Replay that level you couldn't beat as a kid

>replay that level you couldn't beat as a kid
>easily win

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>replay game you havent played since the diaper years
>it sucks

>replay that level you could easily beat as a kid
>can't win

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>replay that level you couldn't beat as a kid
>still can't beat it
Some things never change

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>since the diaper years
So when you were a sophomore in high school?

>beat a level as a fetus
>Can't beat it now as a fully formed human adult

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video games aren't fun anymore

>haha oh man you remember playing those old sega and nintendo games? they were so difficult! you gotta be a real hardcore gamer to deal with those!
*dusts of console*
*easily finishes games in one sitting*

Fucking Megaman and castlevania

>replay that game that scared you
> it still scares you

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Super Mario World for SNES.
I beat the first boss when I was 5.
It was the first boss I ever beat in a video game.
I ran and told my grandmother.

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I have no idea how I managed to beat Halo CE on Legendary as a kid. I even remember it being easy for me back then and now with a better controller and a higher framerate, I can barely get off the Pillar of Autumn.

Metroid Prime, not sure why I struggled with the endboss as a kid. While replaying it now I found the Omega Pirate harder.

Tzar is fucking brutal.

>first game ever played was Mario NES
>Realize in college I have never actually sat down and beat it
>Proceed to sit down and beat it

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>posting a hatespeech cartoon on neo Yea Forums
literally get out right now

Feels good, doesn't it?

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Shit, I don't think I've ever beaten it either. Always found something better to do after couple of worlds.

Inspired me to give Super Mario Bros 3 another try.

>go back to an old level I played as a kid
>find something I never knew was there for years

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Spongebob Squarepants the Movie

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>remember how I used to attempt to age of wonders as a kid
>give it a try again
>get fucking destroyed in the first mission
I thought that I was just retarded as a kid, but this is some bullshit.

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Crash Bandicoot 1. I beat that game in 4 hours when I couldn't even make it past the second half my whole childhood.

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The final mission of Simpson's Hit and Run
I still haven't beaten it to this day.

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>Try to replay a game you remember enjoying as a kid
>It doesn't generate any strong feelings, positive or negative
>Quit part-way through because it feels pointless, as all things do nowadays
>Stare blankly at the screen for an indeterminate period of time

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