Well, who are they Yea Forums?
Image changes that ruined your favorite characters
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You already posted Lara.
although I like nu-lara, I personally have a thing for braids and I'm pissed nu-lara abandoned the braids
Age demographics of Yea Forums killed Yea Forums for me
>I like nu-lara
kill yourself
I have this habit of being some kind of weird delusional optimist. For Lara and Dante my thought process and defense was I bet we're going to get to see them grow into the characters we liked. So I was fine with it for awhile until it was clear that wasn't happening and this is just what we were going to be stuck with.
Pastebin the article. I cannot believe a game journalist out there would actually acknowledge any sort of fault with anything related DmC:DmC.
>I don't like nulara
Kill yourself
I'm more surprised by Lara.
Crash is the worst one here. nuLara is at least hot and Donte's design is okay in a vacuum but you really can't say anything good about titan Crash even if you've never seen any other iteration of Crash before. It's just plain ugly.
Can you not detect the snark just from the headline? The whole thing is going to be a passive aggressive bitch fest about gamers hating everything.
I would be too because her design really isn't a massive departure, but DmC is the hill that so many journalists have chosen to die on.
I just want to make sure.
Waiting on that autistic puyofag who thinks the new art style ruined every character.
Eh, Dante was already ruined by the 3rd incarnation anyway.
Well for Dante it could have happened but why would you think that for Lara. The chances of her getting bigger tits and ass while being more athletic makes no sense.
Titan Crash is peak souless trash that reeks of sniveling oldfarts in a board room trying to be in with the kids
This was the peak.
Why did Sierra go full retard for the Crash of the Titans designs?
>"Let's take Spyro and make him look like a deformed gremlin"
-Activision 2011
They saw tiny, felt that he didn't look enough like a tiger, and changed him accordingly.
Yes, I am implying that they had genuinely never heard of a tasmanian tiger.
I'll never understand this redesign.
But journos will probably defend it anyway.
I don't get emotionally invested in how video game characters look because I'm not an immature child, so: nobody.
Obviously Bomberman's redesign in Act Zero. Didn't really ruin the character for me. Like most people, I just ignore Act Zero and pretend the game doesn't exist. He went back to his old design the next game anyway, and has been the same ever since.
>no one's mentioned Other M Samus yet
that was more her characterization than her design
It's to make him fit in with all the other horrible abominations in that game.
If he looked like his normal self, he'd look way better than all the other characters.
I just want to forget
I even preferred sleazy Dan Aykroyd Frank to this abomination
Why are faithful redesigns so hard for some people?
>DmC:DMC totally killed Dante
Tomb Raider was always shit, faggot.
Why did you have to remind me that this horseshit exists!?
Fat washed up loser OTR Frank was great
Arrogant dickhead Frank in DR4 had no redeeming qualities
>Literal waifufag
>Telling others to have sex
I think the meme is dead for me now.
Defend these
DmC Dante actually saved the DMC franchise and Capcom wants Ninja Theory to make a DmC2
Normalfags need regular sex to function or they go crazy.
>top 10 trash
Venusaur w/ frog legs
They really just repainted their fire dragon from red to Purple.
That was actually some random dragon that Actiblizz last-minute decided to change into """Spyro""" in order to help sell Skylanders.
Sonic Boom Knuckles, of course.
Somehow Coco still looks adorable.