>Japanese VNs get banned on Steam for "underage sexual content" even if the characters are 18
>Life is Strange Episode 3 has two teenagers fucking in a pool and Steam does nothing
Just another reminder that Valve isn't on our side
Japanese VNs get banned on Steam for "underage sexual content" even if the characters are 18
We really live in a society
Have sex
Get over it, it's only bad when Japan does it
Don't buy on Steam.
Things are easy.
You don't want to support something ? You don't fucking finance it. Kinda like buying censored games.
Stop reading one angry incel.
>it's another seething incel on Yea Forums episode
It's ok when Valve does it.
Buy where then? Sony? They censor games. Nintendo? Same they censor games. The company that censors less is Valve.
Can one really be offended when neither look human? Did the character designer of Max and Chloe quit or something? Looks like they hired Fortnite's designer.
The funniest thing about this is more than half of those Japanese VNs don't even go all the way with actual sex scenes
frenches make western loli contents. its not porn but they willingly make "erotic" underage characters/scenes.
amerimutt sjws who think this is artistic or something are fucking delusional
it has nothing to do with sexual content
americans just hate japan and japanese culture so they will take any chance to screw them over
this. when western companies depict women getting beheaded realistically, or when their skin getting ripped off while their guts spilling out in super realistic detail or something like underaged lesbian sex, it's completely okay.
when japan shows two anime girls with big boobs in a bra it means the game is for literally for teenage boys who want to get boners and not only that it demeans women.
Which one of them is the boy?
are these both Male? I cant tell anymore
>Accurately depicting a teenage relationship is exactly the same as content intended to titillate people
Are they siblings?
Scene only shows the characters from the shoulders up
As opposed to VNs that show clearly 5 year old girls getting gang raped and ejaculated on
Have sex
Every time I see Billy I lose interest
this but unironically
Anal sex without lube is fucking horrible and pools wash the lube away
Please do not try this it's going to end up very badly
lol where is this from? They sound just like SJWs
kill yourself, amerimutt landwhale. or have sex. or lose wight.
This but unironically
Better yet, don't do it at all because sticking your dick into a hole where shit comes from isnt meant to be a thing
Also who the fuck even plays the Life is Strange games? Angsty teenagers?
>our side
what sides? are you for fictional underage content being on steam, regardless of country or origin, or not?
The game is banned on Steam ? Surely you can get it elsewhere.
Like getting it from Japan or an alternative online store.
As for your console argument: why do you even buy on consoles when it's fucking obvious it's gonna be censored ?
Just because Sony and Nintendo are Cancer, doesn't mean that Valve being AIDS is any better.
Is it finally time to rise and kill leftist women?
someone should make a book explaining how the fuck society became so accepting of fag
I'm doing it and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Are these both men?
did the game specify they were going anal (or that there wasn't enough time between the swimming and the sex to dry off and lube up?).
>sticking your dick into a hole where shit comes from isnt meant to be a thing
then why do guys have a g spot up their ass
Excuse me, bluepilled cuck tranny from discord, but I'll have you know that OneAngryGamer is the epic hangout for based and redpilled gamers such as ourselves rising up against SJW oppression.
What about tales of vesperia? Only steam ps4 xbone switch.
Remember when Anti-SJWs weren't as cringe as SJWs themselves?
I don't know anything about the game I'm just going by OP's description of them fucking in a pool
Most lube is actually designed to dissolve easily in water so it's easy to wash away
That hasn't been the case for over 4 years.
So it is a girl.
never stick things up your ass, is made to expulse, not to have thing shoved in them
this shit devs are totally brain damaged by amerimutt sjw trends. its embarrassing. they should make their own story and characters in their own frog way.
OneAngryGamer is prime cringe kino
Someone posted the scene in a previous thread, and I skimmed through it. I think they kiss in the pool, and then go fuck in a tent.
where can i get me that deadpool tittypad
They take themselves so seriously. It's pathetic. When did these people decide that the best course of action was acting just like feminists?
Nigga that’s racist
Then it's up to you.
If you think censorship is a disgusting practice, you just don't buy.
If you just can't say no to the game, which I can completely understand, then buy the game.
But people shouldn't go complain afterwards, because by buying, you say it's okay to do so.
Yet, SONY (or anyone) will feel the lower sales less than the devs. Very sad indeed, but a necessary sacrifice.
That'll push them to alternative options and fans would buy anyway.
just two pals messing around haha
Gang Weed Tier
When they saw feminists "winning," but to normies the shit that feminists talk about, no matter how obnoxiously, actually has a decent amount of support. These guys are screeching like feminists because they want to see cunny in games they buy on Steam, so it looks absurd versus screeching about stuff feminists want, which actually is important.
They always sound like they think they're in that scene in Braveheart, just hoping to get a standing ovation and manly cheers
They targeted gamers... GAMERS!
abububububu seethe harder incel
Feminists have barely won, though. The thing is that they see any nigger in a video game as a "forced agenda" and they also see that as SJWs winning, so it creates this vicious loop of them feeling more and more persecuted by the minute. Them crying about Apex Legends being too SJW for them was proof of this.
>Anal sex without lube is fucking horrible
this is objectively wrong
The human body is a fucked up mess
Why the fuck don’t we have more protection for our Achilles’ heel?
Why the fuck does our appendix explode then kill us?
Why the fuck do males produce breast milk?
The human body is fucked
>Tear slurper
Billy D confirmed for faggot
an attractive adult in an anime art style looks virtually the same as an attractive child in an anime art style, nothing's wrong with being attracted to both.
That's not what I'm saying user. I'm talking about how feminists act versus these guys. Feminists are made fun of sure but they generally get support no matter how they act because the things they screech about are real sociopolitical issues and the like. These guys are doing the same over cunny. Which would you laugh harder at: a woman screeching about her right to have an abortion, or a guy screeching about not seeing loli in his video game?
Sup, guys? I'm thinking about "leveling up" my gamer wardrobe (haha) but I only have 50 bucks to spend. What should I buy?
can you see any penis, tits, vagina etc?
could you in the other ?
Fuck off.
Oh, I see what you're saying now. Yeah these people can't have any non-white/male character in their video games, which is hilarious given they fight so hard for historical accuracy but hate seeing a game set in the modern day USA not just be full of white people. But they're hypocrites so who knows.
whoa its almost like context matters
I'm agreeing with you, I'm just also pointing out that these retards see feminists and SJWs in general as this ultra powerful mega force that is changing video games forever because, to them, 99% of video games released in the past few years were somehow "infected" by them because they have niggers in them or whatever.
Fuck, they were crying about DMC 5 and Resident Evil 2 Remake being too SJW.
That's also part why they're so convinced that this autistic screeching and organized campaigns against Steam is gonna do anything.
>there are people who don't understand US law
oh no no no
valve pulling shit from the store isnt a lea thing it's a PR thing
it all has to do with public opinion
This is what happens when you take the internet seriously and remove bullying.
Remember when video games had no cultural and political influence outside of a devoted subculture?
i take it as a no. therefore it's not Cp
Thing is, there are no weird situations in the game that could lead to that
Based sagawaposter
Yes, there are bare breasts with nipples. She's got small tits, too.
A few seconds after this point you can see them. She's also topless in a lake a bit earlier and you can see her nipples there too. They also have sex after the time index I linked.
This is clearly CP, why hasn't Sony banned it?
>americans are ok with underage having sex but no boobs
It's the typical thing you get when there's a scapegoat for anything: they are both super weak and easily trounced and scheming to take over the world so you're a underdog.
Remember when shops didn't censor my waifus? This time it's personal
>those comments
are they really that afraid to write "nigger"?
>This is clearly CP
ok fox news
He's right though.
Lolis aren't for bullying.
Its diversity pandering. Gamers need to rise up
Yes the comment section of a political site is shit what else is new you should see them complain about Jews and shit but the point still stands double let standard that steam has needs to stop and let Anime and this game be sold equal treatment is what sane people want
Imagine wanting to literally impede on others' rights, protected by the Federal Government, in order to own the libs.
Imagine not knowing US law.
Sometimes it makes me very sad that I had no romantic or sexual experiences at all during my teenage years. Or my young adult years.
I was being facetious. I think it's great SJWs can have their games uncensored and free from influence from Steam and Sony. I just want Japanese games to get the same respect and treatment.
Stop it with based Nintendo.
They do censor.
They're saints compared to SONY but they do
Comment section of one angry gamer like an comment section it's shit whats important is the article
The two are completely different
>Story game with a sex scene
>Porn game with a story
Also VN aren't fucking games. At least porn games like AA2 has fun gameplay.
how the hell do you fuck in a pool? wouldn't the pool water get into her vagina that's disgusting
>i-i-i-i-it's a more realistic depiction so it's okay
Clearly that would be less okay if anything
This. As someone who at one point followed the GamerGate controversy all the way to cripplechan, I’ve come to find the “anti-SJW” (as loathe as I am to label them as such) has a very disengenous streak in its base. It’s as if a large swathe have not understanding of persuasion so the ulterior motives shine through so brightly. I’m personally more closely aligned with classical liberalism and find it hard to support certain causes because pure blind prejudice and aggression simply aren’t the most attractive platforms. I’m also a goddamned attorney so I can’t associate with anything that openly opposes any depiction of “niggers” in video games. There needs to be some internal policing for the anti-puritanical sentiments to prevail over the more insidious elements within the movement.
nintendo have and still are the worst offenders when it comes to censorship as a whole, hell they just censored stickers in smash
This man is asking the right questions here
Jesus, have sex
As much as I hate to defend these shitty dilation simulators their main focus isn't sex and said sex scenes don't seem to be explicit.
It would be like Steam banning The Witcher. Yes it has sex scenes but they're not the main focus of the game.
Dilate, incels, you fuckin' hideous subhumans are worth less than Jews you fuckin' medical abominations.
Invidious* not insidious.
VNs aren't games
>Voteu wither ur warretu
This shit never works, and that's why they spread it around like it's gospel. It's much more annoying to deal with people bitching and spreading information than it is to deal with literal silence.
They don't. They get naked in the lake, they bang in the tent later.
why don't they just make an adult only section of the steam store? Like I don't know steamy store or some shit
Feminists are actually seen by a joke by anyone who isn't a white man or a woman, ironically.
did witcher fuck underage?
So I take it you just replied without reading. Nice work, user
same, I'm 29 and still a kissless virgin. most of my teenage years I thought at some point something would happen but it never happened.
now all I have is the NEET hikki life and time is running out, at least I had videogames.
is the guy getting pegged by that girl or are we talking about a "girl"?
Which can be done on top of not buying.
Why is it so hard to understand ???
People complaining but buying ? who cares money's in their pocket.
Valve is on valve's side, and the only judgement they make on a game is "will this make or lose us money overall?"
Who cares? Watching two disgusting under age progressives bump uglies in a pool couldn't even turn on a pedophile. It's basically not even sex.
lose weight and have sex. amerimutt obese sjws are really pathetic.
>now all I have is the NEET hikki life
what about education
Wait isn't LIS2 about two brothers? Are these them? Isn't this gay incest?
based and logicalpilled
is actually funny when you say n-word. imagine how fragile these people are for someone saying that
not him, but theres allways the alternative to buy the things from a privat person on ebay, if you want to play without support.
got my ps4 from ebay aswell, that way i can buy the games from the devs i like without supporting snoy in the process
>lmao who cares
kys leftist
Anything to troll the libcucks oppa epic style.
Sure, but they're obsessed with actual adult issues that are considered at least part of a debate about the world as a whole. It isn't fighting over loli.
They did you can only see porn games if you opt in to it and its not on by default and yet several porn Anime games and non porn Anime games have been censored or banned
God this board is so fucking shit, why do I keep coming here? Same shit flinging topics everyday, SJW this, censorship that, altright feminists twitter screepcaps, etc. I haven't touched any of these games ever yet I click on these topics anyway. What's wrong with me?
you didnt miss out on anything, i had them and regret allmost all. wish i would have just stayed at home playing d&d
I just barely finished highschool, was bullied a lot so never could really focus on whatever was teached there. I had to sit in the front and at any time a book or a shoe could come flying my way.
my grades were so bad that I couldn't go anywhere from that point, couldn't get an apprenticeship, couldn't get more education because too dumb on paper.
at some point the government gave me an apprenticeship for free which I even finished but afterwards it was impossible to find a job. that was 5 years ago and now I already forgot everything I learned and just receive neetbucks.
That is a girl incel. They had vaginal Sex and both orgasmed simultaneously
They're not actually, most of them are retarded privileged white women whining about stupid pointless shit.
Both groups are made up of the same retarded white people REEEEEEing like children about stupid shit.
For feminists, it's mansplaining.
For these guys, it's anime cunny.
You can make an argument that both are addressing actual underlying issues that ARE actual issues (women being ignored in favor of men and the censorship of art by the powers that be deciding what is and isn't "legitimate" art) but they're both fucking moronic about it and completely neuter their own arguments.
Basically, if they fucked off, the world would be a better place.
You realize some Anime games have been banned for less one was just a normal non lewd high-school game thar had a scene of two girls just kissing or the game with grade school characters but had 0 lewd content 0
All they'll do is get steam to write a statement though.
Holy shit literally no laws are being broken what don't they get
It's not like it matters user, literally nobody bought the game anyway.
ITT trannies posting, glad we are not gonna see them once they turn 30.
its like the naruto fillers all over again
based gaben trashing faggots left and right
they look like two matchsticks
this, they are gonna be dead before they turn 30.
The fuck are those things?
"Why don't you have sex incel?"
>"I'm talking about how feminists act versus these guys. Feminists are made fun of sure but they generally get support no matter how they act because the things they screech about are real sociopolitical issues and the like
Feminists don't talk about real issues, in fact, feminism is one of the most disgusting far left ideologies that makes zero sense from any rational viewpoint. I mean, fucking listen to yourself, do you think women having the right to murder their children is a real sociopolitical issues? It isn't. Neither is most of the shit feminism has been parroting. But they win, because marxists, and far leftists control the narrative. They win because multinational corps are on their side. Feminism are losing supporting among white men fast and its slowly discrediting itself. Infact, feminism is the weakest and most worthless of the prog movements that exist, because a movement based around women was always doomed to fail. Racial prog movmeents and degenerate lifestyles movements are more dangerous.
>pointing out that these retards see feminists and SJWs in general as this ultra powerful mega force that is changing video games forever because, to them, 99% of video games released in the past few years were somehow "infected" by them because they have niggers in them or whatever.
You don't know anything about politics, I suggest you keep your mouth shut. In fact, the only problem that I have with "anti-SJW" type, is that they narrowly only care about video games, and don't understand the nature of their enemy. The problem is that they aren't actually far right, when they should be. They are moronic radical centrists, but you are just as stupid as them, don't forget it.
Nothing about this on faggot era. What happened to these shitty sjw trannies?
"I'm gonna post the i-word"
Seething, at the mouth foaming weebs are hilarious. Fucking imbeciles
that's rough man
but it's never too late to receive proper education, hope you can stay strong
>You realize some Anime games have been banned for less
No, I don't realize that because I don't buy up every shitty porn game that pops up on Steam. Just the good ones. I don't know if the banning has anything to do with the girls being underage or if they're just trying to clean up the mountain of trash that they've created.
Either way I don't personally believe that Life is Strange should be banned even though I would never play it and I loathe its existence. And I don't really care enough to track Steam and monitor its inconsistencies and double standards because as far as I know it has never removed an actual good game from its library for lewd content.
My religious views say abortion isn't murder, so we're never going to agree.
There is a full on VR BDSM anime game on Steam. You can't even view the store page without being logged in.
Valve is really lenient. There are games where there is full on loli fucking, like Maitetsu. store.steampowered.com
So those games that got removed must have pushed some boundary somewhere.
its pointless anyway even if I got educated I wouldn't get a job.
also brainfog and sitting around doing nothing but playing videogames and shitposting fried my brain too. I can't deal with living in society because no matter in what social group I end up in I will always be the lowest for them.
based schizophrenic retard crying that faGGots aren't extremist enough for him
The point of abortion is to prevent roasties, the whole "fetus" thing is a technicality.
>muh condom
>muh pill
You never know.
Are you white?
Not sure how whites can pretend that abortion isn't murder, especially when killing a pregnant woman would have you charged with double murder in every white country.
This is why you will never win people to your "side", because anything that doesn't match with your views 100%, you dismiss outright. Most people will see you as insane.
>because anything that doesn't match with your views 100%,
Welcome to the world of extremists user.
It's a never-ending purity spiral, and why I don't associate with either of these mongoloids.
Femininism is cancer yes but no one should be far anything not far left not actual far right and not so radically central where they either don't care at all or think there above both sides.
We should always either be center left or center right to have your preference but be willing to listen to the other side. To have your Stern beliefs but not being so blinded that you think it's the only way of living and that it will work for everyone in every situation
>14 year old girl says some edgy words on youtube
>Buzzfeed writes hit piece and calls for Youtube to ban her and gets police and her school to investigate her parents
>10 year old kid in drag strips for money in front of a bunch of pedos
>Buzzfeed celebrates it as some sort of social justice monument
these journalist assholes want to get me to vote for Trump so bad out of spite. it won't fucking work, but fuck if they're on my last nerve.
>Yeah these people can't have any non-white/male character in their video games, which is hilarious given they fight so hard for historical accuracy
Oh shut the fuck up you little insecure leftist. What's wrong with that? I don't want to see the type of bullshit that Battlefront pulled.
>but hate seeing a game set in the modern day USA not just be full of white people. But they're hypocrites so who knows.
You're being disingenuous you know that, but you're also being a liar, because you're acting like there is something wrong with not wanting to see ugly brown and black people in video games. People want escapism from real life, and in real life, people who are unfortunate enough to live with them, want to escape from them. You think the average white South Africans REALLY wants to see black people in video games? And what happened to modern day USA isn't normal or right either. There is no hypocrisy there, but there is hypocrisy in every single human garbage that promotes pseudoscience like racial equality.
Instead of admitting that some races are not equal, nor SHOULD they be treated equally, you instead promote barbaric ideals, like punishing universities for giving bad scores to blacks. Because if you cannot accept the scientific evidence that some races are less intelligent then others, if you cannot accept that your social programs are doomed to fail because they operate on the false assumption that human intelligence isn't heavily determined by genetics, then just give up and force institutions to give them higher test scores.
>CP is fine as long as the genre is different
So what if its murder?
Yes, and that shouldn't be the case I believe because again, my religious views say a fetus isn't a child.
faggot we shouldn't be left or right those ideas are only made to divide people and sheeps.
What religion?
Why don't you report Life's Strange so Steam bans it too?
>pedophilia is fine if the kids are ugly
Good fucking God, you take away one fucking game/vn away and they act like they're a fucking persecuted minority group or something, their rights are being taken away, they have to wear an armband with a sign on it and have to sit in the back of the bus/train. This is beyond pathetic.
16/15 isn't pedophilia.
All men are created equal.
At least you're consistent in your child murder, more than I can say for most whites.
The sheer hypocrisy of this is staggering. The beta tranny cucks really think SJW games briefly showing the upper body of a sixteen year old guy is SOMEHOW more acceptable than a work of true literary merit like 'Moecon: I Raped My Little Sister, and Now She's Addicted to My Cum!'
This is literally an attempted genocide against the gamer race. They'll pay for this.
those dead fish eyes.
why every character western devs make is so fucking soulless
I don't think life is strange should be banned either and I also don't buy porn games because there boring but I do know about censorship being a slippery slope and time and time again we are proven right they will come for your game next even if it's not porn and it's just a tame game with some little fanservice
Have sex
How come nudity gets censored in Japanese games but in European and American ones they can show a guys dick without any problem?
Religious views, not religion. Soul enters the body at birth, and anything without a soul isn't a human life. I only disagree with partial birth abortion.
I agree but I can't really have a strong opinion unless I know specifically which games were banned because I suspect they were just trash, low effort games that should probably be removed anyway.
Stop worrying about being the best out of your group worry about improving yourself and doing what's best to succeed for you. I.e having stable income and a sense of purpose
Also just a reminder that the game normalizes back breaking child labour, on a weed farm no less.
These games are just insights into what the elites want - little boy slaves who work 10 hours a day making drugs, which they then take while fucking said boy slaves.
And what religion are these views associated with?
If it's just some "spiritual" stuff, then it's not a religion, it's just your opinion.
considering we all have different genetic make-ups and thus some of us are better suited to the world than others, no we are not all created equal
Hopefully the Kel-Tec will make another appearance in due time.
uh, Nintendo has been the king of Censorship for the last 20 years, you would know that if you were actually around. Treehouse ring a bell? Nah, you're too young.
yes, and they should start to get banned.
this whole anime tiddie shovelware waifu is going to far. i cant even bring myself to browse steam for new games because i know that most of the time im searching for games im busy skipping fucking unbareable 1$ waifu bait trash.
that whole anime waifu shit in games even starts to ruin actual games that were good.
for the steam part. it has nothing to do with free market anymore, people dont even create games, they dont want to create games, they know they can shit in a bowl and plaster a dumb fucking anime waifu sticker on it. and thats what steam currently is. ban all waifushit from steam.
Have you not been paying attention? Sony is the new king of censorship.
I know these corporations have to keep a good image for themselves but why do they pretend to care when they really don't? Whats the point really? Maybe it's to get a good public image for the majority of people, but others can see right through this shit.
Why do they pretend? What's the point if there not gonna actually do anything and just state something?
Is there really nothing we can do about this new wave of censorship and pure hypocrisy?
Left and right is just an example this can be applied to anything with a for or against dynamic.
Why can't both be uncensored?
If some dumb as westerners wanna see ugly women with burkas and uncircumcised men then let them
If I wanna see cute anime titties then let me
Have sex.
Have sex
>New king
and Nintendo has been the king for nearly 20 years before that, doesn't alter my point.
I don't need to follow a book to have religious views tard.
Okay maybe I just didn't understand your point. White people used to be black. I don't have a point but they used to be.
"have sex"
Nothing in that scene can be considered close to pornography. This is fucking retarded and so are you.
>1 Fucking ONE
You stupid motherfucker lurk harder it's not just one game even if it was. One unfairly banned game is too many
Nice reaction image tranny, you're always going to fuckin' stick out on this website until the day you bleed out on your bathroom floor alone.
Stop worrying about wastes of flesh yourself, they never get better
Don't you remember that mahjong game they banned? If it had been released on Steam it'd been uncensored.
Are you a repressing tranny?
Why do you have a folder full of trannies?
This is allowed because shotas are better than lolis
I'm shocked Sony didn't censor this.
Okay, so they're just your opinions and not actually religious views.
Unless you're a satanist I guess, which would make sense.
It's interesting to see how abortion somehow became a left vs right issue in America, but its easy to see why when you see why leftists and disgusting degenerate women support abortion. Sure, leftists PRETEND they support abortion via some logical and rational lenses. They say they support it because rape, and women choice, and their opponents are just religious. But if that's the case, why the fuck are these women such hysterical freaks on abortion when it came to the Alabama law? Why are leftists so callous about abortion and the human life? Why the fuck do these women bring out their children to these pro-abortion protests, not realizing the utter absurdity of it? Shouldn't abortion inherently be a tough unpleasant ordeal to go through no matter what happens?...but these leftists almost feel fucking glee at abortion. They mock the idea of a fetus being life, they call it a parasite, and start saying shit that is blatantly not even true.
Even they know that a fetus is a human being, so why do they keep harping about women right and women choice when the baby isn't something that is only willed to existent based on a women choice?
Because far leftists and pro-choice women do NOT support abortion for any rational reason. That becomes very clear when you see that there is a difference between reasonable and logical support for abortion, and your average democrat support for abortion. They love abortion because it prevents a women from experiencing the consequences of their actions. It alleviates responsibility. It allows horrible degenerate women to continue to act degenerate because they know they can just kill the mistake they made every time. They don't want abortion to just be legal, they want to idolize it, even if they know idolizing that is wrong for human civilization. That's why they support it, and if you disagree me, maybe speak with these deranged leftists and women, and maybe you'll see...
Just like there was nothing remotely lewd in the other game, yet ig got banned.
Those are two teenagers in a heated scene.
Underraged so should be banned by their logic
>all anime girls are lolis
>pic related is a loli
>anime is loli
>i only think about lolis
>a loli is best when its realistic
Stop before you get arrested, lads
Just don't BUY games you fucking retard, pirate them.
You don't need a book, only one word. Jews.
Do you really think people have to read a religious text to have religious views?
sjws hate japan and anime. they are racist to japanese actually.
it wont ever be uncensored. actually, destroying everything around sjw policies asap is one of the realistic ways to rebuild the industry if you want an unbiased industry
I think he's saying that the people who only respond with "have sex" are trannies.
He's probably right.
The gulag isn't going to fill itself, get going
What's wrong with loli anyway? it's fiction. it's not real. as long as you don't shove it to everyone's throats, then it's fine. fuck you rance 10, there's way too many lolishit scene and I like hags with big titties
>LiS actually shows both characters topless from abdomen up (tits and nipples all) and though no penetration/genitals shown they are clearly having sex
>VNs on Steam that don't even show nudity of any kind or are specifically the "all ages" version still get taken down
Uh huh
If your views aren't actually based on any religion then, by definition, they're not religious views.
>vote with your wallet
This doesn't work
Sony allows it because it doesn't appeal to straight males.
to laugh at them of course
This is why no one will ever love you and why you'll always be a deranged, pathetic, lonely loser.
>game with female protag
>male and female romance options
>game with male protag
>female romance only
every single fucking time
Do you suffer from delusional paranoia? If you think anyone making fun of weebs is a tranny you should get professional help you mouthbreathing mongoloid. Go take your meds
The greatest trick the SJWs are trying to pull is convincing people that they are the normies and anyone to the right of them are extremists
have sex
Focus on the process other than the outcome
The Jews, who have taken control of Snoy, have been pushing transsexualism and homosexuality on their host populations since at least the 1920s, do some research on the Weimar Republic if you actually want to know the answer to your question. They used to fuckin' sell pheasants in the street for the purpose of butt fucking and then slaughtering in the midst of copulation for the resulting muscle contractions, they're fuckin' repulsive faggots.
I don't want to get viruses/rootkits on my work computer with important company infos on it.
Which one is the girl?
Or they just want to get people riled up, which is working.
Don't have to read into it more than that.
To be fair, white normies are basically SJWs.
A meme answer that I can't argue with anymore.
nice fallacy
They're based on philosophy and religious writings, but no religion exactly fits my views wholesale so I just pick and choose from what I read.
Fuck your dichotomy, radical centrism for life!
How did ResetEra react to this scene?
Is that two dudes or just an ugly chick?
Huh, that's actually a good point. I have noticed that if you express basically any opinion that's right of center you're labeled a nazi, especially if that opinion has anything to do with illegal immigrants or refugees.
>weeb fanservice games are all terrible and people only like them for the tits
>Life is Strange is terrible and people only like it for the weird sexual scenes and tension
It's so easy to spot a bad game by the gimmicks that it flaunts.
> durrrr I'm not a tranny, honest! I haven't even mutilated my cock yet!
I think it was Lena Dunham (surprise surprise) that once said that she regrets having never had the opportunity to have an abortion
Let that sink in, someone actually wishes the HAD one, when even women who have had one and do support the choice will tell you it's fucking awful
>This shit never works
It works fine. Participating in a vote doesn't mean you always get what you want.
In all fairness if you say Jews shouldn't be executed in mass you get called a kike or an sjw. I find the left to be more obnoxious than the right easily but the right still has its wackos that do what you describe.
Okay, so it's not a religious view, it's an opinion.
Unless you can show me which religion believes that a human isn't a human until it exists the birth canal.
friendly reminder that you dont need a stream account to get the devs locked up in federal pound me in the ass prison
What fallacy? Please elucidate me.
I don't care about religion my anti-abortion opinions are scientific not religious
They even put pimples on the boy and gave him an average teenager look.
The west needs to understand that we do not want realism in games,if I wanted realism I would just live my horrible life.
>muh trannies
rent free
to smart to bother
i don't think that, mostly all white normies voted Trump stadistically in the USA.
Normies fear the cunny
But it is human life
>The Talmud mentions Christians
I thought all of the Jewish religious literature was written before Jesus Christ came about?
I mean, not that that's the only way to tell that this is a load of shit but that part makes it quite obvious.
is a self inserted writter and his gay brown lover.
To be fair, most SJWs probably want to assfuck teenage boys too, so...
Spirituality and religion are not the same
Get educated
Took it from Satanism.
The USA != most white normies.
And most of those white Trump voters were 40 years old and older, those in the 16-30 age range are hyper SJWs, ESPECIALLY white women.
What's with the fucking ear things? I fail to see the appeal.
just dont buy it if you dont like it.
there are enough unrealistic fantasy games for you to enjoy. they have their games, you have your games. wheres the issue?
Okay, so you're a satanist.
Kind of like I predicted like, 5 posts ago.
ahegao hoodie
dude you have a Yea Forums pass. jesus christ what the fuck let me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus christlet me suck your dick holy fuck what the fuck jesus
Attacking this game personally just because it's allowed and something you want isn't won't fix anything and makes you look even more fucking stupid.
They have before and will again in the future. Like every company. They were just as much the focus of this discussion three years ago (when they were releasing things like #FE and Xenoblade Chronicles X with significant censoring) as Sony is now.
> durrr the Talmud was a static document and not a collection of declarations added to over time
Such a desperate little Jew trying to defend his faggot belief system lmao
There is no issue. These losers are just obsessed with being outraged constantly because their lives are devoid of anything meaningful.
>one scene in a long series about high schoolers
>entire game about fucking children in explicit sex scenes
Nice false equivalence. Pedophiles are definitely retarded.
What is this strange website?
The funny thing is, pool sex is actually incredibly unsanitary. This being allowed on Steam could set a precedent that children and teens copy.
Christianity is a religion
Mohammedanism, Talmudist, Buddhism those aren't
That's because CERO literally would've forced them to take the game down because CERO doesn't allow nipples. If it was released in steam it would've had to been unrated.
>isn't won't fix anything
Neither will "ignoring it".
>makes you look even more fucking stupid
Liberals have been shaming fans of these games since Sony stared censoring them. Not him, but I'm long past the point of caring.
I really don't know which one is supposed to be the guy here
Reporting the game isn't the smart or right thing to do really. If you don't want censorship you have to put up with trash like this that you don't like. Yes it is wrong that this gets a pass but other games have been banned but you should focus on the hypocrisy rather than calling for this to be banned.
>you have your games
Not anymore.
i dont get it either.
i never played a rpg (or game in general) and felt like the chad protag needs to be a shizo or else i feel insecure.
no clue whats in their head
>a fetus is a human being
No it isn't. A fetus is a part of mother's organism, her internal bodypart that cannot exist without her. A fetus can't fucking talk, make noises, incapable of independent motion or thought. It is not fucking human by definition. Until a child is born, it's not human, it's a pile of meat tied to mother's bloodstream and central nervous system. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about and the more undesirables are aborted the better, you can clearly observe it here what happens when ugly, unintelligent people bred out of control with other, ugly unintelligent people. You get generations of hideous men and women that hate themselves, their lives and their parents because they weren't even given any choice in the matter.
kek is this real, amazing
>entire game about fucking children in explicit sex scenes
>her internal bodypart that cannot exist without her
So is a fucking infant you mongoloid.
NO child under the age of 2 can survive without their mother.
Does this mean infants are no longer humans either?
Can we nuke the US already?
>The guy on the left looks like his name is THOMAS and he works at Home Depot
Because Sony is the only video game company. God you fucking idiots have absolutely no brains.
Just California, please.
>So is a fucking infant
>he's never heard of beast children
You are too stupid to even be participating in this conversation.
What do the seppos have to do with this? They invented freedom Europe invented censorship and communism
uhhh what?
i dont care about porngames and snoy anyway.
out of the 50 different games i played in the last 3 months not a single game had any kind of new censorship or forced agenda into it
also im actually happy if all the porn games get banned. maybee devs finally start to create something good again, rather then just dumping porn
>beast children
>I get all of my knowledge on the world from fucking Tarzan
I'm not surprised that white /pol/tards are this fucking stupid.
Why doesn’t resetera just fuck off back to their board?
Those times are about as gone as the American Dream and white population of the US
You're retarded as fuck and dont know shit kill yourself
>if I scream loud enough truth will disappear
You're not going to win this argument by making fun of what I'm saying, especially if it's the truth. There are recorded cases of human children reared by animals since infancy. It is not fucking fiction you unintelligent subhuman.
Based Burger King.
Different DNA
>inb4 bacteria living in the mother
Not the same thing bacteria cannot grow into a human being. Also old people with dementia who can't talk aren't just killed for inconvenience or at least they shouldn't be
Why don't you just stop being a whining little punkass bitch?
>maybee devs finally start to create something good again
Yet, you still wouldn't buy it knowing where it came from.
>There are recorded cases of human children reared by animals since infancy.
Show me one that's objectively proven and not just a myth where an infant was reared by animals please.
White people believe the dumbest fucking shit, all to justify the behavior of their genuinely evil women.
>it’s okay in this instance because...
Rules established for a group must be ironclad and be followed by everyone. People cannot be treated “more equal” than others.
>or at least they shouldn't be
They should be given an opportunity if they want to be though. You're comparing an unborn child to an aged human being. It's a false equivalence.
>also im actually happy if all the porn games get banned
Are we being raided?
What kind of retard buys PG13 ecchi games on consoles to being with? Are you afraid of games with actual sex and nipples?
Still censorship mate.
Why don’t you dilate?
You'd like that, wouldn't you?
>LiS actually shows both characters topless from abdomen up (tits and nipples all) and though no penetration/genitals shown they are clearly having sex
user definitely isn't making this shit up in the slightest
>retarded piratecuck ITT
If you trust the pirate scene, you're a retard. You will NEVER be 100% sure if the pirated shit you downloaded was 100% safe.
>Too retarded to tell the difference
There are movies that show teenagers having sex, but there are no outcries because its not the focus of the movie and most of those movies are about growing up
Meanwhile a porno with kids would be considered CP.
Weebs trying their fucking hardest to justify their CP disguised as a game
See what I mean? They think a fetus isn't a human and begin saying absurd things. For example, everything you say applies to newborns. A 9 month old baby cannot survive without her mother anymore then a 4 month old baby can, so frankly, is there anything really wrong with killing a 9 month old baby? Its not like its conscious of itself.
And who says I'm against abortion? Its the only form of eugenics allowed, and its a self-correcting problem, but I'm just aware that you are still killing a living being in the process. Since an embryo DOES have the ability to act independently and even 2 month old fetus can react to stimuli, you know, because its still an organism.
>to justify the behavior of their genuinely evil women.
Has nothing to do with women you fucking shitskinned monkey and everything to do with eugenics so that idiots like you don't spawn anymore. You might want to start by reading wikipedia, because other sources might hurt your little subhuman brain.
Retail Japanese games can't show nips or sex due to CERO.
Yes, every god damned day.
Here is literally what the western censor believes, I shit you not, this is actually how its mostly dictated. If its ugly looking its ok.
Remember that show Big Mouth and how its fucking disgusting looking but features sexualization of underage characters? Imagine if that was made by the french, or just didnt look ugly.
Yeah, but that's not Nintendo's fault, that's CERO's fault. It's not like Sony where they're literally forcing games to be less lewd, that majong game almost got away with it if CERO didn't come knocking.
a 9 old month baby can vocalize its need for food and doesn't require intravenous connection to its mother you mongoloid. A fetus cannot survive if it is separated form mother pre birth. An infant can survive being separated from his mother for hours if not days. Do you understand the fucking difference? A fetus draws its nutrients from her mother by the way of blood and hormones, not being breastfed.
>to smart
They're not ugly. You're ugly
t. Homo incel
Sure they're not as bad as Sony, I'm just pointing out to the idiot who says Nintendo is better than Steam that he's retarded because Steam allows a bit more than Nintendo.
nah, i actually buy the games i like (aslong the money is enough) also got a ps4.
i dont need to like snoy for support tri-ace, but man.
imagine what a good game sen no kiseki, star ocean 5 etc. could be without all the fanservice waifu shit.
>>entire game about fucking children in explicit sex scenes
source pls
>Loil is best when realistic
Said no weeb ever
>stuff feminists want, which actually is important
compare sen no seki with zero/ao no kiseki or dare i say...TitS?
waifushit killed one of the best jrpgs franchises.
why the fuck wouldnt i want it removed?
>Better yet, don't do it at all because sticking your dick into a hole where shit comes from isnt meant to be a thing
Indeed! Not just that, we should also never put our penises in vaginas because blood and urine comes from then and never in mouths because coughs and vomit comes out! Hey, doesn't our entire body inside and outside houses millions, billions of bacteria? Oh, well! Might as well never ever touch any other person in the world!
1/10 bait.
>imagine what a good game star ocean 5 could be without all the fanservice waifu shit
I'm pretty sure it's Japanese law that Nintendo can't let unrated games on console platform, but I could be wrong.
Also the game was straight up porn. Steam's been taken down VNs that don't even have nudity.
Stop being so insecure about your gayness
They've gotten everything they wanted for the past fifty motherfucking years. They want more. A joke, sure.
post the video
Nigger, Persona has you fucking other girls around your age and even adults.
That's a female.
>waifushit killed one of the best jrpgs franchises
>isn't meant to be a thing
>implying human bodies are designed
>implying other mammals don't fuck each other in the ass occasionally
>believing oneangryretard
The only shit Steam has banned is porn. And the mahjong game wasn't porn, it was just fanservice. In the end Steam>Nintendo. Nintendo is jsut too stuck up to let game come unrated.
Post scenes.
Also, get a lube lube that is heavily perfumed.
Holy fucking /pol/tard cringe
>He never heard about /pol/taku
It's Kotaku from a mirror universe. A wonderful website.
An infant does not flood its mother's body with hormones specifically designed to maximize blood flow to itself at the expense of the mother. A fetus is not a baby.
Virtual novels are not games
>Hand-wringing like a faggot to own the libcucks
ruining past relations of the characters for the sake of more romanceable waifu in the game, ignoring most of the male characters, turned the mc into a haremboy. all the party member bondings and relations are waifu subplots.
what a load of shit your spewing you know nothing of what you're talking about
this game was banned from steam foe child exploitation but is so tame that it's on GOG there is no loli in this game no nudity or sex
Hey, it's serious
>a 9 old month baby can vocalize its need for food and doesn't require intravenous connection to its mother
I hope you eventually understand how insanely stupid you sound. Defining degrees of "humanness" like this and drawing a line where it's acceptable to kill is a recipe for disaster. You make it sound like someone having an abortion is like removing their wisdom teeth or something, but people clearly don't act in that manner, unless they've gone WAY off in the deep end. It's painfully obvious you're someone who has no idea what they're talking about and has zero experience in such matters.
So what I get from this thread: "It's not identity politics when right-wingers do it?"
Yeh and nintendo would had banned it too. Your point basedboy? The problem was it wasn't censored enough for an all age vn.
Exactly old people are hopeless, unborn children aren't
ebin rise up, fellow gamer
This website has become so technologically inept over the years it's fucking heartbreaking.
Abortions are awesome, and you're only pretending it is a big deal because you want to hurt women.
I mean, your species wants to have guns in schools and think it's awesome when kids die in immigrant camps in Texas. You hate all non-White kids. Don't try to pretend you have feelings.
based and redpilled weeb
Yes. identity politics are great when they're trolling le libcucks
You're a chick, aren't you? If so, I can understand why you're so opposed to it. Keep in mind that Sony's crusade isn't going to magically "improve" the script of your unrelated game, it'll just hurt smaller devs and publishers.
>our side
What makes you think I don't want both removed for being hyper gay shit?
I don't like the waifu obsesssed sperg weebs anymore than I like the rainbow haired mentally ill Tumblr faggots that scream for more gay children and trans blacks in games.
You're both fucking annoying and don't contribute anything meaningful to game discussion.
Hopefully this shit goes far enough that I don't have to deal with weebs jerking off together while dumping folders of barely not porn in any thread with an anime art direction.
VNs aren't video games and should not be allowed on Steam to begin with. Tldr: valve is on our side and op is a faggot who should dilate his tranny "gf".
>Hopefully this shit goes far enough that I don't have to deal with weebs jerking off together while dumping folders of barely not porn in any thread with an anime art direction.
Sign up for ResetEra today!
Once again Americans prove how ignorant they are to the rest of the world. Newsflash: most first world countries have age of consent between 14 and 16, not 18. There is zero pornogrphic imagery in that video. No visible genitalia, breats, etc. And they are 16?. Legal in most first world countries. If you're too stupid to understand context and how that's different from games that sexualize what are supposed to look like 5 year old children, then just kill yourself honestly. 16 year olds fucking is only a big deal in America. Fucking people under 10 is a problem everywhere.
I agree with this man.
Thanks for the concern dude, i'll think about you the next time i try having anal sex in a pool
A cute little tiny anime girl. :3
It all comes down to bodily autonomy. Do you, and only you, hold full authority over what goes into and stays in your own body?
If yes, then abortion is simply a basic right. It is in your body, feeding on your blood; you may do as you will with it until it is no longer feeding directly on your blood. If no, well, rev up those painkillers, because I know somebody who needs a kidney and he needs it more than you do.
>NO child under the age of 2 can survive without their mother.
Mothers die during childbirth all the time you fucking retard. The baby almost always recovers.
The underaged moe anime waifus are basically designed to be as pornographic as possible without going over the line.
The fuck scene in LiS 2 doesn't have a pornographic purpose and is supposed to show off love and affection.
this is basically a resetera thread I think its time for a dump
In Japan the adult age is 21
>two teenagers fucking like every dumbass does in highschool vs an adult character fucking a girl who looks 12
Are you retarded?
at least one of them
>fuck logic and facts
>If you don't agree with us that means you agree with them!
You learned a lot from your years of being obsessed from SJWs
But seriously, fuck weebs addicted to masturbating, they ruin every thread they show up in and their retarded waifu games are always mechanically lobotomized.
They like shitty games just because they have anime tits in them, and they make hundreds of threads a day shitty by spamming their anime tits in them and congregating.
I can't even tell you how many threads have been ruined by some horny autist hopping in to spam lewds and attract other horny autists so they can all tell each other how much of a boner they have while jerking off to off model fan art.
FUCK waifufags.
>Mothers die during childbirth all the time you fucking retard.
Especially in pro-life Christian states, where natal mortality for women has actually GONE UP.
My fucking sides, whites really have run out of arguments.
Imagine trying so poorly to justify your evil nature.