I just got FFXIV

I just got FFXIV
Any tips for a newcomer?

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Kys tranny

Don't pick the transsexual race.

Keep it in one thread.

And ignore butthurt classicfags.

Play something else. Modern MMOs suck

Feel free to change jobs whenever you get bored of your current one.

Uninstall and come join us in sucking off Blizzard dick until the next expansion

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The story sucks dick before and after Heavensward.

post your cat

No it doesn't.

how can you unironically pretend arr or stormblood have a good story?

Because I enjoy them.

because arr has a good story, and sb has a good story as long as its about doma

I like Ala Mhigo too though.

arr absolutely does not have a good story and there isn't enough doma in stormblood to make up for ala mhigo and the utter butchering of lyse as a character

its ok, but easily the weakest in story out of the focused areas honestly

arr is fine and lyse never had any character to butcher, dont actually pretend that yda was anything more than a background character at any point of the entire game up until SB

Lyse always acted like this she just had Papalymo to reel her in. It's actually a character arc that she needs to be her own damn Papalymo. She doesn't do it the best but she figures it out by the end.
Ala Mhigo was good anyway, though.

Stop spamming Yea Forums with your shit threads. The flood of other garbage is more than enough.

>quit talking about videogames on Yea Forums

You forgot during

There's like over 5 "we're going home" threads up right now and you chose to go into a FFXIV one and complain about them clogging up the board?

ARR was fine but too much filler that won't be fixed thanks to skip potions.
SB was too split on whether it should be about Ala Mhigo or Doma and suffered for it.
HW was good but the Warrior of dark shit after the dragonsong war was garbage

Lets see some more cat.

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Objectively wrong.


Are you the surf potato or whatever?


Uninstall the game, download the soundtrack and go play something thats not a MMO in 2019.

When has Y'shtola felt embarrassed about anything?

I love my cat wife!

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Play a better game

>Blizzcucks shills full force today.

Why would you post a twitter that has a post a month?

Where is the one where she is alone with her brown rogue kitty?

If your tastes are "HW story was good" then you'll probably eat any shit on your plate.

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you are too late

Don't play. The story went downhill after hW.

Not really.

skip all story, spam palace of dead if you are DPS and dungeons if you are tank/healer

Yeah it did.


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I don't know how you're judging something that isn't out yet.

When is Ainz going to invade Eorzia?

Don't fall in love with Minfilia


I don't know how anyone can say HW=SB when HW was so fucking disjointed between trying to rush two stories (reclaiming Doma, getting a Resistance together for Ala Mhigger) terribly.

because it wasn't.

I really liked SB and think that while HW has higher highs, SB has a more diverse and interesting cast of characters, and does a good job fleshing out the whole world and the conflict with the Empire.

HW has Estinien. Which is huge.
But SB has Hien, Fordola, Yotsuyu, Zenos, Gosetsu, Magnai, Dorthal Moon Bitch. Like there’s more going on. Also is brings Alisaie back into the main story bit and she’s a ton more fun to deal with than her brother.

Also, ALSO. Holy fuck. The DRK job quests in SB are freaking awesome. They’re really great in HW as well. But they’re built upon to even greater effect in SB.
Anyway. I’m personally super worried ShB is where they drop the ball. Because as far as I’m concerned, XIV has only gotten better and better and it feels like the streak cant last forever. Hope it’s good.

Sorry meant to respond to

Thank you user, that's exactly how I feel. It's frustrating when everyone shits on SB for not being the exact same as HW. It told its own story and told it well.

>It told its own story and told it well.

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Gonna refute or just settle with your reaction image?

Take it easy. With the sprout above your head you can get lots of help early on. A good idea is to leave the Novice Network too, it offers nothing but inflated egos from mentors who have no clue how to play the game.

Hope you have lots of fun! Make a character on an Aether data center too. It's the best of the bunch.

A good starting class is Archer if you're looking to get the basic idea of the game down and have a comfy time.

My transgender girlfriend is trying to get me into FFXIV. I like FF but I've never touched the MMOs, is it actually good?

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The story was all over the place and a mess,

First off we had to deal with them totally butchering and destroying a good character like Yda, we were forced to help with the Ala'migger situation even though there was nmo way to actually sympathize with them.
Then they introduced Zenos that could easily beat us like flies throughout the story until the last fight when we could somehow magically beat him after he powered up with shinryu, and lets not start talking about his design, generic anime villain with long hair and uses swords. Only difference is that he had a cool fidget spinner sheath that served absolutely no purpose.

Then all of a sudden we are now suppose to go to "not-Japan" and deal with their liberation also, now totally shifting the focus of the story.

And then we had characters like Fordola which they built up upon and gave lots of screen time, and then suddenly they just abandoned her and just forgot about her.
Yotsuyu that was shown as sadistic and cruel but then gave her amnesia so we would feel sorry for her!

>First off we had to deal with them totally butchering and destroying a good character like Yda
Stopped reading there lmao. She was always acting like this bud, Papalymo just calmed her down. It's a whole arc in SB that she doesn't have Papalymo there anymore to do it for her and she learns to take it easy herself.

I was blown away that they made Lyse likable by the end of the patch content. Dealing with her childishness from the onset of those level 60 quests in SB to her punching that mask clear off Ascian Zenos’ face was great. Like they had clear intentions to build her up and I think taking an entire expac and its patches to do it was awesome.

Also what makes you think we’re done with Fordola? She just started on her path to redemption, dude. XIV is at a point where it has a ton of characters. Some fall into the background, some “die” to be revived, some leave for some time, but rarely are people ever gone. They’re constantly cycling back into the MSQ. Which I can understand if that’s annoying. But since we’re playing an MMO with an ongoing story, I kinda love living in a world where people constantly permeate through the story as it builds and builds and builds on itself. It makes following the story from the beginning all the more fulfilling.

Try to have a good time.

Stay away from Balmung.

Don't play WAR, SCH or SMN

get ready for the waking sands early on and pic related end game

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>used to like meowie to the point of donations (steam game)
>now every thread is about him

enough is enough please

This is literally opposite of what XIV endgame looks like you retard.

Diabolosbro here. They’re all over my DF now.
Ran Orbonne for the first time ever the other day, had Balmung players every where, and it was easily one of the worst 24 man raids I’ve ever been in. We barely got to thunder god. Why are they so shit, Yea Forums?

Also on the first day of world visiting Diabolos had people in the town squares telling Balmung to go home, while Balmung apparently had a bunch of naked RP’ers welcoming everyone with open arms.
I feel like my Satan server is at constant threat from a flood.

Go away or post nipples meowie.

Tank and healing becomes much more interesting when you're also trying to maximize your damage output on top of doing your job.

Balmung here
We had the same influx of players coming over here and saying "oh ew people are rping" nonstop from all kinds of servers.
Plus most of the server is fine enough at the game. Not going to claim everyone is a Savage Ultimate tier raider but I've genuinely never had a run completely ruined by another Balmung player.

>unveil Gaius in 4.X, set up Garlascian plotline
>5.0 throws the whole Garlean-side of things aside to focus on the First's problems
>95% of the expansion will be the First

>ARR talks about ala mhigan liberation and namedrops Krile as early as 2.0
>both only become big pieces in 4.0

indeed, you have to press stone when you're not healing, it's really really hard


I think they’re trying to have the Garlean fatigue from SB cool off before doing the big Garlemald expansion.

ARR had to re-mention Ala Mhigo because it was one of the main plot points of 1.0 that never got resolved. Hell, if 1.0 wasn't actually shit, you'd have hit Ala Mhigo before Ishgard was opened.

obvious reference to mr.happy and blufever

brava soken, brava

I'm pretty sure they initially planned for a Garlean expansion but then suddenly shifted gears after those scenes with Alphinaud and Gaius were already too far along to change.

This, same way they set up Varis taking over the Empire in Heavensward

Glad you're gone, if only lamia and famfrit followed

Yeah I'm positive they changed plans for an entire expansion just 6-9 months ago.

If someone makes a mistake and says sorry for it, do you still resent them?


Depends on the mistake and content.

What said.
Also depends on if they learned from their mistake or not.

Only if they don't learn from it.

depends if they can dps or not


Any mahbros in chat

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Depends on if they're new or not

The wait is killing me, is there any way to put myself in a coma for the next couple of days?


squeeze a lemon onto the tip of your cock

Sorry you asked for tips, but all you got were arguments. Just find a group of people to run with and have fun. Might want to look at servers to figure out what type of people fit you. People are very helpful from my server.

Is it worth getting into Triple Triad?

Only if they don't like Ivalice moogles. They could have been added by using a slightly modified lala skeleton, would have been infinitely superior to roecats.
>tfw no juggler class with a mischevious trickster Ivalice moogle who is part of a traveling troupe, and spends the majority of quests pranking you or helping you prank others
>tfw no class quest that involves you fucking with a DF party while they try to complete a run
>tfw no final quest where you finally manage to prank your master

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Hold your breath and push.


based and mogpilled

Don't play with a focus on raiding unless it's really what you want to do. Raiding is a very small part of the game as a whole and one of the shittiest memes of the NA community is the WoW mentality where you hit level cap and immediately start looking to raid forever. If you like raiding that's all good, but there are a fucktillion things to do beside it that are generally more interesting. Fishing is a fucking game unto itself.

Likewise, don't worry about the meta too hard if you do raid. All jobs are viable for all content and the difference between optimal and suboptimal is minor enough that it's not going to be what stops you from clearing Savage/Extremes. Play what job you want to play and if someone asks you to switch to fit a "meta" comp tell them to fuck off. This game is super well-balanced, ridiculously so.

Personally I'd recommend rolling on Crystal because this game's RP community is absurdly good if you like that kind of thing, but if not then don't worry about your server.

Lastly, play with the sound on. Masayoshi Soken is a god and this game's OST is pretty much universally agreed to be fucking awesome.

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I understand why you'd want it but they probably skew too close to beast tribe for the devs

>Fishing is more interesting than raiding

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I play on Coerl and the NN can be quite nice, particularly in the middle of the night.

Moogle race will never happen unfortunately because we already have established moogles in Eorzea, and so far I doubt they want to have 'versions' of races from another shard start becoming playable races in the offchance they introduce an actual Ivalice-styled moogle in the FIrst/Second/etc.


>Fishing is a fucking game unto itself.
No it isn't. It's an RNG simulator and tester of your patience, especially on fish reliant on uncommon weather.


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This user knows what's fucking up, I agree with everything in this. God bless you and everything you do.

Big Fishing takes more time, thought, and effort than raiding. Hell Big Fishing takes more time and effort than fishing IRL.

We faught the WoD in 3.X, so we'll fight another world's WoL in 5.X to try and stop us from re-balancing the First, right?

Two phase, two phase, two phase one two three?

get filtered boi

So just like fishing IRL?

WoD was WoL from the first.

>Big Fishing takes more time, thought, and effort than raiding
You heard it here first guys, waiting for arbitrary period of time and pulling the lever on the RNG machine takes thought and effort.

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Reminder that Alisae is going to fucking die and you're going to pull the trigger.

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The First's WoL were the ones we fought in 3.4. Arbert's group.

Fishing is simple as shit and 99% RNG.
Absolutely nobody plays to fish. Not since they simplified it into the ground from what it was in 1.0.
Waiting 2 weeks and then waking up at 4am for a fish's window to come up and then only having a 1/3000 chance of actually hooking him in the 30 minutes you have until you need to wait another 2 weeks is absurd and incredibly unfun.

DESU, Stormblood felt like a "let's just get this over with in one go" expansion. Something that they had to happen.
The liberation of Ala Mhigo and Doma are both important plot points that were inevitably going to happen if the Garleans were going to remain as our enemies.
They're not really personal to us or the Scions with the exception of Yda/Lyse, but no-one really cares about her in the first place.
But they're both events that are significant enough to the story that they can't happen off screen.
So... Stormblood was essentially killing two birds with one stone and then attempting to have it make sense. Then while they were at it, they may as well do the massive series crossover event and knock out some references, see: Omegascape.

All I really see is an expansion FULL of covering bases so that we can just move on to better things.

>Absolutely nobody plays to fish.
I play to fish, faggot. Suck my Grandmaster Caster title.

>so we'll fight another world's WoL in 5.X to try and stop us from re-balancing the First, right?
Why would we?
Arbert and his gang (the WoD we fought) are 100% dead, and I doubt G'raha is going to bring in any WoL from other worlds who don't know of the truth behind the balance, even if he was able to bring them from other shards.

Depends on the content. The caster sub yesterday repeatedly didn't cast Apoc on the tank during shared Akh Morn on UCOB so I'm gonna bitch about it until the end of time.

I can't wait, I've been wanting her gone for ages

Been awhile since I did Heavensward. Was that group the one from the same world we're heading to in 5.0? I thought they were from the Third or some shit.

>All the primals in ShB are your scion friends.


Yeah, they were from the First and we're going to the First. That whole thing was setting up this expansion

Everyone becomes a FSH main if they play long enough. You eventually realize the folly of ilvl progression or trying to make millions of gil.

>Innocence is Alphinaud
>Final boss will be Hydaelin using Minfilia's body, with Thancred being a gatekeeper trying to protect her

It would never happen, but it'd be top kino

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It's "One brings shadow, one brings light/the night". The rest of the verse is
>Two-toned echoes turning through time
>Three souls wasted, dead, cast aside
>Four foreboding, no end in sight

>the WoD says his world is encountering a flood of Light
>Minfilia goes to their world to try an fix it
>a mysterious person is soul sucking the Scions for some purpose
>said mysterious person invites you to the Crystal Tower to travel somewhere
>we travel to the First shard in 5.0
>Shadowbringers trailer has Minfilia with Thancred beneath Eulmore, a city in the First
Are you legitimately retarded, user?


Gaius should have just used Black Rose on Eorzea. That way Dalamud would not have been used at all.

Black Rose is only just now becoming produced enough to be used, it didn't exist during Project Meteor.

Play an arcanist, you will level scholar and Summoner at the same time. Do the storyline quest they will unlock areas and dungeons. If you have free time take up crafting and gathering as they are fun and rewarding. Enjoy the game, for best results read quest dialog. At the end of the ARR, the quest grind is terrible but get through it because Heavensward is worth the wait.

Minfilia was fat cat sex slave, Thancred was saving her from them.
She was increasing darkness in her own way.

My question for 5.0 is, will you be anle to teleport from ShB areas to ARR, HW, and SB?
Since you know, it’s traveling across aetheric currents to a different fucking universe? And if you can, how much will it cost? I’d kind of like to see Crystal Tower be a place where you’re forced to travel to whenever you want to cross over. To make the First really feel like a separate place. But I know people would bitch.

Actually here's how it'll play out.
>You catch wind of the whereabouts of Alphinaud and Alisaie, and that they're both off on their own adventure to try and solve some problems
>Except they're both in over their heads
>By the time you catch up with them, they're in a lot of trouble
>You're forced to make a choice to save one or the other
>The one you save is your travel buddy for that portion of the expansion, your job is to save the one you didn't choose
>Eventually you find out you were too late, and the twin you didn't save was forcably transformed in to a Primal that you now have to deal with
>The twin you chose before will beg you to stop trying to kill the other, and that there must be some other way
>As you're getting ready to deal the finishing blow on the weakened Primal, the other twin gets in the way and stops you from attacking
>The Primal unleashes one final attack on their sibling, knocking them back before dissipating in to aether
>You go to check on the twin, they're unresponsive
>Very clearly tempered by their sibling
>Reminiscent of Ga Bu
>You don't want to kill your ally, and so you just let them sit around in a safe place for the rest of the expansion

>During the post 5.X quests, it's revealed they've been secretly trying to resummon the primal version of their twin when no-one was watching
>They succeed and the primal fucks up some serious shit
>You're forced to kill the primal, and then kill the remaining twin in order to stop them from summoning again
>Maybe fit in some references to Louisoux during all this, idk

It existed before, but Gaius had it all destroyed. He refused to use it because he considered it a vile tactic and he always uses strategies that result in minimal casualties.

When the fuck are they gonna release the full version of this song

Stop trying to find ways to kill this sweet cinnamon roll you degenerates, she's not going to be a primal.

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Quit when you hit level cap.

>My question for 5.0 is, will you be anle to teleport from ShB areas to ARR, HW, and SB?
Holy fucking Jesus fuck.
At least try to keep up with the information, or use your fucking head for once.


Is she trying to say miu? Dumb dyslexic cat

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If I buy shadowbringers I only get the expansions on july 2, this is so stupid

I would love this, I hate the Mary Sue twins so much.

Honestly not a bad guess.

That’s a big yikes from me.

i think you're the dyslexic one here

Is there any point in grinding ARR relic weapons at this point? I just hit lvl 50.

anyone of you anons have a FC on balmung?
just world hopped

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>be retarded
>get called retarded
>"That's a big yikes from me."
To answer your retarded question, yes, it's been confirmed by Yoshida you can freely travel between the First and the areas we have now, and teleportation fees will ALWAYS be capped at 999 gil.
Now go kill yourself.

Louisoix needed to summon the 12 just to stop Dalamud when Shattoto just used BLM to destroy a meteor for fun.

You need to come to terms with the fact that she's getting primal'd and you're going to have to put her down

why is she saying monk

that seems out of place

Anyone who hates Alisaie is an incel or insecure about women. She's a wonderful interpretation of the imouto trope.

Fucking men, I swear.

>Their boss theme uses From the Ashes as a part of its leitmotifs.

Nah, go back for them once you hit cap if you want them for glamour

but bard is actually really complex

Whats his true end game?

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WoL needs some kick in the ass to hear THE EDGE IS CALLING TONIGHT so might as well

>this game's RP community is absurdly good
Lmao it's 99% "slice of life" tavern RP done to seek e-girlfriends. I'm not going to pretend that's uncommon among MMO RP but don't pretend there's something special here either.

We are all fishers on this board, I just cast my line out, checking for bites in this very thread.

I've been FCless for like 3-4 years now

To the anons that were laughing at me yesterday for having every job but BLU maxed out

I did it

Fordola and Lyse are a black stain on the Ala Mhigo story. Only brief interventions by characters like Avernald, M'naago and Ruabahn keep it from being utter shit.

>Tranny plays ff14
like clockwork

Giving that coat to me.

I know it's you Meowie I hope you're having a good day! Remember that I love you!

>Retarded for not autistically following every tiny bit of content from every dev diary and live letter out there
Why can’t I hold all these yikes?

I am not sure how they did it with the same model, but Alisaie is cute as fuck and I want to fuck her. While he brother is just another dude.


Fuck Mhiggers and fuck Lyse.

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Not him but not everyone spends every night at the quicksand looking for erp. Not that they're anything wrong with casual pick-up style rp like taverns and whatnot.

being lonely isnt good user
u need frens

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>TL: MIU MIU, What?.

my advise is to smoke a shitload of weed, its t he advice i give to any player of MMORPGs

Which race is this nowadays? Man Cat? Au Ra? Cats in general?

Every race and job is for trannies according to Yea Forums

>be a man
>dress like a girl
>swarmed with attention for lonely virgins
I really here being a guy. If I was anything but I wouldn't have half the problems I have

Au Ra for sure, I was up on the step last night doing a quest, and one of the warrior Au Ra that are reborn if they die in battle said he used to be a female. In their lore they are trannies.

literally the only thing you said that was correct was what

I am subbed to around 4 discords of different types of RP (that exist to set up things to be done in the game) that cannot be described by what you are saying.

I have friends but we all sit FCless together.

Every race except midlander male with the default face

Generic tranny
Cat tranny
Barafag tranny
Pedo tranny
Mommy-fetish tranny
Just a tranny

Crashing this Source, with no survivors.

I play male Elvaan, am I fucked?
Though recently switched to Hume again but holy fuck the emotes are so stale by comparison.
Goddamn hate the ear things they add the helmets for Elvaan.

I think the "miu" you’re seeing are just surprise lines.

>Good-looking set
>Exposes needless patches of skin on females for no reason
>Doesn't even fit the aesthetic it's just ugly
I hate it so goddamn much

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Wait can people see your PSN ID if you're on PS4?

>he hasn't won the Grindstone at least once
lmao lol

that is literally what that cat is saying

If you want good RP, you can find it.
If you want trashy surface level RP with a bunch of action, reaction, action, reaction retards with the literacy skills of a high schooler, you can find that too.

So, I just finished HW:
Why was Pope Thordan in the wrong again?

You are the most alpha race there is, Elezen are the rulers.
I should know I play a lalafell.

I didn't say everyone, I said 99%, do you understand the difference? Because it's silly to dispute this if you do and you know the RP scene.

He wasn't

Is it me, or does the CT guy in the shad trailer have the same VA as Alphinaud?

Look fellas, i work at treehouse nintendo and im 100% right ok?

t. retarded greylet

He lost

yep. all you gotta do is inspect their character.

Not even remotely, it's just that the English dub uses a lot of samey actors

Once he became a Primal he became untenable. His motivations weren't wrong, but once he took the plunge he could no longer be allowed to live. That's all.

>he always uses strategies that result in minimal casualties

Sure can

No because anything that involves allowing Primals to exist is wrong by default


Perpetuating a pointless war he knew he and his forebears were responsible for despite a clear path to peace being opened, and deceiving the common folk into dying in droves for centuries to cover up the mistake his ancestors made.

He does. Stop skipping cutscenes

he wasn't, but all primals must die, just like the ala mhiggers

I'm going through ARR's story right now. The pace and fun was really high up until the Sylphs, then it slowed to a crawl. Does it pick up again soon?

lul Nigga just LB? Hello?

What was the last thing you saw Thancred doing? I don't remember the order of events so this is important to answering your question.

He even ree'd at the ascian who tricked him into using Ultima, stating that it "was not his intention"

Yeah man he should have just rolled over and let Nidhogg slaughter everyone

This tragedy, greater even than the Seventh Umbral Calamity, must be undone.

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PLEASE circle the miu you think you're seeing

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If history must be unwritten, let it be unwritten. Become what you must.

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yes in 200 quests. Then you will be at an all-time high in Heavensward.

Nidhogg was neutralized after the aery, that wasn’t an issue.

Brooding over the Immortal Flames who had to be killed over Ifrit's influence.

Sure thing.

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Become...the Warrior of Darkness.

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>trying to catch up before ShB
>probably going to burn out before release

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he sought a false solution

protip: you can do nidhogg ex with only 4 people if they're competent enough and have enough gear. ideal comp is warrior/astrologian/samurai/any other high hitting dps. pretty fun challenge to do and also nidhogg scales still go for millions on the marketboard.

All but highlander male human

Come on, nigger. Zoom in.

OK. You're not there yet but it should pick up in the back half towards level 50. You'll know when it happens by what Thancred does.

Become a woman!

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>that new sole survivor trait
Holy hell, DRK+BLM confirmed otp of shad expansion. Magic comp in general back on the menu.

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>ShB Ends with a second calamity
>6.0: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Re-Reborn.

Who wants to be my fren in XIV

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>Any tips for a newcomer?
Alisaie is MY wife. So back off.

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>WoW already made an alternate universe time travel expansion nobody liked
>FFXIV doing the very same thing again.
When will they realize that NO ONE likes alternate universe/time-travel bullshit.

It stays slow as molasses until after you beat Titan, picks up again a bit after that, then the only slogs after that are:
>running all over the place playing a game of telephone to find a corrupted crystal to fight Garuda
>huge jumps in level requirements on quests starting with Garuda, we're talking like, 1 quest between 45 and 46, then like 5 more to 50 including a jump from 48 to 49 to 50 over 3 quests so I hope you're overleveled, if not go unlock POTD right now
>the infamous post-2.0 quests after you beat Ultima Weapon which are a massive slog but pick up a bit when the Crystal Braves stuff starts happening
After that it's pure kino with very few shitty filler sections

Those three DPS are god awful and melee limit breaks are the best thing in PVP.

which one

His ancestors created Nidhogg in the first place, and he kept it secret so that the people would continue to die for a pointless war. Never mind that he was no longer an active threat by the time he made himself a primal.

just want a lossless version of the music played in shb's trailer T B H

Damn I'm 28 right now and on a free trial. Does anything neat happen from here to 35?

Yes. Even if they are long time friends and pour hundreds of hours helping you grind content, level up, gather mats to help buy several houses for you and your friends, you block them and say you're a "burden" before devoting your time to some mass ERP FC because they'll typefuck you in bite sizes rather than a novel size.

I'm going to bully you

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>A Realm Retarded

He was right.

In order to acdtually kill a healer you need at least 2 LBs, and that's assuming they're chain stunned and silenced with perfect timing.

Sylph quests and Pre-Titan quests are a huge slog. Worth it though.

Probably not. I don't remember where Cid's quests fall in the MSQ but he's usually entertaining.

>You're the one who did it
>Everyone turns against you
>You have to fight them all

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His ancestors were long dead, he was not the one who put the lie in place, and fighting for survival is not a pointless war.

>he took the femalepill
Should've played a male character

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AU shit is actually extremely liked and popular with the YA audience. Time travel is generally disliked but ShB involves precisely zero time travel that we know.

it worked well in FF3. I trust the Japanese, not Western SJWs in California.

>implying there are any real leaks
Fuck off.

Every XIV expac is just a WoW expac's idea done better. ARR is Cata, HW is Wrath, SB is Mists, ShB is WoD or possibly BC.

But he perpetuated the lie, and chose to war despite being shown peace was within grasp. He picked the option that would get more of his own people slaughtered in a grab at power.

That's not very nice. I probably still have my virginity leaf

He didn't have the guts to admit his forefathers were wrong and became a primal. Primals kill the planet so he had to go.

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If you want to look cool then make a male, if you want to look cute/slut then make a female.

There’s no time travel involved here

Are you saying XIV is WoW classic but weeb?

>male characters

I see ShB as TBC. Crossing the portal to a place far away from your old world.

>WoD is so OP by this point he can rend the ehavens and wipe out entire airship divisions with one swipe of his sword
>this is what the Ascians wanted all along >everything, every conflict, every summoning, evertyhing was all to mold a perfect vessel for Zodiark: (You)

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Revealing the truth and causing a civil war was not an option as long as Nidhogg was alive. Perpetuating it was needed to ensure Ishgard survived.

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>female characters
lamo'ing @ ur post

>female characters
>not cool
just because you like to use slut glamour doesn't mean everyone is the same user

Yes and better in every way.

well well well, look what we have here
another Yea Forums noob that doesn't know how to cc

Male characters don't look cool in XIV, aside from a few NPCs. Your memelander is not cool, you just look like a cosplaying nerd

SB is not better than mists...
regardless of how many people were (and still are) mad about pandas

What server?

Yeah, there's also cutesy glamour

Start in Ul'dah.
Buy ore from one of the person behind the counter in the crafter's guild then sell it on the market for 10-20 times the price you bought it in stacks of 10, 20, 50, and 99.
You'll make a lot more money than you'd expect.
If you buy enough to fill up your inventory you'll likely have sold it all by the end of the week.
People can't be bothered fast traveling to Ul'dah and then using the city warp system just to level their crafting.

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magic vuln 25%


I wanted to play male, but all males look gay in this game. Elven male is the LEAST gay looking, that's how gay this game is.

Same drgfriend

Or you could be not retarded and save OCD burst.
>Healer at full, LB, follow up with Forbidden Chakra/Tkick, Jinpu/Shinten, Geirs/Nast/Jump, Bhava.
>Healer fucking dies because he doesn't have an opportunity to heal unless he timed a preheal perfectly

you kidding me this story alone is better in almost every way. Tho the content of the land was better in mist not even question, the zones are simply better.

I used to play on Cerb, which was located in Canada when I played, think it's in EU now. I was thinking of rolling something new, I hear bad things about balmung so probably not there.

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Mists is much more compelling, SB sucked.

As a crafter I just go to the housing district, they have all the starting mats the guilds have.

>Buy ore from one of the person behind the counter
Buy ore from the person behind the counter*
I couldn't remember if they sell it at the mining guild or the crafter's guild so I was going to say one of them.
Upon remembering it was the crafter's guild I forgot to fix this sentence.
You have my apologies for having to read such broken English.

Who /gobletchad/ here?

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WHM and SCH can heal and/or shield themselves oGCD and AST will always have a dualcast lined up.

In ShB we're fighting sin eaters (the burning legion), discover new clans in the new world (viera and hrothgar), and trying to take down the garlean empire (illidan/kael/vashj crew). sounds like TBC

I need sword glam opinions, mythril big sord ain't cutting it anymore.
>tfw still god knows how long away from that perfect looking DRK relic from the trailer

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tranny mentality, please seek help

Unfortunately, I suppose I am a dirt chad. I am waiting for a lavender bed house to pop so I leave this brown shithole. Yesterday I saw a Au ra shitting in the streets.

>friend who mains healer is considering switching roles due to anxiety from tanks yelling at him for minor mistakes
I can't stand dickbag tanks. I try to be helpful and supportive and joke around when mistakes get made, it is the best way to teach them to be better. But anytime a healer drops the ball and I die I am met with stuttering apologies like they just killed my dog. Makes me wonder just how abusive OTHER tanks are to healers.

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>3 melee collapse on one healer
>they get stunned by a MCH
>MCH and BLM then LB them and they all die
>healer just uses essential dignity/benis/lustrate to heal anything that got through before the stun
wow amazing strategy.

Don't join the GCBTW

That's what I'm saying. Literally has been this whole time, and considering the absolute state of WoW and how many WoWfugees we've had even since ARR it's not that surprising.

Y'know it's kinda fucking hilarious how WoW gets the Zelda shit going on with each new expac. Back in like 2014 everyone considered the "last good expac" to be BC and you got laughed out of the room if you bragged about Wrath or anything after, for a few years everyone was circlejerking Wrath, now if you say anything bad about pandas you get a bunch of zoomers crawling out of the woodwork.

Yeah you right now that I think about it.

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Aka Oni Greatclub is the only good DRK weapon

Baldur sword is almost the exact same sword as the ShB relic

People trash the outside area but the real problem is the interior walls are the worst to work with.

You do the same thing in WoD

post a male character that doesn't look like a fag, you can't.

They keep leaving dungeons before I can commend them.

Baldur blade

Your friend should probably stop being a massive faggot

To be fair if the tank is using cooldowns (or is sitting in tank stance) and avoiding AOEs then you deserve to be shit on for letting them die assuming it wasn't a D/C that caused it

Anima Lux
Have fun grinding for it.

It wont matter if I do because your mind is already set and you'll trash it either way.

Primals are entities that need to consume vast quanitities of aether in order to survive.
Most aether when it gets used is returned to the Lifestream, in which it is recycled and introduced back in to the world.
Primals on the other hand ignore that and just consume the Aether entirely, meaning it's lost forever.
Since aether is the life force of everything on Hydaelyn, over time the entire landscape would become a barren wasteland if they were allowed to continue existing.

Most primals are aware of their aether-hungry nature. Some also don't know or don't care about their existence killing the planet. Some Primals do however understand their nature and wont allow themselves to be summoned except for when they're needed (like Ramuh.)

However, most primals end up constantly hungering for more aether regardless of their intentions. Even though Ramuh only lets himself exist for the sake of protecting Sylphs, if there was an ongoing threat towards Sylphkind then he'd likely attempt to keep himself summoned and start sustaining off of more aether - which is a problem.

This might not be true, but I believe that once a person allows a Primal to manifest using their body, they themselves become tempered and will then seek out ways to keep themselves transformed. Ysayle was an outlier in that she has the power of the Echo, which meant that she could control her Primal form without being tempered.

So after saying all this, Thordan and his Knights Twelves essentially tempered themselves by transforming in to Primals. That's the point of no return. This makes them an enemy to the Scions.

literally me but as a tank and whole party instead of healer

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Any drama I read about this game is NA server problem. You Americans are just arseholes.

In WoD that's a result of time travel, in TBC it's just travelling to a different planet that exists in your timeline.

Nah, "everything is always the healer's fault" shit is in every MMO and it's fucking awful. Why does no one ever call out shit tanks or DPS?

That sounds like shit, might as well delete the overworld while they're at it

Balmongoloid problems. Mentally ill server.

fuck the scions

They do, very frequently. Your friend is not being singled out. He's just a spineless faggot.

As a sch I literally have never had any problems with healing and dungeons. Then again I don't suck at this game.

Can't call out shit DPS in ARR unfortunately, unless you generalize it to the point of "You're at full MP/TP".

What? Would you prefer to have to go to the Crystal Tower every single time?

People on primal come do A8. I can’t see how DPS wait for queues.

It's also worth mentioning that killing or unsummoning a Primal returns their Aether to the Lifestream.
Louisoux did this when he transformed in to Phoenix in order to allow Eorzea to start repairing itself after Bahamut's rampage.
Granted this doesn't account for aether that's already been spent sustaining them.

This is also likely why we didn't immediately attempt to kill Ysayle even though she'd turned in to a Primal, since the Aether she used to transform was almost immediately dissipated back in to the Lifestream. No harm done, essentially.

I hear a lot of drama from Frog country and their stuck-up arses, and I presume the JP side has their own drama someplace that's not OF if I could read moon.

>I like things to be obtuse and inconvenient for no reason other than muh immersion

I will never understand people who think like this. Things being harder or less convenient for no real reason does not make things more deep or interesting.

Stop posting this shit opinion every thread

Video games are literally defined by inconvenience.

Tbh the only douchebags I met so far were always tanks, half ot them were lalafells too.

I understand why people wouldn't like MoP, due to Pandas and the thunderforging cancer we are still paying for to this day, but who actually thought the game could get as bad as it is right now?
The game peaks differently based on what you like about it. Whether that is the state of the community, the raiding scene, the combat, etc., it's a bit different with each expansion.
I haven't really played any of the Zelda games (I tried OoT and didn't care for it), so I can't really speak as to why you believe that series has a similiar effect on retrospectives.

Sounds like you don't actually play Feast. Healers die fast as fuck when Melee converge and if MCH and BLM have LB then it's a moot point since the melee will also have LB so the healer straight up dies while the shitty LBs the melee just ate don't kill them and they get healed back to full.

Just like Ysayle. Oh wait.

You know full well people dont use tank stance very often and tend to not use cooldowns meanwhile are pulling as many groups as they can
t. healer main


Seriously carve the flame of the abyss into your enemies with ifrit’s ever-smoldering horn

You're right, I don't play joke gametypes like Feast

We expecting Nomura to slip in at least one case of belts & zippers in the new raid tier?

The Suzaku sword is better if you want a 3000 degrees hot butter knife.

JP has had much funnier drama than we ever have for the duration since ARR, for example the 2ch name-and-shame blacklists, or the practice of harassing people by following them around with dozens of naked Roe alts.

>I haven't really played any of the Zelda games (I tried OoT and didn't care for it), so I can't really speak as to why you believe that series has a similiar effect on retrospectives.
There's a notorious meme about Zelda where everyone hates the new one and says the old one was better. Everyone hated Wind Waker on release and said OoT was better because WW was too kiddy, everyone hated TP on release because it was edgy and WW was better, etc.

I pretty much stopped levelling once I discovered Triple Triad, then had to continue levelling to reach NPCs that I could win new cards from. I don't think I've had as much fun with a card game.

Just one?

Nothung. Big detailed sword with a dyeable blade glow (with the glow being quite subtle in-game), and a nice Sigurd reference to go along with the other references in the game such as the Shadowbringers CE mount.

Well, I understand the general meme, but there's got to be some sort of reasoning behind it.
People wouldn't just form opinions based on feelings alone, right?
They would try to understand the games they spend so many hours talking about, right?

it's nice to have a thread without people shrieking over parse autism for once

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Why say that? Now retards will bring it up.

Ysayle had the Echo, Alisaie does not

>implying they won't combine to become one primal in the future to prevent a Calamity, following in the footsteps of their grandfather.

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au ra female mostly.

Is shadow bringers just another way of saying we are all going to get blacked?

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Let him. Keeping people alive during trials and raids can be very stressful. With the death debuffs, it literally forces you to wipe due to lack of DPS and you feel like you wasted a lot of time seeing the enrage several times. While they're at it, steer clear of any class that can revive.

You literally posted the definition of male fag looking character. WTF user.

When we get to 80, do you guys think tanks will be able to solo HW dungeons?
That is, if they can't currently.

Looks like a Jojo villain if the shoulders were a bit more broad

No, we're doing the blacking

They already can do a lot of them, maybe some of the later ones would be a bit of trouble

A lot of jobs already can.

ironic right?

Why don't you give it a try?
It'd probably doable, with the 120 ilvl difference.

WAR and PLD can already solo every HW dungeon and DRK only can't because they don't have any single target self healing.

I never leveled RDM (I'm straight), but does this guy ever develop a rivalry with his twin brother who just happens to be a SAM?

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>Redditors farming upvotes by copy/pasting Yea Forums leaks

I wrote the gunbreaker one, and the context was someone asking for fake leaks just to satiate themselves. These people are genuinely stupid.

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which one

They're too cowardly to talk about the REAL leaks.

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Whatever you do, don't use glowshit

Sophic Edge (no glow), Balmung, Subduer, Lockhart.

Lux, Nothung, Baldur Blade, Dreadwyrm, one of the 60-70 leveling ones was pretty good.

>Cactuar congested and refugees from Crystal and Primal flooded in with the free transfers
Get the fuck off my lawn

Baldur Blade/Molybdenum Longblade (Molyb is more gold, Baldur is more silver), Odenta, Nothung, stock Deathbringer, Balmung, Seiryu's Spine, Susano's greatsword, Ala Mhigan Guillotine

Eh, just looks like a big heated knife. ifrit greatsword looks like it's actually spitting shadow and fire.


t. Greylet

>about 1 in 3 times I log in there is a queue now

Dead game they said

all the wanderer fags are shitting up limsa

>Plays a female toon AND doesn't think that looks cool
Yeah, I'm thinking you're a faggot

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Wrong. Minfilia is a loli for a reason.

DRK can solo them easily thanks to TBN and clever use of Sole Survivor, also, you can auto-heal a fuckton of HP in grit

user... don't tell me you roleplayed, did erotic roleplay and played on ps4.. user? Are you there?

>a reason.
She's in an alternate world that split off from the source and even before that had her body and essence absorbed by Hydalyn
I'm willing to bet there's going to be a twist where Lolifilia is just Hydalyn using her form and memories to manipulate us

As someone who just replayed ARR, this is patently false. ARR had only a couple high notes here and there, SB, while not particularly as fantastic as HW, was still fairly consistent in quality throughout.

Trying for the Seymour Guado vibes.

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i solo'd sohm al as warrior pretty effortlessly recently
full alpha normal armor and 370 weapon

don't recall anything from any of the dungeons causing big trouble

It's so that after the time skip, her new body develops in to a more curvy and mature one. This time with MUCH bigger breasts.

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We got another happy shill.

Soloing The Aery is complicated because of Niddhogg

As someone that tanks I'm more sick of "carry me" healers and healsluts that have meltdowns over anything and nothing. Case of perspective I guess. Tanks have a lot of pressure too and rest assured you'll get flamed plenty by healers and dps if you fuck up. Just go dps and deal with the longer queues if you can't handle rolling the dice for melties/dickbags.. that said dpslets get kicked faster and without people batting an eye if a healer or tank -does- want to kick you.

i did all the hw relic quest hw dungeons solo as ninja. average item level is 390

All of my tanks are using the level 70 AF gear, I'm wondering because I really like the tank set in The Vault.

Jesus Christ I wish those WHM changes were real

Chaos/french are douchebags too but yeah. amerimutts are oversensitive douchebags which is one hell of a combo.

It is? I destroyed it as sam.

At least as WHM, yes

I'm not a bitter faggot that holds grudges

That's actually funny.

Just speed through the story, it takes fucking forever, it's mandatory, and it's shallow/boring. Wish I knew that when I played. Honestly, I hate FFXIV which is why I like ESO a lot more out of the modern MMO's. Do whatever you want whenever you want, good story, and fun dungeons. Only thing I miss from FFXIV is the god tier music.

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>Why does no one ever call out shit tanks
If a tank fucks up the party wipes more often than not and people don't take kindly to that. Some healers are a more "feminine" version of tanky douchebags too. Passive aggressive and so forth. Dpslets can get kicked without anyone saying no if the tank or healer has a stick up their ass. You're biased because you main healer or you're just ignorant.

Lower-damage jobs like tanks and healers are hard-pressed for soloing Nidhogg because of that tether being an instant kill if it's allowed to count down, Sable Price or whatever it was

You seem to be in the wrong place then.

this is more powerful than Bahamut

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>try out the tornado kick rotation as a mnk with having no idea how it works
>start doing way more damage, actually have to use purification to reduce enmity

I don't think we've literally fought anything stronger than Bahamut.

Just look at the Stormblood trailer up against the Heavensward or Shadowbringers trailers, Jesus what the fuck. The difference is night and day.

>Tanks have a lot of pressure too
>pull big, press aoe button, activate defense buffs
Dont lie
t. All tanks at 70

Just wait til ShB launch where all congested servers will have a 2 hr+ queue

Lorewise we're hard-pressed to find anything stronger than Bahamut in-world, the only things so far have probably been Midgardsormr, Shinryu(?), and Omega, assuming a straight fight

i would have said Omega,but even the Allagans needed to summon voidsent to suck up additional aether and possess his worshippers in order for him to be weak enough to be captured

Isn't Alexander supposedly capable of preventing Bahamut from happening?

Is there a reason Bahamut is so powerful? I mean, I know the meta reason, but in the story what was Bahamut and how many fucks worshiped it that it became a literal living Calamity?

and reminder that we didn't fight midgardsomr in his prime or the actual shinryu, unless shinryu is in fact an actual pushover

>redditors copypaste things from 4chin for upvotes and redditfame
No shit. Reddit's been stealing from 4chin for ages. One of the biggest reasons I don't like them. Need to add references to niggers, jews etc back into memes and pastas again.
This is the only real leak though.

>they changed Gaius's voice actor
Literally why? He was amazing. I can't say the current guy is bad, but I just can't see him delivering all those arr speeches with the same oomph that the old actor did.

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Theoretically. Bahamut would probably win in a straight fight still but Alexander's either not of a mind to fight Bahamut in the first place, or would subtly influence events to prevent Bahamut from being summoned.

Everyone got replaced after ARR since they switched studios and thank fucking God for that, replaying ARR at the moment and almost everyone is terrible or clearly has no direction during recording

He spent thousands of years collecting solar aether, so he was already hypercharged when he got out. Each of the Triad could cause a calamity of their own

The real Shinryu would be but Mhigger Shinryu is another question

No idea why people liked ARR Alphinaud. Sounded like a stuck up mid 30 year old.

I'm a huge ESfag and ESO looks like shit. I'll happily play FFXIV (tied with Morrowind for my favorite game) any day of the week.

Midgardsormr is the "real" Shinryu as far as the relationship with Omega and stated power cares

Wasn't the real Shinryu just Middy

It was kind of the point since Alphinaud's high off the smell of his own farts during ARR but I definitely didn't like his voice in comparison to the HW-and-beyond iteration

It's the reason I picked up the game at all. The othet stuff is fine but that card game tho.

This is always my problem with English voice acting, the kids and teens all sound like adults no matter what the voice actor does.

Going to repost an older post from a few threads ago since it did bring u p a point of Stormblood itself not even being sure about its own story and feeling like filler.

>ARR: youtube.com/watch?v=h542YbZuwkQ
Sets up the setting of the game while at the same time connecting the failed 1.0 version of the game with the ending scene that serves as a good stepping point for newcomers.
>HW: youtube.com/watch?v=4phUCJlomPo
Recaps the end of ARR, our entrance to Ishgard and gives a glimpse of the Dragonsong War while also giving us a preview of the surrounding regions that we will be visiting in said expansion.
>SB: youtube.com/watch?v=Jt1h1MinlLI
No recap of the ending of Heavensward, shows off Rhalgr's reach and has us fighting with Lyse for most of the first half, something that is barely even shown in the actual MSQ with the cinematic then panning out to show sections of the Ruby Sea underwater and a small alleyway in Kugane before panning out over all of Kugane proper.
>ShB: youtube.com/watch?v=w7eH0mqK3To
Recaps the end of Stormblood's story while setting up the coming events of ShB. Story hints are dropped here and there with the scions as we build up to the reveal of our involvement in the First. Rather than focusing on the MC fighting it splits between multiple events to show us a bit on the build up to that point.

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>game is japanese
>but the english voice is better overall (starting from hw)
defend this

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Yeah, the dialog before Midgardsormr fight in Omega says Shinryu was based on the summoners (Ilberd and his followers) seeing Keeper of the Lake.
I don't think he could take Primal Bahamut though, if I'm being honest.

>Not listening and reading in japanese

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>did more to push the main plot (garleans being the badguys) than HW did, and presumably ShB will if we're just going to the first
>IT'S the filler
fucking what

Soloing Amdapor City Hard as SAM was easier than I thought. Only the moth at the start got close to killing me while the Lion and Kuribu were cakewalks. Still took almost 15 minutes so fuck doing this and Pharos Hard for the orchestrion rolls. I'll wait until Shad instead.


Current Midgardsormr most likely couldn't (or would send you to do it), I'd kill to see Middy at his real strength since the Omegascape fight was really disappointing.

It's not though

Also got the Morpho minion which goes for around 340k on the MB. Not too bad.

The "main plot" sucks and i don't care about it. The garleans by themselves aren't particularly interesting villains and their aesthetic is overused.

Do you imagine the dub invented those lines?

>he plays a job
>he plays a race
>he plays mmo
oh you best believe you a tranny
>he plays videogames
the hobby of tranny

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The fight in Omega was meant to be him at full strength but it didn't really look that impressive did it? I'm only speaking from normal terms since I don't raid.
That part I suppose slipped my mind, I think HE could take Primal Bahamut. But him right before he gets killed and becomes keeper of the lake? I don't actually think so.

Doesn't change my point at all, big guy. Ascians and Garlemald are the biggest plot points for FFXIV. HW had them the LEAST.

hopefully both of you can fluently hear japanese without depending on the shit localization
kinda pathetic weebs otherwise

Delivery and actor quality has absolutely nothing to do with the lines themselves, I'm actually impressed you missed the point so hard even if I'm half-sure you missed the point on purpose.

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>he posts on Yea Forums
Guess what, user?

Kidomaru is Kino-maru.

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If you're autistic then why are you judging the quality of a dub in a language you don't understand?

Middy in Omegascape doesn't change all that much between normal and Savage, he's just kinda disappointing and a by-the-books "dragon" boss.

>being smug about getting americanized writing and norf bong voices
>being smug when they don't even get referred to as Partner by Estinien and lose out on a lot of character in general
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of this war anglofag.

>dubfags trying to feel superior after missing out on SABAKI O TOKI DA and ULTIMATTO ENDO

>pushing garleans being bad is pushing the main plot
You really do have shit taste dont you user? The events of SB could have not have happened and ShB would have still have fit in nicely. Ignoring Ishgard wasn't exactly an option for the Eorzean Alliance to even have the force needed to even go into Ala Mhigo regardless if we wanted to or not.

>trying to write off professional actors as OI YOO CAME TER THA WRONG NEIGHBAHOOD SOUFER memes
I don't even need to pay attention to the rest of your post to know you don't have a single taste-bud in your body

Yeah because sexual predator prancing faggot Haurchefaunt was such a cool guy I tell you what

Still need ingame gf


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I want this goddamned sword but nobody does the FATE

>anime girl image
t. ranny

It's too late

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Don't even think of playing the game anymore. If you weren't there when the game came out and played the expansions when they came out, you're too late. Literally no point in playing the game unlike you like hundred hours of fetch quests with no other players in sight, being forced to skip all seemingly interesting content (because no-one plays them anymore) all this until you hit the current endgame and don't understand jack shit of common raid mechanics or skill rotations.
It's unsalvageable experience at this moment, and there's little to no chance that a brand new player would enjoy it. It's sad but it's the truth. There's no point in playing MMORPG unless you start in the launch.

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Returning Ishgard to the alliance was much more main-plot relevant than bumming around on with the domans on the other side of the world.

It's too late for you user, you already started posting anime images

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>JP: Onee-chan/Onii-san! I'm so glad you made it..
>El Creatura: Warrior of the Light! Bruv that was a roight foight there. Looked like you'd get yer arse fooked. Me an me mum thought you'd croak!

Not him but
>he plays a job
MCH master race
>he plays a race
The chad male Au Ra
>he plays mmo
Every once and a while I want to be reminded there are other people out there.
>he plays video games
I read too.

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They all sound the same too to the point where there are tons of people who can't even tell who's fucking speaking in voiceovers in the dub half the time. Ironic considering how much dubfags like to complain about all the JP actors sounding the same

why is there still no fucking plate armor for healers

>there are tons of people who can't even tell who's fucking speaking in voiceovers in the dub half the time. Ironic considering how much dubfags like to complain about all the JP actors sounding the same
This is genuinely the first time I've ever heard this complaint

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Because only faggots play healers

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it will confuse players.


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It happens literally every time there's a disembodied narrator


So literally just Count Fortemps and Lyse once or twice

>male au ra player is an insecure fag that tries to insist he's a chad and part of a master race

I want the game too, should I play on PS4 or PC

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What the fuck is this abomination

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Can't we just get along?

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There's one or two plate sets for healers. Legacy Warrior if you feel like surrendering your soul to Mogstation and giving them a couple bucks, Proto Ultima from HW is all-class, the Deltascape samurai set, Replica High Allagan, I think one of the PvP sets is plate

the average ffxiv streamer

We could if people stopped being living memes

Only until people stop feeling pride over playing a fictional race in an mmo.

PC. buy it from square not on steam. pre-ordering shadowniggers comes with the closest to a "heirloom" xp item you'll get with the earrings and comes with the other expansions once shadowniggers is out. I played on ps4 first too and it's unironically comfy but you can plug in a controller to your pc anyway. Oh and chatting/using the marketboard is aids without using a keyboard anyway.

Doesn't matter but you will have to buy the game again to change platforms so be sure of what you want.

Only when Lalas stop existing will that happen.

Well it seems to understand what quick nock is

The Garleans being the "bad guys" has always been around even during Heavensward. Just because they were not in the limelight in Heavensward doesn't mean HW itself wasn't pushing the main plot. Have you ignored how beneficial Ishgard was/is to Eorzea as a whole and how the Dragonsong War itself was an obstacle in having the even join in the first place? Like this post says the entire events of Doma and Ala Mhigo could have been ignored and ShadowBringers would have still made sense given we fight the First's WoL turned WoD near the end of Heavensward. Exactly what do we lose if SB never happened?
They're out on the other side of the world and part of their own alliance and only really matter for the Ala Mhigan liberation and "Garlean" retaliation, which would not even existed or been possible were it not for us.
>Ala Mhigo
The biggest travesty of XIV's writing team and SB, the nation that nearly no one cares or sympathizes with. The pacing was god awful as 4.0 just finished the liberation arcs as fast as it could making the rest of the patch MSQ quests feeling like as if we played this story out of order. Neither of these 2 lands had to be freed for ShadowBringers to take place and neither were needed to introduce more into the character of Varis, Solus and Zenos as they could have still played part in ShB given the Ascian ties that were revealed. Stormblood in the end could have been and probably is at this point nothing but filler. Had they properly paced the liberation of Doma and the liberation of Ala Mhigo maybe we could have cared more.

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So the Heart of Sabik is going to come back into play at some point right? Surely an artifact that fucking overpowered won't just get cast aside forever.

PS4 for max comfy

Benchmark when? I want to make dozen Viera and Hrothgar.

Fuck that, Daystar (or the crafted version) is all you need

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>pvp set is plate
>missed out
>can never get it
I hate this. Doing feast in and of itself and getting a high ranking should be enough of a special snowflake thing. Couldn't even farm feast since the queue was insane..

Queue up for A10 primal nerds. I want to get to do all of Alexander today.

Everything but the boots is shit though.

it was leaked a week ago

It would not surprise me if Sabik is yet another alien

Makes you look like a barrel chested fatty.


Not for healers lol

You’re a barrel chested fatty. You also have cooties.