Xbox E3 Leak

>Halo Infinite – New trailer with holiday 2020 release date
>Gears 5 – Full gameplay reveal with September release date
>Gears Tactics – New trailer with release date
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps – New trailer with release date
>Bleeding Edge – New IP from Ninja Theory, will be cross-gen sci-fi game
>The Outer Worlds – New trailer and release date
>Cyberpunk 2077 – Gameplay trailer and release window reveal
>Age of Empires 4 – Gameplay reveal, 2020 release date
>Fable Reboot – Tease for next-gen Fable game, but the game itself is exclusive to next-gen Xbox for likely release in 2021
>Sea of Thieves – New content
>Battletoads – Gameplay and release date
>Project xCloud – Info dump
>Next-Gen Xbox – Baseline of specs
>Third Party Games
>MechAssault – New MechAssault game reveal
>Forza Motorsport – Tease for next-gen Forza
>New Capcom Game – Rumored to be Resident Evil 3 remake or maybe even a new Dino Crisis game
>More Japanese Dev Games

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Seriously, can we stop pretending we still give a fuck about microsoft?
I get that Yea Forums really hates sony, but you can play shit on PC or Nintendo, who the fuck is left that unironically still cares about the xbox.
Even if you're the biggest jock dudebro out there, just go outside, get laid or something, stop shitting up this hobby with your terrible taste in everything.

>2020 release date
>release date
>release window reveal

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Nice, they will also Killer Instinct 4 and studio acquisitions as well.

>WoW Classic comes to consoles
>It's a one-time purchase of the game

As of right now, this shits on anything the Switch has out, Nintendo needs to make some 2020/2021 announcements to match Microsoft this year, Sonyfag, PC really doesn't play a part anymore because the Xbox and PlayStation gets all of its games anyway with no real exclusives, PC died after 2007.

Mario maker!

Sounds boring enough to be true

>Fabe reboot
>RE3 Remake
>new fucking MechAssault


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>Halo Infinite – New trailer with holiday 2020 release date

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First of all, this is obviously not real. Secondly, kill yourself.

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>no cuphead DLC


Could be there are at Nintendo's.

It wouldn't be.

You know it's fake when you see the words "rumor" in a "leak" list.

>I get that Yea Forums really hates sony, but you can play shit on PC
>who the fuck is left that unironically still cares about the xbox.
xbox games are on PC so ofc I care about Microsofts conference. it's the superior pc gaymen show

Utterly soulless lineup, I sleep.

It is the second time you post this today user, you just changed a little bit of the description of Bleeding Edge and changed the Capcom game to RE3 remake instead of DD2, plus the jap games at the end

Idk why you're mad. Most of their show was multiplat so it's really just a green coloured Sony conference


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>Mesh Assault
>Dino Crisis
too good to be true and even if it is true it's going to be trash that's nothing like the originals and probably won't even have local co op


Both have been rumored for a while I can see it happening.

>No Halo MCC PC release date
>No Game Pass additions (this was confirmed to happen during the conference)
fake as fuck

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>No Banjo

>Japanese dev games
Fake as fuck

>Fable Reboot – Tease for next-gen Fable game, but the game itself is exclusive to next-gen Xbox for likely release in 2021
I would really like this to be a game that is similar in scope and type of content to Witcher 3 but knowing Microsoft we will get a lackluster singleplayer campaign with monetized multiplayer.

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its 100% SP

>t. didn't watch microsoft E3 2018

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>doing a big-budget open world RPG with SP only content
I mean, didn't they say they don't have much faith in SP games anymore?

I remember when the 360 was THE Japanese console to have for years and even then retards went with a PS3 only to complain about not having any games
It's like no one look further than halo and gears of war

Real Leak
>Halo Infinite – New trailer with holiday 2020 release date
>Halo MCC PC - gameplay with 2019 release date
>Gears 5 – Full gameplay reveal with September release date
>Gears Tactics – New trailer with release date
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps – New trailer with release date
>Bleeding Edge – New IP from Ninja Theory, will be cross-gen sci-fi game
>The Outer Worlds – New trailer and release date
>Cyberpunk 2077 – Gameplay trailer and release window reveal
>Age of Empires 4 – Gameplay reveal, 2020 release date
>Fable Reboot – Tease for next-gen Fable game, but the game itself is exclusive to next-gen Xbox for likely release in 2021
>Killer Instinct 2 - announcement
>Sea of Thieves – New content
>Battletoads – Gameplay and release date
>Project xCloud – Info dump
>Next-Gen Xbox – Baseline of specs
>Third Party Games
>MechAssault – New MechAssault game reveal
>Forza Motorsport – Tease for next-gen Forza
>New Capcom Game – Rumored to be Resident Evil 3 remake or maybe even a new Dino Crisis game
>More Japanese Dev Games
>more BC games
>more Game Pass games
>three studio acquisitions
>Splinter Cell reboot

Sony is not getting anything so I see everyone flocking to MS to show their stuff. First time I'm looking forward to their press conference. Nintendo and SE included.

It didn't help that MS was failing to keep most of them exclusive for long. Most got ported to PS3 within a year.
Also maybe now with Sony censoring JP games and just being anti-Japan in general things could change?

Half will be canceled or multiplatform

>Killer Instinct 2 - announcement


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They stayed exclusive for years though, it's only after the 360 died around 2010 that they started porting everything

Real Real Leak
>Halo Infinite – New trailer with holiday 2020 release date
>Halo MCC PC - gameplay with 2019 release date
>Gears 5 – Full gameplay reveal with September release date
>Gears Tactics – New trailer with release date
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps – New trailer with release date
>Bleeding Edge – New IP from Ninja Theory, will be cross-gen sci-fi game
>The Outer Worlds – New trailer and release date
>Cyberpunk 2077 – Gameplay trailer and release window reveal
>Age of Empires 4 – Gameplay reveal, 2020 release date
>Fable Reboot – Tease for next-gen Fable game, but the game itself is exclusive to next-gen Xbox for likely release in 2021
>Killer Instinct 2 - announcement
>Perfect Dark reboot - announcement
>Sea of Thieves – New content
>Battletoads – Gameplay and release date
>Project xCloud – Info dump
>Next-Gen Xbox – Baseline of specs
>Third Party Games
>MechAssault – New MechAssault game reveal
>Forza Motorsport – Tease for next-gen Forza
>New Capcom Game – Rumored to be Resident Evil 3 remake or maybe even a new Dino Crisis game
>More Japanese Dev Games
>more BC games
>more Game Pass games
>three studio acquisitions
>Splinter Cell reboot

They're betting on Game Pass.

Why tease of REmake 3 already? REmake 2 just came out and took about 4 years to be released in the first place.

Vesperia was ported after 1 year to PS3 in Japan with more content
Eternal Sonata was ported after 1 year to PS3 worldwide with more content
Star Ocean The Last Hope was ported after 1 year to PS3 worldwide with more content
The Last Remnant was ported to PC after only a few months with extremely more balanced gameplay and content
They kept losing the games, which wouldn't be so bad if they also got the extra content the new ports got... but they didn't. So 360 sometimes ended up with shittier versions of some JP games because they never got new additional content.

t. snoyboy

Hit the nail on the head. Especially since the actual PC show will be hosted by Epic and it'll just be an endless parade of "EPIC EXCLUSIVE BECAUSE GABEN BAD"

Just a couple months before e3 last year, there was this rumor about Vanquish 2 being exclusive to xbox. You think that holds true?

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What happened to the Xbox division? I have fond memories of coming home from school and starting up Gears with the bros, strapping my headeset on, and saying the n-word nonchalantly.

What the fuck happened?

Literally this. If you play on PC, Microsoft is one of the most hype conference. Basically everything they show comes to PC and the games they show are gonna be way better than the ones shown at the Epic sponsored PC conference. Plus the better Microsoft does the harder Sony gets fucked.

And i dont know if it was just a coincidence but i think in march or april of last year, vanquish was “free” to download if you had xbox live gold. Look that up


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It was just one of the games with gold free downloads. That doesn't mean anything. Xbox had an EDF game free this month. Is EDF 6 going to be announced as an Xbox exclusive now?

If it's true that's fucking based. Loved Vanquish to death.

>Yea Forums hates sony
>when Yea Forums is nothing but npcs praising sony moviegames

Don't worry, Nintendo still has second place on lock. Together, Microsoft and Nintendo will spitroast Snoy and take e3

Why would it?

>Halo, Gears and Forza
>Indie/third-party stuff you don't need an Xbox or MS OS to play
Wow, MS paid third-parties to show games people will buy on other platforms. SO MUCH WINNING

Nintendo is going to steal the whole show with Animal Crossing, you may as well prepare yourselves for it now because its going to happen.

>and probably won't even have local co op
Of course they won't, people playing locally aren't buying their own consoles, games or XBL subs and aren't making use of lootcrates and other microtransactions.

We just can't have that!

>not excited about a RE3 Remake

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>I remember when the 360 was THE Japanese console to have for years
Having 5 Japanese games didn't magically make it "THE" Japanese console to have, are you retarded?

360 sold next to nothing in Japan, that's why the Japanese games dried up after a couple years and got ported. People in the west weren't buying the games and the Japanese couldn't have cared any less about the Xbox brand.

I hope Dino Crisis remake is real. We waited too long.

Fable series remake when?

>Japanese Dev Games

Xbox is the only one dead desu. They don't even get any games anymore nor do they sell well.

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>5 games
>What are every JRPG and SHMUP of the generation
>What are all those XBLA releases like Bangai-O
Meanwhile PS3 has Demon souls and Neptunia

>No Banjo 3
>No Banjo ports to Switch and/Or PC
>No Viva Piñata 3
>No Viva Piñata ports to Switch and/Or PC
>No Conker 2
>No Conker ports to Switch
>Puddle of Thieves still a priority 3 years later after flopping as hard as it did
>Zombie Halo
>Zombie Gears
But hey, at least we get Battletoads by [Random Mobile developer]!

>ALL he wants is Rare shit
Fuck off boomie, go suck yourself off about some dead franchises elsewhere.

The tomb raider 2013 was free to download like two months before rise of the tomb raider came out. It’s in their marketing strategy

Deadboxdrone seething that all of Xbox's worthwhile games were either made 20 years ago for a different system or killed by 343

lmao ya seethe snoyboy?

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Xbros are the only decent gaming community out there

Snoyboy falseflagger detected

Kinda hard not to when Snoy has jack shit for games, to the point they aren't even doing E3 this year. Sucks because I was looking forward to the flute man or some other level of fucking cringe taking center stage again.

Because it's also on the Switch.

>Will have the biggest E3 ever
>Backed by trillion dollar company
>main competitors will be using their cloud services

When the current crop of casual gamers get bored watching movies on the Playstation and fully move to shitty streaming platforms, Sony will dump the brand faster than you can chop your dick off and pretend to be a woman.

Get out, Snoybitch

>tfw new Mechassault

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Good things never happen, they wouldn't make another Mechassault game.