What the FUCK are they doing?

What the FUCK are they doing?

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Ape Escape/Gravity Rush crossover


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keep having to start from scrap because of the new California censorship politics

Dying under the boot of calisoinya, I imagine.

They just released in oct/nov pic related, one the best platformer of last decade

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Soul Sacrifice 2 for PS4
AAA project for PS5


>Soul Sacrifice 2
I'd suck penis for that.

Patapon or Locoroco


PlayStation All Stars 2

my favorite..

Remember what Microsoft did to Rare making shitty Kinect games? I'm almost expecting Japan studio to end up with the same fate but with VR games.

VR and Knack seem like Sony trying to sabotage Japan Studio because they don't want Japanese games to get any more attention than TLOU and nuGOW

>First series to use DS Analog controller and was once a main PlayStation series
>Japan Studio's first game ever
>Yoshida was on some E3 interview where he mentioned people begging for Ape Escape
>Crash, Spyro, Parappa, Medievil etc returning
>Soon to be 20 years old series this year
>Some PSN avatars were shown
>AE2 and 3 were announced for PSN but 3 didn't get in
>AE1 showed up in some Red Bull gaming event
>A shirt from Hot Topic being a new piece of merchandise
>That one 2016 tweet with the pipo monkey suit, about the year of the monkey
>Some fans using an hashtag for attention
>Pipo monkey in Super Bomberman R
>In December 1st, Japan Studio held a fan event in which they revealed unseen AE concept art and put a lot of AE fanart on a fanart wall
>Yoshida even said AE1 was his favorite game to work on
>Official website was finally updated after 7 years

Working with Fumito Ueda and Keichiro Toyama on their next projects.

Probably working on a PS5 launch fiscal year title with FromSoft.

Wait, Japan has a studio now?

Knack 3 for the launch of the ps5 of course

GR2 getting no push aside from 1 japanese only ad is evidence enough for me, that and the servers getting shut down so soon. I feel so bad for the devs, it's not like the game was unmarketable or explicitly bad, they just were the victims of internal company politics.

mutt sjws are gonna fire them

they arent doing anything.

I'm in. I really want to see a new Ape Escape game.

Or maybe they're desperately trying to make VR relevant by having one of the best studios wasting their skills on stillborn gimmicks.

idk how this series managed to get 4 games when 3 of them started on a dead platform. Not that i'm complaining.

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To be fair Astrobot was really well received and is considered one of the best if not the best VR game right now.

>Dead platform
And the games are great, so double fuck you.

Whatever Playstation San Francisco tells them to.

PSP is probably legitimately my favorite system nignog. It's not exactly news the thing was devastated by piracy.

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american sony doesnt want any japanese games

The return of Bleach Heat the Soul to coincide with premiere of the last season

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>premiere of the last season

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GR3 for the ps4 so i don't have to get a ps5

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nothing, just like all any other Sony studio

>p-piracy doesn't affect anything? s-see? I-I can torrent it a million times and nothing changes
pirates will actually believe this is the argument being made

>Ape Escape
nuSOny doesn't cater to pedo trash anymore

Gravity Rush
after how GR2 flopped hardly, i doubt it

You incels are going to be seething when they announce bloodborne 2 for ps5

If Ape Escape 4 is VR, they better at least make some non VR option or something

Sony are paying them to not work on anything Ape Escape or Gravity Rush related.

Deep Down

Why did the move to cuckfornicatia anyway?

Not porting Oreshika. I want a translation of the first game its no fun to play with googletranslate.

Western developers and games make more money and have more influence now.
Sony's western studios made them more money last gen than every first party title before them combined.
Japanese domestic market is much smaller relative to the global market now, they used to be something like 35% of the market and now it's probably less than half of that.
I don't think it was a good idea personally, but to an executive following trends and market research it makes sense.

are spike and kat sony's best boy and girl?

From said they won't make another bloodborne

Gravity Rush 5 will be a PS5 launch game

Screen cap this


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>Sony: we will make another bloodborne, here's the money
>Miyazaki: o-okay s-sony-san
>*sucks cocks*

Fuck off newfig


sony doesnt want japanese games
so there wont be a bloodborne 2

he was hating the demons souls remaster snoy could make in an intereview

This is what they’re doing.

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releasing a continuous stream of overproduced mediocre garbage?

same as usual?

Such as?

This is v. People on here hate every single game that is popular. They don’t care about having fun they only care about feeling superior to you. Don’t expect that guy to give any actual examples.

they are making Assassin's Creed Syndicate?

>implying from gives a shit about more souls


Gravity Rush 3.

>who the fuck is v, v
i dislike bloodborne not becuase its popular, because the only thing you do there is shitpost shit in some abandoned containment board. its lore is fucking boring af. its even worse than shooters. and thats saying something.