Will it ever get a sequel ?

Attached: 1558325946103.png (340x295, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hopefully yes

Attached: 1558334043084.png (960x692, 170K)

I hope he gets a slap on the wrist like Caleb and gets a 2 day ban. Just to have furfags cry

do you have the other 4 drawings ? there were 2 or 3 that got deleted

where's the second clip cunt?


i still cant belive the mods deleted those images, a bunch of retards

explain to me how tron bonne mixed with fucking vine sauce?

second image is really funny
mods are forever fags

Attached: 1556143087855.png (1055x840, 472K)

yesterday he flashed porn on accident. Furfag mods are in shambles as everyone else laughs

Does anyone have a clip?

What's so bad about Tron Bonne porn?

if the mods knew what was funny they would not be mods

Attached: OH NO.png (1669x91, 118K)

It happened twice but unfortunately the second clip was deleted on streamable, would be lovely if someone posted it again.

she is *underage* despise the fact she is not even real

imagine if instead of that, it would have been the *cunny* content that gets spammed here most of the time

you get banned if you show porn on stream, of course twitch is based so they wont ban vinny vinesauce
showed tron bonne porn twice on the same stream

Attached: poor vinny.png (798x465, 122K)

it's basically cunny porn

not the clip, but its the audio after seeing the 2nd tron pic


>go from Yea Forums audience
>to Youtube audience
>to tumblr audience
>to Furaffinity audience
how can one man degrade so badly? It's actually sad at this point

Honestly the first time I saw her I thought she was an adult.

i don't blame you

Attached: tronmml2reporter.jpg (600x1230, 93K)

she looks 20. i dont get why people are mad at the drawing

its not his fault his fans are all retards

So wait was it from his porn stash or something from the app or game or whatever? What's the big deal?

from a collection of bad android games someone set him

op's pic was the first game, the second game was like a spongebob game but the loading screen made tron bonne porn show up

doesnt fit in with the modern "muh realism and western audience" capcom

people telling him to get into anime are definitely not going to see that happen now lol

I tuned in late. Why was he playing the "Tuturu" sound effect?

To distract chat from what they've witnessed.

i want vinny to stream tron bonne
the only way to stop chat from being retarded is making them spam "tuturu" or "D:"

Attached: 76907 - artist_pyrous69 streamer_vinny tron_bonne.jpg (2500x2500, 1.21M)

Something tells me Saint did all of this

its not his fault, the mods are a bunch of furries so the good ol' furry invasion happened with the channel.

So the porn on his stream wasn't really his fault?

taking down Vinesauce Vidya was his fault. Everything else just fell in place, you know, like kicking a few stones and causing a landslide

that I agree

8 years

the first one kind of was, i mean look at that fucking main menu its obviosly porn

Attached: TRON BONNE GAM.png (1000x1000, 253K)

Who do you think determines who the mods are? It's totally his fault, he had and still has the option to completely purge them, and we can see from Vappy vs. whoever is running Fullsauce now that it would probably be a huge improvement.

So, who the fuck sent that pack of games to Vinny to troll him?

well it wasn't made by just a single person.
multiple people sent in the android games.
they only never check those for some reason


>no one actually checks the games
>it was all vinny's plan so his stream would get more popular because he streammed tron bonne porn twice on the same stream
what a based guy, he is still a Yea Forums user

Attached: END.png (672x518, 575K)

so let me understand:
-vin plays android game collection because sunday trash stream
-one game had tronn bonne porn in it?
-it came up on screen
-people laughed?
why is this a problem? i dont understand where this ended up being bad or whatever because everyone is complaing about furries which has nothing to do with this shit

>he is still a Yea Forums user
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

furry mods dont like lewds on stream while everyone else found it fucking hilarious, hell vinny too even kek'd about it at the end and embraced it.
"oooh tron bonne, you did nothing wrong. you a good girl" ~ vinny

Vinny said he knew the person that included the game into the collection but wasn't going to say

theres no way he doesnt visit Yea Forums at the very least if you consider some of the shit he says on stream. otherwise he still has the Yea Forums mentality somewhere in there

Literally every single thread where Vinny is even mentioned turns into furfag gossiping.

Wasn't Caleb permabanned and his life ruined?

I hope this somehow turns into him waifuing Tron.

Then what do we do about the furfag problem

no, 2 day ban and a slap on the wrist. He's back

here is the full thing
>vin playing shitty games again because sunday
>obvious tron bonne porn game appears
>he clicks play anyway and tron bonne porn appears
>he closes the game and act like nothing happened
>at this point redditfags are really pissed at the person who sent the game to vinny because they are retarded
>vinny plays a spongebob game or somethin
>tron bonne porn appears again on the loading screen
>he gets pissed and closes the stream to delete the VOD
>opens it again and checks the art booru
>bunch of good tron bonne art gets deleted because the mods are furfag redditors that hate fun

Attached: dominated.png (566x487, 371K)

I don't see how that would seem like porn at a glance

ok so everyone was having fun by the end except the furfags? so this isnt even an issue then. people are just using it to post about retards. I probably wouldn't have ever learned about this unless you guys complained. I dont watch his streams but i do check out full sauce every so often.

kind of dumb honestly. furfags are negligible

Attached: 1361230223828.png (641x608, 24K)

Complain about it on Yea Forums. That should solve it.

he literally said "thanks doc" when a green and purple thanos appeared on stream

>lmao ebin eceleb garbage
fucking christ, this board is so shit

just become friends with vinny through joel but dont try it with donations its how ive weasled my way into knowing most Yea Forums adjecent ecelebs

>one for the history books lads. its been a good run
he sounds annoyed but also making jokes of it since thats similar to shit he says sometimes when questionable things happen

this is why joel is better then vinny, his mods aren't retarded

Attached: Vargskelethor.png (300x300, 87K)

Only furries will mod things for free. I remember when a furfaggot drew vinny as a sexy lizard with a cockbulge and speedo and it was on the booru and vinny had it in the art segment. Why are people like this?!

Furfags are a problem not only for twitch but even here they've grown
There was a time where furfaggotry was shitposted into a oblivion but now I see them infect threads and generals like HIV and just eat them from the inside

What kills me is that I assume the mods were responsible for vetting games which they clearly were too incompetent to do so it was all their fault.

Unless someone else vetted them, but who else would it be?

but they are for unbanning OwO

He brought this upon himself when he larped as a furfag for several hours in Animal Crossing.

so that is why there is only a 2 hour vod from yesterday

Why did mods delete?

yeah gay ass libs brought them back by enabling that shit thats the only thing i agree with stalinists on which is killing furries

Why does Tron have a metal crotch plate anyways?

>twitch is based
I do not think so. They have a pretty nasty hate speech policy and anti-discrimination policy. They just understand the context of his streams.

It's a clasp to hold her outfit together.

You dumb niggers forget you are browsing the fastest board on this website. Remember how quickly content here spreads to places like Twitter and Leddit. You don't need to come here to be familiarized with the memes and besides relatively old shit like daily dose and Costanza, he tends to stick to twitter shit more.

>Just to have furfags cry
Why would they cry?

like what? most of his streams are completely sanitized of anything that might be controversial, unless it slips by accidentally.

Honestly I think it's because they were worried it would piss Vinny off because he was really mad at the guy. It's kind of silly to get mad.

Lol furries though

>you are browsing the fastest board on this website

Who else here gonna fap to some Tron today?

Better mods and community but he absolutely does not know how to deal with controversial moments. The typing of the dead mods stream was a great example of this.

I always fap to Tron when I'm having a bad day.

but you fap to tron everyday

What happened?

>Yea Forums
>the fastest board on this website

Attached: 1549628965923.jpg (648x460, 58K)

I don't see anything that indicates porn. Just look likes someone made a fanfic game or something

its because she is pure, it never comes off.

imagine the smell tho haha

heh "today" he says

Attached: smug-sanny.jpg (239x206, 18K)

Is it wrong that I want Vinny to smash my boipussi?

Attached: 1555864464900.jpg (237x285, 24K)

You can blame it on lack of self awareness which autistic people tend to have. There are furfags who know how to hide their power level and they just blend in, the ones who fail will get segregated from the group and join circlejerks where they their behavior will never be fixed. There are also subcommunities that get claimed specifically so they can go apeshit with their power levels without getting bullied, these tend to be more underground like servers or generals.

Generally, you can apply this same mindset to other eccentric groups like weebs, bronies and Sonicfags. The problem isn't the source material or how hard you enjoy it, but how self aware and desperate for approval you are. It is possible to be a furfag who isn't a shithead, but not everybody will be assertive enough to think "maybe I am the problem".

haha imagine if Tron forced you down and sat on your face wouldn't that be funny?

It is for now, and it will be again.
The US election will obviously bump /plo/ back to the top for a spell


yes fag

It was a Always sunny mod and there was the word "nigger" throw in there. Rather than just backing off without saying much he went on this long speech about his morals and the whole thing was really awkward and killed the mood.


Does anyone have the full stream? Is it going to be uploaded censored or is it just gone forever?

>It is possible to be a furfag who isn't a shithead
I've yet to see a single furfag that didn't sperg out like an obnoxious faggot eventually

I've met some so they definitively exist.

Attached: vineplebbit.png (683x1470, 372K)

>"the n-word"
>/"v/ hates vinny"
>"Yea Forums somehow sent tron bonne porn to vinny"
the absolute state of reddit

Attached: 1550530401199.png (929x1200, 385K)

I'm kinda upset that he'll never give Nocturne a chance thanks to Personafags

this is fake, no one is this braindead

jesus fuck these guys are delusional
they really have their own boogeyman image of what Yea Forums is

Attached: 1558344256023.png (832x968, 420K)

>ebin 4chin boogeyman is bullying us :((((
this is beyond pathetic

Good to see that the reddit boogeyman goes both ways.

Becuz basedinafune

here is a whole thread about how terrible this event was:

>my favorite streamer got attacked

>the hacker known as Yea Forums sent tron bonne porn to vinny vinesauce

Attached: AAAA NOOOOO.jpg (670x641, 94K)

pretty clear from the lack of quality coupled with the name just being a female video game character

>Clearly hates the android showcase streams
>Keeps doing them

Somebody did him a favor, hopefully he gets rid of it faster

Was it recently? Twitch has retarded 'hate speech' policies so it was probably just damage control.

Attached: trone_bone_is_very_disgusting.png (428x507, 61K)

>"ugh Yea Forums hates vinny"
>every other e-celeb thread gets deleted before 50 replies
>2 vinny threads reach bump limit and almost 600 replis

Attached: 1549856798490.png (360x448, 265K)

This is most likely fake, unless anyone can actually find that thread.
This one's real though.

Wow fuck them Vinny tried so hard to prevent a witch hunt because it was the moral thing to do and kept laughing it off afterwards

Nah, a few months ago and Twitch didn't do anything. It was his own fault too because he claimed to be a fan yet he forgot about the kind of humor the show had.

Can't speak for his moral compass but he always striked me as more than skinned than Vinny.

What else can you expect from reddit. Bunch of faggots.

>tron bonne

Attached: OH FUCK GOD NO.jpg (319x319, 79K)

God it feels good to not be a braindead normie without any understanding of how the world around them works.
Imagine actually believing in all these media-created boogeymen while merely existing in a circlejerk herpetarium full of loudmouth retards and kike backstabbers.

Attached: 1523735234314.png (1228x1228, 1.81M)

i literally posted the link you double nigger

this it is a screenshot from there

Being a newfag isn't much better.

>its fucking real

Attached: angry heavy.png (512x512, 246K)

yeah so wheres a link to the porn game?

They have a Yea Forums subreddit because they're too scared to come here. It's so weird.

>Twitch hosts mature content aimed at children
What did he mean by this?

Attached: plebbit.png (909x147, 13K)

it was probably made just for vinny

We're not talking about how much of our very limited time we've wasted on this site.
It's about not being a gullible idiot, since any sensible person would realise this porn thing was set up by either one of Vinny's faggot jannies or the Vine man himself. Blaming it on le Yea Forums hacker is beyond stupid, but it's good enough for a plebbitor's peanut brain.

Hes a northern swede, its a 100% modifier on how awkard we swedes are, especially on political stuff

>mfw vinny will start actually playing fun games on sundays instead of shitty android games

Attached: 1553367935481.jpg (371x331, 37K)

I meant your usage of the term, if you knew better you would know why it exists and who spread it.

What's wrong with using the terms "normie" or "normalfag"? It's just a chan synonym for "conformist", nothing more.

>Set up by himself
Yeah dude, I'm sure he wants to get himself banned on twitch, retard

>10k viewers
>"uh uh i dont really like this anyway"

>capicoli at it again
When will his reign of terror end?

Normalfag is fine, normie is the family friendly version that was conceived outside because fuckheads wanted to say "normalfag" but couldn't because they were afraid of getting banned.

10k is normal on sunday, has nothing to do with the android garbage so nobody will miss it

I'm just surprised Vinny let that dude submit shit again after the first porn incident.

>thread was removed by moderators
>none of the twitch furfags are on the modlist

it is one of the more interesting sundays thought so I will miss it

Redditors are bigger faggots than furfaggots

For all we know he could've just asked his trash game compiler to "surprise him" by adding something extra spicy to the mix and it went wrong for obvious reasons.
I usually use normalfag when expressing discontent and normie when showing pity towards the naive masses, but thanks for giving me linguistic insight.

>people getting mad at tron bonne porn

Attached: depressed.png (169x144, 53K)

Well nobody here is mad at it only reddit's pissed off

everyone in chat was laughing their asses off at it

sorry i forgot redditors aren't people

Was it really the same guy who sent porn before?

truly a sad world

Attached: 1527069891360.jpg (882x1200, 277K)

They can't handle good taste, what else can be said

why is she so perfect

Vinny said he knew the guy who sent last night's porn which leads me to assume that it's the same guy from before

>"is this related to 'is he thicc'"
>chat bullies joel

Attached: PMU2Xjq.png (359x357, 103K)

Joel deserves to be bullied for being an obnoxious meme spouting retard

I still remember Vinny blurting out shitskins as an insult back in the Mario kart 8 days, good times.

>I hope some kind of action can be taken against the person who did this
how can you think like this

Wew, well if that's the case then he kind of deserved it. Hopefully he'll get people to actually vet these from now on. Which I thought his staff was doing anyway? Guess someone got lazy.

>we may witness the death of sunday stream trash

Attached: 1540680352038.png (374x357, 108K)

Android showcase is the most boring Sunday material, it's always the same shit with a slightly different skin

*Android trash
I'm glad I caught this one live

Just android trash really. And really, it was getting old. It's all just the same shitty GTA clone, Neighbor clone, and that platform game with the same music. better to just stick to shovelware honestly

we can only hope

Vinny so cute

Attached: dc312dd130e7671a12b52a44049f2339.jpg (235x271, 11K)

this shouldn't be an incident worth remembering jesus fucking christ what's wrong with your pussies
>omg remember when someone posted *gasp* porn??? couldn't sleep for days, how could this possibly happen??? and now it happened again? from the same person?? how deep does the rabbit hole go?

This isn't even the first time this has happened

i just love vinnys reaction the 2nd time it happened

You misunderstand. I personally don't care if I see porn, I thought it was funny. Twitch does though and won't hesitate to ban someone for showing porn on their platform even by accident

Attached: an_honest_vinesauce_viewer_Screenshot_2019-05-20_23-18-08.png (450x512, 61K)

I don't give a shit about the porn. I was just curious about what happened. Cool your autism.

Attached: 1536573049185.png (327x243, 52K)

Again, considering it's happened before, nothing will happen
Limes is also twitch staff and i'm sure can provide context

Saw that one live. Didn't know it happened a 2nd time, lol.

i want him to fuck my boy pussy

>honestly thinking twitch would ban fucking VINNY VINESAUCE

Attached: kek.png (530x532, 251K)

user please...

Attached: 556833485895.png (480x520, 219K)

>chat and Vinny constantly make jokes about feet, vore, inflation, etc.
>chat spams OwO whenever there is anything anthropomorphic onscreen
>Vinny once had to ban the world "daddy" because chat kept freaking out over bara dragons during Spyro
>any imagery of cute anime girls is followed by a thirsty chat reaction
>god knows what the mods are into
>somehow THIS is making some people freak out
Internet moralfags will always crack me up.

Attached: 1450264136794.jpg (771x886, 138K)

>mfw vinny is reading this thread RIGHT NOW

Attached: 1549630280094.jpg (1280x720, 189K)

>i need my android trash vod fix so bad
Dammit all. Watching this shit is like masturbating on porn you don't like, but you can't do anything with your dick.

Attached: AAAAAAAAHHH.jpg (514x454, 40K)

They do it all for the upvotes. Fucking moralfags.

No he's not.

The worst shit it was always like that since chatango days. His chat is full of literal faggots, furries and trannies.

They do go to their subreddit though

I hope Vinny Vinesauce Fullsauce doesn't get the hacker known as Yea Forums banned

>posting porn of the overrated slut

I can see why someone would be angry.

Attached: SvCCF2Roll.png (248x479, 100K)

>be me
>enjoy YMS' movie reviews
>didn't know he was a furry
>stumble onto his twitch
>talks about fucking Lion Kings and the chat is x1000 times worse
>find out he thinks animals can consent

Vinny's chat is like a Christian server by comparison

he is

>only a monster would do such a thing

Attached: tron.png (623x597, 535K)

What the fuck are talking about?

No I'm not

>posting porn of best girl

who cares about that chat

She was getting tron boned to be fair

>find out he thinks animals can consent

Attached: 1509613260780.jpg (492x449, 48K)

ok then

I'm just saying it could be worse

>fun games
Shit taste. Its only fun if games are shit. Who needs comedy when unsuspecting streamer reacts funny to garbage? Best laughs i ever had.
Also all his "good" streams are trash, he's blind to everything and plays everything like a retard, its better to play yourself. All streamers in general are trash, but either they are really good at games (mario maker/kaizo streamers for example, strategy game players or fighting games combo videos/vods of tournaments), or its so bad you better stop watching those shitty internet personalities.

From good people you can learn something, watching vinny complete yet another zelda is a waste of time. But trash compilations and corruptions bring a good laugh unique to the genre.

Attached: consider.jpg (600x600, 32K)


Attached: Reggie.png (540x543, 266K)

me on the left

I'm glad it's only Tron and not Roll that's exposed to this shit.

The issue here isn't so much that it happened. It's happened before. But this time it happened twice in the same stream. That's a problem.

animals can consent you dumb fuck
tons of animals have entire rituals just in the hope that the female is willing to have sex
e.g. if a horse doesn't kick your ribcage out, she's enjoying it

Fuck this post more Tron Bonne

Attached: PSX_20190520_024952.jpg (859x745, 281K)

Cool, thanks

Attached: 1471832751208.jpg (1875x1305, 1.9M)

me on the right


Attached: 250px-Taunt_fubar_fanfare.png (250x506, 121K)

At least he's not feminist judging by him making fun of thots. Being against racism is a requirement to live in 21 century and you should be too.

Why isn't there a feature for these twitchfags to enable it so there stream can contain more "inappropriate" content? So shit like this doesn't happen without a huge fuss? It's just fucking drawn porn of a character, stop acting so prudish about it and grow up.

Attached: 1558034926213.png (500x388, 152K)

you are disgusting

Attached: 1552430564392.jpg (1875x1305, 1.88M)

>Paul Bunyan

i wish it was my waifu


Attached: 70103435_p0.jpg (2400x2880, 986K)

should i play tron bonne's game ? is it fun ? i have only played the main megaman series games but tron bonne is REALLY hot

Attached: 1553329081114.png (1280x867, 1.22M)

muh think of the children

why is facesitting the best sex act?

nothing personal solider....

Attached: Screenshot_20190520-164706.png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

marry me

Attached: 1533986305408.jpg (1918x976, 360K)

This happened after the second time it showed up again. He sounds genuinely pissed.


Attached: 1445702151850.jpg (2000x2000, 1.9M)

Things weren't so bad when it was just justin.tv

What's living with schizophrenia like

cute AND funny

Big soft pillowy buttcheeks


>not changing Letdown to Wetdown
a common mistake for an amateur hydrator

i'm aware but why do i prefer to eat her out than use my cock? it's like a girl's ass can defy male instinct.

Attached: 1557943291623.gif (189x189, 273K)

I still think vinny should take this a bit more seriously, I know he see the streaming as a hobby than as a job, but these kinds of incidents can occur, he should have learned his lesson after the *Jerma* incident

Jerma incident?


Attached: 1557960998844.gif (100x100, 23K)

Same thing happened. Game called jerma was porn in disguise.

It happened last year
He was doing an android shitshow, and one of the games was called Jerma and it was a flash porn of a android girl by Zedrin
Expect that time, just the clips of that part were wiped out, unlike last night where every clip along the VOD were nuked

I don't fuck animals retard, just pointing out facts


The Full Sauce reuploaded is up.

>Tron Bonne in the thumbnail
based vin

that fucking bart

Attached: 1529962744951.jpg (500x376, 30K)

John Fullsauce the absolute madlad

>dat tron artwork covering the controversial parts
sucks the CUNT audio was cut tho

Attached: mei smile.jpg (884x788, 131K)

i am not

FUCK YEAH. I just started to think i need to play video games! Now i can watch this shit instead.

Yes I am. Buy my albums you faggot.

yiff in hell vappy


Attached: 1553403694146.png (274x402, 55K)

john "full" sauce is kill

Attached: 1546609182197.jpg (451x509, 27K)

If i were you i would download the video on something like savefrom or hooktube and then proceed to watch it individually. Or who knows this shit will get deleted.

>it's real
How the fuck is John Fullsauce so unbelievably based?

joel is sometimes unbearable
his reaction to sonic trailer is literally unwatchable

Bros I really just want to hold hands with Vinny

Attached: 1556246333733.gif (404x347, 1003K)

I've seen worse. Like mister metokur's reaction to it. It was pure cringe.

jesus this whole situation is a beautiful trainwreck

Attached: 1557206529405.jpg (305x255, 12K)

You can stop being gay at any time.

And it's gone

It's been taken down holy shit

Why are they taking this so seriously

I'm not gay or a guy for that matter


>furries are in this thread right now
Get a rope southbird, you aren't welcome here. I know you are reading this you faggot furry

>he didn't saved
ROFLing at you.

i watched it live, who cares

Attached: 1556595914270.jpg (571x592, 248K)

>best girl becomes even more best by ruining some gay e-celebs streaming career
holy fucking based

Is there anything she can't do?

Attached: 1531012337369.jpg (716x1011, 75K)

be in a new game


Attached: 1549650901908.png (546x498, 536K)

How long before Vinny goes nuclear.

Attached: 1553108028702.png (640x715, 571K)

>not posting the superior edit

Attached: 1554306174376.jpg (1875x1305, 1.85M)

Hah, based user.

This man puts up with a lot of shit I don't know how he does it.

Vinny is a textbook doomer
he has accepted his miserable fate

Vappy was only the beginning.

usually he demods the furries
not kidding.
and since he's not on discord nobody can do shit about it
litteraly based

What happened with Vappy?

draw furry porn on the booru with a picture of vinny hanging on the wall in the pic.
cock and balls and everything

Commissioned some porn of his OC fursona and shopped Vinny's face onto the background. It's probably still up on r34 or e621 or whatever if you're feeling curious.
And then Vappy got cut.

>Tron Bonne was literally my sexual awakening:the character

Who else?

keira from jak and daxter

>he's not on discord
He is.

during the stream he said " that wasnt a discord notification, i dont have discord "
he's the only streamer not in it

He's constantly on discord. There's vinesauce discord that he always checks. You haven't seen earlier ones.

>Source: my ass

VinnyxTron abuse/revenge porn when?

Attached: b702ne.gif (640x600, 123K)

someone do this

Attached: horny.jpg (397x424, 32K)

>it sends Vinny over the edge
I really want to see that happen.

Attached: 1558228595284.png (326x326, 174K)

The ones taking it seriously are probably literal children who grew up with the internet and twitch more than they did real human beings. That's generally why you see things like people becoming an hero over the internet and weird ass shit like that.

Please fuck off

Hahahab Vimny needs to fire that furfag Vappy because he still left the tron pin in for a brief second jesus christ furries

Did you not notice that this was put up in a timely manner?
Vappy got shitcanned weeks ago.

Seriously if Vappy doesn't get fired I'm going to be legitimately angry. His incompetance would have cost Vinny his youtube channel. It's just so unbelievably stupid.

And whoever vetted these games needs to be fired too.

Oh shit is that what happened? I remember Vinny saying he couldn't talk about why everything was delayed but I just forgot.

Man Vinny has the worst luck with editors if true

notice how fullsauce isnt one week behind anymore? vappy got the boot like a month ago.

Furries can not function in social settings. Do not hire them, do not rely on them.

Goddammit, I read that in pic related's voice.

Attached: south-park-and-its-gone-meme.jpg (625x352, 46K)

But DO take their money, because for some reason they seem to have a lot of it.

youtube.com/watch?v=GmULc5VANsw that's an understatment
They can't even function among their own retarded kind

This guy's pretty good, save for one or 2 frames. Which are already fixed
Just look at his thumbnails, he's putting effort in.

Vappy's gone for sucking at his job and putting Vinny's picture into his commissioned fur-fag porn

Imagine getting paid to help out a person you enjoy watching and then fucking it all up cause you're a retarded furry

Wasn't he extremely salty that his totally hilarious VN game didn't get appreciated? I do not doubt this at all.

Who's got that picture of Vin with that furry

>people casually walking around in public wearing cumstained fursuits and dirty adult diapers full of piss and shit
Furries will never, ever be accepted by society at large so long as they make those kinds of degenerates feel welcome.
It will always be seen as a disgusting fetish and nothing more.

These people totally normalize their garbage by spending so much time talking to each other about their porn, and then they completely forget that no one on this planet wants to see a giant man-dog shitting a diaper. That, or they're too stupid to care.

Even if they acted normally they wouldn't be accepted.

thank you vinny, you made me remember to play her game, i love her

Attached: i love her.png (334x287, 26K)

Weird, look what happened!

Attached: 1474732602295.jpg (5000x5000, 1.76M)

Attached: Tron Bonne sits Vinny.png (3000x2500, 2.03M)

Me on the left

Why do furries have the highest rate of cognitive dissonance in any online community? They're all happy jacking it to fantasies of fucking animals, in some cases actual beastiality or zoophilia, a lot of them are into cub or diaperfur art and if they aren't they all freely associate with and share sites and communities with people who are.

Yet you put one cute and funny anime drawing in front of them and they run around like headless chickens screaming CP and that it's literally child abuse and that Tron Bonne is a child abuse victim because of it etc.

I don't fucking get it at all, is it all a ploy for them to fit in with the tumblr/discord trannies/sjws (that they have a high amount of overlap with) and pointing fingers at other fetishes to take some sort of moral highground. Just go take a look at /aco/ or even /trash/ here (both are well established tumblr colonies), anyone who posts any cute and funny pics get chased out by furries in an instant and then they go back to posting about how they want to fuck their dogs. Meanwhile based Yea Forums and Yea Forums have cute and funny threads all day long.


>rugrats image
>associated with diapers
>subtle defending of furries
I'm not sure about you but the radar is going off

based, post it on the booru so he can see it on stream


Having a fetish doesn't mean you will be ok with everything, because fetishes cannot be measured in a qualitative way. Even places like /gif/, /trash/ and /aco/ will have fetishfags who will despise certain fetishes. Being into inflation or diapers doesn't mean you can't be against interracial or loli.

Ultimately, being unable to deal with other people having fetishes you don't like comes down to simply being thin skinned. Places like /trash/, /gif/ and /mlp/ will have less people flooding each other's fetish threads just to complain about people having said fetish, whereas /gif/ (normalfag central) will often have at least one moron derailing the thread by trying to play moral police.

>enter thread for my waifu
>it's all just fucking gay eceleb streamer shit
I fucking hate all of you.

Attached: Romancing SaGa 2 - Final Boss Defeated.gif (353x234, 1.22M)

>Places like /trash/, /gif/ and /mlp/
Places like /trash/, /d/ and /mlp/*

I always assumed most furries horded NEETbux

You're just as fucking bad

Literally this

Attached: Screenshot_20190504-182702.png (2048x1548, 1.22M)

>implying the mods won't delete it


I'm not really fussed about people not liking certain fetishes, it's fine if someone's a furry and doesn't like loli. It's just the cognitive dissonance I'm noting when the types of people that are or are good friends with people into babyfur, diaperfur, cub or feral/zoophilia/beastiality art are just fine with that counting as "fantasy" but the second an loli drawing appears in front of them it triggers a real moral outrage in them that they start pointing fingers at people for liking child porn and wanting to rape kids.

This is what the liberal media does to people.

Actually I'm gonna post it on twitter, should @ him?

Maybe they just don't associate cubs with real children like they do with lolis. It's possible to think that animals can consent while children can't, which could be the basis of their perception.

yes, you have literally nothing to lose since he ignores most people anyway

do it faggot

Why would you do this? Seriously, what are you gonna gain from showing him this?


>I hope some kind of action can be taken against the person that did it

Good fucking job on proving to Vinny that he was right on not mentioning the person's name because it would cause people to do a whole witch hunt.

vinny knows his community sucks

I'm more prepared to believe they just like pointing fingers in other directions to distract people from their own degenerate subcultures. Gotta win those brownie points with the discord trannies and show you're better than at least one other internet subculture!

Either that or the cognitive dissonance has taken over their brain entirely when they don't see it as any sort of criticism of themselves when they start complaining about loli art being CP.

He's just going to block you, fucking degenerate

Posted it



Attached: 1415565380052.jpg (290x275, 30K)

He gets enough dumb shit send to him on a daily basis, he'll just throw it on the pile and move on.

I do wonder how it smells. I honestly would not mind getting sniffs of it for hours and then clean it with my tongue.

The whiteknights have arrived.

You are assuming that they want to be accepted by trannies, who are just another minority group. There is just no logical gain from doing so. Besides, even normalfags will side against lolicons because the fetish is commonly associated with pedophilia. If anything, furries shitting on lolicons would bring them closer to mainstream opinions, be it an attempt at fitting in or not.

If a furfag complains about lolis, them it's just apples and oranges really. Fetishes cannot be ranked on a scale and both furries and lolicons suffer from having shitty representation on the internet. Pointing out that there are other groups with fucked up fetishes (at least on a mainstream level) won't make them look less fucked up.

I feel so bad for Vinny. Leave this poor man alone.

Nigga Vinny's been at it near a decade and started his stream on Yea Forums, he's gonna be immune to any bullshit thrown at him especially something as tame as softcore porn.

the person who drew this definitely draws porn

post it on twitter and the boruu, link it here after you post it
it will make vinny horny, stop being such a retard people like lewd drawings

i second this notion
for this reason

We need more pics of Miss Bonne

Attached: PSX_20190423_104703.jpg (500x900, 134K)


Attached: tumblr_nul42cV07P1uwfym3o8_r1_540.png (540x587, 308K)

>actually thinking vinny cares about a fucking DRAWING
vinny is not retarded like his mods, he likes this stuff

Attached: 1554099067411.gif (172x257, 116K)

Joel is the Joe Rogan of streamers
>Starts playing game
>goes off on a 30 minute tangent about ketchup or some other shit while pulling up pictures

Attached: afffawa.jpg (1200x800, 129K)

You have to stop posting

I never said he wouldn't, I assumed the dude tweeting it to him is sending it to try and trigger him when in reality he won't care.

the virgin mods vs the chad porn artist, good art man

Attached: Gloom.png (1275x1108, 211K)

horny means he is slighty less depressed

Better than a gold digger that literally steals all your shit that you fucking need to protect yourself while digging shit up from ruins filled with murderbots FOR HER, who has such a bear trap of a snatch that she won't even let you sneak a peek of her in the tub without flipping her shit.

Attached: 1557548722731.jpg (512x384, 41K)

yep, his twitter even got linked in the description of the now-deleted youtube video
which might be why it was taken down

next your going to tell me mozart is posting here too

mozart is vinny vinesauce you retard

I'm not Vinny dumbass.

Attached: SUFFER_MORE.png (250x218, 214K)

sharing my modest Tron Bonne shrine

Attached: 20190520_194026.jpg (2614x1960, 3.11M)

It's beautiful, I'm planning on starting one myself

Attached: PSX_20190504_230356.jpg (394x1086, 69K)

Someone in the thread mentioned that the porn made it in a frame or two, so that's probably why it got pulled. It'll be back up in a few hours, I bet.

It's up, again. youtube.com/watch?v=zrRrX9WBkwk

I like your gameboys user you kept them in great shape


>And whoever vetted these games needs to be fired too.
The mods have been begging Vin to not stream any fan submissions that haven't been vetted, but before this stream they had only convinced him to allow vetting of corruptions but he doesn't always follow their advice for those either.

The mods were aware that this pack had porn in it;
towards the start of the stream Vin opened a game called "Super Maria 64" but then didn't play it. That's because the mods recognized that title as porn and warned Vin that he should stop playing this pack. But he didn't listen.

Of all things to vet why corruptions, it's not like Mario World is going to have a porn image in the ROM somewhere

People were calling it porn because it literally opened with a closeup of a shadman-tier western porn face.

Whats the source of the Super Maria 64 thingy?

Probably to avoid 300 entries of the same loud sounds and visual diarrhea.


Attached: peak vinesauce comunnity.png (1067x362, 41K)

I think that was because we had too many corruption packs in a row that were just boring and amateur

This screenshot is all I know, I'm just regurgitating mod posts

Attached: Capture.png (1442x342, 104K)

hi bruno

it only links to the booru page now
link the porn twitter fucking vinesauce cowards give this man proper credit

somebody stop that hacker

Should've done his job
>Warning AFTER he's already starting playing


I am constantly surprised by how many people think this place is the boogieman

does it normally take twitch this long?

If they think shit like this is scummy then do anons really want them here?

for what? he's not getting banned, move on with your life

>took him almost one year and a half to go back and finish God Hand

Better mods sure, but he fucking sucks for playthroughs. He probably hasn't even finished RE2 remake entirely yet.

Attached: luigi.gif (498x478, 3.6M)

>screenshotting your own falseflag

they wont delete his channel because it was shown by """""ACCIDENT""""
also because he is big and famous and has been on twitch for a long time

Stop wasting your grandmother's internet on attention whoring, Bruno.

Did he finish the doom contest yet? By the time he's done the next one is gonna start

>twitch chat constantly doing OwO and outright talking about lolis whenever an anime girl shows up
>see tame cartoon porn for a split second

He announced winners for it so I assume he did.

At this point, Vinny and his crew really need to get their shit together when it comes to vetting packs.

Attached: 1557479362434.jpg (459x466, 25K)

gee it's almost like a large community is not a single person

Welcome to modern Yea Forums.

With a shitty fanbase like that, even I would be depressed most of the time

Attached: sad vinny.jpg (396x396, 29K)

We're not going to be able to have Mega Man Legends threads without teenagers obsessing over e-celeb shit, are we.

they are at it again lads

Great mod team there

Attached: Retards.png (525x330, 57K)

When in the video, or was it completely cut.

Attached: tron.jpg (1406x886, 155K)

>specifically using the old reddit link
looks like someone's a frequent browser

Attached: HE HATES IT.jpg (706x858, 32K)

leave furfag


What timecode for it?

check the comments

>plot twist: sphynx is behind this

Attached: 1557542517321.gif (300x223, 1.23M)

Check the pinned comment.


>Mods canning art because it would be unfunny
>Vinny still has a sense of humor of the event meaning they deleted art for no reason
>Comments on the Youtube upload is a shitshow
>Turns out he doesn't have people to vet Android content despite the amount of close calls he had
Still the most entertainment I got out of this community for quite some time.

>too PC
What? I've seen people here claim he was a Nintendofag but PC?

>censored it with a drawing someone made of the affair
Pretty good. Had to happen eventually, again.

Attached: 1556986557358.png (720x720, 337K)

What the fuck is a vine sauce?

Showing porn on stream on accident isn't even that big of a deal. If it's first time he would at worst get a few days of vacation.

The best way to react to shit like this is to basically not react or just make fun of it, the mods are fucking spastics blowing it up like they are.

>they still think THE HACKER Yea Forums did it
oh my fucking god

Attached: not bruno.png (1060x577, 64K)

is it irony that the artist that made the censor image draws way lewder stuff than what was censored

>he censored himself saying "cunt absolute fucking cunt"

Attached: 1550729876136s.jpg (243x250, 10K)

Thats fine, alot of porn artists tend to draw good SFW content too, they shouldmt be disassociated with simply because they also do porn.

>not in MvC
>now will only be remember because of a e-celeb

Attached: tron bonne is dead.jpg (1200x800, 156K)

Twitch ain't gonna do shit.

I'm not even the kind of guy who hates the mods but I absolutely dislike how they handled this situation. They just set up more fire while anyone with common sense would have just stepped away and occasionally make jokes about it. It's embarrassing how badly they are handling other people talking about it as well considering we are already doing the big bad Yea Forums reaction.

twitch removing vinesauce would be like them throwing money away for no reason

Remember to completely segregate the dumb E-Celeb cancer from future Tron Bonne activities.

Attached: 395f996c4369f710a0865d8cf08d82d9.jpg (850x1200, 100K)

zero slasher based af

yet he says cunt most of the time

don't worry bro just gotta wait for MvC4 misaventures 2 and legends 3 tron will never die

Attached: 1476902717164.png (478x669, 28K)

He's certainly not the biggest channel around, but he has enough of a following for his brand.

Not like legends is worth caring about outside the first anyways.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-20+at+06.53.13).png (571x103, 11K)

Anybody watching Vinny's ""secret"" stream where he talks about Game of Thrones?

Attached: D6kM8eqWAAEXq_V.jpg (640x360, 11K)

> throne shit
who cares i wanna watch hin finally stream megaman battle network


>see tweet notification on phone
>open it
>tweet deleted
No user I didn't

Attached: fred.png (306x243, 98K)

I'm going to mention Vinny in every Tron Bonne thread and there's nothing you can do about it.

was he disappointed like he was with star wars?

I can save myself the time knowing that Season 8 was as bad as it was.

Attached: tron_jonne_by_fluffernubber_dd7ddv6.png (1494x1624, 457K)

How is a robot sweating?

over heating

RIP Vappy. Didn't cut so he ended up getting cut.

MvC4 better go back to 2d sprites

Attached: tumblr_m2lj89VZhp1rnep7do1_500.gif (500x307, 56K)

Okay, someone explain the shit with Vappy. Was it really just him drawing furry porn or what?

That wouldn't make them sweat though.

>Yea Forums did this!
>Yea Forums usually claim to doing this sort of stuff
Truly the internet boogeyman.

It is extremely fun

He made/commissioned porn of his oc with vinny in the background

Attached: nasty fag.png (441x602, 440K)

There is basically no real info on why he isn't around. Just vague statements made by Vinny about something needed to be cleared up that he would go into further detail about but he never did.


Christ, what a sperg.

>Surround yourself around a bunch of furries
>Being shocked when one takes it a bit too far

That's funny though.

How new are you

yiff in hell vappy

He should just stop doing trash streams, most of his stuff is just stuff that vidyabum has already played anyways.

Can I emulate this, or is PS1 emulation shit?

Don't want to pay big money for a physical copy.

PS1 emulation is fine just watch this and grab a rom from Vimms Lair

I realized just as I posted this that I have a PS1 classic I can just mod and throw ROMs on. Thank you though. I'll hang on to that video just in case.

Thanks Hon

it's a combination of the pokemon and what he actually looks like

Was the second image the same as the first or does anyone who still remembers know what it was?


This is the second pic.

Pretty sure they were different

Attached: 200.gif (230x200, 447K)

I guess I'm fapping to Tron Bonne then.

Thanks lads!

Attached: 1-25-tron.jpg (800x800, 456K)

Mad lad, you absolute fucking mad lad.

The greatest travesty is using some shitty art when there's so much better available.

Tron Bonne's absolute fucking cunt

You're welcome

Attached: f26532f3d1826bb4d27db491db51f435.jpg (850x600, 138K)

Is there still a clip of this one?

>Your face will never be her chair

>wanting a face full of metal plate

Attached: slightly confused.jpg (638x355, 22K)

But user, she would be super heavy.

Reminder p9rn has been on android showcase before. Nothing happened it doesnt matter

why the fuck do people care so much about fictional characters ages? same old puritan logic of "this makes you this"?

Because drawings apparently normalize pedos when in reality you can slap that logic on anything and they would flounder about to make it not seem like the case.

Vinny has just started streaming right now

Calling it now, any future mentions of "banned" now will be replaced by BONNED/TRONBONNED

He's literally streaming right now

Why do people suddenly care about Tron's age? Back in my day everyone had at it with Sailor Moon and Evangelion hentai, and nobody gave a shit

This is what I don't get about the people spreading this rumor. There's been this kind of shit in the past from his little circle of mods and editors, like Southbird openly commissioning a fucking furry porn artist. Yet this is what triggers Vinny into firing someone? Seems so out of character. Like, he knew he was a big degenerate for a long time and he'd had art done with Vinny in it before.

Based Oracle of seasons

they really do have a boogey man image Yea Forums hell, i was watching a safe for work streamer and the plebs in his chat were scared to even go here or make a thread thinking they would get doxxed instantly
instead of telling them their was nothing to worry about i told them they had gotten doxed by going to link and they started crying haha

>Another Misadventures of Tron Bonne for Switch
>all kinds of robot shenanigans and slight lewdness to fit modern times
Tell me that wouldn't sell decently

Attached: donkey_kong_think.png (325x276, 111K)

got your IP address, real address, and social security number from this post, see you tomorrow Colin

the funniest thing about the redditors bellyaching like a bunch of crybaby faggots is that aside from calling the person a cunt, vinny took it pretty well

he knew who it was and refused to give a name, said he'd give them shit in private

I used to think she was someone from pokemon. She looks like a gym leader.

Redditfags and mods being asshats are the best highlight of this total shitshow.
Whoever was behind this has shown the true colors of Vinny's current fanbase.

Attached: 1528102268735.jpg (325x231, 11K)

Pretty much this desu. This also applies to the mods.

Vinny will never play legend .

Attached: 1550645296618.png (570x1022, 280K)

I found the real Tron Bonne game in a thrift store but when I opened the case it was the disc for Lode Runner 2 in it
Was real bummed.