Wizardry > Dragon Quest

Wizardry > Dragon Quest

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they're both shitty jrpgs but I'll agree.

Might and Magic > Wizardry

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Wizardry is not a japanese game.
But it is indeed the game that inspired japan to make RPGs.

>Wizardry is not a japanese game.
bro, get with the times already.

Ultima > Might and Magic > Wizardry > Dragon Quest

What does Dragon Quest has to do with Wizardry?

the meme is that all Japanese RPGs rip off Wizardry and Dragon Quest is the quintessential Japanese RPG
It is likely that OP has never played a game from either series.

I have and the meme is absolutely correct

Dragon Quest ripped off Ultima not Wizardry

Final Fantasy 1 is more like Wizardry than any DQ game

Wizardry has catgirls so I'm inclined to agree.

Wizardry > All

Only the weeb ones

Wizardry 6, 7 and 8, user.


Attached: ultima 6.jpg (800x1155, 200K)

Those are furries nor catgirls

Ultima Underworld > Wizardry 1-5 > Ultima 1-8 > Might and Magic > Bradleyshit > Ultima 9

Imagine being such an uber contrarian that you place Wizardry 4 over the best Wizardry game

objectively wrong opinion
Ultima has better worlds and questlines but Wizardry has far better combat, apples and oranges really, both are good series and both went to shit after their fifth entry,

Attached: U gonna get reminded.png (202x202, 57K)

Wizardry 4 is kino and is only disliked by scrubs who find it too hard.

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Wizardry online>>>>>>>>DQX
too bad sony chased after america and fucked it up for everyone. if nothing else, squenix and sega know their markets and don't waste time localizing shit that will never succeed.

Sony was only the American publisher, the Japanese publisher was Gamepot and it didn't shut down over there until much much later.

Fact: This game is only hated by contrarians

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Sony had a hand in hosting servers for gamepot in japan as well.

why are there so many anti DQ threads lately?

Just to help DQfags get their heads out of their asses.

DQfags are a myth

Fuck Sony even more if they had anything to do with the game's death then.

What party should I go with in wizardry 1? I know nothing about the genre.

Three Fighters/Lords/Samurais on the frontline, maybe a Bishop if you feel lucky. A Mage, a Cleric and a Thief to disarm traps on the back.

I mean, it's a good game but not a good Wizardry game.

>it's a good game but not a good X game
That is absolutely correct. Wizardry 6 was the peak.

I'm playing through Wizardry 1 right now. I have 3 fighters, a thief, a bishop, and a cleric. I had a second bishop, but they've both felt pretty underwhelming especially for an "advanced" class.

>Ultima 7 parts I and II
>not the greatest crpg ever made
5 had a better story, though

Bishops are only ever useful to identify items, just create one and leave it at the tavern.

>No new game in recent years
>Missed the chance to make a fast peaced action game when everyone was on the Skyrim and Dark souls bandwagon
It must be a pain to be a fan of this

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