do is point out inconsistencies such as him being wrong about the time.
>and a whale of a wife
How did he get a wife, anyway? Being a dude making analysis on vidya doesn't sound like the most appealing resume to me.
>t and feel like I'm missing out on the finer details on the subject.
you're coming midway into a trial that's near the end game and said trail is a giant booby trap meant to ensnare a character and confuse the fuck out of everyone into a misjudgement.
It's okay if you're not 100% on it
>The Wizard and Attack of the Dragon: the Dragon
Featuring dragon twins screaming regretfully at one another.
virgin scalie BTFO by chad YT game reviewer
But from how the situation is explained it seems like that wouldn't be wrong. But going off of what the whole thing is intentionally confusing which is understandable.
I wish he was a virgin. But that retard is passing his genes on with three children already.
Sorry, mate, can't find the stream.
You can go on the MM stream channel and see the dislike ratio on his Dustforce stream as the aftermath from that.
He's wrong because he's insinuating that the person had to be killed after 10:00 thus he is ruling out from 9:30 to 10:00 which is incorrect because the sprinklers come on at 9:30 meaning the person could have been killed in that time frame. it really isn't as hard as you're making it.
What the fuck is this dumb cunt's favorite games anyway? I want to just how awful the rabbit hole gets.
>it's actually a decent if not casual list
Okay so the sprinklers don't go off at 7am but 9 and the person is "wrong" because he's adamant about the person dying after 10pm even though the person could have died anytime from 9:30 to 10? Sorry that you have to dumb this down for me, user it just seems really hard to understand for a brainlet like me.
>this fucking thing
Here's a link to the DR trial around the point where the sprinklers get brought up if any of you need context
not him but here
If you get interested it's like $20 on steam or you can emulate it on PSP
Wow, what an exciting list of video games.
This is the safest shit I have ever seen.
Oh holy fucking shit this clears up everything. I really should have just looked at something like this before spouting my retardation, thanks user.
Absolute state of nintendies
I looked at your post and assumed it was a shitpost, then I actually looked and holy shit. It's like something those "yeah, I'm a hardcore gamer" people would say
The corpse is dry, so the murder must have happened after the sprinkers came on. Which means it must have happened in the morning and not any time after 10:00 at night like is claimed.
>go on hamsterson's discord
>it's run by unironic furries, scalies, a guy who probably cosplays as Dante and "people" who are literally generic tumblr SJWs
I was in there for like half a year before getting banned. The only good parts of it were the movie channel and the anime channel, but the anime channel would descend into fucking roleplaying for no reason at all and was filled with foot fetishists.
Getting banned was probably a Godsend, even if it was bullshit. Terrible place filled with the greatest degenerates on the planet.
>who thinks that writing can be objective
Are you a fucking idiot?
>You can go on the MM stream channel and see the dislike ratio on his Dustforce stream as the aftermath from that.
Can't find it. Looked through all of his streams for a video that was heavily disliked and found nothing. Maybe he deleted it.
How do you miss the purposefully jankie combat in Silent Hill 2 and then think that James is really good at combat? Also, How did this person miss the fact that every enemy James fights is a representation of his psyche? He clearly gets the theme of the game but doesn't see it in the enemy design? I feel like a retard made this image.
>6) Portal
I mean, it's not a bad game, but it's a boring fucking choice for your top 10.
It was early in a RE1 remake stream Matt did where he commented on JA's das2 vid.
The question you ask whenever you're writing is "so?".
He introduces two characters who will betray each other then drops the focus to waffle about armour and weapons as if anyone gives a shit. Theyr'e fluff. The meat should be the two characters interacting with the audience trying to read between the lines of their actions and searching for double meanings in speech to work out who the backstabber is.
This requires empathy which autists lack so their only interaction is an exposition wall followed by exposition on armour and a robot to talk to.
How the fuck do you get so many of these "uh, maybe it was this one or sequel cant decide lol" in your fucking top games list? Makes it seem like he hasnt even played them.
I think I'm fucking imagining things then. Sorry for the mislead, but the part about JA saying that is true.
There's not a single original thought here, and I know he didn't play some of these at all (what kind of fucking moron would even put X3 in the same league as X and X2, its awful).
it's like he just took the top 10s from reddit and Yea Forums and combined them, also goldeneye sucks and I can tell he hasn't replayed it or half of these games with his "critical eye" because they wouldn't stand up.
Thank you.
I figured that, given that the only piece you're given to work with was the sprinklers themselves and the time they go off at it would be a matter of whether the body would be wet or not, since that's the one way in which they would be relevant evidence, yet at the same time I think I kind of went full retard and got caught up over Anderson spamming that the murder could have happened at 10:30pm which didn't directly contradict the time the sprinklers went off at, since the murder could have taken place then and the body just left there to moisten until it was discovered.
It's all a big idiot ball since I didn't have the full picture, my bad.
>Baldur's Gate or Planescape
Those two are not even remotely the same as long you've spend enough time in either of them. All you need to know about him, really
Yes, that makes sense. When you're writing you have a limited amount of space to show things without dragging the pacing down so it's important to keep stuff relevant.
Like the other user mentioned, too, if such exposition was necessary (which it wasn't, at least looking at that, seemed like flavour text) it could have been broken down into smaller chunks to be dispensed when they're actually relevant to what's happening to keep the action going. Yeah, I have a better grasp on it now.
You know how you know this list is bullshit?
Nobody who's played a lot of video games honestly makes a list like this without outliers.
X3 is actually pretty legit if you spend enough time to learn it, imo.
when you give me a better monologue than Mary reading the full letter I might consider it.
If by "enough time" you mean five minutes, yeah. Not to mention SOMA is apparently only on the list for the story, but Planescape, whose only good quality is the writing, is half the list up from it because...?
In the same way X6 is, sure. It's still designed pretty terribly and is a massive step down from X1 and X2. That's not a taste thing, the game was literally shipped off to a different developer and rushed out in a few months to fill a schedule gap.
Jesus christ
>The Last of Us
I'll never understand the mainstream success of this game. It does nothing interesting with its premise and the gameplay becomes mindnumbing and repetitive a few hours in. I had to force myself to finish it, I paid 5 dollars for it, and I'm still wishing I didn't.
I doubt the ranking is actually comprised of games he personally likes that much, it's all about the reputation points. And Planescape has that image of being a deep, smart people game by people that haven't actually played it.
>I'll never understand the mainstream success of this game
emotional story.
didn't watch the video, wanna spoonfeed me the quick rundown?
Citizen Kane of gaming, user. Don't give it another thought.
It is what I mean, since they only similar in the mind of a person who only know that they are isometric RPGs or some shit like that, idk dude, they are considered classic, so fuck it, I guess, how different can they be?
Didn't he also say that Fallout 1 and 2 are too old for him to play anyway lmao
Oh thank god someone else who realizes it's a bad game with some good but not amazing writing.
Most people who play video games really just want to watch a movie where they have to click a button once every 5 minutes.
It's not even a very good movie.
Most gamers have no imagination or standards.
It certainly isn't going to be the gameplay. It's fairly serviceable but it's nothing groundbreaking.
Being good has never been important though. As long as it *looks* good people will lose their shit over it.
It hurts my soul when people say Spider-Man PS4 was amazing, or that it had great writing. Then again, people saying that about Homecoming had the same effect.
He thought it was a dream sequence for half the game.
Didn't know there were multiple unique interactions/scenes for each character/choice the player has to make.
In all fairness, while Homecoming is nothing special it is a pretty enjoyable Spiderman flick. Leagues ahead of crap like the Amazing Spiderman.
Mauler also looks like a hamster
I generally hate almost all e-celebs but this guy one of the most. His argument against tried and true mystery tropes, rules and narrative just pissed me off to no end.
Yeah, it's a pretty good Miles Morales movie.
So hearing people bang on about how they finally got Peter Parker right is painful.
Homecoming was the Vulture movie with that Tom Holland kid, user. You're thinking of spiderverse.
So thats why I see this eceleb faggots avatar here constantly? because he is another whiney contrarian pissfuck who cant do anything rather than whine about vidya thats helmed as the best out there?
Funnily these faggots even if given a budget and team wouldnt manage to make a game that surpasses a discount bin garbage title.
No, I know what I said.
Michael Keaton's Vulture starring Tom Holland as White Miles Morales, hanging with his friend not!Ganke.
Guys, how do I get into writing? Where does one get started?
If Anderson could write books surely it can't be that impossible a goal.
Write a book.
Publish it.
It's literally that easy.
I don't want to just half ass things, tho. I'd like to learn to do it the proper way.
Literally anyone can self-publish. Getting picked up by a big company is the real goal. just write a lot work on it and send out manuscripts. Also learn how to not be a spastic fuck in person.
>eceleb thread
>it’s not shit
>anons apologizing for misunderstanding arguments
>wholesome discussion
where am I?
>That video about horror games
Fucking christ, what an absolute mess.
>Horror is only effective if you permadie
I cannot even fathom how someone can dismiss an entire genre, the themes, atmosphere and the way it's been presented just because "lol, checkpoints are superpowers!"
Unironically go on Yea Forums occasionally for their critique threads and post some of your work. They WILL tear into your ass but their unfiltered criticisms will help you get out of bad habits with your prose.
Have people in your social group read some of your work to and keep reading other books. You may pick up certain conventions or techniques you like. Also try not to fall into the trap of genre fiction. Do something new and exciting free from the constraints of the norms of a genre. Be better than Anderson who has the most generic sci-fi and fantasy settings in his books.
>gameplay is simple to understand
>allows the player freedom and variety in combat while providing satisfying feedback for kills
>man that's gruff but kind
>girl that's sassy and tough but needs protecting
>ending designed to spark controversy/debate
>looks pretty
>can pet a giraffe
that's pretty much it.
>Makes an entire video because butthurt over the reception of his horror video
>anons apologizing for misunderstanding arguments
What? Did you just happen to miss the whole shitflinging over the Mario Odyssey video?
What the fuck, you can dismiss everything like that.
>Am I having as much FUN as I possibly CAN?
What kind omega autist uses
outside of Usenet, old email services or chan boards? And you know he never used it for the two former options, either.
You reminded me of those teenage girls greentexting on Facebook and saying shit like "lol Yea Forums has ruined me" some years back.
And if you're able to ask yourself that question the answer is obviously no since you're willingly taking yourself out of the immersion.
>quotes himself
>has incorrect grammar in his own quote
>Also, How did this person miss the fact that every enemy James fights is a representation of his psyche?
>"OH, look, the monsters are sexy nurses and represent James' sexual urges". This is kinder-garten levels of symbolism.
"You fight creepy monsters" as a way to represent your inner demons is both unimaginative and also ludonarratively dissonant, since fighting monsters has nothing to do with dealing with guilt and personal responsibility, not even on an abstract level. You fight monsters in EVERY video game.
>"You fight creepy monsters" as a way to represent your inner demons is both unimaginative
There can't be a massive list of games pre-silent hill doing this surely.
>There can't be a massive list of games pre-silent hill doing this surely.
>Silent Hill invented symbolism
Holy shit, is there a fanbase more stuck up its own ass?
>one game
Thanks user
>Silent Hill invented symbolism
I never said that user
the reddit god
>unironically quotes using arrows