Adventure? Or Adventure 2? Which is the better game?
Adventure? Or Adventure 2? Which is the better game?
Adventure by a long shot.
Adventure 2 easily
Adventure 2 arguable has better sonic stages, but it has by far the worst knuckles stages. Robot walker stages are improved from Gamma's campaign was super short so you didn't have to play the stages very long.
Sonic Adventure - developed by Japanese
Sonic Aventure 2 - developed by Americans
You guess
Same for Sonic 2 and CD
Well, the PC port for adventure 2 is so bad that it can't run on my computer without crashing. So I guess adventure 1 is better.
Pretty much this, though I like (most of) the level design of the Knuckles stages better in Adventure 2.
Adventure 2 was the better game overall.
Adventure looses points for all the characters besides Sonic having really shit gameplay.
If Adventure 2 had open world like Adventure it'd be the best with literally no downsides.
I didn't play much of the Chao Garden in Adventure so I can't make a comparison there.
Technically Sonic 2 was still developed by nips, they were just headquartered in burgerland.
I prefer 1. The mech sections in 2 were boring and the Knuckles/Rouge levels were too much at some points. I also prefer the art style in 1. Big is still an issue though and Sonics last couple of levels could be better, but I guess I just prefer 1. I will admit that 2 has the better Chao garden and I love the multiplayer.
I still like both of them.
I have the problem too. There should be an option that allows you to send data over to SEGA. Turning it on actually helped the game run, so that might help.
Doesn't matter, it's still an American game
2, but gamme stages > walker stages
I don't understand how Adventure 2 could refine the Speed stages so damn much and then take a million steps back with the other two playstyles.
Gamma plays better than Tails and Eggman
Knuckles' levels in Adventure 1 were way better than the levels in Adventure 2.
So Adventure 1, as a whole, is the better game for me.
2 is better in every way
Chaos is best
>Emerald Radar
>but it has by far the worst knuckles stages.
wrong. pumkin hill alone is better than all sa1 stages combined
>Sonic Adventure 2
>developed by Americans
Wait, WHAT?
adventure 2 is a better game all around, but adventure 1's sonic campaign is solid
Adventure 1 is better in every way.
git gud
>le black rapper meme stage
Kill yourself.
Same logic would apply for Sonic Adventure 2
Adventure 2 has overrall better gameplay and has particularly great story moments.
Adventure 1 has particularly great gameplay segments and the overrall better story.
Favorite moments from both games in no particular order.
>the entirety of city escape from sound to level design.
>sonic and shadow's conversation before their final boss fight.
>"Because you just told me fox boy."
>The entirety of e-102 Gamma from start to finish.
>Tikal moments are pretty chill.
Bonus mention:
The bugged conversation between sonic and shadow in the forest, which causes sonic to interrupt shadow.
>"You're not even good enough to be my fake."
>"I'll make you eat those words!"
>"You're not even good enou-"
>"I'll make you eat those words!"
I really like love big the cat so my vote goes to adventure
Adventure 2 is so much more polished it isn't even funny.
I actually played through both games over the weekend.
Gamma's stages > Eggman and Tails'
I don't think I like a single Tails stage though.
Sonic and Shadow carry SA2, which is better than just Sonic and Knuckles carrying SA1. Knuckles' stages aren't HORRIBLE in SA2 aside from Meteor Herd though. All of Rouge's stages are pretty bad.
In conclusion, SA2 is way more fun to play through than SA1, but SA1 is more fun to speedrun Sonic levels.
what version of Adventure 1 should I play
2 is the more polished and fleshed out experience, but I prefer the level tropes and atmosphere of 1
I missed them
Adventure is better by a long shot. Even the music is better.
>The music is better
I agree. And that's because a lot of it is repurposed from 3D blast, which is my all time favorite Sonic OST (Both versions at that). Even the track you linked is a soft rearrangement of Spring Stadium.
huh, I'll give it a go. thanks
Aventure 2 has better Hedgehog stages and worse hunting/shooting stages.
Sonic Adventure is better than Sonic Adventure 2, but both the games are pretty terrible by today's standards
>SA: 6/10
>SA2: 3/10
Adventure 1.
Adventure 2 had better character models, better cutscenes and... that's more or less it. Adventure's level design was better, it had a great open world hub, and the soundtrack was stellar compared to SA2's pretty good one.
I kinda miss having the extra characters, sonic requires you to make a lot of assets and big stages that will be chewed through in minutes. Chopping these big stages up and putting a new character and play style is extremely efficient use of resources. You could probably program all of knuckles or tales stages in Adventure 1 before you completed a single sonic stage. I don't think we will see this design again/
Sonic 3 + Knuckles.
I've never had issues with the SA2 PC port
overworlds suck m8, i'm glad SA2 doesn't have them.
I much prefer SA2's soundtrack as well. SA1's isn't bad by any means and it's still quite good, but a lot of it is sort of samey, I like how in SA2 each character's stages is a completely different genre and how much crazier it's willing to be with electric guitars and vocals.
I've never minded the radar changes in SA2 because the entire point of the treasure stages is a slower, more exploratory expierence. My only issue with them is I wish more like Wild Canyon, Dry Lagoon, Pumpkin Hill, Security hall (minus the safe switch gimmick), and Meteor herd. The more cramped, interior based treasure stages do indeed suck
meteor herd is great you faggot, see above. It's a fantastic stage to take your tile exploring and gliding around and just chilling out to the music to.
DX gamecube port is shit and the xbox live/psn/steam versions have the same issues, but trhere are modpacks/hacks for the PC port which fixes it. Ask sonic general on /vg/ or something and they should be able to direct you to it
I can not believe you delusional faggots actually believe either of those trash games are remotely redeemable
Whats shit about the GC version
What about the DC one?
I found the PC version it comes with 2 disks? but no idea about hacks Ill keep looking I guess
both are terrible games but 2 is the worst
>Adventure looses points for all the characters besides Sonic having really shit gameplay.
good thing 2 had characters that werent sonic with shit gameplay that took up the majority of the game
>Sonic controls
I wish people would make custom levels for SA1. Spindash jumping and chaining is some of the most satisfying movement in gaming. SA2 ruined Sonic's maneuvering by crippling his B use with the somersault that acts like a brake
A fan-made Sonic Adventure game would be awesome. I wish Tails had levels that actually incorporated his abilities instead of just having him run through Sonic's stages again
I follow the "which one was more fun overall" logic. SA1 had piss-poor Big stages and kinda meh Amy stages, but those were like 10% of the game. SA2 is just not fun at all except for speed stages, which are like 30% of the game. The music is also worse.
So SA1 wins by default.
SA2 had a more interesting story and better original characters (though Gamma is damn good). Oh yeah, and a hugely improved chao garden.
SA2 all the way.
Adventure 2 but they're both 9/10 games for me personally
Neither is good but I'll say 1 because it makes me laugh more while playing it because of how bad it is, 2 is just mediocre, but the cutscenes and but rock get me some keks.
DC version is fine.
A spirtual sonic adventure successor litterally just came out 2 days ago, it's a sequel to a spirtual sonic successor called Spark the Electric jester
The Steam version with the Dreamcast modpack (it fixes a lot of stuff).
Holy shit thanks user. I might check that out.
Where do I find that?
You'll have to download the Dreamcast models separately if you wish.
Adventure 1 is more consistent and diverse.
Adventure 2 is more polished and ambitious.
With that said, Adventure is the better game. It feels bigger, even if its production values are low compared to 2. It is also more fun overall simply because there are a shit ton of Sonic levels and they are god tier. Even Egg Carrier, that buggy mess, is fun to go through.
Also Tails playing like sonic (as it should) is a lot better in SA1 than his mecha sections in 2.
Knuckles levels are also fun unlike his counterpart in SA2 where hunting levels are too long and boring to go through and E102 shooting segments are better paced and shorter than SA2 eggman/tails equivalent.
Even amy is kinda enjoyable mostly because her levels play like a traditional 3d platformer
adventure 2 is better but even that one is an awfully poorly designed game
Is the steam version the same PC version that you can find online in two disks?
The soundtrack for Adventure is really good and I liked being able to explore the overworld. The best thing about SA2 is the multiplayer.
No, the Steam version is different. Either buy it or try to find the Steam rip.
SA1 felt like an attempt to capture the classic Sonic design in a 3D game; stages were more open, there were physics to take advantage of and the stages were built to accommodate
Adventure 2 really streamlined the levels and hampered overall movement. The levels are more polished but they're also fairly straight forward and less interesting as a result. It feels closer to modern sonic design principles than SA1 did
I'm only taking about the speed stages though
Why do people like the overworld in SA1? Its cramped and tiny and theres nothing interesting to find in it so exploration is pointless. It does nothing but serve to ruin the pacing
>it had a great open world hub
I played through SA1 recently and the hubs are anything but great. They're mostly just empty areas you're forced to run across that feature brainlet-tier puzzles. The NPC dialogue is sometimes amusing but that's pretty much it. They don't even contribute to the overall sense of "adventure" since they pretty much act as glorified Mario 64 hubs.
Overall I prefer SA1 to 2, but it would have been better off without the hubs. A good map screen is really all you need, and can better illustrate the game's "journey" to boot.
I don't understand why people act like SA2's Sonic levels are better when they're generally more linear and even more automated than SA1's. It's like playing a boost game just without the boost.
They're not "linear." You just didn't find the shortcuts.
You are so full of shit, claiming "linearity" as the primary factor in boostshit games. There's just one problem, there's no "push to win" button.
>They're not "linear."
The main paths are generally more linear than SA1's, which featured more wide-open areas in its level design.
SA1 is not a fucking sandbox dude.
What a pain, I think Ill just play this PC version as is
>claiming "linearity" as the primary factor in boostshit games
Don't put words in my mouth. I said SA2's level design reminds me more of the kind of level design you'd see in the boost games compared to SA1.
I didn't say it was. Quit thinking in extremes.
Adventure 2 has a better streamlining of story and all, but the actual level design is mostly absolute fucking garbage besides a few of Sonic and Shadow's stages. Adventure 1's alternate characters are so easy and basic by comparison that it's not that big a deal.
They're mostly well-designed that the setpieces are fairly fun to go through without being particularly time-consuming. They don't have the flow or "freedom" of SA1, but that doesn't inherently make them bad. Both games have their strengths and weaknesses, nostalgia just blinds too many fans to both sides.
Adventure 2, Adventure 1 has laughable controls
>They don't have the flow or "freedom" of SA1, but that doesn't inherently make them bad
I never said Sonic's levels in SA2 were bad, I just think they're worse than SA1's, largely for the reasons you just gave.
Just come clean and admit you wanted to throw SA2 in the same group as boostshit so you could declare SA1 as best with only the weakest fucking comparison you could muster.
I think they ought to bring back hubs but make them better.
Guess I touched a nerve.
SA2's Sonic levels are more focused on speed and spectacle than SA1's, which reminds me of the level design seen in the boost games. Not really sure what the issue is here.
that explains why adventure 2 is the only good sonic game
works on my machine :^)
Honestly i'm bothered by how many people treat SA2 as great and then turn around and bitch about Boost being too linear, just because of control differences and Boost's different approach to gameplay. Some of these people probably wouldn't even care were it not for all the mod talk Generations had where people couldn't just 1:1 SA maps due to the controls.
I don't think hubs really have a place in Sonic games at all, since they typically just bring the general pace of the game down for no real reason. Just stick to map screens.
If they have to include hubs, I'd rather they just make the entire game completely hub-based like Jet Set Radio Future.
why was this simple side game so god damn complex?
First Adventure, easily. I don't know how they took Gamma/Mech and Knuckles stages and made them considerably worse in SA2
Tfw we will never get SA1 amy ever again.
And it gets more complex when you start the nature and color mixing.
>Tfw we will never get SA1 amy ever again
whats that supposed to mean
I tried that but I keep getting a JIT runtime error
Adventure because it's much easier to fuck with the physics and bypass large amounts of the stage
Adventure 2 stages are super linear and boxed in
1 has a much better soundtrack
2 having almost nothing but rock music gets grating after an hour or so