Say something bad about your favorite game.
Say something bad about your favorite game
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Civilization 5 had really shitty and overpriced DLC.
Some of the conditions to unlock stuff were kind of unreasonable or involved variants of modes nobody likes. Also, 100% is technically locked behind having saves of a couple of other games, which is bullshit.
Dark Souls human characters look they belong in a PS1 game
Tales of symphonia has religous bits
It's a really, really ugly game.
They redesigned the combat upgrade TWICE because faggots complained about the difficulty too much and because they got insecure about the success of WoW
96 completion instead of 100 completion.
SMB3 is a more complete game.
I'm trying but I can't think of anything bad about Super Metroid. I guess the final boss is too easy?
it's too adictive haha
witcher 3 best game ever made
DKC2's save system is absolutely stupid and having to grind coins to save is retarded.
Everything else is perfect though.
I never been on reddit Jokes on you
Atheism was rampant on Yea Forums before it got popular, dont act all holy now
Halo 3 removed the clan-feature from the multiplayer.
it's shit
The inverted castle kind of sucks and Finale Toccata gets old really fucking fast, especially when you hear the intro so many goddamn times just exploring because they reused it too fucking much.
t. 2016 baby
Isn't the first save at every save point free? Its not like you really need to save more than that
Hit the nail on the fucking head
The melee combat aged like shit
The gunplay is a bit slow and clunky by modern standards
I'm surprised you didn't mention the 3d platforming.
People bitch about xen but it wasn't that bad, but almost every other 3d platforming section was atrocious.
I meant to say 1st person platforming but I had a retard moment sorry
>muh poor ai
Learn how to command your followers. Only complaint is I can't replay the game as a level 1 with all my unlocked clothes from achievements.
You are not forgiven.
F-Zero GX should have more tracks
>Only complaint is I can't replay the game as a level 1 with all my unlocked clothes from achievements.
Is that literally your ONLY complain about DR1? I mean I loved the game when it came about, god damn was it flawed.
F-Zero GX
The physics engine is pretty weird
I can't think of anything else
Name some flaws please. Not much repeatability once you've seen everything I guess.
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everything you've ever downloaded is in your Gmod folder, I saved up 300 gigs when I deleted it
it can be difficult to keep up the momentum needed to play ffxiv every day
thankfully I'm already in a good enough position that I don't "need" to do much else until Shadowbringers drops
still want to get that motherfucking doggo from Lakshmi tho
No re-spec in Bloodborne.
Dem tiddys. Even as a kid it bothered me how they didnt at least try to round them off a bit
Alan Wake will never get a sequel.
The characters have zero personality, the voice acting is subpar, the story is pretty silly to say the least, almost all weapons have identical animations, guns are really awkward to use, the psycho enemies keep respawning and escorting NPC's is not even remotely enjoyable.
I mean I still love it, tho...
aoe 2
>Ranking system for online play is broken for any game mode asides from 1v1s.
>A few civs are way too overpowered while some are laughably weak
>connection issues in team games ruin entire matches frequently
>the most recent expansion packs have horrendous/non-existant voice acting and shitty campaigns
Dragon's Dogma doesn't do NPC dialogue well, conversations end after a single sentence even if they have more to say.
Plot of nearly everything pre-Deny Salvation is a mess.
The Confusion mental mutation in Caves of Qud is OP bullshit when used against the player. Easily 2/3 of my long runs (lvl 20+) are ended as a direct result of being confused, even against relatively weak enemies.
Timesplitters 2's level editor kinda sucks
Chrono Trigger is too easy. Common problem in the 16bit JRPGs that got international releases, true but still.
Otherwise perfect pacing, good characters, fun story, cool combat and tons of charm.
The cover art is better than the game. Didn't even have druids.
>The enemy variety is abysmal, you spend way too much time fighting villagers
>The pacing of the main story is shit
>Why are so many weapons and armor in a cryptically hidden optional level?
>Some weapons are too good
you will literally always get Centaurmon or Numemon your first time.
If you recommend this game, people think you are a furry
Katana zero is to short
The Kong move sets and pace are wasted on boring enemies and barren environmenrs that are more often an annoyance moreso than challenge. (DK 64)
>Bionic Commando (NES)
The stupid pseudo-leveling system just to gain extra hit points is dumb and I hate it.
Community servers and the community of TF2 will never be the same. Valve give no shits about the game either but I have come to terms with that.
creepers blow up my house
How about some digimon only being available because of esoteric random number bullshit so you'll never even get them naturally?
My choice too. The multiplayer is tacked on and pointless.
>v's gameplay sucks
>audio mixing is weird or the music is just forgettable and mainly ambient
>judecca run away ai is wonky
>ranking system doesnt scale
>did not properly utilize coop feature
>trish and lady arent represented well. no fighting
>twosome time is a bitch to use and id rather the original input than seperate guns
>costumes are ass besides vergil
>you fight urizen too many times
>dantes song sucks ass
still love the game
Doom's view bobbing makes me sick when playing in widescreen.
Super Mario World has better movement and gimmicks. 3 has a ton of level variety, though.
The world sometimes feels empty
The game is a magical mess and I wouldn't have it any other way.
I don't know what did you expect from a nuclear apocalypse land, but the biggest flaw this game has is how brittle it is, especially with each W10 update
There was a goddamn time when Stalker was harder to run than FNV. Now its the opposite
When I just looked and had 200gbs of random game folders full of garbage that I haven't even played in more than 5 years...
The backtracking sucks at some points and the later hubs like 4 get a bit tedious but still fun nonetheless
>the character models look like shit even for the time
>its too easy
>second disc feels a bit like filler
>optional characters barely get any development
It's also easily abusable since the karma system is useless, leading to you stealing everything and become a millionaire much earlier than usual, and with GRA DLC, you'll get the best weapons in no time