Imagine thinking that you’re entitled to shit on nearly every game that exists after writing shit like this yourself.
Imagine thinking that you’re entitled to shit on nearly every game that exists after writing shit like this yourself
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Tribly's Notes is the only good one. 5 & 7 are basically " I can't figure how to make a good AGS game yet". Notes is the right balance and 6 is up the ass retarded.
He absolutely fucking nailed it with Trilby's notes then fucked it right up immediately after
That rape scene still fucks with me
link to rape
Most people think they are entitled to shot on every game without ever making a game
I remember being really enjoying these when I was younger. I probability wouldn't go back now.
yahtzee's AGS games are absolutely baste, they are actually the most impressive example of a critic putting their money where their mouth is. he has earned his right to talk shit because his own games are peak soul, although his no punctuation gimmick has gotten stale since like 5 years ago so I haven't seen his videos since then. also tried to read his book, mogworld. it's autistic, who wants to read a book about WOT IF MMOS WAS REAL LOIFE?! but don't talk shit about chzo
they're good games 'tho
keep seething faggot and do something with your life
Trilby's Notes had some of the shittest controls I've ever seen in a game ever, and I loved the rest of the entries
this is one of those "don't listen to Yea Forums" scenarios
the lovecraftian one was pretty neat
What about his newer game Consuming Shadow
I liked that one
As someone who enjoyed it I'd say its a glorified flash game most of the time. Its good for killing an hour or so but honestly if you're in for story then you aint getting shit and if you're in for rogue-like then theres much better choices out there
>5 & 7
How many are there for Trilby's sake?
I played around three games I think when I was younger,
>first one in the Mansion with the butcher
>one in space
>one in the cursed hotel.
In order:
5 Days a Stranger
7 Days a Skeptic
Trilby's Notes
6 Days a Sacrifice
Don't forget Art of Theft
I liked Art of Theft
I agree, Notes is also the spookiest game by far, although it's a little derivitive of Silent Hill, and the text parser is a little more cumbersome to use than simple point and click controls. Also I like 5, 7, and 6 Days but they are a little amateurish.
I can't believe the Ego Review is fucking dead.
Oh that's what the numbers wewre about. I forgot about the titles. Not sure if I played 6 Days a Sacrifice.
The Ego review was pretty good.
Him defending himself over 6 Days was pretty funny, too bad Gabe never went for him on some of that shit towards the end.
I miss their bants
I loved how Gabe reacted to that
He wrote those when he was like 16. What were you doing at that age?
>complained that Condemned introduced stupid ancient cult bullshit into a nice simple supernatural murder mystery
>did exactly the same thing with this series
>Yahtzee absoultely rags on Pratchett
>His books are written in a very similar style
What did he mean by this
>Yahtzee forgetting how to play his own game and needing to look up a walkthrough for 7 Days
>The game-breaking bug near the end of 6 that makes them need to play through the entire thing again.
just looking at google image search results gives me shivers
God all those games were obtuse as fuck.
He really should have let Gabe play Trilby's Notes, let him suffer like we fucking suffered
ego review and yahtzee plays might honestly be one of the best videogame channels ever
6 Days is terrible, overly convoluted and unintendedly silly. Even 7 Days feels much more cohesive.
>God all those games were obtuse as fuck.
I have no idea what you're on about.
But that game was fun
Iirc I tried to play one or two of these but couldn't get over how unnecessarily verbose it was.
Christ that faggot writes like a wanker. And just doesn't shut the fuck up and let the game do the talking.
What was it again? Tell, not show?
There's something adorable about the fact Yahtzee did (still does?) unironically consider the fedora to be a cool hat
Probably the sex in the last one
It's fun but does it even fit anywhere in the timeline?
I liked Poacher. Nobody remembers Poacher. It wasn't amazing but it was fun
Yahtzee's a complete dope, which was blindingly obvious, among other things, from the way he always ridiculed Gabe on the Ego Review only to end up being wrong most of the time. It's really cute.
My nigga. It's better than people give it credit for.
>Yahtzee absoultely rags on Pratchett
>>Yahtzee forgetting how to play his own game and needing to look up a walkthrough for 7 Days
Do you have a link to that?
In my view still the best. Especially the bizarre ending that goes full TUMBLING DOWN out of nowhere.
>time travel fuckery that ends with everything is a single timeline
Otherwise yeah game was pretty fun
Gabe wanders around while Yahtzee hmms and hums and eventually finds a text walkthrough
Can't argue with that. I especially liked that you can tell the ending to fuck off and go get pizza instead, and neither choice is presented as inherently inferior. Kinda like how Deus Ex does it, which makes sense because he's always fellating Deus Ex. I mean I'd probably give Deus Ex a handy