Previous thread: Let's start a new day!
Lobotomy Corporation
>previous thread
I hate /vg/ so much
as someone that has been in these threads since they started/resurged - maybe it's time to leave some room between them? once you even link to the last one, you know you're going "too fast". Just let someone organically create a thread when they have a question or something
If you touched Malkuth on the ass, would it feel like a human ass or a robot ass?
Robot ass.
I highly doubt that the illusion extends to touch.
Look at this brave new employee, bleeding out of every orifice and still chugging along like a champ
but i like to post my genuine reactions and experiences in these threads..
>previous thread
>husbando claimed
>... edition-like subjects
Be subtle you scarecrow working double nigger
oops nvm
ay wait a second.. that's supposed to heal her, what the fuck happened???
>attack type: red
You only have yourself to blame
Look every time an agent fucks up while working on abnormality they take damage. The type of damage depends on what they're working, Well CHeers deals red damage. Ergo you sent your agent on a suicide mission
>managers insight lvl: I
day 27 and this is the first time I've seen this one show up
So if you attempt to touch it will it look like your arm just sinks into her "flesh" since the robot's pelvis is only like a quarter the thickness of the hologram's hips?
It's a Zaiyan bro, go on and pick it
>Violet Midnight
>Red and Wolf set their differences aside to kill a shrine
>But it's the red one
Remember that even friendship can't make up for stupid, read the manager tips!
>previous thread faggotry
Kill the thread
That's one of the better abnormalities in the game, he gives your employees a buff if they get good work result on him
tfw thought I could handle this thing if I shot my employee with a black shield
*cracks can of wellcheers*
long that was an abnormality...
>Previous thread
>censored pretty much chews through my several level 5 employees and takes like no damage, all have waw white weapons and at least waw armor with black resist
>employee with black shield and big bird armor can barely fail for a work
how do I work with this thing
This is something bad, isn't it
Now stop asking you wannabe manager
Go on user, don't be shy.
I just finished yesod suppresion and my eyes are getting readjusted to being able to read. The next day i get the chance to get censored. Do i do it? Im on day 28 and i got memory repo 2 days ago. All my people are lvl 5 so how bad can censored be? The only aleph weapon i have is greed's weapon and i didn't fully research melting because i can't make her not breach. Is censored easier than melting?
do you wanna lose every clerk/level 3 and lower agent all at once?
*cracks open a bear*
Yeah, back in the days I used to have a cactus on my desk...
But this one doesn't sound much better
Why dont you get him and find out?
It's all good bro, the game wouldn't give it to you if you couldn't handle it
Do you not want to be a star?
>Decide to go with Malkuth for first suppression
Holy shit man, I sit in these threads and somehow didn't get spoiled about all extra things about suppressions that aren't her special effect
Shit was cool
Rate my first suppression result
>thread began like a general and is full of people asking for abnormality help instead of trying things out like they're supposed to be
I'm gonna get called an elitist or something, but you guys are never gonna finish like this. and you'll have less fun while going on to day 40 or something, where you'll eventually stop
Don't pick it unless you're a footfag
So what're the meanings&literal translations of every sephirah's name and enkiphalin?What's qliphoth in-game lorewise?I think the shape of the facility meant something too, what's the deal on that?
>decide to try her suppression
>day 34 with a a basement full of Alephs
Yeah, that's a "no way fag"
That one I believe isnt as bad if you know its mechs. the other one if you got a chad employee with like 5's in most stats aside from justice, you can put up with it.
If i had to give it a letter grade i'd say a D
It's literally jews
The game is heavily influenced by jewish and old testament lore
>first suppression
>50 minutes
>people dying at all
did you not figure out the gimmick, or how did you manage that?
I do not well, kind of regret the nut I had to this
It's Kabbalah time, goyim
It's da joos
Not even kidding, it's all prophets and kabbalah.
Time to leave central to its fate and camp elevators.
I didn't figure out the gimmick when I did it and was spoiled in these threads; I just spammed skullbro to victory
That's a pretty long day user, and for your sake, try to do Hod ASAP
I know it's all about jewish mythology and shit anons,I was asking what they meant individually
Bunch of bad luck including it being the day I got what I assume is judgement bird and it getting meltdown
I also fucked up with singing machine somehow
>these people are supposed to carry the ideals to save the world
My current favorite employee. I retry anytime I lose her, which isn't often.
Has they highest SP of em all so she handles the more dangerous abnormalities like they're nothing.
The kicker? She's the Cheerful Employee, after all she's been through
My thoughts are she loves seeing newbies joining the ranks because without them confessing their sins, she could very well tear this facility down with her.
She's got big things in her future, I can just tell.
>Implying they even put out
Get yourself some regular human pussy instead
>Hokma suppression
>4th violet midnight in a row after retrying
>All my abnormalities are faggots that breach when shit is killed, breach when others breach, or breach when they are given enough attention
You think she fucks the manager every time the rabbits are called in?
If I have Schadenfreude and Burrowing Heaven in the same room, do I look there or do I not? Which one's gonna fuck shit up more if watched/not watched?
don't. don't. don't.
she will die with 99% certainty.
I had to abandon my employee-fu. You probably will have to aswell.
This is my wife, Binah.
Thank you for your attention and have a nice day.
Do sephirahs even have pussies? Or do you just stick it in a fuel port or a vent or something
What happened? Did the game recieve a major update or something?
>hokma suppression
>didn't know I had to work through two meltdowns afterwards, because I didn't pay attention to the lvl really
>fuck up the first time because it's amber and that's annoying as hell when you still need to work
>hit that sweet violet and finish it with minimal losses
just chainsend your dudes, man. I stand by my opinion that violet is actually the best since it has some wind up time before it even hits anything
You just missed last thread
If you ever seen what burrowing heaven does, the answer is pretty simple
But I've never seen anybody talk about it before.
Played it back in early access.
So is there anywhere I can check what bonuses suppressed cores give after the first time it pops up?
Depends if you want these laying around everywhere or not
I wonder what kind of fetish would Binah have?
Younger men and corporate sabotage
How old is Binah exactly?
>Malkuth: Unlike the other nine sephirot, it is an attribute of God which does not emanate from God directly. Rather it emanates from God's creation—when that creation reflects and evinces God's glory from within itself.The word can be translated or identified as positive communication, royalty/kingly dynasty, or humility.
>Yesod is the foundation upon which God has built the world. It also serves as a transmitter between the sephirot above, and the reality below. The light of the upper sephirot gather in Yesod and are channelled to Malkuth below. In this manner, Yesod is associated with the sexual organs. The masculine Yesod collects the vital forces of the sephirot above, and transmits these creative and vital energies into the feminine Malkuth below. Yesod channels, Malkuth receives. In turn, it is through Malkuth that the earth is able to interact with the divinity.
>Netzach (Hebrew: נצח, "eternity") is the seventh of the ten Sefirot in the Jewish mystical system of Kabbalah. It is located beneath Chesed ('loving-kindness'), at the base of the "Pillar of Mercy" which also consists of Chochmah ('wisdom'). Netzach generally translates to 'eternity', and in the context of Kabbalah refers to 'perpetuity', 'victory', or 'endurance'
>Hod (Hebrew הוד howd "majesty, splendour, glory") is the eighth sephira of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Hasidic Judaism's view of Hod is that it is connected with Jewish prayer. Prayer is seen as form of "submission"; Hod is explained as an analogy - that instead of "conquering" an obstacle in one's way, (which is the idea of Netzach), subduing oneself to that "obstacle" is related to the quality of Hod. Hod is where form is given by language in its widest sense, being the key to the "mystery of form" (this may be an adoption of a point of view of Jacques Lacan[citation needed]). Our unconscious desires come from Netzach, and are given form in the symbolic realm by Hod, manifesting unconsciously through Yesod to Malkuth
Are Sephirah supressions supposed to fuck up my entire game?
I've started one but restarted the day to play normally again and now I'm not getting notifications when someone dies/panics or an abnormality escapes anymore. Not a single one, not from any of the Sephirahs. In addition to that sometimes sprites disappear, the UI just goes invisible, and the entire game crashes at the end of the day. Nothing seems to fix it.
Is this normal or do I have to reinstall or in my case repirate?
>Tiferet ("Adornment", Hebrew: תִּפְאֶרֶת) alternatively Tifaret, Tifereth, Tyfereth or Tiphereth, is the sixth sefira in the kabbalistic Tree of Life. It has the common association of "Spirituality", "Balance", "Integration", "Beauty", "Miracles", and "Compassion". Tiferet is the force that integrates the Sefira of Chesed ("compassion") and Gevurah ("Strength, or Judgment"). These two forces are, respectively, expansive (giving) and restrictive (receiving). Either of them without the other could not manifest the flow of Divine energy; they must be balanced in perfect proportion by balancing compassion with discipline. This balance can be seen in the role of Tiferet, wherein the conflicting forces are harmonized, and creation flowers forth. Tiferet also balances Netzach and Hod in a similar manner. In that case Hod can be seen as the intellect where Netzach is seen as emotion.
>Gevurah is the fifth of the ten Sefirot, and second of the emotive attributes in Creation, and which corresponds to the second day of creation. In the Bahir it says "What is the fifth (utterance)? Fifth is the great fire of God, of which it says 'let me see no more of this great fire, lest I die (Deut 18:16). This is the left hand of God".[4] Gevurah is understood as God's mode of punishing the wicked and judging humanity in general. It is the foundation of stringency, absolute adherence to the letter of the law, and strict meting out of justice. This stands in contrast to Chesed. We thus speak of God's primary modes of action as being the kindness and unaccountability of Chesed, versus the stringency and strict accountability of Gevurah. It is called "might" because of the power of God's absolute judgment.
I don't know if it has anything to do with that for sure, but I know that if you don't suppress the core, the Sephirah goes quiet until then. As for why the others are quiet despite their core not needing to be suppressed, can't say why.
As for crashes, apparently it's due to memory leaks but so far I haven't had that issue, have had some lag spikes though.
By the time she got borged? Probably late 30's possibly early 40's.
>Chesed (Hebrew: חֶסֶד,) is a Hebrew word. In its positive sense, the word is used of kindness or love between people, of piety of people towards God as well as of love or mercy of God towards humanity. It is frequently used in Psalms in the latter sense, where it is traditionally translated "lovingkindness" in English translations. In Jewish theology it is likewise used of God's love for the Children of Israel, and in Jewish ethics it is used for love or charity between people. Chesed in this latter sense of "charity" is considered a virtue on its own, and also for its contribution to tikkun olam (repairing the world). It is also considered the foundation of many religious commandments practiced by traditional Jews, especially interpersonal commandments.
>Chokmâh (חָכְמָה ,חכמה ISO 259 ḥoḵmah or khok-maw') is the Biblical Hebrew word rendered as "wisdom" in English Bible versions (LXX σοφία sophia, Vulgate sapientia).[1] It is cognate with the Arabic word for "wisdom", ḥikma حكمة (Semitic root ḥ-k-m). Adjectival ḥaḵam "wise" is used as a honorific, as in Talmid Chacham (lit. "student of a sage") for a Torah scholar, or hakham Bashi for a chief rabbi.
>Binah (meaning "understanding"; Hebrew: בינה), is the third sephira on the kabbalistic Tree of Life. It sits on the level below Keter (in the formulations that include that sephirah), across from Chokhmah and directly above Gevurah. It is usually given four paths: to Keter, Chokhmah, Gevurah, and Tiphereth (some Kabbalists place a path from Binah to Chesed as well.) Binah is associated with the color black.[1]
The wiki
id watch heaven and let laffbox walk out and let him get suppressed. you do NOT wanna take eyes off of heaven
Nice. I like older women.
So BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD TUB just kills indiscriminately then right? I don't need to deal with it anymore? I can just ignore it forever now?
She was beautiful, user.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Silly manager it only drowns people with a fortitude and temperance of 1
>Previous Thread
Why are you dumbfucks so goddamn stupid? It's not hard to prevent being banished to /vg/, you just don't do retarded shit like that.
Bunch of fucking scarecrows in here.
Does the unnamed fetus target non-agents with the roulette
Lmao, what a fucking weeb.
Also, oy vey!
newfags somehow always gravitate towards making generals somehow
yes, clerks are included.
thanks but now she's dead and I have someone else carrying me through day 50
Those are some big glasses
I didn't read the skill names correctly again
It took some time for him to get used to them.
Oh shit user, thanks.All makes sense, except Hod but that's mostly because I'm an esl, I assume.Is it about her willingness to work hard after being box'd or her being extremely easy to manipulate as she was just a kid when all that shit first happened that ties in to her name?
How much of a pain is Nothing There?
Keeping him in containment is easy since the game provides a ton of red resist armor from TETH abnorms.
As for putting him back in the box, that's a bit of a difficult situation to be in.
I thought I recognized that description scared.png
>wearing teth to nothing there
are you prudence 1
I wonder what CENSORED actually do to CENSORED Magical Bitch.
If you give him employees he makes them really strong user, he's such a good abnormality to have
Pray for normal work
People who hate Plague Doctor are people who either haven't done many suppressions, or are bad at micro, so disregard them. He's legitimately based.
See you magical girl
>Purposefully making threads in general format so they'll finally be moved over
Fuck you
>tags: ugly bastard, rape, tentacles
Remember, Laetitia is evil! Don't fall for her absurd cuteness.
>get a fucking good score on -24% on common work with SO
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
I wonder who could be behind this?
Great work Angela, thanks for repeating something 10 other people already said in the thread. This is why you're the head of LC!
That's lobotomy corp baby
How many times do I have to work an abnormal to know I'll get a +1 in the skill?
I fully agree. people that go out of their way to avoid him haven't played the game fully
actually, this is exactly how "chance" is supposed to work.
depends on the abnormality threat lvl and the lvl of the skill of your employee. also depends on which core suppressions you did already and in which department said employee is placed
You deserve a promotion user
>so damn scrub I cant deal with Melting Love and I havent do a single suppression
Depends on the employee's skill level and abnormal's tier.
So do that many works you THINK is enough and then double the amount. It still might not be enough. Just couple more times. Oh no, that troublesome Ordeal is closing in. Do one more work! Do you feel that +1 on the stat? You dont? Ok, trigger the ordeal and make everyone else run away and do couple more fast works to ensure you get that stat up.
>Dusk Ordeal Mission
>Day 21
>Okay, it's time, I can handle this
>Green Dusk
>Bum rush machines with my killsquad
>Slam that end day button as fast as I can
Surely the other dusk options aren't so bad right?
I do reppression only with her, and when she goes out, my main tanks her while the rest kill her from afar.
>send a red tank on the front of each machine
>send everyone else to attack the back of each machine
>keep red shields up on tanks
haha why's his hat missing
What's the most useful tool and why is it the train
I stole it
I like the flesh Idol.
The Cheeselter is the most "useful."
cute, would waifu
just banter la
>not heart of aspirations
you're all missing out
Is there any way to stop great love for us insta gibbing a ton of my people?
user are you ok?
Did something happened?
I want to restart my run but I have Apoc bird and WN's gear will those be retained? Will the gifts stay too?
move your men out of the rooms silly
Get out of the healing rooms before the ordeal begins
Post cute Hods.
gear, yes
gifts, no
It’s dead Jim
Yes. You can see when it's coming and you can order your workers around. You HAVE noticed when Ordeals trigger and what rooms Great Love hits, right, manager?
That saved me a LOT of time and guessing.
Fuck, got to work on my micro then.
No, I'm an impatient manager who always plays on fast. Another bad habit I have to break.
>drag select
>move somewhere
uhhh, what day are you on again?
its only been a few minutes since that post..
21. By the time I see the ordeal pop up all my people are already fucking dead.
user, you do fucking realize that the qliphoth level at the top left tells you what color the ordeal is gonna be right?
Alright user, pitch me your idea for an abnormality.
>gigantic fucking bacteria
>low stats, but slowly spawns copies of itself around the facility
>armor has no ability
>weapon very very briefly lowers the target's resistances
Any of the drawfags here? I want this with Schadenfreude
,,,I do now.
Zoom in and watch just Heaven you brainlet, wtf, it's not rocket science.
You people are fit for scarecrow duty.
Look at the bright side: you going to handle Scarecrow easy.
well after retrying the day after plaguebro uh transformed, is his observation info unavailable now? since he's still turned into the new thing
You do NOT lose power if SO doesnt reach m4, right?Or do you lose a percentage for every movement
>previous thread
We had a good run
What are some abnormalities with pale ego weapons?
once you fill out the new thing, you'll have also filled out the plague doctor, as far as I know.
check in the codex
you don't. once he reaches m4, you lose all though
I still dont understand what purple dawn does
Like seriously
>Yesod fucks Malkuth on the regular
he was asking which one is more important to focus on, not-watching schaden or watching heaven, if they break out in the same area, you brainlet
herr doktor's info is automatically unlocked to full after he transforms. It's so you don't screw yourself out of 100% codex completion
Pretty sure it's only M3 > M4 though only M4 is vulnerable to red attacks.
If you dont kill it fast enough it randomly triggers a breach
Yeah shaden will walk out and then stop wtf are you on about? You zoom in, watch only Heaven, suppress both, I swear you people couldn't suppress Ppodle.
Purple ordeals are not meant to be understood, at least by the sane.
When they kill themself they drop the counter in all the containments of the department. That is why they have low hp so you can kill them quick before they Allahu Akbar on your ass
he asked if BOTH heaven and shaden are in the same room, look or dont. Obviously look, shaden will walk out to go find ass to kick, then you kill tree. That's exactly what he was asking. cool your autism
There aren't enough Z class abnormalities, there are less than a quarter as many as any other class.
>Gentle Angel
>I II (any) - high
>III (any) - common
>IV - low
>V - very low
>Effect: If the result is Good, the employee gets a halo that lasts 60 seconds. The Halo causes significant absorption of Redk and Pale damage.
Crumbling armor and Best Bird
What is the purpose of giving a humanlike appearance if the robots are cute and sit comfortably in the left of the uncanny valley
The filter making them appear human would make sense if they were actually uncomfortable to look at, like abominations.
Is there a way to stop Alriune from escaping when I have those clown faggots zipping around my base?
To be honest game needs to be even longer for Z and TETH to work&be more interesting
I wouldnt say no to a longer Lobo Corp game with like triple the abnormalities
Kill them.
You've still got the cognition filter on, just on a lower setting. Their real forms are the meltdown forms.
Have a designated watchman at its door.
There's a reason for that.
Angela is purposefully upping the fatalness of the facility as employee death is actually what produces the majority of your energy. Not the play work she is having you do specifically which probably collects trivial amounts compared to the daily clerk death by later days. Angela probably selected the abnormalities in the facility specifically because they were among the most fatal ones. Even among the Zayin class which has a few instant kill traps. Also, some abnormalities are Lobotomy Corp created apparently.
>blue star worker's title is generous uniter
Should I be happy that I have a positive employee or be scared that there's a chance that a blue star cult might be going on
Ok so im not sure what happened. I had my employee use the painting so they can survive working on censored, I looked away for a moment and now she died. It's Qliphoph counter was one but I was sure if it dropped to 0 it doesnt auto kill the employee right? Also it says she panicked, but all the damage was going to the marked employee? Does the painting only last a certain duration? I had it on the entire day so far.
>new dude
>oh fuck why is everyone a robot aahhhhhh
>shoots himself
>angela needs ro reset X/A again
how about you place someone outside of alriunes chamber to kill them?
These are same guy
I wonder how many scarecrow-fit managers still don't actively spread all their agents into every corridor before red, violet, and amber dawns. Literally one guy per room is enough to handle clowns by the time you get WAW gear and start having to guard Alephs and you can simply put 2-3 guys in corridors with the really dangerous abnormalities.
because the manager needs to be eased into his role and slowly peel back the layers, if he was thrown into the deep end on day 1 he would need to be reset
>have the option to get Blue Star in my third fucking department
jesus christ
it feels like I'm saying this every thread. there is no real point to keep people in the main room, after a certain unlock especially
Post more pics of our lord and savior, WhiteNight
The painting does not protect against CENSORED's auto-panic of employees below Temprance V, or against the auto-kill of panicked employees, because they don't cause damage, just insta-crazy and insta-death.
That's kinda what happened to me,but it might've been the 4th
and it's seriously not a bad thing, blue star isn't malicious or dangerous, as long as you do your homework
>had the choice not to look up what it does but did it anyway
jump into we can change anything anytime, manager.
>second spoiler
Mountain is one example, since his story mentions that he was created from a suppression gone wrong and no one bothering to clean up the bodies.
Legacy mentions that SO was a previous manager, but since that bit of info was removed in the full version, it might not be factual.
What can I say, belligerent off answers are more concise than wiki entries.
If you have the points, fully train an employee and take it. They should manage with your best white resist armor.
Fuck him'
>>had the choice not to look up what it does but did it anyway
I had Blue Star in my last playthrough.
I also decided to check the facility and saw this. I know the hopeless status still hurts the employee I send in, but she was a V/V/V/V level 5 security captain. I made sure she recovered sanity between working with it. Im just confused as to how she somehow panicked, does the painting not last forever?
Then you should fucking know it's actually a blessing
>blue star isn't malicious or dangerous
please report to your sephirah.
As other anons mentioned, I highly suggest picking it up. It's one of at least three easy ALEPHs which means you can get potent gear very early.
>last playthrough
>still needs us to make decisions for him
reset immediately, this one won't reach the seeds
so I decided to only deploy some shitters and my one employee with justitia to just farm as much PE as I could from whitenight but this new ordeal happened and for some reason every fucking abbo in central/disp has -50% success rate?
What does Challenge Mode do?
Not an argument
You dont have to want to throw yourself in a black hole to see that it's neither evil or actively trying to harm you
Just do your job properly and benefit from it or I'll have to report YOU to my department head
> killed by soda selling shrimp
You denied that employee their place in scp Valhalla and condemned them to eternally be the subject of whatever forklift driver klaus workplace safety video lobotomy corporation shows at orientation
this means that everyone in these departments died.
Send one of your CC employees to work on em :^)
Is there a "true ending" to this game? And is it as depressing as I think it's gonna be?
The legendary super zaiyin
If there's no alive workers from that department, it does that. Gongrats. The risk you took was calculated but damn are you bad at math
true ending is beating the game with 100% abnormality dissolution. it's not as depressing as you might think.
forgot the cap
Censored is easy with mountain's armor and pretty easily doable with big borb's.
He won't breach often, he's pretty forgiving if you want to neglect him and just work meltdowns after you get his weapon.
I was just hoping to snag the suit and skedaddle. well I got all his info and 120 boxes or so. but yeah bad risk I took
I tried big bird's armor with a maxed employee and they couldnt make it.
>Mischievous Kitten
>Qlipoth 1
>All works common
>When an employee attempts to work on Mischievous kitten it will breach and teleport to a random non-tool abnormality's room and hide somewhere behind it
>Increases all work chance by 50% while it's hiding in the room and all PEboxes also go towards Mischievous Kitten
>If the abnormality it's hiding in is not worked on in 40 seconds, it reduces the Qlipoth counter to 0.
>After either result it returns to containment
The translation for Mountain's weapon is a little bit borked, what does it truly do?How long does the supposed buff from killing stay?
It’s about her being an actual fucking jew
Now that the dust has settled, do we like this game or not?
fuck off
I like it but once I'm done with it I will be demanding that these threads are moved to /vg/
Most fashionable abnormality?
>mfw WhiteNight
>also other escaped abnormalities faces when WhiteNight
>those creepy fucking apostles
You posted it.
Derek freethrowshooter is a close second though
Stopped reading there
I’m pretty sure bullet effects wear off as soon as you do work.
>Work on kitten
>RRHM has escaped
>Fiery bird has escaped
Wtf bros
So how crazy is it to actually suppress white night? Is it possible to just have 1 or 2 people with justitia and his suit face him? It looked like the apostles in his room only had one slow attack so I could kite those.
Yeah I realized that, so I made the employee use the painting THEN black bullet'd the paintee. Then somehow worker panic/instadied in containment, though they entered with full SP and are V/V/V/V
Is Giant Tree Sap worth anything? It's such a useless goddamn anomaly, what's the point of a one off heal that has an increasing likelyhood of making your employee explode for massive white damage to everyone around them?
Not to mention I already have the hell train ticket booth. Eugh, I'm just looking forward to ending this run so I can get rid of all these useless abnormalities I've picked up. Like the skin prophecy.
>enters silent orchestras room
>boosts success rate
>ignore it and it forces a breach anyways
wait so since the abnormality I got this from doesn't have a weapon you can use, does that mean I'm supposed to unequip EGO weapons from my agents that have this brooch?
what went wrong
I would argue it's the most depressing thing in the game. A finally achieves his goal to save humanity only for Angela to fuck him over at the last second just because he wouldn't fuck her
>Nearly finished a hard day
>Only a couple of boxes left
>Blue Star has escaped because a madman went ham on his door before he could be suppressed
Almost all tools are worthless or detrimental in 99% of situations
Guys, I'm playing this under the assumption there's a love story of sorts with Angela that has a heartwarming resolution.
Should I stop playing now?
Shelter released the phoenix and in one charge it killed my entire staff
How do I beat this thing
Is there any penalty at all for letting a meltdown expire on a tool? They don't have boxes and can't breach
Just micro out of the way dude
No it sucks.
>heartwarming resolution.
Wtf bros
I supressed mountain, censored and a midnight ordeal but that didn’t clear gebura’s mission
I did it during tipheret’s supression so maybe that’s the issue
You lose a bit of energy.
don't worry user, Angela gets exactly what she deserves.
>do chesed's mission
>get stressed, work like a bee
>by the last mission become so efficient view the old me as a retard
>still take everything sloooowly but also at 2.5x, just take in the comfy and waych stuff afterwards
I don't know jack shit about this game but the first question I have is is there any cute boys?
go for it. his suit basically makes you invincible. bonus points for aleph weapons. you can 1v1 him, although you need to look out for the headpats more than the scythe attacks
If I can do it, so can you.
if you don't want to lose your blessed employees then memrep once he's dead. you get to keep them and the reward he gives you
>Almost all tools are worthless or detrimental in 99% of situations
Yeah. Just got to central command and I've picked up 5 of tools and I hate them all. I've found that the hell train can be nice if 4 lights coincides with an ordeal battle. But everything else appears worthless, like You Will Be Happy appears to only buff your characters until they've reached 100 in a stat. Which means when you get a mostly V level team the buff is worthless.
Then there's that Old Promises, or whatever it's called, I've managed to pick up, from what I can tell the damage boost is like 10-20%? It's shit for risking your weapons over.
Dear new players, let it be known some mysteries are better left up to the imagination.
Tender hugs and loving?
Is that angela? What happened to her tits?
All shall be explained in due time, my friend.
Man, Hod's suppression was comfy
For like third of it
Green noon near the end was fucking bitch
Turning into A with dyed hair?
After this conversation I'm not sure if I want to play anymore though.
>It's shit for risking your weapons over.
Just do it at the start of the day lmao
I thought X was A, and every manager in between?
My entire supression got fucked by a Indigo Noon. Fucking bitch ass sweepers.
Damage bonus is contingent on spending energy, need to get 15% I think for the maximum damage bonus. I actually tried this kind of save scumming but it gets really fucking boring quick when you restart the day 7 times to try and get that maximum damage bonus and your weapon is always destroyed.
Well, that makes me feel better- I think? Uh, I guess I'll keep playing then.
>After suppressing Hod getting employee with IV in all stats is cheaper than getting one with III was before
Abandon all delusions of humanity you think you have left.
>Start over
>Get Fragment of the Universe
>Nobody can work on it without going crazy
Starting with Hod's bonus from Day 1 is really crazy, especially if you have Binah and Hokma's too.
>5 130 stat employees with like 5 gifts each on Day 15
I'm so much looking forward to that hnnnggg
I'm on Day 40 and haven't done a single Core suppression
Should I be worried?
She's transitioning
no, you should be fucking embarassed
Absolutely. The longer you wait the harder you get fucked because of the PE Box daily goal
You should really start using the Memory Repo to get as many done as you can, since Day 46/47 will probably be as far as you can go.
Don't worry user
The bonuses are mostly irrelevant
You can happily continue onwards to day 50 without any problems
>finally get a fourth abnorm that can breach
>its the wolf
>sacrifice two dudes to get him out of containment
>immediately regret my decisions
Nope. I'll wait till I get another one. Hod can wait.
The Dusk and WAW Supression Missions are the only two that are really holding me up
Guess I'll finish milking what I have and Repo back
Do I keep employees too when I Repo?
Pretty sure the case is A never literally died, But went under several memory wipes that count as a figurative death, Angela's job was babysitting baby-mind A until he finally came out a functional person and wiping him again if he goes insane.
I don't think I am prepared for this fucker in the lower left
Send help
you guys gotta remember that we have literal timelord with hokma (okay, it's mostly the TT2 protocol) on our hand that could potentially even rewind in the rare cases where A shoots himself because he just can't take it anymore (and I think there's a point in the story where angela talks about this)
Netzach or Yesod suppression first?
>Mahou Shoujo Thanos
Man this weapon/armor combo is weird
yesod is more fun.
I didn't even know what netzach did for the longest time even though I was dealing with WN at the same time
I wasn't even trying, I just looked at her one day and she had all this shit on her.
How the absolute fuck have you gotten to day 40 and not hit Dusk?
>Do I keep employees too when I Repo?
>all that shit
yeah, literally
Netzach is easier and has a nice present. Yesod is annoying
He's just a big fat borb, whats the worst he can do
No clue
I always finish the day with my Qliphoth Counter at like V
If you don't memrepo/restart, day 46 onwards will fuck you raw with no lube or kind words
has anyone made a Lobotomy corp themed Squilliam for the e3 threads yet
if not someone better make one
bonus points if PANICKING is above their head
I just discovered his is alpeh, he escaped and kill everyone. I don't have any equipment to deal with him
Ever been so bad at the game (or writing Crumbling Armor's description in English) that you get murdered by Hundreds of Good Deeds and One Sin
Welcome to central, enjoy your stay
don't lie to him, fellow manager
day 46 uses kinda thick lube
47 is some oil applied around the edges of your anus
48 is someone widening it slowly, but raw, so it still hurts
49 will fucking rip you apart from the inside because binah hates your guts and wants to make them explode, quite literally
Guess I'll do that once I get all of Smiling Bodies pieces
>wow, this abnormality is slow as fuck
>instagibs everyone who touches it from the front
>teleports around the facility
fuck this chick trapped in amber
How hard is it to understand
well, i only have 2 wew weapons/armors so its time to restart.
Can I complete the missions I have after I restart to day1?
Whats up with Angela anyways, Since she is an AI does she actually have some android body, Or is she a box similar to the separiahs
misguided manager, please remember that he doesn't have access to a single suppression reward, no hallway heals no 1 lob lvl3 employees no increased gift chance, nothing
Literally the easiest WAW to contain. She only spawns in hallways and never turns around. You can mash her shit to death.
No to both.
Any mission you completed already will still be completed when you restart.
BlueStar > WhiteNight > CENSORED > Mountain > ApocalypseBird > SilentOrchestra > NothingThere > MeltingLove
The hell is even legendary day 49 is ? Is it trully some bullshit? How so bullshit? I was at day 46 but i decided to complete all core supressions before stepping in the finaldays. Chesed, Hokma"Bros before Hoes" and Binah are left.
Apocalypse bird is way cooler than CENSORED
Damn and here I thought I was doing alright at the game to make it this far without any real issues
Can I get some suggestions on what WAW's I should be looking out for that are easy to suppress?
I've got Dreaming Current, Red Riding, King of Greed and Knight of Despair
he chose the dildo to sit upon, not us. we merely accepted the ones the sephirah gave us.
judging by what you've left I won't tell you what day 49 is about and you better go in fucking blind to day 46 onwards since it's a nice little revelation, not only storywise but also related to gameplay.
La Luna, Little Red, King of Greed, and Queen of Hatred is what I did for my mission. There are others who are annoying but manageable like Dreaming Current and Heroic Monk, because they're runners. I haven't suppressed her yet but Black Swan can be doable. Big Bird is ok if you kill him fast and move your employees out of the way
>this run is on day 34
>only ALEPH I've been offered is one I've already done
Maybe it's a blessing that the ALEPHs from now on will be at the very bottom.
CENSORED was the first aleph and roadblock the game threw at me so I have a softspot for it
Plus I like its sanity gimmick
Hm, can i at least retry any of day46+ ? I talk to that guy that said it's better to prepare my anus. And since that i got feeling that i can't
Nice, alright
I'll try suppressing Red and do Dusk to get those missions out of the way before I repo
It's better to prepare your anus because when you see what 46+ is, you'll feel sorry when you're not able to complete it with no help from suppressions. Restarting isn't that big of a deal, do Hod's suppression first and you'll blast through the entire early-mid game.
How do you even do Binah's core suppression there's just so much stuff to manage once phase 3 hits.
call the jobbers
Not that guy, but I assumed that meant sending someone with the buff back to the armor could lead to death, not sending them anywhere.
you can retry those days because everything else would be brutal, but you're seriously better off finishing EVERY core suppression before reaching that point.
prepare for sacrifices, have 2 employees per hallway, send in dudes even though you know they'll die, just to trigger the meltdown clearance
also, the bunnies can fight her phase 1-3 and even to death, if you're quick enough
Yeah i figure. Having a blast playing this game. Music is superb.
post abnormalities nobody ever talks about
>Music is superb.
I get shocked at how varied the music is, there's edm style stuff, then suddenly it's lamentful cellos, then it goes all Paper Mario, all my favorite kinds of music
Delete this
it is. and as much as we fucking cry about 46+, and as much as it is hurting our asses, I think we can all agree that those days are kino as fuck and feel amazing once you clear them
the few of us that did it, since I feel like 90% of these threads are stuck repeating the game to day 30-35 or something
I dont think I've seen anyone mention Grave of Cherry Blossoms even though its the one that taught me possessed > click on them a lot
ahh, tasty stuff, friend.
No idea what this thing is about yet.
But she is easy to suppress at least.
Why are all the plant-based abnormalities such a pain in the ass?
I wonder if anyone's gotten far enough in the story to realize Bloodbath is about Carmen
Little Prince is one of my personal favorites. It's a bitch to deal with blind but its story is kind of endearing. Same with Dreaming Current.
>King of Greed has an Infinity Gauntlet EGO
>Aleph tier too
"A, I remember you. You were kind-hearted."
>people talking about 46 onwards
>I wonder if people realized this
it's even possible to make this connection earlier if you have Snow Queen and pay attention in the earlier story segments when Angela is talking to you
the foreshadowing about some of the stuff in this game is very well done
Based magical girl giving Aleph weapon despite being a WaW
>Got to day 46
>Forced core suppress
So can I notdo Binah and Hokma's core suppressionin the same run? Should I continue onward or restart to do the other one before going to 50
Nope, if you fully unlock one of the bottom teams first you cannot do the other team suppression before day 46.
Real kick in the balls
>Not done yet
>lucked out by alternating extraction and record
I was able to memrep to do them both and then went on to clear it all in my first run without ever going back to 1
KoG is great
I actually got it on my second run
By then I already had a feeling as to who that backstory was referencing
I don't know man, don't THINK about it, bro
>obvious spoiler picture
Yeah but what the FUCK is it and why are they slurping sludge through a straw
Haha time to throw all my progress and V filled squads into the memory bin
So if I want to get all suppressions without restarting the game I should get at least one level for Binah and Hokma before semi-final checkpoint right?
>oh hey a swan, what harm could that do?
>what the fuck that's not what swans look like, what the hell is this
>unlock the managerial tips
>When someone let out a fart in the facility, the Qliphoth Counter reduced by 1
>When someone suppressed a fart in the facility, the Qliphoth Counter reduced by 1
>When someone didn't feel like farting at all in the facility, the Qliphoth Counter reduced by 1
>Non-escaping object
>the faces keep changing with disturbing grins and black eyes
What the hell did I just get myself into
Yes, it should allow you to memory rep with enough time to finish both
An abnormality that's pretty boring when it actually decides to meltdown
ok guess i'll just have to do it myself
you really, REALLY wanna know what it is?
are you fucking sure?
then read on
actually, don't you want to find out for yourself?
Cogito obviously has to do with minds, and thinking (I'm sure you know "Cogito, ergo sum" - "I think, therefore I am") - in the gameworld, where people are afflicted by this "sickness" where they just live their live in acceptance and apathy, Carmen wanted people to start thinking again, she wanted them to rise up against the head, the wings, the sickness that has befallen humanity where they just dropped religion, spirituality, and you could possibly also argue about "love".
Cogito was her project where she wanted to awaken that desire to actually achieve something again in her fellow humans. they started to fiddle around with the human subconcious and were able to actually hit the motherlode by not only reaching that, but actually finding the "well", which is like the deepest part of our conciousness (and it could also be argued that they found the collective subconciousness, which is where the actual "well" is)
long story short, since I hope that you'll read all that stuff yourself in the story:
Carmen was such a purehearted being that she was the best vessel to extract "Cogito" from. Turns out, force feeding someone with the will to "think" and "live" doesn't work quite as you imagine it would and it also has adverse side effects (like them going mad or *dingdingding* turning into abnormalities/spawning them)
Carmen can't take it anymore after a certain special event and decides to off herself (see bloodbath)
now she's in a big fucking vessel and endlessly produces Cogito (because somehow A still needs to fucking finish their common research and she's still the best source for it)
this is severly shortened version and maybe some of that stuff is not 100% accurate since I can't be bothered to look it up right now, but it should cover most stuff. others can correct me if they want.
She got a counter of 5 user, its hard to fuck it up. She is more of a snowball effect when she gets out
It's not spoilers to me don't worry, I'm just a megabrainlet who couldn't understand what it was. Same as when Binah talks, she may as well be talking in Korean, I don't know what the fuck she says.
This makes more sense now
>she may as well be talking in Korean
well, this is probably since she kinda still is, I believe.
I'm lucky since I upload this game to YT and an actual korean started to explain stuff in the gameworld to me that I was too brainlet to understand or where the translation just didn't manage to carry through
Just tried Tifareth supression and got absolutely murdered by amber midnight. How the hell do you even deal with this thing?
Dont worry, she is easy
>amber anything
Just hide in elevators bro
You don't, just spam works until the day ends, you can ignore it
Bros no I don't want to go to /vg/ I...
>not that far in
>day 3 or 4 not sure
>click on my new anomaly in the team setup screen
>it cracks
>oh fuck
>keep doing it
eh mods don't care as long as the faggot who did the op doesn't do it again
usually anons ignore the falseflag ops but i guess everyone forgot the memo today
>abnormality says Don't Touch
>he touches it
Touchie touchie
Is this the most powerful abnormality?
>You can't even see properly.
Wait I thought that
Abnormalities were caused by using Carmen's cogito? Like you can't go to the well with someone's bucket as in you can't have someone else's brain teach you enlightenment, you have to find it yourself.
Hence the whole seed of light, giving every human their own bucket.
I probably misinterpreted some of it since the translation made it really unclear what the fuck Binah was talking about.
Why is Yesod such a bitch? Before suppression he mocks you every time something breaches, I had Punishing Bird in Info Team and he'd call me incompetent for letting it do its thing instead of suppressing it. Fuck this dude.
Alright, it took a while, but I finished the second part.
A level 5 Prudence employee is sent to perform Insight Work on Melting Love
Hope you enjoy. I got college finals to finish this week, so I'll work on Attachment and Repression Work when I'm done.
First part, Instinct Work, is here.
Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to say, but maybe I did it in a too roundabout way.
The seed thing especially though is mostly regarding A/the player since it is his way to actually face the fear of what the world has become/what happened to carmen/what he has to do in order to finally push through. It's the sole reason why A *needed* a certain amount of friends/sephirah he could sacrifice (I think benjamin talks about this a bit, Angela does aswell)
of course, activating the seed of light/germination in every human being is the endgoal, but the game is mostly about A's path to that in the first place
Got absolutely bodied hard 3 times in a row and then I managed to win without any casualties.
Thanks for the tips.
Burned out on this game after spending 8 hours suppressing gebura that bitch.
>3 minutes
>no casualties
manager you might be able to finish this game after all.
hoy shit that finish time
Now THIS is a e s t h e t i c.
Thank you, i quite enjoyed your first part.
Oh I didn't even know A had to sacrifice people for the end goal.
I thought he was just so dedicated to Carmen's goal he just let everyone die instead of jeopardizing everything. Aside from Michelle, the Arbiter and maybe Chesed since they kind of deserved the torture.
Then again from around day 35 to 46 I thought that the game might actually take place in hell and it was all a metaphor for redemption.
>Myo lewds
Based artists making lewds
I wonder if we see her in sequel.
>asking what Censored looked like
I laughed. Good work manager. I like the continuity. Melting Love is super cute
just think about Benjamin
without him, A would have never been able to reach day 50. He actually did test him, and knew he needed someone to test his resolve. One could make the argument that Benjamins goal was to die to Angela and get boxed from the beginning, since freeing A (like it may seem when he first contacts you - and who's to say that it only happened in this cycle? the whole message could have happened ages ago and Angela merely played it again to stay with the script) wouldn't really be what A would have wanted. B always looked up to him and wanted him to achieve his goal, even if it meant dying for that. There's this picture where A is all alone in the conference room, and this alludes to what you're thinking - he had to sacrifice everyone, had to disregard everyone, just to keep chasing Carmens ideal. their core suppressions and the later days are literally about their weakness, regrets, and then them overcoming them and A learning from that to overcome those things himself (mostly happening in the later days)
the fact that it is all set up according to the whole kabballah shebang also kinda shows us that a certain number of people was needed in order to proceed. or maybe it's just pure chance, but then again, why would have gone with a naming scheme like that if they didn't plan to go through with it
regarding hell: the game is actually A's own personal hell in some way and he has to find his way out, or is otherwise trapped forever. B actually wants him to stay to turn this hell into a paradise (if you just drop the whole chase and can repeat "the happy days" forever...why not?)
think about the departments and how they change the more you unlock. think about the style of the record and extraction teams. it is literally heaven vs hell
seriously, I wish I knew how to link to specific comments on yt videos, this one dude explains it far better
Memory wipes looks great.
Very nice, user. Good luck on your finals
screencap it, i want to read it
Oh god...he can't hear us!
He's got Nameless Fetus Gift!
what a nice manager
give me second, you'll understand once you see it since it's several longass comments and it's gonna take me a while to piece them together. it's worth reading though, even though our fellow korean lobofriend apparently used some translator
why didn't angela just rewrite the script to brainwash A into thinking he was always in love with her between resets?
Leave the thread making to smarter anons you monkey.
user, that's Jack from nightmare before christmas
She didn't rewrite the script because it wasn't in the script.
it's fine, my whole family is esl so i'm used to it
i never felt bothered by the games own spotty translation aside from actual typos like porccubus's managerial tips
I hope you can make it out and the export didn't fuck too much with the quality
I also included my answer/some more questions of mine towards him that may spark some thoughts
First Order. She literally couldn't go against that
any PROTIPS for first playthrough or just wing it and eventually hit|| a dead end||
Heart of Aspiration is harmless and good early game. Idk if useful later on. The painting can be useful for say censored or something. The torture chamber one can be a free slot since it never gets hit by meltdowns, though useless. There's that mirror which reorganizes stats, which can help for low justice. Ive heard people like the train and idol, but idk.
How the fuck can you suppress red when she runs at sonic speeds
>tell her to suppress an abo
>fuck all damage
>she flips and escapes
>shreds the health of a line of employees with 0.5 red resist
restart as much as you want
don't listen to faggots who hate plague doc
press the button if you want
b urself
Wing it, the game is very generous with do-overs, and you can even restart without losing your gear/upgrades if you want so your situation can only improve.
wing it and DON'T hit a dead end by getting gud
look at these fags in the threads asking for advice on what abnormalities to pick. don't be like them. be a chad manager
>Hokma suppression basically forces you to do Midnight
Fuck me, so I have to clench my asscheeks and pray it's green?
You're intended to hit a dead end on your first playthrough, restarting from day one keeps all your unlocks, equipment and abbo knowledge.
no. he only forces you to survive it long enough to clear your actual goal.
>hiding your icon but not in the replies and forgetting to hide your name
this is interesting, it's long as fuck so i'm saving it to read for later, this person is pretty fucking wordy but is getting the point across so far
What armor and weapons are you using?
She marks whoever she's targeting, put red shields on him and use the rest to fuck her in the ass while she's unaware
Also you shouldn't be dying that fast to her, stop wearing shitty TETH gear
I didn't go for hiding anything, this was a quick and dirty snapshot from the comments. If you bother to look me up feel free, but I don't really care.
If you do, take a look at the comments. I had lots of helpful people explain stuff along the way and this person especially had some really insightful stuff on what went wrong with the translation and stuff
mimic, sound of a star, el capo, smiling body suit, monk armour which was a WAW but also had 0.5 or better. All ALEPH weapons but only star sound was ranged.
Basically I sent the big dick squad after her while her target ran for it, hit her with slow bullets but they couldn't even catch her, she just ran away while firing bullets at them.
you're forced to start with hundred sins?
Worm niggers showed up around meltdown lv8, and I just rushed as much work out as possible before my guys got gibbed. I managed to reach lv10 but the mission didn't end
forced is a strong word
did you manage not to reach your energy goal before triggering the midnight? afaik hokma mission is X + energy refine on the suppression
Huh. I was able to easily have an employee solo her with the Mimicry stuff.
unless you get the day 1 glitch ya.
I caved and wikied it, turns out you're required to complete X (hit lv11). Shit, turns out I just needed to push a bit harder
Just how bad must this thing be that you cant let the manager see it?
What, he'll trigger a nuke SCP style and bring the whole facility down with him?
A suppression unassigns the relevant department employees, should I re-assign them elsewhere? Will I lose their department consecutive bonus? Will I lose it either way even if I don't assign them?
If the Manager is compromised how is he supposed to command employees
CENSORED will kill employees while Manager is insane, which will trigger breach after breach until the entire facility melts down
Sounds like a regular day at work m8ty.
precious precious PE boxes
>while Manager is insane
He isn't already?
The manager is insane to not pound Angela's AI pussy
He can be solo'd
he's crazy not insane
It's not his fault he got fucking friendzoned so hard by carmen he went insane. All she had to do was give him a pity fuck then A would fuck Angela
Also, some abnormalities are Lobotomy Corp created apparently.
Almost every abnormality is made by LC, only a few like the birbs and maybe white night are natural.
What made Nothing There?
>Same but Day 30
Angela's perpetual thirst for the manager
Source: Dude, trust me
It's time for my Attachment work, manager!
*represses you*
Queen of Hatred has literally never helped me
*presses 8*
Hmm, It's that time of the day huh?
She is fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack
She is touring the facility and picking up slack
I want a girl with a short skirt and a loooonnnggggggg jacket
I've been following these threads, finally went on a deep dive on the wiki.
So every character is actually a little gameboy man. Why?
Is it normal that she pushes up against me and feels my crotch? Should I tell my team captain about this?
Also, does anyone have the angry Angela sprite? I find it adorable
>Meltdown targets Shelter
>Forget about it
Every tim
Think about it for a second. Why does Gebura wield the Mimicry sword?
That is sexual harassment, and you don't have to stand it. Report such activities to your team captain and your Sephirah immediately.
Gimme some minutes bro
They're basically all ressurected cyborg slaves of the original research team, their minds uploaded to a spare brain and thrown in a cheap metal box.
Literally punch it until it dies
Just as easy as green midnight
Just play the game fagtron.
Nobody gives a shit what you like, you fucking slave. Let oldfags who know what they're doing post the threads or we'll get booted to /vg/.
I've left an employee in there one too many times
Never again, tool abnorms meltdown as much as they fucking want, I don't care
But she uses all sorts of EGO weapons and has no other connections to Nothing There, unless that family was NT's first victims, but I find that unlikely.
Get those fucking PE boxes, agent.
>lets out other abbos to part
>which triggers red and big bird
>which triggers mountain
Also, is the best Abnormaility waifu, I want plant kisses on both of her cute mouths!
Either first victim or christopher was actually transformed in to it considering LC pretty much make all the abbos.
I love you
>His background isn't of LC
Fuck are you waiting for nigger?
we should literally invade secret lab threads on /vg/
Doesn't explain all the phone calls, I love yous, preference for affection work, and desire for the manager
I use this one
Because she's a cunt and beats up abbos on her break hours
It's not like she has anything to do with one sin or spider or silent orchestra or etc, she has those weapons too
Maybe I phrased that wrong, Why does Kali, The person whos brain was scooped out and put into the box to create Gebura, Wield the Mimicry sword?
And what do you think happened to her human body when her brain was removed? Why does Nothing there seem to have a strangely shaped head with its scalp seemingly cut off and bloodied?
This is just a loose theory though.
we should literally invade your cute hole
My phone lock screen is one sin
Writefag making story of Gebura bullying Queen of Hatred when?
I'm waiting for Godzilla: King of the Monsters to come out.
My default wallpaper is usually of Jeanne d'Arc anyway
>Day 49
Arbiter targets both shelter and yin
Forget about it because the whole fight is fucking wack
Suddenly every abnormality is out and the dragon kills three entire departments
Rabbits manage to kill the arbiter anyways
I'm never going to shit on the rabbits ever again.
If I get memory imprint on day one of a side department of gebura, and I open up cheseds on day 26 or 7, would that imprint for the beginning of his department or would it still imprint only after 5 days pass?
That's still a thing?
Nice try, Nep-Nep. I ain't falling for your shit.
The rest of the Sephiras have human bodies too that had to be scrapped somewhere but considering that girl Tiphereth has squished boy Tiphereth multiple times with each time containing a bloodied brain, i chalk that up to filter shenanigans, their brains aren't physically inside the boxes
manager is explained by it being created from clerks/employees. I'm a fellow Geburatheory believer and there's a few more hints towards it. I'll try to gather them for one of the next threads
How do Rabbits interact with employees? The ones you control. I know it says I should expect the loss of all personal in the departments I send them, but do they prioritize abnormalities or just shoot indiscriminately?
Eh, it's about as loose as the theory that it represents Angela's desire for the manager.
>constantly calls out for him
>wants to be human, or treated as one at the very least
>I love you I love you I love you
>little blue hand on top of its humanoid form's head reminds me of Angela's side tail.
Very loose arguments, though.
I wish I could find out how to customize that bitch on my Haahwaawei. Literally only options in settings are A or B. I have the loading screen green/black art of Angela as the background though which is nice but I want to change the lock screen.
>angela neither has a mind nor soul to extract abnormalities from
there you go
>I love you!
What his family said to him
What the employees were shouting while he trying to devour them, they were shouting for help
>affection work
Because it's a mimic, it studies human speech so enjoys the sounds of human voices? Dunno, I assume the justice and not panicing thing is employees basically having to pretend that they're "fooled" in to thinking its a human so as not to trigger it's kill instinct,.
If all the Sephiras are boxes, what does Angela look like?
Like a bitch.
i chalk that up to filter shenanigans, their brains aren't physically inside the boxes
You can see A literally putting Garion's brain into Binah in her flashback.
If a dumb clerk gets in the way, they're in the way
I know all the clerks get massacred, but what about actual agents?
Well, got me there. I just like the idea that one of the deadliest abnormalities comes from your helpful assistant.
Understandable. Perhaps the last thing his family said to fake him before getting devoured. Still wonder what's with all the phone calls and "Together, we are one" stuff.
But that's the entire premise of the next game. Can an AI that has experienced a million years if experiences while also containing parts of a 'pure being' have a soul?
Doesn't Nothing There look more like a dog than a person?
Is it pretending to be someone's pet? like a Dog?
so what about the dozens of bloody dead boy tiphereths
maybe it's a metaphor and she's really inserting a USB
>malkuth ||fucking swaps all the work around||
||at least the 2nd flag theme plays||
I know but Kali was inhumanly strong, Able to take down several Claws and still have enough stamina in their dying breath to shove her blade into Human Binah's chest cavity, Pretty sure she lost an arm beforehand too (possibly explaining NT's Bony arm). You could say she was (((Abnormally))) strong.
basically just a case of TOO ANGRY TO DIE.
>christopher calling his family
>finally they are united again
>monster tries to unite even more people and trick them into being "one"
you can keep spinning this.
one of the major things that made me think this is that in the gebura story segment it is alluded that they all died in the same containment room, if I remember correctly. their death plunged her into despair
Manager did you get bullied by Geb too much?
What if they're fresh brains that have a new copy of their mind uploaded to it? Either cloned or taken from clerk.
Since abbos are based from human conciousness, NT can be a projection of the fight, but I wouldn't say it's literally her body
There are a lot of coincidences though
Is it bullying if it's Geburah doing it to you, or just abuse?
Geb bullies everyone and everything in the facility.
From its actions, it seems clear that it wants to be humanoid
>and then there's this faggot
Nice. Angry Angela a cute
I've been playing keepaway with this faggot bird for like 10 minutes, when does it go back?
I mean there's also a bunch of implied "Physically born" abnormalities, Take Bloodbath for example, Its the bathtub that Carmen an hero'd in.
And I'm pretty sure that The Snow Queen was either created or "reinforced" by A putting Carmen in the cryo-coffin, Possibly it is the cryo-coffin after Carmen's nervous system was placed in the vat to create stupid amounts of Cogito.
Let it beat the shit out of your employee and it'll go back to bed
When his hunger for blood has been sated.
Let it kill one of your employees.
>Day 42
>X still hasn't bent me over the table and plowed my face into that glass I keep filling with his favorite drink
Let us meet again as stars anons
*blocks your path*
What do Yea Forums ?
Just let it happen.
Also I hope no one is wearing ALEPH gear otherwise he'll be going for awhile. He gets fucking annoying late game.
Are you trying to [DATA REDACTED] me user?
>Also I hope no one is wearing ALEPH gear
>mfw I have no face and he targeted my agent wearing Nothing There's armor
>spent literally the whole day fucking around because he couldn't accumulate the 10 damage he needs to do before going home
This mother fucker
Just do it you fag
He needs to peck someone for 10 damage and he goes back safely. Don't be a pussy
Teach it some manners. Literally. "Ripping people apart" Isn't normal human behavior and the manager should really teach it shit so it isn't so fucking hostile.
retardedly cute
would feed meat to
Stop running from your punishment fag
*4th Light times out*