What are they playing?

What are they playing?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The game of life and they're winning.

Tetris you fucking IDIOT!

Attached: Shiiiiieeeeeet.png (284x294, 71K)

But who was camera?

>slave for jews

Attached: 1530550799199.png (657x527, 62K)

They have more than enough money for several lifetimes and will never be stressed ever again.

those are tetris cartridges

life is suffering user. They will be miserable at points in their life, not in the same way a poor person is, but they will not escape sadness, pain or conflict.

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They might get sad but they will never have any real problems.

most Americans never have "real problems"

Chris Evans seems like he'd be an awesome friend.

Also he hates Trump.

You sure about that?

Attached: us workers live paycheck to paycheck.png (1065x828, 813K)

says the user posting on Yea Forums

i remember doing this and for some reason it was fucking difficult to find such a cable for me as a kid

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you really think that 78% is doing what they can to save? In a world where we have how many fast food chains, cars, cell phones and $60 AAA games that break records -every year- you want to tell me to believe those people are stuck in a trap where they can't save?

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What? I thought the majority of people were very fine (moneywise) in US

disgusting faggot using that dogshit game to make reaction pic even if you just saved it thinking it was good, you are a cancer. kill yourself game was shit, women were ugly as fuck, microtransaction paywalls in $60 game and you shit on people for not saving money while using a pic from that cancerous shit full of kikery? hypocritical nigger

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>he dosn't know several big name stars live like that too
>that his fucking president lives like that

I bet you are the type of fag that cries you have no money for emergencies then wastes $100s on a fucking steam sale.

not even close. US has the biggest wealth gap in the world (for first world countries).

At least you agree with me

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Enjoy your ban

What did he mean by this?

they are

it's 4th place by populaces but it's way fucking lower per capita, but even you admitted you need to cut it down to just first world and the world’s wealth has doubled in just ten years.

This the budget of a 25 year old who makes $100k.

Attached: 2018%2F12%2F21%2F20%2Fe4a4329075f242c488d8b16b4ad22da0.fab6a.jpg%2F1200x630.jpg (1200x630, 146K)

>25 year old who makes $100k.
Fucking what?

A great deal of those are black people.
Just sayin'

money doesn't equal savings. I work a shitty Taco bell job while at home and didn't spend a dollar no matter how much everyone gave me shit for it. Now at 26 I have over 200k in savings, I didn't get that shit wasting money on the latest nintedy shit or newest smart phone

They had em at wal-mart, there just wasn't much to use them for until Pokemon. I think Tetris and Dr. Mario were some of the only games you could use the cable for.

That is just fake news retard bait

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Now list the stats for a normal person. Not this random turbo cuck.

I love how /pol/ copes with everything by blaming jews it's the funniest shit on this site next to Yea Forums's contrarianism

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black people don't work

All this tells me is you leech off you're parents.
You probably short change your mates too lad.

>dining out $250
that's a massive unneeded waste
>groceries $400
How? For two people me and my girl spend about $200 a month, how the hell does one person need twice that amount? What the fuck are they buying? How much are they eating? This is on top of $250 wasted on eating out.
>House Cleaner: $30
fucking what? Why can't you clean it yourself? What needs $30 a fucking month? It takes a good 3 months before I run out of all cleaning shit
>Donations $615
What? Fucking what? Is this code for "paying for streaming"

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>Is this code for "paying for streaming"

Wow, so original

but Yea Forums told me they all get jobs as actors for Netflix

It was my dad's idea back when I lived with them and I just bought them a trip to Scotland as a anniversary gift

keep seething


why wouldnt you spend extra on eating out and fancy groceries if youre making 100k? let alone a fucking cleaner, who wants to do that shit themselves, $30 a week isnt even that much

>having tons of money
>have friends, both auxiliary and close
>have great influence over popular culture
>have job you love
yeah, i'm sure they're buttmad about losing at life, if only they could be some shithead blaming others for their problems on the internet

I'm 25 and I'm making $100k a year

It's not impossible

Yes but you omitted the part where this is a chart taken from a single person.
It was a highlight of someone managing their money properly.

>rent: $825
I wish I could live somewhere where the rent is that low but all those locations are usually in bumfuck cities or out in the sticks
god damnit

Who is out here making $100k at 25?
What the fuck sort of skills can you get qualifications in that makes hat much at such a young age?

>who wants to do that shit themselves
me mate, I rather anchor my own shit than get strangers to do it.

yeah actually how does a young person manage to make 100k not living in a big city? doesnt really make sense

what console is that?

buying a new console and new phone every year isn't the reason why most Americans can't afford tertiary education, healthcare, rent, etc. a new iphone and ps4 would be what, $1500 in total?


you say that now while you live paycheck to paycheck, but if you ever have money youll understand that youd rather spend time doing shit that isnt mind numbingly boring

I want to nut inside of Scarjo. Especially after seeing her nudes. She juicy af

Nigga he's saving 60-70k a year, $250 a month on eating good food is a good fucking investment. Okay, you won't enjoy yourself during your prime years and go full savings mode. That will get you like 10k a year max, probably much less. Why? You won't increase your well being by much in the end.

i'm 25 years old and on my first year of college

It's okay, at least you're going somewhere with your life.

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nice lying dude

I imagine by working remotely or working for a company who has an outpost in a fairly cheap area.
The major engineering sinks are good example: it's possible to be working for Boeing or Lockheed in some fairly rural area in the heartland.


you kinda fucked up somewhere along the line

Chris Evans is cute and should get away from that thot right now

>$100,000 annual salary
>$825/mo rent
I suspect fake news. You have to live in the city to have a job that's $100k and city rent isn't $800/mo.

I wouldn't say it's impossible, especially if you're a rare specialist with good connections and portfolio, but sometimes these threads always have several guys making 100k. Apparently Yea Forums is flooded with millionaires by 30 somehow. Truly a magical place.

It's fine man, don't get disheartened.
A lot of it is about initiative and how you invest your time. If you do lots of side projects, pick up hard-to-learn STEM skills in college (where you have the organized environment to learn them better) as well as round out your skillset and education with other topics (foreign languages, history/humanities, social sciences), you should be good.
A lot of the value from a post-college job is where you live. If you live in a popular city, only the tippy toppest tier jobs will really give a huge benefit to your standard of living. However, in smaller cities and in rural areas, you can get a ton of value out of an intermediate-level post-college job
What are you studying?

Being an engineer pays big dosh, my man.
Hell, construction workers in my city earn up to $90-100k (pre-tax, I think).
It's really not that unbelievable

If you play your cards right you can get a condo for that price each month.

They still ended up buying your consoles you not-so-much-of-a-man

probably this

Attached: Tetris-4.jpg (800x917, 90K)

That's how you're supposed to do it when you're young. Multigenerational households are trad.

the game

did nobody bother to read the fucking article He lives with like 4 other guys.

If you're brown, sure.

thanks man, yeah i'm trying my best and things are going pretty well.
I'm studying CS since i figured it was in high demand.

>to even dream to fuck scarlet you need to be chris evan
haha wew

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Hey man, i know the feeling, spent some years in neetdom before going to college. Hang in there and maybe try finding something that interests you and that could give you a good income, things can change.

Plenty of games supported the cable and game boys even came with one for a while from launch. You're thinking of later years, where the pocket replaced the dmg and super game boy was a focal point. At that point link wasn't sold much because people just didn't use them much. The feature was there, but it wasn't popular until pokemon.

>he fell for the STEM meme

>implying you aren't also a "slave to the jews"

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It takes 15 minutes a day to keep your house clean. I have more than enough money to pay people to do every menial job for me but I'd rather do it myself because I'm not a lazy fuck and I'd rather not piss away thousands a year

>believing things on the internet

Share with me your secrets.
I would like a condo for $825 each month. That's $1100 more I can spend on video games
With money like that, I could fucking start getting addicted tot hose bullshit gacha games with no consequence

They look happy, and I'm happy for them

>you're either a jew or a slave for jews
Never change, /pol/

Basically this.

For some they spend that much on eating out. When I see the same line of kids weekly at Starbucks in Target bitch they have no money and are poor but then blow $10+ a day on fucking coffee I lose all sympathy

How fat are you?

Oh look, Scott Adams, a man who is 70 years old and still hasn't procreated, is giving me life advice.

Attached: fyedora.png (676x699, 418K)

Trustfund kids

My goodness, is this what they refer to as "cope"?

keep location into account, 100k in cali is nothing

In San Jose 100K is pretty much poverty level.

t. white, left house at 18 to pay rent, and now lives paycheck to paycheck

I'm pretty sure the left one plays more like played Black Widow and the right one plays Captain America

aah haha

Are they friends or more?

Scarlett Johansson is playing "making my dick HARD" on the GAMEBOY

>Tetris you fucking IDIOT!

Yeah clearly, they are playing some link-up Tetris. Tetris was the original pack-in game for the system.

I understand that this thread was suppose to invoke some unique/ funny answers. Two player Tetris through the link cable was the shit, by the way.

Attached: ITSTETRIS.png (564x537, 286K)

The man was born middle class and is now worth tens of millions of dollars. You can take his advice and then tweak it to fit your build.

Yes user, they're fucking. Literally any time a man and a women make contact they are fucking.

>and the right one plays Captain America
You go through with the Nat spoiler but say "plays" for Cap?

Because all he knows about the movies is "le epic spoiler culture", and that never comes up.

living paycheck to paycheck means that you literally have not enough to save after necessary survival expenses.
As in: Sure they COULD save some money if they only ate discounted stale bread every day, downed it with tapwater and got up 2 to 5 hours early to walk to work (depending on how far their place of employment is), live without TV/Lights or Internet and never go out ever while living out of a room the size of these Japanese capsule hotels.
Sure, if they did that, then even on their shit tier wages they could save some money. But that's no reasonable way to live.

TL;DR Living paycheck to paycheck means "to little to save" not "most people splurge too much"
Fox tried to do this narrative before, by saying the poor aren't really poor because they had luxury items like "a refrigerator" and "diapers" Those damn poor, trying to keep their food edible and their babies from shitting all over the place.

>Don't care about e celeb shit nor their lives
>Ask a question
>Hurr xD
Have sex

>tfw you low key hate tetris because in 1992 your mom kept stealing your gameboy to play it when you wanted to play Megaman II


wait that's scarjo and Chris Evans wtf

It's amazing to live in a supposed first world country, and people expect you to live without basic life essentials to get by.