>still no Recettear 2

I want more capitalism, HO.

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recette is a capitalist hoe

it would be the exact same as the first, why even bother

Nigger, EasyGameStation has been making Territoire for 10 FUCKING YEARS

Also EasyGameStation has never done a sequel and Recettear is insanely replayable

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It also has a demo that you should have played over and over

Just like 90% of the games made pos-2010, so why not?

Flies eat shit all the time, user.
Why aren't you eating shit, user?

just like every sequel. kys

It's a perfectly finished game with lots of content and replay value. No need for a sequel.

this game is so repetitive

Have they given any information whatsoever on what's taking them so long with Territoire?

You're unironically playing it wrong
The attosecond you have enough pix for the week you should go into the dungeons and start getting ingredients / looting high floors of the dungeon / leveling up your adventurer / crafting extra fucking rare items / advancing the story / recruiting new adventurers

>It's good so it needs a sequel
Kill yourselves

Careful with that edge, kid

All that stuff is repetitive and boring. Game is fun for about a week until you realize what a grind it is.

>not "careful with that edge, cutter"
one job

>reccettear 2 released
>it's a gacha

The studio closed down :(


>and Recettear is insanely replayable

No it's not because there's one 'right' way to run the shop. Don't actually try to barter and sell everything at 104%.

Makes sense. Japan barely buys AA games anymore, obviously they are going to avoid semi-indie projects.

If that ain't capitalism

>Don't actually try to barter and sell everything at 104%
That's the safest route, even then there are item booms, rare items in dungeons, craftable expensive as fuck items and the story in the dungeons. All this in Endless Mode because the only reason to start a NewGame+ is to get an Adventurer's True card.


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I shouldn't say studio
It's just a few game makers who aren't really working together as much, so progress is slow
It's basically only one guy left working

If they're leaving, then you showed them something clearly out of their price range.
Only Prime will try to be a jew at that percentage.

Fortune Summoners and Chantelise worth a download?

I remember trying to sell something at 100% of the price to her and she said it was too expensive.

>pirate this game over the weekend because it was my first experience with an indie game
>instantly remember why i quit
>push forward anyway
The dungeon crawling is soooo fucking boring and I'm not a good enough merchant to win without it. I lost as soon as I tried filling advanced orders. They wouldn't even take 115% markup, what the fuck. Even the robot chick, who I've charged 130% before.

You didn't increase her budget enough.

Just charge 104% from everyone. You'll never fail a deal and keep your combo going. This way the customers' wallet sizes increase and you'll get all the profit you need as the game goes on.

It means you suck at presenting something within her budget.

I think Fortune Summoners is worth a try, but I'm not sure if I can say the same thing about Chantelise.

Tear gives you some pretty misleading advice in the tutorial when she recommends you to haggle back and forth to get as much money as possible from each item. What you actually want to do is to sell everything first try and get as many Near and Just bonuses as possible so you can increase your merchant level.

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Tear wants her to fail and be forced into prostitution.

Im impressed that the doujin circle even still exists.

You literally don't have to do markup in the beginning, it only nets you a few extra pix. You can actually sell at 100% and still profit, but it's better to try and match what the customer expects to pay. If you accidentally sell something too expensive then just lower the price to what they can afford because the shop exp is more important than a few extra bucks.

>imagine a Recettear game where you manage a whorehouse

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anybody got a spare key from humble bundle or something and want to trade? Always wanted to try it

If you're asking for it for free, just pirate it. It's basically the same thing.

>just pirate it

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You have room to fuck around in NG+ runs. Only the first run has to be particular because you start off with no inventory.

I would buy it if it was on sale though. It doesn't hurt to ask either. I got for example a bunch of duplicate keys from humble bundle so maybe somebody got one you know