Unreal Engine thread

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come on people, we need to seem some talented devs here, get to posting

You might not like it but this is what the future of gaming looks like.

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This is good for an example but is completely useless in gameplay since an area would never look like this unless it's blocked in which case it's useless.
Now this could work. Reminds me of what Battlefront 2 should have looked like but it doesn't because the map design isn't fitting.

got damn

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>muh graffix
How about actually good AI and physics already? Graffix niggers are the cancer of the industry.

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We already have good AI and physics though, graphics need to match up to make it not look retard when an AI does some NPC shit.


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Why don't we have actual games that look this good yet?

you realize someone just photoshopped that crappy house in the foreground onto a real photo right?

Because nobody will ever care enough to optimize the logic so graphics like that can run on today's hardware, we'll have to wait for another 20 years so the average computer (Console) is strong enough to simply brute force run it.

Thoughts on tone mapping?

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we did, 4 years ago

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>still can't get water graphics right

Something tells me this is as good as we're gonna get sadly


Is this game still worth picking up? BF2 wasn't what I expected, but I learned to enjoy it for what it is. I never played any other BF before that though.

> good gramphics make good game
So why are the only games I play more than once Nintendo games?

>We already have good AI and physics though
And the the last time we used them was fucking FEAR and Crysis

Looks good when done right, but Uncharted and the ACES tonemappings are overcontrasted garbage while Reinhard is too shallow.



It technically is a "game"
Bunch of developers are making a full titanic you can walk around in

nope, its just great for showcasing top tier graphics and sound design, also i think its dead on pc

Looks dated as hell. Cryengine has much better looking outdoors, just look at kingdom come deliverance.

>implying you can find any source of water done right

I'm really bad at this kind of stuff, but I like the way it looks once you sharpen the hell out of that horrendous TAA.

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Take me back

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Damn. I thought Fortnite was a cartoony game.

Modeling scenarios is not too bad but characters are awfully annoying. Anyone got tips?

That shit already looks dated, hell it never looked good to begin with. Its like someone took dirt filters and smeared it all over everything even the water.

Damn, it's a mod though? It really makes you feel like you're right in there. Do they not have one for BF2? BF1 looks amazing though. Shame it's dead on pc.

nVidia engine thread

I thought Uncharted was supposed to reduce contrast by moving highlights below the saturation point as seen in the picture.
On the other hand, I do see a lot of games with some really ugly crushed blacks.

Tell that to the unreal drones. Unreal always looked fake and outdated, especially compared to Cryengine and Frostbite.

"good ai" is dependent on programmers


FEAR's AI was actually basic as fuck but not bad that you get the NPCs sitting in place trying to do 20 things at once.

>mfw deving with unity instead

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What's the best looking game?
For me, it's Far Cry 5/New Dawn



This guys are making one of the best original looking games ever made for a very long time

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>this is the best we can get in 2019

Technically the best we can get will never be available for consumers, but that's a secret most people don't know.

for me, it's dmc5

Release when? Nice soundtrack

photogrammetry is the death of soul

Literally a Robo Recall asset flip.

The "Game" has been in development for 10 years now and they are still in very early basics of design.

*6 years

to be honest i don't want games to look real

i don't want to be immersed in reality stupid i'm trying to play video games


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If it releases at all I'm happy desu

Yikes. How do they keep up with the times?

Reminder that gaming and technology in general is bottlenecked by the fact that most programmers are retarded and only know how to do what they are taught. Then someone invariably comes along who actually is intelligent and able to innovate and that moves things along.

It may be some time before the next leap in technology happens, we've sort of tapped out in our evolution currently. No one currently alive is going to bring us further forward

source? where is that from exactly?

But learning about 1s and 0s and bytes and all the super small not-so important stuff is hard. Just doing what's told and getting paid is way easier.

>No gameplay shown

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we're too distracted by the shitty gameplay to notice


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It's too hard :(

these are bought assets you idiot

exactly. And programming for large companies is a completely brain dead profession riding on the coattails of the end of the technology age. Pretty soon that claifornia startup money is going to dry up and these retarded soi latte programmers are going to be up shits creek

an entire generation of retarded phone app, game programmers and the like will be completely left behind when the next boom happens.

>get 3d scanned assets from some library
>put them together
>pretend you made something

Is anyone using UE4 to make nice looking stylized graphics or is it the "realism engine" and not much more?

there are many stylized games made in unreal. are you living under a rock?

>shitty render of a house inserted into an actual photo
Like no way, I can't tell what's real and what isn't, the future is now!

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Do you want a movie? Because that's what you'll get.

What are some tips to get me there? I'll do you good.

You joke, but normal people won't be able to.

move aside unreal turd engine, The Hunter COTW is here

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>vegetation that actually reacts to wind, rain and movement
>grasses that can be trampled and be used to track animals
>volumetric fog, moving clouds and daylight/night cycle
>absolutely gorgeous scenery
>insane amount of tree rendering

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