So do we all agree that Resident Evil 2 is GOTY?

So do we all agree that Resident Evil 2 is GOTY?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Tetris 99


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The gameplay is frankly the best it has ever been. It's like a perfect blend of the good parts from old and new. Reminded me why I loved Resident Evil all over again. Shame it's a bit lacking in content.

remake 2 is a great fuckin game but IMO i like DMC5 more due to the combat being fucking amazing

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SamSho comes out a month so it's not even game of the quarter.

Well, it's good. But see, it just ain't no Sekiro.

But then again, what else is?

no but Claire is MOTY of the year (Mommy of the year)

Claire's bare

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>upcoming fighting game
>expected GOTY

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i can kind of bare most of the waifu faggotry on this board but you people are terrible

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>playing Leon B
>Mr. X only exists to annoy me and waste my time
I hope they make Nemesis an actual threat in RE3

>GOTY is a remake
jesus christ

She's not that pretty either

no way fag

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take it back

>clairefag ruins good threads
>good threads die without the constant bumps
What a tragedy. I wish I had bought RE2 earlier so I could have been here when it was actively discussed

yea shes got a major case of the 'tard face

your mother's got a major case of the tard kid.

Nope not until the complete edition on ps5 with classic costumes and more enemy types

damn you got me there
atleast i dont masturbate to pixels on my monitor

nigga there already is classic costumes

Well they made him a lot tougher compared the original. I'm sure they do the same fit nemesis

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you got something RE-related to discuss then spit it out or stop complaining

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Take a good look, this is that peak re looks like

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>atleast i dont masturbate to pixels on my monitor
You sure about that one?

I hope so. I really hope it's not as boring and unfun as Mr. X. I wonder if they'll make an RE4 remake, or if they'll stop at 3

I am discussing you dumb illiterate bitch. Do you have anything RE related to discuss that isn't your dogshit screenshots?

CV comes after 3
And they will probably remake 1 before 4 if they do 4 at all

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1. RE2
2. Sekiro
3. Baba is You


There a fucking gorillion mods for her at this point.

After kh3 yes.

You mean the Deluxe edition I bought for 60 bucks on Amazon with my discount? That's not counting all the free content they gave away too

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It's between RE2 and DMC5 for me. I never thought I would see a return to form from Capcom but fucking christ they better keep it up.

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Hey I like his screenshots. They are more interesting than reading you complain about MrX and Clairefags desu

It's every thread though. I'm interested in what other anons have to say about the game, and it gets annoying when every time there's an RE2 thread it's 50% Claire or Jordan posters. Tell me what you thought about the remake. How did you feel about Mr. X?

Top 3 games of this year
1. Claire

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Fuck. No.
Take your DEmake shilling back to Ieddit.

RE4 babies should be gassed.

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Most of the shitposts are just that one faggot spamming all those garbage mods.
Mr. X is a pushover honestly, even on your very first playthrough. Both types of grenades will fuck him up but most of the time you aren't even in a situation where you need to use them against him. The only real difficulty he has is during the boss fight when he uses his cheap-ass OHKO attack. But even then you'll be fine as long as you saved 2 or 3 frag grenades.

I thought he was absolutely frightening on the first couple playthroughs because I didn't use a guide and didn't know how to deal with him. Once I had him figured out he was more on the annoying side, yes, but that pure experience of the game comes from those first playthroughs when you still don't know all the tricks to the game yet. Like lickers become boring enemies once somebody tells you how far you can push it walking in their faces without getting detected.
I feel sorry for anyone who didn't play this game blind


Yeah, I never got hit by him even once in Claire A and I'm halfway through Leon B and he hasn't been a threat. I used a flashbang once to just skip having to deal with him in the room where you detonate the C4, and I think that's the most challenging he's been. I would prefer if he was more dangerous and aggressive, and was also able to enter every room, but that he also wouldn't hang around for so long and waste so much time.I think the mechanic of him moving 5x faster and teleporting when he's not near you is retarded and an awful design choice

I played my first playthrough blind, and I thought he was terrifying when he first shoved the helicopter out of the way and chased me all the way back to Irons' office. After that, though he wasn't scary at all. Lickers were pretty spooky too, but the grenade launcher completely trivialized them on Claire A

>Most of the shitposts are just that one faggot spamming all those garbage mods.
I posted 3 out of the 16 pics ITT faggot, and that mod is new(ly available) and of high quality. None of those pics are even reposts like literally every other pic in the thread is

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Nobody cares queer.

Is there any mod that makes Claire not ugly?

No. Its a good game, but dear god they fucking butchered Claire's story and B scenario.

I wish I could give myself brain-damage and play it for the first time again.

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Man what a terrible fucking ending.
Sherry just watch both her parents die in front of her, even still has the blood of her mom on her, and yet she's almost instantly forgot about them and talking to complete strangers to adopt her and get a new puppy and shit.

keep seething

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Plz don't use PSOne games on a non CRT

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Has anyone managed to get the machine-learning upscaled version to run on a CRT monitor? It uses the Dolphin emulator

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I mean CRT TV. Of course you could get it on a CRT monitor but it's not the same with the pixel-grid, and everyone threw theirs out years ago while they might still have an old tube TV somewhere around the house

I think this pic they are using a "face fix" for her:

No, seriously. Is there a mod that changes her face?

What the fuck? Her body looks... wrong

The PSN PSOne classics are made to be played on PS3 though. They look pretty good.

in what way

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It's a mod made by someone who has never seen a naked female, what do you expect?

>After that, though he wasn't scary at all.
Not even while he was up your ass chasing you into lickers as you picked up the jack? Did you look up anything online about how to deal with him

It is for me. Sekiro is a close second if it wasn't for the obnoxious difficulty spikes found in two areas (genichiro 1 and sword saint)

No. Boring game with cut original enemies.

>all the shills and jordanfags itt

Aww no, the crows that only appeared for one room in the original and the spiders and moth that didn't fucking do anything

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For me it's tied with Sekiro

This though my issue was with how damn weird it was.
>random truck drives by a fucking officer in uniform heading into town for no reason. News of the city being entirely fucked and quarantined seems to have not reached the outside world.

A remake could've expanded and made use of those enemies then instead of just cutting them out entirely.

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ok im sorry if a remake gets GOTY im calling shenanigans on the entire thing its a great remake sure but its still a remake

>bpffffttttttssss b-b-but its a remake!!!

So fucking what?

Post more Sherry.

>No Leon/Sherry route
>No guy barely out of his teens having to deal with the responsibility of a child. He awkwardly fumbles his way through it
>He's actually glad that for once, he actually felt like a police officer helping someone out on his horrible first day. Even if it was something as cliche as lost children looking for their parents
>>He gives her one of those badges made for children and she likes it so much, she lets Leon hold onto her pendant.
>Learns to defy authority and stick with his own sense of justice against his boss Irons
>By the end she idolizes Leon and says to him she'll become a police officer and protect people just like he did when she's older instead of becoming a scientist like her parents

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why should a remake get GOTY?

the game is at it best in the police station, once you leave it gos to shit. So goty it cannot be

Remember me?

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Because it actually is GOTY. Why SHOULDN'T it? Only a fucking pleb thinks REmake 2 is the same game as before.


For me, i think dmc5 inches out a win
Both god-tier tho

Feels gud being both an REbro and DMCfriend

Top 3 for sure.
What a damn good year.

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Are you talking about the GOTY award from the TGAs award show? No it will probably not win that. But that doesn't mean it can't be my GOTY

t. doesnt understand the difference between remaster/texture pack vs remake

Play both games faggot, they are different games, its not like crash n sane

No, it has no chance of winning but GOTY has meant anything in over a decade so it doesn’t matter
> 1994 - Final Fantasy VI
> 1995 - Chrono Trigger
> 1996 - Super Mario 64
> 1997 - Final Fantasy VII
> 1998 - Ocarina Of Time
> 1999 - SoulCalibur
> 2000 - Chrono Cross
> 2001 - MGS2/FFX/GTA III
> 2002 - Metroid Prime
> 2003 - The Wind Waker
> 2004 - Half-Life 2
> 2005 - Resident Evil 4
> 2006 - Twilight Princess
> 2007 - Bioshock
> 2008 - Fallout 3
> 2009 - Uncharted 2
> 2010 - Red Dead Redemption
> 2011 - TES V: Skyrim
> 2012 - Journey
> 2013 - The Last Of Us
> 2014 - Shadow Of Mordor
> 2015 - The Witcher 3/Undertale
> 2016 - Uncharted 4
> 2017 - Breath Of The Wild
> 2018 - God of War 4
> 2019 - The Last Of Us Part II
> 2020 - New 3D Zelda
> 2021 - Grand Theft Auto VI

I’m starting to think Capcom just don’t know how to end a game at all

Jesus gaming fell off so hard after 2007

Nah, every year except 2014 has atleast one amazing game

2014 had Freedom Planet

Whose awards list is this? source

Sherry in this one is the first time it tingled and it was only during the scene where you're knocked unconscious and she's telling you to wake up. It was because of her voice actress desu.

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>clairefags are the ones keeping threads about this game alive

Where are the Adaaaafags?

Swap Baba and Sekiro and you've got yourself a list

You obviously havent read the doujin where she fucks claire while leon sings linkin park in the bath tub

>Those cute screams when she's being chased by Irons


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From Software released their greatest masterpiece that year

>ruins your pacing

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Resident Evil had static camera angles only because of technical limitations and tank controls only because they're the only control scheme compatible with static camera angles. RE4 didn't have either because it no longer needed to. Too bad the rest of the game wasn't Resident Evil. What user means there is that RE2 Remake is a modern RE game the way RE4 should have been but never was. Better. Not just different.

>RE4 didn't have either

How many times are we going to have to say it? RE4 HAS TANK CONTROLS.

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Tank controls and static cameras are best when going for a horror tone. RE2 is more action that REmake, so it works fine.

Frankly I prefer the static angles and tank controls, but I think going for scares is better for the RE series than making it faster and more action.

REmake>RE4>RE2 make.

yes absolutely

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RE4. Has. Tank. Controls.

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>The PSN PSOne classics are made to be played on PS3 though
the ps3 is not a monitor

Yea sure whatever GOTY is still shit LMFAO!

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RE4 was also originally RE3.5 which followed the Silent Hill style which quickly died and faded away because of how little sense it makes. RE5 fixed the redundant turning by replacing it with strafing but by them the game formula itself had been destroyed. There was no reason to ever have two controls for turning in RE4. Hell, even the enemies are capable of strafing. It was just a remnant of the original game's code that they didn't change after they switched from partial OTS to full OTS.
>Tank controls and static cameras are best when going for a horror tone
That's bullshit and it's just an excuse that bad developers use to explain away their inability to properly direct tension in a horror product. If you need dictatorial control over the player's camera in order to achieve your atmosphere, you are not good enough to develop horror games and you should stop. Resident Evil was supposed to be an FPS game like all the other successful games in the 90's but Capcom wanted its graphics to look more impressive so they went with pre-rendered backgrounds and (relatively) high-poly characters. They never tried to use unrealistically deficient character perception to increase horror. It was a compromise born out of necessity.

*Blocks your path*

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>cunny in OP
>all posts about an expired old woman

Claire is Leon's loving wife.

RE2 is god-tier, but DMC5 is just a bit better.

Sherry is for fat old men.

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>played up as if Irons was suddenly a mad pedo that was gonna finger Sherry's butthole
>nothing further from the the truth, he cant stand the little brat and would literally let her be on her merry way if it weren't for needing a hostage

No, because I cleared all the lickers I found. I was slow walking when I encountered the first one so I realized they wouldn't aggro if you walked slowly. I don't think I fought any lickers while being chased, but I would have just popped them with the grenade launcher and just ran past if I had to.

To think that REmake 2 is even more casualized than RE4, then. No commitment, you can even move while aiming.

All my game overs were from getting chased by Irons

Also Leon is getting in the biggest video game crossover event of all time.

The sewers are pretty good for a sewer level, though.

>Resident Evil had static camera angles only because of technical limitations
While it did save memory through making the scenarios images instead of actual models there's more merit to the decision than just the optimization. Limiting the player's field of view along with the awkward controls makes everything more tense and deliberate. If you walk blindly into a corner you might not be able to get out in time if you run into a BOW. It's good stuff.

>RE4 was also originally RE3.5 which followed the Silent Hill style which quickly died and faded away
Nah, m8. It was repurposed into Haunting Ground.

>tie going over one side of the waistcoat
Jesus, Irons, what are you doing?

It's at the least objectively a big improvement on the sewers in the original. I wasn't so much a fan of the lab though.

Game of the Decade for me. I have a bunch of nitpicks and a few actual gripes, never before has a game evolved the formula while being so completely faithful to the original that it surpasses it in almost every way. They even found a few ways to turn the 3d camera against you for some of the best jump scares I have ever seen.

The lab just screams rushed. It's unfortunate, really. They could have made it something interesting but there's barely anything to it. Splitting the map into three sections only helps make it feel all that much smaller, too.

There would be more of them if she weren't a side-character

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I honest to God don't think you should play this on anything less than Hardcore. No elitism at all, it merely enhances the experience. The autosaves, infinite saves and ridiculous amount of inventory space you get on Standard erases any tension and inventory management the game might have had going for it.

We just have to wait until her DLC arrives.


Gib milkies

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I wish you could have everything like Hardcore but have the zombies do less damage. They hurt a little too much

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RE2make is great and Claire is amazing

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I hope someone makes a Michael Myers mod for Mr X

The ending was too weird.

Leon and Claire literally appear near a highway, in the back it's possible to see some containers and what appears to be a railyard but why the place looks like a desert? Raccon city is surrounded by forests and mountains, not arid desert.

I love Claire.

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The labs look way bigger than they really are.
But when you actually open all doors you can see it's extremely small.

It's the same as the original

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Claire is the best

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In the original they're still in the Umbrella railway they used to escape and it actually can pass for a Midwestern plains.
Remake one is more like Arizona or South Dakota's badlands.

>he can't handle mr. x

Funny how many games expose Yea Forums for the casuals they are

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re2re is a solid 7 thats it. wouldn't recommend. wouldn't play more than once.

Sorry redesigns do not count

T.re4 fag

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>body of a 30 year old
>face of a 12 year old
like pottery

actually 1,2,4,5fag. 2 is mediocre. and I gave it a 7 only because of vanilla ost.

nigga what

sherrys the reverse
>he claims he's beaten RE2, but still hasn't done a knife only hardcore S+ rank run on both Leon B and Claire B without using glitches for infinite knives or infinite damage
Are you really still lying about beating RE2 when you haven't even done this most basic run?