Character creator

>character creator
>your character looks good from a specific angle only

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beckham is so up his own ass with how good he thinks he looks. the guy has a twink body with all sorts of gaudy tattoos but parade's himself around like he's the 8 pack gigachad, fuck that cunt

dis nigga mirin

he's a statistical gigachad whether you like him or not

Basically described every bird brained anglo

>real life
>look okay when in the shadows but ugly as fuckc in the light

what did he mean by this

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look at pics of his shitty looking body, he is definitely not gigachad

>character creator
>looking good!
>looks completely different with the lighting in game

why don't they just use the actual lighting in the creator? or let you preview it in different environments?

We're reaching levels of cope not thought humanely possible.

ya seethe

why does this happen

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>character creator that goes super in depth on facial features
>single player
>majority of game is first person/first person is the objectively better way to play

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But he slays pussy the way you slay cum rags.

t. kevin hart


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>Can't freely rotate the face or character
>Only have preset positions like Front, left angle, right angle
>Have to make an educated guess if my character will look okay after I begin the game and finally get to see my face properly

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He's more of a megachad than a gigachad

Niggers btfo by based white race

Weak incel genes basically

have sex

>create a character in "the room"
>looks completely different in game
I remember Kingdoms of Amalur was the only game I ever played where my character not only looked like the one I saw in the character creator but even better because it got an extra effect ingame.

Women breed with men when they are young and it isn't noticeable yet. Manlets are a thing for similar reasons, men are too thirsty and fuck goblins.

no more customary white noise

>Character creation takes plce in adimly lit boat cargo hold

>perception of character varies wildly from day to day, seeming fine sometimes and abominable others

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gotta love dress pants, shoes and sweater in the desert

>I'm only 5'9 bro
Why is heightism so overrated while no one acknowledges lookism?

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>character creator uses entirely different rendering than ingame

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what is that pic

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>character creator lets you switch between various lighting settings
>doesn't matter anyway
fuck MHW

>no one acknowledges lookism?
Right now the left is prejudiced against good looking feminine women.

snake oil

Allergic reaction to chemicals.

Play video games.

>with all sorts of gaudy tattoos
This is the only part I agree with. He has so much to work with but his tatoos aren't godawful, in spite of how godawful they are because they are on him.


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I've tried to create myself inside a video game and turns out I'm like that: I 'm kinda decent from the front but from the sides I'm hideous

manlet niggas btfo

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Imagine being white and under 5'10"
I would rather kill my self.