Is the snowboard genre dead

is the snowboard genre dead

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Delete this fucking post.

I remember getting Amped 2 with my original Xbox back in the day, that was fun shit.



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>tfw you are no longer eight years old with your brother renting the game from the local rental store for the entire weekend and losing to the fucker demon kid hours before you gotta give it back

>bitches don't know 'bout muh Trick'n Snowboarder with Leon, Claire, and Zombie Cop, while playing through the entirety of Japanese stage and being chased by that fucking dog while also trying to dodge a train when crossing the tracks fast

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isn't there some new exploration-based snowboarding game coming out on amazon prime or something

it looked kinda cool

Is snowboard a genre or just a portion of the extreme sports genre? Which is dead btw.

Fun extreme sports games are dead overall. You don't see games like SSX being made anymore, the best we get is "realistic" shit like Steep. The same can be said about arcade racing games.

>to rock around

It’s “to rock a rhyme”

Yes. The FFVII remake is probably going to replace the snowboarding mini game with a kick scooter.

When I was younger, sometimes we'd play this before school if we had enough time left after getting ready in the morning. It was a fun way to start the day. SSX 3 is still my personal favorite in the series and I'm sad that EA went all gritty and realistic in the reboot.

ea killed ssex

>tony hawk pro skater brand is ruined forever
>ssx died with the greatest console
>hoverboard sports never caught on
>skate died with gimmicks
cant we have one more try?

it died when SNOW stopped being free to play and they locked all their maps behind a monthly fucking subscription.
Seriously, is anyone else pissed off over that shit?

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>tfw the extreme sports genre is dead

I wish I could play the first sonic riders on Nintendo switch.

Extreme sports games in general are a dead genre, they were a product of their era and nobody wants to be radical and extreme in 2019 anymore.

Fucking loved Snowboard Kids.
Shame the DS game killed the franchise. I think now more than ever, a new title would sell phenomenally on the Switch.

>SNOW stopped being free to play
did it ever stop being clunky wannabe sim shit though

>nintendo won't make a new Wave Race or 1080°

If they did it would probably be Mii shit like Pilotwings Resort

though I didnt mind that part, I just liked the open world and being able to explore the map for more ridiculous jumps.
but about 2 years ago when they had a good half dozen worlds going they locked them behind a paywall and you now have to pay a monthly "Ski pass" to play on them.
The only free to play maps are a single ramp on rails map and they "randomly" choose one of the other maps to be f2p for a week (though it's never one of their big maps or the original map).

not without mario it wouldn't

steep is pretty comfy imo, one of the games that justified my first console purchase even it is on the pc.i dont know why most people dislike it.

Feels bad man

I wouldn't mind this actually. Mario would fit in perfectly with the big nosed children.

I will riot if Grass Valley is not in the game however. That song is magic.

Reminder Steep is free on uplay until tomorrow. It's not great, but its alright.

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>procedurally generated
no soul