>reach around 2/3 of the game
>finally hear a fucking amazing track
>check out the OST
>amazing fucking music
>barely plays in game for some fucking reason
what's the deal here? there's a lot of music that just barely plays
rain world thread I guess
Reach around 2/3 of the game
Other urls found in this thread:
I used to think the same, but I think just letting the environmental sounds get you into the atmosphere of the game and sparsely using the ost to accentuate moments works out better
Delete this thread. There already was another rain world thread
>Still no update for PC
I really want to buy the soundtrack for this game but im low on cash right now, do OST ever go on sale?
the entire soundtrack is on the internet just download the youtube videos
>the latest tweet from the official rain world twitter page
I don't care about artsy fartsy "life is unfair" thing about it's difficulty, I think it's dumb. Will I like this game, is it fun beyond that?
I like supporting it, Makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, Also i always use the steam music player while i play other games. Its nice using other games ost on other games.
Fuck... Missed it then, oh well hopefully the next sale will have the ost on sale.
With that attitude I want to say you'll get frustrated before you get to the point where you'll be able to dab on every other creature in the game with your skills.
the fun of the game is literally learning how to be good at it
besides that the story and characters are good, the art is amazing and the lore is somewhat interesting but if you dont think you'll handle literal bullshit difficulty, then yeah, I'd recommend to stay away.
the entire "life is unfair" thing actually comes from how the AI and ecossystem works in game, there are basically no "setpieces", every second the world is updating by itself and it doesn't care about making things fair for you, though with your wits and learning the movement and the world, you can still prevail and keep going.
it absolutely IS one of the hardest and most unfair games out there but there is a lot more to it than just "game hard = game bad"
Its incredibly satifying once you get good and become a lizard killing machine. It has some fucking kino areas and moments. Go in it blind. Just know this : Go right until moon, dont eat the floaty things there and follow the yellow guide when lost.
You won't find it fun.
Who else bought this because of Matthewmatosis's recommendation?
Game is not for you then. Now go away from this thread.
Shit son, i bought it when it was launched. Before all the updates that made the game easier. Shit was the balls man.
I got it on release
The more people shilling it the better
Got it almost after release, but JUST after they'd already patched a lot of the difficulty out (like the map disappearing). I'm with -- it's still kinda weird having actual Rain World threads instead of weird refugee threads inside Hollow Knight ones.
Forgot to ask how the game felt then vs. now
I followed this game ever since I saw the alpha footage like 4-5 years ago but didn't get around to playing it until just last christmas
I'm a couple hours in, really enjoying this. So many 'oh shit' moments, both from the environment, and the gameplay.
I won't read thread to avoid spoilers, but is there a goal? I'm just exploring, finding safe rooms, and pushing out further. I haven't seen the lil' slug icon in a while.
>but is there a goal?
You will understand sooner or later
>but is there a goal?
There is no obligatory goal. Follow the little creature thing if you want to pursue a goal. If he's disappeared for a while that might mean you're going the wrong way.
I'm somewhat indifferent of old rain world and new rain world. They both have their ups and downs. Still i would recommend trying out old hard rain world by trying to find an old pirated copy if you liked Rain World.
Funnily enough the crazy unfair difficulty was the reason the game went under the radar so much and many critics and normies hated the game since it was hard.
Is it really that much harder? I could see losing the map being a bit of an annoyance, if I didn't have most of it memorized already, but what else is there?
I bought the vinyl and couldn't be happier
Is this game toaster friendly? Only got a 2012 laptop.
They introduced more hints AFAIK. Like "scavengers like this pearl".
idk, my laptop can just barely run it on minimum resolution.
yes if you download a mod.
go on rainDB and find a "fixes" mod, it has a graphics settings, which for some reason the base game doesn't have
I played through the updated game and never saw that message
Things like the AI was much harder and smarter. There was less ways for you to defend yourself. The yellow guy barely help you. Other than that i don't remember much of old rain world. That shit was like 4 years ago.
Of course compared to now, There are much more creatures that they added, the arena is a cool mode, the hunter and banana slugcat mode is also nice.
The soundtrack is a scam, it doesn't have a lot of tracks. Just try to find a download of all the music files.
whats up with the spear dudes, they kinda look like me
they seem kinda scared of me, im trying to offer food
Random Gods will always be.... God tier in my eyes.
Where does this one play?
pro-tip. Give them pearls. remove weapons.Some are still assholes no matter what and you still might just end up with a spear in your back.
THeyre the niggers of rain world
Judging by the title, Im guessing Drainage System.
The bandcamp has 'em all
They're called scavengers, don't give them shit, the're cunts. Just jump on their heads like a real slugchad, only cucks give them pearls. Fucking hate those cunts.
How were they smarter? That sounds cool, a shame if they were dumbed down for ease of access for casuals.
>Things like the AI was much harder and smarter
Now hold the fuck on, I assume they put all that back with hunter right?
>that shit was like four years ago
Two years brah
Listening to Random Gods in the dead of night while my meds were hopping me up was a hell of an experience
Scavbros are for hunting lizzies with, not for genocide.
>Now hold the fuck on, I assume they put all that back with hunter right?
Now that you mention it, Yeah i believe they did.
Still kinda wish its in the main game.
>that shit was like four years ago
Yeah you're right, my brain got confused since i played in college and i forgot what year it was.
>General Systems Bus
what's taking them so long
I bet that big mod is coming out first at this rate
They're for being used as bait and throwing spears at you for no reason and getting in my way every time.
>learn this hard game to enjoy it
No I have a job
then fuck off and go work
nobody is forcing you to play any game.
Does every white pearl have unique lore info when given to Onee-san Moon?
>big mod
Learning is the fun part you brainlet. Maybe if you weren't lobotomized you'd be able to appreciate that
basically a sequel
kinda like Falcon 4 BMS
Just little trivia and sometimes little jokes. some of them do have unique lore
Is it worth doing? Also aren;t there like 100s of white pearls in scav possession?
>nothing to throw at the red leafy fuck
what do
Holy.... this looks dope.
Nah... the colored ones are where you want the real lore. Better to just give them to scavs.
Move slowly, They attract to sound.
get back in the cagie
I'm really interested in this game but I also sort of hate survival games with nothing to do but survive and gather food. Is there more to the game than that? Granted all I've done is eat butterflies all day and fuck around with the lizards putting my self in dangerous places and trying to dodge them.
There is an ending and there is lore. There’s an arena mode where you can watch a cage match between two or many creatures and how they react to each other. In that arena mode, you can also play and just try to survive. It seems basic but it’s honestly tons of fun
Rain World is definitely one of my favorite games now, are there any other games similar to it? I'm talking in terms of enigmatic story telling and difficult skill based game play. I really enjoyed having such little direction from the game, forcing me to figure things out on my own.
Keep playing and explore.
so was 5P's "sickness" the fact that he's full of fucking octopuses?
Explore the world. Never sleep in the same shelter twice unless you have to. Once you've seen the places to go you'll undertsand your objective. Follow the little yellow fella, he'll point you in the right direction, but feel free to go wherever; seeing the world and over coming the adversary of different locations is a big part of the appeal.
I'm a bit of a lorelet but I thought the daddylong legs was just a byproduct of his body becoming corrupted from the decay of long term existence. They're like tumors forming from his cancer.
yeah, go anywhere you want, especially from dranage system to filtration, that's the best starting route.
Yes, he was in the process of self-terminating until Moon gave him a call saying "hey cunt stop using up my water" and that interruption ended up leaving him with blue tentacle cancer. I hope you enjoyed this trivia.
He created them to try and get around the taboo against self-termination.
From the lore:
The problem with breaking taboos is that the barriers are encoded into every cell of our organic parts. And there are other taboos strictly regulating our ability to rewrite our own genome.
So what you need is to somehow create a small sample of living organic matter which can procreate and act on the rest of your organic matter to re-write its genome. The re-write has to be very specific, overriding the specific taboo you want to circumvent but do nothing else.
The method described here is about scrambling the genome of standard plastic neural tissue with temperature fluctuations. After each scramble you browse the resulting cells for the genome you're after. This is of course extremely time consuming, unless you run a big number of parallel processes.
Music in this game seems to serve more as alert function than just atmosphere
why would you say that? I'll fucking kill you if you say that shit to me again.
I bought it because of Yea Forums's incessant shilling
Question: is there a hard game over?
I've only played for a few hours now but I doubt knew yet if I can just dawdle and as much as I want.
Do you wanna know how I can tell that you haven't played for more than an hour or two?
If you're playing on survivor like you should on a first play through then don't worry about. Avoid these threads with you're only a few hours in, the joy of the game is the mystery.
The game has a cycle system rather than a game over. Every area is accessible as long you have the right karma. Karma is a rank, you lose one rank if you die, you gain one rank if you successfully hibernate
The threat tunes are kino as fuck youtube.com
I thought this was the shorelines normal theme because of how often it played.
if you play the hunter, yes. But you have limited cycles, not lives.
its amazing how this game even got made, truly the very definition of SOUL
And there's always Dark Souls
Plus Hotline Miami technically fits your description
I'd also check out Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
>restartin' ma game
>this time I'll check out that drainage system area!
>oh shit it leads to filtration, that's neat
>"hey, this is fun! now to get back on track"
>mfw going through the underwater pipes
day well spent
You should check out Miasmata
And that goes for everyone in this thread
It is also a survival game all about exploration with a player that is affected by physics and you have a Monster to avoid.
Does anything happen if you die at the lowest Karma?
try it out brah, this game is all about exploration
nothing happens btw
I'm playing this now and he Drainage Area makes me want to die.
Then leave, unless you're up for the most painful swimming lessons of your life
It's one of my fav areas desu
you can always bugger off elsewhere if you don't like an area btw
I just fucking restarted.
but muh arena collectibles
No, getting stuck on the lowest karma is a common occurrence in difficult areas. The only game over is for spending too many cycles as hunter (not dying, but advancing the count)
I really want to reveal that spoiler but I went. Just knowing that dieing with minimum karma isn't an instant game over is enough
Eh, it's not really a spoiler. The game straight up tells you it when you unlock hunter.
>Switch version
>still loves to crash during Passage use
Thanks devs.