Yea Forums tells me it's an overrated movie game

>Yea Forums tells me it's an overrated movie game
>It's actually a 10/10 and pure kino
When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I never listen to Yea Forums Im not retard

>when you btfo your own post

You're not meant to taking anything posted here seriously

You're right, I never listen to Yea Forums

Yea Forums is full of poorfags who can't afford to play games

Turns out you have shit taste, whoopdy doo

GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made. And DMC V even has more cutscenes, they are just terrible tho so it's not considered a "story game"

Why does this game cause so much asshurt on Yea Forums? It's genuinely a solid 9/10 game

lmao I'm not even listening to you now, it's 0/10. Get on my level.

When will Yea Forums learn to stop doubting sony?

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But user, it is a movie game. The memes have become reality

When they started shitting on SC Blacklist for not being a stealthgame when its the Second best in the entire Series

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The gameplay is awful for a God of War game. Just throw the fucking axe the entire time, wow so fun!

>dmcfags hate it because their boomer manchild dante who hasen't grown up for literally 5 games is still a shit character and kratos btfo'd his development in one game

>better gameplay
>Has sliding and auto-tracking
lol no
It's a casual game for casuals. Hell Sony agree the game is either for children or retards. If they believed it was for mature people they wouldn't have this in the game, would they?

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GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made. And DMC V even has more cutscenes, they are just terrible tho so it's not considered a "story game"

You just answered the question.
Every opinion here is bait, every single one.

Ruined series

You heard OP, don't listen to him

>PS4 is a nig

game was a snore to play
the gameplay wasnt good

>Just cheese the game with the low damage ranged Attack so you can say you beat it
DSP is that you?

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>GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made
>Gameplay manages to be more casual than Senran Kagura
2/10 gave me a light chuckle

When I had a decent time playing Detroit. I like movie games. They definitely shouldn't be all video games are as a whole, but I think a certain subset of people enjoy the concept of a CYOA movie and that they do push both the concepts of video games and film a little forward.

You're wrong and your opinion is worthless.

>GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made
imagine being this retarded

I'm not Yea Forums though.

You had fun killing the same enemy, but in the different colors all along the game?

>GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made
Play more video game ffs, are you 16?

How is that cheesing the game? It's like the first fucking attack the tutorial explains to you. The game is just poorly designed.

So it is a movie game.

how does it even make a difference when every other action game just has distance-closer moves like Stinger? This ain't free-cam Dark Souls, it's an action game

>Don't touch me you filthy casuals! -You


Take nothing seriously
Even this

You're wrong and your opinion is worthless.

OK :)

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>mass replying
Thanks for the (You), get a tripcode so i can filter you next time

>pancake ass
>likes nu-GoW
pig disgusting taste

>t. toddler

Who in their right mind would ever listen to Yea Forums's opinions on anything?

Yea Forums is made of contrarian faggots who hate video games and drama whores. You should know this by now,

Just imagine, there are people who base their opinions off threads like these.

If his name were Kuratosu and it was made by Platinum Games, then there would be endless threads on Yea Forums talking about the glorious shape of Kuratosu’s man-ass, and how GOW is GOTG

The only actual stealth in Blacklist were the Grimm levels. Rest of the game is typical third person action with optional stealth scorefaggotry.

No. The game is good in many regards but it is not perfect. Even ignoring the cannot fail walking segments, combat is very limited and very repetitive, enemy variety is absolutely terrible, and there is far too much backtracking for the fourish main levels the game has (lake, mountain, altheim, helheim). There's also way too much cut content like the giant bird.

And who gargle eceleb cock for some reason

Misquote, meant for

>replying to yourself

>that they do push both the concepts of video games and film a little forward.
Not really. Detroit is the exception of the one well made "movie game" with proper CYOA design that has actually meaningful choice. It's also no coincidence that it's the game that Cage had the least creative authority on.

Misquote, meant for

Listen, I'm sorry no one liked this game. Go back to facebook to get some positive attention

I sorta listen to the opinions of Yea Forums-contrarians who're willing to argue with multiple other anons simultaneously about games, especially if they can go into the fine details in their arguments. I take their opinions more seriously than I do regular shitposts.

this thread is masturbation infront of a mirror

It's pretty easy to spot the difference between valid and not valid opinions. Most of the edgy or general ones are either bait or retarded, for example. Also I like ones with few words of explanation why given user likes/dislikes some game. If opinion contains something like:

-all western/weeb/given platform's games are shit
-that's a fact
-is objectively trash

it's not worth much.

delusional cope

But GoW is a Western game which is objectively trash, which is an actual fact

>GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made.

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>It's pretty easy to spot the difference between valid and not valid opinions. If I agree with it then it's valid and if I don't then it's not valid.


>4 (You)
Great thread, thanks OP

Nothing wrong with black people

Son, when you take my meticulously hand-crafted opinions and feebly try to respond with a reaction image and greentext, you're only showing me how much I hurt you and how you desperately wish you had an inkling of my wordsmithing genius, but alas, the best you can manage is to irritate your betters and hope that the lack of context doesn't detract entirely from the effect.

>Literally playing God of Cucks

>t. nigger

OwO have Sex! :3

playing through the pile of shit fallout new vegas is what convinced me never to trust Yea Forums

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>I'm ok with having no standarts and being treated like a baby, b-but if you dare say anything about my taste you are just a salty elitist!!!! - You

>muh gatekeeping
Nope go fuck yourself. Fuck you and fuck that mentality. I've seen gatekeeping talk like this before and it's never ever good. Just another thing for nerds to feel superior. Having "standarts"? Whatever man.

perform copulation

oh, I've forgot to add "opinion discarded" to my list
Yup, your opinion is discarded, since it's objectively a trash

Same reason Horizon Zero Dawn got shat on, It's on the PlayStation and Yea Forums want's to cling onto the old "ps3 has no games" meme, so any game for the PlayStation has to be bad or a "moviegame" otherwise Yea Forums doesn't know what to do and panics

GoW 2018 is okay, but it's not better than the kino GoW II. At least the game is btter than Red Dead Redemption 2.

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>imagine never having sex

See how impotently you flail when left to your own devices.

also this, you're objectively right

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>GoW2 and nu-GoW are the best games in the series
barlog may be infused with soi, but he knows how to direct

You don't have to imagine.

*tips fedora* 0w0

ouch, that means you have a low IQ. Good on you for outing yourself.

>Not being a Virgin is to high an entry barrier for the majority of Yea Forums
No Wonder you fags take no pleasure in any games, you never experienced the most important pleasure in life

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You're right, I don't, you on the other hand :3

Slowly read the post again.

You're an incel

Don't dare to compare the two, GoW is a good game, Horizon is literally a boring Ubisoft game but with the Sony logo on it.

You're illiterate.

Nah, you're just a faggot with shit taste. Have fun with your movie game.

I enjoyed both, GoW is the better game tho

You're a virgin

>Stupid faggots gave up wizardry powers.
Lol get smoked.

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Until Dawn is a CYOA movie game, and the common reaction to it from horror nerds was "it's a dumb-fun guilty pleasure for a slasher game." You know what they also say that about? Slasher films.

Stuff like Lorelai/The Cat Lady apply to that format too, and it's way more arguable to consider those games cinematic

I am not, you are

I'm still more impressed by the technical black magic in God Of War 3 than 4. There's not one fucking moment that stands out to me in 4.

>1 you fight the Hydra, go in to a huge Temple carried by a Titan and turn in to a giant and then 1v1 Ares with a sword bridge
>2 you destroy the Colossus of Rhodes, kill fate itself then go back in time and fight Zeus and you ride Gaia up Mount Olympus
>3 that entire opening section, unmaking the world unleashing disasters, Helios, punching Zeus for 10 minutes while the screen fills with blood

4 had nothing and it lacked what made God Of War what it is, spectacle.

You're mad.

>being a virgin

>Until Dawn is a CYOA movie game,
It's also not a very good game, 90% of the enjoyment comes from the camp value, you even admit it yourself. Which is fine, but it did nothing to push the concept of video games forward.

Never listen to Yea Forums. They're almost ALWAYS wrong, ESPECIALLY if it's a PS4 exclusive. 90% of Yea Forums will shit on it just for that fact.

>imagine being this mad over sex
stay seething incels

I regret giving up my wizard powers. Sex without love is literally no better than masturbating.

>and there is far too much backtracking for the fourish main levels the game has

One thing I loved about the level design in the original trilogy was how it got you back to an earlier section with zero back tracking.

What's up with all the sudden GoW threads? Is Sony reminding us the game exists because a DLC is going to be released soon?


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>t. incel

why should anyone listen to you?

>Bullet sponge gameplay
Fuck off

>Implying there are any good exclusive games that are Not on the switch
Delusional Snoy Nigger

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Did you just compare auto tracking to utility spacing? Do you think you made a point?

you can't listen to Yea Forums because it's a text board and all that is down is only the floor (:3

They didn't have the will to become a wizard anyway.

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ok anglo nigger

It wouldn't have auto tracking, so that's a plus.

>This mad that you're not a wizard.
Lol fucking mundanes.

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kino is german and russian for cine. you literally just called it a movie incel

Based and Emojipilled xD


>So much of a deranged incel he has to make up fairy tales

It would have QTEs and infinitely spammable dodge instead


>deranged made up fairy tales
That's what I'd say too if I wasn't a wizard.

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>tells me it's a movie
>it's """ kino""""""""
you got your movie, spineless shit eating vermin.

You are an elitist though

stay seething incels

>Is Sony reminding us the game exists because a DLC is going to be released soon?
Either that or it has something to do with this

He's the worst kind of elitist, a gatekeeping elitist.

Oh hell no, it's a dumb game for sure. But I think that's what makes it kind of special. It perfectly encapsulates the eyeroll-inducing qualities of the late 80s/90s teen slasher film, and it makes it even more potent due to you actually CHOOSING the stupid shit that happens.

It's a great moviegame, but it's not a great movie or a great game.

How are they not comparable?
Every action game like DMC and Bayonetta has "auto-tracking" when you are in-range of the enemy and swinging in their general direction. GoW just has that sliding-into-range shit too (and the range is not even that far, it's like two steps max), which it uses because it *doesn't* have those easy distance-closer moves that every other action game uses to keep the action flowing

>GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made
What the fuck am I reading. They moved the camera back to a TPS perspective but it's an action game. It's fucking retarded

Did you play it?

cope harder

because its about fatherhood and storytelling user.
games are serious business now you know? violence is problematic and we dont want that

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>Yea Forums tells me its 10/10 and pure kino
ya I'm not listening

Cope with not having wizard powers

what kind of idiot are you that you associate any value with the average opinion of the masses to begin with?

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Clearly not since that's not what he said.

>When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?
When they told be GoW was good and not complete trash.

The average opinion of the masses dictates which games succeed or fail.

seriously this I bought Horizons giving it an honest shot, ignoring my initial dismay upon seeing the main protagonist. Game had some really neat combat mechanics but the main character and story arcs were so stale I returned the game 2 days later. Playing GoW now and am just past when you fight thors kids and tell your son he is a god. Loving the game so far. Immersive as hell and rich with lore. Fuck anyone one Yea Forums shitting on this game. Ill fight you cowards.

So you didn't play it. Opinion discarded.

And look at how it's going for the rest of mainstream media.

cope harder

Pretty well, except of course for the deranged incels who can't enjoy anything and think being a hipster makes their opinion worthwhile

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That's nice but that doesn't refuse the obvious flaws the game suffers from, like performance issues, tedious gameplay, the worst camera angle of all-time, etc, etc.

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Here's your 10/10 pure kino "game" sempai XD

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Glad I’m not alone on this. HZD is a borefest

>violence is problematic and we dont want that

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DF was a mistake. Yea Forums likes to use them for console war shitposting.

>Yea Forums tells me it's a moviegame AKA something only casuals like
>play and like it
what do you think that says about you op

see and

So what? An action game needs to be 60 FPS

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You're not even getting a (you)

It was good, but ng Gmgow was too hard in early sections due to lack of skills.

You had to do things like camp the cliff edges to knock 9+ things off. You had to kill things with 5 times your health who could two shot you.

The story was a bit rushed with regard to Atreus sudden turn to the dark side, and the serpent stomach section should have been an elongated trek through its body instead of just a glorified island visit.

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Its overrated but its still fun.

I was grinning quite a bit when I got to kill a dragon but mostly you’re right.
It also peaked too early with a magnificent boss fight that was better than all of the following ones.

I really hoped to fight that hell bird. It was too much of a tease.

Post your address so I can bash your face in.

>and it makes it even more potent due to you actually CHOOSING the stupid shit that happens.
That usually amounts to whether certain characters live or die, which has little to no impact on the plot or the ending, unlike say Detroit or well designed CYOAs where your choices can result in dozens if not hundreds of different outcomes beyond just "[character] made/didnt' make it"

UD stands out because of its realitvely high production value and writing, but that's not a very high bar for slasher genre to begin with.

Typical drone to get angry over mere criticism

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It says Yea Forums is hipster and doesn't know shit about video games.

The camera is awesome and defines the entire feel of the game. It makes all the fighting feel so much more personal. And it zooms out a lot when you actually start swinging and enemies get behind you; this guy is able to easily deal with a multitude of back-attacks with the camera like it is even with no-HUD

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Misquoted, meant for

not even close to level of violence of previous games
some colored goo and particles instead of blood
so family friendly woohoo

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>this guy is able to easily deal with a multitude of back-attacks with the camera like it is even with no-HUD
I meant to say this guy:

>pressing a button brings you to the next slide
top kek
i thought it's an action game not a visual novel

Typical PClardass who spends more time benchmarking games than playing them.

Framerate obsession spread by this guy and the late TotalBiscuit has literally poisoned game discourse where people spend more time bitching about frames instead of how most games these days have shitty mechanics.

Even the one below GMGOW is annoying. Game is not designed to be played above normal at all, it turns into a chore.

I said post your address so I can kick your ass.

It felt like 80% of the effort in this game came from the combat design team, and the writers. Environmental design was neat in places, but quite samey, and the enemy design relied on literal reskins for a majority of the game.

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>it's like 2 steps max
>Well over 5 steps
You have a severe case of brainlet

>n-not a movie game!
>pure kino
The memes write themselves.

what in the fuck

The camera is way too close, the ranged attack indicator gets too muddled in big fights and the level system is retarded. Besides that it’s not bad

>anything above normal is "a chore" (too hard)
git gud jesus christ, you're an embarrassment to this board

Sigh, fine here
S Coast Rd, Salelologa, Samoa

if he kept sprinting he would have taken two more steps to get in that position. He just lunged faster than he could sprint

>Not a movie game

Attached: 1550964409944.png (242x240, 33K)

That's honestly the most normal image from that comic

>The memes write themselves
They really do

Unrelated but this game is a 4/10 at best

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a chore != too hard. A chore is a chore.

I’ve finished it on both hardest difficulties (including the Valkyries) and played for a few hours on normal just for reference. Bullet sponginess is not hard it’s just fucking annoying that you have to waste so much time on lowest level drones.

>listening to anyone else about games
>especially Yea Forums

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its a chore until a certain point, (about midway) but definitely hits its stride when you get 2 weapons.

Once you have 4 weapon abilities you will clear packs in a reasonable amount of time, your enchants will also regain enough health in fights so that you start having more fun.

They say they tested GMGOW for balance, but there's no way they would leave early game so wonky if they had done so.

>Yea Forums tells me they're 10/10 and pure kino
>They're actually overrated slideshow games

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It's also the best metal gear game.

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why should we listen to you?

You are supposed to make a big effort to keep all the enemies in front of you, and use your ears and listen to the ones behind you when they do get behind you. The indicators are not even really necessary. The whole combat system is designed to be on a 2D plane like that with enemies body-blocking you and no jumping backwards over enemies heads to easily get out of any situation. Instead, you have to actually keep track of enemies and think about your positioning relative to enemies, walls and cliffs for the whole of every fight

All platnium ever makes is 4/10 games that get praised by their delusional fanboys. Then their meme jap blocks them on twitter and they come here to cry after.

Again git gud, stop using shitty R1 combos and spamming R1 axe throws that do no damage. I play NG+ on GMGOW and enemies feel like they enemies are made of paper on any lower difficulty

Minecraft. When it was pushed hard here before it got popular. Game was shit then, it's shit now. I also fell for STALKER and God Hand. Never again. This board is wrong consistently when it comes to consensus.

>two more
I rewatched, it's 4 plus steps. Also there is no way that was a lunge, that was a slide into position. If it was a lunge there would be follow through and all that momentum wouldn't just disappear. Yet there is no follow through and all that force just disappears into thin air.

Definitely. The draugr pit on GMGOW? Give me a fucking break, there’s no way they play tested that. Absolutely no way.
>something’s breaking through the wall!
Shut the fuck up, Atreus.

Why the fuck would I listen to you retard?

Show tits whore.

>Once you have 4 weapon abilities you will clear packs in a reasonable amount of time
But then combat turns into bursts of skills with passive dodging in between while they are recharging because normal attacks barely do any damage.

I’ve played turn based RPGs with more action

The amount of people who will scream on this site and silent play GoW and realize it's god tier will be amazing. We're all going home.

>moviefags enjoys movie game
and the surprise is?

Yes you are
Everyone is Yea Forums so you are Yea Forums so why would I listen to an austistic retard?

Memes becoming reality

Turns out you have shit taste, whoopdy doo

>When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?

Post-TOR when every game in pre-release was considered "THE NEXT TORTANIC" and everybody was a "-drone". It's amazing it somehow got worse than that but here we are.

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You must be pretty stupid

God you’re fucking dumb. Ok I’ll spell out my post for you like we’re on resetera you fucking homo:
>don’t trust the judgment of others when it comes to things you’re more than capable of judging for yourself.

There’s definitely balancing issues, which was my main complaint with the combat. Difficulty is based almost entirely on your level versus the enemies level, which turns it into a raw stats game, this nullifying all the cool status effects (stun, electrocution, frost, burn) on the higher settings. They should have toned down the stat focus and upped status effects, it would have improved combat variety immensely.

It's a good game, but an 8/10 at very best.

It looks like 2 sprinting steps and maybe 3 and 1/2 jogging steps. Once you unlock the running R1 attack (extremely early) you can't even do a standing R1 from sprinting like that. And that webm is the furthest I've ever seen Kratos slide; look at any of the other combat webms ITT and he isn't doing any sliding nearly as offensive.
Either way, how does it ruin the combat of an action game to feature something like that anymore than using locked-on distance-closer moves (that all have far longer range than even the 5 steps you claim this is)?

You just admitted to being an autistic retard by your own logic.

>mouthbreather refers to movieshit with movie terminology

that has never been true. swtor was called tortanic because of the massive amount of money and marketing that went into what ended up a very mediocre and forgettable game. these days every single time i see anyone bring up TOR it's not about what actually happened or why it happened, it's only a scapegoat because they're hyped about some new game and they get upset if they see anyone criticize anything about it. obviously there's no way anyone couldn't be hyped about this awful looking AAA yearly cashgrab, it must be those dirty tortanic trolls trying to bring everything down as usual.

>press button
>slide all the way to nearest target
This is what amerilards consider interactive media.

You're going against the hivemind, stop it!

Because utility spacing IS NOT AUTO TRACKING. How are you this fucking retarded? A Stinger is a tool intended to be used to get you close or as an escape option with a pre-measured distance for you to calculate. YOU DO NOT MISS because of it. Auto tracking is BRAINDEAD SHIT that leads you to missing enemies. It is NOT comparable. You fucking moron.

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Spot the seething movieshit loving lardass.

What the fuck is this slow mo shit

>retard thinks Yea Forums is a hivemind thread no 18795091857

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>the indicator isn’t necessary when the game loves spawning ranged units behind you

But GoW has both shitty mechanics and dropped frames? Also, having fucking standards for frame rate is what leads to proper optimization. That way graphics doesn't take priority. You simply apply art over adversity and more products benefit from techniques neatly divided. GoW is more graphics than it is anything else.

Bro, if you're going to bait, the magic number is 6 or 7.

Gotta give the Sony audience enough time to react.

This framerate obsession is so pathetic and ridiculous. Yes, 60FPS are nice and better and all, but 30FPS is perfectly playable.
Fuck, I bet if no one had told you about FPS, you'd be happily enjoying your games without even giving it a though.

can you link the comic?

Stinger can only be used with lock-on. Lock-on aiming is far more automatic than running up to even within 6 feet of the enemy and having auto assist lunge you the rest of the way spacing. At least you have to point the camera in their general direction and don't just have lock-on do it for you.
I don't care about how you can use it to escape enemies, that's not what at issue here.
also stop seething so hard

>Retard thinks he isn't retard #137492050

Yeah that was absolute horse shit. Honestly id say once you get to the lake the game chills the fuck out and it becomes enjoyable but that may just be because the game glitched around that time and let me unlock all the abilities.

>When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?
When Yea Forums told me that Dragon's Dogma was a great game and i bought the fucking thing, played it and realised that it is a total unpolished and clunky mess with almost no story and lore.

Stop having shitty takes, then? The fact you have the audacity to think Daddy Kratos moves like Dante is hilarious. What's next, you think Kratos being linked to RPG stats is fun?

Good thing it isn't bait then. Not that I would expect the hivemind to accept it *snicker*

Kino is a word used to describe movies.
Even by your own admission Yea Forums was right again and Sony should go back to making games like Ape Escape 4.

>GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made.
I see you are still desperate for (You)s after your last word for word identical post didn't get any in the last thread

The game is made for children going through thier edgy phase, not mature adults like Sony and the devs claim.
If it wasn't for kids they wouldn't need to make it so casual and braindead.
>Slow mo out the ass
>Auto-tracking so you can't miss attacks
>Tutorials that not even kids games need because that shit is basic correlation
It's a game for children that ride the short bus, you need to be generous to them or they can't respond fast enough.

Am I back in 2004 or something? Why are you defending bad optimization? Its not like the game can lock to 30 FPS anyways. That's the probably, the fact its not able to stay locked.

“Movie game” is just what the Yea Forumsirgin super contrarians call any popular, well-received, good game that has more than one cutscene. For gods sakes some called Spider-Man a movie game, I usually try games Yea Forums hates and end up liking most of them so who knows.

>inb4 the game has mechanics tied to framerate
Now THAT would be hilarious

I'm not the retard who thinks being a contrarian dipshit on Yea Forums makes Yea Forums a hivemind despite being a board filled with nonstop arguments and shitflinging. Go be a retard somewhere else.

is everyone in this thread baiting or something
I played for an hour got bored and went to go play a different game

Attached: its terrible.jpg (455x628, 30K)

engage in sexual intercourse

>GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game

Attached: shiggy.gif (202x170, 704K)

>The game shows Kratos performing feats of strengths that are almost herculean in nature
>His attacks are linked to his gear, and if you encounter an enemy higher level than you, then despite the fact their attacks are easily telegraphed, you do shit damage, so either you can take the tedious route and fight it longer or take the game's expected route and "come back later".

Cinematic Kratos and game Kratos are two different characters, prove me wrong

See how impotently you flail when left to your own devices.

Dropped frames were only an issue for me in some of the optional areas. Which were shit anyway, with muddy textures and boring environments.

1/4 shitposters, 3/4 marketing firms.

So fighting games

cool non-argument. I didn't say they move the same at all, I said the function of the auto-lunging-into-range is comparable to the function of distance-closer moves in all the other action games that Yea Forums loves. Both are just meant to keep the action flowing. Nobody likes whiffing half their attacks in an action game

So this is a raid?

>For gods sakes some called Spider-Man a movie game
I was pleasantly surprised with Spiderman since Sony did everything in their power to make it look like one from the trailers. I mean fucking hell, the E3 trailer they showed before the game came out made it look like more stock standard movieshit THEN we saw the demo and it wasn't. WHY NOT SHOW THE FUCKING DEMO BEING PLAYED? Show the demo being played and end the show with "If you thought this was cool then go try it for yourself".

That's fine because they're male zombies

If one of those zombies was a woman, that would be problematic

And that's not a good thing.

GoW is nothing special faggots, it's an "ok" game

>Retard keeps being retarded
More news at 11.

Yeah, I think that’s called ludonarrative dissonance or something. Whoever thought having Kratos’s ability to do damage, be specifically linked to what gear he has, ought to swing from a tree. Of all the characters to do that to: a literal God who can split apart actual mountains in cutscenes, but gets his cheeks claimed by tree-zombies in gameplay.

>Nobody likes whiffing half their attacks in an action game
You know what I don't like? Not needing to care at all about movement and spacing because all western "action" "games" are promptless QTE marathons thanks to Bamham.

I already explained auto tracking is brain dead. I also don't have to defend a shitty looking mechanic. YOU have to defend it. Its universal that auto tracking feels bad outside of Batman and even then, it got overdone in that franchise. It was a lazy solution in a game with combat mechanics all over the place. YOU were the one that spouted the stupid argument that auto tracking and stinger are the same. YOU have to defend the shitty mechanic.

But then how can the Sony audience feel any sense of progression? They sure aren't getting any better at the magnetized button mashing, there's not any room to begin with.

Didn't realize that there was a term for it. Appreciate it, user.

so go play free-aimed Dark Souls then, because 90% of the time you're not gonna slowly jog over to the enemy and start doing standing attacks on them in any action game that has a distance-closer attack available to you

>Immediately lolihentai

lord jesus that's another list I'm on

Magnetizing to the nearest target without analog stick input is not distance-closing attacks, the other guy already refuted you.

The argument that GoW is a movie game is indeed overexaggerated. It does have elements of a movie game that makes its replay value very frustrating, since the moment to moment of gameplay is broken up by what i presume to be story that can't be skipped. We all can admit that the gameplay in GoW is not as ratio'd as other "cinematic experiences". HOWEVER, it does suffer in its attempt to please everybody approach and that's not something that's easily dismissable. On top of that, the exaggeration that it has amazing level design, combat, graphics, etc, is always going to push people's observations to near impossible levels. Remember, this is the game that was quoted before RDR2 to be the most gorgeous thing of all time, until you notice Kratos' child doesn't have a fucking animation for walking up an down stairs.

>Nobody likes whiffing half their attacks in an action game
If you play poorly, you get punished for it. If you whiff, it's because you didn't get close enough, which is YOUR fault, not the game's.
There's a reason auto-lunging is called casual. It's because it's rewarding incompetence.

>movie game
what are you saying exactly?

Same here. I'm always really glad when a AAA game gets shit on by this board, since that usually means it's actually good and worth my time. Yea Forums is an excellent litmus test for big name studio games since everything Yea Forums hates always ends up doing well and being good

See, you retards think criticizing something means calling it shit. Don't throw insults when giving a proper critique and have a neutral tone..

Fuck off and go back.

>pure kino
You got that part right

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Yes keep being retarded.

Absolutely based opinion
Dmc shitters wishing they’re on reddit so they could downvote this

>It's Yea Forums, I MUST be a negative nancy to look cool in front of everyone
No, YOU go back.

No he did not, he just said he thought it looked shitty and thought it was stupid. That is not a refutation to my argument for the mechanics of why it is used in the game. And I never said they were the same, I said they fulfilled the same function (which they do)

You wouldn't know a proper critique if it fucked you in the ass. But thanks for proving user's point by trying to tone police and strawman.

Also what is it with retards and random use of ellipsis.

>waaaaaaah why is Yea Forums so negative and critical towards things I like! Why can't they be a hugbox like reddit!
>No, YOU!

And Sony dilators will defend this.

You have a neutral tone in your arguments or I'll kick your ass.

>It's not Reddit, I MUST turn it into my super positive social pressure chamber
I said go back, nigger.

>The hugbox argument
Retard, you can get censored here too. You can't post whatever you want if it violates the board's rules.

Good to see you following your own advice

>When did you learn not to listen to Yea Forums?
when they said DS3 was bad.

Good to see you continuing to be retarded.

I can call you a retard and not have my post hidden by other retards. I can call movieshit movieshit and not get some fatherless teenage sack of shit reply with a passive aggressive tone as he wanks to his own pretentiousness of consuming the equivalent of direct to DVD flicks. I can tell you to stop trying to police and change a place you don't belong to and not get some power hungry bitch to delete my posts. Fuck off.

You too.

Tell me why I'm not allowed to hate Bayonetta or God of War for being movie games, but nobody bats an eye if I say GOW is movie trash. If any of these games were good, they wouldn't have such disgustingly long stories, AND the fans would clamor to remove all of the cutscenes. They wouldn't defend them for such pitiful excuses like "I-I NEED CONTEXT FOR MY VIDEO GAMES" or some dumb crap like that.

You cannot give me a reason why I can't hate all three of these movie games.

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I don't know what's funnier, that you think the majority of Yea Forums's rules are enforced here or that crying about censorship somehow helps your argument for Yea Forums being a no-negativity-allowed hugbox.

>no you

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Bayonetta or Devil May Cry*

All of that is incorrect. The mods and the owner of this site can ban you for whatever they want and delete your posts. This is a privately owned website and you have no free speech here.

>>no you

>no you again

Keep thinking that.

Attached: everybodygetsbanned.jpg (934x305, 107K)

>>no you again

Oh wow you've convinced me that one shitposter proves console war shitposting is totally banned on Yea Forums and doesn't' happen constantly without moderation.

This thread will hit post limit, be archived and all my posts will still be standing. Eat shit, tourist.

I can keep going.

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I always love when people copy my posts. It means they're clearly mad.

>Enjoys creating chaos
Typical whiteoid behavior.

Please do, I need more confirmation that console war shitposting is totally banned on Yea Forums and never happens on an hourly basis without mods taking action.

No, no anons DmC DMC is clearly the best action game ever made.

>Call a thing shit without giving a proper explanation or having a shitposty tone when calling a thing shit
>Get surprised when people call you a shitposter

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more like /ss/

Yeah and you should die from fall damage and have to restart for every fucked up jump you do in Spider-Man, too. No. That kind of shit is anti-fun. Having it be easy to whiff attacks on close enemies with no distance-closers or move assist would be anti-fun.
Nobody's saying you should be lunged 50 feet like Batman in full-freeflow-combo mode. Just that the move-assist has a function, and that it doesn't completely trivialize the combat because carefully managing spacing has never been important in action games anyway - not even in your favorite ones.

>Just that the move-assist has a function, and that it doesn't completely trivialize the combat because carefully managing spacing has never been important in action games anyway - not even in your favorite ones.
t. I only play western "action" """games"""

>make shit up and generalize everyone to discredit criticism of a thing you like
>Be surprised nobody takes you seriously when you're just as much of a shitposter as anyone else.

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>"action games"
A genre with as much gameplay as a visual novel. There's no difference, be it eastern or western.

Distance-closer moves trivialize the management of spacing in all of Yea Forumss favorite action games

nuGoW was bretty good. More like an 8/10, definitely not GOTY IMO but a good game regardless. Combat did not handle large enemy groups well and the recycled minibosses were annoying.

user... Senran doesn't have move-assist

>Dmc shitters wishing they’re on reddit so they could downvote this

it's an effect you can trigger by dodging an attack at the last possible moment while equipped with a specific talisman called the Amulet of Kvasir. Upgrading the amulet increases the duration of the time-slow. It's the same as witch-time.

Detroit was kino and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about it. Most people just parrot e-celebs who shit on Cage as hard as possible for comical reasons. Not that Cage isn't a fag, but people who shit on games they don't know shit about are even bigger fags.

unironically based

>>It's actually a 10/10 and pure kino
You like tasting dick don't you?

When Demon’s Souls was released, Yea Forums said it was shit, so then. Yea Forums only started enjoying the Souls games when they came to PC.

It's got a fucking terrible format, I don't know how anyone enjoyed this shit. It goes Cinematic Area to Gameplay Area to Cinematic Area to Puzzle Area, to Cineamtic Area. Repeat. Absolute trash.

>Yea Forums tells me a game is a movie
>it's actually the german word for cinema
Are you off your meds or something?

Why lie? Who do you think you're going to convince with this revisionist bullshit?

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unironically cringe

People have been shitting on Cage since Heavy Rain first release you hack, fuck off with this "they only hate him cause eceleb parroting xd!" nonsense

definitely not a 10/10

thanks for removing all doubt

Dont listen to Yea Forums's opinion on anything, come here for news and unfiltered debate, but dont take anyones opinion on anything here to heart as genuine, good or bad. I myself shitpost and argue for the sake of argument even if its from a point where I dont full agree with what Im saying,

>Yea Forums claims mass effect is just tranny and gay shit
>play it
>didn't even know there are romance options

>Yea Forums claims sony games are movie games
>they all have a solid 12 hour of gameplay

>Yea Forums claims gothic is the greatest RPG
>it's just okay

You're wrong and your opinion is worthless.

>come here for unfiltered debate
>but dont take anyones opinion on anything here to heart as genuine and don't listen to anyone's opinion

Why would anyone enjoy debate between a bunch of falseflag shitposters arguing in bad faith?

Why'd you stop?

>>Yea Forums claims mass effect is just tranny shit
>>didn't even know there are romance options
You're just outing yourself as a lying shit.

This is the dumbest motherfucker or the most committed troll.

Here's the difference between Bayo, DMC when compared to GoW; I can replay them and skip the cutscenes.

>Dark Souls comes to pc
>The phrase artificial difficulty skyrockets
Those were fun days

that's not true.

You can skip the cutscenes in GOW after you beat the game once ie on replay

>pure kino
Kino means movie theater.
You just agreed it's a movie.

Yes I'm sure you can skip the part where your boy is sick and you have to go through the forced sequence of carrying him from when he fell to the witch's home. Or how bout boat rides? Yup, these unskippable cutscenes are magically skippable.

I buy whatever the fuck I want. How a bunch of retards on a Yea Forums subreddit think about it doesn't even factor into the equation.

>Get light arrows
>Before the scene is over and it gives you the Zelda "You got the item time to test it out puzzle", it tells you what the light arrows does
>By freeze framing OVER the scene with a picture EXACTLY of the scene followed by a cemented definition of why you need to use light arrows
This game really doesn't trust its audience.

>Yea Forums subreddit

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Check it yourself.

Yeah exactly faggot, that's why it's a joke that ecelebs keep riding on, I've never claimed anything else. Basically I'm saying I'm absolutely sure far more people would've enjoyed Detroit if people didn't know it was made by Cage. People get way too hung up on a dumb joke and confuse jokes for opinions.

Yeah those parts are are annoying. I made save games spaced around them and I'd load them up when I wanted to replay for fun, but I would rarely play them long enough to do the parts like when Atreus gets sick

This is going to come as a big shock to you.

Words and their meanings change. I know you obviously have the reasoning skills of a glass of room temp tap water so I'll explain this in barney for you.

The whole point of language in the first place is to convey what's going on in someone's head to someone else. You knew what user meant. You understood what he was saying. The message was not unclear. You are one of those fucking idiots that think "ha look that man made a spelling mistake SO I AM RIGHT HAHA" I know actually thinking is hard and it's much easier to try to go for instant win argument cards like race,age,ect but please kill yourself. Also to what you said how do you think fucking sexy became used that way huh? Because people use it out of it's original meaning and language fucking evolved. There's no big grammar fairy deciding what words mean what you actuall animal.

I just did.

While you're technically correct, it's not quite the meaning of calling something kino. Basically it's calling something so specular that it'd be worthy to shown in a cinema because it's so good or entertaining. If someone at your work slipped and totally ate shit and everyone laughed their asses off because it looked ridiculous, then you could say "man that was absolute kino".

>that's why it's a joke that ecelebs keep riding on, I've never claimed anything else.
>Most people just parrot e-celebs who shit on Cage as hard as possible for comical reasons
Cage is a genuinely bad writer. That isn't a joke, and it sure isn't a fucking opinion that originated from ecelebs. The best parts of Detroit were made in spite of Cage, not because of him.

>>having a shitposty tone when calling a thing shit
cry more

Point is ecelebs exaggerate because they are entertainers. They try their hardest to shit on Cage because it's funny, but people confuse that with an opinion which they then assume themselves instead of using their brain and evaluate their own opinion.

Once again, Cage being a shit writer isn't an exaggeration
>an opinion which they then assume themselves instead of using their brain and evaluate their own opinion.
People who think criticism of cage's writing is just parroted are more guilty of this than anyone else.

>"man that was absolute kino"
NO ONE talks like this

"Movie" game is a meme argument.

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How new are you?

I translated directly from German, which is where that expression originates from. I know you dont say it like that in English

Liking popular things doesn't make you an interesting person

>man that was absolute movie theater

Retard, your example came from a real life encounter. NO ONE talks like that in real life.

Its combat is similar to kingdoms of amalur. Unfortunately it is hardly as good.

I'm not even saying that people shouldn't criticise him and his shit writing. It's just annoying as fuck that people are entirely blind to any good parts of the movie game he produces because memes. God forbid someone says that the music in it was great because DAVID CAGE BAD

I'll break it down in a list for you.
1. Understanding the message he was trying to get across is the point of language and the reason we speak in the first place. This is why user did nothing wrong using the term meme to describe macros on Yea Forums where memes is used in a similar way to MEMES

2. Again the point of language is to convey thoughts. You are trying to imply that following the "Meaning of words" is the point in your last post. If you think the purpose of language ISN'T to convey thoughts please explain.

3. The origin of the word macro has changed. Please refer to

The first recorded use of the word and meaning was to describe being large then it EVOLVED to mean memes

Do you live in Germany? How the fuck would you know how people talk here?
You don't know what you're talking about dude, shut the fuck up

Where do you think you are?

Unkino post.

>are entirely blind to any good parts of the movie game he produces because memes
Not really. Especially considering he's produced exactly one (1) movie game with redeemable qualities. Also show me one person who said the music was bad because of David Cage.

>the camera
>The slide attacking
>The attack indicator

you're just a group of buttmad weebs jealous of certain sony exclusives popularity, and they are hypocrites. you need to be FUCKING ERADICATED, or at least ignored and acknowledged that you are dumb shit posters.

>You don't know what you're talking about dude
Oh sorry, I was assuming you spoke English. Because if you did you'd know why calling something kino(cinematic) or "so good it should be shown in a cinema" gets you mocked.
It's because the equivalents in English are ALWAYS SAID SARCASTICALLY. It's used to mock people for thinking they or what they did/make/etc. is far better than it really is. It's never used as a compliment, its used to mock people on a high horse.

It's rather that people refuse to acknowledge that the music (or other things) is good.
I agree that Detroit is the only thing he made so far tha can even be called "good" in any sense though

That sounds like your own personal interpretation desu
Again, it's not literally "this should be shown in a cinema".

The point is it's used to mock people in English speaking countries, since you claim to be German or you wouldn't be making such a big deal about how it's used in Germany otherwise since you wouldn't know, I'm telling you how its used in English. There is one case where its used in a positive light. It's by pretentious dickslurpers who think they're amazing and mature, who GUESS WHAT, get mocked for saying that.

Thanks for proving the point.

You literally said it's pure cinema. Dick head.

when i saw people praising GoW

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Kino just means "I played the game and it inflicted the feeling of hype into me" or "I think it's good even after playing it". Sometimes I wonder how autistic people on this place are. 90% of the arguments stem from the fact that people concentrate on the literal meaning of words instead on focusing on the intention of the writer.

eh, for me its GoW is good but DMC5 is better. at least its better that the old games, i didnt like those.

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>All these autistic rants and mental gymnastics to defend muh memespouting
Sasuga Yea Forums

>Kino just means absolutely nothing

Can you read?

It's just working with the fact that humans are not perfect and since we talk trough a lot of slang in this place there is no point pulling dictionary definitions out.

Simply seeing "kino" as a memey way of saying good is already enough to understand the meaning of the sentences where it's used.

What is the GoW 2018 sequel going to be called? It's alright that the first game is called God of War since it's like a new beginning/soft reboot, but calling the sequel God of War 2, it doesn't feel right to just have 2 trilogies of games with the same names but also the same continuity.

>calls others weebs
>owns a japanese weeb console

>pure kino
For casual players who are looking for a cinematic experience with decent combat, sure. It's a perfectly good game but definitely not some sort of godsend. My hope is that GoW will act as a gateway game and prompt players to go out of their comfort zone and try mechanically deeper games.

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It's also a working fact that if you post a claimed movie game and use a movie based meme. People are gonna laugh at the irony and bring up and actual definition. If op just said it's actually good or something to that effect people wouldn't be bringing up kino.

GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made. And DMCV even has more cutscenes, they are just terrible tho so it's not considered a "story game"

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So it was a movie?

>japanese weeb console
Yeah about that

Running out of things to shitpost, user?

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Doesn't make it any less true.

>GoW 2018 has better combat than Ninja Gaiden Black
>GoW 2018 has better combat than any DMC game (except 2)
>GoW 2018 has better combat than Bayonetta
>GoW 2018 has better combat than GodHand

Attached: TLoU shills.jpg (540x670, 108K)

That's correct.

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Youre entitled to your opinion but i found this game a solid 5.5/10. Bored the living shit out of me and only recently did I platinum it.

>boring snow/mountain environment. Same reason i revile Skyrim.
>recycled enemies.
>muh cinematic experience
>bosses are boring as fuck or recycled

Wrong you fucking faggot. The only thing that's acceptable to call a movie game is telltale CYOA shit. That is all. Every other case is dead fucking wrong.
This fucking board needs to start communicating without their favorite buzzwords, only then will I, literally the only person that matters at all, take them seriously and answer respectfully.

Impressive amount of replies.

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Fucking kek. This thread is proof that it's ok when Japan does it. DMC and Bayo and God Hand and Yakuza and Ninja Gaiden are 10x more of a movie than God of War with even shallower combat systems yet only japshit is praised, because they're a weeb power fantasy...

This thread is too contrarian for me.

I don’t know like, something about this game doesn’t click for me. I don’t know if it’s the combat or the lore or the characters but it’s just a fucking drag to play most of the time. I’m at the area after Alfheim, hopefully I can power through and finish the game.

always do the opposite of what v says

aww you crying because they make fun of your favorite game?

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i kek'd

skipping the cutscenes doesn't magically make the gameplay good. Infact, just having them in the first place makes the game bad, because the storywriters were so incompetent that they needed cutscenes. That means the gameplay is dull and repetitious and incapable of telling a story on its own.

If you can't utilize any form of environmental narrative and natural storytelling, your game is a damn movie.

whatever you say v

You've just described every game with story cutscenes.

Watch more movies you absolute pleb

no it isn't. GoW has a very low skill ceiling compared to other action games.

Yes it is you autistic incel.

Define "natural storytelling" that involves the use of storywriters

Can you prove it?

Already did.

Because arguing even a stupid point is useful for learning things. Greeks used to take turns arguing different sides of a debate to see if they could become better at critical thinking. That's literally how forums were invented.

Just don't get assmad about it and you're good.

it has good art,it`s kino but its bad FOR A FUCKING GOD OF WAR GAME

>Greeks used to take turns arguing different sides of a debate to see if they could become better at critical thinking. That's literally how forums were invented.
That logic only holds when you're arguing as a way to investigate truth and not just a pissing match in order to win at any cost. It doesn't work when all sides are just arguing in bad faith and you're trying to prove it to will never accept logic or truth as an argument and is the kind of person who resorts to meme liners with 0 substance anytime their views are questioned. Why does proving that idiot wrong matter? You'll only look like an idiot doing it because the entire conversation will sound pathetic. A child stomping vs. an adult too stupid to know not to argue logic with children. NO ONE likes seeing that argument from the outside.

I'm talking about replyability, faggot. Go defend auto tracking some more.

What would you want to have in it to make it a "good" GOW game then? More Bosses? I agree too, but this is part one of another trilogy, it's ok if it starts off slower than the sequels.

It's got puzzles, a story about being a Warrior with a family, Kratos brooding. Sure it switched DMC combat for Dark Souls but GOW never had the best balanced combat to begin with.

>i said yes so its already proven

Where? specify the post

It is.

of course a Snoytard uses the word incel

>doesn't even attempt to argue against it

At least you are smart

Triggered incel?

and as always OP never specifies which post because he knows he's wrong

What you're describing is masturbatory sophistry and it isn't useful for learning anything.

>Yea Forums tells me it's a movie game
>it's actually pure kino
>"kino" literally translates to "cinema" in german
snoyboys are the gift that just keeps on giving

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