Why haven't you pre-ordered my cute wife's game yet?
Fire Emblem Three Houses
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I want to like this game so much, there’s so much potential, but I have this sinking feeling that the game will turn out to be a hot mess
At least the gameplay will probably be alright
I have pre-ordered it, but not for that girl, I pre-ordered it for Ms. AraAra Nurse
I don't understand how the resolution can be so low on a game that looks like an actual PS2 game. Is Intelligent Systems really just that fucking incompetent?
If the leaks are real, then the story should be fine.
I really hope it is.
So how outraged will the modern FE audience be when they realize there's no romance?
I don't pre-order games, but I'll probably buy it. I think being able to grow your squad in a customizable way looks interesting.
Do you guys prefer Warrior's somewhat less animu style or 3House style for character models?
because the game looks like garbage, and minor tweaks to an old strategy rpg that really needs to get a complete rehaul, and stop selling itself based off character designs, when the gameplay is utter garbage. also it looks like low rendered pc game. ISyS just go PC already.
I like to actually be able to distinguish the noses on models.
>less animu
the only reason it looks less anime is because they based it off of kozaki, and even then, it's still anime as heck
Yea Forums is terrible at shilling and makes me think the game will be bad. Change my mind.
What are the leaks? I just got out of school so I haven’t kept up with the game since the Direct.
who made this? and is there porn of it
i prefer warriors style, three houses characters look the same like a poorly made anime where everyone suffers from same face and soulless eyes.
Only good thing about this game is that that girl looks like F Morgan and you'll likely be able to romance her.
to sum it up here's the only major thing:
>the school setting is a facade and the game takes a major dark turn early on
>you actually do murder the people of the other houses during the course of the game
>Golden Deer boy grows sideburns when he promotes
Because all of what they've bothered showing off looks terrible and they're withholding almost everything of actual substance for some reason.
Im actually pretty excited for three houses.
The new gameplay stuff sounds fun. It may not be a difficult campaign but I'm sure the new additions will at least be interesting.
Also the story might potentially have some interesting elements given it's not a binary like CQ/BR
>is there porn of it
It's in production.
>Pairing shit and eugenics is what saved the series
>Hires a fucking fujo artist to appeal at the fujopairing bullshit
>"ISIS will take the pairings out!!"- some user on the net.
Yeah, IS is stupid but I like to believe that they aren't that stupid.
The art is shit but fujos will take anything as long as they can pair their gay in peace.
Nice. I was figuring as much but it’s good to see it confirmed. Anything else that’s juicy? Thanks for the info
#FE models.
could I get the name of the person making it so I can find out when it's out?
God I need to fuck those tits so badly
What saved Awakening was marketing, not pointless shit like shipping and children units.
In fact, people loathed children in Fates.
they only hated the fates children because the in universe reason for their existence was stupid and made no sense and was clearly just forced in there.
They loathed the kids in Fates because that mess of a story got even messier while trying to shove the kid game mechanic in there.
People loved the kids in Awakening and was part of what made it so sucessful, since "Time to build the strongest killer machine" is very fun to some people.
They're also crappy characters, forgettable, and overall unpopular except for a couple ones.
where can i find this?
not the same user, but i notice that FE is lacking in 3D animated porn. so i hope to find more in the future. i mean the warrior models are already online, I would make some but i can only do stills on XNALara, not actual animations.
>more like tranny with those wide ass shoulders, but her design is all over the place, her face and hair is beautiful
>See request list of any 3d animator.
See the issue?
Look up necdaz91. It's footfaggotry though.
incorrect, only 3 are really forgettable, the rest are still pretty remembered and then there are the ones that were awakening characters only used for throwaway jokes like "SEVERA IS HER OWN ANCESTOR"
She cute, vee told me there weren't any cute girls in the new FE.
Midori has the best faces and you can't prove me otherwise.
as long as he one day makes the model available to the public, I'm okay with that.
Shipping and children in awakening was pretty much the reason people loved the series.
You could basically ship whoever you want for casuals, and hardcore could min-max the shit out of everyone.
In Fates children made non sense at all so everyone hate them, the main cast however, everyone love them.
Because I don't own a switch and it's not on pc or wii u or 3ds.
I'm not buying a new console for one game.
5 year time skip, Dimitri goes through a lot of trauma loses an eye. Four paths to choose from one for each house and a neutruel path (Not a happy path apparently). The leak predicited dorothea being the dancer but it's not 100% confirmed yet.
My Switch has been collecting dust for the past year so at least I'll have a reason to take it out again.
Only Soleil, Ophelia and the two subhuman girls are not forgettable.
Who the fuck remembers this?
Daily reminder Three Houses looks better than Awakening/Fates and both Radiant games
that's a funny word for a VN
how many times do you have to buy this one?
You bought a Wii U but you didn’t buy a switch
>IS took the fact that people wanted a FE4 remake to mean give them another time skip
is that tacomeat?
Is gameplay important or not? The FE fanbase can't seem to decide after Echoes.
me since I at least remembered the kid exists
Cute hunchback
Mareeta got Boris'D
Awakeningfags are just retarded, what do you expect
But how do you hug her without getting covered in horrendous lacerations?
>there’s so much potential
is there, though?
ISIS hasn't made a decent video game in a decade, and even then decent is the appropriate term.
They aren't exactly great or ambitious designers, but I suppose their fanbase isn't either.
I mean it's a big fucking deal that the artwork is ugly in this game. I mean yeah, it is, but how about the fifty-gorillion other ass backwards aspects of the franchise as it relates to gameplay? Those are secondary, apparently.
tl;dr There's no potential. You'd have more potential to find gold panning the Mississippi than in Intelligent Systems to develop a quality experience, video game or otherwise.
it's a fucking single player game, not an esports game.
Why do you need to seek validation from people online over how you play the game?
Kiragi is less forgettable than some others, the real forgettable ones are Hisame, Ignatius and the cameo children like Pajeet.
>nothing about Echoes
Nice try cuck
Do we know if there is a Jagen\Oifey in this game?
F Morgan is pure shit so that's a bad thing
Bernadetta is cute, I'm going to make her a pegasus knight
Apparently the only thing about Echoes that was good was the art direction, despite the washed out color palette and uguu faces on 95% of the cast.
Evidently a "good" art direction makes a good game for these people.
Here's the leaks.
Doesn't seem to be, looks like nobody is starting with Prf weapons either unlike Awakening/Fates
>still having to ask this question
at least they're not Game Freak
>Heiwa made a new FE flash game
strap in boys
Echoes is on the same level as Fates.
It's not!Greil at least until chapter 4 or 5 when he gets killed.
We haven't even seen if he's playable yet
Echoes had art direction from a renowned experienced artist, you are insecure because you think your opinion is a fact
If the leaks are real the game may be surprisingly good
>story is dark and has detailed worldbuilding more akin to Tactics Ogre unlike Awakening trash
>level design is apparently shit but the mechanics and (hopefully) AI seem good if well balanced
>conquerors route let you go on a killing spree with Edgelord
At least there's lots of replayability with 4 routes
I only remember her because of the "controversy"
Based and #FEpilled
dude don't step on the red tiles lmao
hope you rike enemy reinforcements moving on the same turn
Really, though, why is there absolutely NO gameplay outside of the combat/map? It's a strategy game to the backdrop of a war effort, why can't you manipulate the war and actually RP while influencing and changing gameplay? Instead it's always just a linear pathway to tread the shit for brains writing and RNG that cannot be manipulate in ways the earliest fucking RPGs ever created could let you do. How is this shitpile even considered a video game?
That'll be $40 + $40 + $20 + Story/Character DLC + Tip
Oh god, you made me remember the pickles. Treehouse really took the piss with this game.
You are. You start promoted
very carefully
Echoes has shit art direction from a hack artists dipshit
Byleth starts as a base Commoner.
>b-b-but my shitty hack artist!!!!!
I swear this guy makes each one harder than the last, though thankfully he's stopped with the whole "LIGHTNING SPEED" stuff
So can we fuck Edgelord and make her our woman or not? That's literally all I care about.
No one got it worse than pic related.
>Echoes had art direction from a renowned experienced artist
Was he renowned for being utter shite? Cause that's what his work looked like.
I guess you don't have any actual counterpoint.
> you are insecure because you think your opinion is a fact
Keep projecting.
It's your opinion that a Zack Snyder art direction clashing with FASfaces is good, one can only assume. Cool, own up to it then, tastleless faggot.
Well when you say level design is shit, do you mean on birthright’s level? Because birthright wouldn’t have been so bad if it had better map objectives than just rout
>conqueror path w Edelgard
Now this is interesting. I might actually end up liking her.
He does? Thought Famtisu revealed he's already promoted.
They tried to make him at least have some personality, because he's the definition of boring in Japanese. It's the only localization change people didn't care about, because nobody cares about him in the first place.
So, i'm currently playing fe6 for the first time.
Why did they think it was okay to give me a lvl 1 knight with bad bases on CHAPTER FUCKING 8?
Well there's no gameplay to speak of.
What's your point?
Hidari is an amazing artist you contrarian, don’t get defensive now. Great line work, Great texturing, great shading, dynamic positioning, he really outdid most of FE’s artists and I suggest you cope with that
FE6 is a clown game
That people pretend Hidari is good
>don't even need to finish the game this time to get the fap material
>fap material is a dommy loli
>Hidari is an amazing artist
He's bottem of the barrel trash who can't make more than one face and all his women are disgusting uguu moeblobs. Stop eating shit retard
Binding is actually good in this shit series
No, but considering he has actual costume design it kind of looks like he's prepromoted compared to other characters
Shut the fuck up, Kiragi is the cutest kid and actually makes Takumi memorable other than muh jealousy muh possession
He is good though and his art for FE is aesthetically the best art in the series. I'm not sure what Echoes in general has done to you that makes you come into every single FE thread and sperg out about it, but try to stop being so autistic for once.
They said it "subpar" so better than Echoes but Awakening level
I love this meme, haven’t seen it in a hot minute
A few threads ago there was a idea about more strategic oriented FE. It was a quite non-cancerous discussion too.
Leak said better than awakening or echoes. Also "subpar" means absolutely nothing considering we don't know what the supposed source even considers par, we don't know if it's an issue with enemy variety or win conditions or what. It's nothing worth dwelling on until we have actual proof.
They didn't give a fuck when creating Hisame, he even has the same VA as his father in Japanese.
>but Awakening level
So, shit?
I just want an über happy ending with all three houses getting along. I guess I'll wait for the canon DLC ending.
>Less fanservice
>Everyone is bisexual
That has to be one of the worst pieces of art to grace this earth. Get some taste you delusional fuck. His shading is shit and he has ugly as fuck texturing with the most bland and awful color palettes. He's fucking trash in this series
Fact, not meme.
Wow a real life moron in his natural habitat, self delusion.
We do know what subpar means, majority of the series is subpar than you get bottom of the barrel shit like Rev/Gaiden/PoR. So it's standard.
inclusivity is the opposite of fanservice because incels hate it
Its the FE community man, its infested with resetera types
Probably. PoR and RD didn't have good level design so expecting 3H to be better is wrong
>that pic
>tfw no autistic gf
Awakening success was 30% marketing, 10% waifu mechanics, 60% good timing. It came out early in the 3DS lifespan, between Mario and Pokemon, a few months after lots of people had bought in for the XY announcement and were looking for stuff to play before Pokemon came out. Remember early 3DS/WiiU era was an extension of the Wii era; so, a hardcore. strategy game about breeding anime girls was a breath of fresh air for first party Nintendo
I'm still annoyed they went for a school setting.
I can only hope that in the end your house is forced to kill students from other houses. If it ends up with all 3 houses coming together peacefully, that'll be lame.
I hope they announce a port this E3. The game deserves another chance. And maybe we'll get fanart this time
probably so you can actually have sexy yuri relationships with actual cute girls instead of Thraja 2 "We didn't bother to hide it!"
He's right though. Cope ISISdrone
Well shit, I really hope this is the case.
You wouldn't lie to me would you user?
did you even read the leak?
>two subhuman girls are not forgettable.
The fluffiest. I also remember the not Tharja bisexual clone
It's progressive bro so it's not fanservice
>60% good timing. It came out early in the 3DS lifespan
Ah when the 3DS was still struggling too sell. Yeah a real prime position on Nintendo's lowest selling handheld. As opposed to say Blazing Sword which released on the GBA in the middle of strong sales...only too sell less than half Awakening.
Eh, making everyone dateable is just smart. Why bother coding locks on relationships, when you could just not and save time and resources?
Not until just after posting.
I hope its true.
Where did Hidari touch you? Stay mad and in denial I guess
Why would you use only the school in 100% of marketing, just to ditch it after a few hours in game?
The thing is lesbian and gay S supports have different and typically better dialogues than straight so they’ll have to write two scripts
I want to knock up this retarded subhuman
Nowhere, sadly you are forced to look at this shitty art while you play a bad game.
IS has internal data that says the art style, waifu mechanics and eugenics simulator were what elevated awakenings sales both in and out of japan and i trust them more than you
Bait and Switch
Hrm, that seems like a lot of work, they should just not do that.
bait and switch to get more people on board, you go in expecting the game to be a happy school simulator only to get blindsided.
Fuck, if this is legit, I'll be so happy.
No they don't. Awakening has and will always only sold because of marketing
Why even have varied characters when you could just draw one wojack who'll suck your dick/trannydick regardless?
This is worrying me too but apparently it’s like 12 chapters until that happens so that’s a good amount of time in the school setting. Maybe the school will get claimed as a base by whatever house Byleth chooses
uh... that's my wife.
No Pegasus Knights in very tight and small tunics? No buy. This is why Awakening and Fates is such shit, the Pegaponies looked awful.
That's atlus though
Characters is good and do more of them. An entire second script just to have them say "I love your DICK AND/OR VAGINA," is a waste.
Stay in denial then, it wont change anything
Thanibomb also said they threw in some fake info with the real, and desu im pretty sure theyre just friends with one of the twitter guys at treehouse so their info is limited
in Genealogy, it happens halfway through, chances are same thing here and the game is probably like 24-26 chapters
What denial? It's objective fact that every news report agrees on that Awakening sold because of marketing like every single other game ever made that sold well
Will I be able to have a child, and then romance them?
Thankfully no
You can have a child but you can only beat them
I think nuanced characters with unique likes and dislikes are good, and red/blue/yellow marth portraits are a waste
Still Fire emblem.
I also miss DracoKnights, they weren't in Echoes, so they don't have any good recent class art
>school setting is a fake out
Now that's what I'm talking about.
>not acknowledging Echoes is visually one of the best FEs ever
you're a dense one, Mr. Grinch
maybe one of the other teachers, like Hanneman.
It's not.
Dracoknights are just Wvyerns
He seems to fill the tactician role and not be playable.
Why lie to yourself
>Byleth is a bland self insert
>"Oh, so they're customizable, right?"
>"Why not give them an actual personality and voice then?"
>"We want you to be able to relate to them! That's why we made them bland, silent, and pointless!"
>more yuri
Day 1 buy.
You mean post facts
You can see him as an enemy unit with some other students in the first trailer.
He seems to be playable, he was an enemy at least alongside golden deer students in the E3 trailer
That's a good thing, you cant relate to shitty characters like Robin. Him being silent let's you self-insert better
Is the protagonist actually silent though? We have no confirmation of this
What marketing? The game wasn't even annonced at E3 that it was coming over localized, despite the 3DS having a spot on its own.
The marketing campaign Nintendo gave it. You think it needs a slot at E3?
Of the numerous dialogue scenes shown off in famitsu and on twitter, Byleth doesn't speak in a single one, we just get dialogue choices
If they're supposed to be relatable self inserts, then let me customize them! Literally every shitty western RPG has firgured out how to do customization well, why can't a single JRPG?
Ask the devs, how the fuck am I supposed to know?
He/she does have voice actors, so they atleast make some sounds.
Music's nice.
Direct me to the marketing campaign. Because I was there when the game was released and I know for a fact Treehouse treated it like dogshit, as they do with every niche game. Europe was the one that had trailers and previews, but NoA didn't have shit beyond trailers and maybe that special edition 3DS that was shittier than the japanese one.
Post proof? Because IS's internal data aside, fates sales vs SoV's sales tell me that waifu stuff and eugenics simulator are what sold awakening.
Thisvis further corroborated by the fact that both PoR and RD had agressive marketing but were two of the worst selling fes
According to the leak, which has some support, no kids despite them reintroducing major and minor holy blood and having a time skip.
Five bucks says they only recorded assorted oof ouch noises, maybe a special move name or two.
They have battle dialogue like "Thank you!" and "Now, advance!"
>Because IS's internal data aside
Post then retard.
Bernadette looking pretty small.
because those PoV shots in pre-rendered cutscenes in Fates looked fucking retarded
Thats what i thought. Stay in denial all you want user, i dont care
You'll probably be able to customize the stats at least
Are you dumb? You are a literal retard. Awakening sold well for being in the right place at the right time. Awakening came out in the perfect window after the price drop where people who bought Mario Kart 7 were in the mood for a new game. It had a demo that played well and made you want to buy the game, and the 3ds had like basically 0 rpgs at the time. It was also advertised well including a very clever cross promotion with SMT IV, numerous ads and commercial spots and word of mouth
It was the first time Nintendo actually tried to sell a fire emblem game instead of just sending them out to die in the shadow of bigger releases. Awakening had 6 ad TV slots which no FE had before and Japan just like the West was in a drought in the early 3ds. Media Create themselves attributed the initial high sales to Nintendo's great promotional campaign and a five year wait between releases. It wasn't left to die like FE5 or buggy garbage like RD with strong word of mouth.
do NOT trust sothis
Japan will invent having custom characters appear in cut scenes...someday...
>FEfag makes shit up
Wow, you fucking lie and love being mentally disabled? Damn couldn't realize that one.
>PoR and RD had agressive marketing
No they didn't.
Japan did that a long time ago you know
Have they mentioned what options are available to the player character? I'm guessing not everything, so the kids can all have a unique thing, but probably a lot right?
Perfect for riding a pegasus and my cock and maybe a pegasus cock
You probably haven’t played it but in #FE you get dialogue choices but the PC still talks when you pick one
Fire Emblem, and a bunch of other JRPGs, will invent having custom characters appear in cut scenes...someday...
Maybe ask that to someone who isn't a complete utter retard.
Other jrpgs already do that
I played Ellie's game but we have literal proof that Byleth isn't speaking aloud after dialogue choices, like Haneman's crest exposition scene on twitter
You'd be surprised by how few.
Hisame is memorable because of the pickles.
You mean Maiko's
Leaks are mad gay and never real.
Lets talk about who do you want to FUCK instead? For me I will start Golden Dear, so I will fuck Hilda's tiddies with her clothes on. If all else fails, In will grab the teacher Manuela and mating press her until she pops out 5 children minimum.
You're wrong, user. Everyone knows you are, even IS. Just let it go. Waifus and dating mechanics sell
Lmao you're so mad. Sucks to be wrong i guess
No one has mentioned anything about MC customization other than that they start as a commoner and can go through the various classes like the students.
Also, the leaker says no kids although i find that hard to believe
Awawa snd Dorothea are the only female designs i like honestly
The girl in the hat is nice. All the twinks, as long as they stay twinks. I hate facial hair, so the golden boy is out if he gets those sideburns. I want that blue prince to top me, while I put a dress on him.
>y-you're wrong, just ignore objective fact!!!!
The state of FEtards right now. Post it bitch.
Where are the objective facts user? The burden of proof is on you, as you made the nonsensical claim first
I said don't bully the baby blue haired Caspar.
The only nonsensical claim is the shit eating retards who pretend Awakening sold because of waifus. Now post it bitch, you won't.
Proficient in punching!
A game coming out at the right place, right time is by no means marketing. Hell the only one time nintendo Marketed Awakening within its first year of release was the SMT x FE cross promotion.
Bitching, a TV fucking ad that ran for like a week at most. FE5 was a fucking downloadable title on the SNES released on the year 2000, closer to the release of rhe gamecube than the release of the N64.
Where are the objective facts user? Im waiting.
Ive already told you about fayes sales vs SoV's, thats niles more proof than what you've given with your little hissy fit.
I am going to fuck Caspar in a female body with beautiful patterned stockings.
Yea it is. The game was even credited for boosting 3ds sales with its numerous ad slots and trailers. Why are you trying force your "muh waifus" narrative that only utter dipshit believe and was never real? Games only sell because people know about them retard.
So it sounds like all your starting units start as a recruit class. Does that mean we are going to basically get to pick what units we have in our army? Or will we have to follow an inital class line for each unit before branching out?
The former option wouldn't be super beginner friendly, but it would be cool
One game has marketing and the other barely got shit but one direct. Now post that internal data bitch.
Where was the awakening marketing? Awakening was marketed more than PoR and RD?
You can pick their classes individually but they'll have to qualify with proper levels and weapon ranks
But as far as I can tell a unit doesn't have to follow a Soldier -> Cavalier -> Paladin/whatever class line if you don't want them to, they could go from Soldier to Brawler if they qualify
PoR and RD didn't get anything. Awakening has actual marketing. How the fuck can compare 6 ad slots to 2? Do FEfags make it a point to be retarded daily? Now post that data bitch.
>Lets talk about who do you want to FUCK instead?
I would like to cuddle with Lysithea and start a family
Well sure, I'm not saying that like you could go to a paladin from a thief, but you can at least choose everyone's first class it seems?
6 ad slots? What are you talking about?
Are you retarded?
They all look ugly
I would like to fuck all the females except Petra and that orange dyke, I'll also fuck the big brown dude and my father the mercenary.
I will marry her.
The first available choices, unlocked at level 5, are just Soldier, Monk, Fighter, and Myrmidon. I guess you can keep your character as a noble until you lock a highier tier class though. So yeah you can choose everyone's first class but all the options aren't unlocked from the beginning.
Ah, gotcha.
Thank you.
But is this really more advertising than echoes? Why did echoes sell so poorly then? And why did IS feel the need to shoehorn kids into fates last minute despite not having kids planned originally?
>Why did echoes sell so poorly then?
Weak marketing
But it had plenty of marketing
Oh man I'd love it if you could create squads of people and actually make use of all your people?
You'd have to balance squad size with mobility around the map and effectiveness. It would really re-invigorate the FE formula.
No it didn't. Not even compare to Awakening or Fates
It was released at the ass end of the 3DS's life when people were moving on to the Switch, and the season pass wreaked of bullshit
this leak got some credibility recently, because a profile of a character just released a day ago backs up something it said
Fates had tons of marketing but SoV had as much as awakening, at least in japan
Can't S-rank girls
Shit girl
Shit 'game'
Shit marketing campaign
I Actually liked Awakening a lot.
I am going to MARRY Sothis
No it didn't. Echoes didnt get anything compared to Awakening
Sorry for your shit taste
I'm sorry
Breddy sure it was more due to (redpilled) terrible word-of-mouth. The game's presentation and art were top-tier, but the gameplay was shit.
It's both. Total sales prove this.
From the famitsu articles the gameplay seems really good
Characters start off with preset weapon ranks and strengths/weaknesses, but they can use all weapon types from the get-go in their starting class. As they gain ranks, they can move into different classes.
The general is full of mobile gatcha shit, I'm glad this place actually talks about the good games.
This is the resetera pro gay leak right?
God I hope its wrong
People got burned out after the Fates games and how awful they were (barring Conquest). Echoes is basically the Solo: A Star Wars Story to Fates' The Last Jedi
>main supported media is gacha
>people discuss gacha
You still cant discredit the power of waifus tho. Awakening sold beyond expectations and marketing budget is done based on expectations. Theres also the fact that IS are on record for saying that dating was popular and that its well known that awakening raised fe's female fanbase due to the dating mechanics
Throw that on top of them shoehorning kids into fates at the last minute due to demand, heroes success, and echoes selling really poorly and desu i still say the dating aspect is a huge part of fire emblems now mainstream appeal
Same, I loved fates too. had almost 600 hours on that bad boy
It said this character views her as a rival, and turns out they do. So it could be real or at least have some truth to it, since they knew Dorothea was a singer as well.
just don't be upset when she steals your feet
Gatcha bad, so discussing gatcha also bad. It's literally $40 .jpegs, I don't see how you can fill up a whole general on that.
>Theres also the fact that IS are on record for saying that dating was popular and that its well known that awakening raised fe's female fanbase due to the dating mechanics
None of this is true.
Conquest is my favorite game in the series if im being honest. Story is still shit tho
Echoes didn't sell because it was the same old grandpa shit that sent Fire Emblem into a coma until Awakening.
No MUs and no S-ranks killed it. If they really wanted to tone down the dating elements just limit the S-ranks to certain characters instead of letting everyone fuck one another. There's nothing wrong with custom paired endings as opposed to shoving all the same paired characters every game.
They say it in several interviews and the female thing is something you'd know if you were familiar with the japanese fanbase. I could probably find proof but it would be in japanese.
I almost got a job at an otome game company by telling them i like fire emblem awakening and they were like "oh yea, women love that game"
Echoes flopped because it was the first game in the series to star an actual canonical faggot to it's cast
Or you know could of just made the game good by cutting out a bunch of the pointless chapters and making the maps good
Echoes didn't sell because it has weak marketing. That's all it was. You know FE3 has better sales in Japan alone than Awakening itself right? A game in 1994 with no "dating" right? Can't fucking wait till 3H comes out so this ridiculous false narrative can end already
>I almost got a job at an otome game company
As an artist? Pls explain further I'm interested
Why won't this series fail? Goddamn it I hate HATE Fire Emblem, nuanime pseudostrategy """"roleplaying""" shit game. Fuck IS.
>They say it in several interviews
No they don't. Unless you mean that one guy who doesn't even work with the FE team.
>the female thing is something you'd know if you were familiar with the japanese fanbase
FE was popular with women far before Awakening with 4. "muh waifus" will always be a fake narrative
>3H comes out so this ridiculous false narrative can end already
You mean when it become the best selling fire emblem game in history?
Redpill me on it. I have a voucher and it's between this, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, and Astral Chain.
Only played Awakening which I liked and Sacred Stones which Nintendo gave me for free with 3DS and I thought it was okay.
>one friend didn't pick up Echoes due to artstyle
>one friend didn't pick up Echoes due to 3DS fatigue
>one friend didn't pick up Echoes due to FE fatigue
Dont think any are going to pick up Three Houses
Echoes had the same marketing as Awakening, Fates and even Three Houses.
There's no evidence that it will outsell Fates besides being on the switch. But yes thankfully this stupid narrative will end.
It didn't.
Wait for Astral Chain, that game looks a whole lot better than this shit
These seem to be the level 10 class change options, plus dark mage and brawler for males
No, as a designer.
The big interview question was "can you make a girl go dokidoki?". Like, i shit you not, they looked intomy eyes and said that.
Yes, but popularity among japanese women climbed heavily with awakening and fates
Also, what would even need to happen for 3 houses to prove the waifu sales thing right or wrong? It doesnt appeal to the waifu crowd but it'll still have dating mechanics
>It doesn't appeal to the waifu crowd
>the first characters to be unveiled are Manuela, Dorothea and Hilda
>all the boob characters are being introduced all at once
>only 1 gay male
>its the twink
fuck. why couldnt it be dimitri?
>"can you make a girl go dokidoki?"
What was your answer?
>popularity among japanese women climbed heavily with awakening and fates
>what would even need to happen for 3 houses to prove the waifu sales thing right or wrong
Sell well.
>It doesnt appeal to the waifu crowd but it'll still have dating mechanics
You mean shipping, like every single game since 6. If it's still even in.
An otome artstyle is not going to appeal to male otaku user
Ijust told him i have a lot of female friends who play dating games and shit, and im popular with (japanese) women since at the time i had like 4 girls after my dick
How proficient is Edelgard at raping and pillaging if she has a 100% pass rate for the brigand exam?
Play more FE before making that assumption
>How proficient is Edelgard at raping
Hopefully very good
Echoescucks hate actually playing games.
We can assume based on the bone sword Byleth will always have high sword proficiency but if we can what secondary weapon will they be good with?
Byleth has a spooky! crest and their ancestor opposed Seiros so Im making mine high Faith for the irony.
Also because I want permanent access to healing abilities.
I bet all the "bisexual" characters will be gay only for the MC.
You will see via the conquerors route where she forces you to rape and pillage a entire village
That doesnt make any sense user. If dating sim mechanics are in (im sure they are) but theres no otaku appeal in the character designs (there isnt except maybe sothis) then regardless of whether it sells well or not it doesnt prove anyting about waifus and dating mechanics selling or not
Axes of course
probably authority
Just because tumblrinas anad resetera trannies like to say their gay ships are canon like Raymond x Lucius, and Ike X Soren (even though Priam Exists) that doesn't mean it's real.
Wait, so do the three nobles have their own unique classes? There was something about the yellow faction guy having a dragon in the leak
They start as regular nobles, but if the leak is true then they'll have exclusive promoted classes
Source for your statement. Besides shipping has been in since 6, so when the game sells well retards like you can finally shut the fuck up about muh waifus. Art style has nothing to do with shit, Fates was a otome game too.
Can you post your art pls?
Thats one place where the leak seems wrong.
My theory is that they're referring to their canon classes, if you choose an alternate route from them they'll fight you in their canon promotion
Sorry, imean game designer not art designer, i cant draw well enough to be hired for it
But I'd assume the game will guide you to said classes? Not all paths can take you there I'd imagine.
Maybe thats it then
well duh.
Id like if we could get the other characters gay on with each other and not just Mute Playable SelfInsert but its not realistic.
Tfw we will never have another raven/lucius "I dont want you on the battlefield. go home and wait for me" support between lads
I'm thinking about going with the boys in blue actually, Mercedes a best and if the Punished Dmitri leak is real he'll probably be best lord.
Source for which statement? I dont know how to prove it except to say that i work in the Japanese game industry.
And when i say otome, im talking about the awful artstyle associated with otome games that 3 houses suffers from, not the game itself. It has low appeal to japanese men and westerners
>choosing the house of faggots and not based Edgelord
First day buy if I can pair up homos
He said Dmitri, not Claude.
That's easy as fuck to prove, are you serious. And not all otome games have the same art style
I find the designs of Dmitri's group less offensive over all compared to the others. I like Edelgard and Dorothea though.
> he doesnt want Claudes aussie benis
What are you user? gay?
The choices really open up if you finish it though.
How should i do it then?
And yea, they kinda do lol. Obviously theres some variation, but they're usually incredibly generic and samey
The game isn't even out yet and all this bitch's fans are already obnoxious as fuck.
Was leaning towards that honestly
I don't want to associate myself with trannies
No they really don't, that can be said for any single art style out there. Where you work at, location in Japan, and IDcard.
This is so based that if ISIS actually pulls it off they will have completely redeemed themselves for the mediocrity of Awakening and shitshow of Fates
I cant tell you any of that except that i work in tokyo.
But yes, it can be said of almost any genre, and im telling you now: male otaku do not like the generic otome artstyle, and chinatsu is the poster child of generic anime artstyle
You must be confused buddy. That's MY WIFE!
Yeah you can. Show that you are actually living in Japan. And Chinatsu is not even close to being the poster boy for generic. There are far more very shitty otome artists out there
Welp the leaks are pretty much confirmed
And also show that can make good games again after the piece of utter garbage know as Echoes.
> leaker 4 days ago said Ferd considers Edgelord his rival
> that description was just dropped by the fe twitter
Ok I dont want to be optimistic so I'll just wait til we see tea parties/Setis/Cyril to get my hopes up for good shit
I actually like Beefcake Effie way more than Gentle Giant Effie.
Huh if those leaks are real this might be worth picking up
I wish you'd asked 30 mins ago whilei was on the train, i coulda taken a pic of an ad or something
Generic isnt automatically shitty. The poster child for an artstyle is actually usually going to be good at that art style
Maybe. Could just be knowledge of twitter stuff
If Rhea's asistant name is confirmed to be Setes then the leaker was true and this is going to be Kino Emblem
>Less fanservice
>LGBT shit down your throat
You can take a picture right now. It's not hard to prove you live in Japan. And yeah it usually is.
>Manuela is romanceable and has a marriage complex
Doot is the best thing to come out of Echoes.
Too bad she's shit just like game
Part of it is just how Effie's dynamic shifts.
Effie being this muscly hardass turns her more into kind of a team mom. Despite meaning to be around Elise's age, she has a lot more maturity in the gruff nature. And it contrasts tryhard superdad Arthur in a really nice way.
Ends up being the most that retainers really play off their lord/lady.
Im at my office, no pics allowed
But why
Based taste.
No you arent. You don't live in Japan, you are just making shit up. Post a pic or don't even bother to reply.
It's weird that the leak says there are more gay girls than guys in a game with character designs by an otome artist.
>Could just be knowledge of twitter stuff
That is a possibility too
Could be an equal number of gay lads but the leaker supplying Thani with info only cares about femlyth
My wife is the best, and her game is good.
One reason I was disappointed with Fates is that it didn't commit to its premise - i.e., it gave you an ending where you 'didn't have to choose'
Correct actually. She's fucking trash just like her """"""""""game"""""""""""
It may have bombed but STEAM was fucking great
>Maps are shit
No thanks, hopefully this ends up being fake.
I swear everyone says every fire emblem game has shit maps tell me what game do you think has good maps?
Where does it say maps are shit
>a switch costs 3 times more than my shitty chink phone that has better specs than it ever will
down with brands
It's a 3D console FE. Surprised anyone thought the level design would be good after those last disasters
This game was destined to bomb because nothing was going for it.
Seemed a little interesting but as a full price game, ehn. Felt like I got way more out of the Dillon games for a combined amount less.
Also fucked up that it's the first time we got English Marth since the OVA.
>He actually bought a Wii U
>he didn't play W101 or #FE
Might skip this one. There aren't any CUTE girls in it.
Every single character looks unappealing.
>Maybe. Could just be knowledge of twitter stuff
That's a good point. I don't even bother with leaks and rumors anymore, only 1/100000th of those are ever right.
From what I've heard, the story seems good, but holy fuck, the graphics and art are fucking terrible.
what the fuck is authority
Lmao what.
Why would i make upliving in japan?
The weapon rank for Battalions
Pic or fuck off
more soul than Three Houses
Edgelord is going to be pretty cute when I'm mating pressing her in a bloody battlefield
The rank you need to lead those squads; battalions.
Is no one going to mention that the leak also predicted this dude would have a one-sided rivalry with Edelgard
>he got W101 but is not getting Astral Chain or Bayo 3
I'm starting to believe a little, but I'll wait for more famitsu or a trailer before writing it off.
God how did they fuck up ike so bad that he’s the uncontested worst character in the game. Marth may only have 6 fucking steam regen but atleast he fucks weak spots and wastes enemy overwatch. Ike’s only purpose is to shove others around
It also kind of predicted Rhea's name. We knew her Japanese name at the time was レア (Rea) but that could translate to a lot of things - Leah, Ria, Leia, etc
Did it? Didn't this leak come one day after Famitsu? By that time we already knew Rhea's name from the twitter bios.
You're so mad lol. You jealous?
please marry me i wanna live in Japan
To be fair, saying the maps are subpar is pretty subjective. It's just one guy whose seen them so far and we don't know what the leaker thinks good maps are. Also at least he confirms they're more varied than Echoes so we'll be getting more than just ROUT THE ENEMY every map. Echoes DLC maps were pretty good when they had varied objectives like Defend or saving hostages
Fire Emblem is for fujos now. No hope.
Already married to a qt Japanese gamer girl. First kid due next month!
I want to gay marry this bondage loli.
>still Fire Emblem
i think the only thing that's contradicted the leak is that hilda was supposed to be claude's retainer, but her profile doesn't mention it. i think the leak did say though that she wasn't really his official retainer like how edelgard has
Did you miss the literal main heroine being a dragon loli?
>tfw the Amiibos would probably give us Marth, Lucina, Ike etc. as units ingame and have to suffer seeing them in the dogshit artstyle
Kurahana's Lucy would probably be cute if she doesn't do those creepy tiny pupils. But she will, so it'll suck
Finally a MC that looks like a chad. I couldn't bother to finish Fates due to how faggy Corrin looks.
He said cute, that living abortion isn’t cute
>not cute
What a faggot.
I know people shit on them a lot, but I actually like the character designs. They aren't on Hidari level, but I see nothing wrong with them.
Unlike Kozaki and Senri, there's barely any same-facing.
But I think the thing that also has me really happy is they’re expanding on the down-time aspect of the game
I liked Awakening as a sort of cliche but familiar fantasy anime story but the thing that made it actually halfway enjoyable was all the little downtime stuff you could do
Fates had more of that but I felt like it was kind of weaker in some ways there due to how much more flatly the characters were written and how much of an illusion the agency was in your weird pocket dimension. It felt very weak since it was some hyperbolic timechamber shit.
I’m not necessarily a big fan of the school setting but I’m really excited for all the downtime preparation stuff in between story missions. There’s the obvious comparison to Persona game slice-of-life stuff but there’s also just a lot of tactical and character-building shit here apparently so I’m honestly really interested.
It also gives some time to let consequential story shit soak In
barring some questionable art like that one feetfags keep posting sothis is the best design so far alongside male byleth
>there's barely any same-facing
Are you blind?
are you fucking serious
aside from the big titty teacher, every girl shown so far has the same face
There's a lot of sameface but that's just blatantly false.
For me it's really inconsistent. Some of them I really like, like this guy. But others look pretty bad.
He gives me Arvis vibes, specially knowing he has a higher crest/blood
What's your issues with it? The art is like my one and only problem with the game. I even like the designs, and only dislike the art and 3D models themselves. Everything else is sounding and looking really promising.
It looks like it'll have more customization than any Fire Emblem preceding it.
It has battalion/commander influences like that of Langrisser.
It has downtime and event scheduling like that of raising/management sims like Princess Maker.
Movement and buff/debuff related skills like those from Fire Emblem Heroes, a really good addition to bring over to mainline Fire Emblem.
The effects of map tiles are being boosted, and more unique tiles are also being brought back or invented for the game which speaks promise for map complexity.
The idea of the Crests actually sounds interesting with how similar it sounds to the brands and blood of Genealogy.
Then last of all the differences between the various houses, and how it can complement the heightened customization and lore elements presented in the game, which are very likely to give each house a distinct flavour. Something that if true could mean wonders for the re-playability of the game.
Yeah fuck the art. I agree. But the art does not destroy the promise of anything I listed above. Or anything else of promise.
The designs are good. The art? Less so.