Well met Arisen. I'll not waste time on rhetoric. Defeat me, and take my place as keeper of this Dragon's Dogma Thread...

Well met Arisen. I'll not waste time on rhetoric. Defeat me, and take my place as keeper of this Dragon's Dogma Thread. You saw it awaiting for you at the end of your descent. Aye. The Dragon's Dogma Thread you've traveled to arrive at this place. A Dragon's Dogma Thread you may now inherit. T'is a simple proposition No different than any you've faced. You need only the will to claim what is offered to you... The will to survive!

Attached: The_Seneschal.png (450x281, 97K)

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Whomst the fuck had the bright idea of making a 3d arpg without a lock on feature?

If I buy one of those metamorphosis things can I change my character's height and weight?

It's a total redo of the charter, height, weight, sex, everything.

Yep. You can change everything about them besides name i think. in ng+ you can get an infinite version, And on pc you can get a mod that lets you edit your character at any point

Good. It's time for my loli to grow up and become a cake.

Good man.

It’s truly a game for everyone. There was another user who followed his dreams whose Arisen became a gay shota instead.

Ok im playing this again. Choose my Arisen Yea Forums (btw no MA since I already played that)

MA. It's the best class and you're going to end up falling back to it anyway don't kid yourself.

ass ass in

Fighter. Being forced to rely on pawns for ranged attacks makes the game a whole lot more frustrating, but you'll feel incredibly proud when they actually hit their mark.

are there any augments from mage or sorcerer i should get before switching to MK?

Perpetuation, Inflection if you want, Articulacy, Acuity. Gravitas maybe?


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I know a lot of people rag on the ending but I loved the Seneschal reveal and the implications of having this champion that governs over all. It kickstarted my love of fantasy as a genre that laid dormant since I binged LotR as a kid, I'll always love Dragon's Dogma and it's batshit whacky story.


Memery aside, the game had a good fantasy storyline

It's one of my favorite vidya endings. Seeing Savan there and then your last Arisen always makes me smile.

I love the idea of cyclical worlds and I feel DD did it better than the other big names like Dark Souls/BB. I'm dipping my toes into writing fantasy myself and I feel like DD is a great tale to take inspiration from, especially with how it handled the Seneschal.


Shota Arisen or Big Daddy Arisen?

so did damion just say fuck you to the dragon and then became satan

Shota Arisen, big daddy pawn

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He was granted his wish of getting enough power to end the cycle, but it drove him mad and he got stuck in the dimensional timeout box that is BBI

Good time to ask what you guys love about DD's story/world? Not from a gameplay perspective, strictly lore/aesthetic.

So if the goblin chieftain escapes from the fort does that change anything?

Nope, whatever it would have lead to got cut

sorcerer is the best vocation, fight me

some people hate the trope, but I love when the floor gets pulled out from under you towards the end of some media
beating the dragon and having the apocalypse still happen was awesome

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You can still finish him off anytime you want in the caves below the fortress.

I really want to talk about Dragon's Dogma, but I don't know what to talk about. Anyone got a topic?

The soundtrack for this game still gives me chills.
Aesthetic wise, I know that people complain about it being 'generic fantasy' but I think that works in its favour, I've always thought the monsters feel very Harryhausen-esque with their style and animation. I like that a lot of it is Mediterranean in look and fashion, not just sticking with one Northern European tone.


How's DDO? I want more DD so bad that I'd be willing to go through it with four custom pawns.

I really like a lot of the worldbuilding outside of Gransys. Shit like the church, Salvation, the 3 other countries around Gransys, even the fact that Gransys is established as mostly trash that only matters because the Duke slayed a dragon. Theres weird political intrigue going on, and its not solved by the MC rallying everyone behind them like it is in most stories. It has a lot of potential for a sequel set in this world, although they could set it somewhere else with no issues

You can't play it without a nipponland IP.

So there's that.

It has zero soul

the reason it was never brought west is because its extremely P2W, that shit doesn't fly so good outside of Asia

How incredibly disappointing.

>some people hate the trope, but I love when the floor gets pulled out from under you towards the end of some media
Same, it's just great

>such a huge buildup towards the Dragon
>the Dragon is everything
>he is the "villain" in all this
>you must kill the Dragon at all costs
>reach dragon
>amazing sequence of events and cool fight
>kill him
>it's not even the end
>in fact, it's just the beginning

Attached: oh gosh.png (349x328, 6K)

You only need to be logged into the VPN to get into the game, you can turn it off once you're playing.
Isn't the P2W stuff was just being able to respawn an unlimited number of times?

The fact that you even need a VPN period is a big problem.

>the happy end is considered a bad end
>the "true" ending is just killing yourself

Nah, fuck this game's story. Maybe the original vision, but the final product? Fuck it.

Honestly it would've been great if a longer stretch of the game was set in the Post-Dragon world. I really liked the atmosphere of the skies darkening and everything looking post-apocalyptic. Everfall and then the game ending was not nearly enough for me.

What happens if you take the dragons deal? I enjoy the fight too much to skip it.

You get a bad end and restart before you make your choice.

You get a scene with your character on the duke's throne in his robes, but alone and miserable looking. Then it gives you the death screen and lets you repeat from right before the choice.
Theres 2 similar endings against the Seneschal too, 1 for taking his deal and 1 for dying against him.

They did have huge plans for that, but that's what happens when the game gets rushed/underfunded
There's the image from their presentation with the infinite looping worlds, travelling to the moon, etc.

I wouldn't be miserable if some random soldier died because the game keeps making him beloved. I don't even know were he's from but he keeps showing up.

Did you sleep at the rest area before doing the Salvation quest at the Greatwall? Maybe you somehow got that guy's affection maxed out, and it picks him.

It's not him. It's literally just some random soldier. I guess he might be from the Griffon quest.

A bunch of random soldiers have escort quests that could have maxed them out. Do you remember their name?

I want to waifu Mercedes but I also kind of want to waifu Madeline and I also kind of want to waifu a random girl who has nothing else going on in the game. wat do

Max all their affections and try to forget who you spoke to last.

It's basically impossible to get Mercedes that way though. Since she's going to leave the game before the last time I'd talk to Madeline. So I need to make a decision before then.

>tfw I failed that quest for the first time ever when the knight dude died
The one time I decide to let them join the fight before killing the two cyclops and he dies off in some corner against the goblins.

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This Magick Archer shit is so much fucking fun holy shit. What’s a good pawn to go along with it?

I like going for a Warrior pawn even if it's not the most optimal.

Also how smol do you have to be to crawl through the small holes? I’m already shota-sized I don’t want to go full midget.
Also also we’re the badge of bow quests available in the OG version? That’s a lot of free rift clusters.
I’m actually training my pawn with Warrior so they can buff up their HP

Meant for Fuck pphones

150cm or smaller to get in the goblin holes
The quests for the badges were added as DLC for the original, then included with DA like the rest of the DLC

bros will we ever meet him again in the crucible of souls...

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He also sends you a challenge on a notice board quest where he releases a fucking hydra post game.

Is this game still playable? I thought I heard something about the online servers being shut off so you couldn't get any pawns.

ps3 and 360 only. Might be wrong about the ps3 version.

Only the 360 servers have been killed.

Been playing as a Sorcerer for the first time despite playing this game a ton in the past and holy shit this is way more fun than everyone always made it seem. Fuck yellow classes, comboing spells into each other and loading up on 3 sorc pawns and getting them each to synch a different spell to chain effects into each other is incredible.
>necromancy guarantees knockdowns and staggers even on hard mode
>rusted/anneled staves apply their conditions on each tick of your aoe spells
>mfw stunlocking enemies into my rusted staff high miasma

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magic archers are barely a magic casting class, fuck em

I like how the story is that the world is a video game that only exists when the player decides to play it. Control is not a delusion.

>tfw you finally find the best balance between graphics and performance
Also, I can't believe how much just putting a very weak blue filter enhance the image in the game, makes the game look much cooler, in both senses of the word.

DD2 when?

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I was fine with that too, where it lost me was the suicide, and the pawn switching bodies with you for some reason.

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My dream is to die and be reincarnated in Dragon's Dogma as the arisen. I'd immediatelly head to the encampment and get into the rift stone and then proceed to summon female pawns and then do lewd things with them for the rest of eternity,

They'd want nothing more than to please you and follow all your commands, too. Can't believe more arisen don't just fuck off and have sex with pawns for eternity.

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>that rivatuner scaling
>that reshade shit

>rivatuner scaling
I can't see shit when I run the game at 4k though and I'm not going to adjust it just for a game
>that reshade shit
not an argument