Why do people continue to pretend MHW isn't the best Monster Hunter game?

Why do people continue to pretend MHW isn't the best Monster Hunter game?

>Best Graphics
>Best Movesets
>Best Itemization
>Best Gear
>Runs @ 120fps and beyond
>Optimized well
>Short load screens
>Plays on something other than a handheld system
>Hardest Monster in the series (you know which one)
>Best selling Capcom game ever -- AKA you will always find people to play with
>Massive updates and DLC around the corner

What do contrarians have to go on at this point?

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am I a radical centrist if I say I like both MHW and MHGU? (which are the only ones I've played)

It's okay to like any Monster Hunter game you want user. I love Monster Hunter but World is my favorite.

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probably because it's by far the easiest game in the series and rampant with casualization. also it shows how fucking retarded people are since every MH game has loads of dlc and iceborne is just g rank under a different name which is literally nothing new.

also there's absolutely no way anyone can seriously believe it has the best gear in the series.

If it had more content then I'd agree

have sex

What the fuck ammo is that? I've never seen that.

>probably because it's by far the easiest game in the series and rampant with casualization
so fight harder monsters. the challenge is there if you want it. MHW has a crazy active speedrun community and high end trials for HARDxCORE elite gaymers.

>also there's absolutely no way anyone can seriously believe it has the best gear in the series.
gear without negatives is a good start. It added nothing to the challenge of previous games besides just more min-maxing out what stats you don't give a shit about.
also this is the first MH where you can easily cheat in those pieces of gear (decos) that have Venezuelan MMO droprates so it's already way better in that you can actually play any build you want.

cluster bomb. it's pretty strong and very cheesy

>Hardest Monster in the series (you know which one)

I actually have no idea which one you mean.
The only one I had a bit of a struggle was the waldschrat/Leshen or whatever his name is. But I dont think you meant him since hes an colab monster?

yikes senpai

have good taste

The only real beef I have with MHW is that the gear sucks dick in terms of looks. 90% of weapons look like the starter base weapon with small patches of shit stuck to it. Endgame Jagras Hacker looks almost the exact same as like the second GS in that upgrade path.

Legitimately one of the worst games I've ever played. I'd put it right with Big Rigs 2 as being an irredeemable piece of garbage.

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now that G rank is coming it is that time again. Pay your respects to Crag and Clust actually dealing damage.

>thinks "more =better" is good taste

Yikes go play borderlands they got a billion guns!

>Optimized well
>Runs @ 120fps and beyond

Attached: MHW_Porblems.png (1468x1964, 392K)

I'm at the point where I've played it too much. Some 900 hours clocked in. Granted, a lot of that was probably idle time in the hub, but still. No game can be enjoying for that long. I find myself grudgingly pulling myself back to the game just to keep current on all the event stuff, and even then I've started resorting to Cheat Engine for most of it.

Not the game's fault, mostly mine for binging it, but I promised myself this would be the MH I finally 100% (i.e. get all equipment). I think after I've done that I'll be done with the series. Too much of a time investment at this point.

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lmao. you can have a (you) anyway for making me raugh

they went with a more realistic tone, which I get some people don't enjoy. I do think the variety is actually quite good though despite what gets shitposted here

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fuck off back to /mhg/ you've already been called out

>people still can't give a counter argument to this post
go fap to your oscar bait movie games, snoyfag

it IS optimized well and it will run at that FPS w/ good fidelity as long as your not a poor gamer
it's pretty easy to optimize something for a gameboy
>works on my machine :^)

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Quickly reading the list when i got to every monster having at least one elemental weakness. Why would this be a bad thing?

the autism fag returns.

your shitpost has been picked apart already. we're too tired. it takes you 2 seconds to upload a shitpost full of bad points and it takes way longer to write out a refutation. I'm comfortable with just saying "fuck off" at this point and so are other anons

>Maze in Touhou threads
>the local /mhg/ autist in MonHun threads
Why is /vg/ such a pathetic board?

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when does nerg appear on this map? I dont remember him showing up here

>time gated content
>easy as shit outside of Meme-hemoth
>terrible weapons
>terrible armor system
>half of the maps are gratingly tedious because "muh open world"
>lame elders
>most of the new monsters suck, all of the good ones are taken from older games
>powercept as fuck
>too lenient, lets you get away with lazy mistakes that were readily punished in the other games

Not even a top 3 monster hunter game desu. Maybe Iceborne or MHW2 will fix it.

I think it might be a side mission where he invades other biomes

solely in the demo

Still doesn't matter, if you really think these are bad points you would at least show why instead of just saying fuck off. Make your own all-inclusive shitpost refuting these points if you're too tired to post it again.

fuck off faggot I already told you why. you're boring and tiresome. last reply

I like it but its probably the weakest entry in the series I've played so far.

which demo? I thought on Diablos, Barroth and Anja were in the demo

>I already told you why.
No, user, no you've told me shit

Is cluster bomb still the number 1 cheese, or is there something better now?


The game wasn't that bad, but I prefer the older games

Modding the game, though, makes it fun

>>Hardest Monster in the series (you know which one)

Demo was Jagras, Barroth, Anja, Nerg. You could encounter
in the field

Because it melts mine old 3570k like no game ever did.
So for now i'm stuck with 3U and 4U on 3ds.

Is there no way to remove the net and fishing pole from the item list? It makes it more annoying to find the items I want. I could swear you could put these in the item chest in the old games.

>Hardest Monster in the series (you know which one)
Fatalis isn't in the game, try the fuck again

Behemoth probably.

look here

Ah, I see you're new to Monster Hunter then

Excuse me. This is what REAL graphics look like.

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>those graphics
that's emulated tho

>best game in the MH series
No such thing.

ignore this faggot

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>best movesets
Already wrong
>best itemization
>best gear

>that text box
no its not

How come Nergi is on the desert map?

I've played that game on 3ds and citra
it's emulated

Not him but genuinely curious. What's harder?


so this is the Nintendo Power I've been hearing about

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Super Alatreon proofs?

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Behemoth is piss easy with LS or bow, and a massive pain in the ass with everything else. He's just an extremely poorly designed fight and nothing else.

People like to complain, new stuff gotta complain because its not the same. welcome to Yea Forums

Isn't a very difficult monster that can be countered by bringing the right weapon good design?

Not all weapons need to be viable for the hardest content.

4U's Fatalis, even with maxed out end game armor he can two shot you with chip-united.

White Fatalis in FU was ridiculous though, have no idea how anyone could beat that piece of shit

>Not wanting Content

Literally any G4 in GU, literally any 120 guild quest in 4U or the super quests from 3U.

Behemoth is child's play, and i did on my second attempt with PUGS. Meanwhile it is nearly impossible to pug any of the other games high end quests, because some fuck will always triple cart and you need to constantly kick people out

>LS & Bow
never heard that before. I'd argue it's hard with bow because you get one-shotted by nearly everything without the inherent melee buff
Lance, Glaive, and obviously HBG cheese would be my choices for going up against him

4U is just a casualized MH4. MH4's endgame content is several times harder than anything in 4U.

Someone please explain in your own words what the fuck "itemization" means.

LS is basically invincible and Bow is so mobile that you'd have to fuck up hard to get hit by anything while also having godly DPS and lockdown.

I used to do it with gunlances and a lot of explosives. It was the one of the few ways to do it without being a pro at GS and sniping his head.

There's nothing wrong with liking both. I do wish MHW had more monsters and better looking weapons but then I again I started off with Tri for the Wii where content was a bit dry there too. I mean I can pick on all kinds of things in World like how the color palettes they use aren't as vibrant and they went towards a more serious route as well as some of the harder monsters are collab ones and that's because they require you to play it different then other hunts. I just hope they don't think buffing HP over adding more moves is a good way to increase difficulty

As someone who likes pokemon at least they put some sort of effort in their game and seem to listen a little unlike pokemon does. "Oh you rike charrenge? No way filthy gaijin you get babby mode"

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MH4 is literally 4U without the G-rank retard!

4's event quests were much harder, and GQ difficulty was severely nerfed in 4U.

you fags sound like Dark Souls fanboys
>"nuh uh, MY game's boss is harder"


My Transmog Elder God mountain Goddess looks amazing
The world armor looks awful

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I liked it a lot, but I miss that armor sets had flaws too. It didn't matter most of the time, but it was neat when you had these endgame armors that would be broken in one way, but would have a major flaw in another that makes you have to use it the right way.

Alatreon, 140 Rajang, Anything apex, Tri Jho.

but especially....

Attached: ancient_leshen_mhw.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

>best gear
Stopped reading there.

>140 Rajang, Anything apex
I might give you the others but apex 140s are a joke.

The only real argument is actual lack of content, and variant content. Hopefully Iceborne solves this problem.

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Look how varied and colorful everything looks
Meanwhile World looks like muddy and brown

>but it was neat when you had these endgame armors that would be broken in one way, but would have a major flaw in another
none of the good sets had any "major flaws" retard, if they had major flaws they wouldn't be good sets

>Best Movesets
>Best Itemization
>Best Gear
>doesn't even bother to claim best monsters

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my main problem with World is just that the hunters are way too powerful compared to the monsters. nothing can put up a decent fight outside of the awful collab monsters.

>not enough content
It's funny you say that because I think it has too much. The main story line takes like 80 hours to get through to the good stuff.

I haven't played in like a year. Whats new? can I still get all those limited time armor sets and shit?

>QoL improvements
I didn't realize nintendo fanboys were this seething

Nope. Pole, net, Whetstone, spit, and a couple others i forget are locked for some damn reason. One of my biggest gripes with the game.

Should've got the game on console. PC Shitters are the absolute worse.Never have I seen a divided base where one side was so inherently BAAAAAAAD at the game.

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I mained the bug stick btw, did they change it?

You just missed the spring fest which brought all the previous events back, so not right now. They'll probably do something again in the summer.

What a coincidence, I'm playing citra right now. You wanna tell me how the text box looks on citra again?

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>Cluster cheesers
Literally kill yourself irl

I kinda miss MH being on handheld, but it's for the sole reason that the guys I play with are all on different platforms except for Nintendo for some reason.

Compared to Behemoth? No. Not even close.
Hell you don't even have to get to 140s to get harder hunts.

no its not you fucking assblasted homo hunter

Do people still play on xbone?

Fuck you

>changing something that doesn't need to be changed for the sake of change
Go back to Skyrim, casualfag

>5 minute loading screen
>30 fps with dips
No thanks. I just meant the randos suck, Played with a couple of anons a few hours ago and shit was cash.

>80hr main story

Tri had the perfect amount of content in my opinion.

They do, but Yea Forums and /mhg/ only ever post PC or PS4 rooms.

>Tri jho
>harder than Apex 140s
Are you retarded?

stop pretending like speedrunning bullshit is the same kind of enjoyment as just fighting hard monsters throughout the game faggot

>The main story line takes like 80 hours to get through to the good stuff.
It's more like 40 including cutscenes.

Tri savage jho is harder. You're retarded yourself. 4U has stuff that is 10 times more exploitable than 3U slime weps.

Where? the desert? everywhere else is pretty varied and vibrant

>just fighting hard monsters throughout the game
How did you not drop the series after FU then? All of the challenging content has been postgame only for 10 years now

>a shitload of opinions on hating QOL changes
Jesus christ i've played quite literally every monster hunter and have well over 10k hours in monster hunter, and i loved world. The only huge gripes i have with it can be fixed too, lack of weapons, armor, and monsters, but those are being added. Half the mouth breathers that hate world are double cross shitters who love the over the top anime crap in that, and the other half only started playing monster around fucking tri and 4. If you didnt start with at least FU you have no right to open your gaping maw and hate on world.

Like? I can only remember the kelbi sling and maybe bugstick mount spam

Nothing felt harder and I've done everything in 4U. I farmed 140s for a good 300hours.

At least when you turn off the silent hill filter

Why the fuck they have that shit is beyond me.

>Don't have to wait 1-4 months for content, competent team mates, larger player base
>Mods, 60 fps, no loading times

Pick one.

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>complains game is too easy
>doesn't go on the more difficult hunts
>doesn't challenge self with interesting runs
apply thyself

>Tri Savage Jho

Doesn't exist my dude, Savage Jho was added in 3U.

>nerfing monsters is QoL
>powercreep is QoL
>removing commitment from combat is QoL

I'd rather play MHFU or MH4U.

Decorations are pure cancer. Why are japs so obsessed with gacha shit?

>savage jho
You clearly haven't played anything other than World.

>claims to like the challenge of megaman
>doesn't speedrun it and get a world best
apply thyself

>kelbi sling
>4U exploitable stuff

>double cross shitters who love the over the top anime crap

Aww fuck, look what you did, now the rest of the thread is gonna be cherry picked webms.

I like doing challenging quests but I have 0 interest in gimping myself, providing challenge is the developers' job, not mine

>Nothing felt harder
Than Behemoth.
Where the only challenge was the bloated health.

My bad. 3U savage jho then. Harder than any 140GQ

Deco farm isn't as bad as trying to get a good charm. Charm farming was unfun and tedious, while the tempered grind at least engages with the strong suit of the franchise, hunting monsters.

Mount spam was shit. You know how you cheese 4U with IG? Literally just hit and run poking with the standing X attack. That's it.

I'm sorry i remembered wrong then, i really can't remember anything in 4U making the game piss easy aside from mount spamming.

Savage Jho isn't even that tough user.

wait wait, this is a better analogy.
>really enjoy megaman games
>megaman 14 comes out and it's way easier than before, you can shoot in 8 directions and don't need to charge your blaster anymore it's always full power
>wtf this is too easy?
thats what you sound like

And an unblockable that needs either of 2 skills to be either blocked or evaded. Sometimes that's all it takes.

I play lots of challenging games user, not just MHW. if you had a point, it's not very clear

understandable, but if you complain about MHW being too easy you should at least try the AT monsters and Behemoth out

That's plenty. Mount in 4U was seriously broken. But since we're talking 4U bullshit, add charge blade as a whole to the list.

t. charge blade main since day 1.

Just because you like it doesn't make you right. Sure World can be fun on sometimes, but the changes it brought? None of them were needed. Most people who defend World are either sony cocksuckers or casualfags who never played an older MH game.

>pick hammer
>all I do is slide spins
>feel like sonic
Am I a shitter? This is so fun.

>>Best Movesets
>>Best Itemization
>>Best Gear
>Optimized well
>Short load screens
All wrong
>Best selling Capcom game ever -- AKA you will always find people to play with
You can still find people playing 3u

>the game has one monster that's kinda hard so let's ignore that the rest of the game is so boring easy that anyone with at least half a brain will fall asleep playing it

No problem i can wait a few months for more content. There's shit tons of games to play on PC.
Playing with randos on high tier quests will always be incompetent no matter that platform, You need people you can communicate with for that shit.
Iirc PC player base is pretty large so i don't see the problem?

Charge Blade is overrated as fuck. It dumpsters weak monsters and that's literally it. It's shit in 140s, far too slow and clunky compared to GS and IG.

IG was also busted as fuck on top of mounting being OP as hell.

I had it done in 23, and about 3-5 were me tabbed out during cutscenes. Sorry you're a shitter

I'm talking about trying different weapons and gear out. Not playing with a steering wheel or without a left hand.
Again you should try out all the post game monsters before coming to the conclusion that it's too easy

Started with MHF2, he's correct bingbing.

Says a lot about 140GQs in comparison. People are memeing about their difficulty while forgetting how you can exploit each monster once you take it out of apex.

>Most people who defend World are either sony cocksuckers or casualfags who never played an older MH game.
Yeah, all 12 million of them. They're the new target audience. The core fans are no longer needed, so why appeal to them instead of making changes to attract everyone else?

I hate what this fucking fanbase has become.
Introducing platform wars into a series is always a fantastic idea clearly.

The ATs were decent, they made me actually make builds for them, hopefully Iceborne has a bigger build variety.

Oh ye how the fuck did i forget about charged blade, that was really super broken with the guard point

It's fun until you decide you want to do a different attack
Then you'll realize that that's the only charge attack you'll get because you'll start sliding on every tiny incline instead holy fuck I hate this game

>And an unblockable that needs either of 2 skills to be either blocked or evaded
Which does not a challenge make, that's bad game design.

congratulations on that user and thanks for sharing. I just guessed my playtime; it could have been more like 50 or so because I had the game running a lot even if I wasn't playing it at that exact time

>every move has been streamlined and combos and can be cancelled and the slinger is too easy and everything is just too easy and streamlined

you aren't punished in the same way for your misplays anymore. monster stuns had to be cranked up to 500 and you can't shake out of it anymore to compensate for how easy the game became. on top of that cats were nerfed to just stand around and watch while you're stunned as well. the game has significantly worse gameplay because of this. it's a cheap way to compensate for how easy they made movesets and using items.

maybe you say those are improvements, i say you never really liked monster hunter if you really think that.

Already did every AT except Nerg (not out yet on PC) and they were all pathetically easy. Bow beats everything.

The actual fanbase is fine, it's just this shithole. It's a damn shame really, MH threads used to be the comfiest shit on this board. But that's the result of this place becoming more and more popular and attracting the riff-raff.

Well check the reply chains then. People are mentioning 2 shotting, 1 shotting etc. in response to something more difficult when I asked. You should write the same to them too going by your logic.

So MH was only ever hard because of artificial difficulty?

no sorry it's literally because the game came out on ps4. i'm not being ironic or a console war shitposter, but prior to this the modern series was limited to 3ds and wii u. you can't compare the playerbases of those two to eachother. every dumb mutt in america owns a ps4.

ebin. time to learn a new weapon and git gud

I think using items is more of a pain in world than in the classic games. The gulp and flex was fast as hell compared to the chug, anything that is actually being aggressive will slap your potion out of your hand.

on the contrary anything that seems "difficult" now is the artificial difficulty. they took away the precise nature of the gameplay and allowed the user to get away with doing anything they want, and in turn had to change the tuning of stuns to ridiculously boring/stupid levels to compensate to give some visage of """difficulty""".

>Best Graphics
On a franchise where most people would agree it didn't matter.
>Best moveset
Debatable. MHW feels slower somehow to me.
>Best Itemization
Fuck no. Playing roulette for decorations and the cloaks or other items that trivialise some fight is certainly not best itemization
>Best Gear
This has got to be bait
>Runs @ 120fps and beyond
See first point.
>Short load screens
Didn't play PC version so can't say but ps4 has horrendously long loadscreens and previous games' loading time were short too.
>Play on something other than handheld
Actual valid point.
Sure is fun chasing rathalos through the forest for 5min
>Hardest Monster in the series
Subjective. Molten tigrex would like to have a word.
>Massive updates and DLC
Those "massive" updates adds one monster woop dee doo. After that dLC it will still have less content than some G games.

Personal taste but I'll stick to MHGU.
>inb4 bing bing wahoo
I was the among those disapointed it went for ds so fuck off.

And how all it took for continuous stun at least 2 times in a row was 1 SAED. For the 3rd one it needed 2. There was no 4th time, monster is dead by then.

CB made hammer almost non-existent in 4U imo.

>Says a lot about 140GQs in comparison
Not really, if anything it says more about your lack of experience with the series seeing as you thought savage was in Tri and clearly haven't fought one.
Hell, even if you exploit CBs and mounting in 4U that requires a fair amount of prep work and sometimes even mix sets which usually required a download of Athena's ASS.

Not my fault that the devs put a broken weapon in the game.
I don't see why a game's difficulty should be arbitrarily judged based on bad weapons. You can make any game hard that way.

it's just consolewar shit in general. people who own switches were seething that world never came to their system. and ps4 players were smug about it

Nigga FU/P3rd threads were cozy as hell and that was a PSP game, fuck outta here with your console war bullshit. You're part of the riff-raff I'm referring to in my post.

actually most people who hate on world are the new players ironically enough. most old players of the series follow the game whatever platform it goes to. world haters seem to just be nintencopes who have nightmares about it because its not on bing bing wahoo

World is great, but it definitely went for quality over quantity. Most monsters share skeletons with each other, so only a few different types; even amongst those there's a lot of shared/similar attacks. Weapon design is pretty tame, and while the areas are nice and big, now that all the updates are out, they've gotten very crowded. I'm tired of elder's recess and ancient forest, especially now that they've got Behemoth, Teo, Luna, Kushala, Nergi, Dodo, Lavafish, blue rathalos urugaan, basil juice and picklejho, leshen, jagras, fattest jagras, anja, regular rathalos, rathian, pukei, kulu, toby, and soon nargacuga all running around in them.

>people who own switches were seething that world never came to their system

i don't actually buy this for a second. it's absolute falseflagging.


>CB made hammer almost non-existent in 4U imo.
CB was a totally different kind of weapon. GS made hammer nonexistent. Basically the same gameplan as hammer but better in every way, including KO.

>You should write the same to them too going by your logic.
Sure when those attacks become unlockable rather than just a hard hitting attack.

>went for quality over quantity
>Most monsters share skeletons with each other, so only a few different types; even amongst those there's a lot of shared/similar attacks
Isn't that the exact opposite of what you said?

>had to buy a wii for Tri after 500 hours in FU

No ragrets especially after softmodding it Still remember the cool dude at gamestop who gave me a discount on the CC pro because the bundles were sold out.

>people who own switches were seething that world never came to their system.
Not a single person was angry about World not going to Switch.

before the game was even out people were spazzing on Yea Forums saying it was going to be capcom's biggest failure and that other console players wouldn't appreciate it.
see the "won't sell well".jpg for proof

>no seethe here

>that was a PSP game

there's far less overlap between the kind of people that would own a psp and enjoy mh1/2/3 and those who would own a ps4 than you think.

You're retarded my dude, FU and P3rd WERE modern when they released and they were fine. P3rd and 3U were able to comfortably co-exist no problem.

want to counter anything that autist said about the game or just go >lol u mad nintenbaby

So some normie who got the game on PS4 on release asked me what my HR was after he told me that his HR was 72. I replied back with my HR on PC: 356 or so. And that got me thinking a-am I the autist here?

bro you had to have seen it

Yeah, Mega Pots take too long so Max Potions are much more reliable, especially when you set up your crafting on the radial menu to easily make them. Also the Health Regen on weapons are much more convenient as well since you can just keep up the attack without having to slow down and heal.

>before the game was even out people were spazzing on Yea Forums saying it was going to be capcom's biggest failure
Not him but that's your persecution complex and a little falseflagging talking.
Most people were talking about how it was strange that Capcom would suddenly change to home consoles when MH sold considerably more on portables.
Remember only one console game before World ever crossed 1m.

I mean, they were completely right in Japan, where it's the lowest selling MH title since Tri. But World selling 10 million copies in the west was pretty hard to anticipate.

Do you have a better response to THING DIFFERENT AND NOT ON MY SWITCH DON'T LIKE

give p3rd to 100,000 ps4 owners today and tell me how many of those mutts enjoy it. guarantee the number would be absolutely miniscule.

now that's a lotta slaying

>people needed mixed sets and prep work
My man, I was killing 140 rajangs in 10min with CB, no mixed sets ever and those were my bad times. And mixed sets on IG? The star knight full set was all it took. Just slap 4 star knights on a hunt and it was over. Who cares about them doing 2-3 digits less than optimal dmg when the monster literally never gets up.

I like the game, but you're retarded.

yeah try reading the image :) thats not even a valid strawman anymore since it's on pc

>casualized westernized MH selling a lot in the west
>hard to anticipate

I love MH and I wouldn't play P3rd if you paid me to do it, piss easy joke of a game.

Could a 750ti with i5 6000 play this?

>My man, I was killing 140 rajangs in 10min with CB, no mixed sets ever and those were my bad times
Your "bad times" with a full set on one of the most armor skill reliant weapons were a minute and a half slower than WR? Yeah right, fuck off.


They also had insanely good timing with no major releases around and everyone turning on Destiny 2 at the same time. Capcom even took a huge hit to their stock when they were forced to admit they would likely never see figures like that again in the near future.

If you find QoL and just general improvements casualization I'm going to suspect that you're just butthurt for some other reason you're too dishonest to say.
No one actually liked gathering items that slowly, heal flexing, or map transitions, right?

Attached: hits.jpg (275x261, 15K)

I did, most of the crying came from people trying to defend World hence why this "SEETHING NINTENFAGS" scapegoat was created.
After all you can't argue with anyone seriously after they've said that because it really didn't come to the Switch. >My man, I was killing 140 rajangs in 10min with CB, no mixed sets ever and those were my bad times
Uh huh, sure you were.

>The star knight full set was all it took.
Best way to die because even with mounting master there are diminishing returns on mounts so you were usually guaranteed to take a hit and the SK set had abysmal defense for a G rank set. Mount spam doesn't really work solo anyway especially with a fast monster like Rajang.
Also no one is going to believe that made up time.

To sum it up either you were carried by an entire SK team invalidating your argument or you haven't played anything but World.

Heal flexing was better and faster than taking a sippy. I also liked the map transitions because they could flub the actual geography of the area by just abstracting the distance traveled per load screen.

>y-you were just carried!
and a cope to (You) too. last one, cherish it

Glad you aren't denying being carried. Do you even own these games?

>heal flexing
Can't believe I'm saying it but I kinda want it back for the instant refill. Gradual refill while hunter's running slowly drinking the pot's killed me more times than I ever thought it would.

Why do worldsperms continue to pretend anyone hates the QoL changes and not the actual casualization?

Because they can't set it apart.

Everybody itt calling MHW easy and casual has also carted numerous times and couldnt sub 5 tempered anything to save their life. They are literally contrarians and toddlers.

MH games were literally never hard. acting elite about it just outs you

>Gradual refill while hunter's running slowly drinking the pot's killed me more times than I ever thought it would.
How? If you just run to the left or right while doing it nothing can touch you.

>MH games were literally never hard.
Not an excuse to make them braindead easy just because they weren't master ninja NG

>gimmick mmo fight is real mh difficulty
Lmao no.

>couldnt sub 5 tempered anything to save their life.
Can you?

>tfw have to wait months for iceborne because japs cannot into PC porting

Attached: 1556843937619.gif (309x313, 1.47M)

Can we stop pretending any mh has good post game? Tempered sucks, Apex sucks, GQ's especially suck.

I've done exactly like you wrote many times throughout my time with the game. It does touch you, not everything ofc but the attack that matters will touch you.

I'm a 4u bab, so my opinion doesn't matter, but I'm pretty sure the entire appeal of monster hunter that fact you can play them for 6 billion hours and still not see everything the game has to offer.

Not enough monsters
Monsters movesets are too samey
Too many recycles, especially rathaloses

it's just as easy as it's ever been. it's 75% gear and 25% knowing what to do with your moveset. most monsters (ALL MH games) you don't even have to react to what the monster is doing

Nope, and I also dont pretend like the game is easy.

>tfw no friends to try and kill monsters as fast as we can

Whats a good youtuber/twitch channel to watch for comfy MHW content?


>steam required
no thanks.

Lol yeah tru I personally just stand right in front of a monster and set the controller down until I get the quest reward screen.

same dawg

4U added delayed wakeup

it took you 6 billion hours to craft bounding dalamadur and a set for it?

People had trouble with molten tigrex?

Attached: 1539719888748.png (256x196, 69K)

>It does touch you,
Okay what is "it" in this context.

>it's 75% gear

Your solo lvl140 naked proofs?

You know why, OP.

Attached: 1521267989416.jpg (1920x1079, 918K)

>genuine AKCTAULLY bottom right
>Actually, it won't sell like crazy
>Biggest/fastest selling MH -AND- Capcom game of all time

makes me think

Attached: DpQ9YJl.png (700x700, 21K)

Honestly, I don't even know what you're talking about, 4u was the only game I played, and I was very on and off about it, I would make about 60 - 80 hours in and then drop it so hard I would just delete it from my 3ds, and later on, I would re-download it and get another 60ish hours in and drop it again. I've done this like three times now.

Attached: 354.jpg (680x684, 42K)

So what, now you think 140s are hard?

But where are proofs?

World was pretty decent. Not bad by any means but definitely not perfect. If i had one major complaint it would be that the Scoutflies aren't on a toggle - sometimes i don't want them on and sometimes they screw with the camera

Attached: 1473514381569.jpg (500x730, 231K)

>i want less content in my 2000 hours boss farming game

i swear to god the moment world came out and the normies got the game the quality of the threads went to shit

you're not talking to the same person.
also, yes, gear is very important

I would say I probably got hit less than 5 times while drinking in 120 hours of World. Sprinting while drinking is sufficiently fast enough against the majority of monsters as long as you're not standing right next to them when you start. Meanwhile I still get hit while flexing occasionally in other games when I go back to them.

Is it worth getting into for solo play?

they fixed the fucked up facial expressions yet?
that's the only thing put me off

Regardless how it compares to other MH games, it sucks ass.

gets me every damn time

>easier than frontier
oh here comes the hardcore MH player who hasn't played any of the games

Yup, you get a cat to help you out and the monsters are scaled appropriately.

Like actual face animations or you mean the bait that gets posted like screens of Handler doing anything or RE2:R Claire?

You can turn them off if you're on PC and using a mod

Fuck off, monster hunter world is literally the game with more new content of monster hunter ever, I don't know how the fuck you people aren't bored with fighting like a 80% of copy pasted monsters in arena type zones in every release, jesus christ.
It's like people shilling for generation ultimate, like fuck off, I've played already 95% of that game in the games before, that's what a scam is, not world, retards.

this proves you wrong. nintendo fans really wanted it to fail from the start

They're trying to sell you a switch, not the game.

I'm a newfag to MonHun who got into it before the PC port of World came out but after it was already out on PS4. Monster Hunter threads were comfy right until it came out on PC. I started with FU, it's still my fav between it World, 1, and 3U but those are all I've played. Which should I play next? No Switch but I can play any other one.

GU but on 3DS.

So when they say iceborne is adding new moves, go they mean actual new weapons moves? Or are they just talking about the new slinger stuff?

>Why do people continue to pretend MHW isn't the best Monster Hunter game?

Attached: 1557242769157.png (720x720, 476K)

Whates even worse for bingers is the XX director and his team are making iceborne. Looks like capcom smell the money and have moved on from handheld MH for now.

At the very least, SnS will get something new like they said. But generally the slinger combos do seem to be what they mean by new weapon moves as they are slightly different from weapon to weapon.

How does that prove them wrong when the screenshot is a mix of falseflagging and educated guesses based on previous console performance?

>monster hunter world is literally the game with more new content of monster hunter ever
Where is that content exactly? Most of the monsters are clones of existing monsters.

>XX director and his team are making iceborne

Attached: 74537456457886.jpg (622x621, 70K)

Hopefully the new LS stuff is fun. I just can't stay away from LS for some reason, I still have fun and do well with most other weapons but there's just something's about it. Just wish so many of them didn't look like generic weeb sticks.

This is your returning cast for Iceborne. Say something nice to them.

Attached: 1558104662789.jpg (1920x1080, 3.46M)

Didn't you hear? They are not banking their hopes on Ichinose and his supposed "NEXT" project. They really think if there's a hypothetical MH on Switch, it will be exclusive for whatever reason like they deserved it.

Attached: IchinoseYasunori.jpg (185x241, 36K)

Why even reply?

*They are now

My only complaint is the HQ base not being comfy enough and lack of vibrant colors like in MH4.

Even tho a free trial was out couldn't get any of my friends to give the game a try, my guild will remain empty forever at this point.

Attached: 1548365399538.png (1500x1737, 2.17M)

Man, you sure do like setting up your own shitposting don't you.

Because World already has enough shitty ideas from XX as it is

Why aren't you posting your Ichinose NEXT collage anymore?

Attached: .jpg (493x387, 56K)

I wish, then it would have been a semi decent game.

Out of the top of my head, Teostra homing dash. Not the one directional dash variant. There's others but I ain't making a list right now.

>or the bait that gets posted like screens of Handler doing anything or RE2:R Claire?

I meant crappy facial animations and jagged up cutscene animations since it's crapcom with shitty pc support because incompetent jap dev

Doesn't that mean Iceborne will be more like the bing bing anime game you hate so much?

Attached: 1479691545062.png (828x720, 625K)

Because I'm not you and compilations are the ultimate form of coping.

God I hope he's in.

>better weapon designs
>more monsters
>bring back fan favs
>re introduce styles in a less retarded way
>give actual transmog
World doesn't need much to take the throne as the best MH in every way. I'm hoping the expansion does some of these things well.

not sure what you're talking about. I've never seen that and I played only on PC
only npc glitch I've seen was the one where the Moogle's fur would take up your entire screen during the Behemoth cutscenes, but they fixed that

I really enjoyed 3U but I love the more realistic and down-to-earth feel of World.

Before you get your hopes up that's not an image of iceborne monsters.
Also I imagine Brachy would be a nightmare with World's terrain.

I like all monster hunter games in one way or another, I've played since the original on PS2 with fucking analog stick attacks. Unlike disgusting bingers that preach about being a """veteran""" despite not starting the series until it was 6 games in. I'd be perfectly fine if we got crazy styles back.

It's an expansion not an entire game rehaul you retard.

Well I'm only reposting what was posted before. Anyway this is not the same one that you guys did, but it'll do. I think it's missing that nintendo laughing face or something

Attached: D1diMOLV4AEwp08.jpg (1200x849, 361K)

So I take it you just parrot everything you hear, huh.

Those models look a lot more detailed than their im game versions though. I don't think we'll see all of them, but something's up.

>that's not an image of iceborne monsters.
I mean, not officially, buuuuut...
>All Monsters in the pic are textured with World quality
>All returning monsters shown so far (Narga, Tigrex) are in that picture
>They updated the picture after the flagship for Iceborne got revealed

>more monsters and somebody returning fan favs
How the fuck is that an outlandish expectation for an expansion? No shit I don't expect styles to come back in the expansion.


Attached: Capture.png (642x495, 508K)

I hear a lot of bitching from bing babies in every thread and I'm fucking sick of it.

I'd shit a brick if they got him working in World

So, your only proof is an image anyone can make and a memory of falseflagging.

So you come to threads about a series you like to shittalk a game you like just because you don't like the strawman you have in your head of the people that like it?

I can't keep up with the kids and their trolling these days.

>Those models look a lot more detailed than their im game versions though
Because they're flagships. They have detailed models and art for all of them for cover purposes.

>I hear a lot of bitching from bing babies
No you don't, they have never been in World threads.

I wouldn't take them seriously, user. I mean, anyone who uses "bing" as an argument when faced with criticism isn't worth it.


Attached: 1555669287880.png (1702x365, 83K)

Yeah they're intent on making the general a festering shit heap most of the time.


Thanks for proving me right I guess.

I don't agree with >Best Movesets >Best Itemization >Best Gear.
But I don't care enough to make a counter argument.

>Hardest Monster in the series (you know which one)
Is Behemoth really harder than Black Diablos? I'm skeptic. I never tried his hard, event version.

Other than that I agree.

Which language have the best voice actors in this game? JP or ENG?
Thinking about getting it

>Why yes, please allow me to correct the record (TM)
>"Actually, there wasn't Nintendofags mad..."
this is getting embarrassing

You don't know what your point is do you.

I know right?
All this time and you still can't move away from the Nintendofag boogeyman.

You forgot
>best denuvo
not buying that shit lmao

Yes I know. They are banking their hopes on Ichinose and whatever he's doing should deservingly be a Switch exclusive.

Always JP for a JP game.

Not him but how is this proof?
You have a cap from an unknown forum posting a cap from an unknown discord that can't be verified from a user who believes you can even have actual Nintendo threads on Resetera without triggering someone and getting banned.

When was this?

WHY is the texture pack larger than the game REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Attached: 1555174073838.jpg (270x270, 18K)

>They are banking their hopes on Ichinose and whatever he's doing should deservingly be a Switch exclusive.
Which your link doesn't prove in the slightest as it's just a report about a prominent leaker.

april fools

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>it's all fake because it makes me look bad

Attached: lul.jpg (980x1040, 138K)

You know if you guys actually liked MH then we could actually have decent World threads.

So are you going to provide links to the discord and forum or what?

So anons, what are your hopes and dreams for Iceborne?
I wish we could get a new bug monster or Snake wyvern while the MHW mons get subspecies. I would like Brachy, Zinogre, Chameleos and maybe even Glavenus to return. More weapon variety would be great and hopefully the G rank weapons would look boring. Please Capcom, bring back Eager Cleaver

Attached: 1497635966971.png (500x639, 287K)

MHW didn't sell that much on PC. Only retards who still unironically use steamspy after it died believe this.

No because it's not my screencap and you're not replying to the guy who posted it.

what processor?

Fuck you if you can’t heal and flex then you don’t deserve to play

>what are your hopes and dreams for Iceborne?
A fixed game, free online, multiplayer that doesn't require you to watch a cutscene first, oils so SnS isn't so shit anymore

But because that's unfeasible I guess seeing Zin and maybe savage Jho would be good.

>world is my first mh game
>absolutely fall in love with the game
>listen to Yea Forums claim how mhgu is so much better
>bought a switch just to play mhgu
>it is extremely clunky and barely playable
never listening to you faggots again

Attached: 1540781807919.jpg (288x252, 11K)

THAT was your takeaway? hahaha

Attached: 1553824939074.gif (471x479, 1.5M)

Great, now you can find it then because no amount of greentexting and samefagging can replace evidence.

>World has new content
Here your (You)

Attached: CD6D90DD-5DA4-4ED2-9ECE-DD59F0FD76CF.png (625x626, 129K)

Idk molten tigrex but EX bloodbath is super fucking annoying

fated four is my dream

Lagiacrus model is already made, just cut right before release, so Misutsune is possible. Other skeletons are already present.

I know Capcom isn't that kind though

Because it started there and it was spread here on Yea Forums and got caught on and there was even a wojak face edit (ironic or not). Of course this is just fuel to the always ongoing baseless claims that there is a Switch exclusive MH5 Portable in the works.

bing bing

Casual. Enjoy babbies first mh

Damn bro get that hand out your ass
You’re a human not a puppet


>barely playable

Attached: giphy.gif (245x220, 493K)

>Because it started there and it was spread here on Yea Forums and got caught on
Not very well if it's only being posted on occasion by anti Nintendo posters.
If it really caught on as well as you're implying we would have actual discussion.

Stick to Facebook if this is your idea of trolling you suck at it

>replying to someone who unironically thinks that World isn't clunky

You do know you're still giving people attention by doing that, right?

Regardless, you will always get "the rumor is next MH is Switch exclusive" posts. And to think the situation was reversed just 2 years ago.

Cool webm and everything but this literally never happens. The game is mostly landing a hit, getting tossed/roar stunned, and then chasing the monster after it runs off. It's boring asf

how is World clunky? the fuck?

Attached: 1547737729193.gif (480x238, 443K)

Same. 4gu is garbage and completely broken from the very beginning when you can use valor and just rape everything by pressing two buttons.

>you will always get "the rumor is next MH is Switch exclusive" posts
Shitposting ones? Yes, that's a given especially in these threads where the aim is to rub World in the face of imaginary fanboys.
Legitimate ones? Next to never since there's nothing to actually talk about.

If you are bad this is what it feels like. If you git gud then each fight is a dance recital where you take input from monster animations to position and continue dealing damage.

well don't post dumb shit if you don't want to be laughed at user