""Games"" that this board would deride as movies if they were made by a western developer

""Games"" that this board would deride as movies if they were made by a western developer.

Attached: Yakuza-0-2.jpg (1200x675, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Still has more gameplay than western ones

Yes but Japanese humour ftw

I'd fucking wish western game developers could make such games as Yakuza 0

a game having a story doesn't mean it's a movie

nobody calls Mass Effect or other huge wRPGs with barebones combat movie games.

movie games are games that actively seek casual movie-watching audiences and damage the gameplay in order to make it more movie-like.


If Western developers could make "Movie games" half as good as Yakuza 0, I'd stop complaining about them.
For all the cutscenes and text, Yakuza 0 is still a fucking good game. If Yakuza 0 is a movie, then so is every single JRPG on the planet.

I would call it open world at this point just to piss you off because you know I'm even right to a certain extent

>games that actively seek casual movie-watching audiences and damage the gameplay in order to make it more movie-like.
So, just like Yakuza?

Attached: Yakuza 0 QTEs.webm (640x360, 2.17M)

It was already being called a movie game for years because it was a sony exclusive. Now that it's on PC, you can't call it a movie game anymore

>Cherry picking a recurring QTE that breaks up the literal blitz of real combat sequences in that level that lead to a boss
Based retard

>Game emphasizes cinematic QTEs
>"No, it's not a movie game!"
Based retard.

Attached: YakuzaGameplay.webm (1920x1080, 2.57M)

>QTE in the webm doesn't even do damage
>It's just a cinematic pause in the middle of the actual gameplay
Keep cherry picking. I've actually played these games, so I know what the fuck I'm talking about.

It's hard to play a movie.

Attached: 1558280250501.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

God of War had a ONE HOUR LONG intro with no gameplay. Would a Yakuza game do that?

why are the enemies not doing anything

Yakuza 6 has ninety (90) minutes without gameplay at the start.

Attached: Movieyuza 6.png (1634x302, 133K)

>a game having a story doesn't mean it's a movie

The majima presentation "cutscene" was long enough to make my screensaver kick in, gimme a break.

The game is terribly lackluster in many ways and the cutscenes are the only redeeming part of the whole thing, this would be better off as a movie with a videogame about the movie that has small minigames.

GoW doesn't have an hour long intro, but Yakuza 6 has one even longer than that.
There isn't a single western game with an hour long intro with no gameplay.

There's already a thread up about this with 435 replies. is this mental illness or a closet jav thread?

so having a big budget is what makes a movie game then?

Can we all agree that it's a good thing that the enemies in Yakuza games don't really pose a threat and wait to be hit because it makes the games feel more like sidescrolling beat em ups?


Except you can skip the cutscenes in yakuza and most other Japanese cutscene heavy games. Can you skip the cinematics in western movie games like Uncharted or GoW 2018?

Basic beat 'em up design.
Go play Streets of Rage. A lot of the enemies there just sit there and let you wail on them. Even DMC does this and like DMC, when you play Yakuza on harder difficulties, the enemies get more aggressive.

No it doesn't. There is literally a fight in the first 5 minutes. Granted, it's a tutorial, but still.
Another gameplay segment in the dream sequence
Not much later, you're walking around the orphanage
You also walk around Kamurocho within the hour, barely restricted. You can fight here.

I like how you clearly didn't even scroll through the video.

You can't skip the 44 hours of cutscenes in Persona 5, or the 15 hours of cutscenes in Final Fantasy VII.

>you can walk during cutscenes
woah, just like in the last of us. it's totally gameplay guys

Well, they made one.

Attached: sleeping dogs.jpg (550x680, 123K)

>Go play Streets of Rage. A lot of the enemies there just sit there and let you wail on them
This is not true. Maybe the very first enemy of the very first level on very easy mode hardly hits you but that's it

Pure cope

>Moving goalposts
I thought you'd try a little harder.

No, the fundamental balancing of these kinds of games is based around the fact that due to the importance of crowd control, the AI has to compensate by not rushing you down as if it were a fighting game. Of course, as you go through, the enemies get stronger, but that's what happens in Yakuza, too.

Attached: BBo3c-IrtE9QjxzOdZq-q1RjnD1KO8nkS2YnvRFraxI.png (567x680, 223K)

>You can't skip the 44 hours of cutscenes in Persona 5
Yes you can retard

Based and redpilled.

Absolute retard

Yes, I have never played a 2D beatemup with enemies who attacked me

That's a guy fighting basic mooks with a deliberately overpowered unlockable fighting style that you'd usually only get after beating the game. In most fights you're not gonna be attacking as fast or as frequently, which gives even those shitty enemies time to actually do something.

Canada is in the west.

There is over 120 hours of gameplay and only 15 hours of cutscenes, you pathetic shitposter
I want this meme to die and I want OP to die

>square enix is a western company

Attached: 932639139.png (2048x1406, 1.96M)

They only published the game

It's a fucking shonen anime with some gameplay (that is as grindy as any other domestic-oriented japanese game), that's exactly why it's loved.
Only retards care about games having too much cutscenes

>Publisher is the same as developer
Based retard.

>DmC is a Japanese game now because Capcom published it

lol you fucking dunce

If it was made by westerners it wouldn't be full of a ton of fun side content. Nobody likes Yakuza for the cutscenes.

Attached: 1551887101867.gif (500x281, 473K)

>It's a fucking shonen anime
I wish shounenshit was like Yakuza. Yakuza's soap opera tier bullshit is miles above the best shounen battle manga.

This has to be bait

Attached: 3.png (112x112, 27K)

>Decided to try 100 % complete this game.
>Stuck on fucking Mahjong RNG bullshit

Attached: 1483295509627.gif (600x600, 1.96M)

>search 'game all cutscenes' on youtube
>see a result

Attached: D129D02A0ADD4FF29ADE7D1A294064DB.png (320x450, 38K)

>calls others shitposters while posting this
Embarrassing. Maybe you should be the one to die. Leave the Yakuza discussions to us grown ups.

Attached: 1558358069349.jpg (870x675, 129K)

Attached: Screenshot_2.jpg (212x169, 11K)

Yakuza has lengthy cutscenes but it also has a shit ton of gameplay and side content to explore, in addition to sidequests that are often amusing and serve to develop main characters. Try again.

Fuck off retard
Stop shitposting about a game you clearly havent played

What constitutes a cutscene in those videos? Are persona's dialogue scenes included? How do they break up the flow of noncontrolled and player controls sequences that happen one after another in Sony's movie games like Uncharted?

>Are Persona's segments with no meaningful player input included
Yes, Persona 5 is probably the longest movie ever made.

I don't have to have played sleeping dogs to know the difference between a publisher and a developer

I'm talking about Yakuza you giant retard

I also don't have to have played yakuza to know the difference between a publisher and a developer. Happy now?

Are you mentally deficient? Read the OP post

With that logic VN's are movies. Little to no player control is a bad metric for measuring this.

>VN's are movies.
Are you implying they're not?

It's True Crime in the asian setting. It happens to be an open world with melee oriented fighting. The similarity with Yakuza ends there

You do know how reply chains work? I'm talking about the dumb thing you said in your own damn post. Jesus. Stop shitting up the thread.

It has karaoke too.

So am I giant retard

Yes, they are glorified picture books not movies, hence, Visual Novel.

>Publisher means the same as developer

unless there's a side scrolling beatemup game where enemies attack you, yes

You were talking about sleeping dogs you slippery rat.

>Yakuza is a movie gam-

Attached: Yakuza - Dojima Family.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

well at least one enemy tried to attack you once before you activated the cutscene

That webm has a heat move.
You know they're gonna sperg out over that.

why? what's wrong with that?

Depends on which one you watch

>clunky punching followed by an epic cutscene attack

That user was not talking about sleeping dogs read the reply chain


Post some good Yakuza gameplay that won't cause "them" to "sperg out" then.
You won't. You'll throw insults around, you'll make excuses. You'll maintain that Yakuza has good gameplay but you won't simply post a video showing it. And everyone will know why that is, even if you post 300 replies full of mealy mouthed excuses and deflection.

I've found this mod that replaces the button prompts with dualshock ones, and this guy says the disco game doesn't work with it, but one of the photos he provides refuses to load because it's being hosted on discord.

If you guys either have a picture of what the game looks like on pc, or some way for me to access the photo, it'd be a big help.

he was, follow the square enix reply.

It wasn't about yakuza OR sleeping dogs, it was mocking a retard for not knowing the difference between a publisher and a developer

>not one post about how shallow the gameplay in Yakuza actually is

Attached: 1509312988903.gif (488x154, 345K)

Ah sweet, now I can REALLY enjoy those QTEs

Fuck off nigger.

All you've been doing is moving goalposts. That webm featured tight style switching and dodge play but you only focused on the heat actions, which spend meter, because you're an autist.
Street Fighter has super moves where you land a single blow and you have to watch a predetermined animation. Does that make it a movie game?

You literally said "leave the yakuza discussion to the grown ups"
You dogshit OP bait post isnt grown up discussion you're a fucking retard and you have never played Yakuza

Yakuza has some of the deepest third person action gameplay on the market.

Attached: God Tier Yakuza Combat.webm (640x360, 2.53M)

>it features dodge play!
>enemies don't even attack

Because it isnt shallow you insecure fucking freak

Yakuza is unironically one of my favorite franchises and all the games are excellent

Attached: Yak.jpg (1280x1280, 809K)

>god-tier combat .webm
>enemies are doing nothing but waiting their turn to be hit

>Kiryu literally sidesteps an incredibly damaging dagger stab move
Fucking retard

>X,X,X,X,X, up, X,X,X,X,X,X, right,X,X,X,X,X,X

thats the other user replying to him

You're thinking of Batman.

Name ONE fucking old school 2d beat em up sidescroller where the enemies attack you, you fucking nigger. Name ONE. That's right you can't.

that's not something a secure person says. throw a tantrum elsewhere please.

and also that Yakuza webm

what's deep about it?

Had the game been done by western devs it wouldn't have any of the funny moments

Obvious bait but I'll bite

ape escape 4

Is this a false flag or genuinely what yakuza fans call "god tier combat"? because this seriously comes across like a joke
but then again yakuza fans are always posting webms like this as proof the combat is good when all it does is prove otherwise so it's impossible to know if this is trolling or not

This port is such a mess. I dealt with the performances with a heavy OC but now I can't leave the upgrade menu if I upgrade something, this is a major fuck up

Attached: 1549383575682.jpg (1920x1080, 1.68M)

what's impressive about this? it's bog standard brawler gameplay

Do you think Yakuza games would benefit from having more than two types of enemies? After 7 games I wouldn't mind seeing a third type of regular enemy, personally.

Yakuza is starting to become less niche so nobody will feel special for being a fan so they start to shit on the games. Standard Yea Forums being edgy twerps

Common enemies that drives various vehicles as road rage weapons?

Once again, plebs make an embarrassment of themselves.

Attached: Why the Yakuza games have good combat.png (593x1457, 600K)


>needs a twitter screencap from some literal who to think for him
all i can do is laugh at this stage

mash attack
change style
spam dodge 5 times even though only 1 is needed
mash attack
spam dodge 5 times even though only 1 is needed
change style
mash attack
spam dodge 5 times even though only 1 is needed


>Can't provide an argument because he knows get got BTFO

Attached: smilingKiryu.png (567x680, 415K)

stupid frogposter
I have had a bit of trouble with mahjong, but as long as you keep your hand closed, and try to make some melds, it's not too awful. Play a few times, then quit out and reload if you lose too much money. Don't go for huge, crazy hand, just go for minimum yaku to win consistently.
The AI does cheat, a lot, so it is an exercise in patience.

Attached: Mahjong.jpg (3300x2550, 2.39M)

Watching this made me realize how unimpactful the combat is in the Dragon engine. Every heavy attack just sends everyone flying but there's a lack of humph on the attacks themselves.

But all this is bullshit when the fucking facts are you spend 99% of fights pushing the same two buttons in the same way against the same two types of enemies

you didn't provide an argument you just parroted someone else's

Attached: 1557671976785.png (928x287, 150K)

why do you keep posting this thread?

Vanquish would so be overlooked if made by a western dev

Niche eastern game isn't niche anymore so now they cry that it's shit

But this is like saying Bioshock games have amazing varied gameplay because of plasmids. Sure, you can say there are lots of different ways to fight, but the game gives you no reason to. Practically everything you unlock doesn't actually change how you play, it's at most a different animation.
It's like having a fire punch, electric punch, ice punch, bee punch, mega punch, rock punch, etc etc but they all just mean "push square to punch"
Nothing you unlock in Yakuza games leads to more varied gameplay, you're still just doing the same shit against the same two types of enemies a million times over.

There's a lot of cutscenes but more of the content is gameplay. It's a big game.

>because he knows get got BTFO

Attached: 1548674650155.jpg (473x591, 37K)

To be fair, Persona's "skip" is a fast forward.

>the combat is actually good because if you do enough boring side content you unlock a back kick
Is this a joke?

Here's what actually happened:
>Yea Forums hypes up Yakuza as some sort of unparalleled masterpiece of a series
>Game becomes far more accessible and available to a larder audience
>People feel mislead when they get a movie game

Not necesserily related to Yakuza but if a 100 hour game had 20 hours of cutscenes would it be considered a movie game by Yea Forums?

The basic problem is that despite all the moves you get fighting enemies is still not fun, and the game rewards cheap tactics instead of complex ones. All enemies act in pretty much the same way, and either they are easy to react against or nearly impossible to react against.

>2 hours in a game than can be 50 to 100
Even if it were a western game no one would call it a movie.

somebody tell me in words what's good about the combat instead of posting a lifeless webm with no explanation

but the game is so easy in the first place
so what's the point

Don't blame the game for you not using all the tools the developers give you.

The boss fights are really the star of Yakuza series combat. Everything else is meh and can be cheesed by just smacking people with objects. Majima Everywhere was some good stuff, even if he did eventually turn into a sponge.

mixed with

less popular game good
popular game bad

Play on the highest stakes until you get enough money, then play on the lowest, you're way more likely to get impressive wins. Just keep playing, you'll get it before you realize it.

it's _________________________________________________________fun___________________________________

but the game gives you absolutely no incentive to go "deeper"
if you can just mash the same buttons to beat braindead bad guys then that is shit combat, and the game doesn't have good combat just because I can potentially spend a lot of time unlocking moves that make it EVEN EASIER to beat the same braindead punching bags

No thank you

Attached: c3e565e210fcc6d2e3ce0d6d8569e615.jpg (1080x1080, 129K)

Kiwami had the worst boss fights.
What the fuck are you talking about.

Are you joking? So all the plasmids being glorified reskins of guns and that being too boring to bother with is MY fault and not the devs?

Just kill yourself pathetic troll

>Yea Forums hates Yakuza now
What the FUCK went wrong?

You heard it here first, folks

If you dislike something about a game it's actually your fault, not the devs. If you can't just eat shit then don't blame the game.

I honestly prefer Yakuza 1's combat (yes, on PS2)
But K2 is great

sorry i forgot to add:
grab weapon
mash attack
spam dodge 5 times even though only 1 is needed

I define movie game as "a game that pushes cinematics and cinematic sequences in expense of gameplay". The God of War rebooy could have had 0 minutes of traditional cutscenes and I'd still call it a movie game.

people actually played the game

Git gud.

Attached: Yakuza - Black Umbrella.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

weak combat
VN "gameplay"
bad writing
repetition and rehashing

>Let's compare the amount of gameplay by looking at the cutscene length.
A movie game can have less cutscenes than a game game. Movie games are more movie than game, game games are more game than movie. If Yakuza 6 has 13 hours of cutscenes but 100 of gameplay it's hardly a movie game. The last of us gets called movie game not because of its cutscenes but how much is spent walking and talking and viewing the scenery and finding a ladder and stuff like that.

This looks really cool but you'd go to jail if you did this IRL

it got more popular. Yea Forums babbies can't be seen with it anymore.

Not enough cunny

Attached: 002___1558388011.jpg (737x1130, 523K)

It's a shame you activated that cutscene, it almost looked like an enemy was going to try attack the player for once

Oh fuck he pressed triangle, how did he do it

Yakuza does get a free pass on so much stuff that other games don't tbf. Yakuza isn't good enough to deserve free passes.

No. The traditional definition of a movie game is a game that has equal or more cutscenes, dialogue and corridors than gameplay.

Reminder that by this definition, Metal Gear games are movie games and Yea Forums loves Metal Gear.

You can beat the game is less than an hour.

>Yakuza does get a free pass on so much stuff that other games don't tbf.
>Yakuza isn't good enough to deserve free passes.

i'd say around 40% cutscenes and dialogue is the cutoff

Its called shitposting user

I seriously hope every chump who Yea Forums tricked into playing this series buys every one of them and finishes 6 so they realise all too late they've wasted literally hundreds of hours of their lives on shit

People are enjoying the game. Yea Forums hates people.

Attached: Sales estimation .png (1489x392, 620K)

w a c k y, text heavy sidequests cannot save it

It's cutscene to content you retard. If you chose not to do it then it's your own fault.

Only mgs4 fits the "in expense of gameplay" definition. All the other games are much better paced out gameplay to cinematic wise.

>saying "git gud" while posting a cutscene
Now this is next level shitposting. You almost tricked me.

>VN "gameplay"
The fuck are you even talking about, retard?

Yakuza: Where even the combat has cutscenes

That's not how it work retard.

visual novel, newfag

Yakuza gets a free pass because everything is optional aside from the main story gameplay. You can choose to not do 99% of side stories and you can skip the cutscenes and never play the minigames if you don't want. Your experience is up to you, do what you want.

I would like, for once, to have a yakuza thread that isnt just 90% shitposting and bait

What? Metal Gear Solid is the sole pioneer of the movie game. Compare the stealth mechanics and level design of Metal Gear Solid to contemporaries, like Thief, Splinter Cell, and Hitman and you'll see that it absolute comes at the expense of gameplay.

>You can choose to not do 99% of side stories and you can skip the cutscenes and never play the minigames if you don't want.
75% of the game gone at that point

Maybe they should make a good game then

You'll have to leave Yea Forums for that

They already have. Yakuza 0 is the 35th best game of all time.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-20 at 5.35.59 PM.png (1670x308, 242K)

bad games get bad threads


Attached: 1558381081003.jpg (959x946, 65K)

Nah. MGS was just the first 3D iteration of the old Metal Gear games for the MSX. 2 and especially 3 took stealth a lot further and their gameplay is great.

What's the best way to make lots of money in Y0?

Get a life


Attached: 1546281562197.png (1149x913, 86K)

And what does that matter if you are enjoying the parts you chose to play and avoided what you don't enjoy?

It went to PC. After that our Sony fanbase here couldn't use them as reasons to buy a ps4.

Nice shitposting and baiting :^) way to prove my point

Get the upgrade that multiplies shakedowns cash by 1.5 then purposefully lose to him
Then beat him, then lose, then win, ect.
Infinite money

>their gameplay is great.
It took the franchise 30 years to have mechanics on par with games from the early 00s.

A game isn't considered a movie game unless it only has cutscenes/story.
Yakuza has plenty of gameplay so no matter how many qtes/cutscenes are in it, it still not a movie game.
If anything you're the one with the bias by not considering that at all in your OP.

i'm just saying there's not much game left if you do that. if you enjoy it, no problem. but i'd recommend playing different games if you're skipping so much of these ones.

What a fucking dogshit board. I'm actually done with this place now.

See you tomorrow.

lol stop lying

To me the boss fights are half of what make metal gear, which is why I see 4 as the inferior game that took things too far at the expense of the gameplay.

don't reply to bait, retard, and maybe the threads full of bait will go away.

i have one, and it doesn't involve Yakuza after trying it out and finding out it's a shit series

He kills me in like 2 hits, is that normal?

user its been this way forever
Its the contrarian board, nobody is allowed to like games here

Yakuza is fun. I'm one of those people who plays dmc/bayo for years because of the combo potential/combat system, so it's obvious that yakuza's combat isn't really going for that. However, its combat really nails the timing, sound effects, and ridiculousness. It just feels really good swinging environment objects, switching to another style, dodging, and then getting a very specific heat action. It's a game that's about looking at spectacle as much as it is about character drama.

The magic of Yakuza is that it's more an adventure game with combat about a cartoony crime city. The devs know this very well, so everything in the gameplay plays to this. Because it sticks to its guns very well (the juxtaposition between super serious kiryu and all the silly bullshit he has to do), it makes for A+ entertainment. That's the basic appeal.

>tricked into playing game
I cannot even comprehend your retard world.

c u 2moro bby

Yea. Get a shotgun and he dies very quickly. Use rush too.

It was good for the most part but obviously unfinished.

Could've been much much more.

Remember, you're here forever

Yeah just dont get hit
Use rush style
Once you get the hang of his moveset its really easy to farm him

only children and manchildren contextualize praise for a game they don't like as "being tricked," as if there's some big crime involved. I realize this is bait, but so many Yea Forumstards take this seriously

Do we at least get the Fist of the North Star game to mitigate the wait for the PS3 remasters?

>Responding to ACfag wannabes

How fucking embarrassing, what kind of autist throws a tantrum like this?
I bet they'll stay in the thread and also be back to every single yakuza thread until the end of time.

Fuck them for not making a sequel. Absolutely fantastic game.


Fuck all this negativity

Attached: majima.jpg (1920x1080, 274K)

he didn't deserve it ;_;

Attached: 1541767503_image.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

I agree, but that freedom of choice is what I find important. If I think a games gameplay is fun but the story and cutscenes are awful being able to skip them can save me from getting a refund or putting away the game. DmC is my personal recent example.
That choice is taken away when you make a game like the God of War reboot where you by design can't skip right to the combat and actual gameplay.

Yeah, he deals a lot of damage but when you get more health upgrades you can stand a few more hits. The easiest way to beat him is to buy a bunch of knives and heat drinks then just continually keep using the stab heat move on him until he dies.

>using weapons


it just got ported to a platform where people aren't afraid of talking about flaws without buyer's remorse

>If I think a games gameplay is fun but the story and cutscenes are awful
i look for a game that suits me better at this point

Zap Guns


>Ever defending western gaming which is now besieged by demagogues, s oyboys and corporate suits

Why though. Let it die.

Attached: 1558253352271.png (1152x648, 22K)

nobody is defending western gaming. what posts are doing that?
they're criticizing yakuza for being like western games.
if you think western games are shit then you should criticize yakuza for doing the same garbage they do

>fighting against Mr.Shakedown on fair grounds when you can beat him in 10 seconds with a zap gun
Waste of fucking time.

Name 1 western game like Yakuza.

Sleeping Dogs

>it has asians therefore its the same!
You havent even played a Yakuza game stop baiting people

The batman games? I'm trying to think of a game where the enemies don't attack you

can't Yakuza has the shallow brawler with goofy, mostly text based side content genre locked down

VNs are pretty rare in the west, so you've got me there

sleeping dogs is way more like GTA, except the gang culture is steeped in the triad. It emulate GTA down to the gameplay, the tone (though a bit more serious), and the open world nature. Yakuza is way more about character drama, has very little resemblance to GTA style gameplay, and has a world that's occupied more with odd jobs than "missions." It's a goofy game about being a Yakuza in name only, and then beating up other real yakuza bosses with your fists. It has literally no similarities in tone, gameplay, or thematic presentation to Sleeping Dogs or GTA

Arguing with people on Yea Forums is like trying to convince a wow fag that classic backed by Blizzard will be garbage.


Attached: 1485640198511.jpg (1920x1080, 259K)


Literally more content than any AAA "experience" made in the last 5 years
>You hatin from outside da club, bitch you couldn't even get in

Attached: YK_DLUX_DESK_WALLPAPER_3_3840X2160_V2.jpg (3840x2160, 1.22M)

Y'know, I actually thought about posting that video, but I thought it would look bad since he's using exploits to make the fight easier, the way that he keeps opening the menu to interrupt the animation for style switching. I mean, just put on the Quick Change Clothes.

Why use the convoluted way when Zap Guns do the trick?


Because its fun?

what an ironic post considering you chose to ignore every post shitting all over your retarded eceleb twitter screencap

Self-imposed challenge. Why fill out all the Heat Actions when you only need to use like 40 to get the Completion Point?


Kiwami didn't even have that much content.
Kiwami 2 on the other hand...still wish it had Pocket Circuit and the disco.

He pauses to switch to Legend, since you can't switch to it manually in-game like the other styles

He's opening the menu to change to legend style
You cant change to legend without opening the menu

Oh, is that what it is? Well, nevermind then.

Western developers deserve all the fire.

It's OK when the japanese does it, unironically.

If you do that the cutscenes will be drastically cut down as well though. Hell, it'd probably shift it MORE to gameplay over cutscene.


>enemies ignore you
>spam attack buttons
>long ass cutscene plays
Unironically less gameplay than the standard over the shoulder sony game.

Attached: 14660344295289.jpg (387x378, 42K)

Only Sony games can be movie games for NintenGAF

>falling for the "more content" meme
Yeah, and Ubisoft puts out non-stop hits.

This board hates Nintendo, though.

>normally trash enemies
>lately they've been juking my attacks, punishing misses and even clashing with moves that beat mine
>everyone else has the enemies stand there and die
I don't get it. Mr.Shakedown is less of a threat than the men in black basic enemies in terms of hits they get in.

Attached: DXKFTktVwAUamKi.jpg (907x778, 72K)

Yeah, Yakuza is literally a Sony franchise and has never been on a Nintendo system aside from the Japanese-only HD remasters of 1&2 on the Wii U. It only got put on Windows recently. So it's a movie game to Yea Forums.

Mostly good but the final stretch of the game meanders
also the world doesn't have that much to do in it despite being pretty atmospheric
and it felt like it was supposed to have a morality system of some sort but it didn't?

Ubisoft appeals to the masses, sorry you like Frog Leg games and I like fun games, if you don't like Yakuza then you probably don't like NV since it has too much reading too

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Even Koei's musou games have more effort put into their combat systems these days and everyone rightfully shits on the combat on those games, why do Yakuza fans eat this shit up the way they do? It's just early PS3 era musou (the one even musou fans don't like) with even worse AI and QTE special attacks

99% sure the problem is you're not reading the descriptions of the equipment that you use and you're wearing either gear that has Charismatic in its name or the Champion's ring. It makes all enemies go berserk

Attached: munancho.webm (1280x720, 2.34M)

What about a game with both bad gameplay and bad story, like Yakuza? Even you cucks admit every thread that the gameplay and story is subpar, what you actually like about these games is something even you can't explain

NV never takes control away from the player.

>Preordered Kiwami 2, for some reason I never got the feeling to start it
>Fuck it, let's go play some Yakuza
This is why I love this game.

Attached: kiryu_heart.png (1920x1080, 3.54M)

check True Crime games, Sleeping Dogs might as well be called True Crime 3. both previous games had morality, it was cut from dogs

>What is all the times you have to stand still when the NV cut scenes happen.
For example when you upgrade the Securitrons

It is not "punishing" when the enemy AI is asleep 90% of the time and do considerably less damage than you do at all times to boot though? Does he even believe the shit he's saying?

Wait is this same guy who for some reason pretended to be a "Devil May Cry OG" for no particular reason other than to be a prick about it to others, only for it to come out that he entered the series through the HD collection?

>upgrade the Securitrons
A choice that is left up to the player.

we can

>wanting to look at cop faces all day
Go back to Nellis Boomer

Anyone who doesn't have Yakuza 0 in their top 10 vidya has shit taste.

Attached: MY Favorite Games.jpg (920x920, 442K)

i need bomberman to get this much attention

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>Borderlands 2
this list is bottom tier

It really doesn't.

That's not even the worst game on there.

Probably not even in my top 50.
It was so boring to play and I will never play the rest of the games

Don't worry bro I know how good the game is.
>Haters just can't read

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>Serious Sam II over First Encounter

Attached: zeroTwoGun.png (740x405, 437K)

you know I've only played yakuza 0-2K (waiting on the remasters for ps4 and judgement) I do gotta admit one thing these games always know how to handle are their finales, especially the final bosses. Even K1's who I think is the weakest gameplay wise is still a pretty great fight imo.

Attached: pretty kino.png (854x463, 429K)

>K1's who I think is the weakest gameplay wise
You've obviously not played 3.

Well yeah I said l'm still waiting on the remasters to come to the west

>this dumb nigger came from the year 1997 with his screensaver to shitpost about a game that he doesn't like, mostly because he sucks cocks

> press x to awesome
nice fucking 'game' weeaboos

It really does. Yakuza games have fucking tons of combat, and minigames

>ywn play yakuza 0 for the first time again

Attached: image.jpg (680x428, 193K)

Yakuza always has alot of shit to do though. Combat, old arcade games, sidestories.

Attached: 7327266.32_1554305209976.png (679x889, 421K)

I’m doing it right now user
I love Majima

It hurts.

the west wishes they could make a game a third as good as yakuza 0

>movie game
>instant replies
This board is such trash.

It really doesn’t it has bog standard combat and qte’s. wow the diversity

>movie games are games that actively seek casual movie-watching audiences and damage the gameplay in order to make it more movie-like.
so, in other words, mass effect and other huge wrp"g"s.

Is the definitive edition worth buying if I already own the original?

But they've made several.

>waaaaah muh qtes
>waaah the combat is too standard
What if I told you that bayonetta can be described in the exact same way?
Any reaction other than an immediate livestreamed suicide would be incorrect by the way.

>people already forgot the yakuza game with the best combat

Sequel when?

Attached: p4gfinslp_1.png (650x820, 902K)

it flopped so never


overall? sure i guess
a narrative one? lol, the best they can shit out is something like tlou

>kingdom hearts
>persona 5
>borderlands 2
>final fantasy x (not even the best in its own series by a long shot)
Yikes my dude

You misspelled JRPGs.

did it really do poorly? I rather liked it although I can't say I knew literally anything about fotns beforehand, I didn't even know the setting of the world was mad max

>guys do i fit in?

>Memelands 2

>The Last of Us

Attached: TLoU Ludo.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

I heard it flopped in Japan.
Not sure about the west. I'm pretty sure it will have a PC release too if the team behind Y0/Kiwami aren't doing Y3 PC

>This board hates Nintend-

Attached: 1554691287669.jpg (1343x7717, 1.91M)

I hope not. It really was great and the complaints about the yakuza games being easy button mashers dont apply here.

what am i meant to be seeing in this webm?

hollywood wishes it could make movies as good as the average jrpg.

There really was nothing else like it. Repeat playthroughs just aren't the same.

Attached: Yakuza0-3-1024x577.png (1024x577, 589K)

>Multiple threads shown shitting on Nintendo

Its the only game/movie/anything that ever actually made me cry and i cried twice
One at the forest scene with nishiki and the other when tachibana dies and makoto "meets" him
Got a bit teary eyed when Majima was a chad at the ending and gave up his happiness for Makoto too.
Such a memorable experience playing Y0 for the first time I'll never forget it. I just wish the other games had this level of quality.

Attached: HardTimes.png (1061x1574, 3.14M)

Name one (1) game where a repeat playthrough is as good as your first time through.

I don't even remember seeing it over here. It's a shame because I was curious about trying it myself.

>What if I told you that bayonetta can be described in the exact same way?
It could be but anyone that’s actually played both games would tell you that bayo is way more complex and nuanced. Yakuza is a cinematic movie style game plain and simple and it only gets a pass cause it’s Japanese.

>livestream your suicide
this is pretty edgy just over someone not liking QTEs in a videogame
be less autistic

>meanwhile, 90% of the catalog is pro-nintendo spam

>casual buttonmash "press-X-to-awesome" combat for literal babies
>gameplay time bloated with filler garbage "follow-the-map-marker" side quests
>long ass cutscenes
how could any self-proclaimed computer game connoisseur enjoy this pleb-tier trash is beyond me.

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Hello newfriend

wtf how is that a good thing? also enemies do attack you in old beat em ups, are you insane?

I always enjoy old Resident Evil games more when going through them after my first playthrough, because then you understand the mechanics and the map layouts better, and you aren't wasting as much time aimlessly wandering around.

>replying to an obvious false flag

>I'm pretty sure it will have a PC release
Yes please.

Gotta have something to play after Kiwami 2.

Literally go play final fight or streets of rage. Enemies take turns attacking you

Yakuza is quintessential ludocore, pleb.

Attached: Yakuza Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

How is it a false flag? Enemies don't attack the player in sidescrolling beat em ups. Bosses, yes. But other enemies don't.

>"Fuck this button mashing biring cutscene simulator!!"
>meanwhile praises Sleeping Dogs, Assassins Creed, Batman: Arkham
You cant make this shit up
This thread is a literal meme

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Criticize the shit button mashing combat in yakuza all you want, but don't praise other games while you do it. Even if those other games have enemies that actively try to harm the player instead of waiting to be hit.

>Batman has shit comba-

Attached: Batman Arkham Combat.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

Wow nice comeback, fucking retard.

why is Yea Forums trying its hardest to hate on yakuza 0

>X, X, X, Y, X, X+Y, X, Y, X

>that autotracking to enemies

>press one button to win
At least Yakuza requires you to time counters, dodge, change stances, and actually use button combos

both garbage

>Even if those other games have enemies that actively try to harm the player instead of waiting to be hit.
See to undermine your point you tiny brained man.

No one hates it the yakuza games are good but they do get a pass on things other games would get ripped apart for

Its about 3 or 4 samefag retards baiting, dont mistake it for everybody.

but these require the enemies to attack you, which they don't in yakuza
just like old sidescrollers

damn its sick that batman created a new magnetic boots gadget they drags him across the floor to the nearest enemy



it’s the only modern day beatemup

This is the exact same shit you see in the Yakuza webms. Both are terrible. The only difference is the Batman devs didn't sell people the exact same game 10 times over.

lel, i went all the way through 0 on hard with nothing but beast style button mashing

falseflag harder ninshill

>i abused a broken mechanic therefore nothing else exists
Pathetic argument
The combat has a ton of depth you just didn't bother to learn it

>Yakuza requires you to time counters, dodge, change stances, and actually use button combos
Everyone who has played a Yakuza game knows this is blatantly not true
I'm all for defending the games, I love them, but why lie to do it?

Then dont use the word """""""""required"""""" next time, retard.

I mean, yeah, I figured, but its not the first time I've seen these threads. I'm sure its repeating if I look at the archives but its one of those things that really came out of nowhere. I was kinda assuming this was kinda how Yakuza threads were being made now but no, its some narrative shitposting like a year too late to really hold any grounds.

this pathetic argument was already BTFO several times when "you" made it here

It does require it if you're not a braindead retard who can only use one mechanic to cheese every fight
I stand by what I said, cunt

Yeah I'm sure you're a big Yakuza fan

Is this banham combat?

Why does the game have a broken mechanic then? And how come it's in EVERY SINGLE release?

Shh kid go watch this and stay blown the fuck out

basiacly this
like the nincucksucking levels got insane with switch. Watch how gaf 2.0 yas queens hate on all the games for "improper female depiction" but they shake each other off in nintendo direct threads where nintendo has petting games in FE.
And 4channel is not really different, like imagine shit like xc2 comming out on pc, i wouldnt be even a blip on the radar while ninfags go on about how is the best jrpg ever or something. Same thing happened with TMS which was literarlly a bad game and a C tier persona clone that people try to shill here.

There is? Like what?

>it's not the game's fault that it's bad, its your fault for not using a bunch of useless shit for style points

Play on extreme and use no healing.

>criticize a broken mechanic in a yakuza game
>get called a retard by people who confirm the mechanic is broken but for some reason I'm dumb for mentioning it

Are you trying to tell me the broken mechanic is good, or what? I'm saying it's a bad thing about the games and people who agree it's a bad thing about the games are getting mad at me?

This board is home to the most bitter angry sad faggots on the internet, god damn.
Did your parents not show you any affection or something?

>broken mechanic
What broken mechanic?

>And how come it's in EVERY SINGLE release?
t. didn't play 1-6, Kenzan, Ishin, or Dead Souls
3/12 is not every single release you secondary

Why does Yea Forums turn on a game/series the moment it stops becoming some obscure series that is widely unknown?

Attached: Contrarian :v:.png (2506x522, 219K)

You're like the kid who uses the drake sword in dark souls cos he followed a guide and thinks he's good

If multiple people call your "criticism" retarded chances are they're right. Especially since we're on Yea Forums. Nothing funnier than a Yea Forumstard trying their hand at arguing. Most of you don't know the meaning of the word for fuck's sake.

Kiwami 2 PC sales were dogshit. Yakuza was more "normie" in the PS days, but retards are crying about the fanbase being suddenly invaded

Beast mode weapon damage scaling is broken in 0

Because contrarianism

The Drake Sword becomes shit past the mid way point, though.

The drake is well balanced though, it quickly becomes useless. It's a fixed damage, low scaling weapon working as intended.

The ending series of cutscenes was so long my monitor turned off.
I still liked the game. But lol if half of it is not just cutscenes.

you don't have to follow a guide to use the beast style you moron

>criticize game
>complain about others criticizing the same game in the same post
do you have brain issues?

I'm implying he's a noob shitter who cant play the game without a crutch

>wtf how is that a good thing?
it is
>enemies do attack you in old beat em ups
no, they don't. name one game where this happens.

Lol What? Did you reply to the wrong post?

You can pick any style you want and button mash clobber enemies in yakuza 20 at a time just fine. The game sends nothing but 99% generic yakuza dude at you and occasionally the big dudes that are actually hard to knock over.

What a fucking dogshit board. I'm actually done with this place now.

You said beast mode weapon damage scaling is broken in 0, that's a criticism
Then you complained about "contrarian" Yea Forums turning on yakuza

See you tomorrow.

PC is something different on conseles on that regard. At least i made that observation the last years. Like if something obscure and niche comes out on console it seems more rare, cause obviously 99% of Yea Forums has a desktop pc but who the fuck knows who has a console, and then who the fuck knows which one?
At the same time if something comes on pc, it could literarly sold 2 steam copies, its on pc, everyone here IS on a pc, they can pirate it on the spot. Like it gets less niche imediatly and 100% more mainstream, atleast for 4channel

You would get destroyed by half of the bosses if you button mashed unless you stocked up on 20 staminan royales.

Can't we all just agree that there's nothing wrong with enjoying a "movie" game, especially one with cool characters like Yakuza?

"Movie game" is just what Yea Forums parrots to shit on sony exclusives.

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A handful of extremely autistic shitposters are not really a problem dude. Earlier there was a yakuza thread with about a hundred posts made by the same individual who only spoke to himself and everyone just talked around him. Just gotta get used to extreme levels of autism on this board, such is life in 2019 Yea Forums.

Fucking kek. This thread is proof that it's ok when Japan does it. Yakuza is 10x more of a movie than God of War with an even shallower combat system yet only one is praised, because it's a weeb power fantasy...

so the logic is that a game can have 10000000000 home console sales but once it's on PC 20 years later it becomes "mainstream" but also only on Yea Forums
>mainstream Yea Forums

I think what you mean is old games that Yea Forums circlejerk for years come to PC and a handful of new people play them and then give critiques and the old fans are so unused to criticism they chimp out

Seems like you replied to the wrong post for real this time
user, the weapon damage scaling in beast mode is broken
Thats not a criticism its a fact
I still love the game to death and have been defending it from shiteating mongoloids ITT
Yea Forums is contrarian as fuck, we used to love this series but ever since 0 blew up on the PC every thread has been full of angsty shite and bait

aww you crying because they make fun of your favorite game?

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>the weapon damage scaling in beast mode is broken
>Thats not a criticism

Attached: bun.jpg (744x752, 72K)

what is it with retards and random use of ellipsis?

>maybe if I post it for the millionth time that'll make it true

Attached: Y3.png (1000x1000, 762K)

no thats not what i mean. Because your logic suggesting that everyone on that played before hand thougth that game was good, which is retarded.
What i mean is that obviously a niche game in the "real world" is something different then a niche game on 4channel, and like how described especially on pc, so there are propotionaly a huge ammount of more voices arround when something comes out on pc, neverlethess how much it sold on pc.

You realize the yakuza series are made to be accessible to everyone? There are ways to make the game artificially harder by equipping the gear that cripples you but otherwise you can cheese the game however you want and there's nothing wrong with it

>user, the weapon damage scaling in beast mode is broken
>Thats not a criticism

It's okay when Japan does it. It's okay when the west does it. "Movie" game is a meme argument.

Why aren't you allowed to kill in this game? Why do you only play as moralfags?

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how is "the weapon damage scaling in beast mode is broken" not a criticism unless you're saying that that's a good thing? is that what you're saying?

based and redpilled
a game is either good or bad, if you cant articulate why and rely on buzwords you are a autists that cant speak or write properly that is probally a fanboy

I dont understand what the point you're trying to make here is
If state the obvious that some feature of the game is unbalanced therefore I'm calling the game garbage? Is that what you're implying? I'm not quite sure what you're saying.

Yakuza is a good movie game though.
The reason that movie games are normally shit is because both the movie part and the game part are shitty.
Both the movie AND the game in yakuza are great.

go play your 400th million generic murder sanb- i mean open world game user

>A handful
Not him but this board is dominated by autistic shitposters. I don't blame him for leaving, having to deal with extreme levels of autism every time you want to discuss video games with non-retards.

>the weapon damage scaling in beast mode is broken
>Thats not a criticism

Attached: u wot.jpg (110x101, 3K)

Yakuza is open world.

What the fuck is your point?? Why are you arguing with me over nothing? I'm a fan of the game you autist holy crap you're just as bad as the guys making up lies and shitting on the game.
Fuck all of you. Fuck this board.

what a dumb fucking post, jesus

reading this
after this
makes me sad

Wrong you fucking faggot. The only thing that's acceptable to call a movie game is telltale CYOA shit. That is all. Every other case is dead fucking wrong.
This fucking board needs to start communicating without their favorite buzzwords, only then will I, literally the only person that matters at all, take them seriously and answer respectfully.

is "the weapon damage scaling in beast mode is broken" a criticism or are you saying that's a good thing?

Oh my god just fuck off and die you niggerfaggot shitposting worthless waste of air


Just kill this thread please.

>I, literally the only person that matters at all,

Attached: 1532416177343.jpg (1462x1462, 294K)

>Wrong you fucking faggot. The only thing that's acceptable to call a movie game is telltale CYOA shit. That is all. Every other case is dead fucking wrong.
Listen mate yakuza 0 probably one of my favorite games ever but there are several cutscenes that last over 30 minutes straight and sometimes there are back to back 30 minute cutscenes with only a save point inbetween. It's got a movie in it but it's an actually good movie.

It's the truth faggot. You don't matter to me, only I do.

Neither. Go fuck yourself.

jesus, seeing how far people are willing to go to defend their new favorite toy is very amusing but i have to go now
hopefully someone makes the same thread tomorrow for fun

Attached: 1403414841668.jpg (151x233, 6K)

>tfw yakuza and MGS have better gameplay and story than every western bitch game ever made


Attached: CvE0oyCVMAATfYW.jpg (1200x810, 360K)

good movie? sure. probably some of my fav characters in all my games. good gameplay? ehh. yakuza gets repetitive. I can only play the games in bursts

yeah i suppose that its just a group of buttmad weebs jealous of certain sony exclusives popularity, and they are hypocrites. they need to be FUCKING ERADICATED, or at least ignored and acknowledged that they are dumb shit posters.

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It's not even the cutscenes that bother me (even though there are a lot and they're quite slow) it's the hours of conversations you have to sit through while character models stand around staring at each other blankly. There is literally hours of this, it's what you spend most your time doing. And by the time you're fighting the last boss, less than 0.00001% of them actually mattered. Sometimes I feel like Yakuza games are more like timesinks for people with absolutely nothing to do instead of games. They could all be great if they stripped back the tedium but it seems what most people want is 100 hours of "content" even if only 10 of them are enjoyable.

>best boss fight is unlocked if you do 2381092389120 riddle challenges


If you use the term "movie game" you're unsalvageable and officially retarded
Please kill yourself ASAP

Obviously. Got a problem with that? Pound sand.

Attached: SCCTvsMGS2.jpg (1280x1125, 457K)

So saying "the weapon damage scaling in beast mode is broken in yakuza 0" is NOT a criticism? Okay thanks for clarifying

Even as someone who played 0-6+FOTNS back to back to back I still enjoyed the gameplay towards the end, and that's just doing them all at once. They're much better if you separate them out, probably to about a year.
Though that's up to personal taste too I guess

Its not a criticism its a statement of fact
I'm not saying its good or bad, which would be a criticism
Welcome to the english language please enjoy your stay


Attached: Stealth game level design.jpg (650x519, 55K)

>Cheesy voice acting is bad
spotted the zoomer

nigga I'm sorry it's the only mobile game I have installed besides crazy taxi, would you be happier if I put 9 weeb trash games instead like I now your 3x3 is covered in

Attached: x1080-eiZ.jpg (1440x1080, 63K)

depends on what you're playing it on and if you liked it


Attached: moviekuza.jpg (766x391, 95K)

I just explained to you when you are allowed to use the term movie game you stupid fuck. What do you not understand?
For every minute of cutscene there's an hour of gameplay. Nothing like a movie. Very very simple, pull your head out of your ass.

Glad I could help you understand the definition of a criticism
Now please fuck off and never return

Beast mode weapon damage scaling is broken in 0

>Retard thinks he isn't retard #137492050

>12 hours of cutscenes
>in an 80 hour game

I've had more engaging battles in PUBG lol

I always thought it was odd that so many players felt they had to do the parts of the games they don't even enjoy. I don't know how anyone has the time to put hours into videogames that aren't good. There isn't enough time to play all the good games out there, so why slam your head against the wall doing everything in yakuza even the parts that are shit?

because yakuza are honorable samurai descents and not some hoodlums you baka gaijin

Enjoy your cinematic experience bro
>more than 10x the cutscenes of TLoU

if TLOU is a movie what does that make Moviekuza? We need a term for something so cinematic, movie doesn't cut it!

Kek like clockwork, stay SEETHING!

Are there any logical counterarguments to removing heat actions from the game?
Pressing five cutscenes every fight isn't fun.

You can still have the heat gauge and the cool factor, just make it do special powerful attacks that don't interrupt gameplay.

Attached: 1538468965507.jpg (1280x720, 468K)

name a better game PCFag

>Retard keeps being retarded
More news at 11.

>s-stop proving me wrong!
>n-no YOU'RE the one that's s-seething

Attached: 1527800691663.jpg (850x628, 124K)

Exactly. Yakuza fans would scream bloody murder if the games had less content in them, but at the same time they also complain about half the stuff that's in them and how repetitive they are. Nobody wants to say that these games would all benefit from being half the length because as you say, they want to kill time more than they want a good game.

Also literally 10 times the length of TLOU but let's casually ignore the facts that don't fit our retarded "argument" or "criticism" if you prefer to dub your shitposts that instead.

You don't matter to anybody.

I liked the heat action stuff but it probably should've been reserved for 3rd bar with 1 and 2 bar being super normal attacks

Based and Sekiropilled.

Attached: Genichiro Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Worst gaming monkeys paw turned out to be "What if more people got into Yakuza"

Attached: Monkey_paw.png (720x540, 354K)

Mad Max (2015) is the best Arkham game

Attached: 234140_screenshots_20180208020422_1.jpg (3840x2160, 893K)

>13 hours of cutscenes in a 70+ hour game
>1.5 hours of cutscenes in a 5 hour game

You are actually upset at my statement? Oh my god, what is wrong with you?
Pound that sand motherfucker.

Attached: 1558126832190.jpg (497x516, 55K)

TLoU is longer than five hours.

I won't deny I don't have much going on in life so it's nice to have something that will distract me as long as a yakuza game. western games usually don't have more than 8 hours in them and I'm not a fan of rpgs. yakuza is ideal for avoiding life for a while. I only wish they'd confirm the rereleases of every game. I will replay all of them happily.


The producer was going through depression and came up with the idea of depicting the story within the realest world possible. He wanted protagonist(s) to be good at heart and not really do criminal shit. the criminal setting was just it, a setting. That's why Kiryu is immediately thrown out of the clan in every game, so that the player will play as a civilian and be more engaged in stuff civilians do. There also was the other producer who worked on 1 and 2, so most likely Kiryu's "not killing at all" part was retconned anyway


oh yes it's so terrible isn't it user
on the one hand you get all the games localized and ported
on the other hand you have to see some people on Yea Forums saying what they don't like about the games

yes it truly is just awful to be a yakuza fan right now isn't it

you giant fucking faggot baby

Literally nothing you say matters dogfucker. I don't care that you're mad at your irrelavency, go cry about it somewhere else.

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how do you know the sales were dogshit?
>dude trust me

I agree with this, having super attacks would be an improvement. I wish some of the stuff like picking up and swinging around enemies or stealing enemy weapons were able to be done without heat, would be fun.

>he doesn't know
oh user

inbefore as long as gaben himself donnt post in on Yea Forums it isnt reliable

For a long time there was only a small group of people playing the Yakuza games and posting about them here. They told everyone they were amazing but never mentioned any of their flaws. Then 0 came out and it was an opportunity for many new players to get into the series. They played 0 and then the other games, and found some flaws or had criticisms. Now whenever they are brought up, the old guard screams about 0fags ruining everything. It's really that simple.


You're using the same arguments that Nin10dicklickers use to defend Neptuniablade 2. I bet you're one of them, aren't you?

A 70 hour movie is still a movie

When Demon’s Souls was released, Yea Forums said it was shit, so then. Yea Forums only started enjoying the Souls games when they came to PC.

Yakuza 0 is my first Yakuza game and I'm enjoying it alright. I'm only just now on chapter 5 after 30 hours somehow and honestly the flaws are starting to become more glaring. Main story feels like its 20 minutes of cutscenes followed by two minutes of actual gameplay followed by 15 more minutes of cutscenes. Doesn't help that almost all the sidequests seem to follow one or two different formulas and the mini games range from alright to downright infuriating.

I don't know, Chapter 1 had that action movie feel despite being pretty story heavy, but the games yet to get back up to that point. I still have like 2/3rd's of the game to go though so hopefully it'll pick up.

>obviously assblasted at someone disregarding their retarded shit
>u mad
Cry more faggot. Cry me a fucking river. A 20 reply long river with reaction images. Say stupid shit and get shit on. Simple as.
I cannot fucking believe you're pushing this far to prove your worth to me that's so pathetic.
Pound harder bitch nigga, use your head instead of your feet preferably.

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i still dont get how xc2 is so popular. The gameplay in itself is bad and the writing is compile hearth level.

Who are you trying to fool kid

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It came out during one of Shitch's many months-long droughts. They had literally nothing else to play so they had to delude themselves into thinking it was good

while this sound nice and all if you look at past niche games and they development on Yea Forums this doesnt hold water

kek this thread is proof Yea Forums is filled with npcs who will blindly follow anyone's opinion without doing some research on their own
none of you have any right to laugh at reddit while being such sheeps desu

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The actual cutscenes in Yakuza are amazing, but the forced visual novel conversation is not. And holy fuck there is so much of it. This is my biggest criticism.

Beast mode weapon damage scaling is broken in 0

Son, when you take my meticulously hand-crafted shitposts and feebly try to turn them against other people, you're only showing me how much I hurt you and how you desperately wish you had an inkling of my wordsmithing genius, but alas, the best you can manage is to imitate your betters and hope that your impotent rage doesn't detract entirely from the effect.

I know right? It's amazing how even the mildest yakuza criticism causes so many idiots to go full SHUT IT DOWN rrrrrrrrRRRRRREEEEEEEE

switch has basiacly no jrpgs and when that came out it hadnt basiacly no games.

>t. NPC

Meanwhile you're not even using arguments at all.
There is no such thing as a 70 hour movie. I want you to reply with something along the lines of "but yakuza is the 70 hour long movie". I expect something along the lines of your brain immediately exploding upon you hitting the post button. There is a limit to pretend retardation and that would be it. Go ahead.

>he doesn't get why wait for cool downs the game with cringe writing is good

oh user, you uncultured swine.

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>some people on Yea Forums saying what they don't like about the games
That's a funny way of saying autistically shitpost and flood threads making it impossible to actualyl discuss the games.
It's obvious you only got into yakuza during/after 0's release because you can't appreciate how sega doesn't really give too much of a shit what westerners think, and it fucks with your perception of them. Their zombie spin-off sold poorly cuz it was shit and sega's reaction was to close off the entire series to the west for like four years. We're nothing more than additional revenue to them, don't you ever forget that.

>o vey the goyim are catching on too quick maybe we can't sell the same game to them another 7 times hershel

lol no it isn't

>He fell for the 'Yakuza uses recycled assets' meme

See, you retards think criticizing something means calling it shit. Don't throw insults just because you can't give a proper critique and have a neutral tone.

Yakuza 0 has awesome presentation in the main plot story and the fights/bosses and the music is exhilarating to say the least. The first time I fought kuze I lost my shit, it was hype as fuck and got me excited. Hardly any western games manage to get the same effect out of me, it's always the same trite and cliches over and over and over. Japan is just so unique and aren't afraid of making cool shit just for the sake of being cool. For some reason western devs are scared of this and think they're above it and have to tryhard to make some art which falls flat most of the time.

Like the new GoW. That beginning fight with baldur was fucking awesome then the game never really got to that level again, I feel like there was so much missed opportunity in the game. Western games try too hard to be derivatives of every other big shit western game OR fucking derivative of western television which is just as shit most of the time.

It's okay when Japan does it. Unironically.

Reply one more time to feel like your day was worth living as I will then stop replying, leaving you with the final one.
Congratulations in advance and enjoy the rest of your life however unlikely that may be.

This thread is proof that it's ok when Japan does it. Yakuza is 10x more of a movie than God of War with an even shallower combat system yet only one is praised, because it's a weeb power fantasy...

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oh yeah i also forgot, gacha mechanics in offline game
>"based game bros!"

i swear to good the last 2 generations made ninfags the worse base ever, prove me wrong

Yakuzafags are quickly becoming the worst fanbase on Yea Forums. They're even more defensive and blind to criticism than zeldafags. Go back to your retardera safe space if you can't handle people criticizing your favorite series

>hates on Quicktime events
>President Evil
>Lame Souls 5
>Dante won't stop crying 5
As a PC gamer liking this weeb trash should mean you should like Yakuza at least flex with a game that is actually better than Y0 like, I don't know, uh Shadow Warrior 2

>Yakuza 6 All Cutscenes
>The thumbnail is a screenshot from 0

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>The boss was right
What? No.
She wasn't right! Who the hell made this image?


>Reply one more time to feel like your day was worth living as I literally did just now, enjoy the rest of your life however unlikely that may be like me

No offense, but if you think running to convenience stores and buying homeless people drinks is good gameplay, you're out of your damn mind.

no, see here
nothings tops nintendosoy

When it was pushed hard here before it got popular. Game was shit then, it's shit now. I also fell for STALKER and God Hand. Never again. This board is wrong consistently when it comes to consensus.

What proof do you have that it sold poorly
I don't give a fuck what Gabe Newell says, I want an article

God Hand is the best game ever made.

No offense, but if you think running through convenience stores and moving ladders and crates is good gameplay, you're out of your damn mind.

But you lost the argument now. Will you be able to recover? Will anyone ever take your criticism seriously?
I wish I could follow your life now that I think about it, some hilarity to be found there I'm sure.

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GoW 2018 has better gameplay than any action game ever made. And God Hand even has more cutscenes, they are just terrible tho so it's not considered a "story game"

Try Kiwami 2

shit graphics
tiny world (which would be fine if you didn’t spend 50 hours in it)
film game
unskippable credits
repetitive combat
fluidity in the gameplay severely hindered by pauses after fights and when entering buildings

you can’t deny these objective and gaping flaws

>he thinks he "won" anything
See how impotently you flail when left to your own devices. What a sad and pathetic life you lead.

>I also fell for STALKER and God Hand
Seems to me like you're an absolute retard who can't appreciate good games. Try other sites.

Have you ever considered that it is done better then what the west produces?
I mean, just look at story driven western games. They are politically- no, not politically, "CULTURALLY correct" snoozefests where bad and good is black and white (often boils down to struggles that are metaphorical to to racism, *SNORE*) and ideals and behaviorism are typically Californian. These are written by Holywood dropouts while Japan had seen videogames as art for longer and historically have been main players in the global understanding of good design (I will not argue this if you honestly don't know about Japan's history with influencing deign movements you can fuck off).

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