Any questions, Yea Forums?
Any questions, Yea Forums?
Is botw that good? Couldnt get into bloodborne, or any souls game for that matter.
Hey bro you left out Xbox!
p5 is straight degenerate trash the other 2 are great though
Bloodborne is the only good game in that image though.
Microsoft shouldn't have left out games then.
They meant trilogy, they said duology, but it's really a monology
Bloodborne is good, P5 is alright, gotta love the style but JRPG gameplay is just not my thing.
BOTW is kinda shitty
Just because you made an image doesn't make you right
It says indisputably
2 of these are good. BOTW is the worst Zelda game in years
Try EVER, at least if you exclude spinoff shit like link's crossbow training
>BOTW is the worst Zelda game in years
It's the only great 3d Zelda
How about you bother explaining whats so good about botw, I've never played it.
Funny memememem stop
> t. zoomer who grew up playing Ubisoft games on xbox 360/ps3
Nothing, it's one of the most underrated games of all time
I am currently disputing your claim, hence it is not indisputable
>people only pretend to dislike to be contrarian
BotW, BB, and P5 were absolute shit games. Waste of time and money
Better than TP, SS, PH, ST, ALBW. Best Zelda since MM. Absolute trash taste.
>better than all those other games
>still trash
The Zelda series is a fucking joke.
You just have bad taste. The Zelda franchise is one of the best out there. Name a better one. Castlevania and Metroid are the only ones who come close.
>You just have bad taste
Funny coming from a Zeldafag.
I genuinely hate Persona 5, i loved 3 and IS, and i like mainstream stuff like Red Dead as well, only people who like 5 are waifu shitters and everyone fucking knows it.
>Single player trash
Your time is over, boomers.
>I have a high IQ because I'm contrarian
Pretty sad user. Seek help.
What makes 3 different from 5 in that regard? I haven't played them yet but I thought the Soejima Personas were similar in tone and gameplay?
3 had a genuine story and was the last good persona
5 is full on cheap anime tropes and has it's insufferable mascot cat,
All three are great though.
>Red Dead
You just have shit taste
What about 4?
Mass Destruction alone sold me on 3 and I already bought it, I just need to finish another game first
first Red Dead is like one of the top ten games ever made
BotW is an IQ test. If you don't like it, you're probably an idiot.
mildly cool cast burned by teddie
Persona 5 is not a game it’s a cutscene sim Zelda and blood borne are alright though
3 is worse when it comes to waifus because you have to date the girls to complete their S. Links. The fanbases of P3-5 are all filled with waifufags, P5 no more or less than the other two. They all have awful fans even outside of the waifufags though.
Havent played any zelda or persona game. Bloodborne is froms best now that I've burned out on dark souls 1 and Sekiro dlc isnt out yet
Ultra Kanto