Prove youre not some filthy casual destroying this industry

Prove youre not some filthy casual destroying this industry.

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Other urls found in this thread:

how are they destroying the industry if they bought it

theyre reviewing the game off the 1-3 intro hours. and saying WOW THIS GAME SO GOOD. making game devs only care about making the first few hours of a game "good" and then tossing the piss when it comes to mid to end game. ala ANTHEM

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it genuinely amazes me how many people just don't finish games.

once i start a game i try to complete it entirely before moving on.

less than half of sekiro players on ps4 have beaten genichiro but it's just like says, at least they bought it

Why'd it take them so long to push these DLC campaigns out? Do they have like only two people on the team working one day a week?

I usually get bored after a while, most games cant hold my interest for more than 10-12 hours
I've played way too many games for some new formula to interest me enough to finish it


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can't relate. to me the worth of playing is payoff at the end. like having maxed out units or feeling like all of my efforts have been validated.

this is actually annoying since i only end up enjoying jrpgs and open world games, where i can enjoy some tangible rewards in the gameplay

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I complete pretty much every game I buy, and go even further on the ones I really like.

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this is unironically why so many people "love" breath of the wild even though after the initial wonder wears off its a fucking slog

once I notice I'm not really enjoying myself I usually stop playing, completion be damned
games just get old so fast, the only games I finish are story-driven ones

I hate how it's only 1% yet you find fuckers with Forceman armor and max KAMAS RE everywhere.
They cheating, at least on PC, is insane.

on ps4 the acquisition rates are equally low. my brother reached the original ending before they started patching the meta and adding new mushrooms with shitty effects. the game is so different now from how it used to be.

i swear i always do everything in batman games and only end up with like half the cheevos, because i don't give a fuck about riddler trophies and the combat achievements. you are a saint for having the patience for that. i pity arkham knight 100% people, only a truly wretched soul has that kind of free time

>p2w Soulsborne ripoff gacha game

Don't forget to buy some death metals to purchase the most OP decals to make the game completely trivial!

game wasn't very good

it's not a 'slog', it's just not story focused at all. it's a game where you use the environment to make your own fun.

it's not for everybody, but i mean look at how insanely popular minecraft is and that's an even less interesting version of the same concept as BOTW (just wander around cutting trees, collecting stuff and killing monsters)

I hate running into those shitheads so goddamn much. Always ruins a good war.

That’s good you dumb ass. If you’re going to be focused on the end, you get dumb ass Korean MMO where it’s all about the end game content and everything else is a drag.

What is purpose of buying a game and not completing it?
Do people not research games to see if they would like them?
Or is it just some kind of
"I'm such a gamer lol"

exactly my point my man... this is EXACTLY my fucking point. GOTY. only played 2 hours.... like HOW!?

pic related

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I'm not a casual, I'm just old and depressed and I never finish games because I lose all interest once I feel like I've seen all of the new mechanics it has to offer.
I have almost never dropped a game because it was too hard, almost always because I just lost interest at some point

its "im such a gamer lol" for sure just so at work they can brag about how much they like the falvour of the month game while having played the tutorial section. god damn it. i remember when people finished whole games....

Quit trying to shame people for enjoying games differently. We're all gamers because we like video games, how doesn't matter.

because they took the time to make literal kino

Gotta be honest, I just really did not enjoy how Plague Knight played compared to Shovel Knight.

Based user I'm doing the same shit on xbox

if you can't master the game you claim to enjoy then you are by definition a casual

you watching the intro credits to movies doesnt make you a movie fan. youre a fucking nigger and i hope you die.

how is listening to one song on an album and then going "yeah i like coldplay" any different? its fake. its just there to try to fit it. youre a cuck

so then... spectre knight which is more "fun" for people... whats the excuse for that one being so low?

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This kind of attitude is why gatekeeping is important.
I don't agree with OP since there are plenty of reasons to drop games, but this "we all belong, we all fit in" attitude is ruining subcultures.

There is nothing inherently wrong with being casual either, but there IS something wrong with a casual player telling people that take the game very seriously to respect them just as much as everyone else even though they don't fit in and have nothing to contribute.

Normies are so obsessed with fandoms and shit that they seem to care more about belonging to a group than what the group actually does.

I think gatekeeping is one of the most important things a subculture can do, its basically the same as telling people "If you don't want to acclimate to our culture you don't belong here, you can go somewhere else if you want to enjoy this thing differently than us"
Now that I think about it, its not shocking that the same people that think border control is racist think that gatekeeping in hobbies is bad. Zoomers seem to have an aversion to acclimating to existing cultures

I'm a bit of a dork so I do in fact listen to full albums but that's just my preference and how I listen to music. I wouldn't go around feeling superior (well maybe just a little) to people who prefer singles, and I certainly wouldn't say that they "don't really like music" or something haughty like that. We like music and listen to it differently, but we both like music.

>play it YOUR way

Find a rope and hang yourself, enabler.

what game

>End of a singleplayer game means endgame mmo content
Fucking ESL retard

Man that's crazy talk. Bomb jumping was way more interesting than Duck Tales. But to each their own.

>I'm a bit of a dork so I do in fact listen to full albums
How the fuck is listening to full albums a dorky thing, its how you're supposed to listen to them

Blue Revolver

>reddit spacing
Ironic post indeed

Since achievements are a thing we know barely 20-30 percent of people finish the easiest, shortest games on "any" (aka most of them on easy) difficulty. By the "complete chapter 1-2-3-4-5 etc" achievements less than 10 percent of people get beyond halfway in a longer/harder game and gamers wonder why devs make copy/paste missions in open world games.

>I'm a bit of a dork so I do in fact listen to full albums but that's just my preference and how I listen to music
same here user

It seems like quite the leap to conclude that the people who say they are "suuuch big fans" of Shovel Knight must necessarily be the ones who didn't complete it. I know us dumb gamers don't graph good, but individuals aren't averages.

Exactly why fighting games are going to shit too.

I beat Sniper Elite on Sniper Elite

Because most of the people that bought it arent going to replay it 3 years later for the new campaign

In Breath of the Wild you can finish the game whenever you like though after you have left the plateau. The adventure is completely up to you.

I don't pay for video games and endorse all of the shitty practices that have been adopted to consistently make the industry worse over the last 20 years. Your turn, what are you doing to stop the destruction of the video game industry?

I beat the main game and plague knight on wii u totally forgot specter came out is it good?

but anthem literally shat the bed from the get go. there's literally nothing good about the game from start to finish, and even reviewers acknowledged that. your point makes no sense

shovel knight is a niche title. it is on LOWEST price sale right now for 10$ and NO ONE is buying it. Its not on steam top sales. even games that sold 20k on steam like catherine made it to steam top sales. no one buys their fucking game. they sold 2 million for a niche title most people would HAVE to be fans or else why buy a niche title? to fit in? fuck off nigger. only fans bought shovel knight. ask ur casual friends to buy it and they wont.

why the fuck not?

It makes more sense for someone who loves BotW to have only played a few hours since the intro is the best part

I pirate all my shit so I don't have to force myself into pretending I'm enjoying myself when I'm not in order to get "my money's worth".

Most games get old. When they do you switch to a different one.

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Do you even get what a percentage is?

>achievement for literally starting the game

Dudes too far gone. Doing anything that requires any amount of personal investment whether it be time, money, or effort makes you a "nerd" or a "dork"

thats literally the point of OPs thread retard

>piratefag has to justify himself in every thread where it is even tangentially possible
Like clockwork

Achievement fags need to be purged.
I came from a time there wasn't any "to do list to 100%" in the game and just play "to scape reality for a while"

While there are people that do play the game "to finish the game", I don't really like achievement fags.
It's like the easiest bar to fill, just make a game, pick some numbers, staple a badge and your hooked those idiots.
Honorable mention to katamari damacy's "Gather 1 million roses" on a slow respawning wide spread roses field. I always kek thinking about that one.
Fighting against "filthy casuals" being the lowest bar possible, what a tool


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I wasn't justifying piracy brainlet.

Because nobody has an attention span that lasts multiple years. Its very likely that most shovel knight owners dont even realize that they were entitled to the extra story lines when they eventually came out

Those over half players are those who physically cant beat him because of no accessibility options otherwise itd easily be over 100% had beaten the final boss

I play every game on normal.
I use a controller at my pc
I just don't like hard games
wat do?

wtf kind of shit species is the human being that you cant come back to a game you liked especially for new content??? holy fucking shit

i guess im not shocked. throughout history people have been backstabbing, rapping, and stealing to get ahead. while the good people all got killed off.

>cherrypicking this hard
99% of games have trophy/achievement lists that follow the natural player progression in a game were they to 100% the game for fun like they did "in the old days" grandpa

>beating a console FPS with M&KB
>meaning anything
even Halo 2's hardest mode is a cakewalk when you can instantly doubletap anything that can threaten you

Wait a moment, that graph seems familiar somehow.

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>humanity is doomed because people are unaware of free dlc

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>people who beat games are transgender analogs in your graph

okay retard

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just reaffirms their doomness

journalist aspirant?

A lot of times I buy games, play them for a couple of minutes to see if they're up my alley and are working fine, and if they check out then I leave them in my backlog and go back to playing the games at the top of my backlog.

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>only 35% managed to make the engine run
>11% went on to complete the inspection
>0.6% managed to win the rally
the plight of a meme game with actual value and depth

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Merely a champion of inclusive gaming.


I also hate this shitty music

OP here. dont care for achievements. im using achievemtn data to prove people dont even do the bare minimum aka BEAT a game....

how the fuck does that have to do with my point. 1/3rd of people who bought for MAIN campaign(suppose youre right) beat the main story... wtf are 66% of people who bought the game thinking its just one story fucking doign?

>StartingLegend: Complete the tutorial
That's even worse, cheevfag. There is literally very few true "achievements" a game can have that it isn't
a_Replays grind
b_Casually playing the game once

Only newfags and redditors even think "Reddit spacing" is a thing, its just called readable formatting
No one likes a huge wall of text, I've been posting on Yea Forums since like 2006 and always formatted my posts like that because no one wants to read a literal essay of a post that is just a huge wall. Especially now in the age of zoomers on smartphones that reply to anything with more than 4 sentences with "tl;dr"

I wouldnt call a car autism simulator necessarily deep or valuable

so journalist aspirant then. okay.

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It's selfish to be included if you offer nothing in return.

Are you hiring?

Why is the completion rate of Baldurs Gate so low? just leaving the tutorial level that lasts 20 minutes at most has a lower completion rate than people that finished Shovel Knight?

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At least people will know if you actually played the game or not.

people bought it cuz "hey i remember this game being good" and then never playing it cuz the people who LIKED that game are fucking 30+ boomer niggers working and feeding kids and dont have time to waste on a shitty old RPG

I beat battletoads

I also beat ninja gaiden black on master ninja.

Most people calling reddit spacing are obvious newfags but anyone that spaces their quote is a retard

Because shitty old games are just that. People love to pretend they want to go back but the numbers don't lie.

I pirated Shovel Knight and never bought it because it's a mediocre game and doesn't deserve its pricetag, especially now.

I buy fuckloads of games on steam that I've already played before and either never get around to them or never finish them.

Here's your proof
Also, I beat the Chronicles games on the Wii and the Umbrella Corps trophies are basically impossible since nobody plays it online

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Putting one sentence as its own paragraph multiple times isn't making readable format retard. You don't understand what makes something considered reddit spacing or why it shows up in this specific way on Yea Forums. If you had actually been on Yea Forums since 2006 you would know that.

Protip: People caring about achievements are the original cancer. Now go kys

30% for a niche game completion is pretty fucking good. 13% seems to be the "casual" compelted game percentage.

so that means still that even mega fans of a game 70% of them dont beat the game. while normie games its 85% that dont......

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I firmly believe this shit is bugged, the achievements are a joke yet no one got them

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its not about caring for achievments. im using achievment data to prove that people dont play games they just buy em so they can "fit in". all these normie fucks care about is fitting it and seeing how they can exploit the people in their lives to get ahead by a little bit of status points. while the rich run off with all the money laughing that belanie made britt mad

Thats how most games are but 0.9% is pretty fucking extreme just for finishing the game. most games at the worst are at 15% story completion rates even when you include long ass RPGs like FFX and DQXI. Hell even Mount and Blade has a higher percent of players that conquered the entire fucking map

>claims to be here since 2006
>talks about reddit spacing
Protip: Only newfags use that term, newfag.
Had you been here since 2006 you would know that even greentext is a newfag thing, newfag.

That's just demonstrably not true. Also, people played games for 100% long before achievements existed - I have no clue why you are acting like it is a new phenomena brought about by the invention of an achievement list. Are you really as old as you are pretending to be?

How do you anons view steam achievement percentages?


>people will know if you actually played the game

I've played the first 6 years of WoW
Thousand of hours of warcraft maps
Thousand hours of X-com and Fallout2 too
Absolutely no proof of it, and it's even funnier knowing that I harm more the industry playing fewer games thousand hours, than thousand games 10 hours to get the Complete cheevo
What's your point now

it might not be for you, but it has developed wonderfully over the past few years and it does something larger game studios will never be able to replicate.
the developer has made loads of money from people buying it because "haha drunk finn crashing into tree permadeath", but there's so much below that surface layer of fun

people before in 80s and 90s didnt beat their games cuz most were unbeatable TRASH. but a lot more than 13% beat super mario world.

I know when people claim reddit spacing because it became a buzzword and never went away. People have explained what it is countless times, but it means nothing because its always been around.
It doesn't even make that much sense for most of us, if reddit spacing was a thing my breaks would be double spaced, not single spaced. The real reason people "reddit space" is because they want that text to be a separated from the previous block of text instead of hugging the bottom of it.

imagine some soccer mom coming up to you and saying shes a marvel fan having sat through 30 min of ironman 1. while u walk out of endgame. and then people making decisions for making movies "welp 70% of people watched only first 30 min of iron man. guess 3 hour movies across a decade is bad idea"

>New Vegas fans are big brai

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>it has always been around
It hasn't. It also doesn't change the fact that using readability as a reason for making multiple single sentence paragraphs is pants on head asinine in every single format that it could possibly occur in. So much so that somebody using it is either insanely retarded or lying. Take your pick.

Stop writing like a retard, stop being such an insecure faggot, stop being such a manchild basedboy cuck *insert further buzzwords here*, stop caring about what other people think and have sex. But before, die in a fire.

Nobody cares

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The point is nowdays people act like they know shit when they don't. Gaming didn't used to be as much of a social fad as it is now.


I don't care about achievements, first of all.

I played shovel knight when it came out. Then they released like 4 new campaigns but by that time I lost all intrest in the game. OPs image is retarded and everybody falling for this bait including me is also retarded

Why would someone like you just go on the internet and tell lies?
There are countless archives and screencaps from back then, you'll see plenty of "reddit spacing". In fact you'll see a lot of shit that people call "reddit" now because its just a meaningless buzzword. I don't even like reddit but its not as if its a single entity with unified taste, its just a fucking Digg ripoff

Batman games have some annoyed NG cheevos. That batman begins even had online cheevos that are now impossible to get.


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I am guilty of not finishing most games I start
Maybe I am sick in the head or something? Because I universally get tired of whatever game I am playing after like 20 or 25 hours. This can't be normal. If I had to list my backlog right now it'd be gigantic, I can barely remember my most recent backlog:
>Stardew Valley
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Dragon's Dogma
>The Witness
>American Truck Simulator
>Mahjong Soul
Among many many others.

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what kind of sad fucking human being are you a game that you liked before you cant like in the future? jesus christ man. its not even like youre replaying the game youre playing NEW SHIT.

if i like something i want more of it. regardless of how in the future it is....

It's fine to not be able to finish games as long as you're honest with yourself about it. This thread is mostly about people who try to leverage games for social cred.

yeh theres something wrong with you i have 200 games on steam and i beat them all and am playing through 2 games atm. dinvity original sin 2 and yakuza kiwami 2... thats it

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How the hell did you do the Zulu P-26 cheevo? I tried cheesing by killing the casino jockeyman boss but it felt like it would still take way too long still

>This thread is mostly about people who try to leverage games for social cred.
glad someone understands

"whatd you do this weekend"
"i gamed"
>2 hours of new game and never touched again after

Good god why to people browse this place?

Youre not interesting or cool just because you perpetuate a hyper masculine culture of competitive gatekeeping

and even then did you ever even CONSIDER how albeist this is? not every gamer has the ability to face the all challenges a game has to offer

Now why would anyone do that?
I can understand bashing games you haven't completed because, well, they were so bad you couldn't force yourself to complete them, but praising one makes no sense, if it's that good why didn't you finish it faggot


But plague knight is really not fun to play as.

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>not every gamer has the ability to face the all challenges a game has to offer
then why are you buying the fucking games if youre so garbage? just go do a hobby you CAN do

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I only have one game installed on my PC, CK2, I have spent over 5000 hours on it. I have bought all the decent DLC and pirated the shitty ones.

Because some people are pathetic and desperate for attention.

>decide to 100% NV because I love the game
>start a new character and leave the caravan shit for last
>forgot about the card collecting, deck building and how boring playing caravan was
>use a mod to get the achievement

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>if it's that good why didn't you finish it faggot

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i completed the game before the dlc was out.
haven't gotten to playing the dlcs since they came out how many years after the original release and i had already long forgotten the game.therefore, suck my cock you stupid slowpoke faggot thanks

Just cheese it with max luck

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I find it incredibly difficult to believe that two people could browse the same website for 10+ years and have such vastly different experiences. The spacing thing sticks out like a sore thumb in the exact same way as people who say "who are you quoting" when somebody greentexts. It's possible that the years blend together as they go by, but even if it did occur in some capacity years ago it doesn't change the fact that it is much, MUCH more rampant today than it has ever been in the past - even if you only go back to 3 or 5 years ago.

People shouldn't have to do that, games should be inclusive.

I got Steel Soul and Speedrun 1+2 in the same run on Hollow Knight without a guide.

I'm part of those casual statistics. I got just about every achievment for shovel/plague/specter knight on Wii U and sold the thing forgetting king knight was getting released.

literally youre pathetic if time is such an obstacle to you. you seriously are

>try to do this
>game refuses to let me place anymore cards for some reason
>discard my entire deck because its the only option it gives me
after beating the Pazarak and Dice Poker challanges of Witcher and Kotor I thought I would be able to enjoy Caravan but christ

Its more like steam cards and people who launch a game once

Why does she wear Waldo boxers?

I 100%'d pic related, I am done with completing the video games

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>not having rare achievements showcase in steam

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>all my rarest achievements are from dead MMOs

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>single player games
>not casual
I bet those set AI were super hard to beat, truly only the most hard core of gamer could ever dare beat them.

You need to get a life outside of video games though chief

Sometimes you just don't like the game enough to complete it but you went over the time mark for refund.
Many games have good first few hours then become sluggish.
I haven't completed at least of third of my library and don't intend to ever come back to these games.
What I find more surprising is the number of people that bought the game but obviously never played it (like the "finish the tutorial" achievement being completed by 40% of owners when it requires being 15 minutes in including setting up options). Sometimes it's due to buying games in bundle, but it also happens to games that are never bundled.

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Who said I don't?

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I play melee everyday of my life and hate nintendo past windwaker

I play stalker and mountainblade not gay shit like sekiro

wheres ur sulfuras now huh? i bet u thought u were hot shit but now your cheevos are forgottten

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Does being the first person to complete the Circle Crusher trophy on PS4 help prove I'm not a filthy casual?

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That just happened to me today, I bought Pathfinder Kingmaker and accidentally played it for 3 hours and now I can't get a refund. Game was super boring, I don't know why anybody would play it when NWN1/2 or even deadfire exists

If you're so good yourself you should play them too user.

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Ok only playing games past 2000 user.

Nes games will kick your fucking ass

Havent completed a single game in my life because thats for autists. Theres not a single game that has an actually good last part of the game prove me wrong. Once youre halfway through the game youve experinced all the good parts

I like an actual challenge thank you.

>using achievemtn data to prove people dont even do the bare minimum
this really is the only use for achievements, and is a very effective system to do so.

> % of people who completed the tutorial
> % of people who perfected the tutorial
> % of people who found the (blatantly obvious) secret in the tutorial that unlocked an alternate storyline

>225 Hours in Yugioh

Whats your main deck my dude?

>not "an actual challenge"

Attached: brainlet.gif (645x773, 41K)

Oh wow you mean those games you can restart whenever and play against the exact same patterns? That is literally impossible to ever beat! You fucking pathetic casual, why don't you actually git gud instead of playing single player trash.

yoshis island smb has the best endgame

Any 2d game from nes snes genisis in difficulty > any 3d game> shovel knight

>single player

>nintendo shit
no thanks theres not any part of those games that are good if youre older mentally than 7

i play several

cyber dragons, kozmoz, exodia solitaire(spell cards), dark realms, DDD dynamite/ golem/ infernal tempest, doll xyz leo, traditional deck with last turn

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Who said anything about restarting. Beat dick tracy on the nes without dying once.
You wouldent be ablw to youd have to look up a walk through to hold your hand just like how modern gamers like you need it

Same, I don't often 100% a game but I damn well finish at least the the single player or if it's an rts with multiple campaigns I'll finish at least 1 campaign.

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>pretending that the average snes/genesis game isnt baby mode compared to most NES titles

7 for kids playing wii wii u and switch.

26 at youngest playing retro games for old games.

So you are younger than 26

I have quite a few games that I bought after playing a pirated version and have no achievements for the legit copy as a result. Usually it's more of a hassle to try to move the save data over so I just keep playing the pirated version until I complete it.

>theres not a single game
gets proven wrong
> nintendo doesnt count

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But I don't play single player trash. So why would I need it?

Because some people have a life and arent worthless neets who play my little pony pokemon romhacks all day you absolute fucking weirdo?

>tfw only one of these is an actual achievement and the other ones are all displays of my autism

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>achievement is rng based

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>dota 2
my wifes son loves that game very cool

>genesis snes games still harder than most psx games if not all.

Toned down a bit but honestly that gen was perfect difficulty.

Nes was good too.

Anything past that has been degraded

Less than HALF of the people who played BB beat the FIRST boss.

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>plays nintendo games
you need to grow up. i wasnt proven wrong because i dont consider games for children good. this is why i fucking hate incels

>achievement for killing the devs in the MP mode
>its the most achieved cheevo in the entire game

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how in the fuck did you complete the game in stygian

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Hello twitter.

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My problem is that I buy too many games when I know I don't have enough time to complete them. I haven't bought any games since RDR2 and still have a backlog.

Well have fun with your multiplayer games that require less skill than a game from 1986.

Barely any multiplayer games require skill.

Melee does and thats only because everyone plays different.

Cs 1.6 quake does.

Nothing much now a days require a skill.

All multiplayer games feel like a clone of each other

okay zoomer. im using my MEMORY from when i was 10 and 11 playing these games to answer. youre the one thinking i have to be playing those games no cuz i wasnt born when they actually came out. YOURE the one who has to play em now as an adult cuz ure a ZOOMER KEK

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i never played nintendo games as a child because im not mentally disabled/a nigger

>My rarest achievement is obtained by simply opening sound test mode

I don't know how to feel

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lmao SNOYniggers literally got the game to fit in "oh its the best sony game i better get it"
play it
wow too hard, at least i can talk about it around the water cooler with bill at work tomorrow about how hard the game is. ILL FIT IN THIS WAY :D

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So you admit you're too casual to handle actual competition? Keep up the cope that playing single player trash.

Zoomers have no difficult games to play.

Why dont you take over the industry and make 3d versions of nes snes and genisis gameplay so you can be challenged in a game and be rewarded for playing it.

All games are toooooooo easy.

Why have we as a species been struggling for 1000s of years and that spurs evolution.

Why would you bring gaming communism into this industry and let games get so easy that nothing is enjoyable

The game shits all over you if you actually choose to win, last time i checked death was pretty cool

Go back to playing fortnite, multiplayer-only, always online scum.
You're the reason games are becoming a "service" that will soon only be streamed.

I play fighting games, the ultimate casual filter.

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>rarest achievement is getting a handful of headshots
>it has a 0.2% completion rate

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There is no competition in modern online games because there are skill ceilings that everyone can get to because the game has been downgraded to a certain degree for them to play rhe same.

I play melee everyday and i have taken stocks off of m2k hbox i have beaten and kagethewarrior and hax

Mad cause I called you out for being a casual.

I did it after a patch for Crimson Court came out so the meta may have changed. I disabled CC because it's pointless padding in stygian, my set ups were pretty standard, usually Helion+Grave Robber+Plague Doctor+Vestal and I'd adjust depending on the location/boss. I think I finished with 8 weeks to spare but I did spend some time dicking around while waiting for Dysmas and Reyn to get their traits locked for the final missions so that I could get their achievement as well. Anyways this guy did it in 16 weeks so doing it at all isn't all that impressive

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feels good main

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Surprisingly fishing for a 10+ hours wasn't my worst experience achievement farming.

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>no "embrace the void"

Um this thread is for *NON* casuals, you may have misunderstood

>reddit spacing
>is also a nostalgia fag
all games back then were garbage with like 10 mins of content max so they had to make it hard so games didnt get refunded

Sure you have buddy. Multiplayer can never have a skill ceiling as the ceiling is as high as the competition is.

Ok baby lock on to body shooting games.

Or how about a shot to the head and feet does the same damage and it takes just the same amount of bullets to kill someone over and over.

What is that called sponge enemies?

No change no differince in the gunplay.

Just everything is handed to them.

But yet he thinks he is competitive

It only feels more prevalent because you're looking for it, it never stood out before because it was a totally normal and innocuous thing.
Memers basically turned something normal that everyone does into a buzzword and a bad thing

>put a shitty boring boomer card game into an action game
>nobody plays it


You just do not have any hard games.

If you had hard games you would appreciate games that you have much more.

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Single player games are by definition casual. The only games which are hard are esports because you can't just memorize AI pattern and behavior.

If an RPG doesnt have a unique card game with its own special side quest then you cant call it an RPG

I do that frequently
>play game
>enjoy it for the first 25-50% of its length
>starts getting stale because it doesn't ramp up difficulty, introduce new mechanics, or deepen old ones
>get bored, drop it, and find something else
I don't give a shit about story in 99% of vidya, so that won't keep me interested. And most games in current decade don't have gameplay that's innately fun enough to remain interesting without added mechanics or challenge, which we don't get because most stuff is made for mass appeal to casuals.

I either end up just going back and playing through stuff I know that I like and re-beating those.
>Sir ShoeOnFace Into Deathspike
Or sticking with stuff that you never beat which I have hundreds of hours in
>Mountain Blade
>Killing Floor 1/2
>PVP multiplayer stuff

Says the person playing games designed for them to feel good by beating imaginary enemies with no complex skills or decision making.

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I don't understand what you are saying anymore so im going to leave this convo

>Hailed as a classic
>Best seller
>Less than half the people who bought it completed it.
I don't even understand.

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get on my level faggots

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Thats actually pretty high by most game standards. VN style games seem the have the highest completion rates even if they are longer on average than most titles


i really dont undertsand this shit either. ONE OIF TH EBEST GAMES EVER 8% completion.... if its that fucking good why did no one fucking beat it???

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>it's actually true
fucking lol

>Nintendo games are for children
>Didn't play them as a child cause they are for mentally disabled/niggers
Boy, you sure are dumb as fuck.
Time to get off Yea Forums, spend some time outside, or at least stop flinging out buzz words like this is some bootleg madlibs

Cs 1.6>any tacticool 2010 plus fps>>>>>>shit>call of duty and battlefield tbis is where you are

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yeah that makes sense VNs are niche. so no normie is buying that shit only to play it for 30 min and give up. the more niche the game the more complete the story % is. hence why i dont get how the fuck shoevl knights achievements are so low the game sold like ass so should be niche

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my rarest achievement has a 0.80% rate. not because it's hard, but because it's a DLC-only achievement for a game where no one bought the DLC

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Nobody looks at a dude who plays Dorf Fort and Rogue and calls him a casual for it. There's more to casual games than challenge alone. Very niche games, unintuitive games, or games with steep learning curves aren't casual, even if they are singleplayer.

That's because you're a casual that has been confronted by reality.

I'm impressed
also pic related

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fukcing ruined him mate

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Interesting how you didn't include any of your precious single player games on that list. Could it be that you too think they're casual?

>thinking most FPS-playing retards have complex skills or capable of decision making
I'm sure cowadoody takes a lot of skill. Moat of the playerbases for many games are actually worse than NPCs. Only MP games I respect anymore are racing games.
A tiny percentage of most

Post edward inferno banana pistol ace

go check for any game.
completion rates are ass for them all

Whens the next review, matthew?

unironically, fortnite requires the most skill out of any game so far

Impossible challenge:
Find an achievement on Steam that has above a 95% achievement rate. No matter how basic they are, even if it's shit like "start the game for the first time", there's always a big percentage of players who don't even get the easiest one.

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We were talking about fpses not single player games

I think anyone who doesn't play cs 1.6 as a casual

>They're all from dead games.
Life is suffering, then you die.

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Try playing fighting games or RTS at a competitive level. You can't because you are a casual who can only beat enemies with preset determined patterns.

>coping so hard you need to pretend beating AI makes you good.

Behold the game I have wasted the most time on.

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then everyone that isnt a slav is casual because nobody but them and bots are playing 1.6 right now

So you admit single player is exclusively casual?

>that drop between starting the game and finishing the tutorial
It's probably because people realized they weren't playing Future

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I know but it's the TT walking dead game. I know people that never touch games that have beaten it. an the game is basically a VN, so it's not for lack of trying even if the person is terrible at games, yet there are tons of people who praise (also seen people saying it was great and they hardly play anything)

i mean the reason they are true for any game is the following:

most i mean 99.99% of all humanity is complete putrid SHIT. we are dumb filthy ugly losers who think we are anything of value when not. so BASIC SIMPLE SHIT like completing something made to be FUN for you to do is near impossible for people. cuz they're born with SHIT attention spans. this is majority of human beings. if anything people shouldn't be concerned that completions on games are so low. they should look beyond that point and be appalled that the world is filled 99.9999% with these shitstained horrible creatures and they live amongst them.

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>popular trash that my 6 year old nephew plays

So you're just here to shitpost.

Can't find it

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>skyrim was heralded as the game to end all games when it was released
>only like 20% of players have kill alduin

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>3 hours game had only 5% of players finish it
>more people finished the entire game than finished the tutorial

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The main storyline is fucking awful so its understandable that most people never pursued it

Rts is shit cuz you litterally just place dudes here and there and they fight for you.

Fighting games are cool but if your talking aboit modern ones then they barely require skill.

>coping so hard because a 6 year old is less casual than you

I think this one is my rarest, but I don't usually hunt for achievements unless I'm already close to getting them all.

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I went through some of my games and found just one.

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>no man’s sky
I was about to say that you were my nigga for having such patrician taste, but the fact that you even put a single hour into No Man’s Sky let alone 88 of them is irredeemable. You are a faggot, and you are not my nigga.

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What games you play, mr hardcore?
CoD, Battlefield, Halo, and Fortnite/PUBG don't count.

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That's the point.

No game will ever surpass the gunplay of cs 1.6 cuz every shot landing on the body did different damage.

No game will take that much time to do that in their game because it would be a bitch to program it with modern graphics.

>labyrinth of refrain

Because the game is actually extremely average

>he fell for the Yea Forums memes
no mans sky is fine after the patches

What is THE most casual game outside of phone games?

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This is the highest I've found.
It's just so fucking weird. It doesn't count achievement stats until you boot up the game, so 10% of people didn't even leave the hospital.
My name is Ishmael

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i mod is heaviily and i just like playing flying games. so this is just flying but also space... but i agree. its a shit ass game. i hate the game. fuck sean murray and i hope the game burns in hell. i have shamed my honor. im sorry user

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>Prove youre not some filthy casual destroying this industry.
By relying on achievements, i.e. the most normalfag and cancerous thing the industry pushed in the late decade?
Yeah, no, I'll stay a filthy casual, thank you very much.

Go on a stream and play dick tracy for the nes and don't die once.

If you do you are a casual

Source and GO dont have locational damage?

>cuz every shot landing on the body did different damage.
explain this?
csgo has different damage multipliers for different parts of the body too.
alot of games have this

Fortnite. Never touched it before but everyone knows it's normalfag bait.

>most casual game outside of phone games
most phone games are actually extremely hardcore korean mmo tier grinds
the most casual is probably any of the singleplayer cod campaigns or halo

>owning Shovel knight
>filthy casual destroying this industry
Checks out

Telltale games. Anything focused solely on crafting and "survival".

Every console game after ps2 era

There hasnt been true difficulty in games since the PlayStation.

Which is even more casual than snes and nes

Street Fighter, Tekken, UNIST, CS, Starcraft Brood War, Quake Champions and a couple random poverty fighters.

i also play it in CREATIVE mode where all upgrades are free and everything else is free. so you dont have to play the LAME SHIT ASS gameplay loop of mining. u just hop in ship and fly up. if it didnt have creative mode i wouldve never touched it after being tricked into buying it

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achievements are just ways of collecting data on players
also way to miss the point of the thread


Is this your brain on casual cope?

It was a sweaty few summer nights but it was worth it for Pots

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>No game will take that much time to do that in their game because it would be a bitch to program it with modern graphics.
wtf are you talking about retarded cunt?
nearly every shooter has locationial damage.
it was a big issue in pubg because normies kept bitching about doing no damage to limbs

wtf are you talking about faggot. shovel knight is like one of the few GOOD kickstarter games and is actually a good game even if it wasnt a successful kickstarted game

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>only women are creative

>Fortnite. Never touched it before but everyone knows it's normalfag bait.
way to out yourself as a retard user.
fortnite is heavily based around skill and anti normie.

It seems worse than cs 1.6



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most people that own that shit probably got it in a bundle or sale and didn't even install it

You can't fool me when all the elementary school children know what the default dance and the floss is.

BR is just a shit genre that doesn't reflect any type of skill.

user, be serious now, what is that picture? The only thing it shows is that the layout of the first screen remained very similar.

well only 20% didnt even play tutorial so...

None of them are programmed as well as cs 1.6


first trailer vs new screenshots from blog.

they changed the aesthetic of the sky and they changed things around but overall things stayed the same as in pre alpha. they flipped the castle walls :D

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>good game
>supporting kikestarter ever
Kys my dude

Mostly fighting games? They seem so boring and repetitive to me, especially since it's all 1v1.
I play all kinds of games though, SP and MP, and don't feel the need to shit on SP games constantly.

To be fair that "tutorial" is fucked. Not the one at the beginning of the game but the one you select on the main menu. It sounds like a joke but that shit took me like an hour and a half to figure out.

Can link specific achievements with dates if need be. Though some are so old they dont have one I think.

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i didnt support it. though i did buy NARITA boy

give it a go yourself then user

muh nigga

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All i remember is hes sitting on log and i think hes killing nip

>he doesn't finish games

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The concept of die once, game over and one man standing don't appeal to me.

I would have tried it ages ago, but it's too popular.

Yes, but what's your point? I hope you're aware that the overworld map scrolls, there are multiple screens. How does the first area being very similar imply anything about them not doing much work in that period? That area was already done, so they worked on other areas, that's what they're supposed to do.

>None of them are programmed as well as cs 1.6
csgo is programmed far better and has more consistent hitboxes and damage models
stop talking shit

Learn to read buddy

>The concept of die once
well good thing that is gone
as long as one member of your team lives now you can be revived

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They do, go even finally fixed shooting through shoulders to get a hs, but both have tons of weird problems and edge cases

I've beaten nearly all the games I own. I still have to do the following though....

Bayonetta 2
Devil May Cry 5
Octopath Traveler
Spyro 3 of the Re-ignited Trilogy

wish sypro was out on steam :( i loved that game on ps1

Attached: is this lovecraft kino..jpg (540x733, 57K)

did you just imply that the first 3 hours of anthem are good?

It's not that bad.

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here's a guy from my friend list

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i dont play any EA trash i was just regurgitating what everyone on leddit said about it

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I'm sorry people have lives user. It's not like people just play games as a timekiller because they are moving on to their next step in life and Have other things to worry about than a stupid game. Consider yourself priveledge if you are able to hold that controller 24/7.

fucking HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i haven't logged onto steam in 6 months
steam is now cancer

Based and Yoshipilled. It's such a bummber that the series can never encapsulate what made the original so good from start to finish.

>tfw i got halfway through queen Hatsheput before i got memed
i should actually get that one at some point

>showing off your ability to use achievement unlocker

Git gud.

wow this is bad

Attached: poe.png (928x240, 39K)

Nobody has time to play and 100% that many games and also survive irl. He's just using achievement unlocker and is too retarded to think anyone would notice. Check the dates and times on his achievements and they'll probably all be within seconds of eachother.

I think more people have a Superbowl ring than have beaten wizardry 4

Bud get good at reading. It's something first graders have surpassed you in.

yeah cause poe sucks lmao i am too much of an impatient brainlet to play this game properly

>It wasn't that b- Divinity OS1
The defeat X without taking damage achievements from Revengance are probably the only ones I'm actually proud of.

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it's his hobby i guess. I added him because I noticed that he had written some of the achievement guides that i was using.

considering the amount of times he puts into games, I'd say it's legit. I recognize a lot of the games he's played. This is me . The time that it takes him to 100% games that I am familiar with seems pretty standard.

I just did it against Hilda Berg. Took me a million tries, but I did it. I think you can also do it on Simple difficulty

D:OS2 isn't much better at .4% for the same one.

Ya, but I was actually able to complete 2 in Honour mode. I didn't come fucking close in OS1.

Sundowner is the easiest though, fucking sprinting around for three minutes for Armstrong is so unfun it's the last one I haven't done.

Double trips.... Impressive

Dos2 is so fucking easy. Lonewolf with fane and iban

>impatient brainlet to play this game properly
what? its not even hard and its the best arpg on the market
just put some music on and kill some zombies as you run to the end at mach 10

I'd argue 1 is easier once you're out of cyseal. Mages are hilariously broken mid game, and an archer past lvl14 will more or less 1 round any boss you face.

>almost get to the end and die
>lose all motivation
I know what you mean, user.

>capcom cuck
>console pleb
>few trophies in most games
Please tell me you managed to get those games for free somehow.


Unironically yes. Some of them came with bundles, others I just got for free.
Also, a lot of the games with low percent I have beaten. Resident Evil Revelations for example was hot garbage so I only beat the campaign.

Git gud.

That's just... Horrible bait user, I'm sorry.

t. brainlet who couldn't into bomb jumping


They gave out one or two games for the megadrive collection for free a while back. So there's a huge amount of owners that never touched those games, let alone others.

still trying to complete rocket league, finally hit GC after ~2000 hours, still have to climb into and then to the top of the top 100 which may take another ~5k hours. I don't think I'm gonna finish this game, bros.


I think my problem is that to this day I have no idea how to make a good start in OS1. I'm actually mid play-through and everything is just too fucking hard to kill.

I don't use steam nor do I play on consoles with achievements.

I beat Katana Zero yesterday on my Switch.

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I used to have the same opinion until i got a job, suddenly my backlog is enormous while before i flat out didn't have one and never understood the concept of it when i read Yea Forums threads.

>years ago
>don't like using build guides
>get to merciless dicking around with a friend
>build completely falls off, literally unable to progress further
granted that was years ago but seeing some of the sheer autism getting put into builds/grind s for the most basic shit was very off putting
i also don't like playing through the same campaign three times in a row, i didn't like it in grimdawn either

I keep an autistic spreadsheet of every game I've beaten in my entire life plus some data. I've beaten 367 games

I've actually beaten every STALKER game.

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I have a job and no backlog... Explain

>the same campaign three times in a row
that got changed like 1-2 years ago now
they have 10 different acts now with no repeating
just find a skill you like and follow a guide desu
once you start to understand mechanics better then you can make your own build

Shovel Knight ended up being overrated dogshit, of course I didn't finish it. I was fucking bored.

>buy game
>have fun for 30 minuets
>never play it again

Vidya is so unfulfilling

team I used was a lone wolf mage and warrior with bairdotr for archery/early tenebrium handling. As you get to each area, do every non-combat XP source you can such as dialogue and fetch quests.
Play your cards right and your mage can end up with more spells than hotbar slots.

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i'll play it if it has good music

I learned japanese to play a bunch of gook games that were taking forever to come to the west, and also because it was fun.

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nuCOM 2 is not a hard game, it is a bad game.

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I always stop playing right at the last boss. I like the idea that I can always come back to it.

Yeah I dropped it after a few hours

i want to see someone with a darkwood hardcore achievement

it's not a slog. if anything it's too easy.

I still dont have the bloody palace achievements because of the consistent crashes I get somewhere between floors 20 and 91

Attached: dmc5ach.jpg (910x146, 38K)

Working on kiwami 2 right now.

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Imagining loving normie trash this much, go back to tumblr you pos

>get new game
>resolve to 100% it
>become discouraged after realising just what that entails/become bored of grinding for no reason other than good-boy points
>give up and move on to another game, sometimes with game unfinished

So it goes.

The pic is actually a massive problem on /vr/, which is poser central right now. People will constantly go on about loving this or that arcade/console action game and then get defensive when you ask them about their 1cc's or scores. It's just pathetic and sad to watch, a bunch of people whose passion for games ran out so all they have is pretense and engagement with peripheral aspects of gaming like culture or hardware.

fuck off リア充

I always go in with the intention of finishing, but I'm just not wholly interested in the game every time.
Also can never finish dungeon crawlers. I've played three in the last year, and I liked them, but I just dropped it after maybe three or four dungeons. Not entirely sure why.

what were the most helpful learning resources for you?

I 101% DK64

I'm only missing the gold crown achievements and I can't be bothered grinding for those, do you know if they've added any ways to make it easier to get them? How'd you do it user?

Final Fantasy 8 is literally the only game that did this well so who gives a fuck

itazuraneko and DJT on /jp/ and /int/ (though the threads used to be way better)

If you can handle doing vocab through anki for about a month you're basically set. Japanese syntax and grammar rules aren't too bad to learn and there are a ton of resources out there that explain the basics. Once you have the basics down you just need to consume media and keep up with your anki decks until you are able to read Light Novels or Manga or books or whatever without having to stop every two seconds to look up a word.

Learning Japanese is just a thing of patience, at first it's hard but its gets way easier after the first two months. It also helps that you really don't need to know how to write kanji, it helps with memorization, but you can skip it since 90% of writing in japan is done through computers now. (which also makes the language a breeze, typing in japanese and chinese for that matter is super easy)

>implying Gwent is bad

It's funny to me that more people have gotten all the upgrades than have actually beaten the final boss.

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very fun game related

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that's so stupid

Thankyou, user. I studied jap all the way through highschool but completely dropped it after that. I might pick it up again.

to expand on what said since I'm currently learning.

it's alright to lean hard on the 2k/6k deck that DJT tells you use in the beginning, but once your first two months are up you should try and ween yourself off it and start reading native material. Just dedicate your first week to making sure you have Kana down and then your first month purely to kanji. After that your second month should be spent reading Tae Kim's Japanese Grammar Guide/anki/learning about radicals/any further grammar reading and then just go cold turkey on your 2k/6k deck and start reading. Only use Anki to reinforce grammar and vocab you're having trouble with in the wild after your first two months. You can eventually go back to anki flash cards for the the rest of 6k once you're capable of reading some mango and watching anime.

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glad I could help. I took a jap class my first year of uni and found it to be pretty shitty compared to just learning it myself. I'll probably take some speaking classes at some point to iron out my pronunciation but I really do think character based languages like Chinese and Japanese really benefit from taking them at your own pace.

Call everything you don't like bait and you can ignore reality forever!

For example, I don't think you're bating me. I just think you're a very sad motherfucker

>muh cheevos prove just how hardcore i am

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>cant beat him because of no accessibility options otherwise itd easily be over 100% had beaten the final boss
>stupid hot button "issue"
>over 100%
>not bait

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>If I don't agree with it then it's bait reeeeeeeeeee
Take your own advice retard.

Anyone who has reach Level 99 on DBXV knows the grind that was that game

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ow the edge

>over 100%
Haha look guys he's projecting XD gottem!!
Where are my internetz hehe ecksdee

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games are cheap on steam, if it's under 7$ I'll get it while it's cheap and around to it, worse case I don't. I have like 500 games installed and maybe beaten 200 of them

You are actually upset at my statement? Oh my god, what is wrong with you?
Pound that sand motherfucker.

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Not you though, huh? You're that special 0.01%

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read it again nigger
>we are dumb filthy ugly losers

I'll direct my post to you then instead.

I have like 3K hours on NV between 360 and PC. I have no fucking idea how to play caravan because only the people who are currently playing hearthstone ever cared when there was card games to play in Vegas

I'm making a list of all the games that i've played and want to play, mentioning specific stuff, good and bad, about them (if i finished it fully, what i'm missing, if i cheated at some point or used a guide, if i bought it or pirated it, etc).

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This was disappointing, almost all from one game.

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Gangsta rap made me do it.

Imagine unironically asking this question and think buying a game makes you think you signed a contract to finish a game.
If I find a game boring/disappointing, especially if it's told to be weeks worth of investment, I just don't finish it. Simple as that.

>actually giving a shit about achievements
imagine "hunting" for them.

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I don't get if you're defending or shitting on gatekeeping.

Gatekeeping is the reason fighting games have such a shit community. You can love a game, how each characters feel, it's lore, etc. but if you can't master a 10-20-string combo by heart then you're nothing to the community no matter how much effort you place in learning the game.

It's the same with endgamefags in most MMOs. Having an entire community built around one aspect of a game is what's killing multiplayer games.

>Gatekeeping is the reason fighting games have such a shit community. You can love a game, how each characters feel, it's lore, etc. but if you can't master a 10-20-string combo by heart then you're nothing to the community no matter how much effort you place in learning the game.
Those people are a community that exclusively does that, they don't care that you like the lore

i couldnt beat darkest dungeon, i dont like winning combos

They can be fun challenges in some games, alot are monotonous tho.

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>You can love a game, how each characters feel, it's lore, etc. but if you can't master a 10-20-string combo by heart then you're nothing to the community no matter how much effort you place in learning the game.
No shit they don't want to play with someone who can't even put up a fight. Where is the fun in that? Also if someone actually puts effort into learning the game then they aren't going to shit on you. But if you sit there and whine that you picked a technical character and can't pull off their BnBs then that's on you. Just pick a low execution character and stop being a fag.

But that's the thing though, most of the community is like that. I don't know if you stepped inside of the FGC, but you can outright tell someone you're primarily casually playing the game and they'll still give you shit for sucking.

I don't know, I just don't understand how someone can be competitive then and cultivating weeks of combo training and finding players worse than them to be "insulting"? Like aren't you supposed to feel good about winning a match against someone? Isn't that the point to competition?

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I know some Yea Forums autists are capable of finishing and 100% this game, but the fact that you can find solutions for everything online makes any claim doubtful

Here's some proof that I beat games.

I also posted over 400 steam reviews but that's too far off the crop to include it.

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Summed up my thoughts perfectly.

Sekiro is casual AAA shit fuck off.

>But that's the thing though, most of the community is like that.
No it isn't. People only give you shit for sucking if you say you're only playing casually and use it as an excuse for why you lost. Nobody is insulted by the existence of players who are worse than they are, the problem is you can't accept that playing to win and playing for fun aren't two mutually exclusive concepts.

if you put some effort in you should be able to improve, though

Not exactly, if you just steamroll everyone it stops being fun, I generally enjoy winning by the skin of my teeth the most.

>I don't know if you stepped inside of the FGC, but you can outright tell someone you're primarily casually playing the game and they'll still give you shit for sucking.
Nah I have no idea what the FGC is like

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maybe 1/3 of people are the ones on the internet saying they liked it

how can we be sure those arent all single player hours

PS1/2 was the nigger console.


Yea Forums in a nutshell

>Just pick a low execution character and stop being a fag.
How the fuck is that the most respectful option? For starters, fags will start bitching about you picking a braindead easy character. How is having them rather picking a more complex character and have them suck but showing effort they're trying their best the less respectful option?

>Practice a character getting a general idea of it's strengths
>Ask the general community some advice on this or that thing
>"Fuck off, there's tutorials and combo exhibition videos everywhere!"
>Look them up, can't do a 15ish string combo because it requires a complex input in niche timing
>Spend hours to potentially weeks learning 2-4 mixups and do well with that
>"You fucking noob spamming the same shit every match."
If a community won't acknowledge your self-improvement and doesn't want to help you improve then what's the point?

Probably less than that, even now most of the people lurking this thread are filthy casuals.

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idk maybe enjoying the game. if you let people talking shit to you affect you i'm not sure how you lasted this long on Yea Forums

>>Ask the general community some advice on this or that thing
>>"Fuck off, there's tutorials and combo exhibition videos everywhere!"
>>Look them up, can't do a 15ish string combo because it requires a complex input in niche timing
>>Spend hours to potentially weeks learning 2-4 mixups and do well with that
>>"You fucking noob spamming the same shit every match."
>If a community won't acknowledge your self-improvement and doesn't want to help you improve then what's the point?
I hang out in the character discords for my mains and everyone is nothing but supportive and helpful, anyone that takes fighting games seriously will most likely more than happy to talk about tech and help you learn new things.

>How is having them rather picking a more complex character and have them suck but showing effort they're trying their best the less respectful option?
Because at the end of the day people only give a shit about a challenge, not the player's feelings.
If I can't beat an EZ mode character then that means I haven't studied on them long enough.
As a working adult with 2-4 hours of free time, last thing I want to hear from a player picking a character that they're shit with on purpose is "O-Oh i'll get better!"

>How the fuck is that the most respectful option?
Way to cherry pick retard. If you want to pick a technical character go ahead. Just saying no one will have sympathy for you because you were the one who decided to try and play that character.

no community is like this, the only cancerous one is jive players and you deserve it if you play that kusoge

You can respect/admire a game and not have 1,000 hours in it.

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>How the fuck is that the most respectful option?
Then choose what you think is the most respectful option and shut the fuck up. Or unless you're going to bitch about people having an opinion on that front too? Newsflash, people will complain about anything.

I implore everyone here to go and try these. They're not even hard, and pretty fun to do, but they're all 1% or less.
>Amnesia Hard Mode
>Specter Knight speedrun and buy all curios
>Miasmata 7 days and 3 days
>Dishonored, beat the train to the station

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Who said I wasn't having fun? Just because someone sucks with a character doesn't mean they aren't fun. Like I said, picking a character that's "right for me" and landing combos that took a while to learn is the most satisfying thing ever.
Discord has gatekeepers as well. You can spend months in a character Discord but once they caught a whiff of knowing that you suck then you'll become the personified village idiot.
>people only give a shit about a challenge, not the player's feelings.
Then... it's not a community, is it? Also I don't bring my personal life in these communities nor justify how or why I play the game.
>Just saying no one will have sympathy for you because you were the one who decided to try and play that character.
Which... is exactly the point i'm trying to make. I don't want to be treated like a special snowflake for picking a more technical character nor treated lesser for sucking at one, just to be treated like a normal player as anyone else.
Hey I been in Street Fighter, Tekken 7, Rev 2, UNIST(which im currently into right now), Smash, FighterZ, MK11, etc. They all have the same hierarchy-styled community wherever I go.
>"Don't interact like the peasant you are, only let the true kings are allowed to speak!"
Might as well play quick play I guess.

you sure have a good way of twisting people's words around, you should become a lawyer
i can tell you're an obnoxious player from whatever hellhole you came from

I used to do this but playing through a shit game to completion is demoralizing.

I get bored quickly and if I'm bored I stop playing.

I love a good story though. I always finish games with a good story no matter how much of a slog the gameplay becomes.

I did those immediately after beating the game so it was all fresh. Stayed up all night completing Godmaster, the final one was a bitch.

you think this random screenshot proves that your not a casual. you could have found that online somewhere

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Gatekeeping is good because it keeps retards like you out.

Dead game.
Dead life.
Still a little proud of getting this.

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It's poseur.