Best way to make friends in online video games? It's difficult...
Best way to make friends in online video games? It's difficult
Other urls found in this thread:
If your boy act like a girl
Either be an elitist cunt to fit in with the rest of the elitist cunts, or pretend to be a girl.
Why would I pretend to be a girl when I'm a man? That's just embarrassing.
What do you want friends in videogames for?
ask for help
Show nudes
Posting cute lolis.
>be a guy
>nobody says shit and largely ignores you
>pretend to be girl
>everyone tries their hardest to talk to you
It's not fair bros.
force yourself to interact with everyone until you find a group of people that talk like you.
>need some new gamer pals
>everyone i meet is a fucking alt-righter
It's really tiring.
>>pretend to be girl
>no one is fooled by your male nerd voice
I did this in Elsword and the orbiting was immense, it was more annoying than anything though cause virgin losers on the internet are fucking weird when they talk to girls
Join games with large lobbies and practice your tight 5 for the comedy shop. I made a lot of friends playing pandemic express just asking people if they like fortnite or if they're into cock and ball torture. Oh and the n-word. I called a lot of people nincompoops.
That's why you take hormones.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
everyone has his pisscord talking to their frens
no one uses VC anymore like the good old days
literally me
>tfw no one is interested in big strong men
is this the cute and funny thread?
Just fucking start posting your steam profiles guys
No, it's the sissy fat white boys pretending to be cute twinks thread.
Become a smol pretty girl
Is this the nightly sissy white boy thread?
why do people make this thread every single day and why is it always some closeted homosexual with an anime OP
I'm don't have...u know....
the gay_____________
>>tfw no one is interested in big strong men
Um, I'm pretty sure lolis are into that. Why not try getting an lgf?
Have sex
Become a smol lesbian girl
because it's a scheduled raid
Typing like that you may or may not have the gay but you for sure have the faggot.
Best way to make friends in real life?
I like adding weebs from steam friends threads and becoming close friends with them over the course of months and then blocking all contact with them.
My crowning achievement was adding this guy and hanging out with him for almost 8 months, then on his birthday I asked him to guess what I got him and before he could answer I blocked him. Working on another guy right now, met him last month on here and he's really dependant and attention seeking so I think I only need 3-4 months on this guy to get maximum sad confusion.
i want to be the little girl
and make friends on multiplayer vidya
Making them isn't the problem. Keeping them on the other hand is very difficult. I can't go on longer than 1-2 weeks without starting ghosting. I even managed to lose the only person I've ever met that managed to pretend to be an anime girl without being a massive degenerate erping faggot.
won't fix your man shoulders or voice retard
you either have a feminine voice or not
a pill wont change your vocal chords
also go dilate, faggot
Found 90% of my friends through raiding in ffxiv. none of them trannies Just look for games that encourage repeated exposure.
Ho, people managed to make Illya cuter?
Its you again, with the same bullshit and the same pic. Well, just like before, everyone of those people you speak of are lucky to not have you as a friend, and everybody on this thread should hope to never ever meet you irl.
I would literally prefer to talk to a rock than to even think of having an irl conversation with you. Moreover, if I ever saw you walking down the street towards me, I'd immediately cross the strreet to avoid you. And dont worry, I will know what you look like, because you'll stand out as the biggest faggot that I had ever seen.
Lol, next you’re gonna tell me SFT was a raid too and not that fags here are larping losers
Play connect the dots. Consumes media en masse, anime or 3d, binges video games, has depression, 0 social skills. The internet is a breeding ground and safe haven for this, especially this shit hole. Pretty easy to stereotype people here based on there interests. Anime usually leads to the gay, at least 50% gay.
Henlo, fren
Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike you unironic channers. I do spend a lot of my time here after all. But I also need some more woke pals who I can relax with.
Hey now, no need to be so mean to the poor user. He just wants friends.
Okay as awful as it is, I've done the same. Nice to see I'm not the only sociopath here.
Pls b mai vidya waifu user!
i can confirm this because, i caught the gay
Friends are just human beings who will stab you in the back
>sissy white boys posting anime on Yea Forums is a new thing
Wanna know how I know you've only been here since 2014?
mod here
fuck niggers and fuck trannies
is this the tranny thread or is it the cunny thread
illya best loli
why not go to some lefty subreddit and ask them to play with you
Holy fr*cken BASED
you guys are rad
uuuummm, based
I think probably the worse thing in life is being tall AND large.
You're just open season target for attention. Hell you could do nothing wrong and minding your own business but you'll get the blame still because you're the most visible person in the room.
Why little?
Incredibly based, these people deserve it
nigga u gay
Who's the fourth person?
I don't like redditors (who does) and I don't really get that well along with overt leftists. I just need someone who isn't like an outspoken racist or bigot.
Why not shotas that we've turned into lolis thread? Im sure thats a fetish somewhere.
It's not that bad, it's the perfect way to develop your showman persona.
Look for your fellow degenerates here . And then never ever come back.
Sorry, not gay.
I don't even do it on purpose, these faggots are so clingy that they will "fall in love" with literally anyone who gives them attention. It sucks, too, because this guy was pretty good at vidya and cute in girls clothes.
You just tripped the jannies alarm fool.
little girls are cute and funny
Define woke
I just don't care about politics and am not informed in them at all
Man, you sure are picky. What do you have to offer to make people jump through so many hoops to befriend you?
It's just people to play games with, not a new marriage.
well, there are plenty of groups (subreddit or otherwise) where you can find people to play that aren't alt-right. it's not that hard to find.
>used to have some good friends back on 360, loved playing GTA IV with them
>try to find friends on PC
>we end up ghosting each-other after a week or they treat me as a mental punching bag
every time it's the exact fucking same thing and i KEEP DOING IT
It is a dick move to leave someone hanging all day, user, that's not clinginess.
To be honest I just mean someone who hates alt-righters as much as I do. Which is a lot.
But what if you're the quiet type, and just want to be left alone in peace?
Right, but who among us truly understand how to use the internet outside of Yea Forums? I have no idea how to engage in online communities that aren't here.
talk back or just cut them off from your life.
I was in class, dude. Nothing is stopping him from playing alone or with anyone else. It was especially ironic because he would always show me the messages on his steam profile of all the thirsty betas wanting to play or erp.
Because PC people don't want friends. They want attention.
Your friend has a point though.
The only hard step is getting started, really. Just join whatever community and be civil. Easy peasy.
it's not even that hard. even shitty anime profiles can find other people in social media. so long you're not screaming autist or saying racist shit, you'll be fine.
how do i stop being gay Yea Forums? ;__;
Speak up cunt, nobody likes talking to a wall or being the one to initiate conversations all the time.
Finding friends that don't get clingy, immediately unload their baggage onto you or create a bunch of drama is the hard part.
often whenever i try to talk back they don't and whenever i try to cut some of them out of my life, i get bored a week later and come back to them. maybe i should go outside and try to meet people more rather than stay inside or only go outside to take pictures.
Why would you do that
You just have to have a lot of irl gay sex to get it all out of you.
Define alt right. I also hate them but mostly because they are socialist retards.
So, what was the situation, then? Did you make an appointment to play together and then stood him out? Did he just decide he wanted to play with you and that was it? I assume he didn't know you simply weren't available.
this pretty much
it's either give me stuff or give me attention and there hasn't been any true friendships made on PC since like at least 2011 or 2012
Let's just say I know them when I see them. Which is way too often when I don't have someone to make fun of them with.
Keep posting images of little anime girls, I'm sure that'll make you real popular.
>socialist retards
Damn calm down spazz
I hope this thread reaches bump limit again
This dude would get upset if I didn't play with him every single day. It wasn't an appointment, he just assumed we would play every day and when I would do anything else he would take it personally. If I was in class, driving or just busy in general and didn't respond to a message he would take it personally.
I message a lot at once, not rude things just sort of a burst of energy. My friend says it doesnt bother him but I feel too clingy sometimes. Is there a good way to solve this? Should I try to fit all my thoughts into one message and only alternate messages with them?
add me up losers
You need to stop watching porn and jerking off.
Like everything else, arousal is a stimuli, and the more you're given that stimuli through repeated exposure the more numb to it you become, so you look for more and more depraved things to chase that sexual high you once felt, eventually leading to gay sex.
Detox yourself and you might get a shot at being free from the curse.
Just find other uminekochads
I don't think you quite understand just how lonely it is to be a cool SJW online these days. I mean, I either have to go all resetera (which is fine it's just not fun) or I have to wade in alt-righters because you guys have ruined everywhere else.
How do you deal with the little voice in the back of your head that tell you to kill yourself getting louder and louder everyday?
Im not sure who's more based in this thread, this guy or the guy who ghosts weebs from friends threads.
Now that you mention it, some of the of the better e-pals I've had were obsessed with that cringe. Maybe that is the key.
Give in.
>i know them when i see them
what? how could you know this? dave over here votes for a republican party but doesn't talk about politics in public or online yet you still hate him because of one tiny little thing he did that hinted at him agreeing with anyone from the right. if they're spouting politics in a non-political conversation then that's a problem but you shouldn't care about what they're doing like that especially because most of the time they're doing it for "le meme".
>everything is the fault of white people and they should pay for it by checking privilege and reparations
>everything is the fault of non-whites and they should pay for it by fucking off back to their own shithole countries and paying for the wall
Not exactly what they meant by socalist, but the horseshoe theory didn't just fall out of the fucking sky.
>you first fag
goes silent instatnly
you don't
Why are you replying to an obvious shitposter? Are you pretending to be retarded? You better not be.
Play a healer, be nice, make jokes.
How not? Most of them want the state banning everything they don't like and inspecting production to make sure it's not "degenerate". In other words they want daddy state to coddle them. Sounds like a bunch of socialist retards to me.
I can always tell. You could call it intuition. It's a gift I have, or perhaps a curse.
If your friend says it doesn't bother him then there isn't really an issue, is there?
Not him, but doing those things does not cure boy lust, sometimes all you want in the world is a soft sweet boy to pin down and kiss while you get called a faggot and then snuggle with him.
By playing video games, fapping and watching anime all day.
Comfort, distractions and the few positive changes that were easy to make. The voice is a lot quieter than it used to be.
Have sex unironically and realize you’re “gay” out of desperation and anime addiction
I dont want it to get annoying the longer it goes on. He's not a new friend but my clinginess has only gotten bad in the last year.
But user you are posting cute animu girls so i assume you are a cute girl who happens to enjoy vidya
You could be right but it's also quite possible that he's just a big ol' homo. But yeah, he should have sex.
Hm, I see. I hate people like that, it's awfully annoying.
Did he eventually get the message?
have sex
Hormones don't effect your voice, you just have to have it or take some kind of voice range class so I can't talk like a girl but i can moan like one from anime.
If he was actually gay he’d post two dudes kissing and not two anime girls. Telltale sign of a “gay” incel is liking yuri
>But yeah, he should have sex.
I disagree. If he's gotten this desperate there's a good chance if he were to get sex it would be such an awkward experience that he'd fall deeper into the hole.
user stahp it you are waifu material!
I draw loli.
There's no horseshoe, they're both leftists.
only a naive idiot would equate state censorship as 100% socialism. if that's all it takes for you, then what would you call the conservatives who so deeply care for christian america where they ban or try to do so against any art that goes against their so called christian values and make sure it's not "degenerate"? that's literally what they were doing and some continue to do so.
user, this is a blue board.
God, I miss playing with female nipples.
>the visible puffyness and assfangs when she moves her legs
I fail to see what harm it could do. Whether or not he's a real homo is one of those questions that are really hard to shake once you get it in your head unless you just go ahead and test it. Imagine if you started wondering if you liked truffles and tried to think your way out of it. You'd have no chance, because the only way to know is to have a taste.
>I can moan like a girl from anime
Let me ask my lawyer
Be my online cunnygf!
That seems normal to me, getting closer to someone over time makes you more comfortable and open with them. If you're worried about seeming clingy then just try to hold back your excitement a bit. It seems like your friend is okay with it, though.
A true capitalist society would be in favor of immigration.
If you work your own nipples enough they can get pretty sensitive.
Not even a tranny, but I started playing with my nipples at a really young age and now I almost can't fap without doing it.
A bit of a similar situation, there's this girl that I talk to every once in a while and I can't help but feel that I'm bothering her and that she isn't interested despite she saying that she really doesn't mind it and that I make her smile, but I can't help but feel she's just being nice to not offend me.
I will hang out and play with anyone willing to help me with programming homework
Based Mr. Cunny
Take this thread down
So, what are you anons up to?
Just your mind doing that i think.
Just ask /g/ they love that shit.
OK? Most socialists are in favor for immigrants. Most of if not all of Alt-right never want any of that.
>I draw loli
I will pay you 80$ to draw me as a loli raping me with rock CDs and beer in the background of a van.
looking like there's more tranny shit than lolis
i'm out
Nothing much, user. You?
Let's see your programming socks
Do you know of any good ways to contain excitement?
>tfw got unadded
Guess I deserve it though... I hadn't logged in in ages
Sounds a little odd but I suppose it's close enough, good job
Just use a voice changer and turn your voice into a girl and make tons of friends.
>programming exam in two days
>know jackshit
This is going to be fun.
And destroy your body to risk breast cancer and other diseases? No.
Online friends never last
What the fuck
Imagine supporting inferior races. Hapas only please!
Neither does underwear but you still need them.
rip in pieces
neither do irl friends lol
big mood
It doesn't just stop at the censorship, though. They also advocate for retarded welfare programs to sustain white trash because "they're part of the nation, man", hyper regulating enterprise, unironically believe in building bridges to nowhere and increasing the cost of labor with centralized unions and state enforcement. They're retarded fucking socialists, the only difference is they favor whitey over darky.
Pretty much, yeah. I'm unsure of what made me grow up this way but I'm a really insecure person. It's just hard to believe someone would genuinely like me.
Yea you can hear the deepness of my voice in the pit of the moans, if I actually practiced i'd probably be better.
For a society to be against immigration it must be in favor of socialist policies.
I am kind of planning to play some videogames but I get sidetracked often and end up not doing it.
What about you, user? Taking a break? Bored?
What if I don't wear underwear user
I mean, nothing lasts for ever. But the past 4 years i've been playin with the lads i do now have been good times, sooooo
Most of my online friends didn't last thanks to growing up, jump from HS/Uni really fucks up some people.
Sadly neither do real lfie friends, i've had an online friend for over 10 years though.
It's not a big deal if you're male. A fair bit messier if you're female, tho.
Tbh, I'd want a friend I can theorize about cold cases with.
Hmmm. Maybe try to expend it all by yourself beforehand and tire yourself out before you contact your friend? That works for me sometimes. Or meditate first. Take deep breaths to calm down and put some thought into the things you type/say.
I still play games with the friends I met when mech assault and splinter cell chaos theory first came out on original xbox.
You sound like a fucking moron. Literally nothing you have said is accurate and I think it's hilarious that the people work the most ignorant opinions are the loudest. Dont you have some rally to go to so you can get more black babies aborted and more minority families dependant on welfare you lefty subhuman pig?
>tfw stopped playing the casual weeb magnet game and don't talk to steam friends anymore
Online friends seem like a hassle.
I tried to make some friends last year but over the course of several months playing games and talking with them each time I realized that I would rather be alone. It's like everybody I talk to has major emotional and personality issues that they can't contain, which just spills over to cause problems for me. Is it too much to expect not to be treated like a therapist, personal assistant or boyfriend?
Bet I can prove you wrong.
Hm, I'd say there's a good chance that the excitement comes from looking forward to talking to them too much. If you could make it more mundane the excitement would be reduced too.
Not a steam friends thread you pathetic retard.
that last one with the exact same OP was crazy
Expend it beforehand? Like exercise? Or something else? Its instinctual to message as soon as I want to.
Unless your friends are immortal they won't last, user.
>They also advocate for retarded welfare programs to sustain white trash because "they're part of the nation, man", hyper regulating enterprise, unironically believe in building bridges to nowhere and increasing the cost of labor with centralized unions and state enforcement.
Are we living in the same country? In what world did republicans gave a shit about welfare programs? These days there have bee no regulation of any enterprise and companies dominate the US lobby system. And the US is fucking anti-union, though they do support state enforcement.
You're getting your politics confused, man.
What games are you planning on playing? I get sidetracked easily, too. I'm actually packing to move right now.
Do you wanna be friends user? I feel like I message people alot, maybe if we messaged eachother alot then we'd feel all good?
Give steam
We talk near daily and most days often throughout the day. I have no idea why I get so excited.
>started playing an unmoderated early access game with solid gameplay and no report function
>made tons of friends by being /pol/
Modern games are fucking terrible 90% of the time. The only thing you need to report someone for is cheating, if you can't mute someone and move on you deserve castration.
I'd help user expend his excitement energy if you catch my drift.
I don't post my details here sorry
Top or bottom user?
Do you talk to other people? Do you admire that person? Idk, tell me a bit.
>add anime profile
>spergs out for some reason and starts verbally attacking regulars
>add anime profile
>talks in public chat about how he like traps and boipucci and if somebody wants to fuck him
>add anime profile
>"hhhaahaa hitler ss nazi hhahah"
you can't make this shit up
Top 5 weeb fag/tranny games:
1. FF14
3. Overwatch
4. Warframe
5. 100% OJ
All good, stop complaining though we aren't your friends so this isn't the place to vent.
>12-18 is prime attractiveness.
What did he mean by this?
get good, find other people that are good and friend them while asking them if they want to play or seal club in whatever game you're playing if that can even be a thing.
Anyone want to play some Left 4 Dead 2, Shogun 2 or Vermintide 2?
Where was I complaining? I was just discussing something related to the thread subject.
I mean, we kind of evolved that way right? Average life expectancy was 40ish way back when.
I can count in one hand the amount of alt righters I've talked to who have described themselves as capitalists or understood the importance of freedom. In fact, most of them seemed to hate freedom. You're all leftist, slave morality driven morons.
>I feel like i'm messaging this friend of mine too much even though he says it's fine what should i do?
What does this have to do with making friends online?.
Well at the present I'm in the mood for some old games I wanted to get through by emulating them, but when I do play something it ends up either being CKII or a garbage free to play game. It's a bit frustrating, because both of those are things that don't help me deal with my backlog at all.
What about you user, what kinds of things have you been enjoying lately? Also, that sounds like work, I hope it goes smooth for you. And that the new place is nice, of course
Yeah exercise is a good way to do it like running, swimming, or even jumping jacks in your room or something. I'm not sure I can help there, I've always put thought into the things I say. Try it out before the next time you message. Just think about how you can condense your thoughts into something concise. You don't need to do it every time, just once in a while.
That's pretty skewed. Lots of child death is going to make it look a lot younger than the average adult would live to (as they've already made it past childhood).
That was some 180. Don't get salty because user rejected you.
Add two years to that and it's right
I've had one friend I've known online for a decade now that I still talk to often, and a group of friends I've known for 7 years that I talk to and play vidya with often. Just git gud.
Nah we're all playing world war z.
>Are we living in the same country?
Probaly not, I'm not american. Also
>alt right
momoka is a slut
Maintaining friends is a very relevant topic to making them.
do girls who play video games actually exist online? why people like to talk to girls online and say stuff about being gfs with them even though deep down, everyone knows there's a chance it's a (male)?
What is this
It was never there to begin with, weakling.
Is it even any good?
I also don't want to install another game launcher for one damn game.
you dont really make friends in fucking games
Thank you, I'm going to try harder to have fewer, more meaningful messages instead of thought dumping .
So how DO I make friends online? I've got one guy who hits me up to play L4D2 every once in a while and he's alright but he'll ragequit sometimes with no warning and just log off if we get fucked up really bad. People have been interested in talking to me before, but I really never engage, not because I don't like them but because I don't want to bother them or anything. I guess all those years of my older brother saying I was annoying got to me or some shit.
I'd like to play l4d2, I missed the fun last night
He is not really your friend if you haven't shared an onahole with him
Thanks, user. I love CKII. I've been playing Sekiro and Owlboy lately. Have a few other games lined up after. I hope getting through your backlog goes well.
Im a national socialist, I've never claimed to be anything else. The only reason I have anything against blacks is the 13% = 56% bullshit. Also not a huge fan of illegals because they're selfish fucking cunts but that has nothing to do with their inferior skin color.
I thought everyone played with their nipples while fapping?
it's a shitty third person l4d
>too tired to play video games
>people keep waking me up every 10 minutes
Don't play games with toxic communities. I play Worms Armageddon everyday and the guys there are very chill.
So is it a joke that jannies have a notification every time someone posts the c-word or is it legit?
7 games why bother
It makes sense from a biological point of view. If the offspring keep dying young, well speed that shit up and let them procreate earlier.
I'd like to have friends and all but hearing people about how commonplace infidelty, betrayal, talking behind your back and other crap is it just seems like getting invested in other people and trusting is only a mistake, and what's the point of a friendship if you need to watch your back?
Apparently not.
But if playing with your nipples is something you enjoy this shit feels super good.
Good luck, user. I know you can do it.
Maybe not for c*nny, but definitely for
But it's not the 10-12 yo kids that are dying it was like the 0-5. Until you've got people of viable or close to viable age dying more than average its not gonna skew it too much
Did you have any online friends as a kid? If so, not much has changed.
It's pretty fun, feels like a third person left 4 dead with RPG elements, gun customization, and great physics. The thing that sold me are the bodies still interacting with bullets and other corpses after death. Levels are kind of limited but the class system makes the replays a lot more fun than replaying in left 4 dead imo. The Tokyo missions are fucking kino in terms of level and sound design despite being only 2 missions long as opposed to 3, but aparently they're adding the third one this month.
Do I look like a scientist to you! Stop yelling at me!
I'm too scared to kill myself, I know that for sure. And I don't think I have that voice in my head just yet either. However, I'd be lying if I said I've never thought about how good it would be to just disappear. Simplying dying would cause too much trouble and distress to the few people who I am close with and I really don't want to bother them. I want this selfish mix of simply vanishing, painlessly with no strings attached but at the same time not being forgotten.
I see! I haven't played Owlboy, but good luck with Sekiro, user. Getting done with that was the last thing I did before not really being sure what to do next. If you had any thoughts on it you'd like to share with somebody, or say which of the two you're enjoying better, I'd love to hear, but if not, it's okay too.
>doing tech support for lotr online
>some faggot is doing terribly
>get blasted with friend requests and messages from that one simple chat message because they think only girls get yeast infections
Why are anime avatars nowadays always clingy attention seeking faggots? The anime avatars I knew 10 years ago just liked talking about anime and video games.
No, all my friends were in real life, but I didn't really actively try and make friends, I just noticed at some point I had a group of friends I hung out with. The only online friend I can think of is some guy I used to ERP with before i ghosted him
>Im a national socialist
Nationalism is ok, even if I'm no nationalist myself, but drop the socialist part. There's a reason Germany had to invade other countries and muh lebensraum was not it. Their economy was in rocky and ready to drop dead by the time the war started.
My first experience with guilds in MMO's was a guild full of girls. I have no idea how but there was no drama, no weird stuff in guild chat, just playin the game and talking about games/anime.I was sure at least few of them were pretending, but a irl meetup proved me wrong. The biggest nerd that was playing like neckbeard was a fake blonde, fake tanned girl dressed in pink, 15 years later and my brain still cant belive it
Played it since i was a kid.
Stopped playing it about a year ago but i have no regrets and got more money from it than i put into it surprisingly. Great game to make friends and waste the hours on an evening away.
The current generation has been influenced by media to think being a faggot is the optimal way to live.
I have 1 hour on Vermintide 2 so I'd be pretty much useless but I'm alright at L4D2. I get bored of these games fast though.
You just talk behind their backs and if shit ever comes up you just be honest. Yeah I called you a hypocritical faggot who has shit taste in games and doesn't know what he wants out of a genre, what are you gunna do about it? If they throw smoke back you should laugh it off and maybe agree on some parts if they're actually correct and you can see it in yourself, then ur bros 4 lyfe. If they just dodge it all and still hang with you and your friends after a "cool off" period then they're passive aggressive cunts and you should just slow your engagements with them to a crawl.
A girl I knew IRL used to play WoW, so it is a thing.
Don't add autistic losers from Yea Forums
I've actually been stuck on sword saint for a few weeks now. I got up to his fight and then couldn't play for a while because I got busy. So I'm pretty rusty now and can barely get past his first phase. I'll keep working at it, though! Owlboy is cute and the sprites and music are beautiful, but it's a pretty short game. Not a lot of longevity to it. After these games I'd like to try out Dragon's Dogma, Tales of Bersaria, and Gravity Rush 2. What games do you have coming up in your backlog?
I've been blessed in that I've only encountered the drama thing in less fingers than my hand and none of them were even that bad, but mostly because I trust myself in these cases and make good decisions.
>like a therapist, personal assistant
If you know them for years and once in a while it's not too bad, it's just being there for them when they need you. If its the first week or month instant good bye even if they seem worth it
>or boyfriend
Its fun to get so close with someone you can treat each other like that but the line is too thin. The first thing you'd have to ask yourself if you get jealous at all, its not for you. Ive seen or known it with other people, lucky basterds.
>It's like everybody I talk to has major emotional and personality issues that they can't contain
Probably just bad luck especially if you're only looking to play games with people. The world is very vast so it may seem like it's always true.
What are you programming? Language?
You havent even played it. It's an improved version of l4d unfortunately hampered by the epic exclusivity. If it was on steam you would be sucking its dick.
It's better than being a libertarian, and socialism is a perfect system if everyone is willing to contribute and not sponge on welfare, but I concede this will never happen so I begrudgingly agree with you.
Add them, make them dependant on you for joy and human interaction, then block them. It's the only way to treat their autism.
>Just be me
>Just enjoying a game solo
>People randomly get attached to me
>Always tries to invite me to a guild
>Resist but they always pester me until I give in
>Do guild stuff and have fun
>They pester me to voice chat
>Resist until I give in
>They hear my voice
>"WTF user I thought you were a girl."
>Leaves a sour taste in my mouth which leads to me not playing the game anymore
Literally every fucking multiplayer game I play. I don't even do anything or act girly. Most of the time I try to avoid others at all costs because this shit always fucking happens. Its ruined multiplayer games for me.
Im programming in Java
So play male characters you absolute fucking TRANNY. Goddamn you people are social retards.
>If it was on steam you would be sucking its dick
I don't care about zombie games, even l4d bores the shit out of me
This. Doubly so if they're the type of person to post in threads like these asking for friends.
Don't. Its not worth it. Every time I have ever tried its lead to a shit ton of drama in so way shape or form. The most common is people trying to "date" me as if that can fucking happen when you live fuck far away and in most cases another fucking country. Or you stop playing a game for whatever reason and they start getting salty and start bitching at you for not playing a game you moved on from.
A simple
>btw I'm a dude
would fix all of your problems.
Though everyone should add me because i'm the best
Funny, I was in a similar situation, I took a break from the game right at Isshin on NG+ that lasted a couple weeks, and then came back the other day to fight him. Took a good few hours, though, before I could get the timing of things back. I hope you don't get discouraged user, I'm sure you can do it, success in these games is always a result of time plus patience. And yes, Owlboy is a really pretty game, I'll always have an appreciation for nice sprites in games, way more so than good 3D.
And Dragon's Dogma is one of the games in my backlog too! It's been for years, and I really wanted to play it because I hear it's a great game for magic, but something about the slow start of it makes it harder than it should be, though that's less a problem with the game and more my own fault. Beyond that, I suppose the most urgent thing would be Dragon Quest 11, I always wanted to play a Dragon Quest game and then bought it but for some reason never touched it because I'm a faggot I guess.