Is he right, Yea Forums?
Is he right, Yea Forums?
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not video games
He’s wrong on only applying that logic to video games. Marketing is everything for everything.
>How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?
Sold more than a million copies.
Almost three million actually
Have u ever seen urself without a mirror?
Arms was successful?
Isn't that the diaper guy who got mad at the switch and constantly shitposts about it on here and twitter?
He doesn't go here and he was banned off of Twitter.
I mean he's right in that marketing is really all that matters in financial success, but not only is he saying it like a twat, he's acting as if this only applies to video games. 95% of products and services that are successful have their advertisements to thank above all other aspects.
ARMS is fun eat shit
there are over 7 billion people in the world
so selling 1 million copies is selling to 0.00014% of the population which doenst seem too good to me
Josh must be the saltiest man alive.
Oh This guy sucked my dick once. I didnt know that he was gay though.
>There is no such thing as a "video game"
name 1 game that has sold 1B units
Why the fuck should I care about the opi inion of someone no one would know if it weren‘t for advertising and videogames. Honestly, how can these faggots believe that they are someone special and not just a fucking walking billboard.
>He doesn't go here
Nah he was caught here a while back posting his own screenshots.
Probably games that are built into Windows, like Minesweeper.
the fucking your mom game
What about video games that become massive successes despite no marketing.
>found an archive of one of his porn videos
>he’s just jerking off
How lame
thats an amazingly shortsighted view, like literally groundbreakingly naive.
how many of those people are above or below the age in which a game is marketed
how many are in a country that they can purchase a game
how many are mentally or physically well enough to even turn one on
how many are for a background were they are wealthy enough to purchase consoles and game
and dont get me wrong, arms fucking sucks but your retarded
Yes. Even sony try that with no mans sky, if the game has marketing the idiots will always pre-order and will defend it like fallout 76
Doesn't a lot of that come down to a lucky break? The internet memes it, or some streamer plays it, then it gains traction through word of mouth. I can't think of any game that just got popular, but didn't have at least SOMEONE marketing it- inadvertently or not.
>cant even get 1% of the population
I took the twitter faggots point as in "spending a ton on commercials will make your game sell". But it seems like today it's all about word of mouth, be it by paying streamers or shills.
Double digit IQ at work.
fuck stupid amerimutt
>New IP
>Arena fighter
>Sold 2M+ copies
Is Yea Forums being retarded on purpose? ARMS did very well.
Isn't he a diaper fag?
have you seen yourself without eyes?
Modern Yea Forums doesn't know that different budgets mean different success thresholds so unless it's about 4m+ it failed.
1 million sales is better than the 0 you got for your product
Which is also why you faggots have shitty McJobs or are unemployed, your personal marketing sucks dick.
Risk of Rain 2... sort of.
That game definitely got word of mouth. Plus, it was built off of a popular game already.
No, what he's saying is how to sell something anything without a need for quality. Videogames are obviously a real thing and if you plan on selling more than 1 videogame you need to put the effort into its quality.
Basically he's preaching about how to be a snake oil salesman.
Naming a sequel is cheating, true, but I could have sworn the game got launched with rumours at best.
He's right about marketing being the prime seller (for media in general too), but I don't think that somehow means videogames themselves suddenly aren't "real" products that can be legitimately enjoyed, measured quality-wise or even sell by playtested word-of-mouth sometimes either.
Yeah, there's this new technology going around called "video"
I think this most be the most retarded thing I've ever heard in my life. This tweet just screams "GUYS LOOK AT ME! I'M SO CYNICAL! GUYS, AREN'T I COOL YET!? LOOK HOW JADED I AM GUYS!"
Wow what a brilliant observation. Everyone knows more exposure means reaching more people meaning more potential buyers but if your product is garbage that just means a lesser percentage of those people are going to buy it. This isn’t brain surgery... what irks me is these people thinking they are some kind of genius for sharing this with the world
>ARMS is an example of aggressive, manipulative marketing carrying a game to resounding success
lolno, it only sold a couple million copies, wasn't mediocre and di dn't have a huge, bloated marketing campaign that cost more than the game itself did.
That shit applies to western AAA games tenfold, he's fucking retarded.
Holy crap.
This logic is so dumb I am even more dumberer by reading it.
>Google him
>Has a kiwifarms thread about him
Oh boy.
He’s saying it in a dumb way but he’s still right. There’s a reason the budget of AAA games is 75% marketing.
Admit it guys... video games are just a bunch of pixels moving around on your screen really fast... that’s it...
Now where’s my award.
It's not the end all, be all but marketing can make a huge impact. Just look at the Witcher series: 1 was literally who, 2 had a decent increase with some ads and 3 was literally GOTY with it's huge marketing push. Outliers exists like Undertale (little official advertising but huge sales) and Anthem on the opposite end (huge marketing budget but the game flopped hard).
>There is no such thing as a video game
That’s 80 Million people. No singular game ever aside from absolute normiebait like Minecraft and GTAV have done that kind of shit.
The example he used contradicts his point though
ARMS was not particularly popular, sold a couple million, and didn't have a $150 million marketing campaign that carried the game into 15 million or more homes.
Wait is this the guy who has an autistc and irrational hatred towards Nintendo? He smashed his Switch on Youtube or something, right?
>No game has done that aside from these games, but they don't count because NORMIES REEEEEEE
If there is one thing I really hate in this world it's definitely video games
How did GTA V end up as normiebait anyways? Is it just the fast cars and guns for cutscene-skipping spics?
>There is no such thing as a "video game"
Don’t know about that, but he got absolutely butthurt about Nintendo de-partnering him because he broke street date on Yoshi’s Wooly World. And most of his anger with them stems from that.
He also has these weird standards where he refuses to consider games like Fire Emblem, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Bayonetta “true” Nintendo titles.
Isn't he a diaperfag?
>He also has these weird standards where he refuses to consider games like Fire Emblem, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Bayonetta “true” Nintendo titles.
I can absolutely agree with this actually. These aren't whimsical fun children's games that Nintendo normally makes. These are incel bait.
Get lost Josh
He hates Nintendo because he broke their fucking rules. Also he just ignores them because they are anime, and refuses to play games that are like Nintendo franchises despite bitching that Nintendo doesn't make good games anymore.
Josh hates them because of this but also because he is bad at video games and hates hard ones.
Do you have a link to the thread?
we literally dont have enough audience that likes to try niche games AND has the money to buy them in order to reward developers who truly deserve it
dozens of games release on steam every day, some of them don't sell a single copy even if they are good. we live in a world where we have just about thousands, if not millions of games to choose from and yet everyone just plays the same 10 games all the time
this video explains what I mean well:
>ARMs as an example
was it really that popular?
Also I cant really call it mediocre, its a novel as fuck concept, executed pretty well in the game.
don't forget the retarded fanbase that will buy and praise everything because the console barely has games
just look at Octopath Traveler
This, I don't believe it.
Arms is successful and good
Octopath is great.
get off twitter zoomie
Take a look at some indie games, some that even won some prizes.
They're ultimately shit, but their market, specially through journalism made them sell.
Nah he didn't smash it. Just whines.
Yes you fucking retard. Do you even know how advertizing works?
FE was good before the waifu shit and the other two are great. Fuck off with demanding your kiddie shit.
Everything you see is just cells in your eyes absorbing light rays that other things have rejected.
He'll flip shit when they announce a sequel
What are you talking about? Most popular mobile non-games aren't indie shit. All the niche trophies in the world won't make you a best seller.
New IP Fighting game that sold 2 million units on a console with maybe 8 million installbase at the time
That's a fantastic attach rate given those conditions
Marketing is a big portion of games. Which is why they spend 2x or 3x the amount on marketing than the actual game. But according to recent trends, even if you have your marketing team making the highest salaries in your company and marketing their asses, your AAA title isn't meeting expectations.
What sounds good on paper isn't executed properly anymore because you're listening to people who want money and not the people who either love playing and/or love making games anymore.
This is why within the last couple years giant companies were only able to show growth because they laid off hundreds of people.
>says anything can be a video game
>his example of this is Arms, an actual video game
>probably trying to protect walking simulators
It's not that i don't believe it
I just remember the thread on gamefaqs back in 2014 when he randomly appeared and tried to do damage control
i just thought the thread might be a funny read
Fuck off josh
All the guy really likes is a very small niche of Nintendo games and prefers style over substance. His friend suggested Stardew Valley to him because he knows he likes Animal Crossing and he said he's "not a whore who will play vegetable Animal Crossing." He whined that Spyro was rumored to be coming to Switch because he only likes Nintendo-style games, but he doesn't even realize Spyro would be perfect for him.
Basically he's a Nintendofag who refuses to play things he might like because he's worried he might like it more than Nintendo, even though he hates what Nintendo makes. So instead of playing A Hat in Time, he just bitches that Nintendo doesn't make Mario games like Sunshine anymore.
He doesn't really interact with fans anymore.
GTA's been normie bait since SA
hes wrong and you're a fag
He has no idea about anything but Nintendo, user.
I take atmosphere and theme into account heavily when I decide if I like a game.
Good, you found a camera that uses mirrors to capture video! I bet you feel much smarter than you are right now.
>No one has posted his meltdown when Cloud got in Smash yet
I'm amazed he's not dead from the salt.
>Twitter screencap
>template op
>literal who
>almost a month old
Yep, cerified nu/v/ thread
Cloud getting into smash was great. I was so glad that I finally got around to playing 7 a few years before that. Final Fantasy belongs in smash.
>twitter screen cap
>retarded opinion
>retarded question
please please please go to the closest gas station and smoke a cig there
water reflection
Kill all whiteys
>pinhole cameras