What's more important? thots on video games?

what's more important? thots on video games?

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Videogames always

When you can get any woman you want you start to see very disturbing repeating patterns in their behavior that begins to make you question how "human" they actually are. That is undeniable. I started noticing it really early and eventually getting women was like watching the same movie again and again. They all were attracted to the same thing and relationships with them all unfolded in broad strokes identically. Women are a lot more like dolphins, chimpanzees, intelligent birds, or well scripted basic A.I. than they are what we traditionally believe to be "human." You shouldn't hate them though because at the end of the day you didn't design them, killing them won't fix them, and you're not an all-seeing all-knowing God so deciding that they need to be fixed in the first place isn't your call to make. You just accept that a lot of what you were told about romantic love and women being equals is just bullshit and you treat them like exotic pets. You wouldn't have a conversation with your dog and expect it to provide you with meaningful and life affirming insight that you can trust and the same is true for women.

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incels rise up!

Seems like a pretty shallow cunt desu senpai

same but with coloreds
i've nowhere near the experience to tell if women are like that too

The only reason women act like that is because they are jealous. They spend all their time and money prettying themselves up to attract men so obviously they're going to be pissed when you pay more attention to other stuff.

Good insight, I'm going to show this to my friends who fit the "virgins with rage" stereotype.

Playing video games in a pub is cringe.

this shit is true for everyone you fucking brainlets, that's why a lot of people are called NPCs in the first place.
and no, I'm not talking about that retarded /pol/ idea that anyone with X belief is an NPC. If anything, a lot of /pol/ is NPCs that lack critical thinking and just spew whatever they heard, that's why they constantly have people asking for guides on how to convert their friends

that's not even what NPC means
it's simply the uncritical acceptance of mainstream ideas

>You wouldn't have a conversation with your dog and expect it to provide you with meaningful and life affirming insight
um yes I would

anime and gaymes are better than dumb whores

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Based incel

>ywn give an NPC tier understanding of the NPC concept in your claim to not be an NPC

Cute girls are more important than phone games at least.

>a toy
>a toy

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Women do that to mog other women

They only mog other women to make themselves seem like better picks for men.

I feel the same indifference towards women as this guy but I'm probably just gay.

fuck off tranny

pretty much

>rolls her eyes over him wasting time on a phone games in a pub
Anyone would do that.
You're in a fucking pub with friends and you're opening up clash of clans in order to waste time and money on an imaginary village.

You're there to waste time and money instead of buying liquor yourself and making drinks cheaper and heavier

>with friends
Friends don't act like cunts around you though. What he was is in a pub with a bunch of cunts.

Bro do you even game
Get out of here faggot if you're not ready and willing to game anywhere any time

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>friends enable shitty behavior

>mobile "gaming"

>first date
>she brings up the video game topic for some reason
>God, I hope you don't play video games user, everyone is so busy playing with their xbox
two weeks later it turns out she was clingy as fuck

Thots always
Pussy is just too good. You dont know until you had it.
Once you figure out how to get it, its worth the effort invested. Im not telling you that you need to live to fuck girls, but I am telling you that sex is better than most of the shitty games youre playing.

>Heroin is just too good. You don't know until you had it.
No thanks. I can get orgasms for free, and there's no other reason to bother with women. Better orgasms aren't worth the expense of getting women or the massive risks they carry.

No its not if the pub is boring and fuck this bitch if she got an issue she can Fucking leave

most incel post of the day, what a pathetic retard

The game or the chick which is the toy indeed

Sounds logical.

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perhaps thats just the archetype of woman that hooks up with you? a large percentage of men are basically npcs as well

Its wrong to assume this is merely a female problem. There are some males who suffer this as well.

Why even try to talk to her since the whore wouldn't even fuck him? and she's just getting off knowing she's being hit on.

what a chad. he plays games and ignores bitches, like a boss

They are
Im not pretending to be a chad here, but Id say youre a virgin, because I thought the same when I was.
Obviously sex is not comparable to drugs, but whatever. Women want sex too. So long as you arent an uncared for piece of shit, its easy to fuck women without spending money or time.
Best thing though is a gf. You dont need to be a beta faggot that folds at every command. Treat her like you treat an expensive object: care for her maintenance, and use her properly.


>say women are literal subhumans and should have no rights
>nobody gives a shit
>say you don't want to spend time/money on women
>roasties appear out of the woodwork to call you an incel

>You dont know until you had it.
>sex is better than most of the shitty games youre playing.
> its worth the effort invested.

women want male attention

attention is to women like sex is for men

that's why they hate video games so much

I fucking hate that face that some women make. That "mouth half open, half smiling, half angry" shit like fucking Hell close your fucking lips you dumb bitch I hope a fucking fly lands on your teeth from you doing that retarded face so much

He's probably the designated driver I bring my 3ds when I offer that

Okay so this is surreal, but I actually know the guy in that webm. I went to college with him. His name is Arda.

Seems logical to me

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have sex immediately

>say women are literal subhumans and should have no rights
>nobody gives a shit
stop assuming shit retard, I always reply to that too
fucking memester

Going to a public place to do the same thing you'd do at home is cringe.

women love insults

but if you should ever imply spending money on a woman is a bad use of money, watch them screech

Great reply

Maybe because its not roasties replying to you, you stupid brainless idiot

Yea Forums - incel cope

look at her, can you blame him?

>Implying women are the only retarded people that are easily tricked by the same thing over and over again when there's thousands of men that blindly donate to women just so they can pretend a hot girl noticed them for a few seconds

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What the FUCK was his problem?

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glad we all agree democracy is dumb

I can't find a flaw in your logic.

based and redpilled

>Implying i have a choise.

beta orbiters aren't people

Based and logicpilled

if I was a chad I'd exclusively treat women like shit