FROMSOFT's new game for E3 confirmed, Project Rune, Dark Souls successor

>Development title is "Project Rune"
>Norse Themed, having Frost Giants, Draugr, and Nekken's.
>Considered a spiritual successor to Dark Souls, but has a bunch of drastic drastic change.
>Miyisaki isn't the primary developer, Yui Tanimura (Dark Souls 2 director and 3's co director) is, though Miyisaki is staying on as a co director)
>Fromsoftwares newest game is a dark medieval fantasy arpg. The game has 3 unique characters you can choose from at the start of the game, a hunter with a longbow, a warrior with a great shield and a giant club, and a wizard who can cast sorceresses out of a magic book. Depending on which character you pick the play through will be very different, with unique enemies and locations.
>There will be multiplayer, players can invade other players worlds to cooperate or to kill the host of the world, the host can activate this with a summoning stone. The game takes place in a kingdom in a 100 year civil war, the main characters are a fellowship of knights serving under the king, the game starts with all of the other knights missing in action after searching for an artifact to give them an upper hand in the wars to come. The game is made in Unreal engine, and is published by Bandai Namco, the game will also be multi platform.
>E3 is going to have a cinematic trailer, no gameplay shown.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Haha yes I definitely believe this.

Sounds better then Sekiro.

You forgot to add that GRRM is also a co-director

Nice fanfic, OP.

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It's happening

>published by Bandai Namco
fake and gay

All the rumors are pointing to it.

Why would they leave that clown in charge after 2?


I'm ok with this but I want Bloodborne 2!!!! FUCK

Try harder OP

[Citation needed]

>DaS 2 director

This game will be perfect for the switch! R-right bros?

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>Yui Tanimura
>main director

as much as i know you're shitposting i'd legitimately want this.
Miyazaki is a hack

Tanimura saved not 1, but 2 dark souls games

>cast sorceresses out of a magic book

>Not a Warhammer

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I'd be okay with this

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Why would they put forced characters?

>wanting a sequel to the worst souls game.



>Dark Souls 2 director
>Norse influence

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>summon sorceresses
>literally a magic harem mancer

Please god.

why not?

>Miyisaki isn't the primary developer, Yui Tanimura (Dark Souls 2 director and 3's co director) is, though Miyisaki is staying on as a co director)
hard pass

>a wizard who can cast sorceresses out of a magic book

Attached: 1546985647932.png (578x448, 497K)

>a wizard who can cast sorceresses out of a magic book

But OP, this game already exists

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>Dark Souls successor
You mean like all the other From Software games?

That's not very hard.

>Dark Souls 2 director

It's happening!


Awesome, more half-finished rushed trash.

you promise your telling the truth OP?

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Why would they lie?

>Norse Themed
god please no I've had enough norseshit for a lifetime

What the fuck was Miyazaki thinking?


You said it was Aztec and Mayan last time fag and it ended up being YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>Miyazaki already confirmed there will be a dark souls successor (not sequel) that will focus on multiplayer
>OPs post mentions dark souls 2 director, who made the souls game with the best multiplayer experience thus far

Nice consistency. I like it.

>Tanimura as lead director
God please no.

Attached: Scourge_Beast_Charge.jpg (500x531, 102K)

>Miyisaki isn't the primary developer, Yui Tanimura (Dark Souls 2 director and 3's co director) is, though Miyisaki is staying on as a co director)
The hardest of passes if true. Which it isn't

No one wants beaner souls, fuck off.

It' likely true. Let's rewind a little bit: From works on multiple projects at once. They released DaS2, Bloodborne and DaS3 in 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively. After that they confirmed that they have 3 projects in the works, a reboot of an existing franchise, a dark fantasy rpg, and something that Miyazaki only described as "weird".

Turns out Sekiro was that reboot. It was supposed to be a new Tenchu, but turned into Sekiro. It's likely that the dark fantasy RPG is next now, releasing early 2020. Miyazaki is just one man, he can't work on more than 3 projects at the same time, and he did promise that after Sekiro they'd bring return with a kind of game they are more known for. There was this weird rumor a while back with it being a game set in medieval times and having kingdoms and shit, and this one sounds just like it.

>yfw Rune Memory

Attached: Serval.gif (259x441, 161K)

The weird game was Deracine

Nigga what? The reboot is Armored Core you retard.

based retard
Yui Tanimura wasn't the OG director and was added at the last second to salvage it and made godlike DLC for it.
He also did wonders for DS3 by pumping out TRC which shit all over Miyazaki's Ashes of Ariandel

Attached: based.png (281x565, 129K)

>god of war ripoff

yeah, not happening. at all.

Technically a warhammer is just a weird type of club, or maybe a club is just a simple kind of warhammer.

>B Team is taking over

Attached: 1551153118619.jpg (225x224, 6K)

That sounds terrible.

I am sick and goddamn tired of mother fucking vikings, they ain't that damn interesting.

>Directing anything else ever again

The man is poison incarnate. I believe he was the main lead for designing PvP in dark souls 3, and look at how well that worked. 4v1's, stunlocks up the ass where you have no choice but to take it all and wait to die (just like in Dark Souls 2) and overall just really shitty systems in general. Fuck that guy, I have no idea how they still let him touch stuff in their games.

No it wasn't. Miyazaki said a couple weeks ago that there's 2 games following Sekiro now, Deracine wasn't one of the big three.
No it's not you tripple nigger. Armored Core isn't even in development. I can give you a source right now if you want. All Miyazaki did was re-affirm that Armored Core isn't a dead franchise.

Not that I believe this but multiplatform as in xbone/PS4/PC or cross-gen?

Don't believe everything you hear.

Is there a more overrated archetype than the Norse/Vikings?
Its so boring. Just ice, ships, warriors - boring shit architecture, little to no cultural output, shit warriors who could only raid and get BTFO by any organised force of the time

>But muhh Viking warrior who fought in mighty battles such as 'unarmed monk slaughter 7' and 'peasent pillage 3'

I do. So fuck you

>norse themed
way more based than jap circlejerk

Nigga you're literally making shit up to fit your stupid norse fanfic. Sekiro wasn't a tenchu reboot, Deracine was the weird game, and Armored Core is the reboot.

You dumb fucks making up this bullshit are the ones that spread that stupid aztec souls game shit.


DaS3's DLC was a single DLC that was split into two pieces you dumb shit

>Yui Tanimura (Dark Souls 2 director and 3's co director
into the trash she goes

They already did with Sekiro and it was alright

A team faggots are back. Dark Souls 2 is the best Souls game

I'm not fucking making anything up you troglodyte. Here:
>Editor’s Note: after the interview was conducted, From Software released a statement to Japanese media, mentioning that Miyazaki-san actually did not admit that a Armored Core game is currently in development, but that his statement should be interpreted as the mention of the will to continue to work on the series in the future, but nothing has been decided.
And Deracine isn't a big game, Miyazaki talked about three big fucking projects. There's nothing fucking weird about it.

I'm gonna need some sauce on this, OP

ds2 was the best souls
only thing that ruined it was soulmemory

>Yui Tanimura (Dark Souls 2 director
Based and Drangpilled, where my Best Souls boys at

>godlike DLC
Frigid Outskirts, gank squad boss, and Blue smelter demon say hello

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B team is best team

Will fromsoft ever be able to come up with a better setting then bloodborne?

>Unreal engine
aaaand you ruined it, was pretty convincing up to this point. There's no way they would give up their excellent in-house engine. Unreal is missing so many systems needed for dark souls style combat.


Fuck yes. See you soon bellboys, ratboys and iron keep duelists.

They wouldn't do a nordic style game with GoW2 coming out. It would highlight how unpolished From games usually are by comparison

Daily reminder that Miyazaki is a hack
DeS and Bloodborne were GOAT because of Japan Studio's keeping Miyazaki in check
DaS II and DaSIII were literally saved by Yui Tanimura, he was handed shit in a basket and made it into something playable and sometimes downright amazing (DS2 DLC's/DS3 TRC)

If you want to see what Miyazaki does solo, look at Sekiro. Yeah, it looks like garbage when you look at the atmosphere, lore and story.

Im so tired of norse shit desu

Really? Another fucking nordic themed game?

>B team
>Best team

>A team
>Awful team

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>Frigid Outskirts
Only baddies had issues with deer rape run
>Gank Squad
Optional boss, also enjoyable and gave you a GOAT item for SL1
>Blue Smelter
lmao magic fag got btfo'd.

Bloodborne was garbage, what fucking world do you live in?

Renaissance or Pirate Souls are some good contenders

Lore, atmosphere and story are awesome in Sekiro faggot

technically you're retarded

Like the shitty meatgrinder angel sections of Dark Souls 3 were better

The DLC that was in wasn't worked on by Miyisaki, it was the Dark Souls 2 director.

Obviously Earth, where contrarians like you are abhorred for good reason.

>E3 is going to have a cinematic trailer, no gameplay shown.
into the trash

give Sekiro DLC please

Congrats on sidestepping the truth that it's still just as shitty.

Dark Soulss ucks . can we go back to dmeon?

Imagine being this retarded. Sekiro wasn't solo, it had Kazuhiro Hamatani as co-director, who was Lead Game Designer on Bloodborne.
Also Demon's Souls is the only actually GOAT Fromsoft game.

>why yes, Dark Souls 2 was my favorite in the series, how could you tell?



You already got your Tenchu game though, now shut up

Kingsfield is basically a shitty first person Dark Souls

>we want the skyrim audience

Fuck the A team

Why would From Software ever replace their proprietary engine for Unreal? They haven't done that with the jump to current generation, what would make you think they'd replaced it now, at the tail end of it and with no experience?

>The game is made in Unreal engine
Retard, way to blew your fake up. Why would they use Unreal when they have a perfectly fine internal engine? Sekiro looks better than most UE games actually. And yes they did Deracine with UE4 only because that's a VR game

Well maybe it'll actually have RPG elements like ds2 then and replayability, unlike fuckin Sekiro, so if this is true then I'm looking forward to it

Sekiro is better then D2 in every way

When did From become such hacks?


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the only thing is be excited about desu is a pure tanimura game desu, instead of giving him a piece of shit to salvage.

Sekiro is overrated as fuck by shitters who think it's super hard.
It's a good game, but it's not hard to make something better.

Demon Souls is overrated as fuck faggot.

Heres a pity (you), it's been an hour

>wizard who casrs sorceresses out of a book

Tanimura is a decent director. What he has learned on previous projects will only have made him better. The Dark Souls 2 DLC's proved that he's not half bad at all.

>believing this trash leak fuck you

Unironically this

not a single link

Just trust him

i do faggot

It was alright, but only that. It's far too shallow and simple for an action game with no stats. Fromsoftware seems scared to go full on pure action, I think they know their limits considering their animations are of varying quality even in their newest games.

Not more Souls...

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As long as it has cute loli and shota characters like in Sekiro I'm in.

GoW2 isn't coming out any time soon. It'll be at the very least 2 years before they even show anything.

There seems to be a lot of issues with the engine. Maybe Fromsoft are just bad on the technical side, but there are still issues in Sekiro which were present all the way back in Demon's Souls.

Never even mentioned Demon's Souls you absolute troglodyte.

It'll probably have tighter controls thanks to how it is offline. Otherwise online is fun.


Not a spic but it seems like this sort of thing would be perfect for an Aztec setting

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aztec is fuckign boring

>yfw it btfo's GoW 3 take on the mythology

I think Dark Souls 2 faggots should a bullet in there brain

The weird game was Deracine, you retard. How did you manage to catch the part where there's two games following Sekiro but not the part where he said those two remaining games are very typical FromSoft games? It's dark fantasy and mecha, nothing "weird" like Deracine was.

>should a bullet in there brain
Based ESL

Of all the possible things you could say about Aztec culture, and that particular image posted showing how fucking crazy batshit Aztec mythology is, "Boring" is probably the least applicable term possible.

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You seriously don't see how fucking stupid that looks

so just a reskin

>dark medieval fantasy
wooooow so original
literally never made before

Looks pretty badass to me.

>3 premade character with their own weapons
Yeah ok the're making an rpg without customization. Go take your fanfic somewhere else.

>Skyrim Souls presented to you by the b-team

No thanks

>and is published by Bandai Namco
Why is this thread as long as it is?


I think it looks pretty gud

user, if you cant see the appeal of a game set in a blood-crazed society with beliefs far outside the fantasy norms, I cant help you.

What the fuck is his right foot even


Not everything needs to look edgy to look "cool" user


Another Souls rehash by that creatively bancrupt trash company?

No way

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Get gud trash faggot.

>Souls brainlets are also GoT onions fags

Imagine my shock

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>get good at shit game design
I finished that turd, no worries. Unpolished trash game design is trash game design though.

The guy is at 1 HP. What is this even proving?

I want to believe, Ashes of Ariandel was the best thing From ever did. Best atmosphere, comfiest place, and for a change, a nice storyline that had me truly engaged from start to end.

t. journos

>Yui Tanimura
Based, will probably be From's best game yet.

There already is a viking game called Rune and its better than all soulsborne games.

Sounds like GoW but worse, Sekiro already tried to copy it but failed

i just hope it has more replayability than sekiro.

that was a big disappointment

>Sekiro already tried to copy nuGoW

>preset characters
FUCKING RETARDED if true fuck that bullshit

Based. DS2 is back baby.

Attached: ds297.jpg (1920x2160, 1.08M)

>Yet another turd squeezed out by FROMSOFT that's just Dark Souls with a new coat of paint
Fanboys will probably eat this shit up yet again and call it GOTY months before gameplay is even shown

The main problem with Sekiro is the replay ability and the lack of possibility in gameplay.

>>Norse Themed, having Frost Giants, Draugr, and Nekken's.
so basically Skyrim + Dark Souls

this is gonna be epic my fellow gamers

Lmao, dark souls was good because of setting. Who the fuck wants samurai or viking cuck shit?

>beat the game
Keep telling yourself that fag.

> UE4
I see. Its going to be first epic exclusive from a japanese company.

It's also getting a new entry

>Hating on souls to be contrarian
Fucking pathetic neck yourself retard.

I wanted muh Aztec/Blood & Bones setting

sounds pretty lame honestly

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>muh aztecs!!!111!!!!!1

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Real life themed setting are boring. If you can't think something unique you are imagination cuck.


>Norse Themed
Fuck that lame and generic barbarian shit

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It's shit


if this is right I hope people who leak this gets bankrupt and dies starving on the street

Low iq post

norse shit is so fucking boring

Who are you quoting?

When you say nekken, do you mean the naked men with a fiddle playing near rivers trying to pull in the unwary? Because if so you are absolutely based

About a dozen faggots in this thread who are jumping on the Aztec bandwagon.

>Nordic theme

No, thanks.

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"I cast thee out, wench!" or something like this.

Those fags helped me dodge some bullets many times
>b-but I want it to be a surprise
Grow up faggot


holy shit imagine typing this without cringing to death

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>Norse theme

Please no. There's so many more interesting settings you could do a Souls like in, I'm so fucking tired of Norse shit.

Imagine if it's a remake of this.

Attached: rune.jpg (349x500, 40K)

>wtf vikings? that's lame!!

>FROM should do a aztecs/indian/african/eskimo/abo game instead!!

Attached: 1517584031445.gif (413x243, 51K)

Rune is fucking trash

Show yourselves out, faggots.

>norse themed
stopped reading right there

I unironically believe this image.

>helped me dodge some bullets many times

lol who the fuck are you kidding faggot

game sounds like shit, by the way


t. GoT watching soi eating fatass


Attached: soy.jpg (324x532, 69K)

You are such a boring turd.


>Fromsoft never did a full on desert location in a Souls game
>closest they came was the Frigid Outskirts and I don't even need to say anything about that
>constantly hinted at various desert areas by Loran in BB and Carthus in DaS3
>Loran chalice gave us a tiny taste of what they can do with desert themes

So this 100% confirms that the next Fromsoft project is a desert themed one, hopefully egyptian, fucking insane interpretations of the different Gods, magics and cool weapons like khopesh, fan-axe etc.

What area specific mechanics would you expect to see in a game like that?
Obviously they'd have the poison swamp, and probably a Frigid Outskirts sandstorm version, but what else

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>Kang Souls

so fucking tired of the viking shit theyre not even cool and snow settings suck dick

>sekiro oriental theme
>wow so cool, japan is awesome

>rune wiking theme
>baaaaasedyy!! soooyy!!!


For environmental hazards, how about sandworms that erupt from under the sand and try to kill you.


How original.

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>DaS3 lightning worm type enemy that chases you and has ridiculously flashy, blinding sand explosion graphics
Would buy

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I mean, it's obvious, but it is appropriate, given the setting.

Gwyn was a Jubilant from Catarina!

Give me Arab Souls with mythology based on Djnns and the One Thousand And One Nights, for the love of god

Yeah, never seen that before.

Attached: literal sand worm.png (502x350, 361K)

My main hopes for the next Fromsoft souls-style game are
>return to DaS1's metroid-style interconnected world format rather than a linear fuckfest with zero replayability
>return of PVP/multiplayer, and not some tedious gimped bullshit like in DaS3 either just because casuals bitched

Is it? considering the idea of a sandworm that most of us picture came from a science fiction book. I wouldn't mind it too much but at this point it would appear as a generic addition while having in mind the talent behind From's concept art team, I'm sure they can bring a lot of life to the desert in a different way.

Attached: t-rk.jpg (1536x2048, 611K)

>dodge bullets
>fully trusting anonymous posters on the internet
>buying a game you didn't end up liking is the equivalent of being fucking shot
Zoomers man.
You don't even deserve to say video games are one of your hobbies, get the fuck out of here

>game has a dedicated jump button
>quicksand areas that require "jumping" out of them
>climbing up pyramids only to have a boss fight which uses the Sun to literally blind you, if you have the camera facing in a bad way

Attached: 1366089290937.png (843x922, 665K)

>it's not hard to make something better.
Can't wait to see you try

>an environmental hazard that gets killed by another environmental hazard
>doesn't even move anywhere
>just does attacks that make no sense based on your positioning anyway making him easy to beat even without the arrows
That user was clearly talking about a full on hazard, not just a "the designers made this amazing enemy we gotta put it somewhere" type thing

>FROM is such a derivative company their next game can be boiled down to "what if Souls, but X setting"

It's basically Ass Creed but for dorks now.

Holy shit, From software needs to hire this man!

Attached: Rock_Worm.png (242x539, 155K)

couldnt think of a more boring setting than snow nigger in forests

Not that user but the sandworm having it's own Fromsoft flare to it is already implied I think
Even the DS3 sandworm wasn't just any worm, it's like make of flesh and bone and was spitting out lightning, I've never seen one like that before personally


>Norse Themed
There goes my hype

It's going to be epic!

Would a sci-fi setting with space monsters be more interesting?

bold to claim that AC isn't also for dorks

>who can cast sorceresses out of a magic book
Are they sexy sorceresses that the wizard can cast out?

Lore is pretty sparce and threadbare in Sekiro. The good things about Sekiro are not the lore.

>godlike DLC
So ‘godlike’ they had to spread it thin to help justify the season pass after vanilla DS2’s awful reception.
They admittedly felt “great” at launch but revisiting them only Shulva really keeps me engaged and I lose interest in a playthrough of 2 shortly after that whole area. Its like I was so desperate for more Soulstuff after DS1 that I’d throw money at anything they gave me.

I've seen dozens of people complain about Sekiro being set in Japan and none that specifically like it.

user, how the fuck are they going to have a poison swamp in a desert? Think before you post.

>DaS2 and DaS3's director
Uh oh. If this is true, I'll wait before immediately shooting it down.

>this pharaoh's tomb had so much treasure that they filled the entire thing with toxic water so no one would dare enter
>this giant snake was killed and filled this dune with its poisonous blood
>this big oasis was once prosperous but was poisoned by vandals
And so on

Fromsoft will find a way

>user, how the fuck are they going to have a poison swamp in a desert?
Just add some water bro, the scorpions will take care of the rest

>Development title is "Dark Night"
>Game is a "what if" set in a ravaged Westeros after the victory of the Night King
>Your character is one of the last warrior of the Night Watch (will have a character creator like in the Souls series)
>You will fight Zombies, Giants, Dragons, White Walkers are the new Black Knights, some popular characters turned into WW will be bosses
>Melisandre will be your fire keeper, she will help you to obtain the power of R'hllor, but you will be able to pray other gods like the Drowned God, the Seven-faced God or the God of Death
>Miyazaki isn't the primary developer, Yui Tanimura (Dark Souls 2 director and 3's co director) is, GRR Martin is a co-director and writer on this project
>E3 is going to have a cinematic trailer, no gameplay shown.

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Dwarf souls when?

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I'd take aztec over norse any day

Totally believable story OP

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My dick is hard

>Dark Souls successor
>tfw From is never going to be able to escape Dark Souls' shadow thanks to normalfag casuals

Why do people just want the same shit rehashed over and over again? Like move on already.

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The average person brought their kid to a school, worked the fields for a few hours, went to the marketplace to get goods, and maybe bet on some ball games or board games, etc. Nobles lived in gorgous multi-room complexes with gardens and courtyards, frescos on walls; and had intellectual circles like in ancient greece with poets and philsophers; the cities themselves were huge and had gardens and canals all running through them, etc

The bloody stuff was merely 1 element of their culture (and it's even only a single part of the religion: offerings of flowers and shit happened more then sacrifice)juding their whole society for it would be like making European culture at the time as being nothing but inquisitions for heretics and religious purges.

But yes, that contrast between the gorgous cities and gardens with the sacrifice and all the skeletal and gore iconography is what makes it interesting, as is the underlying cultural/religous elements that cause it: Nahua/Aztec cosmology was all about something called teotl, which was a sort of supernatural energy which was thought to make up everything in the world, and was thought to show itself in nature by dualist concepts and the cyclical nature of reality and existence; like life and death: Living things consume and kill others to live themselves, the world itself had been created and destroyed 5 times, with the gods giving up their own effort, blood, and lives to make the new world, etc

Sacrifice itself was giving up life to sustain the overall life of the cosmos by feeding the sun, but both death of reality was inevitable, even the gods would fall to impossibly ancient and powerful cosmic forces. That sort of nihilistic idea that all things, including life, was fleeting and would eventually erode and give way to new life is shown a lot of their art and poetry, has to do with reminding you beauty of nature and life but also it's fragility and fleetingness, hence the skeletons and shit. see pic.


Attached: aztec poetry.png (612x2286, 777K)


It's also comic how relevant your webm is

Viking Dark Souls? Fuck it. I'm in.

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The whole idea of giving up yourself to sustain the world also tied into their general sense of morals which was all about communal morals, with doing what's best for soceity as a whole and helping others above helping yourself. and talk a lot about this, and how this approach of "the world is shitty and everything will die" ties into "so do what you can put others above yourself, and contribute to the cycle.

Also Actual Aztec philsophers went further with this and Teotl as a concept, and had a whole philosophical setup conceptualizing actual teotl mechanics as basically spinoza metaphysics', with everything in the world being made up of teotl moving certain ways and the end of the world basically being teotl entropy and teotl universal heat death see:

Anyways,The ruinous themes of the Souls games already fits perfectly into this framework: the world is past it's time, the 5th age is ending, and you have this contrast between gorgeous city-scapes with gardens like pic related and the destroyed, corrupted ruins of them with crazy ass monsters and skeleta futa demons with snake for cocks running around, cults desperately trying to stave off the inevitable by taking sacrifice to the extreme, etc, while you, instead of saving the world, are fulfilling the natural cycle by ending it so it can start anew.

An obsidian mirror. They were said be able to be used to peer into other worlds/act as portals between them. The god Tezcatlipoca (Litterally means "smoking mirror") was said to have replaced his foot with such a mirror after losing it in a battle against a giant earth monster called Cipactli.

In the image you see the mirror emitting smoke which is congealing itself into a snake spirit.


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I got 100 hours in Sekiro, that's pretty good for a singleplayer game in 2019

You need 10,000 hours for a game to be good these days.

Some might actually think this post is being dramatic, but this is genuinely the feeling I get from all the whining, especially on Yea Forums

If a game can't last you for fucking years to come it apparently isn't even worth $5

I'm very glad Aztec or Mayan Souls will remain in the realm of never ever along with a PC port of Bloodborne.

I want this.

>I dislike thing so I take pleasure in others not receiving said thing just because they like it
Okay autismo

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Honestly I just want something as sad and melancholic as first Dark Souls. I don't care about anything else anymore. Give me some dreadful loneliness atmosphere with tragic npc questlines/background.

>my hopes for the next game, by user

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Never ever

>the only time Yea Forums stops the "DaS(X) was shit, DaS(Y) is way better" crap is to discuss the next possible game they'll say was shit after the fact

>Norse Themed
Good choice, when you're out of ideas

You can play Bloodborne on the PC, brainlet.

The conversation has passed, everyone knows it's good, give up, have sex, etc.

> Doesn't know who tanimura is

shame on you. Tanimura was brought on near the end and was responsible for the DLC's of DS2, which were great.

NO please no

>>Miyisaki isn't the primary developer, Yui Tanimura (Dark Souls 2 director and 3's co director) is
Fantastic, the guy who has two shit souls in his track record.

You don’t know shit about Aztec culture and lore if you really think that.

So a game set in the land of Jugo.

>no source at all
>thread still is going to have 500+ replies
I fucking hate normie faggots.

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There hasn't been a Dark Souls successor to date. Both 2 and 3 are atrocious in their own ways and missed the mark so bad they might as well be considered parodies.

Attached: dark-souls-minimap.jpg (1354x962, 932K)


I agree, but what about DS1?

people want Aztec's because it's a legitmately good fit for a souls title you faglords. The typical sterotypical depiction of Aztec stuff has Ancient ruins, crazy skeletal, bloody snake/bird monsters and shit, human sacrifice, etc.

Regardless of the accuracy of that, it's exactly the sort of thing that the souls titles and bloodborne tends to have.

>FROM should do a aztecs/indian/african/eskimo/abo game instead!!

Norse are more comparable to northern native americans/indians, africans, eskimo, or abos then the Aztecs (who actually had cities, courts/legal systems, philsophy, huge temples and palaces, etc) are by far, considering norse "cities" were small towns and villages with tiny huts and shit. Even North native american indians had a few large settlements with giant earthen mounds and shit that were starting to develop into a civilization, see pic, which BTFO's the largest viking settlements.

Attached: Cahokia.png (1022x1552, 2.73M)

>next From game is sci fi
>takes place entirely on a space station
>our Oxygen is supported by our terraform section supporting lots of plant life
>or at least it was until a nefarious force poisoned the irrigation system rendering it a deadly zone no one dare enter
From finds a way.

>Norse Themed

Hey, at least it's not that GRR Martin rumor.

Sounds million times better than that garbage Game called shitkiro

Force it harder

>aztec spics
>having any iq

Lmao, how? The game barely has anything to do in it.

Well clearly the b-team learnt from their mistakes.

Proof, you goddamn nigger.

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Nevermind those, the actual DLC is DaS2 on steroids.

You don't ever deserve a (You)

I'm going to die of old age before a new armored core comes out.

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>cast sorceresses
you dumb motherfucker

Why cant they just make a Dungeon crawler?

Hard pass.

Real leak
Dark Souls Mobile coming this year
Even though it's a mobile game and is called Dark Souls it's actually a full fledged King's Field style game

believe it or not expect it before 2020

No, its good because its fun, there are many objective flaws and some subjective ones (like the online), depending of who you are. But it is the most fun I had in years with a videogame, and the "super hard" meme is a fucking joke