Girl voice on the mic

>girl voice on the mic

Attached: mercy.jpg (1160x653, 355K)

Pre-emptive "have sex."

wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL GAMER?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started playing video games. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.

It's just a guy with a high-pitched voice, don't get your hopes up.

How do we solve the female """gamer""" problem?



harass her*

>”Uhm... I can’t play anything other than Mercy.. >.stay on mercy and watch her suffer

i think its nice that girls like that character and interesting that in an fps game the main interest for women is a character whose primary role isn't shooting.

Perhaps more characters could be designed mechanically for women this way in games rather than just a skin swap.different roles for men and women.

On one hand I feel bad that they get jumped by beta orbiters and "go make me a sandwich" faggots. On the other they can make a killing by exploiting the attention starved betas.

>that moment when you realize all girl gamers are either fat or ugly and just because they have a cute voice doesn’t mean they are actually cute irl

Attached: E1A5AE8C-97D7-4C2B-8645-6867FF3DC49D.jpg (854x640, 84K)

>i casually say in team chat that i don’t have that new 10 dollar mercy skin
>guy in voice chat immediately says “DO YOU WANT IT? I COULD BUY IT FOR YOU”

>t. incel
a pussy is still a pussy user

I hope woman never played games before , they ruined everything.

Attached: 55b7d9aaa0793ce7c87e101e8e445849--anime-girls-manga.jpg (680x1481, 116K)

>Bitch starts speaking in 2fort
>Votekick her
>it passes

>orbiters are too busy trying to defend her
>easy kills

Attached: tiny-tim.jpg (277x342, 38K)

I have gotten hundreds of dollars in free TF2 items by pitching my mic up and doing a girl voice

Any woman that joins voice comms without a voice changer deserves it frankly.

What the fuck are these people even thinking? That if they buy this person that may be a woman a skin that they will want to date them?

They enjoy the attention more than the game itself, be it negative or positive