What went do right?

What went do right?

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It was the most popular DVD player of the decade




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I miss the old T&E bros...
Why did Tim have to go and get stabbed and turn into a retard from the trauma?

I actually used that as a selling point to my parents when it came out. DVD players were expensive back then.

Lotsa game

Cheap DVD player

It actually had games.

>excellent launch titles
>copious exclusives
>affordable DVD player
>aesthetic as fuck
>secret compartment to hide your weed

It’s a testament to the strength of the PS2’s library that despite never feeling a particular affinity for it and never seeking out games for it specifically, it’s my 3rd largest collection after Genesis (which I feel a huge affinity for) and NES (I obtained someone else’s collection in bulk.)

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>ywn play timesplitters with your bro anymore

Will we ever get a launch this amazing again?

The big developers could still indulge in out there ideas, and the games prioritized gameplay over graphics, and even then, most of the games in the console having aged really well in terms of looks because they knew a unique artstyle trumped (and still does trump) photorealism every time.

no, that would be racist and sexist
ie; it's never going to happen again because current Sony and VG industry are too pussified to do it

No, no we won't.

>Metal Arms
>Brothers in Arms
>Old Battlefront Series
>Lord of The ring
Ah, now those were the days

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Hell no

Not until another crash happens, or alternatively, a miracle where the big publishers stop being so fucking risk averse.

that wasnt the launch though, the ps2 launched in 2000

Fuck off with that shit, honestly

>the Sly trilogy
>the first two God of War games
>DMC 1 and 3
>Budokai Tenkaichi 3
>The LoTR games
>The OG Battlefront games

It's still the high watermark for consoles.

I was being sarcastic dipshit, you and I both know that Sony and the VG industry outside of Nintendo and some other devs like Namco Bandai, Capcom, or Atlus, really dont have the design philosophy of simply making a game great.
It's all now political messages and half baked garbage to sell DLC and lootboxes
Don't deny it, thats the fucking truth

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yeah in japan

Crash can’t happen soon enough

it was worldwide dumbass

Guys I finally got my ps2 hdmi adapter and I am starting a playthrough on pic related game again

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What are the top launch years of all time?

PS2 is #1 easy. Switch might be #2, at the expense of the follow up. After that it gets muddy. Most of my favorites didn’t have much in year 1.

it was okay

>some great exclusives (Ape Escapes, Metal Gears, Ico, Shadow the Colossus, DMCs other than 2, Okami)
>a bunch of JRPGs that were decent time sinks at the time but not interesting enough to be worth going back to
>a bunch of godawful Western-made action / platformer franchises that are best forgotten
>Rockstar games that were decent at the time (though overrated) but affected the course of gaming in an almost entirely negative way

The crash is never going to happen. China matches America in total Steam download traffic PER DAY now. All the big companies are experimenting and working their way towards
meeting 'international standards' in their entertainment now.

Still better than PS4's movie (((exclusives))).

>launch years

this, also, you could run your psx games on it (no biggie, but still, nice feature)

>Chink bugmen
>having standards
top lel

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plus hardware was unbreakable and ezz to run pirates on it

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Cleaning the laser lens always fixed this for me.

they were cheaper than the ps2 but people saw it as a two birds with one stone, a ps2 and also a dvd player.

im sure it did

you've hit your ps2 with a hammer or something?

underage or just joking?

My graphics card on my fat PS2 died last year. Had it since launch and played it all day every day.

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I believe

old af, but not joking either, mind to elaborate? were they fragile or something?

>PS2 just stopped reading dual-layer discs
Pretty wack, bought Xenosaga to have my console not read the disc.
Luckily I copied it over to my HDD using HDLoader and despite what sources online said was able to play it all the way through.

Cheap dvd player that also played games.
I know at least ten people that owned ps2 exclusively for movies, never buying a single game.

tfw my slim overheats 10 minutes into a game


Was the last time you opened it 10 years ago?

I love my PS2 but the hardware is fragile as fuck. The number if repairs I’ve had to do to that thing is only matched by constant Dreamcast laser adjustment. And it has that retarded automated disc tray like the model 1 Sega CD.

Keep in mind one of it’s contemporaries is the fuckin’ Gamecube, which is basically an airplane’s black box redesigned to play games.

you're right BASED sony would never censor shit

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Not him but as they age they almost universally have issues reading certain flavors of disc

>tfw it's just been hinted at appearing at E3 by thq nordic

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Fuck off

Sony may be a shitpile at the moment but there are plenty of threads to whine about it, no reason to bring that shit up here, especially when discussing the industry as a whole

>went do

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>discussing the industry as a whole
>the thread is about the ps2
>the post was about Sony never having that good of a launch again

>just played some splitscreen TS2 with my bro on og xbox yesterday
Shit is just as fun as I remember.

You better not be pulling my leg user. I would kill for a straight TS2 port with added online, its all I fucking want.

I see, cheers guys. I'm bit concerned since I've just got one and I was sure that it's pretty tough (for some reason unknown). I mean I've never expected to be as tough as n64, but I've hoped that it's less fragile than psx or dc which I had back then. Well, I've got be carefull with it then.

>at least half the titles are available on other platforms

Also, I don't know why this same image always gets parroted out in these discussions. Those were far from the best games of the early 2000's.

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they were pretty dumb then, the ps2 wasn't a cheap dvd player. you could have gotten a dvd player for less than half the price at the time.

Post your favorite games from that era.

>ps2 launch year
lmao enjoy your fantavision

Maybe now, that's in the context of 2001 you retard

It’s nothing unfixable, mostly just keep dust out of it and try to avoid any big shocks. Let the door open and close itself, obviously.

If you do fuck it up repairs are usually easy/cheap, or at least there are ten billion replacements swimming around out there if nothing else.

I'm not pulling your leg, probably true and maybe a fourth but a looters Shooter similar to borderlands lmao or a battle royal

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>baldur's gate on PS2

how did that work,was it fun?

>Maybe now, that's in the context of 2001 you retard
What context? Silent Hill 2 for example came out on Xbox and PS2 both in 2001.

shhhhh ps2 babies are delusional and can't handle the fact that 99% of its library are multiplats and the worst version of every one at that

>implying I'm not lugging around the system & game for on the go playing

it's always funny seeing people lose it over seeing a "PC" favorite on the PS2

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Sony always worked with timed exclusives. All those games were available at least 6 months than any other platform. You think thats retarded, but i can bet you half of the PS2 sales were only because you could play GTA earlier than anyone else.

It had alot of games, but as the saying goes, "quality of quantity" and both the Xbox and GC had that.

you know thats a fucking lie user, do you?
The PS2 had both of those things.

I must be extremely lucky then because I've had mine for close to 12 years now & never had issues with it other then the analog cable sometimes getting a "fuzzy" image on the TV that seems to fade after playing a game after around 10/15 seconds

So this was a common problem for the PS2 phat? I thought I was the only one.

remove all the western garbage and shovelware and this becomes a decent list.

>mfw champions of norrath dies

I must have buffed that disk 10 times but nothing could save it

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>hype and fanbase from PS1
>promise of 'Toy Story graphics'
>using DVD format
>shortage in the states in 2000 which made it an even hotter/rare commodity for consumers
That's all I can think of right now. The last point actually caused the Dreamcast to outsell it in 2000 in the states. Too bad Sega was already fucked.

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I wanna go back

C'mon, who would give a shit if it's multiplats or not, unless he/she had total hive mentality. The worst version out of every one might be the issue, but honestly, I hope that yeah, well, that's just like your opinion, man.

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Very common. Usually fats stop reading the CDROM (blue bottom) discs first by my experience.

You probably just take good care of it. If you keep the area dusted/set the console up high, leave the thing alone and don’t fuck with the disc tray/use it constantly it’ll probably be fine.

don't forget that the PS2 couldn't use Ps1 memory cards

does it sound like a jet engine?

better than the original games by a long shot. the sequel was great too.

Fucking weeaboos degenerate fucks

That's a lot of highly overrated games right there.

6th gen was the peak of video gaming, everything went to shit after that.

huh? You stupid or something?

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They could.

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you hate ALL the western games? just like that?

It's a very safe bet, there's only like 16 good ones.

>there's only like 16 good ones.
HA! So you admit there are some.

>implying child porn makes for good launch games

I vaguely remember renting it from blockbuster & having my mom have a heart attack from seeing the busty bartender

>she immediately took the game back & returned it ;_;

Don't bother, we have had this discussion thousands of times on this board. Those faggots will always believe the DVD Player was the only reason the ps2 did as well as it did.

What was the last good/real era with soul here?

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one that has that special place in your heart user

Late Millennial is the last era with soul.

It was when things were starting to get shit but not too severely shit

I swear that late 2008 to around 2010 there was zero creativity in TV

t. zoomer