So I've never played an MMO before but the hype for this is getting to me, I think I might give it a try...

So I've never played an MMO before but the hype for this is getting to me, I think I might give it a try. I have played both Warcraft 2 and 3 though so I'm familiar with the IP at least.

Any tips for a newfag such as me?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't roll a druid and don't rush leveling. There's gonna be plenty of time to do end game content.

If you plan on doing endgame raiding, you should know that all hybrid classes are relegated to healing. Other than that, play what you want and have fun.

I was thinking of going for a Warrior. Orc or Tauren, something big and mean-looking.

Big amen to the don't rush leveling suggestion. The thing Vanilla did better than any other iteration of the game, and even the genre as a whole, was make leveling a truly enjoyable experience

Sure, things get a bit slower once you hit 30, but just don't think of it as a grind

OK, gonna keep that in mind.
One thing that intimidates me a little is the amount of stuff on these streamer's interfaces. I've been watching Asmongold and there are so many fucking buttons I just don't know how he can keep track of it all.

Taurens have a naturally bigger melee range, which is featured as a racial mechanic not many people know about

However orcs racial is far better

You're being memed.
It's literally just nostalgia, nothing good or interesting can be found in Classic.
Play XIV if you want an actually decent, modern MMO that's also not made for entirely braindead people.
WoW is a mindless grindfest for people who don't play any other games.

Don't listen to this guy
He's just desperately trying to save his dying weebshit.

t. weeb tranny

Play whatever the fuck you want however the fuck you want until 60. After that think about what you want to do, since road to 60 gives you plenty of time and opportunities to try out different kinds of gameplay (dungeons as gateways to raids and world pvp as gateway to premade pvp). After that you can look up builds and go from there. However, depending on the class you can be limited in your options (such as being forced to put on a dress as certain classes in PvE).
Overall it's a good time for at least level 60, after that it is all dependent on what do you want and what did you pick.

Warrior is not a great noob class, but if you want a challenge and always welcome in groups then warrior is a good choice

>play my game full of kawaii jailbait and literal bunny-women

Fuck you, get outta my thread right now.

>bigger than ever
>killing retail as we speak
Tick tock Classicfags, only a few months left of pretending it won't be dead on arrival.

I would not recommend Warrior as your first class in vanilla if you've never played MMOs

Warrior is just a painful grind all the way to 60, literally the slowest and hardest class to level, but at least when you hit 60 you get to be OP and be the best melee dps and best tank.

Start off with the standard UI then go from there. When things seem difficult ask someone in your guild what add on helps with that specific issue. Don't go in and add a list of mods, you'll never understand what they do


At endgame:

Warrior: tank, dps
Rogue: dps
Hunter: dps
Warlock: summon/healthstone bitch, dps
Mage: water vending machine, dps
Priest/Druid/Shaman/Paladin: healbot

I see. What should I look for then?

The only thing ticking away is the amount of days until you finally kill yourself tranny weeb

>bigger than ever
Did they finally make it to 12 subscribers?

>"dead on arrival! dead on arrival!"
>twitch stream of beta gets 150k viewers

Paladin is really easy to play, but at endgame you're pretty much a healer and nothing else

Hunter is also a super noob-friendly class, and levels ridiculously fast and easy

Shaman is another pretty fun and easy-to-level class, but again you're relegated to healing at max level

>It's literally just nostalgia

Never played WoW until halfway through WOTLK.

Played vanilla on pservers and fucking loved it.

Your "hurdur pink glasses" bullshit is bullshit, seething weeb.

Now 150k people have seen what a dull and uninteresting game it is, was that really a smart move?

Who cares what is easier or hardest to play. If you want to play Warrior then play Warrior don't let something being difficult scare you.

>damage controlling this hard


Ahh so you're just retarded and have no standards then, i guess it's the perfect game for you.

It's not about "hard", it's about Warrior being literally the slowest and most painful class to level by a large margin. Every other class is at least decent at leveling, but Warrior is a horrifyingly slow grind where you are literally the weakest class because you're entirely gear-dependent. It would give a really bad impression of the game as a whole to play Warrior first.

>"it's just nostalgia, the game sucks!"
>"never played it before, and I loved it"

The absolute state of seething weebs.

I mean, i said from the start that the game was made for braindead people, i wrote my original post under the assumption that OP wasn't as dumb as you clearly are.
But you know, obviously reading comprehension wouldn't be your strength, so i don't feel bad about having to explain that to you. :)

>backpedaling, goalpost-moving, insults

The absolute state of seething weebs.

This might sound stupid but as someone coming from healing/tanking in SWToR, what is the difference between PVP/PvE/RPPVP realms in classic? For example on a pvp server nobody will do dungeons and raids? On a pve server you can't attack opposing factions?

Also requesting a QRD on differences in healing classes in wow. In ToR the 3 classes (Merc , op, sorc) are all vastly different in style and resource management.

Just how many shills have Blizzard hired to shill this piece of crap?

Attached: WoW_shill_on_POL.png (1827x837, 1.1M)

the nostalgia of Vanilla was that it required work and skill to get things, the reality is it required the skill that most people who play MMO's have now and an incredible amount of "grind."

I don't believe this is a bad thing, I don't like things just being handed out. But if you've never played an MMO before you're going to be taken aback by how long it is til you're satisfied with your gear, even a little bit. Unless you roll a twink, like a true gentleman.

inb4 seething poster spams the 2018 demo webm or any other newer sharding BUG examples
literally confirmed to be a bug

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It's one of the most anticipated games of the year and this is a video games board, are you that much of a schizo?

layering is literally "creating lots of servers then merging dead ones later"

nice ebin wojak edit though, upvoted and gilded

At least google what the words you're using mean, you can't just copy your favorite EPIC SJW PWNED youtuber's every word and expect it to make sense.

no no, this is Yea Forums, any kind of positivity about a game you don't personally like, is "paid shill"

PVP - Areas above level 20ish are contested and flag your for PVP
PVE - Can't do world PVP unless you are flagged and other player is as well
RP variants of this are the same but have name rules and encourage to actually role play

5 Diablo Immortal credits have been deposited into your account.

Post YFW this game will be dead within just a few months.

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might be the first time I play a healer on an MMO. Should I go Priest? I know nothing

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And Dungeon Fighters Online is the most popular and profitable MMO by far, that doesn't mean we have to shill post and shit up the board with it every single hour.

>private servers running for literally 10+ years

Imagine seething this hard.

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From one fag to another, welcome home. City of Heroes came back and now soon will Classic. I hope y'all have the time of your lives, sincerely.

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>2 threads active at any given time

There's 4 threads up right now and even a general on /vg/.

I swear to god zoomers and their e-celeb streamer games.

Cope and cringepilled.
Enjoy your dead playerbase X months in, shill.
A few autists running dead private servers won't be enough to keep a whole game anywhere near alive.

oh no, 4 threads, this is far too many

nevermind the 10+ smash threads or 20+ softcore porn dumps, 4 threads about classic wow? OBVIOUSLY PAID SHILLS


having around 1k players playing is not "alive"


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>one private server right now gets up to 10k online every single day
>just one private server
>with no advertising at all

s e e t h i n g

That's not even 100 players, what are you trying to prove?

>all these retail cucks and ff weebs getting assblasted over Classic

Attached: dfa.jpg (360x270, 23K)

>one private server right now gets up to 10k online every single day
First of the private servers can't even handle that many players Online at one time, for the second 80% of those players are Chinks and russian botters.

Imagine actually playing the ultimate zommer normalfag game made by Activision.

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Is that the entire server population lmao

Guess I've made my choice.

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There's no rule that defines your expectation of what an MMO should be. If anything it's first and foremost about the fact that you play with other people, which FFXIV accomplishes obviously very well considering it's regarded as one of, if not THE most social MMO to play right now. I have been playing MMOs for well over 20 years now and FFXIVs playerbase is genuinely one of the most social and vocal ones I've ever encountered. Yes people don't talk much in a daily dungeon grind but the cities and hubs are filled to the brim with people just hanging out with each other. Add to that the exceptionally active housing and FC community and you never have to play alone. You can meet more friendly and active people in Limsa Lominsa alone over the course of a day than in other MMOs in months. The highly expressive and varied emote system helps quite a lot honestly. If you're only interested in gameplay it also has the most challenging release raids of any MMO for the past ~10 years. Not that you'd ever see them with your shitter ass anyways. Yes I ERP, cry about it

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Go in blind and don't be afraid to ask for help.

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Thank you for proving my point. Also what the hell are you still doing here?

Thank you for proving *my* point.

no one fucking cares, make your own Final Fantasy threads. Stop shitting up ours with your weeb shit and hype envy

which private server is everyone playing on while we wait for a beta invite?

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>that one retard who switched retail to weebshit and now tries to shit on classic beacuse it's gonna kill both


Jokes on you i never bothered with retail WoW, it's been shit from launch to BFA.
The face of your community is Asmongoloid, literally the dumbest human alive, aren't you embarrassed?

wow has been shit since cata retard

the face of your game is nonexistent because its trash

the cope kek

much like retail, xiv has gone into panic mode seeing the hype for classic

we'll see you at home.

Fuck what says, druid is amazing and fun. You can tank or heal. Even in raids. And you are a godmode flag carrier in battlegrounds.

>"I'm not owned you're owned! Cope! COPE!!"


Stop coping.

>First of the private servers can't even handle that many players Online at one time

Thanks for confirming that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>im gonna be a human mage in classic
why am i so boring bros

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>coping this hard

What's a good first class? I was thinking priest?

Attached: cope.png (333x81, 3K)

and outside of that its the most miserable class for whatever role youre trying to perform besides running away

Priest, espeically if you go Shadow, is the secret GOAT mode. You'll be fine.

Listen, I'm sorry no one liked this game. Go back to facebook to get some positive attention

Isn't Shadow priest DPS? I thought priest was healbitch?

I’m trying to deicide rn between Druid, Pally or Hunter. Smh

no. i did that and everyone wanted to suck my cock. if thats you thing be my guest you gay faggot.

Stop coping.

Stop coping.

Stop projecting.

If you're going to play a warrior then you'll be expected to tank during the leveling process whenever you group for dungeons. You don't need to spec protection to tank while leveling but you will need to keep a decent shield and one-hand weapon in your bags. Don't be one of those fags who rolls warrior but refuses to tank, no one likes them.

I mean blizzard didn’t wanna release it cus devs would slit their wrists if it became more popular than their current work. Imagine the feels

You can be anything you want, Shadow, Holy. I recommend, levelling as Shadow, you can still heal in that on the way up. You will need to go Holy if you want to do end game healing though, obviously.

LH. is that even a legitimate question?

>Inviting a druid to heal

Attached: 1558299064884.webm (1920x1080, 2.71M)

>recommending the most hated vanilla class that won't get invited into any raid

stop trying to suck my dick. faggot.

tianmen square

Guarantee that won't be hunters this time around. The difference in the amount of available information, the reputations classes have developed over the past decade, the way people tend to follow meme opinions on class balance, it all means there will be way less casuals playing hunters and way more playing warriors, rogues, and mages. Rogues in particular will be plagued with tons of shitters expecting to be as OP as the old roguecraft videos despite 1.12 being post-rogue nerfs.

Attached: sharding.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)

Stop projecting.

they were hated because they rolled on everything ("hunter item!") not because the class sucked. blame the players

ah, server 5, layer 3, shard 9...home.

Attached: layers.webm (1280x720, 2.51M)

Is the only thing more pathetic than a Retail WoW or Warframe player... a FFXIV player?

stop responding to me, im not gay.

That's the old beta. This doesn't happen anymore.

Stop projecting.

>Guarantee that won't be hunters this time around.
There's still shitloads of hunters in every raid. You literally need at least 2-3 for tranq shot and kiting.

wow rp servers offer you the same but with an overal better gameplay experience for the same price. you only play ff14 because youre a weeb pedo, admit it already


>seething retailfags reposting a clip from the blizzcon demo and claiming it's from the beta


I love how they tried to push Warfront in retail so hard to get world pvp going, but classic wow has it in some beta by the 100s.

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no means no, get away from me.

Stop projecting.

You can't really use that footage as proof when there's so few people in the beta right now that no one is getting put in separate layers.

thats it. im calling the cops. suit yourself. i logged your ip.

fuck off

You can't use that footage but you can use footage from the old beta?

Yes, considering the beta footage shows what happens when you get invited to a group on a different shard and we already know that layers will have the same functionality when accepting group invites from players on a different layer.

Stop literally coping.

Don't play horde. Avoid world PvP as it's just poopsocking incels trying to steal the playtime you pay money for. Roll on a comfy pve server to make sure you don't get robbed.

fuck it i'm rolling druid and level with a buddy

okay.. :c

what a shaitter
get fucking dumpstered scrubbo
>gear is broken because he probably wiped the group multiple times on the run because he's fucking shitbad
>gets crit for basically his health pool

>be enhancement shaman level 18 in greens
>tank WC 3 times with 0 wipes and 4 deaths across all of them all from huntards or cuckocks overpulling with uncontrolled pets
>2 days later
>tank SFK 3 times with 0 wipes except from yet more cucklock overpulls

Play Alliance and thank me later when your character has shoes.

How do we know that? Why doesn't it work that way in this new beta then?

>Your totem phases to another layer

outsmarting gankers was half the fun in vanilla, you just suck bro.

Don't listen to this projecting incel. PVE is the cuck shed.

trolls are the only niggers without shoes, unless you wanna put shoes on cow hoofs that is

We know that because Blizzard has admitted as much in the same interviews where we learned everything else about layering. This beta hasn't shown any of that yet because so few people are in it right now that no one is even getting put into separate layers in the first place.

Nigga we need tanks in the game. Stop telling fool to avoid Warrior or we will end up with only shit druid tanks wiping entire raids. If I want my playtime stolen I'd roll on a PvP server.

This is a private server kek.

this. if you want to play a non-treatening game then play retail like all the other casual carebears. wow vanilla was great because the world was dangerous and you had to take care or you would die a lot

I want to play a warrior and tank but I think I will roll a hunter during release insanity and do warrior a bit later when it becomes less dumb. I don't want to deal with that shit while leveling as warrior, attempting to tag enough enemies to complete even one quest will be horrible.

Asmongold brought me here.

Asmon is still buttdevastated

So what your saying is, you have no evidence of that, and we have far more than you, and you're just hoping it fails for some odd reason?

Basically on PvP servers people steal your okay time from you by ganking you at low levels and camping your corpse. You will be in able to play at all so it's literally theft. Roll pve servers only.

I wish I knew why that brianna wu looking chipmunk faggot keeps popping up in my recommended.

Lmao this still happens in the beta. In fact it's much worse, people get phased for seemingly no reason. Evidence for this is posted in most of these threads. Lurk more, blizzdrones

dont play on overpopulated servers (aka streamers servers) and you will never have more than one layer after the initial leveling rush.

>makes up lies

stop coping

>I don't like this so anyone who does must be a shill. Surely no one would like something I don't....

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Plus, videos of this happening get posted here all the time

He's my favorite WoW player.

without world pvp you miss half of the fun, suit yourself. dont come crying when you get bored from mindless grinding while we have fun teaming up against gankers and making friends

>PVP - Players will rush to high levels and speed days ganking and corpse camping you to steal your playtime you pay for

Which one is it? You guys need to structure your attacks on Classic. The more footage, the more you look insane. First, there isn't enough players to use layering

but now, there is sharding in CLassic

Listen, there is too much footage saying other wise. You need to -quickly- think of some more things to attack Classic WoW before this gets too hype. Hurry up.

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>largest piece of mitigation armor is broken
>charges in ahead of group, out of range of druid
>gets smoked by the inevitable crit


No, you are just stupid and cannot read.

It literally happens. Besides, when blizzard confirmed it's going to happen anyway, why are you even trying to deny it? What exactly do you think layering is?

Blizzard literally stated there is sharding in classic lol

>BFA is pushed as the wpvp Expansion
>Fall for this completely, grind to 120, get my bountyhunter achievements and then form up a big raid to go attack the enemy capital
>mfw half the raid phases out when we get to Boralus
>People complaining that they suddenly got phased into a 3v10 despite their map showing their entire raid around them
>Still preserve and push through to the royal quarters to kill Jaina or whoever the fuck is calling the shots
>She isn't there
>mfw I retardedly just assumed that a wpvp expansion would have faction leaders as targets in enemy cities
>mfw Blizz tells me that the real wpvp can be found in 3v3 instanced island expeditions or instanced PVE raids that have no impact on the part of the world they're supposed to take part in
>"Oh and if you want an EPIC city raid just wait for our instanced raid dungeon in 8.2 where you fight npcs."

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Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Try that again.

I am against layering, but it's getting removed, and people still haven't realized how it's going to work. The only true disadvantage it will have, is the possibly to fuck up the economy at the start.

No, layering and sharding are completely different. Sharding is when there is NOT enough players in the world, so it forces you to merge servers. Layering is when there will be TOO many players in the world, and there is no phasing in and out of worlds when walking past each other throughout zones, they said this in a interview. The world has to feel alive and cohesive, and this is just for the first month, possibly even less.

Hurry up.

layering is pre planned server merge. its not the same as sharding where you pop into different instances every time you change zone. they are doing it so they can avoid dead servers without the need to merge, its a necessary evil


>it literally just happens
seeand hurry up. quickly. we're linking all this footage and you're just saying it happens.

>its a necessary evil
no, it's really not

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The thing that gets me more are the FUCKING UGLY PvP sets. Horde cloth looks SO fucking bad. It looks like some pathetic shitback mexican carpet you would get on clearance at the mercado de caca. The mail armor is the only shit that has a decent model and pattern. It's honestly embarrassing compared to the Alliance art.

>3.80 speed


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Nice logical fallacy genius. How can you prove something doesn't exist? Go on, I dare you

it is if you consider it from a company perspective. server merges look bad and layering is a cheaper solution than free transfers

It literally is the same as sharding, because the server is partitioned into shards you tech illiterate retard. They literally said you will switch between layers when you join a group with people on other layers.

>in the actual classic beta, warrior health regen is fucking bonkers (confirmed intended)
>in the actual classic beta, hamstring kite is much much easier to perform
>in the actual classic beta, low-level dualwielding is entirely viable thanks to accurate hit chances
Where were you when the "warriors are hard to meme" was exposed as pure private server revisionism?

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>plan on going Paladin
>tfw not looking forward to STVietnam
Don't know if I should just grind in Desolace or what.

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Classic isn't vanilla lol, it's blizzard revisionism, as we all know they often do.

nope, its literally different servers with the same realm name. why? because its using the retail infrastructure. they wont get new hardware just for classic, they dont have the funds

So at the moment, we've got multiple footage of layering working exactly as intended. Hundreds of people in zones together, but you're still going insane.

You're right about the abuse system of layering, but there is nothing we can do and can only hope it doesn't last as long.

It isn't.

Keep telling yourself that, mangosbabby.

>nope, its literally different servers
But it's not lol

think of it more like ff14, where you can visit other servers. your data center is the realm and you can visit any worlds (layers) on that data center. sharding is literally instancing every zone.

how about you shut the fuck up? warriors are going to be overpopulated already, if I see any more dps warriors trying to get in my group I'll shield bash their fucking skull in

How about you fucking make me?

Enjoy your layering, clearly that existed in vanilla lol


>announced, blatantly differing chances = revisionism
OK retard

>an overal better gameplay experience
WoW has shitty combat and an extremely conflicting artstyle that doesn't blend well with how the game renders its graphics, not to mention how that by using the WC3 engine there's next to no room for actual optimization for WoD and later areas and content due to it running on a single core. the flaws it had back then are still there today, now there are just even worse because I had time to experience hundreds of other games that perform these aspects much better. Again, take off the nostalgia goggles, FFXIV was always the worse game.

each layer has the pop cap of one original vanilla server, thats what ion said. new "overflow" layers will only be created once that cap is reached. its like channels in other mmos.

I actually agree and have been saying the same thing since Blizzcon.
A bunch of people are going to play and check the game out at the beginning even if they don't plan to stay. By having sharding/layering they can fit thousands of people in the same server, and when the population dwindles, they can just flip layering off. If there was no system in place the would literally be thousands of people in the starting hubs and it would be unplayable in more ways than one. The biggest alternative would be to just make a bunch of servers and eventually merge them, but that has a lot of downsides as well. Both solutions will have the same result in the end. By having layering for the first month or so they're pretty much saying that they're fine with servers having 4-6k players online at once once everything settles down, which is what a lot of people want.

That isn't the beta. try again.

It literally is lol

classic will never be vanilla, ist built on modern hardware and engine. accept it or leave. classic is just a side project that tries to be as authentic as possible whit the little funds they got

It's not.

Limsa Lominsa alone has more people talking than some entire server populations on WoW combined. WoW is a ghost town in terms of talking to other people.

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>Saying that WoW has shitty combat while trying to get people to play fucking XIV
I am laugh

So you admit they aren't different servers?

xiv is better than bfa but it's got almost nothing on classic senpai

If you're only interested in gameplay XIV has the most challenging combat and release raids of any MMO for the past ~10 years. Not that you'd ever see them with your shitter ass anyways.

Prove it

>classic is running on bloated bfa engine
I just want to play the damn game on my chinkpad x230 which runs vanilla at a stable 60fps on max settings

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Why the fuck do people want to play this so bad? You've played it before...

i play on argent dawn EU and the world is more alive than any town in ff14. and i mean WORLD, not just the cities. theres open rp in all low level areas with thousands of people, you should really check it out if you like RP, its no contest.

they don't want classic back
they want 2004 back

he'll never see them because he has to die of boredom going through the main game

Until you do.

challenging 0/= enjoyable. i really hate the 123456 gameplay style from ff14, the only class i enjoyed was summoner.

People don't buy your viewpoints because they've actually played the game without becoming a fanboy drone, stop kidding yourself.

That's way more than a hundred players.


So you would want 4 more smash threads instead? WoW, and I'm including retail here, is a better game any day. Fuck smash it's just a button mashing fanboy vs sim.

No, all the kiddies never played it. It's mostly them excited for classic, Anyone old enough to have played it has little to no interest to go back to that.

Based dude admitting Classic is god tier. The amount of people who will scream on this site and silent play Classic and realize it's god tier will be amazing. We're all going home.

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Horde not welcome here.

I'm gonna play druid and enjoy it.

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i played both games, did you? stop kidding yourself and go and check it out.

Please, for the love of god, stop coping. You're just grabbing at things randomly hoping it sticks. It comes across as pure cope. So first classic is boomer town, but now it's only for zoomers? Hurry up and stick with one or Classic will get too much hype. You -need- to find a way to stop it. Hurry.
dont be envious silly weeb tranny. wow will always be better.

I play both a lot and while both games have different strengths and weaknesses I wouldn't argue for a second that FFXIV is much more active and social, which also gets reinforced by the fact that many people, even inside their own WoW community, complain about the lack of interaction even in progressive content.

>is coping
>tells others to cope in the most passive aggressive manner possible
how pathetic

it's a boomer game. sure zoomers will follow their streamers to the game but will quit when they do as well

Stop projecting.

>this is your game on leftism
It's truly pathetic that they think this curated tour-de-politics with NPC "acting" and referring to you as ""champion"" for beating enemies that are expected to be beaten, is good storytelling. That taking the world and war out of World of Warcraft and replacing it with Characters of Dramacraft is good storytelling. It has led me to develop a theory that this problem across all media stems from a personal identity crisis that these gen-x leftist writers are having. The real world no longer makes sense to them and their identity as a person is in shambles. So they have taken to whipping up "le epic" character stories even though they are hamfisted nonsense full of mary sue asspulls. While simultaneously undermining the thing that has always been the real locus of interest: worldbuilding. It used to feel like the world existed and the characters played their part because they had to. Now it feels like the characters exist and whatever happens to the world happens at their whim because "everything depends on them, and you, CHAMPION." When a characters gets killed off it's not even particularly tragic, because there's a relative or some fanfic-tier shit waiting in the wings to drop in to replace whatever character it was that died simply to try and give the heart one more pump.

Every single NA realm is going to be a streamer realm.

4 of the listings on there are erp. The rest aren't.
t. someone in the rp community on balmung

Side note: Grindstone and Spellstone are pretty cool events that have been running weekly for years involving combat roleplay. It is fun to spectate even if you don't want to get involved.

Literally no one cares about PvP.

im talking stricly big rp servers in wow. outside of those wow is a lifeless grinding game.

one town in ffxiv is more popular than entire rp servers in wow. cope

dog i play XIV and i think you're a fag, let the classic bros enjoy their game

it doesn't matter what spec you are, you have the same kit minus a couple spells from talents. priests are built to be primary healers and the shadow tree does boost their natural damage dealing capabilities but it doesn't turn them into a dps class beyond supporting warlocks. shadow is primarily for pvp

No one gives a fuck about world PvP but incel failures who just want to power trip and steal playtime from other players. Kill yourself

the website is just a fraction of what happens on argent dawn. i am EU so balmung is not an option for me

Are you sure you wanna miss out on this?
Please reconsider.

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PvE babby cope

wait if it's a leftist problem why arent right wingers writing stuff?

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not really when you consider that multiple streamers will tend to converge into the same realm

You'd think Yea Forums would like the faction full of ugly, unwanted freaks
I'll have no problem ganking alliancebabbies like you up and down STV though

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>Consequences will never be the same

confirmed a bug, will get fixed

I just wish we could have classic but with launch day battlegrounds and non-garbage world PvP. I would pay 3x for such a thing.

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what are you talking about? i have played several characters on the biggest eu servers and apart from teenies doing cringe smalltalk no rp happens there. its about quality not quantity.

Only incels play on PvP servers since they are complete failures in real life the only satisfaction they can get is ganking players too low level to fight back. PvP servers are the cuck shed as you out it. Kill yourself.

looks like someone got ANGWE'D

>its about quality not quantity.

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>Jealous subhuman piece of shit Hordecuck detected

I'm sure you're not a complete failure, anonymous shitposter on Yea Forums

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Entertainment is way too compromised by kikes and right wingers are would rather raise children and have productive specializations.

WoW is nothing but a cesspit of nostalgia manchildren who refuse to grow up and get new experiences so they clinge in the game where they spent thousand of hours in their teenage years.

Its ironical how a game about adventure is filled with people who only like the old and reject anything new. If you didnt played in the past "golden" era, just leave, is trash.

seething incel carebear cuck

>Implying your playtime being stolen is fun
Please your argument is so flawed you tore it apart for me. Have sex.

>FFXIV was always the worse game
alright then

Enjoy playing with the kiddies who've just come home from school

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That's a pretty accurate. Thanks, user!

I hope you know the demographics are changing here. All the "virgin teenagers" from 10 years ago are now chads with girlfriends. And they come back to meme and make fun of you incel losers who couldn't make it life. Enjoy dying alone.

get a dedicated keyboard or one of those half keyboard joysticks
learn how to tab target
get a macro to switch from target to target of target
level with one or more friends in supporting roles
sometimes the lower level spells are more mana efficient
for grinding, higher spirit gear boosts health and mana regen out of combat (OOC(learn this acronym))
use a /sit macro after combat
kek means lol in orcish
figure out which stats increase your damage most and try to get higher numbers
don't fear in dungeons unless you want the party to wipe
don't heal the warlock
learn to cook and where the drops are for the ingredients for decent buffs, it's fun and you can roleplay hunting things for evening meal or whatever
learn fishing
herbalism/alchemy profession combo is baller if you like collecting your own reagents and starting a collection for raiding, herbalism/mining if you just want to sell shit on the auction house, which you probably do
tailoring is for bags, which will probably sell well initially, but you have to loot humanoids which is usually harder
if you really want to get chincey, and you have the money and extra computer, multibox with a rogue character with gathering professions and group up with it, get stealth as soon as possible, set up a /follow "main" macro
learn the group types and pay attention to the group type when you get invited, some assholes will try to get you into a group where they get all the loot, I don't remember the names

that's just off the top of my head

argent dawn has spontaneous rp happening all over the map, small unregistered events with only a handful people. its the kind of rp that brings the world alive while you level. ff14 is dead outside the residential areas unless you enjoy chit-chat with teenagers in limsa lominsa general

>nu/v/ says that Horde is for edgy teenagers
>proceeds to roll Alliance while shouting about niggers

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stop much pprojection kek

Yep. Also cities are shit. Class/race combos are shit. All races are shit. Horde is literally a huge pile of shit. Also most horde players are alt-right incel pieces of shit.

>fixing anything
hehehe, it's really zoomer in here
that "bug" will be called a feature at launch

wrong. i never ganked people myself, even when i played a rogue. i enjoyed the danger that wpvp brings into the game, it makes leveling more exciting. stop sucking dick you carebear faggot and grow a beard.

Stop using the same term when samefagging "incel failure"

It makes your cope and projection easier to spot

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I'm glad we're all going home.

I mean make a macro for whatever level of water or bread you're stocked in
also stock up on water and food whenever in town
sell all your greys
get a mod that helps you sell all your greys and an inventory management addon if you like

enjoy your low quality playtime then, while i enjoy my stolen exciting gameplay time

I'm assuming this is Balmung, which doesn't really represent the rest of the community. Non-RP servers are still more or less ghost towns. WoW's RP servers also have a lot of social interaction that non-RP servers don't.

In both cases, though, that social interaction stops as soon as you leave the towns/RP hubs and go back to playing the normal game. Questing, dungeons, PVP, grinding, etc are still over-convenient facerolls where no one speaks or cooperates with one another or builds more meaningful long-term relationships(positive or negative).

Which means if you're not an RP sperg, these games has zero actual social elements.

To be honest when I remember vanilla the social aspect was some of the worst I've ever experienced in a video game.

I was not a social Chad at all. I probably won't be when Classic hits either. I really hope I can find a home before it releases so I don't have to worry about "applying" to raiding guilds.

Attached: vanilla memory.png (1280x720, 1.62M)

You take that back, Dragonmaw is as real as it gets

stop projecting

Surely Alliance is for edgelord children in denial while chill Hordebros are running around the Barrens

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New and original!

>Normally play Horde
>No idea on what Alliance race to play
I'm probably going Hunter so I'm stuck between Dwarf and Night Elf. I like NE better aesthetically, but my years of Horde playing really makes me hate NE players. Dwarf bros are cool and all, but I don't really know if I want to actually main one.
What should I do bros?

If BfA has proven anything it's that literally no one gives a fuck about world PvP cuckery. Cope with the fact the only people playing on PvP servers will be streamers and incel faggots. Go cry more and have sex.

Stop coping. You're coming home with us.

i unironically had rp happen spontaneously during leveling all the time on wow rp servers, like a me (troll) and an undead on the zeppelin ride to thunderbluff. thats literally impossible thing to happen in ff14, its all scripted roleplay events, none of it is natural

Not me. I'm not stupid enough to roll on a PvP server to get robbed of the playtime I pay for. Seethe more as you see your precious PvP server population be the lowest of any server group.

>edgelord manchild acts condescendingly to edgelord children
how pathetic

Stop projecting and coping, retail.

Never admit to playing retail in the argument, ever.

>most challenging raids
>every tier has a single 8-man "raid" with a grand total of 4 bosses
>all other raids are irrelevant LFR garbage that you can literally AFK through
>mechanics are nothing but "don't stand in the no-no circle" and "avoid the divebomb or your entire group wipes"
LOL fuck outta here xivbabby

Always hilarious to see seething incels sperg out at posts like this
The only reasons to play on a PvP server is if you're a psychopath (derive pleasure from the suffering of others) or masochist (derive pleasure from being victimized), if you want fair PvP content, BGs, you have that on normal servers too.

>World PvP
>Not garbage
Pick one moron.

Speaking as someone's who played Horde for well over a decade, dwarf is the only alliance race I'd ever consider rolling, they're not running gags like gnomes or boring stick-up-my-ass faggots like humans and nelves

God I fucking hate you classicufcks. You fucking RUINED retail. You fucking don't understand how much FUCKING TIME WE'VEP UT INTO GETTING these mounts, do you? How many fucking times do we have to-- god I UFKCING hope classic fails so much. I with all my heart HATE HATE HATE you classifucks, FUCK OFF. JUST FUCK OFF. Everybody is talking about classic, they wont' SHUT HE FUCK UP ABOUT IT ON RETAIL. Just FUCK OFF. you stupid fucking incel fucking Cucks. God fuking damn it. Stealing all our fucking retail time.

>replying to your own post
This is just getting pathetic now.

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>play in a private server looking to be more social
>in almost every group I'm in people like me, almost every healer adds me because I'm a tank
>despite having a fucking gigantic friendslist, 90% of those people ended up leveling at a different rate than me and 9% of the remaining ones just aren't online/are busy when I need 1 more for a 5man
>still need to sit in a city and spam LFG for 40 fucking minutes despite being a tank and having literally as many contacts as possible
>join a guild, same fucking shit as before it's just a secondary friends list with the same problems
>get to 60 and still have to spam for the better part of an hour to do anything
The social aspect of this game is a big fucking meme.

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>i want to play more boring grinding i pay for instead of having fun interactions with other people
do you even realize how incel you sound like

>edgelord manchild acts condescendingly to edgelord children
how pathetic

>Seething incels detected
Have sex

Calm down before you hurt yourself, angel.

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stop projecting

imagine being so internet-addled that you can't formulate coherent thoughts without sticking to meme catchphrase templates

are you retarded ?? ofc u want a hunter in your raid to get the trueshot aura buff

>mass replying
Thanks for the (You), get a tripcode so i can filter you next time

Me being intelligent enough to not allow my play time to be stolen does not make me a 'care bear'. I'm just not stupid enough to put myself in a situation where some poopsocking failure can get their rocks off by ganking me. You want that life and to play on a dead server go ahead, be my guest. You're obviously not very bright.


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If the thing about layer is true they are probably not adding that many realms.

>Me being intelligent enough to not allow my play time to be stolen does not make me a 'care bear'. I'm just not stupid enough to put myself in a situation where some poopsocking failure can get their rocks off by ganking me.

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>Being this much of a frustrated incel virgin
When you gonna shoot up a school?

you sound like you would have more fun with a clicker browser game.

true cope kek.

>Human main
>Dwarf alt

As God intended.

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[tags a quest mob before you]
Heh... thanks for the free game time, retard.

I will greatly enjoy my comfy pve server while leveling without interruption and killing it in raids. Have fun getting your shit pushed in by players 40 l vels higher than you and spending entire weeks being ganked and corpse camped while trying to make any progress. Fucking moron.

NE has the best starting zones.

>edgelord manchild becomes Reichsführer-SS of his own guild of edgy children and shows them the path to glory exterminating transniggers checkem

Stop projecting.

I will play it only if my classic nelf pussy gets filled constantly

I find that this isn't how vanilla was, as on a private server 99.9% of the population are third worlders.

I'm not the frustrated incel lol. I have a wife, a gf, and fucking a girl from work on the side as well. Man it's great to be a sexually active man with no children to weigh me down.

How does this comp sound for leveling Classic?

>Me: Paladin - Ret (maybe Prot) (switching to Holy at 60)
>Fiancee: Holy Priest
>Cousin: Frost Mage

Is this comp problematic in anyway while leveling or does it look pretty solid?

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>muh gametime
seething carebear incel cuck

Holy fucking you can feel the seething because you know you're projecting the situation where you got ganked and still remember it to this day.

confirmed projection posting kek

stop coping and making up lies

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Funny way to say Trolls.

nah, you are basically a flagbitch. Everyone else is racking up honor while you are getting the flag for them while dying in the tunnel.

im not a sucker like you, i played a warlock and my friend played mage and i was maybe ganked like 10 times during leveling. all the other times we had great fun sparring with the other side, made leveling memorable and enjoyable copared to the pve solo gring in nu-wow

Reminder that BfA has greater third world appeal than Classic.

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Can't wait for classic to come out so people can forget about it within 2 weeks.

Getting tired of these threads with people mindlessly hyping each other up over literal garbage.

I never said you did. I haven't played retail since legion and then only briefly. Last time I played hardcore was Cata. My point is that BfA is the worst expansion since mists and it's bombing. The whole point of BfA is would PvP. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the connection.

Nooooo please come back I spent so much time leveling my rogue do you have any idea how hard it is to level a rogue I wasted two hundred fifty hours getting to max level and have to farm fifty gold to pay the warrior every time I want to join his BRD group please don't go you're all I have left aaaaaaaa

You truly, have no idea what you're talking about if you're comparing BFA pvp, to Classic PvP. stop outing yourself.

This. Another sane man in the shitpool.

seething carebear incel cuck

Why are you comparing Vanilla WoW to BFA PvP, when you just admitted you've never even played Vanilla? Have you not seen all of the pvp battles going on in the beta? Stop being stupid, user.

WoW only got big in the third world around Wrath.
I can speak for the Brazilian marketing team, they are not doing any marketing for Classic yet they keep pushing BfA right now.

>be warrior
>got Hand of Justice in my first BRD run ever
>won it by default because I was the only melee in the entire group
>had NO FUCKING IDEA how lucky I was until I told my guild
>literally every person in there instantly hates me
>get literally gkicked 2 days later out of jealousy
Such is life in the Zone.

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Yeah that wasn't me chief....

Attached: Screenshot_20190520-190954_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 764K)

>still replying to your own posts

>ip doesn't go up

stop repplying to yourself kek

>haha you're mad because you'll be playing on a normal server with all the normal people where we poopsocking incels won't be able to touch you
how exactly am I mad here?

Being ganked and corpse camped isn't social. It's theft from others who pay to play the game.

Sure it wasn't chief
Truly pathetic.

>admitting to phoneposting
you know what to do.

they did you a favor

This is your brain on retail.

I didn't need to write a novel to point out your stupidity.

Honestly considering paying some ruskie cuck to lvl a character for me and do some daily grinding. Anyone else feeling the same way?

It's chump change anyways and if it helps some poor ruskie getting by in his commie bloc life, then who is it gonna hurt?

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dude, if you get camped you call for help in zone chat and get some help. thats how i made my first friends and joined my first guild you homo.

>be level 60 like everyone else because you started on day one
>still get ""ganked"" by other level 60s
>ganking is what happens when a super-overleveled character kills lowbies or a group kills 1 person
>it's an expression of the asymmetric power balance to the point that the gankee can't hope to win
>1vX situation is not relevant because the balance of numbers will be the same and others will be around to carry you
>must be dying in every single 1v1 situation to the point they are all 100% hopeless, probably even when a level 53 attacks you
>be SO bad there's nothing you can do to stop it except log out
>at least you realize this fact and choose to be a care bear
>guess "ganking" is accurate in this case

Agreed. Only normies can function in guilds. I refuse to ever apply on some stupid website to join a guild to essentially work for a circlejerk of friends while they abuse DKP to shaft me in gear.

stop projecting

>I'm not mad I'm on a poopsocking server safe space with all the carebears incels where you normies won't be able to hurt my fee fees!
cope harder incel carebear

More along the lines of I'm smarter than you.

leveling in classic will be 50% of the experience, are you sure you wanna do this? if you just wanna raid with a guild might as well play retail

stop coping

>carebear cope

You want to have your time and money stolen go ahead. I'm bot that fucking stupid.

>actually defending PvE servers

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make your own guild or join a small casual guild. fuck the try hards and enjoy the game with similar minded people user.

>More along the lines of I'm smarter than you.

>literally too stupid to handle World PvP

can't make this shit up

Attached: DnsFfb8XcAEOrD4.jpg (1200x675, 108K)

Stop coping. Literally.

prove it, so far you made a low IQ subhuman impression.

>literally a nonsensical no u reply
lmao guess all that poison you brewed rotted youe brain away

>off by one
kek, PVEhaters BTFO

Nope. Not seething or projecting. I've always played on pve servers. Like I said I'm not stupid enough to let anyone steal my time I pay for, especially now that I'm pushing 40 and have a life. It's hard to balance fucking three women while keeping any of them from knowing about each other. The time I will have to play will not be fucked up by some incel. Cope more.

>muh stolen time from getting ganked muh fight money
absolute state of seething idiot carebear incels

Stop projecting,

Enjoy the poopsocking incels fucking up your entire experience.

Yeah but you'll never get gear.

Stop coping.

I never said I didn't play vanilla. I played hardcore from vanilla to Cata, after cats I lost interest since they fucked up the game so badly.

stop trolling you negro you are wasting everyones time (including yours) right now

>tries to turn it around
>when he already showed just how he doesn't understand it in the first place
What is it with you carebear retards that you can't stop kicking yourself in the nuts?
Not that I mind, at least something funny happens, seeing how desperately you try to scramble something up to "defned" yourself, which immediatly falls apart once you look at how you've "rotted youe brain way"
So keep going carebear, give me more reasons to laugh at your stupidity.

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Kill yourself wojack posting scum your kind is not wanted here.

Yeah, I'm phone posting. I'm in my den watching Young Turks so I'm not at my PC. Grow up.

you can do pvp with your guild if raiding is too hard and get some good gear there

Stop lying.

Stop coping. We're going home.

Come on guys, I need your opinions on this comp

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Or you could be smart enough to roll on a pve server and not have to deal with theft.

why do you guys have to shit up my comfy home threads, you all need to kill yourselves and end your pathetic lifes right now.

Enjoy coping for your entire existence incel.

>B-blizzard revisionism!
>everything is being cross referenced to a 100% accurate and perfect 1.12 client blizzard is running in house
Seethe more private server buttboy. Awww... mommy won't give you enough allowance for the classic sub fee? Too bad...Guess you're stuck playing with Ivan and Xoai Ping on the private servers.

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literally one of the best games in all of history objectively

It'll be fine. Just play whatever. Your friancee and cousin may battle for loot, that's it. Just have fucking fun.

and then quit once you reach lvl 60 because no friends. hmm okay? go back to retail you cuck, this game is not for you.

>Being this butthurt they got btfo with logic
Wow is the median IQ on this board like 58?

Didn't even try to read your post since I presume it's incoherent gutterspeak. You want me to play on your server to increase your number of victims. Me saying no angers you. You playing on your incel PvP server does not negatively affect my gaming experience in any way - if anything, it enhances it, as it means one less mentally ill incel on my normal people server. I have no reason to be mad. You have plenty.

People will manage to clear a good chunk of the content without going full poopsock. Sure they may not clear naxx or even AQ40 and they will take longer to do the earlier raids, but they will do it.

yeah because you lowered by a huge margin with your negative digits, please leave right now.

based user

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What is the best race for Priest?

I can't play Final Fantasy because it's just too humiliating and gay.

Do you even hear yourself? You actually thing playing on a PvP server is an intelligent move? Bahahahahahaha

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Stop projecting

Stop coping.

Classic development Beta - Stress test server level 5 max, home.

Thanks, I can't wait to start working towards my Judgement Armor.

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I don't have to prove shit to you lol. Keep shilling for your soon to be dead PvP servers

>imagine being this tryhard pretending to be retarded for teh lulz without getting paid
literally cucking yourself there mate

As someone who doesn't play WoW and has no intention of subbing just for Classic it'd be nice if they decided to make it buy to play

Just admit that you can't afford the sub fees due to being a subhuman third worlder and are having a full on seething anal meltdown over the fact your private servers will be shut down or abandoned.

Stop coping.

Chinkdale, it sucks but it's better than nothing.

its a game aimed at women and lgbt people. you made the right choice user.

Nope. Keep raiding to help all my friends and guildmates gear up then level alts work on professions, and my main focus RP.

PvP or RP server?

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Go on, incel, refute my claim.

your entire comp is going to be drinking after every pull
holy priests are the shittiest leveling, go disc
ret pally still goes through tons of mana even with wisdom, prot pally does low dps and will eventually run out of mana trying to stay ahead of a mage on threat
a better comp would be pally/warrior/mage or druid/druid/mage as bear druid are the best tank aside from warriors but you gain flexibility of shit like prowl and feral dps in catform to jump people in wpvp

This. The absolute state of pvp cucks. Lol

will the token price rise when classic comes out?

why didnt you say so sooner, RP is the patrician choice. id still rather play on RP-PVP tho, but i in case there are none (which is likely) i will take RP over a normal PVP yerver any day.

The games main focus is to rush to end game, vanilla was no different we just didnt know it back then. The questing, leveling and "adventure" is just a subpar shitty grind

Get to 60 asap so you can actually put your name in as someone who's decent to get invited and control content. otherwise you're a fucktard like this guy who can't fit a square peg in a round hole and the rest of the server will know too

Stop replying to your own post.

>I presume it's incoherent gutterspeak.
>lmao guess all that poison you brewed rotted youe brain away

Pretending you're more intelligent than anyone when you can't read and get irrationally angry at "incel" PVPers just removes all doubt that carebears are mentally ill.

>Still has no logical counterargument
>Even worse meme response
This so proof of how retarded the average PvP cuck is. Seriously the state of you 'people'.....

>Yea Forums "arguments" in 2019 have degraded into shouting "SEETHE, INCEL, COPE, PROJECT, KEK" at each other endlessly
For the first time in 13 years, I'm really starting to question if I still belong here.

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RP. if classic is a success maybe well get a rp-pvp one, but its confirmed there wont be any at launch

>Prove me wrong!
prove yourself right first incel dipshit.

Stop projecting.

2bh, even though I am an anime weeb, I don't like playing weeb style games.

Dwarf for alliance and UD for horde. The former in particular is the best for pve and the latter for pvp 1v1.

>The games main focus is to rush to end game

Double digit IQ retailfag spotted

what claim? i didnt even read your posts tryhard lmao, stop wasting everyones time incel

>too stupid to read let alone understand simple sentences
Keep up with that kicking, in time they might even fall off.

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Ok, allow me to restate my argument:
>You want me to play on your server to increase your number of victims. Me saying no angers you. You playing on your incel PvP server does not negatively affect my gaming experience in any way - if anything, it enhances it, as it means one less mentally ill incel on my normal people server. I have no reason to be mad. You have plenty.
Your rebuttal?

Wrong again moron ....

Attached: Screenshot_20190520-192922_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 811K)

I truly believe people who think this shouldn't be playing MMOs in the first place.
If the game isn't enjoyable from start, it's not a good game.
If the only purpose to play it is to "control content" then it doesn't matter what game you play.

abso fucking lutely

Not him but you're projecting. You're also lying about it not effecting you. You do care, you just won't admit it.

ESO is a great MMO.....

I generally don't need to explain myself to a bunch of image board autists

stop coping for your shitty real life, if youre not playing games for fun, stop and go outside.

shoo shoo zoomer

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Meant for

yeah just try it for a month if you don't like it then leave
simple as that
classic is a reaction to the success of nostalrius. it's us ps neets who are gonna be playin this bitch in tha end
most people who got baited by the hype and made an impulse decision to jump on the vanilla bandwagon are gonna end up quitting i can tell you that right goddamn now

stop feeding the troll you newfag, youre shitting up this thread too by replying

Stop coping with being called out.


I literally said it does affect me, but in a good way. Why would I want some poopsocking incel who's just gonna shitpost in chat and camp Menethil flight master on my server?

>Still no beta invite

Attached: 1447904533874.jpg (315x315, 24K)

this board has gone to shit a long time ago, way to out yourself as a zoomer newfag

Stop coping after your projection got called out.


Attached: 1555291043968.png (1445x1200, 265K)

Holy Priests are only shitty while leveling solo

I figure I can start doing big pulls at 32, she can heal me while my frost mage cousin AoE's the pull.

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No need for a rebuttal, you've already outed yourself as a delirious carebear incel.

pay up boy and maybe we'll let u in
in the meantime enjoy bfa
hahahahaha sorry no asmong for you

Stop replying to your own post to cope.

Seethe more you will have less players to victimize. PvP servers are DoA. Deal with it.

uwu please PLEASE play on our pvp servers so we can gank you senpai. please desu~


eso is a cookie cutter lifeless mmo. yeah its polished with huge amounts of content but somehow it simply has no character of its own, i feel no desire to log in at all

leave this place then, this board is an autistic self help group you neurotypical scum

>you will have less players to victimize! I'm a victim of PvP deal with it!

Attached: 1536694241092.gif (340x340, 18K)

Right? These schmucks are so transparent and pathetic. How sad must there lives be that the only satisfaction they can achieve is to bully people on a video game. I'm betting every single one of these guys probably weigh 100lbs soaking wet, have bad glasses, worse acne, greasy hair from not showering for months and the only thing the get to fuck is their kawii waifu body pillow while the ram a bad dragon dildo up their asses using the tears of their loneliness as lube.

somehow i get the feel youre talking about yourself here with that level of detail you described.

Must be so pathetic to be you. Just an hero.

So my friends and I are interested in jumping in back.

I'll roll a hunter cause I like ranged DPS, tried mage and warlock back in the days.

My other friends will roll warrior, priest and warlock and we're trying to get 5th friend on as a rogue.

I'm stoked, Yea Forums.

Stop projecting.

this one was too easy, a little bit too personal user kek
if your cousin is any good at mage he can effectively aoe farm with blizzard from level 20 and drag you along for the ride

aoe grinding is crazy effective as both an income generator and as a means of earning more xp/hour then even questing

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There's more projection going on here than a drive in theater.

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No moron. I only play on pve servers because I'm not stupid enough to let you jackasses waste my time.
Nope. I'm actually about 300lbs, have my own home, shower daily, clear skin (good genetics, seethe more) and have fucked 136 women.

>How sad must there lives be that the only satisfaction they can achieve is to bully people on a video game. I'm betting every single one of these guys probably weigh 100lbs soaking wet, have bad glasses, worse acne, greasy hair from not showering for months and the only thing the get to fuck is their kawii waifu body pillow while the ram a bad dragon dildo up their asses using the tears of their loneliness as lube.

>btw bullying me is ganking me on a pvp server

Attached: That+was+damn+good+take+all+my+thumbs+.jpg (299x200, 10K)

Stop coping and lying.

should also add it's why disc priest is a better option in this scenario, pw: shield can be crazy effective in addition to his own mana shield

Good for you, friend. Hope your group has a great time

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If Im a tank with mining/eng will I be broke all the time? I was planning to do herbalism/alchemy for the money and to make my own consumables but I'll probably want engineering stuff eventually.

Oh the seething jealousy. I can taste it and it's delicious. Be in awe autist incels, to you I am a God

phobic shitlord. reported for being an incel nazi.

>I only play on pve servers because I'm a lardass moron who can't handle World PvP in a mmo

Stop projecting.

The combat is the most frustrating shit.

Thanks lad. We're all gonna make it

Hey, now. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Enhancement Shamans are also totem bots, but only one per raid.

you revealed yourself too early there

I will never be ganked. I will never be corpsecamped. I will be able to freely enter Redridge without fear of a poopsocking level ?? incel waiting for me there. I will be able to quest comfortably at my own pace in STV. I won't have to pay mages for portals and will freely travel by ship since there will be no Angwe wannabes on my server. I will be able to enter BRM without fear of someone deleting all my buffs. I will be able to play at any time of the day and not have to worry about server population at that hour. And if I want to PvP, I'll be able to queue for battlegrounds just like everyone else and enjoy proper, fair, balanced PvP. And there is nothing you can do about this.

I'm far from an incel. I've fucked 136 women and I'm a progressive.
>He swings and misses

What are the system requirements for classic like? Can it run on a toaster or has the engine/etc been upgraded enough to require something decent?

Stop coping.

>tfw only one friend
>started during WoD
>thought it was hot shit
>not interested in classic

>I'm actually about 300lbs (good genetics, seethe more)

Attached: 1507633402513.jpg (9999x9999, 1.55M)

>fucked 136 women
>cant handle the banter on pvp servers

Wow you all must be so pissed off that me and the other guy are calling out your bullshit. I'm sure you are literally seething at the keyboard and crying your eyes out

just play retail
classic is an outdated mess

Sorry to hear that mang. At least you can still join a nice guild

>Oh the seething jealousy. I can taste it and it's delicious. Be in awe autist incels, to you I am a God

Attached: i pve only.jpg (768x1024, 95K)

This. Man we should level together. You have Kik or anything?

Look at my image bro you don't need anything fancy to get it running. Though it will look pretty bad, that and the framerate will likely be bad as well

>replying to literally every (you)
pathetic, no more yous for you. i thought i was special to you. youre just a whore after all. fuck you incel.

Stop replying to yourself.

Stop projecting.

There's that projection again.

>and the other guy who is also me

No jerkoff, I just don't have time to waste being your reason to bust a nut. I'm sure you will have a few morons to get off on but after a while your server will wither and die. Meantime me and other based PvE bro will be in our comfy server leveling and having a blast. You can't do shit about it.

mining/eng is more for pvp items like grenades, sappers and trinkets like death ray
as a tank you'll appreciate the mining more when it comes time to farm 100 arcanite for your thunderfury or even earlier for mats for high in demand items from blacksmiths like lionheart helm and the annihilator axe

alch/herb is a good option too, but it means all earned money is going to be used to buy those things instead

>Avoid world PvP
World PvP is literally one of the best things about vanilla. You're a fucking baddie.

Stop coping.

stop replying

This is what it looks like when someone can't intelligently argue their case and resort to canned meme non-responses. Seriously grow up children.

Stop coping.

The absolute state of carebear incel delusion. I feel sorry for your parents.

>unbalanced wpvp is the best thing about vanilla
tells a lot about vanilla

Yea I figured it's not very demanding, I'm just curious how it compares to actual vanilla wow requirements.

I know my PC can max it no problem, but I wonder about my cousin who is on an older hand-me-down.

Stop projecting.

It's not unbalanced just cus you're bad at it. Stop coping.

>Don't roll a druid
Why not? They're a lot of fun.

You must not have played the Vanilla I did. There is literally no reason for world PvP to be a thing... Well except for the incel failures who will breifly populate the PvP servers. I'm betting you are also the kind of asshat to randomly kill players on Red Dead or grief cargo sales on GTA Online.

the bump limit for this failure of a thread cant come too soon, sweet release

>This is what it looks like when someone can't intelligently argue their case
>lmao guess all that poison you brewed rotted youe brain away Be in awe autist incels, to you I am a God

Attached: 1558073713182.png (313x325, 89K)

what am i coping for user, are you a chat-bot or human

>classic is not unbalanced
the absolute state of classicfags
can't wait for september

Nothing you post will get any non-autist to play on your shit PvP server. Deal with being on the lowest pop server in classic. Only for pvp tards will Classic be a dead game.


I might to mining and blacksmithing and maybe switch the latter to engineering when I don't get get more use from it. I was afraid I would go broke buying raid consumables but I guess I'll just sell mining stuff.

Even if I was a bot, I could still see you were coping.

Stop coping.

Classic incel carebear cope-I mean someone "intelligently" arguing their case

>never reply to a retard, they will only try to drag you down to your level
you played yourself user.

I'm sorry, I forgot to be patient with you because you have the tism

reminder that pvp vanillafags on Yea Forums NEVER broke 2k2 arena rating

stop projecting

You know I'm right. You could get away with that shit back in the day when most if the players were like 14-20 but now most players will be in their 30s or older. No one has time to be some incel's reason to cum on their mlp plushy.

pvp on a pvp server my dude

Attached: hujZ8mw[1].jpg (1920x1080, 106K)

>I was only pretending to be retarded, so YOU'RE the retard falling for it and I'm the intelligent one!

Attached: 1532134787323.png (344x290, 163K)

>I'm sorry, I forgot to be patient with you because you have the tism
>lmao guess all that poison you brewed rotted youe brain away

Once more, autist incels power tripping by bullying people in an online game because of all the ass kickings they get in real life. Go to the gym or learn a martial art or something.

Tips should've read a WC guide from 2005 March.

>Be warned, he hits VERY hard for this level. About 300 Dmg per hit on average, on a warrior. So if you have a warrior in the group using shield/Defensive stance, then use him and make sure you let him take all the hits.

okay ill admit it im a cuck with no gf and thats why i only play on pve servers, please forgive me for shitting up this thread, i swear to never do it again and rething my life choices. happy now! you won. now leave me be on my pve servers while i cry myself to sleep...

>Y-You know I'm r-right!
Carebear incel so traumatized by world PvP he cluches to his cumstained mlp plushies whenever he's confronted by another player

>the most unbalanced version of wow is not unbalanced

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I honestly respond to it because I’m curious what they’ll say next. It’s honestly really fun watching some guy dance around and attempt to defend an objectively retarded viewpoint he doesn’t even agree with.

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