Is it good ?

the main character is pretty hot but i never played a spin-off megaman game

Attached: tron bonne.jpg (342x342, 34K)

Is this going to be another female character that gets spammed enough times for a bunch of autists to start claiming she is their "waifu"?

It is but i know what you are posting isnt video games so fuck off

Megaman Spinoffs are based as fuck

Nah, it's another "Vinny from Vinesauce played a game, so we have to spam threads about the girl character he wants to fuck".

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Attached: zeroside.jpg (480x360, 23K)

what is the best one ? i want to play more megaman vidya
i remembered that tron bonne is really hot because of binny, thats why im asking if the game is good

I wish her tits were bigger

Game is good

This game was actually fun, controls may be shit though

Define spin off I guess.
There's all the sub series and the side games for all those sub series.
Gameboy Megaman IV and V are pretty decent.
Network Transmission is a weird 2D sidescrolling Battle Network game.
Command Mission is a Breath of Fire Lite style Megaman X game.
But really if you want to play more Megaman play absolutely all of them.
All of it.

why do I need to stuff serbots into a robot frog's nose to make it sneeze

I liked it.... Buuuuuut, you know..... I didn't think it was as good as the first megaman legends game. I really missed the 3D environment, and the menus just didn't cut it for me...

Attached: D6NAoMLUEAEa_Zz.jpg (760x1199, 136K)

are the megaman legends games good ?

Great game

Pretty good, yeah

It's a lot of fun and extremely charming, but obviously meant for children. The only difficulty comes from trying to max out levels on all of your Servbot, which really doesn't have any purpose.

7/10 game in terms of objective quality, but 10/10 in terms of comfiness and aesthetic.

They're my favorite game series of all time. They are the absolute pinnacle of comfy vidya.

>gets this triggered because some people have a working sex drive

Maximum Incel Yikes

Attached: FB_IMG_1557450581923.jpg (306x306, 9K)

Is this how horny teenagers justify their constant porn posting now? pathetic

Steambot Chronicles > Mega Man Legends

thanks, now i can play comfy games and beat my meat to tron bonne

Attached: 76907 - artist_pyrous69 streamer_vinny tron_bonne.jpg (2500x2500, 1.21M)

You literally do not belong here

You and your meat won't regret it, based fapfag user.