Why aren't SJWs in uproar about this game?
It shows extreme violence against women, going further than any game before ever has
Normally there would be riots, why not for this?
Why aren't SJWs in uproar about this game?
It shows extreme violence against women, going further than any game before ever has
Normally there would be riots, why not for this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Thinking they are grassroots activists
yummy tummy
Because she's a badass
Politics aside I love how far they're going with the brutal violence in this game. It's almost sickening.
There will probably be a few clickbait articles when it launches. As for these "riots" you speak of, idk man.
>Normally there would be riots, why not for this?
It's not Japanese.
Poor white people they still think these things are real or legitimate
because they also kiss and that apparently makes it a sacred cow to them, much like how a flag can make a game unforgivable to Yea Forums. Everyone thinks in illogical extremes now.
Why tell other's what they should be mad about.
Just because you're short on feminist cringe clips to strawman your dumb beliefs doesn't mean people have to be as retarded as you buddy.
Watching white people destroy themselves was initially kinda funny but now I'm just kinda sad.
The problem is that if they not realize the farce, they are going to truly go under, seeing them struggling to notice the obvious is pathetic and fucked up
that's no women?
Mystery solved.
Right pic isn't wrong, porn-addiction actually fucks with your life in so many ways. Hell in Japan it's being employed as the ultimate compliance-tool.
Not to say left pic or carnal violence is any more morally-justified or can't [potentially] mess somebody's perception up in other ways now that graphics are where they're at.
It's just a game, bro.
they love David Cage games and DmC: Devil May Cry simply because the creators said the right things in an interview, never mind that those games are terrible towards women.
they DO NOT play games.
shut the fuck up, im seeing it
the right doesn't like video games either retard
>still falling for left/right bullshit
prime example right there
If you can't play a video game (that isn't porn to begin with) without whipping your dick out, then you have more problems than just big tittied anime bitches.
CERO prevents the retail release of anything that could be classified as porn.
>Cracked calls this trailer "torture porn"
>Polygon telling ND to stop selling your game with violence
>Danny O'Dwyer going in on violence against women
>Paste bitching about that trailer as well
At least Jim Ryan over at Playstation had the balls to stick up for the trailer.
Also Jon Macintosh leaned in on this unsurprisingly. He's the faggot that ran the tropes vs women series with Anita Sarkeesian.
Their actually was outrage in the beginning when it was first shown but it was swiftly silenced since 'naughty dog can do no wrong'.
>Why won't SJWS leave muh vidya??
>Why aren't they making an uproar about muh vidya??
Neck yourself you pathetic internet drama obsessed cuck
SJWs started bitching really hard about the game because muh violence against women.
/pol/JWs started bitching out of faked concern because Naughty Dog is an SJW studio.
I was jerking off at the woman swinging in the noose because it's one of the better female hanging scenes in all vidya. I don't hate women but that kind of shit just turns me on so much it's almost unreal.
_ _ _ _ is cute!
At this point I'm like 99% sure that Dunkmann has ryona fetish.
I unironically feel bad for male feminists, they have to constantly eat shit while apologizing for their privilege of eating shit.
But then I remember that they are all actual rapists.
user, you've never been to a beach have you?
pfft, tell that to 12 year old me, or any other 12 year old for that matter.
You are part of the problem that is making this website so much more shit then it normally is.
>going to the beach is the same as senran kagura which beach are you going to?
Cause it's a woman doing it. If it was a man it would be a problem
user, please explain to the class how a picture of 4 girls in bikinis is porn?
If they dont snap out of this disgusting trance they are in, society is legit finished.
Going through puberty is a lot different from being a grown man being unable to finish a game because he can't stop jacking off to big titty anime girls.
who is this "they"
are you suggesting that people of a specific skin color all share some kind of a hive mind
Exactly how you talk about black people but when it's done to you it's a problem huh?
"they" being the vast majority of you retarded white goyim being led to slaughter
oh its not, but with those camera angles and other shit it might as well be.
im pretty sure that game was pretty much made to be jerked off to though. you cant change my mind on this.
>Drawings that you could easily find 3D equivalents of on social media are porn
Never go outside, you're a threat to humanity
He's fucking right though, you absolute cretin.
Senran is pretty much softcore porn.
>I was jerking off at the woman swinging in the noose because it's one of the better female hanging scenes in all vidya
thats some top tier "gameplay"
i mean that could also apply to the 3D equivalents as well, it depends though. you dont have to get so hung up on the fact that theres no penetration involved or seen, jeez .
You have actual mental issues.
>it's softcore porn
>It shows extreme violence against women,
Not sure if that's a woman with those broad shoulders, flat chest, thick arms, large hands and thick fingers.
Forgot pic
They're hypocrites and attack dogs for things that the establishment doesn't like.
How the hell does a "woman" build up and maintain muscles like these in a post-apoclyptic setting? She must have access to lots of meat and supplements.
That facial animation is on-point
Hey, I didn't ask for this fetish. In fact, I as incredibly ashamed of it and afraid of it until Red Dead Redemption got me to sort of accept I had it through that one mission where a story related female NPC gets hanged. Over time I accepted that it's just a fetish and it's okay as long as I have desire to act it our on a living person. Red Dead Redemption 2 kimda made me come out to a few friends about it and that was the final stage of accepting it.
umm no sweetie
its about how women can endure all these violence perpetrated by cis males and overcome them
they used a biological woman as the body model
probably not the best choice for a post apocalyptic game though. plus they fucked up the face
are you even familiar with the term?
>It shows extreme violence against women, going further than any game before ever has
Violence against women is only a problem when men are committing it. It isn't politically expedient to do so otherwise.
How the hell does the enemy archer not hear her bursting through the shelves. Ellie wasn't sneaking at all. Plus you could see through the shelves. Then Ellie takes a sledgehammer to the face and just shrugs it off.
Hopefully they fix the body a bit and make it more feminine. A lot of people thought at first that was a tranny, and maybe it is.
>thinking we care that some retard views us as inferior when he's most likely a low IQ retard who've never had sex
Go kys
Can't wait to see how the jewish girlfriend will be murdered, making Ellie snap.
>it's okay as long as I have desire to act it out on a living person.
She is focused on aiming her bow like iron-sights. I assume enemies with rifles and pistols will do the same thing. The original game was the same way and you could use it to flank the enemy
That's what they want you to think. I bet she will betray Ellie and cause shit to go south. She is portrayed as a manipulative and morally-repulsive girl in the trailer, and Druckmann totally would pick a member of his own race to be the most vile character
it hasn't been released yet, so the professionally offended aren't sure of what they're going to be offended by
if they say it has too much violence against women, and on release it turns out to be a walking simulator with zero combat, they might have to admit they were wrong about something, and they would literally rather die
So basically just like this board?
Except this board is wrong all the time but doesn't wanna admit it.
not to worry, though, these are pofessional SJWs, and no matter how politically correct they make TLOU2, they absolutely will find something to file lawsuits over
sure, except they actually shut down game dev studios, whereas Yea Forums just shitposts
I'm glad the PS5 will be backwards compatible. The thought of playing this, Death Stranding, Ghosts of Tsushima, FF7R and any PS4 game with minimal loading screens is great.
What is so confusing about what I said? I mean that I accepted it's okay to have slightly onorthodox sexual fantasies like women being executed by hanging as long as you don't try to hurt an actual person over it and keep it 100 percent in fantasies.
>ghost of tsushima
Very low expectations
>I have desire to act it out on a living person.
You get to rape women in Alabama and force them to make you a father.
But I dunno, the loss of polygonal vagina bones is pretty bad too I guess.
>right pic
>it’s porn AAAAAAHHHH!!
user it’s girls with bikinis and it’s pretty telling that you’re addicted cuz I was the same too until I realised that it’s just girls in bikinis
Have sex.
>those hitboxes
Console players need their aim support.
She will be killed early in the game by that cult Ellie is fighting in the game.
The game will be about Ellie getting her revengeance
And you don't play as Ellie in the first one
>seasoned killer pulling Ellie out from the car by her leg, knowing she has a gun, in order to throttle her
>not cutting open her femoral artery, slicing her achilles tendon, or smashing her knees
i fucking hate cinema combat
with men
Sorry, meant I have NO desire to act it out on a living person but I forgot the ''no''.
I really don't like how this cinematic experience encourages gun violence, did she even get a background check and go through a waiting period before purchasing that firearm?
too late, they know you're a psycho now
It's like when a larger and stronger enemy grabs a small one and instead they just throw them instead of smashing, pounding or choking them.
degenerates know no depravity
get hanged you stupid christian niggers
It's suspension of disbelief, if TLoUs combat was realistic the main characters would have died before they left Boston. If their biology was realistic the Cordyceps infection wouldn't exist (certainly not in the form it takes in game)
maybe she's got mushroom strength from the infection
> those hitboxes
so this is the power of visceral, cinematic storytelling
they are a little off w/ swipe-snipe autoaim or something, but those are bodyshots (like to the hand) if you thought they were headshots. On grounded it only takes one revolver bullet to anywhere on the body to kill a human.
get hanged you stupid degenerate nigger. children shouldn't be exposed to this crap, lest they end up like you.
you didnt "realize" anything, you just desensitized yourself LOL!