Someone on Yea Forums recommended muvluv's VN last friday and i hesitantly played it... turns out it was really good...

someone on Yea Forums recommended muvluv's VN last friday and i hesitantly played it... turns out it was really good, i liked both extra and unlimited. extra might have even been more interesting??? the extra extra moe stuff in unlimited seemed really out of place for a military base... but overall it was a really fun read, thanks Yea Forums

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cool now go read alternative

i'm looking forward to it! just trying to get it to fucking work, my god is muvluv and alt difficult to install

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Alternative is the direct continuation of Extra and probably the best one in the trilogy so read that now. And leave the thread before someone posts spoilers.
Utawarerumono is another good VN trilogy if you haven't read that yet.

Don't you have a PS Vita?

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>of Extra

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no vita, i read everything on pc. i haven't read utawarerumono, i'll read it after i finish alt :D i have only really read s;g, s;g0, and now mle and mlu

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>i liked both extra and unlimited
congrats on not being retarded like half the people who talk about muv luv here, you'll love alternative
at least pirate the english all ages version, there's literally no reason to play the r18 version of alternative

Have fun bro!
Also this since the H-scenes are pretty much irrelevant in Alternative and you can look them up later on the Panda if you want

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i thought it was incredibly unique how they knocked out all the character exposition in extra, only to wipe the slate clean with unlimited relationship and setting wise with the reader still understanding character motivations.. i have never seen a book do it that way, although maybe for good reason given that i'm sure the crossover between readers that enjoy both SOL romance and mech warfare is probably minimal, so someone is pretty sure to get discouraged at some point

It's not like Extra and Unlimited are bad. They're just not really the best of that genre. It's pretty plain to see with Alternative where the writers really excel. Compared to other slice of life shit though, Extra sucks. Unlimited is at least an interesting mix of tropey slice of life romcom shit and military stuff, but it's still only retroactively good.

Doesn't the all ages version censor certain scenes?

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I think I know what scenes you're reffering too and yes they are slightly censored but I personally didn't even notice it when playing until I went to download some CG later on from the panda.

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barely and if you honestly can't tell what's happening in the "censored" cg you need to get your eyes checked immediately

>Encouraging someone to not see the full scope of how fucked up things are in Alternative

if only they replaced her with a better character... muh "suffer in silence because i can't communicate with class rep" was insufferable

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What did Yea Forums think about Schwarzesmarken?

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i fapped to the one scene of the MC's little sister acting like a dog before giving a bj to a nazi officer. it was pretty hot.

other than that it was my first introduction to the muhluv universe.. it didn't really clean up any of the overall lore, they should have focused on the first soviet excursion into the minsk hive

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Still waiting for the VN translation

rip vivi

>they should have focused on the first soviet excursion into the minsk hive
I actually thought it was gonna be about that after watching the anime right after finishing the VNs

>one scene is barely changed visibly
>basically everything is improved
>even cookie himself thinks it's better
>b-b-b-but muh 2 shitty porn scenes!!

is there any extended universe around that attack??? i feel like all the lore about the psychics and the attack itself would be really fucking interesting.. or the first war against the primary hive in china when the beta first landed on earth before TSFs were popular

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Man, forget these nerds. You gotta play it as it was intended, porn and all. You can only play it for the first time once, and I'd be miffed if I got the kiddie version.

Maybe. There are shitloads of side stories that are only released in JP. You should ask on /m/ when you've finished the main trilogy since they tend to keep pretty good track of the Muv-Luv franchise.
What routes in Extra and Unlimited did you read by the way? Aside from Sumika and Meiya?

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If you're already pirating it you might as well get the 18+ patch too even if you plan on skipping the h scenes.

What do you think about Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien?
Is in the same place that muv luv.

Isn't that the weird Clannad/School Days mix? I was planning on watching the anime a few years ago before I knew what Muv-Luv even was but I never go to it.

I liked the anime but who knows when they'll get around to launching the kickstarter for that. Actually. we don't even know if it's still on the table anymore because it was confirmed picked up when Degica was still doing Muv-Luv before they got kicked.

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