>tfw killing nazis doesn’t exist in vidya anymore
Tfw killing nazis doesn’t exist in vidya anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
You do. its called reporting toxic behavior and watch as they cry on Yea Forums
yaaaaas sister punch a nazi kill a nazi nazism is CANCELLED and that's the tea!
thats literaly what western game is made off
CoD WW2 is a return to older WW2 FPS, with no sjw bullshit. Just a squad of soldiers trying to survive the war, even with ridiculous set pieces it's a bit less absurd than the average CoD.
holy shit lmao
Why would you want to. They dress well and are all around good people.
Goop nazis lol
>killing the good guys
Why tho?
Give me a realistic soap factory simulator instead
didn't a new Wolfenstein come out last year?
It was pretty good desu but not as good as the first one
Because if you kill nazis, they win.
Go tf back
>Stretching this hard to praise the garbage on the right
But hitler killed himself?
and now he's president
>can still kill alt right faggots in online games
>immediately call them cuckolds sending them into a blinding rage
Americans are my favourite group of retards, I fucking love the direction their country headed in.
and he won
there is no losing if the outcome of your failure results in the destruction of your enemies
But he killed himself cus he lost. This is deep
cry more
get help
He went to argentina and slonked gang weed with his homie Dr.Mengele
Nazis are wrong tbfh.
That doesnt make the globalist, anti-masculinity, pro Israel, south arabia-can-do-anything, etc politics any right.
As long as the left can shout 'nahtzeee' to shut down anything, we will remain in the dark.
Holy based
People get offended if you kill Nazis these days.
The 40s were so much better.
imagine replying to yourself to suck your own dick
I want to kill real nazis though with swazitkas
Nazi is the new N word
>this reaction to a joke
holy fuck, thanks for outing yourself you idiot
all right wing white people that want to exist are nazis now
why would you want to do that?
I'd love to see a new Red Orchestra title come out. I had a blast playing the both of them in high school and college, respectively.
t. Argentinian mutt
I wish
go to bed thanos
I unironically wish more vidya took place during cold war conflicts just so I can kill more disgusting commie vermin
Why are there no communist slaughtering games? They have death tolls triple that of any "nazis."
Like every modern cod or battlefield you end up shooting soviets or chinks and of course towelheads
It's so obvious this is a /pol/ bait thread, why don't the faggot mods do anything?
Well the modern warfare games have you slaughtering Russians, Africans and mudslimes 90% of the time so there's that.
I’m glad freedom won ww2 that’s why we need more nazi killing games to remind us why freedom is awesome
A new Wolfenstien is coming out this year.
The last cod to let you should actual commies was Black Ops. Every Russian to make an appearance in Battlefield and MW has always been a depiction of just modern day Russian Federations
All the modern warfare games are evil secret commies
Prey is the only good game on that chart
Like modern russia
>Nazis are wrong tbfh.
nazis don't fucking exist
they're a boogeyman to justify violence against anyone slightly on the right of pol pot, orwell already said in the 60s "fascism doesn't mean anything anymore except describe that which is undesirable"
What are some games where I can kill communists?
nice video game discussion you faggot
thanks tranny, time for your dilation
t. facist
The Soviets were pretty based. I just want a game that lets me kill leftypol tranny bugmen.
what's wrong with nazi's?
unless you're a jew they shouldn't trigger you
Are there any games where you can play as the Nazi and fight the opposing side? Also the game is good.
prey is not at all about shooting, retard-kun-chan-sama.
I mean they started a war with all of Europe and USA so most people dislike them
Damn, 2017 was a good year.
What video games let me be a slave goy and die for Israel? Basically america simulator.
but most of these people are dead by now
probably the best year since 2005/2004/2003
Do you not understand humans?
>just so I can kill more disgusting commie vermin
All I want is to shoot Viet Cong from my Huey while Fortunate Son blares in the background. Is that so wrong?
What video games let me buy services made Israel? What are the best video game merchants?
how do you hate someone that you never met? do you hate Mongolians too? because they weren't nice either
Yeah it's not like they also killed everyone else who didn't fall in line and started a war that devastated the wester world or anything
muh nazis dindu nuffin
>playing flashy style over substance Japanese games
Most people on Yea Forums hate women and they've never talked to any
It does, but now its advertising calls half of Americans nazis for voting a jew into office and implies they should be slaughtered in the streets for it
>western games
but women exist on this era?
can we kill commies now?
>Original Nazis
>Conquered most of Europe
>Modern Nazis
>Get offended by video games being mean to them
What went wrong?
Truly based and redpilled, no one brought more death and destruction to the German people than the Nazis themselves. While German women were being raped by Soviets in the streets, Nazi leaders either committed suicide or fled to Argentina. They aren't people to be idolized.
West is absolutely kino.
>image is a joke
>gets upset at image
now who’s the one outing themselves here
It's all so tiresome
I'm getting sick and tired of people raping and twisting the events of WW2 to push an agenda of "Germans were the good guys" just because some people in USA dress funny and cut off their genitals
This political radicalisation of the entire generation and the agenda of "there is only far left and far right, everyone else is a fence sitter" is ruining our world
killing masses is the bread and butter in history you only hate these people in particular because everyone is doing it
Odyssey was so damn boring and safe though, made me glad that Hat In Time had more personality to it
Now if only the DLC weren’t more mindless exploration like Alp Skyline, the game had a great grasp on boss battles and then they go and think that a finale should be a gauntlet with extra hazards
>The Soviets were pretty based
fuck off and die, useful idiot pinko cocksucker
classic projection
atleast they play diferent
>Truly based and redpilled, no one brought more death and destruction to the German people than the Nazis themselves.
stalin killed more europeans before wwii then all of wwii deaths
>killing masses is the bread and butter in history
Mass murder is generally seen as a bad thing from a modern perspective.
> you only hate these people in particular because everyone is doing it
This is it. The dumbest shit I'll read all day, and it's only thirty minutes past midnight.
nazis literally did nothing wrong tho
What a disingenuous image.
How can you love someone you’ve never met before?
Was Gundam Breaker 3 really a top game of the year? The fuck? I never heard or hear Yea Forums talk about it. Yet it looks really good in that image. You get daily FFXV and DS3 threads, but the other two?
>atleast they play diferent
>making the same typo four times in a row
Correct. Nazis and Communists can both rot in hell for all eternity.
is it now?
Some of the jokes actually made me kek
>no argument
>ugh you dumb xD
>stalin killed more europeans before wwii then all of wwii deaths
Whoa where are you getting your inflated numbers from?
Genuinely curious lmao as I am an actual Historian.
top kek
CODWII looks good. Is it still worth to pick up?
>exiling yourself isn't a loss
compared to generic bang bang shot shot rehashes?
Nobody wants to kill nazti anymore because its not fun when you realize that they were the good guys to begin with.
because you keep associating me with them for having the wrong think and now they are my people
Can we all agree that East vs West is the most autistic argument on this board?
it has lootboxes out of the ass and the gameplay is not as good as WaW
i wish the internet wasn't completely dominated by discussions of american politics
Yea Forums devolves into /pol/ bullshit
Yea Forums devolves into /pol/ bullshit
/h/ devolves into /pol/ bullshit
all the boards just devolve into /pol/ bullshit
are you retards really incapable of thinking about anything else for ten seconds or have you really spent the last three years thinking about this non-stop
Generalizing in general is autistic
>BFV and FO76 were top games of 2018
Yikes. Are we talking in terms of visuals?
and is never /pol/ that starts the topic
>killing digital images is the same as shooting real things
When did Yea Forums become early 2000s Fox News?
What are some games about karma?
I didn't play a single one of those games last year.
Hell no it's a watered-down World at War where more than half the game's content is locked behind DLC and lootboxes. If your idea of a WWII shooter is to be killed by 12 year olds running around with hot pink riot shields and baseball bats then maybe.
90% of this board is just losers with antagonistic personalities who thrive on conflict without consequences
>communist faggots have resorted to senile boomers
This kills the weeb
Generic bang bang > generic turn based shit
Get fucked weeb
soul calibur is fucking great, it doesnt feel floaty like 5 did
it feels like 2 and 3 did.
>is never /pol/ that starts the topic
willingly blind or bait, one neat little image of some rando's opinion doesn't change reality
well thank god only one of those games is turned based
so you have 4 other options to play.
if you dont like generic fps games you have nothing else to play
Killing Nazis in videogames means nothing when you can get labeled a Nazi for not trying to destabilize the country while Trump is in office.
Based nigger killing nazi persecutors
Conservatards are worse than nazis. Conservatards deny climate change which will kill more than a few jews.
/pol/ faggots lmao
Oh yeah forgot flashy button masher, that covers the rest :)
that's because evil intentionally lurks beneath a threshold of deniability
we'll see real evil manifest again when the GOP coup in the USA is completed.
All neonazis need to have sex
There are no bread line or gulag simulators
Hardline conservatards are one of the dumbest groups of people on the planet. Just as bad as overzealous libshits.
Try to read this with a straight face:
reminder that nazis do not exist, just like WW2 soldiers do not exist
>when some other poster brings up politics
Acknowledging the existence of women, gays, black people, etc. isn't "Bringing up politics", /pol/tards just choose to interpret it that way.
You literally don't know what a neonazi is and you probably don't know what a girl or boy is.
Have sex
As far as I know Germany is in control of Europe so I dont see how he did
In 100 years people are laughing at killing jews like you're doing now to a different political group. The winds have already shifted.
the nature of the cold war was different than the direct conflict with the enemy we had in WWII so it's more convenient to view nazis as the "ultimate big bad" of america even if we had more direct ideological conflict with commies than anyone else
>an israeli puppet is hitler
based fpbp
Niggers, faggots, and thots are nothing but political tools.
Choosing to make a game specifically relating to female empowerment or feminist theory is politics.
Choosing to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism to children in video games is politics.
Choosing to make a game a game that tackles racial issues in the United States is politics.
If it's motivated by a person's specific political agenda and it aims to convince you of a specific political viewpoint, it's politics.
Shut The Fuck Up Boomer
>Everybody has to protect my safespace!!!
Explain the retards that start spamming tranny infographs whenever someone posts astolfo then
>Nice combat
It's the worst Platinum slasher by far.
>Games that acknowledge the existence of people who are not me = politics
>Games that acknowledge the existence of people who are me = not politics
Tell me where you live and I'll come rape you.
An actual reasonable post? On my Yea Forums?
He's not wrong though.
many trannies rp as him so i don't blame them
You're assuming intent
But theres Wolfenstein.
And its still fun turning those bastards into bloody burger meat.
Have sex
>letting the fans of something dictate how you feel about that thing
classic Yea Forumsermin thinking
>This political radicalisation of the entire generation and the agenda of "there is only far left and far right, everyone else is a fence sitter" is ruining our world
Correct, and it's not happening by accident.
Nice arguement boyo
Is there anything right-wingers DON'T get offended by?
Objective: Have Sex
Blatant misrepresentation of his post. Try again
Under nazis you wouldn't have these abominations walking around.
We're not offended, we're just shitposting
you first
Maybe if you didn't save images like this girls would find you less creepy and disgusting.
Stop attacking the strawman and listen.
Having a gay, female, or African-American character isn't politics if the full extent of their character is their identity. Metroid isn't a political game, the main character just happens to be female. Far Cry 5 is a political game, it discusses evangelicalism in America and its influence in American government.
Battlefield 1 is a great example of productive apolitical inclusiveness. The game includes the stories of colonial troops fighting in Europe. That's diversity done right.
seething tranny
>I find the people having sex the least ask others to have it the most! Sad!
What did Trump mean by this?
Cope with what I'm having fun killing commies everyday in red orchestra and company of heroes.
Its not just the hardline ones. Which American conservashit politicians are trying to do something about climate change?
Being misgendered, sexualized women, the words nigger and tranny, the idea of owning guns, free speech existing to name a few
/pol/tards are usually easily identifiable as the person literally begging people to have anonymous arguments with them about american politics
fuck off retard
Consider we live in a society where, in order to justify their violence, the far left labels anyone they don't like as nazi.
But /pol/ freaked out about Battlefield 1
>download old WW2 games
>have fun killing nazis
I don't even see a problem with this since most modern games are fucking awful.
Name a single libshit trying to preserve the right of self defense
insecure post lmao
you're probably an abomination yourself tho, you woudn't be on Yea Forums otherwise
How did the leg skin heal back so quickly?
>based centristbro.
I'm kinda joking but you do make a good point.
Based and fpbpilled.
I'm not /pol/.
based and redpilled
couldnt care less about your boogeyman or creepy hobbies, cope
Have safe sex.
>Civilization is a simulation game that allows the player to lead a nation from ancient times to modern day. It features a dynamic military system, politics, trading, and historical content. It has been recognized for its unintentional educational properties.
Wish this article wasn't a decade old, it would be funnier nowadays
Did you know that what you're doing is actually problematic. Real nazis are out there with real feelings, they don't exist to be killed for your entertainment.
You just had a Wolfenkike game. You can't pretend it doesn't exist just because it was a stinky doodoo pile. Own it, my man. That's YOUR stinky doodoo pile.
This post reeks of insecurity
Real Nazis can go fuck off.
Have consensual sex
Have sex
>n-no you
Have sex with your biological body.
speaking of boogeymen, how many nazis did you punch today
Have sex 2: sex harder
post another one, cuck
These rats look almost as sad as the regular /pol/. Does anyone have pics of those meetups?
Remain chaste until marriage
>said the faggot spamming U MAD!
I’ll consider it
Wait what? What is the context of this?
Preferably an objective answer please, not some /pol/ baiting.
>left wingers want to destroy history too now
That too. Have sex with your married partner for the purpose of consummation and procreation.
She probably said it in an inflamatory kind of way.
An advance version of the junior high kid who wore a pepe shirt to trigger libs at his school.
And stop playing video games
>she was asking for it!
>stating facts is now inflammatory
best timeline
asteroid when
this would work better if the thread wasnt full of your kind seething about violence against fictional nazis
dont reply to me
>WaW comes out
>it's flawed but is a great throwback to the now faded fad of WW2 shooters
>most anons actually enjoyed the game
>someone mentions a WW2 game
>wehraniggers instantly get triggered and start chimping out in the thread
I'm tired of this shit. I want to go back and just play games.
nice pilpul, faggot
What game will more accurately portray the Nazi's as they truly were?
I said inflamamatory way, not that statement itself was inflammatory, do you even have reading comprehension?
> Black people do have stronger bones than white people
Blacks are literally superior to Wh*tes
>inb4 some fag spams brown mutts from jew york calling them /pol/
>anecdotal evidence from literally whos screencaped by Russians
>i don't like your tone NAZI, prepare to be unpersoned
>wtf why do you call universities liberal brainwashing centres
>all cyrillic speakers are russian
Crossdressing isn't inherently feminine in other cultures. In Japan women weren't allowed to act, so all female roles were played by men. It's just a joke until faggots took it too far.
next ur gonna tell me sumo fagots wearing a string diaper arent fags
Ukraine is Russian clay
dont really care about violence against fictional characters. I do care about violence agains people and Libs have been seething since trump was elected which has resulted in said violence thanks to your shitty rhetoric but you probably dont give a shit about that either
My black friend is ALWAYS late. If i ever hang out with him i go 15 minutes later than I say so he shows up on time.
They're making a new Wolfenstein though. You play as two women instead of BJ for some reason.
>Witcher 3
It’s his twin daughters but BJ is way cooler than those losers
Kek'd even beyond this post's death.
off topic but
>the nazis were voted into power due to weird people being weird in public
>hyperinflation? Treaty of Versailles? what are those?
if you're appealing to history at least get the facts straight
I just really hate niggers if I'm gonna be honest with everyone here
Thats not true, you havent gotten to know many. You just think you do.
I just really hate nazis if I'm gonna be honest with everyone here
To be fair, the complete breakdown of the social fabric and the violence that erupted in Germany as a result of the Great Depression also played a role in the attractiveness of the Nazis at the time. But then we get into the Volkish movement as a whole and German nationalism dating back to the 19th century.
No harm in that. They were a bunch of assholes, fuck 'em.
Thats not true, you havent gotten to know many. You just think you do. I had some nazi lover friends when I was younger. They were pretty nice. Very conflicting values. I'll never forget the this kid who hated jews etc. and we were at taco bell after smoking dude weed and he says "Maaaaaaaan, why cant people just be nice to each other and get along" And i just stared and ya man. He also liked matisyahu i think his anme is that jew regae singer who used to be popular, he loved that shit. I asked if he'd kill him too, and while listening to the guy sing the song he said yes. Fun guy though.
Same. They don't even play video games, they just like to bitch about non-straight white male characters.
Wolfenstein came out like a year ago.
> tfw I can only kill commies in tropico by starving them.
>lies pulled from the media
>thread that I'm assuming is a leftypol commie fag circlejerk
I'm sure your friends with many melanin charged individuals despite living in a gated community your whole life
you all deserve to die for doing drugs
Nah I lived in several places, the most fun 1 was a black roomate, and an indian roomate, living in the poor area by a univeristy. The best part was this black dude who would go around the complex and make bird noises like "COO COO!" and youd make the noise back, and he would eco locate you and sell you shitty weed.
based, authoritarians without power are the biggest cucks in the world
>Favorite character is a nazi, who just happens to be the best character in the game
>can't bring him up because everyone assumes im just a shitter trying to excuse the horrible things he did
>i just really like his playstyle and his charater
Why can't we have more cool nazis in our gmes?
i know you're baiting, so i know you arent actually retarded. but please still kill yourself
Most nazis are cool looking that’s why they make kino villians
I would pay good money for a game about killing jews.
Whatever you say, Goldberg.
Trannies are commies
Their outfits were designed by Hugo Boss. They're an army of chic fashionistas.
Stating facts is now inflammatory lol.
>still seething
Stirner+Hegel+Marx+Hobbes is the true quadrilogy
Blacks have bigger dicks than whites.
Is this American "education" at work?
>things that never happened
Do go on.
>still saying u mad
They're also borderline retarded
I don't remember single a single strong black woman or disabled transgender feminist of color in WaW
Nope, Black president put the retarded wh*te president to shame.
>guaranteed reply
thanks for the (you)'s, mad autist
Mr. IQ test and Dr. Bell curve would like to have a word with you black retardanon
Rise of the Triad
NOT the new Wolfenstein game because that game sucks dick. I don't get how you fuck up a Wolfenstein game, but they managed to do it. Just play Return to Castle Wolfenstein through again.
Nazis are people, too.
They might not share your beliefs, but that doesn't justify killing another human being.
lmao his real father is indonesian (his mother was literally a prostitute in indonesia)
Yes and it was shit. Gunplay is shit, level design is shit, all of the benefits of co-op are implemented terribly and the story is nonsense.
Basically they took the easiest premise on Earth and fucked it up. Thankfully this wasn't id's main studio, or I would be worried.
Here, pic related. Made a tutorial for you to travel back in time to 2008, before you were born, and check the threads yourself.
I never specified what kind of WW2 games, specifically because I only play older ones. Last time I happened to spot a classic CoD meme thread it pretty quickly got derailed into shitposting about politics.
Yes yes, I know the conservatard ways. You believe nothing and everything. He is black when you want him to be and not when you dont need him to be.
Say that to my face and not online Kraut and see what happens
also take not of how obama looks nothing like his african "brother"
>goop nazis
spergs, spergs never change
Enjoy this last one champ, you truly showed the intelligence of an average weeb
Hey bigot, I identify as a Nazi so think before you speak ok?
get dabbed on faggot
Wolfenstein came out less than 2 years ago, little fella
Then fuck you too.
>Always played as the Nazis
Are people seriously falling for bait that was made to counter-act another bait?
>the first black president isn't actually black
Is this true?
Get filtered tripnigger.
No but you are. Baited.
Enjoy being garbage, Herr Shithead.
I would respected you if said mp40>Thompson
spbp, we have #cancelled your hate, nazi fucks!!
Maybe if you fight enough Nazis online you'll work up the courage to talk to real live women
Because we all know fucking sociology professors would never get offended by something like that if it was said in any other way.
Mhmm.. indeed.
>says he filtered the trip
>doesn't filter the trip
/pol/ being retarded as usual lmao
Have you met a lot of sociology professors?
Sweetie, it's killing trannies these days
>tfw all the WW2 vets are dying
i do wonder how jews will keep using the lollercaust to instigate guilt now that the boomer generation is in its last breath.
will amerimutts see the truth?
Imagine having fought in the war and watching your friends die in horrible ways just to see your grandchildren become trannies and marry niggers. I bet they all welcome death as both a gift and punishment for defeating the good guys.
based clownposter.
>eastern digital genocide is better than western fps genocide
>family values and hard work
I lol'd big time
>My brain is full of straw men the post
>nuclear family, let alone kids
Memes, user. If you push a meme for long enough they start to propagate themselves whether or not the originators of the meme exist.
search for a cult called subud in google
obama's father founded it
I know this is shitposting but given that dude's wife isn't being redistributed, I can safely tell you that this picture isn't communism.
>underage wehraboos who never learned history try and act cool by commenting on things they don't know shit about
И кaк жe вac yeбaнoв тo миp нocит?
>triggered wehranigger deflects
Why am I not surprised even?
>Weeb Youth Fulfillment Simulator 5
>no NioH
Cringe overwhelming.
Are you telling me Communism doesn't follow it's own tenets? I'd share your wife with you, user.
Sounds like you might be retarded.
Imagine having fought in the war and watching your friends die in horrible ways just to see your grandchildren become autistic virgins who spend all their time masturbating and posting about how great your enemies were.
The Nazis were also big on family so I fail to see your point in your cherrypicked images
>that middle image
completely disproves your retarded shit
>his mother lived in indonesia
>his mother was close friends with this prominent indonesian gentleman
>he looks nothing like his supposed african father and brother
>im the idiot
George Orwell was dead over a DECADE before the 60s.
>How about Garand / MP40 combo?
It's very funny that idiots still push Yakuza 6 as a BASED game when you LITERALLY play as a 40-something year old virgin who raises another mans halfbreed son. If this happened in a western game Yea Forums would lose its shit but it happened in a jap game so apparently it's alpha somehow?
stormnigger IQ everyone
>triggered fatburger
The only thing you can slaughter is calories at the local MDs.
>it's own tenets
Which ones, Marx's, Lenin's, Stalin's, etc?
>I'd share your wife
Don't need to project, I'm sure your town bike of a mother is already doing a perfectly fine job of keeping your neighborhood pleased.
If you can't follow a simple reply chain than that's a you problem, user.
Can't we just Balkanize so you fags can just have your little Nazi and Commie havens in your own corner of the world?
koreans are still asian.
because the alpha thing to do is let babies of your race to die right?
I'm down. I'd love to see all the commies starve to death without capitalism to keep them alive.
your nonsensical posts dont help
>implying your shithole of a country even has food to begin with
Shut up Yea Forumsirgin
>save the world
Way to discredit yourself.
Where my Italian fascist chads at?
There are people who think Obama is Heath Ledger.
Yes, you read that right.
>he thinks posting commie propaganda proves anything other than the communist government's own hardcore coping campaign and denial of reality
The same government that had tens of millions of its own citizens die to mismanagement of state funds and general corruption. The same government that was dissolved and forcibly forgotten by the remnants of the society they left behind because their very memory is so shameful. The same government that has only ever made a lasting impression on gullible college students and desperate poorfags the world over because it represents their only shot at changing a system they failed in. Reminder this church exists because an actually successful institution overruled the legacy left behind your bullshit ideology.
The Soviets weren't trannies.
Tidus is in his 20s.
>setting vs gameplay perspective
absolutely shit image fuck yourself.
Have sex, trannies.
Fuck communists and fuck people who never had to experience it but still think it's a good idea.
The term transgender itself was termed by a communist jew that lived in germany during the 1910s. He basically created the transgender movement as we know it.
Why does NatSoc trigger NPCs so much? is because they are programmed that way?
>The same government that had tens of millions of its own citizens die to mismanagement of state funds and general corruption.
I swear if this is another one of those Solzhenytsin type quotes with numbers pulled out of the ass then I'm done with this thread.
>The same government that was dissolved and forcibly forgotten by the remnants of the society they left behind because their very memory is so shameful.
Except if you lived in any post Soviet country you'd know that majority of people feel proud of that time, you fucking imbecile.
>The same government that has only ever made a lasting impression on gullible college students and desperate poorfags the world over because it represents their only shot at changing a system they failed in.
Oh God, I see your knowledge of history is on par with your knowledge of the local culture. Which roughly at estimated at none.
>Reminder this church exists because an actually successful institution overruled the legacy left behind your bullshit ideology.
Most of the same old churches stand like they stood pre-USSR, what's your fucking point, Christ nigger?
>actually successful
Food programs are socialist
Nazis are literal npcs in games so it’s kinda ironic
Because Nazism is an inherently genocidal and racial supremacist ideology.
>when all of your arguments stem from denial of reality
True communist.
>>when all of your arguments stem from denial of reality
You mean like ? Because you haven't posted anything with factual value.
well his mom didn't live with heath ledgers dad and fuck him on a regular basis unlike that guy user posted
Nazism is a literal meme ideology that turns the individual entirely into a tool for one man's goals that are often just "make me king"
It's oligarych/monarchism but idiots are tricked by the aesthetic
communists suck, so do nazis, this is not a crazy opinion, wingcucks need to LEAVE
Those same people also think Obama's mom was Paul McCartney, so I don't think that would change their mind.
oh wow I hate white people and love jews now
Israel are practicing Nazism as we speak
Only it's called Zionism
Only a class struggle will result in good for all
>tfw no game where I can exterminate the jews
what about a game where you shot jew?
t. shameless commies
>american defending nazi
>american defending commie
What next? American defending islam?
Where is being all of slavic squatting, comrade?
absolutely based AND redpilled
it's also kinda ironic you proved my point.
Holy christ this pic is hilarious, especially since its probably unironic
America has been dead since the 1965 immigration act so we can defend whatever we want. Fuck commies though they all belong in camps.
Both Nazis and Commies suck uncircumcised woolly mammoth dick.
the right side is seriously lacking 20 million starved corpses and gulag torture
>Fuck commies though they all belong in camps.
Lol you don't need to put them in camps, they'll create their own death camps themselves and force their own commies into them; they'll just relabel them as Gulags or community work camps.
>being transgender is a conspiracy and not real
this is what the right was saying about the gays before they lost hard on that front
>there are unrepentant communists on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW
Sauce me up nig nog. I'd like to believe ridiculous claims but need proof!
>Yea Forumsirgin newfags in charge of knowing what the fuck they're on about
argentinian here,can confirm
>Okami (2005) vs Hollow Knight (2017)
dont forget about the fascism and dictatorship stuff. political dissenters literally got beaten into silence or outright murdered.
It was surprisingly decent
It's been dead since Reaganomics consolidated all political and economic power in this country into the hands of globalist corporations who then turned everything into idpol to distract bugmen like you from them fucking your ass further to mass extinction
>ridiculous claim
It's common fucking knowledge.
>commie historian in charge of rewriting history
most of europe has socialism and is quite fine with it.
Smelly dumb bootlicker scum.
lol that pic sure is ironic since hitler sent all his troops to die in the russian snow
>say it was all downhill after 1965
>user posts more proof that it was all downhill after 1965 while calling me a bugman
games where you can infiltrate in countries and manipulate people?
This. Nazis are NPCs by nature.
Jesus christ you Chapofags are so sad
>implying you know any history to begin with
I'm only a NAZBOL because of the memes and aesthetics surrounding East Germany. Also they're pretty solid in Wargame Red Dragon, but FUCK playing the game just for the East Germans right now.
>implying you don't make up history as you go
The irony of that pic and quote is lost on you.
>tons of ice cubes in his vodka
>posts propaganda
Why does killing nazis make Yea Forums so angry?
wasn't the government deposed over the building in that pic?
not at all like America, a free, smart country where people will enthusiastically cheer on the invasion of a region that they can't even find on the map
gee idk
normalization of fascism as inherently american
Post some commies from the 2000's and 2010's.
As if this doesn't happen in Communist countries or even "Democratic" ones.
Everything on both sides is shit though
I just stick to books that use factual documents as a source. If it's about Russia or USSR I mostly stick to russian language resources, since the language is like native to me, but also can check out stuff like jstor.org
You filthy commienazi, they are obviously saving them from themselves! Didn't you know USA is the police of the world?
have sex
>Non-whites can't be fascist
Wolfenstein The New Order was such a shit FPS I didn't even finish it, and I'm not even a poltard. Doom was infinitely better
Except the sixties and even the late 60s were the single best moment for american working class people in the history of the country
they could afford new cars with a summer in frycookery
they could OWN a house in ten years on that same salary
Reaganomics stagnated wages, killed unions and castrated environmental and financial protections, leading to a wage that is a quarter of what it was in the late 60s, education requirements for minimum skill jobs that guarantee tens of thousands of dollars of debt and repeating financial collapse because the financial sector doesn't ever get regulated
What game is this based on?
Isn't that comic satirizing the shittiness of western protagonist design and not the killing of nazis? Why do you get upset then?
Heard a boomer say to another boomer that millennials are just lazy and that there's nothing wrong with Islam taking over the US
Boomers need to die off NOW
that's very problematic
I don't know where the fuck they're coming from but holy shit they're breeding like rabbits these last 2 years.
I love how the artist intentionally made Captain America's shield star a pentagram.
Just so you guys know, the guy who draws this shit believes in Satan.
Communists literally encouraged that to help make their economy and influence grow stronger. Too bad most of them died to famine lmao.
I should trust this random person on the internet says
>Post some commies from the 2000's and 2010's.
Pic related.
>basedjak poster responds to obvious bait
Get out, tourist.
What is it about /pol/posting and not using the shift key, using abhorrent grammar and failing to use proper punctuation? This isn't unique to Yea Forums, it's all over all the boards, someone starts spamming Facebook memes with text like "lol i triggered you" and then someone comes in and says "fuck off nazi back to pol" and it's like I'm surrounded by mentally ill third world shitters.
>made captain america's star a pentagram
user... it was always a 5 pointed star
Yea Forums has shit taste, at least 1/2chan does
I'm talking about him flipping it upside down you tard.
Too bad rightwingcucks shout down "COMMIE" at anyone who points out the faults in unrestricted free market capitalism. Now that they're wallowing in the degeneracy and erosion of social and family values as a result of decades of their Jewish economics, they still shout "cultural Marxism" as their new boogeyman not realising their willing slavery to globalist Zionist bankers is the direct cause of current degeneracy
Add "At least 300 hours internship" to the 2018 portion.
>constantly use communist lingo and virtue signal to your communist comrades
>wtf why u call me a commie
beyond based
>he thinks problems can't be multi-faceted and HAVE to be sourced to one thing
Holy fucking bluepill.
Good goy. Producing offspring is bad
The same could be said of the alt-right protesters at Charlottesville who waved Nazi flags and then said "wtf why u call me a Nazi".
Yeah but people like got butthurt by the marketing because muh trump and being too retarded to pick up on satire of tropes so they hated it
Gay marriage and abortion were always promoted hardest by capitalist democracies, while being outlawed by socialist states. Taiwan just legalised fag marriage while mainland China still bans that shit. Years of Zionist-made policies by the right-wing designed to erode workers rights, erode the family unit, and worship only profit as the golden calf have led to the current culture, which promotes all this degeneracy. But no it's the "MUH GOMMIES" who actually banned degeneracy and gay marriage and abortion in socialist states throughout the 20th century
Trump is a Zionist jewcuck and so are all his supporters
Didn’t Wolfenstein 2 come out sorta recently?
Is your shift key broken, friend?
>far right
>not liking israel
>use economic phrases and suggest economic systems that have been used during the great depression and the golden age of American economics, even economic policies we currently have
>use meme combination words like neomarxist postmodernism
>"a genius, astute critique of the zeitgeist"
Considering how /pol/ loves Zionist tools like Tommy Robinson, I'm not convinced that large parts of the new "alt-right" aren't Jew d&c psy-ops
>goop nazis
Tommy Robinson is what the alt-right calls "alt-lite", which is basically just the alt-right but without the anti-Semitism.
So, you're not really making a good argument.
Suck my star spangled cock you nazi losers you fags just keep losing
low key justifying killing europeans
That was a fucking slaughter. Peterson thought he was going to debate an SJW angry about capitalism who'd snuggly say "I cleaned me room, Mr. Peterson" but instead he was asked "who are the postmodern neo-marxists? Can you name one?"
Why do you hate punctuation and capitalization, fellow Aryan?
Watchign Peterson have to stop and actually google names on his laptop and then the moderator throwing him a bone was fantastic
The Ben Shapiro meltdown is also a good recent altright shitting themselves moment
Woah woah woah. Are you saying all white people are Nazis?
>tfw 200 iq aryan masterrace still lose to “inferior” juden
>(((judeo)))-Christian values
It's amazing how much American "Christian" conservatives are willling to end over backwards to appease 2% of their population. Jewish values are in total opposition to Christianity but they are so cucked by zionism
Lack of morality can be a strong advantage, but always loses in the end.
>tfw miss dilation session and neo-vagina closes up
>The Ben Shapiro meltdown is also a good recent altright shitting themselves moment
Sounds good. Got a link?
>mfw have a hard time grasping Žižeks 900 IQ bantz
keep crying mutt
Not being able to name the Jew comes with its costs
Because Christians believe that once all the Jews are in Israel the End Times will happen.
It has nothing to do with "cucking", it's just evangelicals being retarded like you.
Hello r/chapotraphouse and r/communism