How does this make you feel, Yea Forums?

how does this make you feel, Yea Forums?

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Like making a smoothie

like playing Persona 5 again

Good, that will teach Onions Sony if they have ability to learn something.

what flavor

This means nothing. Japs aren't brand loyal. The Super Famicom beat the Mega Drive there, then the Saturn beat the N64. They just go where the good games are.

sounds good

I mean I'm happy for them I guess.
I like my Switch and Playstation, they're fine platforms.
Am I supposed to sperg out?

Don't care. Both are good consoles and I don't care about sales.

>They just go where the good games are.

>good games

Expected, a country that commutes everywhere is going to value mobile gaming more then stationary console. Switch isn't exactly the most portable console, but it lets you play big name titles while waiting on the train or bus to work.

>they just go where the mobile games are


What good games were on the Saturn aside from Nights?

Indifferent because realistically, no one is developing for the Switch (Even though I have one) because its hardware is garbage and its userbase just wants the same list of Nintendo branded games they got the last time.

Meanwhile, a dev like Capcom is hitting homeruns on every other system and providing top tier games, while even budget stuff like Octopath is ending up on Steam. I cannot recall a single game worth owning the Switch for, and when it dies in 2 years, it will be something I keep in a cupboard and never touch.

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Most Japanese adults play on phones. It's children that play handhelds.

Same as always: Japanese vidya players almost always have exceptionally shit taste in games, and most of them are incredibly casual at the hobby. It's just that nobody really talks about it.

Of course it surpassed the lifetime sales of PS4 in Japan.
There's is a culture perpetually prizing, glorifying and trying to recapture adolescence in general.

And the Japanese en masse hate challenging games, so they wouldn't subscribe to a wide variety available on other platforms available to them by their very nature. Shigeru Miyamoto himself said as much.

That's exactly why it means something, they go to who's winning.

Problematic. Japan needs an injection of diversity and it should be done by force if necessary.

(((((in Japan)))))

like we have this thread daily

based and PS3pilled

I dont give a shit I just want do u to stop practicing white supremacy.

This, also why things like Splatoon are well received. They cant handle a real shooter.


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Cute jap woman. I want to go on a fun date with her.

we have tons of the same threads hourly

They got fired for this as it was done unofficially and without Nintendo's consent while Sony was 100% behind their parades.

Yes parades, they've done this on multiple occasons.

check out this cope

as opposed to basedny that censors any game with even partial nudity

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its the same retarded nintendo man child, who omits that it doesn't count the ps4 pro

this looks more decent compared to the sony one

Japan is Nintendoland, what else is new?

Derete prease Whittu piggu Baka gaijin sama

Also who cares about region specific sales metrics, let alone sales figures in any capacity? Would low sales numbers prevent anyone from buying a game? That’s some brainlet shit right there.

Just play the vidya

Being loyal to a corporation isnt a good thing.
its objectively better to judge based on game quality rarther than brand name

Coping implies there's something i have to cope with. There's nothing.

i hope you understand how little your post makes sense

>That one piggu in photo

yeah that happens a lot when you only have 2 games to play

we gonna post not oficial stuff then?

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caring about which company has more sales is autistic
however careing about sales themselves isnt, as low sales mean discontinuation

Fine honestly. I don't see a problem with people purchasing whatever they want, or enjoying games on a system of their choice. It makes no difference to me and doesn't impact my life at all to know that out in the world there are people doing what they want with their money.

Due to how different the PS4 and switch is, great. Maybe I'll pick one up to go along with my PS4, on account of not being dirt poor and all

This. I just don't understand why people autistically obsess over sales like this. i hated the Ps4 despite it selling almost 100 mil. Why would the switch be any different?

Are there any new games on the switch worth picking up? The last thing I got was smash.

Splatoon is much more of a real shooter cause you don't have to pay garbage lootboxes like western fps

americans really are just terrible. can you guys learn to not make a spectacle of yourselves for two minutes?

Kind of impressive given there's no mini model yet.

>this means nothing
>it just means that the Switch has good games and the PS4 doesn't


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On RPCS3, yes? Oh nonono are you playing on console?? Hahaa

Makes me aware more people are playing veegees

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>This fag celebration is better than that other fag celebration because it's from a brand I like!

The Switch doesn't even have games besides BotW, Smash, and 3 houses, how is this even possible?

Do people really pay $60 for another shitty Mario bing bing wahoo port?

I hope sony starts censoring more games to increase the console sales.

could have be more with actual Japanese support,and a more powerful console

Noooo could this happen

Japan loves handhelds, Switch can be played on the go, PS4 can't, by normal means at least.

>ps4 sells more than switch

>switch sells more than ps4
>"This is fine, it just means that both have good games"

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Imagine being brand loyal

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You dont have to pay in most shooter. R6 Siege is a great example of something Japan can't handle.

The PS4 literally has a vast majority market share. What the fuck are you talking about?

That's funny because Splatoon has a higher Skill Ceiling than 90% of shooters out there. Advanced movement mechanics and what not as opposed to, "shoot guy before he shoots you".

A nintendo handheld ouselling a playstation console in japan? Say it ain't so!

i want to fuck the fat chick in rainbow socks all the way in the back

>That's funny because Splatoon has a higher Skill Ceiling than 90% of shooters out there.
Huh then why is it never at any esports events with large prize pools? All of them are solely Nintendo sponsored for promo.

>Advanced movement mechanics and what not as opposed to, "shoot guy before he shoots you".
You should try playing something like Siege, its infinitely more complicated with just its base Operators and maps than Splatoon has been in 2 entire games.

Because it's a complex game normies can't follow. I know, it's insane. I've streamed the game to hundreds of people and most of them comment they don't understand what's going on and want me to head back to Black Ops 4.

I thought that we already discussed this?

Gooks prefer portable gaming over stationary consoles because their lifestyle

Interestingly, PS4 is getting more Japanese third-party than Switch.

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>I thought that we already discussed this?
Not enough, this means we will see more jap devs making games for Switch. It's pretty big news.
>Interestingly, PS4 is getting more Japanese third-party than Switch.
Not for much longer.

>Complex game that normies can't follow
>When 60% are kids

What did he mean by this?


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I hope you are speaking of Siege. Splatoon is literally made to be dumbed down, from the lobby system and lack of communication, to the awful tick rates and hitboxes.

>Not for much longer.
Not him, but what? What major Japanese games are suddenly avoiding the PS4? I'm legit curious.

Fake news
fuck off nintenshill

>not for much longer
Care to name some games then?

>Not enough, this means we will see more jap devs making games for Switch. It's pretty big news.

I only see jap companies making games for PS4, I don't see Switch getting games like VII REMAKE, KH3, DMCV, MH WORLD, ETC

In fact, I only see Switch getting old ass ports like the first Devil May Cry or the GC Resident Evil games

>>Interestingly, PS4 is getting more Japanese third-party than Switch.
>Not for much longer.



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>cope posting
stay poor fag

If you were a console war faggot, then yes. Me personally? REEEEEEEEE FUCKING SUCK IT SONY FAGS

For real though this is cool for Nintendo because it’s something that works for them coming after the Wii U

Also I own a PS4 too so I’m not serious about the suck it. I just bought MH for 20 bucks on the PSN sale and it’s been a blast

>I'm poor because I own a Switch I never use
Are you okay?

based japs
fuck snoy

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No specific games yet, but the biggest platform in the country will get more support. It's just simple logic.

>Huh then why is it never at any esports events with large prize pools?
E-sports means nothing other than how much cash a publisher puts into promoting it. By that logic Overwatch and Dota 2 are the most complex games known to man.

I bet you're the same retard who posts shit like "nintentoddlers btfo" when Sony gets an exclusive or sells more consoles.

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Wow Japan bought a lot of PS4s.

Yeah, nintendo support. It's just simple logic.

Yeah, ports.

Had the Switch not been awful, it'd probably make me happy. More console sales probably means more games, but the shit hardware makes it hard to enjoy games on it.
I have very low standards. 1080p/30fps for third person games, and neither BotW nor XC2 reached either a stable 720p NOR a stable 30fps. Mario had framedrops and very low dynamic resolutions, too.
I don't see how this is acceptable to anyone when their games also have significantly less detail than competitors.

>By that logic Overwatch and Dota 2 are the most complex games known to man.
They aren't, but again, it also shows Splatoon is LESS complex than either of those (which it is). Its a shooter made for kids and doesn't have any complex ANYTHING beyond its new concepts. Providing the fact that esports dont take it on is further proof its made to be casual and lacks staying power.

>In Japan

Who gives a shit, they only care about mobile trash and portable garbage

Strawberries and bananas flavor?

Happy. I hope Sony gets bit in the ass for its hubris next generation, but I know there's enough normies to keep it coasting along if Microsoft doesn't pull their heads from their asses.

It would be acceptable if their games are cheaper. Remeber the times of vita/ps3 multiplats and their game pricings?

No adults have these
It’s crazy to see 35 year old business man playing BOTW

>in the west
Who gives a shit, they only care about battle royal thrash and fifa.


Sony is a Japanese business too, user
Let that sink in


>Sony is a Japanese business too,
not anymore after they moved their SCE hq from tokyo to california

It's not about the quality of the games. It just shows that Nintendo doesn't care.
People were real quick to forget the abhorrent framerate on release.

>you will live long enough to witness the fall of Snoy and the inevitable millions of suicides of sonyfags

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This pretty much
The only modern systems I don’t own are WiiU and vita
WiiU because I forgot it existed
Vita also because I also forgot it existed

>Sony is a Japanese business too, user
Not anymore. they're practically killing japanese gaming on their environment with their new bullshit policies.

>fall of a massive corporation
>implying people will care if it does happen
Nintendo fans are the only cultish fanbase when it comes to videogames, but its mostly due to being heavily associated with autistic fanbases (pokemon, animal crossing, sonic, etc)

I don't think he's talking about the Switch user.

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>Giving a fuck about Esports at all
Play the fucking game you nigger

All I can say is that MIcrosoft has been given the softest toss for next generation, they just have to go back to making good games, no gimmicks, give people Halo and COD and then start a program to fund Japanese games on the system.

Bam, generation won. It's such a softball that a kid could hit it.

But knowing them they'll still fuck the pooch somehow doing it.

I wonder could they rebrand Windows Surface as a hybrid console?

When are Bayo3 and SMTV coming out?

Couldn't give a rats ass about all the bing bing wahoo shit.

I think that would be terrible. The biggest problem with MIcrosoft right now is that they keep trying to integrate everything and sabotaging everything in the process. The worst of all worlds.

They need to go back to simplicity. When I get an XBox; I get an Xbox live account, a free game for signing up, and some community promotions to help me find friends. That's it. That should honestly be the extent for anyone who is not a power user.
It's not all that I should expect, but its all that I can expect from them without them screwing it up somehow.

That Japanese devs are wasted on their own people. They make games like REmake 2, DMC5 and Sekiro but the Japanese people would rather play with a portable WiiU.

It means japs devs are free for American claws.

you'll have thousands of adoring fans!
>in Japan

Urban crime is lower than ever!

((((in Japan))))

>PS4 100 million consoles sold
Didn't Bloodborne only sell like 4 million copies, whats GoW sold? Like 8 million I bet.
Sony has a very unloyal fan base, they will be swimming away from that sinking ship.

It's a kids game bro
So is Bo4 Tho

This fucking Odyssey outsold both with ease

Like getting a slushie from a nearby gas station.

3DS+Switch sales >>>>>> PS4+Vita

I'm being generous and not even counting WiiU.

Nintendo wins the gen yet again. Wii+DS won last gen.

*Dabs on the mad snoy boys*

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You're a crack head, both Sony and Nintendo have had seething rabid fanboys for the last 25 years fighting with each other. Sony fags were literally mad that RotTR was an Xbox and PC timed exclusive because "Tomb Raider started on the PlayStation" when it was a Saturn game for a whole month then released on DOS and PS1 on the same day a month later. Sony fans are so high on their farts they are shitting themselves

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>more device options
>use xbox app when needed never have to sacrifice all useful other features PC and Smart phone offer
>not paying for Xbox Live gold
Xbox not foring you to buy their console will be the best thing for the industry. Now you will buyu a game from them and play it how ever you want, they will get more sales. Microsoft have too much foothold in the Mobile and Home computing world and Xbox has been to much of a financial burden for them not to combine.

The problem with combining is that they bring the worst of all of those floundering worlds to a platform which was fine on its own.
I'm not going to say XBox Live was ever good, but the benefits outweighed the negatives. By tacking on the other divisions, all they did was add negatives with little benefit to the point where people just aren't interested in it anymore.
Why would I buy an XBonex when my PC-linked account can now play all the games that it can? Why wouldn't I just buy a PS4? Or worse, why would I buy a console that I'm required to have mobile integration with in order to use properly?

The Xbox is only failing because Microsoft shot it in the head. If they return to it being a console first and foremost and a platform for other things to spring off of second, then players would come for it again.

Good, the switch is a great piece of hardware, and nintendo really beat the other companies to the punch with the portable + console idea, which works way better then I thought it would.


Like wiping my finger through my upper buttcheeks after a run and not knowing if its shit sweat or just clear sweat before i smell on it

>Not brand loyal like some mindless cheeps
>SNES beat the Mega Drive in Japan
>Japanese buy consoles because they have good games, not because they owned their previous console

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All you did was point out that consoles are irrelevant, there's nothing a console can do that a PC can't do so Microsoft is gonna sell a PC with a more locked down OS to it's fans that aren't smart enough to build a PC, worse case you get interested an build a PC. They will still sell you Forza and Halo and if you weren't gonna buy those you probably didn't like your Xbox too much enough to care.
>inb4 Da switch is portable and PC isn't
so is the GDP WIN 2 and it is a full fledged PC and can hit 60fps

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