What is the best looking game of this gen so far?

What is the best looking game of this gen so far?

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Horizon Zero Dawn

Remake 2


Red Dead Redemption 2 on Xbox One X

Are you serious? RDR2

If you post console shit you are objectively retarded and I'm not going to explain why because if you dont understand you are subhuman.

Who cares? What is the funnest game of this gen so far?

God of War
Uncharted 4

these are the only ones that come to mind

Play the game, it's really bad

The character models and lighting are great, but there are some spots with literal xbox 360 tier textures. Still an amazing game though and I'm hype as fuck for R3make/RE8

Nice delusion, anglo nigger


The answer is of course BlazBlue Central Fiction

That game was horrible. They just made tech presentation, the world shit non interactive.

spiderman looks so good you'd swear this was a photo and not a screenshot

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There are PC games that came out in 2015 that look better than "modern" console games.

Name them, retard.

Arma 3

You are literally wrong and didn't name a single game to prove your baseless statement.

Okami still

And this came out in 2013

I have played it. Very bad writing, forgettable characters, very basic rpg mechanics (get enough exp to unlock new abilities), not enough weapon variety (upgraded weapons do not chamge the weapon), it becomes a chore to deal with enemies you know how to kill easily or cheese easily, too easy to cheese (use ropecaster, freeze the enemies, shoot arrows, repeat. The biggest machines cant even do shit), bad stealth mechanics, i go on. It makes me mad the average person thinks it’s very good because of the overall presentation

Days gone can look pretty damn good but it’s situational

> Inb4 he names Star Citizen

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I’m not the same poster but I agree with him. And I just named Arma 3 as my example which is even more impressive as it came out in 2013.

And actually I might put Kingdom Come Deliverance as another contender.

Witcher 3, r6 seige, dying light, soma, verdun, mad max.


Right here, subhuman nigger. Maybe wait more than 2 minutes to act like a dumb gorilla nigger.

> Soma
Literal xbox 360/ps3 tier graphics. Impressive for an indie dev but it wouldn't even be the nicest looking game if it had come out 10 years ago.

Uncharted 4 is probably the best objectively speaking, but i have a soft spot for Horizon, the views are fantastic and the machines only improve it.

Also shoutout to Persona 5 for having an interesting take on menus and mid fight animations

Battlefield V

>r6 seige
nice bait

>Kingdom Come Deliverance
opinion disregarded


unbased weeb

the only games i played that came out this year have been sekiro, mordhau, and outward. all fun games and good for their own reasons, but idk if any would qualify as the funnest game of the year

crysis is still a better game, better looking and has more features than any aaa shooter on the market

Now we're talking. Im gonna throw Enter the Gungeon out there. A game i really didnt expect to like that much. Now i have countless hours in it, ive unlocked everything, and got all acheivements and i STILL play it usually once a day. Amazing game, sad to see the update end

Gravity Rush 2

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Cope. Notice you didnt name any others, thanks for the admission that consoles are trash.
Never played it on a pc that could handle max graphics, it's ok user you're allowed to be poor.

God of War was a fantastic game but i feel like the visuals were limited by the overwhelming grey of the world. It looked good, but theres only so much beauty you can get out of a bunch of grey rocks

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I really like how rdr2 looks but mostly because of the lighting

Battlefront 2

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Imagine being 15 and still arguing about console wars

nice art direction but the LoD system is a fucking mess, even the mid-distance looks like shit

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>god of war fantastic game....

It's not a war, pc is clearly superior and consoles can bicker amongst themselves who's outdated hardware is better than everyone elses.

I own every console for exclusives and I like them, the difference is I acknowledge they're weak when it comes to power.

Yeah the draw distance is disastrous admittedly but it's still just so visually charming

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How do PCfags cope knowing they can never experience this gorgeous work of art?

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any other glasses users here who don't see a difference between skyrim and horizon zero dawn? its literally the same graphics, maybe a little upscaled. the fucks the all the fuss about. its like with fps. you shitheads literally are picky dandies. who the fuck cares, just play vidya.

In terms of pure graphical fidelity and capability: Uncharted 4
In terms of actual breathtaking aesthetic beauty: Assassin's Creed Odyssey or else the Spyro remaster

Take your pick of any Sony Exclusive. Xbox and high-end PCs just can't hang when you can code to the metal on a Sony console.

how do poorfags cope with not having all consoles + the PC to rule them all?

See this is how I feel, I have consoles (ps4 and switch) for certain exclusives but nothing beats PC. If I could buy all my games on PC I would and I'd sell my consoles. That'll never happen though sadly.

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um get your eyes and brain checked

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Persona 5

KH3 also looked super nice

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>ugly weebshit with last gen visuals

Only thing that looks good is the interface presentation. Game itself looks like shit.

unironically ion maiden

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yup, no difference at all.
nothing changed in terms of technology since 2010, dude.
It's all just upscaling and upscaling, and better rendering cards, but no tech change.

Attached: Assassin's Creed Unity Screenshot 2019.02.22 - (1920x1200, 3.24M)

I hate how it's basically impossible to talk about this game on Yea Forums because barely anyone played it and those that did are screeching waifufags that only ever talk about wanting to lick Kat's feet.

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Between those posters and the still fucking salty to this day Vita die-hards Gravity Rush 2 threads are some of my least favorite on Yea Forums typically

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Crysis still looks technically better than a 12 year old game has any right to, but that doesn’t change the fact that it always was artistically super dull. I respect good tech where I see it, but still I’d rather have a game with some interesting art style and visual design than a tecnical showpiece that looks so sterile.

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if only they didn't fuck up with that futuristic gear and vehicles

Quality UI will maintain it's quality forever while shitty much realism graphics will be considered shit and outdated in 10 years

Direct me to one screenshot of vanilla Skyrim (no mods) that looks as good as Horizon does.

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This game looks so fucking soulless

why does grass still look like absolute shit in modern games
why hasn't anybody found a way to make grass look good in video games in the past 2 decades

Those robotic enemies are actually really cool in practice, I love it how they are animated and all the small details in them.

There’s so much of it and nobody usually focuses on the small details of it while actually playing the game, so it’s just not the best place to spend limited resources available for the game. While it’s true that grass usually looks bad in screenshots, it normally doesn’t look that bad in motion.

get your eyes examined

It looks fucking bland. American tier artistic direction, meaning garbage

I like the saucer head dinobot

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I wanna fuck that robot ass