How did the Vita get obliterated by the 3DS? It's not fair.
How did the Vita get obliterated by the 3DS? It's not fair
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mon hun
being a monhun clone machine doesn’t win any favors.
Hell kojima even dropped the project he planned for the vita which was the final nail in the coffin
>console warring
Imagine being poor
Everyone older than 13 already had a phone.
this is why
A hacked 3.6 vita is basically a god-tier handheld.
It literally only had one good game (dungeon travelers 2).
sd2vita exists. I got a cheap 256 gb sd in my hacked vita
I had both and wanted both to succeed and get a consistent stream of good games.
A-a-and Persona!!!!
I hear that alot but what games does it have, including emulators? If PS2 games runs well on it I kinda want to get one.
>How did the Vita get obliterated by the 3DS?
remind me what year did sd2vita become possible?
My vita is my go-to portable GBA,SNES,NES,GB,GBC emulator aswell as my PSP MH machine
PS2 games don't run on it all, except for ports.
Sony quite literally sabotaged the console
It wasn't the 3ds that pressured it but its presence didn't help.
Feeble attempt to lure in AAA dudebros instead of Japan Kino like the original PSP.
oh i totally agree user. Just think there are lots of people that were too lazy to sell their vitas and dont realize that its a pretty decent console now if you hack it
>one good game (dungeon travelers 2).
it's a mediocre game but I can see people thinking it's good if it's babies first dungeon crawler.
>Muramasa Rebirth
>Gravity Rush
>Soul Sacrifice Delta
>Tales of Hearts R
>Wipeout 2048
>Persona 4 Golden
Vita is worth the money if you hack it and get PKGJ just for the infinite PSP, PS ONE, etc games
>tfw Sony will never make another handheld again
>tfw will never get GTA San Andreas Stories
If ur a hardcore weeb then a vita in 2019 is an amazing handheld
if ur not a weeb then about 95% of the vitas library is useless for you.
Vita means life.
t.never beat it
it didn't
sony murdered the vita in it's sleep
>spoonfeed me
naw, fuck off
ps3-era cocky sony killed the vita. atleast 50% of it was the memory card fuckery
Could you hypothetically make a compact enough handheld today with PS4 specs inside it? If the Switch has 14 year old specs equivalent to the PS3/360, the how far off is Sony from being able to make a PS4 portable?
because sony has no idea what portable mainstream gamers want. appealing to the niche crowd is admirable, but it needed a lot more popular titles, and less gimmicky weeb shit.
I'm not weeb and the Vita was still worth it as a souped-up PSP. I bought it early on ready to softmod the thing.
i honestly have no idea. vita is everything i wanted from psp2, it has two analogs, great display, even purse owner 4 premium edition with a shitty poem writing girl. i've never bought a vita and i have no idea why, maybe it's vidya library? i've got 3ds for ace attorney, zero escape, persona q, layton wright crossover, it offered some quality vidya time while vita offered a crappy unchared that looked almost like a smartphone game
PS One, PSP, all nintendo consoles before DS
Risk of Rain is on the vita tho
No games. That's bscly it.
It wasn't until the Vita got hacked that it became worth anything. By then, obviously Sony wanted nothing to do with it.
>we could have had P5 on mobile
Fuck I kind of want it to come on switch now
No games
All i want is a Vita 2 with normal SD cards and no backtouch gimmick shit.
and holy fuck the bubble UI was disgusting
i'm not rich, but i usually have enough disposable income to buy shit i like, i rarely regret my purchases......until i bought a vita, i only played two games on it, Uncharted: the golden abyss and Persona 4: Golden, it took me like 4 hours to beat uncharted, and the side content in persona 4 golden was just....bad (seriously i fucking hate Marie, and the extra month you get to play are not enough),and don't even get me started on the exclusive memory cards, the vita was just shit
vita has more games than 3ds, so that's not it
yes, but not 2. sony giving up on the vita also didn't help. I think the last FIFA was 16, which came out in like 2015. they threw in the towel and stopped trying.
No you don't. Because then Nintendo wins. And only Sony can win.
>more games
Shovelware doesn't count as games. Nobody buys a console for shovelware.
>and holy fuck the bubble UI was disgusting
kill yourself, bubble os is kino
Visual Novels aren't proper games and they make up about 50% of the vitas library
It's mostly shovelware and mobile games.
Have you seen the 3ds shovel ware?
even less games then ps4
maybe if you have 4 games tops. The limited foldersize and the fixed grid made it obnoxious to use, even the XMB wouldve been better
>Proprietary memory cards
>Support from major western companies all but dried up by the middle of its second year
>You needed to purchase a data plan from AT&T at launch
>Sony wasn't good at marketing the original IP made for the platform. Gravity Rush and Tearaway are the only ones to survive
>Was more expensive
>No real killer app to drive sales, as previous PSP best-sellers like GTA, Monster Hunter, and Gran Turismo were MIA
Because until smartphones came around basically every kid over the age of 8 had a gameboy and then when the DS came out it was an even bigger deal because it had better graphics, 2 screens and a stylus. There was never any room for competition ever to a mass market until people got hooked on angry birds and candy crush and by then at the Vita's release it had no foothold.
if you look at 3ds library, it actually has way more shovelware
Once again Nintendo rules the handheld market BUT Sony's handhelds are the best for homebrew
This is what stopped me.
I thought about grabbing a Vita but the idea of being limited by these expensive things was a ridiculous ask by Sony.
normies don't know about that
What theme do you bois use on your hacked vita? I got the Kino Ghibli Theme for the music and the cute bubbles
It's not console warring to acknowledge the fact that the Vita got fucked
>t. owns 2 Vitas
I was using a vaperwave theme, but my vita kept crashing, so no more customs themes
>1500 games
>not a single one worth playing
thats truly impressive, even for sony
>normies don't know about that
I doubt normies were even still using a vita when that came out.
>You needed to purchase a data plan from AT&T at launch
no you didn't
RoR is in early access, its not on any console since it wouldn't pass quality control
>seinfield reaction image
I don't play games either, fellow juden
>but not 2
You mean that game that isn't out yet isn't on a dead console? Why, I'm shocked that this is the case
>tfw a powerful Sony handheld would do much better today than back in 2010 - 2014
The PSP got me back into gaming after college but I never got a Vita. Can someone explain how everyone here seems to prefer physical over digital yet also loves the Vita?
i haven't, i dont own nintendo consoles.
they both had tons of shovelware
But 3ds actually had really good games worth playing.
I think the main difference was that games for 3ds were developed specifically for that system and worked well with what they had while vita games always just felt like a watered down version of a ps4 game
I say this as an idort btw.
>it wasn't announced for the vita
there, that clear it up for you?
Yeah, and probably more higher quality titles as well.
Are you guys dense? The console failed because it didn't have any good exclusives except for maybe P4G. They failed to appeal to the Western audiences with decent multiplayer shooter ports or any popular mulitplayer games at all. The PSP at least had SOCOM.
>loves the vita
No one loves the vita outside of a very desperate group of fanboys thats band together on /vg/ and desperately try to defend the vitas honor.
They still won't admit its a flop, some of the most delusional fuckers on the planet.
You have to learn that the forces of good are not alwayswinning.
The same exact reason the PS4 is blowing the fuck out of Xbox. By just making games.
Xbox and vita fell too deep in the graphics autism and dedicated and advertised themselves as high end gear. But did not show off any new games. Meanwhile the 3DS and PS4 both have an amazing library and barely touched on Graphics as the games themselves were prioritized. Nobody cares if your system has better graphics unless it has more games than the competition.
You clearly see this with Netflix vs BlueRay.
What does preferring physical over digital have to do with anything? The Vita is an emulation machine, nothing else. Just because I don't have physical copies of all the games I've pirated doesn't mean I still don't appreciate having a handheld that plays bscly all the old games I could ever give a shit enough to bother playing.
Just did a search.
Out of the 1500 vita games it has around 250 Visual Novels, 200 Otome games and 100 puzzle games. Make out of that information what you want.
Wow, they didn't announce a game for a dead console where they would have gotten about 12 sales, I can't believe it
Too expensive, and nogaems.
Maybe the initial price of the 3DS was a trap.
Making them think they could ask for more.
The entire mobile handheld market is a tragedy. Both DS and PSP were fucking awesome devices for their time, only to be succeeded by inferior pieces of shit.
Yea Forums is full of pirates and steamcucks. what would make you think we prefer physical?
When was this? Current homebrew is extremely stable IMO. especially if you downgrade to 3.60
yeah, can't wait to see all the up and coming titles at e3 this year bro
Maybe it's just Switch fags...
>But 3ds actually had really good games worth playing.
I have both. vita is full of games, but people will just claim they don't count since they were later ported to pc
that is just not true.
You can find vitafags everywhere.
I think he means the hoarders on /vr/. Like that hideous Metal Jesus cuck and his groupies.
Easy. The 3DS has killer-apps (pokemon mainly) The vita has some decent exclusives but nothing that will actually MAKE someone buy the console, especially considering the mem-card fuckery.
>The console failed because it didn't have any good exclusives except for maybe P4G.
nope. it had lots of good exclusives like uncharted and wipeout 2048
it failed cause of the memory cards and sony not advertising it
>wipeout 2048
Lol you really are dense.
The PS2 had more shovelware than the Game Cube, but the PS2 still had the better library.
People still gloated how "cheap" the vita was, in a way everybody was sure it would dominate the 3ds completely.
The 3DS shat on the Vita because it had Pokemon for the West and Monster Hunter for Japan
>1/3 of the vita games are Dating Sim garbage
this is basically \thread
>Apex, Siege, Destiny
>Implying those could run on the Vita
and how many 2d platformers does the 3ds have?
Because the 3DS was saved from it's death while the Vita was quietly suffocated with it's pillow.
so you haven't played them? case closed
The price of the system killed the console. Sony decided to price the thing at $250 right after Nintendo failed to sell the 3DS at that price. So by the time the console came out, Nintendo had an $80 price difference from the Vita. Combine this with the overpriced memory cards and lackluster launch games and it just never gained any traction.
Lack of backward compatibility.
Folders can hold what 12 games?
Unless you have 600 games you should be good.
project diva f is better than any 3ds game tho
Except there was a long drought of Vita exploits after 3.60 alongside a bunch of games requiring 3.61+ rendering SD2Vita useless up until last year when the 3.65 exploits finally came out.
It didn't really during that drought people were scalping 3.60 Vitas too.
i'd love to check but the wiki doesnt list genres for the 3DS. Also 1 platformer is already better than an infinite amount of VNs
Show me your Vita collection.
What do you do for emulators? I've found all the native stuff pretty crappy but I've gotten much better results running stuff in the psp emulator.
People tend to forget that the Vita is fucking eight years old
Mikufags don't get to have an opinion.
Fair enough. They don't look like games I'd buy a Vita for, so I have bscly no interest. Considering the failure of the Vita, I imagine that I'm not the only person who shares this sentiment.
>hey look I have P5 I'm cool right guys?
Absolute faggot. I keep that shit in a drawer.
True. 3.70 became exploitable only a few weeks ago and considering the production for the vita was stopped, the only actually good time to get a vita is right now. Only took them several years for the thing to reach its golden age
i have a 256gb sd and basically any PSP game you could ever want. That combined with the like 8 vita games that are worth playing quickly fill up the tiny folders and homescreens
Name ten good ones off the top of your head
i can do it for 3ds no problem-
1. monster hunters
2. luigis mansion, mario and luigi, smash
3. Smt 4, 4A, strange journey, persona Q, devil survivor
4. Animal crossing
5. dragons quest 7
6. fire emblem
7. Kid icarus
8. Bravely default
9. Professor layton/phoenix wright
10. etrian odessy
not even going to include any of the gorillion n64 games that were updated for the system (majoras mask, starfox, etc)
Yeah because Forza and nu halo and gears of war are even comparable to fucking god of war 4, persona, shadow of the Colossus, Bloodborne, spiderman, or even fucking parappa the rappa. You stupid faggot
I just test out whatever works best and go with that. For right now I'm using retroarch and it doesn't seem to be nearly as shitty as people make it out to be. It even runs some of the PS1 games that don't work well on the PSP. Not many of them, mind you- but it still works well enough.
truly a weebs console. I have rarely seen such a large amount of games without a single thing that interests me
picture specifically taken to quiet p5 babies who think anyone who would dare insult their precious game doesn't own it.
P5 was mediocre at best and theres absolutely nothing cool about liking it.
But PSP games don't make bubbles unless you make one. They are all hidden under adrenaline thus requiring no bubbles.
>caring about p5 babies
First mistake user.
I'll try (im not a weeb so its gonna miss most weeb shit)
>gravity rush
>soul sacrifice delta
>toukiden (kinda, its really just a shitty weebier MH)
>hotline miami
>isaac rebirth
>odin sphere/muramasa rebirht/ dragon crown
thats all i can come up with right now.
>fucking god of war 4, persona, shadow of the Colossus, Bloodborne, spiderman, or even fucking parappa the rappa. You stupid faggot
>muh movie spoiderman game and ps2 remakes and god of soi: my wifes son edition!
>still leaning on bloodborne after 4 fucking years
wew lad. I have no love for xbox but saying the ps4 has a good catalog of games is just fucking embarrassing. If you had mentioned hzd it would have been worse tho so thanks for that
While that didn't help, the main cause was Sony of America just giving up on it.
It also didn't help that the 3DS has Pokemon and MonHun
While I love me some weeb games, it didn't have any of the killer apps the PSP had like the aforementioned Monster Hunter or the GTA Stories games.
i'd rather have a cluttered homescreen than having to boot up Adrenaline every single time i wanna launch a psp game
it's aside the point, the point is they thought it would stop piracy, and now there is a legit adapter that is for sale and works. Sony hasn't banned it, maybe it's because they don't care anymore and accept they failed their handheld?
PSP catalog of gaems
I got a fully hacked and decked out ps vita. Anyone know if i can get a translation patch for MH portable 3rd somehow and is there a way to play online?
But you still technically boot it up everytime you start a game. Your bubbles are just shortcuts either way.
Not him but that's super easy
1. Freedom Wars
2. Soul Sacrifice Delta
3. Phantasy Star Nova
4. Tales of Hearts R
5. Tales of Innocence R
6. Uncharted Golden Abyss
7. WipeOut 2048
8. Killzone Mercenary
9. Gravity Rush
10. Tearaway
Assuming you don't count JP only releases, here are a few more:
DJMax Technika Tune
Tokyo Xanadu
The list goes on...
2 replies and you haven't mentioned a single game in favour of Xbox do you must be a nintendo toddler who enjoys 2 hours long games. Either way, name a single game that even comes close to God of kino and bloodkino
tfw you can download all of these in 2 hours
for free
>multiplat indieshits
Wow, "great" handheld bro.
Army Corps of Hell
Lumines Electronic Symphony
MC: One Way Heroics
Shinobido 2
Shiren 5
Soul Sacrifice Delta
try navigating 5 million games in XMB
persona 4
project diva f
project diva f 2nd
ys memories of celcta
nonary games
gravity rush
wipepout 2048
shinovi vs
super monkey ball banana splitz
uncharted golden abyss
bullet girls
akiba's trip 2
sly 4
super beat xonic
trails of col steel 1 and 2
shantae half genie hero
a boy and his blob
a rose in the twilight
rangan ranpa trilogy
ragnarok odyssey ACE
croixleur sigma
adventures of mana
skullgirls 2nd encore
axiom verge
oli oli 1 and 2
super meat boy
the bit.trip
i got freedom wars in ps plus and holy shit was it bad. Cool story-concept but everything else was so scuffed
>fucking nuphantasy star
yeah, I think this is just making a better case for why the vita flopped so hard
I've gone too far
I'm pretty sure that guy is gonna say
>multiplat/weebshit doesn't count lol
>huge list of crap
>still the only thing worth playing is p4g
I love how pathetic and desperate the vita fanbase is at this point
those are all quality entries to very poplar franchises.
Are you going for a complete physical Vita collection or something? Like damn.
collectorfags need to admit they have a problem, and seek help
>buying vita games
I doubt you have more than 190 psp games you even play though.
>everything is shit!!!!
>>still the only thing worth playing is p4g
Sad frog posters are always retards
just ignore him, he spends more time downloading games than playing them
I own a ps4 and ps3. switch. and PC so It would be impossible for me to defend Xbox.
>god of war
game was fucking crap, played literal indie games better then that trash so just pick anything I guess.
Amazing game. But having 1 game actually worth playing is what makes my ps4 to date my worst purchase aside from my psvita
>which also one has one truly great game but its not as good as bloodborne.
>tfw they don't even sell vita games anymore in the states so its impossible to build a physical collection without buying shit online
physical vita collectors are insane. some of those games are going for hundreds of dollars
>no Monster Hunter
>no Gran Turismo
>no GTA
>Mario / Mario Kart
>Monster Hunter
I got like 20 physical games. But I'm sure your local pawnshop and gamestop has em at like 15 bucks a game.
3DS has much more and better exclusives, but the Vita library is overall better if you compare the two systems directly.
hasn't had a good game in over a decade
>>Mario / Mario Kart
bing bing wahoo babby shit
>>Monster Hunter
made obsolete by World
Gamestop literally does not carry any vita games at all anymore. Even the largest locations have moved them out to make room for stupid tshirts and ps3 games.
The system is truly dead considering there are occasionally ps2 and wii games there still.
outside of kid icarus uprising, fire emblem awakening, and luigis mansion 2, what does 3ds have?
lmao no
I was just there last week. There is also one at the mall and they have like 200 games behind the glass. Where do you live man? They also still sell em online.
Whatever made it live longer than the Vita
They do. One of them in my town just has them behind the counter.
The others are out in a small section.
You gotta believe UMvC3 on Vita is gonna go for a lot in the future.
SMT Iv. IVA. Final, SMT strange journey, Persona Q, Devil survivor and overclocked, Monster hunters, Animal crossing, chibi robo, etrian odessy, kirby planet robo, mario and lugi multiple games, samus returns, river city toyko rumble and rival
All i can think of right now, still way more good shit then the vita has imo
>buying shit online
And I live in philidelphia (also know as niggerdelphia) and the 4 gamestops I go to no longer have Vita sections at all.
>>buying shit online
Welcome to 2004!
>And I live in philidelphia
At least it is always sunny there
>SMT Iv. IVA. Final, SMT strange journey, Persona Q, Devil survivor and overclocked, Monster hunters, Animal crossing, chibi robo, etrian odessy, kirby planet robo, mario and lugi multiple games, samus returns, river city toyko rumble and rival
I prefer vitas jrpgs much more.
pokemon? pokemon is trash tho
>Gravity Rush
that got ported to the PS4, so that is null and void.
to each their own I suppose
theres alot more diversity on the 3ds, i guess thats why I like it more. Not the brown people diversity, the actual good kind. Or maybe just that it had better support from atlus
why is it so hard for sonybros to admit that the vita is dead? its almost as bad as the wii U was with the nintenbros.
At a certain point it just gets a bit pathetic in both cases
>soul sacrifice delta
Just a too easy monhun clone.
Except it didn’t mimic any of what made monhun good.
I don't think anyone is denying it at this point. Vita ded.
WiiU had games and massive VC library, plus BC with Wii. Vita had nothing. Literally nothing
A Link Between Worlds, ORAS (disappointing remakes, but good games), New Leaf, OoT / MM 3D, Samus Returns, Etrian Odyssey (series), Rhythm Heaven Megamix, SMT (series), Rhythm Thief, Picross 3D, Radiant Historia, Rune Factory 4, Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars, Shinobi 3DS. there's lot of cool stuff,
Yes, it is.
The Vita is a less valuable system because nowadays you can play most of its stuff on PC / PS4, but compararing the Vita and 3DS directly, the Vita library is more balanced.
This stopped me from pirating
It also stopped me from purchasing a vita in the first place
Excellent work!
its more balanced in the sense that you can balance all the games worth playing on a single finger
just a bunch of remakes
>too retarded to buy a 7 dollar adapter that gets micro sd cards
>Just a too easy monhun clone.
Plays nothing like monster hunter.
Vita hacks only took off in Fall 2016 by which point Sony had abandoned the device for the west.
Don't you have to mod it in order for it to work?
All this is the most basic bitch shit without any unique input of your own. Literally having your taste decided for you.
No gaems machine in earnest.
It's actually a solid piece of hardware, there's just nothing worth playing on it.
You do know that the Wii U was a revers Vita right?
The Wii U was kept alive by first party support while the Vita was kept alive by third party support.
If that's the case why were Mustards begging for ports of many of those games?
>most basic bitch shit
>river city ransom games and fatlus
considering every vita list contains wipeout and uncharted pleb shit I think everyone knows who the basic bitch is here lad
Yes, fatlus is basic bitch territory pal. You're not getting browne points for a belt scrolling beatem up faggot.
>there's just nothing worth playing on it.
Must be why people are still port begging to this day.
it takes 10 minutes if you aren't braindead. It took me 20.
Sony not marketing it worth a damn.
Games running like shit.
Marketing was the dumbest thing.
>the Vita was kept alive by third party support
well shit they didn't do a very good job...
the rest of your points are fine but the Vita's battery is pretty damn good
Given how it's still getting games I'd say they did a pretty good job, especially since it also outlived and outsold the Wii U at literally zero effort on Sony's part.
Here's what should have happened:
Call it the psp2
Market it as a console, and not a remote play accessory for home consoles
Make it use micro sd cards
Put a higher clock speed processor in it
So is the hardware on the big consoles, to be fair.
>Make it use micro sd cards
Would have never happened after the PSP got destroyed by piracy.
>Put a higher clock speed processor in it
Would have costed even more and killed the battery faster.
At that point they could have left the original processor clock speed instead of halving it, but the battery wouldn't be able to keep up and the system reportedly overheated too.
The Vita is fucking old, it's nearly 8 years old, technology made massive leaps since then and for its time it was almost state of the art tech, only the Shield could compare and you know what happened to it.
>Console hardware is the same as handheld hardware
Don't be disingenuous
>Console hardware is the same as handheld hardware
I never said that though, just pointing out that its age is not an excuse, they're bot outdated.
The oled screen was a waste (both in cost and power consumption) a 111-222mhz cpu in a portable was shit even in 2011
>Make it use micro sd cards
That would defeat the purpose for sony, they make portables as a way to sell their overpriced storage cards, they just happen to be able to play games.
>a 111-222mhz cpu in a portable was shit even in 2011
What architecture are we talking about?
>WiiU had games
I think it was arm 9?
>just pointing out that its age is not an excuse
Point me to better handheld hardware in 2011/2012 then, because the only thing that can compete is the Shield.
>inb4 but phones
Phones at the same price of a Vita couldn't handle those games.
Something that costed more, sure, but the Vita was already pretty costly, you can't repeat the same mistake as the PS3.
The oled screen was a good decision, it's a wonderful screen even for today's standard.
>a 111-222mhz cpu in a portable was shit even in 2011
Good thing that's not the Vita's CPU since it's 444mhz, granted that it is underclocked and the original processor could handle around double than that.
>Wii U had games
>Point me to better handheld hardware in 2011/2012 then, because the only thing that can compete is the Shield.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
I don't believe any retail games ever ran the cpu at 444mhz
You said it was outdated, but you fail to provide some meaningful standard for your claim.
I believe a few first party games did, I might be wrong on that though so don't quote me on that, the average clock speed is 333mhz though, with some games using more.
>lack of interesting games barring shit like killzone
>pretty much nonexistent advertising
>despite being relatively powerful it was hardly ever fully utilized
>pretty much just about half of its library consisted of meme games or ports
>absolutely retarded memory system, both with the overly expensive and microscopic cards and the paltry internal storage the later models had
>the vita pretty much fell to being a weeb machine, but not to the extent the psp was
>emulating was also a pain in the ass compared to the psp
It honestly feels that after 2012-2013 Sony had pretty much no desire to try with it whatsoever. Which is a damn shame. Sony could have gone all out with it considering the horsepower it had at the time and the thumbsticks.
>remotely implying siege, destiny, and apex legends would have been successfully ported
It released in 2011 m8. I don’t think it has even a gig of RAM on it.
Perhaps, but the good shit that the 3ds had was significantly more common than it was for the Vita. At least attempts were made with the 3ds, most of the Vita is literal ports.
If you follow the post I was replying to, you can read and see the answer.
Memory: 512 MB RAM, 128 MB VRAM
>No Jap imports
You're doing it wrong.
It fucking infuriates me that the best version of Muramasa is STILL locked on this shit platform
Probably because it wasn't a MonHun clone in the first place yet got confused as one since everyone and their mother was trying to fill the gap MonHun left.
Excellent story presentation too.
So I was right then, do remember reading something like that with pretty similar numbers once.
>remotely implying siege would run at all on that alone
What's the difference between the vita version and the emulated wii version?
I'm going to download all of these
for free
Shit translation and lack of DLCs.
>Says he's not a weeb
I dunno, looks like ween games to me
It didn't. It got obliterated chiefly by mobile phones filling the niche of a more powerful device with 3rd party support, then the memory card nonsense hurt it worse. The PSP had the benefit of produos being used for a line of sony devices including cameras, vita didn't. They never dropped in price either.
All of the best vita exclusives (with the exception of P4G) have already been ported elsewhere. There are many playable exclusives that are just mediocre, nothing worth buying the console for.
The only reason I can think that anyone would want to buy a vita is
>otome games (they are getting ported too slowly)
Dj Max and Tokyo Xanadu all came out digitally over here you fucking idget
So? What does that have to do with anything?
>All of the best vita exclusives (with the exception of P4G) have already been ported elsewhere.
Ah yes, must be why people are still port begging even in this very thread.
Literally half of our stock at GS are under 20
>Gamestop literally does not carry any vita games at all anymore.
Holy shit youre fucking retarded. All 3 of the gamestops in my area have vita games and you can order them online.
3ds had first party support to this day.
Also no proprietary memory card jewery.
>market it around the fact you can buy most games digitally and therefore carry around a large library of games if you wish
>this wasn't a bad idea
>charge out the ass for memory cards that were considered small back when they came out
Yeah I don't care if they had those SD conversion things you could not buy them in stores and had to import that shit from dubious Chinese merchants and wait 3 weeks for them. That is not going to be attractive to regular people. Other than that it was mostly weeb games that won't appeal to westerners especially with the high cost of entry.
You labeled them as JP only releases
I have great memories of playing the completely original Vita games Persona 4, Disgaea 3, the original Resident Evil trilogy, nay, the entire ps1 catalog, Wipeout 2048...
Jokes aside even though it was a port machine I loved it.
I meant in case you don't count the titles I listed above it that came out in JP only, e.g. PS Nova and Tales of Innocence R
They just didn't even try. Created an amazing handheld but only put their effort into shitty spinoff games of their popular titles, sat on it, and abandoned it when it wasn't profitable. The issue was that they were trying to compete with their own consoles than the 3DS. Doesn't help the that everything was overpriced from the system itself to the memory cards. At least they left us with an excellent emulation machine.
My fault. Sorry
PS4 games I didnt regret playing:
Spiderman (My favorite)
Persona 5
Switch games I didn't regret playing:
Tropical Freeze
Kingdom Battle
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Smash Ultimate
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (my favorite of all of them)
Plus a lot of games got larger in size (RPGs in particular were pretty large passsing 2 gigs easy) made them much worse.
Fuck Sony
The vita was only good for P4G, Net High / ネットハイ and other weeb games/vNs and only a small fraction got brought over
homie this is my wet dream, can you explain what's going on here?
unless its a big ol meme
It's not, user.
You can use an SD card on your Vita's game slot and also keep your current vita mem card as extra storage for stuff like PSP/PSX games
I unno Muramasa was pretty gud. and.... I cant think of anything else
The 3DS is the king of all handhelds, nothing personnel Vita but you never had a ghost of a chance.
*steals MonHun*
you should try out TxK if you haven't already. Or at the very least listen to the soundtrack which is an absolute banger
>The 3DS is the king of all handhelds
that's a strange way to say to PSP
You mean that thing even toasters can emulate nowadays and that got its ass ravaged by the predecessor of the 3DS, the DS (whose games the 3DS can play)?
It had to do with how several years ago, an extra $100 on top of the Vita price tag got you a PS3 which gave you a wider range of games to play.
I would rather get a PS4 than a Vita. I would only get a Vita if it were on a big sale and if I know for a fact I can still get certain PS1 games on it such as Chrono Cross.
Is the Vita gonna be the next Saturn or Dreamcast in terms of collectors?
>DoA consoles with loyal followings
There's like 2 games for the thing. Plus that memory card bullshit.
How do you use both memory cards?
Is there a way to use an SD2Vita while also being able to swap around cartridges?
It should work like that by default.
Hell no
Hell yes
PSP piracy made PSP software sell way worse than any other playstation platform. To deal with that sony locked vita the fuck down but that still couldn't get publishers to make games for it outside of some token ports that didn't sell.
the library wasnt good, unless you like weebshit; awful ports and its exclusives started to get ported to other consoles and PC.
also didnt help
Hell maybe
Most people don’t even know the Vita exists user.