>playing game back in the day
>could instantly react and headshot someone easy
>try to play newer shooters like PUBG or apex
>takes me forever to react, have to think about where to aim, takes long time to aim properly get killed before i can get a shot off
Boomer gamer general
>reflexes and twitch shooting skills start to degenerate
>still want to play fast online games
>learn to focus and use game sense to be the one that gets the initiative
>ultimately perform better than back in the day
Now that I think about it, I were a fucking grug tier player when I was a teenager. If I had bothered to use my brain back then, I could have had the best of both worlds, but nope.
I can't even hit AI in single players properly anymore.
Getting old fucking sucks.
>tfw really good at team attacking
>have to shoot enemy
>cant hit shit
>become bad at videogames
>lose compulsion to play them
>quality of life improves
What are you playing on your GBA
You people are retarded. You're twenty five, not 95. Your motor skills don't decline like that till youre in your seventies
To be fair older games were NOT like PUBG or Apex. In Quake it was about training your quick reaction time in multiple small maps. In Halo it was about knowing the weapon drop times, learning small maps. In PUBG and any battle royale (but especially PUBG) it's about being put in a pretty big map where you know that at least fifteen or so cunts every game will be hiding in a bush for 20 minutes, or crouching behind a couch on the top floor of a random house in an area with 40 houses. It's honestly more luck than skill in that you notice the enemy before he notices you.
I can’t play certain games I used to because of fucking tendinitis. I mostly emulate and only get interested in 1-2 games a year coming out. Work a dead end retail job and have too much in terms of benefits and PTO now to ever want to quit.
>playing sports a lot back in the days
>used to play sports and was athletic back in the days
>could easily win and carry my team all the time
>don't do sports for a couple of years and mostly sit down at home now
>try and do some sports
>I instantly get out of breath and struggle to just run around
WTF I hate getting old.
Your parents probably didn't buy you tons of games or you didn't know about the Internet in its entirety so you only had a few games which you invested a lot of hours on. At some point you were also garbage as a kid, but you had loads of free time to get better (or you sucked and you just remember your good matches).
You can still be good by playing constantly again and learning to react and prefire. Don't know if you'd want that, though: growing up taught me that there's a bunch of media left to consume and now I have resources and time to access them. I'd rather go through my backlog instead of spend hundreds of hours getting good at fotm battle royals.
But I'm 35.
Yeah, I have hard time seeing something like PUBG as a good competitive game. Sure, good player knows how to minimize risks by moving around cleverly and looking at hazardous spots, but sometimes the game just deals you a shit hand that is impossible to survive without superhuman 190 degree insta-headshot skills.
Damn it's nearly like you used to play a lot of video games when you were young and constantly improved and honed your skills.
Then you got older and got a mindless job and barely got time to play videogames anymore and therefor can't spend as much time playing as you were young.
It's nearly like you have to keep doing something to keep being good at it, weird huh?
I get the sarcasm but I actually feel that. Doesn't help I've been playing ball hockey again and finally getting my cardio back up and somewhat decent at both goalie and out of net, then I overextend my leg and my knee has been fucked for the past month. This weekend I quickly bent down without bending my knee much and my kneecap popped in and out of the socket, now its basically just as painful as it was right when it first happened.
Yeah this. I'm 24 now and i havent really hit serious mechanical delay yet, but its starting. I'm a chronic stoner so that takes a cut too. Even though my reflexes are like 20% worse i'm a better player than I used to be because of brain gainz.
My tactics have improved and I can reliably shit on people through mental. 18 yo me was never a gifted mechanical god, so honestly if i jjust played to the mental earlier, i would have been a lot better. Flicks dont mean shit if you have mogo positioning and always overextend.
It really doesn't matter much unless you're over 65
Why are boomers so retarded...
Do you actually believe that you can keep being good at things without even doing them anymore? And then without even playing many games or much at all you think you can just pick up a new game and instantly be gods gift at it?
>dumbasses think they're old because they turned 30
You have literally been training and maintaining those skills and reaction just by playing the games. You wont get noticable degradation until even after normal people would suffer it because you've refined it to a degree most people don't in the first place.
Based on this pic and your main childhood era, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
kill yourself wojakfaggot
>kill yourself wojakfaggot
The biggest challenge is finding the time to play like a teenager. Too much work to take care of, and at the end of the day I don't feel like starting a game over just resting.
Glad I don't have that issue yet at 30.
For some reason, everyone's in a massive hurry to feel like a dinosaur these days. This one guy I talk to is 22, but he thinks he's 70.
Jobs suck, man. If I could just get 6 months of unlimited time again, I could get through most of my backlog and be a little more okay with not having as much times to play games due to work. I've been pushing off the last six Kiseki games because I know they'll take me forever now.
Early Millennial/Gen Y. It was a good time.
Society is changing faster than at any point in history other than maybe the early 1900s. That's why people feel old sooner. Their experiences are "outdated" quicker
Lads, i tried Monster zero ultra yesterday and loved it
Is this the end?
You got a point there. Things just move so quickly. That's why I think stuff like rampant SJWism will die out in several more years instead of in the next two decades.
One can only hope. Unfortunately, Trump has emboldened SJWs by putting am ugly face to the anti-P
SJW movement. While Trump is absolutely right political correctness and SJWs, he's also a fucking idiot when it comes to social interaction and flaps his big mouth with no filter, pissing off everyone. We need anti-SJW leaders that are a bit more palatable to centrists if we ever actually want to win the culture war
You retarded idiots are projecting.
I'm almost 30 and I place top rank in most fps games I play. I'm not a godsend player, just consistently top 5/3/1st, and I'm usually fucking stoned too
Your brain has always been shit