Why is the tf2 comunnity so bad ?

its almost worse then the overwatch comunitty

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Other urls found in this thread:


it's not, you're just lying

Hated my team with all my heart in every second match of OW.
Not even once in my life was I mad at a teammate in TF2.

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Tf2 = bronies furries weeaboos
Ov = gays trannies turbo normies

Yea Forums = resetera, zoomers, shitposters


On what level?
TF2 is way less gay

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If you just wanted to start a TF2 thread you could just Say so instead of making this shitty bait to garner more replies

Because R*ssians.

It went bad the day it went F2P

Yeah. I like Team Fortress 2 because I can actually practice playing different classes since team sizes are much bigger. In Overwatch I'm always forced to flex to win while everyone else wants to play a sniper.

Here's what I experience typically as a 2fort casual since 2009

>Join server
>weebs and people playing and shit
>go sniper
>kill a dude a few times, I don't really give a shit about headshots so they happen when they happen
>Weeb edgy sniper with bind gets mad that I'm "Bodyshotting"
>Kills me once and spams a bind that's basically just nothing personnel kid

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But you can get these folks kicked/leave real quick because they're fucking retarded

>playing yesterday
>dude gets butthurt that I no kill him rite
>his steam was ledouche from code gayass
>continues to spam his bind and get real mad every time I purposefully bodyshot him now
>he tells the players that if they dominate me they'll get scrap and items from him
>i tell them i'll be in the sewer
>he left as soon as I let someone dominate me

Sweet and salty

Love how /pol/ wasn't mentioned

>do whatever the fuck you want, say what you want, play how you want and you won't get banned/won't screeched at by some tranny who forgot to dilate and noone's gonna report you
>if you ever dare to do something off meta or if you'll try to say something that's not in the standarts of tranny teammate pathetic world you'll be purged from the game by HWID ban or you'll be just reported to death by said trannies
Yeah guys, I'm gonna pick Scout and make everyone regret their lives with my Scattergun. Who wanna provide me some cover while I'm trying to get to the intel? Ok, fine, I'll do my best at retrieving it all by myself.

this is the faggiest fucking shit i've ever read on this board
>I'm gonna pick Scout and make everyone regret their lives with my Scattergun. Who wanna provide me some cover while I'm trying to get to the intel? Ok, fine, I'll do my best at retrieving it all by myself.
you type like some fag on gamefaqs circa 2008

>Overwatch community
>Uh, you told me to check your Torb winrate and then refused to acknowledge my backhanded remarks for the rest of the game? Reported for toxicity, sweatie.

>Why are you using the Quick Fix
>Shut up, retard
>Continue the game

As someone who has 500 hours in Overwatch and 7.6k hours in TF2 and unironically enjoys both games, TF2's community is trillions of times better.

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>three year old game that was built from the ground up to be taken somewhat seriously has more tryhards than a 12 year old game that's never been taken seriously and is entirely comprised of children and third worlders by this point

wow no fuckin shit, amazing observation captain 8000 hours in shitty team based fps games

you like tf2's community more because it's more casual, if someone was a turbo tryhard they'd try tf2 and think it was fucking trash because the community never cares about the outcome of a game. no community is better than the other, they just cater to different types of players

Don't delay - dilate! 40% club is waiting for ya!

>Being a more competitive game makes it okay to sperg out and throw when someone is playing off-meta in a game that they paid for
>Using tryhard as an insult
>Pretending TF2 doesn't have a competitive scene
>Pretending only children and third worlders play when there are always at least 2 competent players in the most casual of maps like 2fort and Dustbowl
lolol retard, I'm not reading the rest of your post

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>everyone who isn't nice to me is a tranny
literally rent free

>friends log onto tf2
>aw yeee lets play together
>decide to try to matchmaking thing instead of finding the 1 fucking server we can play
>go soldier and start slaughtering the enemy team
>get booted within 30 seconds of joining
>requeue and get booted after 10 minutes of owning the enemy team.
Wow, what a sad state TF2 is in. Nothing but children who will cry to the vote kick system.
How would hacking even help you as soldier anyway?
Oh well lesson learned, matchmaking is cancer.

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it's easy to avoid the tards if you just mute the chat.

not really a bad thing desu

I don't know how it is on Trashwatch but if my team has no medic, 4 spies, and 3 snipers I can't train as spy and am forced to go with a powerclass

>lying on the internet
Honestly this is pathetic.

>soldier getting kicked for being too good
top 10 things that never happen
-t.2000 hours on sniper and never saw a single soldier that got kicked for being too good

why are spy mains so sutpid?

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>>Being a more competitive game makes it okay to sperg out and throw when someone is playing off-meta in a game that they paid for
you're exaggerating when you say people sperg out, barely anyone will even talk over fucking mic unless you're 3000+ SR, and nobody gives a shit about quickplay.
>>Using tryhard as an insult
never did that
>>Pretending TF2 doesn't have a competitive scene
i know it does, i played in it
>>Pretending only children and third worlders play when there are always at least 2 competent players in the most casual of maps like 2fort and Dustbowl
wow two manchildren with 4000 hours shitting on 13 year olds routinely, what a competitively viable game

tf2 is dead nigga, it's casual now. give up
t. played since 2008

>who uses the let's ranger
Spy is a trash class and all spy mains are autistic but the let's ranger is pretty good for a spy weapon

I have walked into multiple pubs as soldier where I had 8+ domination and was pretty much soloing the enemy team and nobody has ever commented on it much less called hacks
>implying votes to kick hackers dont fail 70% of the time even when the haxusation is genuine

I've very rarely come across people actually kicking for being too good. The only times I can remember is sniper getting kicked for hacking even though he was just good. But then again, it's very common with sniper hackers.

ERHM Attention please, wankers.

This is a message from the top 0.1% of sniper mains.

1) Yes we are aware that it's "not fair" that we one shot you from the other end of the map
2) No, we do not consider that a problem
3) We invite you to direct your whining towards other classes since sniper will NEVER be nerfex
4) Valve has extensive knowledge of this fact, it's useless to whine to them (more than you already do)
5) Yes, we do think it's pretty satisfying to shut down your entire team alone
6) Yes we feel like we earned the right to shut your entire team down through hundreds of hours of training
7) If sniper gets nerfed, we will switch to scout and destroy you, but at close range
8) Fuck pyroes
9) Fuck spies
10) Thank you

>You're exaggerating on how often people sperg out
I played comp every day until around a month ago. I main Junkrat and finished at 3746 last season. It was almost every single game that I had someone either get tilted by my pick or by something one of my teammates did or said, then proceeded to throw. I had never reported someone in a video game for something other than hacking before I started playing Overwatch. Now every time I start the game up, I get the "We actioned someone you reported" popup, because I report so many throwers.
>Pretending I was using the two player minimum as an average experience
I play TF2 almost every day, and in almost every game I play, there are competent players on both sides
>The amount of skilled players in casual matchs reflects how competitively viable a game is

You have never been to TF2chan, have you?

Sounds like TF2 is more fun

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*equips Vaccinator in your path*
Slow down, there, dummkopf.

It still fills the DR bar while picking up ammo doesn't I think

So if I recorded these and made a fun montage of me pubstomping and being booted would that be great? No eceleb face cam bull shit just a few tf2 rounds in a row.

source games are the central hive of pc gaming autism, or at least was for like 10 years. That encompasses a lot of years of shitty fads and fanbases, bronies, furries, etc

Upload your demos on catbox.moe or something, no need for the editing.

The 2nd time I was able to play a full round before being booted during the setup to the rematch round. I'll bet playing during peak American hours has everything to do with it.

the fact that you said you got votekicked at all when casual is full of unusual-wearing bb-conch tryhards stomping everything was bad enough, but you flew way too close to the sun with that "kicked within 30 seconds because 2good" line

0/10, try again or fill the void in your life that drives you to write "and then everyone stood up and clapped" fanfics on the internet

>this website
Awesome! It's not dropbox!
Now to go delete some 4k movies so I have enough room for moar videos.

post yfw TF2 outlives overwatch


L'Etranger is the 2nd best revolver in the game behind the Diamondback

Yes Spy's primary weapons are that bad.


>He just throws the gun

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Because TF2 was only good in 2007 - 2008, before normies took over it

Just admit that Overwatch would be better if there were servers to dick around with no tension for winning.

lots of trannies and furries and faggots and immense amounts of insecurity

like so

>playing sticky jumper demo
>come across another demo
> we both simultaneously get a direct pipe on each other
>"good shot lad"
>"thanks lad"
stuff like this is why I keep playing this game after all these years

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That's because they're good.
Even autists like good games.

>need a very specific role to win a match
>Team fortress 2
>just fuck around with demonight for all i care
what's also cancerous in OV is the ranked matchmaking, in tf2 literally 5% cares about it and we're fine as ever without it

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In OW you can't be friendly to entire enemy team except for one guy you like pissing off.

hud_saytext_time 0
voice_enable 0

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>getting kicked for being too good
obvious bait is obvious

Attached: hold the fuck up.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

arena_watchtower soon?

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>literally 5% cares about it
even that's an overestimate, honestly

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>go sniper
There's your mistake

Can say 13% of the population without getting permabanned and losing 60$ in tf2 atleast

i miss it so much

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>plays the most op class that should only be able to headshot but can 1shot most classes for some reason without trying
>why do people call me a massive faggot
you would get kicked from most games for pulling some faggy bullshit like that but the tf2 community gladly lets it happen for some reason

>tfw there is this fucking "CODE OF CONDUCT" or fucking whatever that OV league players need to sign in they'r contracts, and it basically spies on everything you do and wristslaps you everytime you do something
the example of some blonde faggot that was fined about 7k in total for pepe in twitch and some other shit, this is really retarted....

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You probably played solider on some shit like 2fort or turbine which are the most solider friendly maps and acted like you were a god

>unironically saying normies
you need to stay on /r9k/ weirdo incel

Honestly, TF2 gets 100000x better once you
1) mute everyone
2) disable cosmetics
3) download a mod that either deleted everybody's name or replaces them with a bot's
4) imagine you're playing against bots of varying difficulty

Nobody ever considered a single player game unfair. Once you start considering tf2 a single player experience, your experience will truly get better.
>teammates are garbage
guess the algorithm isn't working out too well
>teammates are doing good
guess the algorithm is doing fine for once
>one enemy is doing extremely good
boss fight

I mean seriously, I haven't used chat or spoken to someone in this game in forever, and I haven't gotten mad ever since.
When you're doing like shit, you don't care because you consider each match like a practice round, and when you're doing well, you can feel good.

Also, I noticed I go much better at predicting people once I started considering them like bot. Most people truly do act like NPCs subcounsciously, like :
>every goddamn soldier shooting in the same fucking way
>every scout jumping in the same pattern
>every pyro doing adadadad waiting to reflect you like a retard
>every sniper using the same spots again and again

I top score almost every game I play now, which feels gud.

>inb4 autism

>imagying yourself to play against a bots of varying difficulty
>not wanting to socialize on the Hat simulator 2007

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Maybe if you have autism.

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Yeah I for one wish Valve would ban all of these racist intolerant people
Every day I see some nazi sign or someone saying the n word in chat
It needs to stop Valve

because TF2 died in the mannconomy update. Specifically when they added trading.

that was it. that was the moment TF2 fucking died. you can argue that it was when they first started "preorder this game for a cosmetic in TF2" as well.

tf2's current community is a shadow of its former self because everyone who made it great during 2007-2009 are gone.

Post the best feelings in TF2.
>don't usually play Spy that often but have been lately to practice
>they have two Heavies, two Medics, two Snipers, and no Pyros for half the game, a true Spy's paradise
>kick ass so much, get a 3:1 K:D ratio, topscoring and multiple dominations
Spy is one of the best-feeling classes to kick ass with. Him and Scout.
My team still lost every game, though, since Spy is still pretty shit.

Who let you out of your playpen?

Hello ESL poster.

>inb4 autism

inb4 autism

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if you think the tf2 is anywhere near overwatche levels of ass then you shouldnt be playing multiplayer games to begin with

>getting fined for frogposting
Fucking genius.
Now if only hiroshimoot would implement that the cancer could be cured.

My Yea Forumsros, let me tell you, the People(TM) experience is not that interesting.

90% of the time I add someone, it'll go like this :

>play together for an entire night, have fun, tell jokes, eventually stop playing and move to steam chat, have a long discussion about nothing and everything
>the next day, play together but not as much
>a few days after that, try and play together, play maybe one or two casual matches together
>end up being ghosts on each other's friends list and never talk ever again

Now let's talk about the 10%

I usually attract depressed people for some fucking reason, like whenever I've had a good relationship with someone for a week+, they suddenly open up about waah my depression my anxiety my troubles my mommy issues.
It's fucking horrible, I just add these people to have a fun time and now I have to fucking sit there for a fucking hour and listen to them babble about their common, meaningless problems.

If I actually want to meet people, I'll do so in servers where I'm absolutely certain to find people with common interests (e.g. rocketjumping), where I'm sure the server won't be populated by a mix of russians, complete idiots, casualfags, emotionalfags and other tumors, and where I actually will have discussions beyond music/armchair politics/the latest meme science topic "woah dude machine learning!!!!"

Don't fucking act like I'm autistic for not wanting to babysit some dude in his twenties and tell him his problems truly matter and that he's endured real hardship.
The sad truth is that we don't care about each other's lifes, we just fake listening in order to get to tell our meaningless problems in return. We don't have conversation, we're just trying to stroke out own ego by showing other people how cultivated and intelligent we are.
I don't play into this hypocritical game of "I'm going to fake caring about your problems so you can listen to mine.

>that redditor Pyro who is getting no kills but demands overheal

the new mm/quickplay system is soulless, community servers are dead
>inb4 some faggot that started playing in 2014 says community servers are shit
I pity those that weren't around for the golden age of TF2 circa 2008-2010.

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nice soldier, desu

Sonicfags are still worse.

>People who actually talk about the game at length, no matter how right or wrong their thoughts may be
Is far better than
>People who were just spamming content into the void for people who googled "Overwatch" to try and make some ad money
or even worse
>People Blizzard paid to pretend competitive Overwatch was a big deal

>I pity those that weren't around for the golden age of TF2 circa 2008-2010.
Don't worry, as someone that started really playing in late 2016, we're still having a lot of fun, without you.

>leddit spacing AND this level of autism
you need to go back and stay there

Good for you pal.

Are you so dense that you cannot understand that some people want to actually connect with others online in a more meaningful way beyond playing a video game together?
And that learning about eachother's lives is the first step to going beyond that line?
You escape reality with video games and absolutely hate when people bring it up in your safe space. You sound like a NEET.

Didn't really potray this mindset in your original post. Only thing you mentioned is that you didn't get mad in like forever because of your approach.
I keep going on one same server and that small community is there, you meet them every day. I get your mindset 100% but it's because I know that there are some broken and anxious people on the other side even before they open up that I already am prepared to show empathy. It's way easier to do as in your original post and treat everyone like a bot, but they are still only human.

only thing i cant behind TF2 is that weapons cost real $
like it legit makes game p2w to a degree. It also locks playstyles behind paywall.
Pretty shitty for otherwise great game

They don't cost money they drop all the time.

post yfw you end someone's 10 or up killstreak

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You get them for free and it's not grindy.

Most people here probably have every weapon from when that was first introduced.
Nobody knew it would become a world-destroying evil when it was introduced, they seemed serious about legitimate sidegrades.
But now I agree, starting a new account without The Escape Plan sounds like a goddamn nightmare


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Because valve balances the game around the lowest common denominator and every update is filled with memes and sorandumxd bullshit.

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those pony servers will wreck your shit man

the more fun things you can do in a FPS, the more weird people will play it. also, it's free.

>i usually attract depressed people for some fucking reason
literal fucking seething, stop posting anytime

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>those pony servers will wreck your shit man
Imagine being a horse fucker

>connect with others online in a more meaningful way beyond playing a video game together?

Do you not comprehend that you're being a hypocrite by calling this a connection? I've seen a lot, and I mean a LOT of interractions between strangers and it was always the fucking same, the same topics, the same issues, everything is always the same.

I used to emphasize, even sympathize with strangers a lot, I used to care about their issues, ask about their days and opinions, but once you've heard a story a thousand times, you tend to stop paying attention.

I expect you're pretty young and I don't mean to hold it against you, the only suggestion I could give you is not to overdose on sympathy because you'll quickly stop giving a fuck about people's problems, especially when you lived through the same struggles as they did a long time ago.

I mean, not getting mad is a plus.

I would say read above, but I'll add a thing or two.
I respect that you still have the patience to listen and empathize with people, because I've certainly expired my quota for the next five or so years.
Keep up I guess, and don't overdose on it as I said.

Halloween updates and the comics were a mistake, they should have finished the meet the team videos, holding other opinions are just proof that you're among the babies who ruined the soul of the 'original' TF2, fight me

>How would hacking even help you as soldier anyway?
Projectile aimbots have been a thing for years.

You are immature, but I guess I'm not teaching you anything.
Do you take pride in opening your mouth every time you get the occasion?

>oh my god this *insert hero hero here* is fucking retarded fucking report this bitch braindead retard go uninstall
>haha this gibus *insert class here* is so funny look hes walking into a wall lol lets go high five him

>needs a crutch melee for a crutch class where every other upgrade is a crutch
the state of soliderfags everyone

>you're immature
>trying to be polite while insulting me

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Bitch I only need my Disciplinary Action and that's because I like whipping people into shape

If you want to become an actual menace as a soldier, practice with the direct hit on tr_walkway_rc2 every day for a month and then hop into a pub, you'll be shocked when you realize how violent it can be.

>you type like some fag on gamefaqs circa 2008
so he's fucking based?
go dilate

>especially when you lived through the same struggles as they did a long time ago.
Don't you wish there was someone there who understood what you were going through? Well that's what you give those people when you share your experience and empathise with their problems. It's tiresome but it's great knowing that you can make people feel better.

>m2's you

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>practice with the direct hit on tr_walkway_rc2
Nice meme
If you really want to get better try MGE

>tfw haven't touched escape plan in years
>will never have a reason to as long as market gardener exists

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Do you not get that every time you even react to Escape Plan that I already win? I do it because it gets people like you seething. BB Conch Escape Plan is my fav loadout.

>How would hacking even help you as soldier anyway?
how oblivious are you to the world around you?

Market Gardener has saved my life more times than the escape plan and has won me more fights too

Unpopular Opinion:

The reason TF2 autists hate OW so much is primarily because on the surface it is a viable replacement for the dogshit that is current TF2 but unlike current TF2, requires you to actually work together with your team for strats. On average, there is more communication and brain power used into balancing out your team, swapping characters when necessary, and learning the mechanics of each character than there is playing TF2 where a pocketed Soldier can be damn near unstoppable depending on your team's set up. Or how it requires far more effort to try and get the intel when 3 engies are in the intel room compared to being 1 of those 3 engies.

TL;DR: TF2 autists get mad at being called shit in other games when picking a nigger-knight with a broken melee range requires jack-shit for thought

>that redditor Sniper who uses the Bazaar Bargain and the Tribalman's Shiv and claims that they don't have "real" negatives

TF2fags hate OW because they basically stole a lot of TF2 content creators and now children just parrot that hate without knowing where it stems from
You couldn't have been any more off with that opinion

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I joined a pony server once, I spawn camped and top scored and they got mad so they activated some weird lua script that opened up my window, and played MLP earrape and I couldn't close it, I had to alt tab and close my game that way.
Shit was weird

>and learning the mechanics of each character
God I hope you're joking or you're literally actually braindead.

>OP starts a tf2 thread with shitty bait
>genuine retards see retarded OP, think he's serious and post their bad opinions instead of ignoring the thread like they'd usually do
fuck off


Teamwork does matter in TF2 at a competitive level. OW is so much sweatier than TF2 because every hero individually is weak as fuck and you HAVE to coordinate to get anything done. This is bad game design. You want an equal balance of both, see CSGO or Siege. OW leans more on teamwork and TF2 leans more on individual skill. Individual skill is still preferable to the retarded deathballs and ult spam of OW.

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Bullshit. There are plenty of other hero shooters that took ideas from TF2 yet don't get the autist rage. FFS, OW fags don't get nearly as ass blasted despite the fact that Paladins is a F2P OW clone to a T.

>learn the mechanics effectively

>that redditor Medic who exclusively uses the Crusader's Crossbow and Ubersaw because they're "meta"

There's a lot of underage children and furries but I would rather play with them than self-righteous trannies

That is true, which is why I said on average. Comp TF2 is an entirely different ballpark with an even staler meta than OW.

"OW fags" are 15 year old kids and women and they have literally never heard of TF2 in their life

i played like 50 hours and i only got some basic shit from achievements

As a hard tf2 autist, I stopped caring about overwatch a few months after it came out and tf2's player numbers didn't drop significantly.

Also, tf2 currently is in a better state than overwatch is.

Overwatch is dying faster and faster every day due to Blizzard's incompetence.
>story is going nowhere
>carousel balancing
>GOATs meta
>events are recycled content
>new charactersv more broken with every entry

Overwatch is doomed to be killed by Blizzard's stupid attempts at forcing esports down on a game that's completely unbalanced and overall unfit for competotive gameplay.

This is probably years old pasta too, but oh well.

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There's no such thing as a "good" video game community.

it's full of literal autistic people, furries and trannies

>learning the mechanics of each character
>press shift to fly

you can write the mechanics of all characters on a soggy napkin, that's how dull the gameplay is

meanwhile tf2
>story is going nowhere
>no balancing but when there is it's nerfing a fun weapon
>medic pocketing someone meta
>half-assed events
>no new weapons for over a year

If a sniper is actually aiming at you, they're not hacking. If a sniper is aiming at the ground and gets a headshot every single time, they're hacking.

We were referencing Paladins. Calm down and lrn2read

>Bullshit. There are plenty of other hero shooters that took ideas from TF2 yet don't get the autist rage
I'm saying TF2 content creators moved on to OW because of it's competitive scene
They followed the money and got snubbed for it
>OW fags don't get nearly as ass blasted despite the fact that Paladins is a F2P OW clone to a T.
OWfags never shut the fuck up about how Paladins is a "shitty f2p knock off"
Yea Forums can't even have a Paladins thread without it devolving into asshurt shitposting by OWfags and getting pruned by mods what in the fuck are you talking about

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They have literally never heard of Palading either idiot, the point is the kind of people playing Overwatch don't venture outside facebook or if they're extreme, reddit.

Sauce on that chart or GTFO.

As for TF2, the player count is hitting lower lows each year with the only time it boosts in popularity is due to the fuckton of trading bots that go online during events (see Halloween 2018)

TF2 is 12 years old, OW is 3

can i have a new weapon please ?
please ?

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>Sauce on that chart or GTFO.
Are you serious? That's fucking google trends, you can look it up yourself.

>not fun

>not fun
>not fun

>OW fags never stop bitching about Paladins
>OW fags don't know what Paladins is

TF2 autists make shit up on the spot.

So you're point is that your favorite e-celeb left and your pissy? Got it. Because my point still stands TF2 autists don't/didn't rage at Dirty Bomb, Paladins, Quake Champions, or any other class/hero shooter with similar mechanics. My point still stands that TF2 autists are mad at being bad

And by your own retarded logic TF2 would be deader than dead.

the most obvious way to check for hax
>go spy
>equip cloak and dagger
>cloak and stay cloaked
>waddle to an open area while not drawing attention to yourself
>preferably choose an out of the way spot no one else is at
>if you get shot by the sniper, he's hacking

I've found out a hacker by doing that once. The guy was a complete asshat on the mic too.

I'm a 2015 newfag to TF2.
We are having fun.

You can get all of the non-reskins for a couple bucks.
In an otherwise free game.

Many players moved on with their lives. Who is even left? Memers, youtubers, ugc silver pubstars, and trader mains who can't be bothered to sell their hats.

Attached: shrug.gif (300x271, 943K)

I legitimately wish I could kill people online that make me upset, not even joking. If there was some button I could press that killed someone that pissed me off on the internet I would press it with no remorse.

Why would anyone ever use anything but the whip for Soldier?

Looks like I hit a nerve.
I never said that tf2 was thriving, and I'm fully aware (better than you are) of it's issues.

The thing is that tf2 is a 12 years old game surviving on a skeleton crew of 3 developpers and some mappers/artists.
On the other side, overwatch is a 3 years old game with around a hundred people paid to work on it, and let's not forget that tf2 runs on source, clunky software made for computers from 2001 while overwatch runs on a modern, state of the art engine with much better dev tools.

And when you take all of this in account, you can absolutely declare that relative to it's resources, overwatch is doing like shit compared to tf2 because the people at the top are making idiotic decisions based on politics and shareholders.
Overwatch is taking a nose dive in popularity, tf2 is a steady line.

>play overwatch
>choose the mad max demoman guy
>put down a sticky
>detonate it to jump
>fly with the exact same trajectory every time
>no chance of fucking up, no strafing, no trimping
nice game

i am a very casul, and i've seen as many newfags and other "average" casuls like me in quickplay as ever

Attached: 1543634643968.jpg (241x193, 26K)

sounds like the whole crew is still here

what was he doing on mic

What went so right?

Attached: 22604E6B-9474-4B98-967E-255CEDBD9E15.png (250x151, 44K)

It's great. I miss mixtape.moe, though.

absolutely everything

It's not about the number of searches, idiot, everybody knows overwatch still has more players than tf2, it's about how overwatch's is taking a fucking nose dive while tf2's is quite steady.

Ever wondered why overwatch never had it's playercount revealed?

>playing tf2
>after the F2P patch
Theres your problem OP, too many dicks in your ass.

I don't watch TF2oobers and never will besides Krunchynaut and he quit making content years ago
The reason TF2fags don't rage at other FPS is because OWfags have been spouting that they're the big bad TF2 killer long before OW even came out of development and when it did and took a half of the community with it OW is already half dead at age 3
Muselk got involved with a huge competitive tourney with OW and completely beefed it to the point where nobody will have him on their comp team
STAR_ joined the sinking ship then tried to come back to TF2 after being the biggest retard on the soap box praising the "TF2 killer" and was DDoS'd
Imagine being him and just scorning all of your fans for a game that's barely kicking after 3 years, that shit was dirty
>TF2 autists make shit up on the spot.
Go find a Paladins thread if you're lucky you might get to one before it 404s but you're some asshurt OW autist so you're probably aware of the kind of abuse Paladins anons are subjugated to and probably engage it in as well like you're attempting to do now in a TF2 thread
Your game is a joke and anybody that still harbors a serious hatred for it because of TF2 is probably a child parroting a youtube comment
Your TF2 killer failed to even keep its foot in the door and now that resentment old TF2fags had towards OW is now reversed with OWbabbies resenting TF2

Attached: 1558041042799.png (338x338, 97K)

GunZ was a total lagfest and K-Style was the only viable tactic
TF2 is more fun.

It has been at least 2 or 3 years since I played against the hacker. But I recall him calling everyone shit players or just saying shit like he was better than everyone else. He had like two friends with him at the time so you couldn't single the hacker out. I wasn't on that server for very long.

>owfags will never do link related
I pity them

>kstyle was the only viable tactic
wrong shitter

zoomies will never truly appreciate this game.

ok faggot so why did I never lose against anyone except other k-stylers?

star never tried coming back to tf2 though

youtube.com/watch?v=PAMsRx7l9mo he did
He was DDoS'd

I liked battleborn more than overwatch desu.

cos you never met a true dstyle master like me idiot

Fucking this. tf2 is better than overwatch in terms of gameplay, but the community is fucking shit.
Filled with autistic furries, cringy weaboos, bind kiddies, friendly faggots and more.
Tf2bronies are pathetic

>ovfags will never do anything that was in tf2
>hale mod
>Rp servers ?
>having 32 players in one server instead of measly 12
there's more to the list but yea... and also

Attached: niga u fucked up now.jpg (574x768, 53K)

Yeah tf2 is full of children tho.

again, doing a one off isn't a comeback. this is why jerma avoids tf2, people would hail any playing of tf2 a return to maining the game

>doing a one off isn't a comeback
Yeah imagine getting DDoS'd and still wanting to play

>OW fags talking shit on TF2
Literally nowhere have I seen this happen outside of shitposters on Yea Forums. I fucking dare you to find 5 separate major OW YouTubers that were talking shit on TF2 on the time of its release

>Paladins thread
Never seen it happen. yet in eveyr OW thread at least 25% of the posters are asshurt TF2 autists. Please link me to a recent thread. Because you can search the current archive to see what I'm referring to.

>Your game
Here's how I knwo you're fucking seething and OBSESSED with OW and may regularly post in OW threads. I never said I played OW still. In fact, I stopped playing it around 2017. I stopped playing TF2 in 2018 and deleted/sold my entire backpack in early 2019. You want me to be an OW fag because that gives your autism a bit of justification. Because who could criticize TF2 other than OW fags, amirite? I came into this thread, gave an opinion, and you now have labeled my an OW player. You honestly sound like a horse-fucker from 2011, which is ironic considering the TF2 community absorbed them

>gets called out on being a retard with retarded logic
>"nu-uh, I-I'm still right"

reinstalled tf2 with my group of bros one night on a drunken whim to play some scout and que'd up

>join server on hightower
>goes to cap point and kill people as normal
>both me and my 2 mates get votekicked after winning the match


where did tf2 go so wrong

>expecting any maturity from hightower fags

TF2 is like that run down old bar that you always come back to. Yeah, it smells, sometimes the company isn't always the best, but it's comfy. There's something really nice about playing and from time to time just seeing the same people, recognizing old faces. Man I love TF2.

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It's hilarious how pent up blizzard is on preventing players to modify the game because it would look bad.

This is clearly only an issue because games get popular through stealing these days.
I know that epic games made it impossible to play fortnite in stretched resolution because it made the game look bad for new players.

So blizzard would rather swallow shareholder semen and guarantee more people buy the game than let the players make their content for them.

>*equips crossbow*
>*heals you*
>*dies to the enemy he was trying to hit*

Attached: 300px-Community_Medic_Strategy_Header.png (300x410, 91K)

Spy BTFOing OW trannies.

>It's hilarious how pent up blizzard is on preventing players to modify the game because it would look bad.

Yet they just recently allowed the players to create their own custom game modes?

I got my little brother into TF2.
Feels good, man.

>medic has no AoE heal alternatives outside of that useless taunt
youd think theyd come up with something a while ago

>gets called out on being a retard with retarded logic
>"nu-uh, I-I'm still right"

Why are you saying I'm wrong?
My point is that OW is taking a nose dive in popularity, which is verified by google trends (and others if you want more evidence).

Why are you denying truth? What problem in your brain is preventing you from accepting the fact Blizzard is acting like some b-list studio and taking an idiotic directionn when it comes to Overwatch's development?

Go on any overwatch discussion platform and all you'll see is people unhappy with the sttae of the game, pros quitting etc.

The game couldv'e been good but now it's doomed.

adding zoomers to the game is only adding cancer. feels bad man.

>I don't care about OW at all

k bud

And Valve catering to that 5% is what's ruining the game by nerfing anything that's fun to uselessness.

Literally all it does is enable you to save settings for a match, something they basically allowed you to do more than a year ago.
We're nowhere near mapping, custom models, weapons etc.
This is just to shut down anyone who will ask about customization, because this workshop is just as good as copypasting the settings from a youtube tutorial, just faster.

>Not even once in my life was I mad at a teammate in TF2.
Is it possible to learn this power?


But he's the one good brother I have. He's not a dumb zoomer.

It would probably generate uber stupidly quick unless it is the uber, which would make it inferior to stock, it would also end up replacing stock syringes or saw if it was anything else


It should be given to engie instead.

Oh yeah I'm certain the weapon nerfs are entirely due to compfags and not because they were annoying and unbalanced in pubs too.
And Valve loves competitive SO MUCH they
1) Didn't give a single cent to the scene
2) Never updated their competitive matchmaking
3) Said they'd stop adding medals to the game
4) Never communicating anything with any competitive player beyond "We're working on an update and it will be good :^)"

WOAH! As a compfag, I sure do feel like Valve caters to me! Hahaha, I sure do hope community servers and casual get removed so everyone can play casual 6s instead! I totally am responsible for Valve's incolpetence and your idiotic, aproximative vision of the game!


Every person who plays a game just got off a bad day at their job.
Just always assume that and you'll be loved

Did you run out of soilent? Has Jamal not come over to cuck you today? Did you lose your dilation dildo?

I just don't consider it any sort of threat to tf2.

You clearly don't have the intelligence or maturity to hold a discussion with me, I would invite you to get aids but it probably excites you, doesn't it?

Attached: Nu26P0g.jpg (1320x768, 628K)

He has it. It's called a dispenser.

>wasting your breath on casual elitists
They're scrubs that take pride in being scrubs, you cannot reason with them. Any time someone bitched that you killed them, its literally them.

Attached: IMG_83721.jpg (640x384, 40K)

>he has anti-OW pics saved on his drive

The point was that you claim you don't give a fuck about OW yet you still want it to be dead so badly you will scrape anything you can. It's sad really.

>intelligence and maturity
>with that pic
*tips fedora*

Is bug catching just a form of suicide for gays? Do they have a fetish for becoming deathly ill?

>saved on his drive
It's the first google image for "overwatch owg Yea Forums", I just downloaded it for you.

Thank you for admitting defeat, I guess you aren't such a bad sport after all.
I dunt really know, bug catching is a level of mental illness beyond my comprehension.
At least the owg guy isn't as bad as that cuck who let a hiv+ fuck his pregnant wife with only a condom on.

Not to mention the majority of nerfs to weapon over the years were ones that were either not banned in competitive in the first place or the nerf didn't address the issue at all. Reserve shooter being a perfect example of the latter. Comp is the pub shitter bogeyman because otherwise they would have to blame valve who are perfect and can do no wrong even though they've practically abandoned the game at this point.

TF2 threads are filled with garbage memespouting Yea Forums kiddies who Yea Forums despised pre-f2p and now they've grown up and come here to shitpost while everybody who was actually good at the game has left for greener pastures.

Attached: tf2 overwatch.png (900x910, 436K)


You worded it better than I could.

>this is why jerma avoids tf2
but he did a comfy tf2 stream a while back and wasn't DDos

Either got an actual job or moved onto other esports.

tryhards ruined tf2

>blame valve who are perfect
but everyone in the TF2 community hates how Valve has been treating them and have been very vocal about it
> while everybody who was actually good at the game has left for greener pastures.
That's fine, TF2 will always be around and most likely will outlive Overwatch at this point, it's just funny how it was paraded to be the tf2 killer and now is in a worse state than tf2 despite having dev support

Nah I haven't moved on
TF2 has a really awful playerbase mostly because there's no rules and it's for everybody but that also works in my favor as well because there's a certain satisfaction from stomping TF2 pubs that you can't get anywhere else
Stomping furfags, some faggot and his tranny medic gf, the trader main you've killed then took his weapon and dom'd him with it
No other game does this and even though TF2 has gone down the shitter over the years and has gotten worse gameplay wise I still play it for these chaotic moments because no other shooter today provides them and that's where I thrive the most

You're worse than both.

>few hours ago
>attacking last stage of Dustbowl
>get our shit stomped for most of the round
>team makes one final push
>pretty much everyone on both teams die
>blue battle engie runs up and caps the point at the last second
>one guy on red says "gg, we're still better though"
>other guy calls us faggots
I love this game

Imagine if my bait worked this well

I love tf2 because of the ponies and community. I don't think people realize the demographic overlap amount. same with Yea Forums.

The only reason I have to hate overwatch other than the modern Acti-Blizz stigma is that it made Valve go full retard and put in matchmaking.