Get the urge to replay Fallout 4

>Get the urge to replay Fallout 4
>Within hours remember that it's a shallow looter with flimsy quests and nonexistent role-playing

Well at least I can mod everyone to have giant tits...

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Then mod it and shut the fuck up


>needing quests and role-playing to have fun
Just get in the robot and go shoot some deathclaws.

Even New Vegas is better for that.

I can't even get the urge to finish fallout 4 let alone replay it.

No I want to complain first

Also, why can't my character fuck/get fucked by Maxson?

Attached: Fo4_Arthur_Maxson.png (818x947, 1.28M)

>get the urge to go unto Yea Forums
>see OP's shitty thread
>call him a faggot


Go build a town, then. Can you do that in NV? No you fucking can't, NV is shit.

>needing to mod our game to make it fun

You haven't modded it enough then

If you choose a different faction each time that's at least 4 diff playthroughs

SEETHING bethesdrone

Yeah I've got the same problem I even tried making an interesting character but I still can't play it for very long without getting uninterested

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>SS skeleton

oh how edgy

I've never been able to get past the early stuff with the robot people. Game just doesn't feel like I wish it did. Wish I could play new Vegas with better visuals (and marriage)

I want a fully voice romance user, you can't fix everything with mods


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The thing I like most about the Bethesda games from Morrowind on is all the incidental objects. All the items that in other games are just painted on scenery are things you can grab and take with you, put down somewhere else, whatever the fuck you want. For me at least, that really adds something to the games that you don't often get elsewhere. The idea that these things exist because they would exist in the game world and that something of a reasonable size you'd expect to be able to pick up you can pick up, regardless of whether you have any practical use for it or not.

And in Fallout 4 they just turned all that stuff into crafting currency.

No not edgy he's wacky!

>spend hours getting mods ready
>start playing
>it's OK
>get to settlements
>have to play farmville in order to continue
Great game mechanic, Todd.

It's always that quest with the molerat disease that makes me want to not play Fallout 4. I hate everything about it, it sums up FO4 completely. There are a couple of speech option to get into the vault so it starts off decent but then they send you off on a trivial cat fetchquest. 'Go home cat', quality dialogue.
You find the kid is ill and there is a secret part of the vault, any sane person would want to ask questions but for some reason nobody wants to talk to you any more so your only path of progression is into an unknown part of the vault. At least at this part you can try to be careful not to catch the disease but companions can catch it for you and activating a neutral robot to kill the molerats also gives you the disease somehow.
As soon as you return to the vault everybody just assumes you found a cure, there's no option to lie and the only way to refuse is to say 'fuck the kid, let him die'. When you question why it can't be split or further researched you are near enough told 'because I said so, now stop being selfish'. There's no follow up if you remain diseased and barely any consequence to either choice. The vault serves little purpose beyond the couple of quests contained within and you probably won't return here once they're completed.

The only saving grace for this whole shitshow is that curie doesn't give a shit either way but maybe that's just laziness from the developers too.

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>And in Fallout 4 they just turned all that stuff into crafting currency.
Is that somehow worse than just leaving it as useless clutter?

>urge to play Fallout 4
>remember I got stuck on some part last year
>didn't savescum so I'm actually stuck
>don't want to sit through the lame tutorial again

I brought my dead husband back from the dead, fully voiced. Pays off to be faithful.
I guess lines could be reused from other characters which wouldn't be perfect, I know. I wiped out the brotherhood of steel for Maxson's jacket lel.

It is to me. Maybe most people think it's a positive change, I don't know.

pre-built settlement mods are underrated

then you can spend the rest of the game flying around on jetpacks and getting companion perks while doing dumb quests

you can savescum and get out of there without getting the disease i'm pretty sure, it's just a pain

at least you get the best waifu for completing it

I think useless clutter adds depth. In a realistic world, there should be a lot of objects that you can interact with but have no practical reason to.
It's like having NPCs with no associated quests and nothing interesting to say. Sure, there's no gameplay reason for these people to exist, but the world would feel emptier if literally every person was relevant to the story somehow.

I usually try to ignore settlement building till I’m done with all the non radiant quests. That way I have at least one reason to keep playing on top of fucking about in Boston.

>getting this ass blasted by some jack asses skellington character
rent free

>getting this assblasted because someone called a skeleton edgy
rent free

>giant tits
>not modding it to build a functional bdsm loli brothel

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>main game forces you to be a hero
>best dlc forces you to be a pyschopath


Attached: Fallout-4-Nuka-World-3.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

>first time playing fallot 4
>make a high CHA character with the intention of doing a speech run
>no speech skill
>no skills at all
>only dialogue options are "yes", "maybe (actually yes)" "Tell me more (before i say yes)", "No (actually yes)"
>only use for CHA is to get higher bottlecap rewards
>crafting system means bottlecaps are useless

Why aren't you playing the GOOD post-apocalyptic wasteland outpost building game?

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Zoomer reeeee

7 Days to Die you mean? I already played it to death really.

I got like 2000 hours in Fallout 4, its legit a great game, brought me back to when games used to be good.

Basicly I installed Better Locational Damage mod and a few others, turning the game into a very realistic shooter. I have only done about 5 quests, most are infinite quests for Brotherhood. Its soo much fun, really hardcore survival shooter, having tons of fun. I also like building base.

>TL:DR Install hardcore realism mods and it will be fun

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How easy is this game to just install and play? Are there tons of tutorials for every game mechanic or is it all easily understood from the get go?

the npcs guilting the pc into doing it is what fucking pissed me off. how the fuck is this my responsibility and not one of their numerous security professionals? its never explained. i shoot that place up often. horrible place. horrible writing.

"choices matter" lel


I’m not a child user

It's obtuse as fuck.
There's text tutorials for every game mechanic, but they don't explain how the world works. Like, the religious faction hates all nonhumans with a burning passion. If they see nonhumans in their territory, they're going to beat the shit out of them and toss them into slave prison for all eternity. How do you find out where the territory is? Usually by getting your ass kicked by one of their patrols and being sent to slave prison.
It's like that on purpose. The developer didn't like how much most games hold your hand, so this one has no quests, no objectives and no plot. In a way, it's very easy to just install and play, since the blind fumbling that ensues is the intended way to learn the game.
It's kind of a broken mess sometimes. A ton of fun, if you're the kind of person who can appreciate messy, broken games.

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degenerate pedoposter, my harem will be full of thicc milfs

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I really want to play this again but every mod I add has invisible textures/meshes.

People keep suggesting adding two lines to an .ini file but it does jack shit for me.

Did they ever stop jacking up script extender by releasing useless paid mod updates practically every week?


desu even modding couldn't save FO4 for me. It's a pretty shit game desu, even by Bethesda Fallout standards. How does anyone think think this shitshow was a good game? So many people I know complained about how disappointed in 76 they were since they had enjoyed 4 so much; do people just universally eat a lot of shrooms before they play 4 and the whole thing goes by in a transcendent haze, leaving only fond memories?

no they did not