
Three weeks, let's see 'em

Attached: E3 2019 Report Card.png (3250x2000, 1.19M)

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Not totally satisfied with my Microsoft tiles yet, but I've got time.

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>pokemon souf and norf

I thought people were trolling but I just realized there's really no Sony on E3 this year.

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Excited for Microsoft for the potential they have. The next-gen system reveals and new games for it, third-party multiplats that were likely prepped for Sony's conference that Microsoft scooped up. Same with Nintendo, lots of potential, but they'll probably blow it.

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well here you go

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besides a nintendo surprise here and there, the rest of this E3 is just gonna be multiplat stuff that goes de facto on sony consoles so there's no real interest in watching besides seeing the "world premiere" of some new stuff

Sucks, they were good for drinking games.

I know, it's great, no 20 minute conference artificially lengthened to an hour and a half. I might actually be able to go the whole expo without falling asleep this year

All they kept showing was VR shit so who cares

You would have to be retarded to think that Sony aren't going to put on some kind of show just after E3.

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not too excited for this one, hoping for a big nintendo surprise. otherwise I know enough about all the other shit

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Bayo 3 and Astral Chain man

I'm not expecting much.

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>bayo 3

>astral chain
seen enough, coming out soon anyway

Honestly, I hate most of the conferences but I still have some fun with them because of this board. I think Bethesda will be the worst out of all.

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Bayo 2 took the same route
Got announced a couple years before the full trailer

lol no, it was revealed september 2012 and shown june 2013

Don't even bother arguing. Literally every game that doesn't have gameplay shown within a year of it being announced is vaporware now.
Metroid Prime 4 is still """""vaporware""""" even though we've been updated on development, same goes with Bayonetta.

>etroid Prime 4 is still """""vaporware""""" even though we've been updated on development
>"by the way guys, we fucked up the dev so we starting over"
nice "update"

Bayo 3 trailer was just last fucking year too

fuck vidjia

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it was a year and a half ago, double the time it took bayo 2

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1 PC event wasn't bad enough, there's 2 now?

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>coming exclusively to the EPIC GAMES STORE
I somehow ended up on the darkest timeline.

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Golden Sun 4 isn't happening.
Please stop for your own sake.

Yeah, they are doing these 10 minutes livestreams that always dissapoint now instead.
So no new Sly Cooper or Jack and Daxter this e3

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>people unironically like Develovers reddit-fest sketches

honestly don't care much, just hoping for playable demos

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it's not that bad compared to the other shows, I mean they go way overboard with the "LOL LOUD AND RANDOM" but it's way better than Ubi's autism yearly autism fests and the shitty prewritten puns and one liners every uncharismatic hack tries to pull off at Microsoft and the PC show

The "PC Gaming Show" is the same boring shit we get every year with games you couldn't possibly give a shit about and soul-dead presentation.

The AMD event is all about revealing their new line of consumer CPUs and graphics cards, both of which are of great interest to PC gamers right now. AMD have had Intel beat in number of processor cores at a given price point, while giving up clock speeds - in effect, great value for productivity, not your first choice for gaming. The rumors we've been hearing have the gap in frequency closing pretty much entirely, and increasing core counts at each price point even further, and increasing energy efficiency at the same time. You can see that this would be a significant product launch if they even come close to the rumors.

As for graphics cards, the rumors aren't as exciting there, but the main thing is that Nvidia cards are offensively overpriced, and people are just hoping AMD at least has something competitive enough to get Nvidia to drop their prices already. So while you might not care, this will likely be a very important event for the PC hardware market.

>TESVI being anything but Hammerfell
They're literally in a heated lawsuit back and forth with some guy over the title Redfall.

Why is Nintendo your most anticipated conference if your expectations are literal dogshit for it

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because smash and a hat in time alone since those are guarenteed

What? No EA conference this year?

this is all i want but it'll never happen

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nah, they're getting tired of people noticing they're garbage

No, but they're doing 3 days of gameplay streams starting on the 7th

>Crossing out Nintendo for Sony
>He doesn't know

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Everything new you put is a literal who and the reason why EA was purposefully discluded was because these were meant for conferences, and EA isn't actually having one this year.

not with EA still in play.

ea is still showing shit the days prior to e3, its the same thing
those 2 are actual conferences

That's pre-E3, doesn't count until Microsoft kicks off the festivities

never ever my friend, we'll be lucky if there are any races but men and mer in the next game.

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EA conference aren't usually sleep inducing. They're probably the most rage inducing ones like usual

>that map
Those were good times...

So how will his Road to Canossa look like?
He has to say SOMETHING about that Fallout 76 nightmare. The People sure as hell have not forgotten about it yet, judging from the 5 million views from that Internet Historian video.
Also, how high is the chance that the sentence "We've heard you loud and clear" will be uttered? It's basically the universal "Video game company PR-crisis" empty phrase which everyone uses.

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do people actually want edrick

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I appreciate you including EA and all, but I prefer the larger tile size the other guy did. Makes doing pictures easier since the resolution is larger.

>I appreciate you including EA
Well I sure don't.

user I wish custom robo could come back, but that series has moved on
However, the creator of custom robo is making a custom-robo esque game on the Nintendo Switch, you should check it out
You could call it a "spiritual successor", if you will.

i want reimu but im gonna get like 7 (you)'s saying im a retard

some people do, but they're a minority
most people just agree that erdrick is going to get in

>Golden Sun 4
You're alright, OP.

what is this shit? autists making wish lists for e3? imagine worshipping corporations this much

just scale it higher?
sure smells like summer

>complaining about summer

t. wasn't around when moot said traffic doesn't change


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you have

to go back

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you must be new or a bad bait

never cared about e3

Imagine Reach and RDR2 on PC launching at the same time

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Completely forgot about that game.

>Forgetting the greatest bait and switch reveal of all time

I'm hoping xbox gives me a tease of this

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Imagine sucking cock this much

>All those bing bing wahoo soỳs ITT
I can really understand Sonybros bashing those manchildren now tbqh

commander keen is going to be back.
Just saying.

Better screencap this.

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>frog posting
> fail reply post

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>PC gaming show:
Expectations: RDR2, Bloodborne, other exclusives for Epic Store, massive butthurt
>Square Enix:
Judgement and other games on PC
>Wants: Fable 2
Exectations: car on stage

Attached: e3 2019 report card.png (3250x2000, 719K)

You have a template this one?


>The only good conference
Unless you are a redditor or an epic shill

>PC Expectations: RDR2, Bloodborne
You really think this will happen that strongly?

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Didn't Devolver announced that they wont be at E3 this year?

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What are the chances Todd or Pete Hines shows up on stage this E3?

>@ someone
someone help this retard

Nevermind, got it wrong. It was Croteam who aren't going to show up. I wamted some Serious Sam 4.


