How big will the shitstorm be when this inevitably happens?

How big will the shitstorm be when this inevitably happens?

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Mild within Yea Forums but ultimately unimportant
From personal experience, the Nintendo community has never cared or liked FPS, much less Gaylo

>implying the Switch can run these games

hey faggot id play halo on the go


>implying xbone owners dont have switch

shits portable you retard

Congratulations, you are a minority.

since when does "inevitably" mean never?

fucking doubt

id bet many pc and ps4 owners have a switch as well.

just let me drag this console with me so i can game on the go

PS4 original + PC owner here
Switch am ultra gay since day one

Bruh all I have is a 360, a TV and a generator. Many people are too poor to afford anything. Specially in CO where the rent is impossible to pay.

Why would there be a shitstorm?

Oh boy you must really regret that purchase.

The switch taints everything it touches

I’ve got an xbox 1 s, ps4, switch, and a pc

Good for you, but a fair amount of the Nintendo community only really games on Switch and their scope roughly limits itself to 1st party titles & maybe a few platformers. Best Sellers for Every Nintendo console are indicative of this trend. These people have no interest in experiencing something they had no interest in to begin with.

Attached: BestSellingSwitch.png (1143x343, 32K)

The 360 could.

>MC collection
Switch can't into big file sizes. It would have to be separate releases or nothing.

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It wouldn't because you'd only be able to play the first two games, probably not even that well, and anything beyond that would be impossible for the Switch.

The Switch is roughly on par with the 360 performance-wise.
Any Halo past the second isn't worth anyone's time anyway.

I mean I haven't seen anything that would suggest that but why would it still cause a shitstorm?

Steam release date?

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>, but a fair amount of the Nintendo community only really games on Switch and their scope roughly limits itself to 1st party titles & maybe a few platformers
Because they have other platforms to play multiplats on.

360 could but not the Switch

>implying the switch cant run these games

Literally autism

probably not big at all since it's become more and more clear Microsoft is going third party. That said MCC was a mess at launch and the PC versions of halo seem to be having issues in development as well, the disaster dealing with switch hardware/online would be hilarious

>PC release
>able to play Halo with superior controls and graphics
>Switch release
>able to play Halo anywhere I fucking want WITH gyro controls
>cross-play enabled so I can use my account on any platform
Just inject that shit into my veins right now

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Seething snoyfag


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I'd rather Rare Replay.

The 360 being weaker than the switch.

How? Isn't Halo an Xbox IP?

>It would have to be separate releases or nothing.
Hmmm... It's almost as if they're already planning to release the games separately and the MC Collection is just really an umbrella team for these releases... really makes me think....hmmm....

>can't even properly run half the ports that it gets

On Steam now, Xbox IPs are no longer exclusive to the Xbox.

I'd rather have the original xbox remake of conker, but just uncensored.

You won't get Halo on the Switch regardless. Even the PC port being worked on is technically a Microsoft exclusive because because you need windows 10.

It's probably gonna be Halo Combat Evolved and only Combat Evolved.

MCC on Xbox allows you to install whatever game you want individually.

MCC on Steam will sell each game separately, with the MCC just being the name of the game bundle.

So yes, they can go either way.

Yeah that totally wouldn't be down to developers outsourcing switch development.

>The Switch is roughly on par with the 360 performance-wise.
It really isn't.

I don't know how Vergeben possibly expects us to believe that MCC is coming to the Switch. Has he lost his damn mind?

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Neither could the ps3, despite being significantly more powerful than the 360. In conclusion: read

Still uses windows, which is Microsoft thing,
I mean we're talking about a console exclusive here.

>Even the PC port being worked on is technically a Microsoft exclusive because because you need windows 10.
No it's on Steam

>Switch Pro exclusive

>people who play nintendo don't play fps
Speak for yourself faggot

>Most ports are ps3/360 ports
It really is.

PC + Switch here. But I don't use it that often. Mostly used for when friends get bored at my place and we've been drinking.

And you need windows 10 to play it.
So it's still Microsoft exclusive because you still need their OS.

>the Nintendo community has never cared or liked FPS
>turok, goldeneye, and perfect dark on N64

Imagine being excited to play ports of old games you should've beaten years ago.

Imagine being gay
Oh wait, you dont have to.

>Games from 20 years ago.

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>Halo on the go!

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Sonyfags are too young for that.

the latest turok din´t even came out on the wii / wii u

It would never happen. But being able to play halo 2 again with my bros would be magnificent

I doubt it'll happen but if it did I wouldn't be mad, I'm just glad we are getting them on PC.

It's funny you say this because for the last 8 months about 90% of what I've played on my switch is Duke Nukem, Doom, Turok, Quake 1 and 2, Half Life, Hexen, Heretic, Strife, Powerslave and Star Wars Dark Forces

If it happened and had cross platform online it would be the best shit ever holy fuck

I have never played Reach or 4

its a collection of games from last gen slightly upscaled, its literally perfectly fit on switch

Small because it's never happening.

is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>Internet download required.

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if they cared about fps at lest it should´ve came out in one of those consoles tho.

It wouldn’t
>Implying Xbots and Switchfags hate eachother instead of high fives and hosting rooms

Thanks captain, I was (You)ing OP.

Why do people insist to that Microsoft will give all their games to other platforms outside Xbox and Windows? Sure, they're porting Halo to Steam, but I don't see them doing anything special for Nintendo. Also, Cuphead was never exclusive.

>what’s Dark Souls?

Ok, this must be bait
Even for fucking ignorants this is retarded